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The Infada Power (Demo 2.0)


release date: 31-Oct-2010

average rating: 8.18
review count: 20
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file size: 51.67 MB
file type: TR4
class: City

author profile(s):

London, 1998. The archaeologist Lara Croft has just finished her last mission: find the ancient Infada Stone, Hand of Rathmore, hidden in the depth of some catacombs under France. However Miss Sophia Leigh, a woman in her thirties who fought Lara before, was looking for that stone too. Sophia, given up for dead a couple of month earlier during a battle against Lara on Londons rooftops, went then back looking for revenge and trying to obtain the Hand of Rathmore. Now that she is finally dead, it seems, miss Croft has granted herself a bit of rest in her house. One day though, she receive a call from the RAA (Research Ancient Artifacts) group: it was Jean Yves, an old friend of Lara...