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Spell of the Twelve Caves - Cavern Deities


release date: 26-Apr-2021
difficulty: easy
duration: short

average rating: 6.27
review count: 13
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file size: 99.90 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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The Spell of the Twelve Caves depicts a series of caverns, each with a varying number of deities inhabiting them. The deities of the underworld were ancient Egyptian Gods charged with punishing the damned souls.

The creatures listed in the "Spell of the Twelve Caves" are known from a papyrus dating back to the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep II (1427–1401 BC).

Cavern One sees Lara battle it out against creatures in two forms; a three jackal-headed ahmet feeding on rotten flesh and snake deities guarding the "Silent Region" all while she tries to retrieve the two keys allowing her to move to the next cavern.