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Forbidden Planet


release date: 20-Jul-2021
difficulty: medium
duration: short

average rating: 6.77
review count: 11
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file size: 252.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Alien/Space

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The Earth cruiser C-57D arrives in the Altair star system in search of the scientific expedition that had wrecked on the fourth planet twenty years earlier with the Bellerophon spacecraft.

Commander Adams meets Professor Morbius, the only survivor, who lives in a spectacular residence with his daughter Altair and faithful servant Robby, a super-efficient robot who can speak 187 languages and related dialects.

The scientist refuses to leave the planet that, millennia ago, had hosted the disappeared Krell civilization, whose evolutionary progress is testified by the gigantic underground machinery still in operation.

The love story that blossoms between Altair and Commander Adams marks the beginning of a series of inexplicable and tragic events: the cruiser's communication apparatus is destroyed and the technician in charge barbarously slaughtered by what appears to be an elusive and invisible monster.

In reality, being frightening is the materialization of Professor Morbius' unconscious impulses caused by the Krell machines: in the intentions of the builders these tools had to expand the powers of the conscious mind, so as to allow the creation of anything with the power of thought alone; but the Krells had not foreseen that the same machines would also give life to the uncontrollable monsters of the ID, fatally causing their extinction.