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release date: 17-Mar-2022
difficulty: easy
duration: short

average rating: 9.03
review count: 17
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file size: 13.30 MB
file type: TR1
class: Home

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You are invited to gape with awe and amazement as Janice demonstrates the wonders of evidence decimation. Having outfoxed Lara into leaving the apple of her eye (must I REALLY spell it out for you which legendary munchies are in question...?) to fend for themselves during the events of "Zeitgeist", seemingly nothing stood between this sympathetic dame and gluttony-orientated high jinks. In fact it'd only be gravy for a truly rollicking twenty-four. Y'see, Janice meets Bernard in a bit. Their monthly tete-a-tete consists of sitting side by side on the sofa – holding hands as adorably as Ico and Yorda if you may – whilst sharing profound new-found bugs in Tom Braider multiplayer. Ah yes... they certainly won't manifest the magnificence of someone down below through iconoclasm or by biting avians' heads off. Honest.

But alas, karma is a ditch. Returning onto the semi-derelict Acacia Avenue, the threshold on Janice's flat had to play a part in this charade. It sent both the hoodlum and her prize flying – causing the latter to collide with a doormat. Physicists should know what kinda Swiss cheese came out of this "galvanized ectoplasm-ruthlessly-smites-pyromolecules"-reaction. Moreover the taken tumble left Janice out cold.

Upon waking up a hair-raising realisation awaits: Bernard shows up in approximately nine minutes! The problem here's the mess to be swept under the rug, since the miserable old devil will surely get puppies even from a single whiff of odours this obnoxious – and he's definitely not a dog person. Disappointed Bernard's visage would shatter Janice's heart into itsy-bitsy pieces, but as this damsel's budget cannot right now bear the superglue required in her organ's reassembly, she'll teach that boorish neanderthal a lesson in manners later. Luckily a state-of-the-art washing machine next to Janice's stash of her favourite coffin nails promises not only tip-top-quality, but also does its silent hocus-pocus without raising both of Bernard's brows. As the icing on the cake she'll avert any remaining attention by elegantly decorating her throne room before things turn sour. Shamelessly painless! Are you ready for this?

*Keep in mind that time does stop as you inspect the knick-knacks or the "Compass" – a scrap of paper with thy objectives in it.
*Secrets in the traditional sense? Nuh-uh! Thorough brainiacs, however, are prone to find the 4 clues which all help open the included & encrypted "Boonus Material"-folder. *An Anemone or Clematis plant's juice can cause a rash. When pruning them it's a good idea to wear gloves.