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Backstreets of London


release date: 01-May-2022
difficulty: easy
duration: short

average rating: 7.70
review count: 10
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file size: 205.00 MB
file type: TR3
class: City

author profile(s):

Charles Robson-Smyth is a collector of artefacts but unlike Lara, he prefers to steal them from other collectors using his gang of thieves. It's rumoured that he has already got his hands on the Infada Artefact and has the same powers as Tony Firehands. One night Lara is relaxing at Croft Manor, binge watching old episodes of "Relic Hunter" when she hears a noise and discovers several men in her home. Naturally when they see her, they run off clutching a bag. Lara checks and discovers that they managed to steal the Scroll of Belhexera that Lara collected in 2003. Lara tracks the gang down to the backstreets of London, an area full of abandoned buildings and nearly derelict industrial units. It's an area where even the police don't visit. Graffiti and fly tipped junk is all around, everyone you meet will be dangerous and arson is a common occurrence!

HISTORY - THE SCROLL OF BELHEXERA: Lara visited a Middle Eastern town in 2003 and had to find her way into the Keep Of The Scroll to obtain the Scroll Of Belhexera. That story was told in my 8th release.