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Tomb of Shu and Tefnut


release date: 02-Jul-2023
difficulty: easy
duration: short

average rating: 6.28
review count: 8
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file size: 175.00 MB
file type: TR1
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

This is my first level that I made that was actually decent which is going to be a part of a levelset called "Statue Of Amun-Ra". There is going to be 5 levels.

Lara is on search for the statue of Amun-Ra which is rumored to be in an underground pyramid under Egypt. Turns out the pyramid used to be one of Natla's tests that was abandoned, but is still a threat to Egypt which they have no idea. So around a month after unfinished business she goes to finally extinct the Atlanteans and find the statue of Amun-Ra.