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Ruler of the Sands


release date: 24-Jan-2024
difficulty: challenging
duration: medium

average rating: 9.29
review count: 7
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file size: 355.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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In a abandoned desert in Egypt there is a legendary temple around which a mighty sandstorm has been raging for thousands of years. According to a myth that has been spun through the many thousands of years, this sandstorm is the protective shield of this temple. Thus it is not natural, as if something or even someone conjures up this sandstorm to sweep away anyone unworthy in it. No sooner has this myth reached Lara Croft's ears than she bravely gets to the bottom of it by travelling to Egypt, driving through the desert in a rented jeep in order to reach the legendary sandstorm in just safe proximity. So she searches for a way into the temple guarded by this storm.


If you find a "Scrap of Paper" try the combination on the top at first. Then you can unlock other doors. Also this Item disappears when you switch the level.
Already ignited Torches disapears when you switch the level. Also be careful that you don't lose too many of them.