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Classic Trilogy Competition - Sunken Arkhangelsk - The Compass of Destiny


release date: 01-May-2024
difficulty: medium
duration: long

average rating: 9.50
review count: 3
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file size: 114.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Ship

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Note: Package updated on May 14, 2024 to v4: Some problem on level 2 of gameplay, like shotgun crash the game and changed the Valve Lounge Puzzle to a better and correct one and the Zip line on Level 3 now can be triggered again. Improved the final boss fight on Level 3 and fixed other issues on Level 2.

It was a boring day for Miss Croft. She was looking in her old letters just for fun until she came across an strange article that was forgotten.

"Chukchi Sea: The Typhoon Tragedy 1944
During the second World War, the unknown Captain of the Russian navy fleet Typhoon had a compass called The Compass of Destiny. He said that this compass leads him to decide his destiny. All his sailors believed in him and they sworn to him that they would follow him, even after he is dead. The Captain had the biggest Submarine of his Navy Fleet, called the K-507 Arkhangelsk. During the last battle, the Arkhangelsk submarine was seriously damaged by the fleet of enemy submarines. While the submarine was sinking, the Captian tried to escape, but he lost the Compass in the ocean becouse of the incoming water... He never managed to escape and he died inside the submarine. Many divers were trying to explore this huge wreck, but none of them ever managed to get into it. This remains a mystery."

After reading the last words, Lara knew that this was an artifact and not just a simple Compass. The next day, she went with her personal helicopter to the site of the wreck for investigating. Follow Lara in this Mystic adventure!