Level by Gerry Aprili (Morgoth)

Unauthorised walkthrough by Elvis t., aka eTux

Thanks for the additional help in finding the secrets I had missed on my first try to Kristina and the author himself.

Designations: Pickups: Kills: Secrets: Guidelines


You start by falling down a ladder into the cave. Simply cross the bridge and continue going north till you reach a big dark cave with some ruins nearby but otherwise no way further. There is a ladder on the big rock on the furthest side of the room. Climb it up and backflip with a roll in the air to grab the crack behind you. Be careful not to climb too high or be too low when performing this – it’s not that difficult so I won’t go into detail, how long you should climb up. Shimmy and climb up – jump higher by the cord and pull it to lower a wall sector by one of the ruins down below. Safety drop down from here and go check out where the opening is (close by, really – when dropping down keep with Lara’s left hand by the wall and you should stumble upon it) and enter it.

Temple area.

Go down and slide into a room with 3 vases. Shoot them if you wish, but I found no real purpose for that. Slide down the middle of the next slope and spikes will shoot out from the sides. Go left and pick up the crossbow normal ammo (1). Go up the stairs and activate the switch on the right to open the door. You may take care of the 2 dogs (1, 2) sitting higher now or leave them for later too. Enter the newly opened room – jump higher shoot the vase and pick up the shotgun normal ammo (2) it leaves (on some replays it also occurred to me that the ammo wasn’t there for a reason). Anyway do a running jump and grab aimed to the right from here to grab an invisible crack on the opposite wall. Shimmy to the right around the corner till you can climb up. Once you do, turn around and climb up the ladder into a more cave like environment – you shouldn’t really get lost here – go till you see a dead guy and 2 vases. Pick up the flares (3) by the corpse of the unfortunate and shoot the right vase to reveal some nasty scarabs (the left vase is empty) – go where the vase was and scarabs are now and pick up the torch.

Jump out of the swarm and through the only passage possible now (as you can’t crawl with your torch in hand) keep the left hand to the wall and in the end from the furthest point this way perform a running jump curved to the left to get back into the high opening. From there on there shouldn’t be much troubles – drop down to the bottom level with the torch (you may also drop your torch down and safety drop Lara if you want to be extra-cautious with health). Use the opening you did before to grab the crack to get onto the higher level now – where the 3 vases were (or still are if you didn’t shoot them). Light the torch from one of the other torches by the sides of the painting here and slide back down again. Light the pedestal where the crossbow ammo was to lower a wall sector up the stairs. Go there; take care of the 2 dogs if you didn’t already.

Leave the torch in the next room and climb up the ladder on the left here. In here go as far as possible and shoot the small vase to reveal some shotgun normal ammo (4) also another dog (3) will get in your way. Next comes a short, yet tight (well, for some maybe) timed run. There are no real tricks here – the simplest, for me known way was to activate the switch, turn right and simply sprint towards the stairs – when near them curve right and then simply roll into the next room as the door closes behind Lara’s back. It might take a few tries, but it’s not impossible.

The Coffin room.

Don’t mind the statues for now; rather look for orange ornate hieroglyphs on the west wall by the furthest statue. They can be climbed on so do so, and once high enough climb to the right as far as possible. From the bottom of the wall climb 4 or so times, and then climb to the right so, so that Lara would be half on the orange climbable wall, and half on the non-climbable one. Backflip, twist in air and after the twist curve a little to the left and Lara should land on the upper structure (or be able to grab it if you were lower than described before). Watch out for the banshee (4) and look where you see an opening in the southern wall from here. Jump there, and time your movement with the flames to get on the tile between the 2 flame traps. Don’t rush ahead with sliding down the slope, as it takes you back to the coffin room. Instead spot the ladder on the wall, just above the slide down, time your moves by the flame-trap and slide down the slope, and jump onto that ladder – climb up and backflip in to the upper hallway.

Now comes a rather nasty sequence. Once you step on a tile between the Horus-head decorations, flames will burst out from either the right or left decoration, and it ends there too if you get caught on fire (and there’s no way past them once they’re triggered, so be sure you’re on the right side, before saving). Generally it’s pretty simple though – first sprint past the first trap while being closer to the left wall. Be sure to have some space to take up speed so you can make it past the fire The same tactics on the next 2 traps, only the 2nd time the flame comes from the left wall, and on the 3rd time it comes from the right wall. The last trap is where it gets interesting, besides getting past the fire trap you also have to get through a circular-blade trap as well. It’s tricky but possible, here’s the strategy I used to get past here: Stand by the right wall, straight after the previous fire trap (of course in a safe distance), you should hear the blade trap in the distance. After you hear that it stops sprint along the right wall and through the blades before they’re deactivated again – am not saying there are no better strategies, but hey! This works as well!

You should save now if you did well past the previous traps. Watch out for a hole in the ground as your tasks obviously don’t end with this (if you fall through, you CAN return to the coffin room, and through all of the traps again, as they’ll be reset then, but why not simply reload?). Slide down on the slope and jump to grab the opposite edge. Continue this way and turn into an alcove on the left for a large medipack (5), turn into the next one, and you’ll see a shotgun on the other side. It’s not a secret, but still useful, so here’s how you get it – after entering turn face the opening you just entered, you’ll see that the wall on the right is climbable just like the hieroglyph walls from earlier – climb atop, and to the right, let go and slide down. Through this tunnel you’ll get on the other side, where you can claim the shotgun (6), climb back higher on the tunnel from which you emerged and jump over the spike traps now safely. Jump on the pole now and slide down but don’t let go – face the lever and statue with Lara’s back and jump off the pole – landing on the tiles with the star holes means to die, so avoid that. Activate the lever to open a door back earlier, and step on the tile with the eye to neutralize the spikes of this room. Jump back to the pole and climb it up to get into the hallway. Return to the hole you cleared earlier and now safety-drop down. Climb down into the previous room where you left the torch, get it and take it through the newly opened door.

Along the way you’ll see a crawlspace on the right, drop the torch nearby for a while and get into the crawlspace and from there into the pool on the other side. Swim to the bottom of it and look for a hole above you swim in there, and so till you can climb out in the next room. You will get a fly-by showing scarabs pouring out from the corpse of the unfortunate who took a very wrong way in. Either safety-drop down, or run/jump to the slope on the side to get down safely, but be prepared for a battle with a big scorpion (5), while being pestered by the scarabs. After he’s down go where it came from in the cave in the north, jump up the slope (draw a flare to actually spot anything), and then look for a crawlspace in the wall – climb in and activate the switch to open a trapdoor nearby, and thus an escape route. But first collect the prize! Go by the dead guy and pick up the crossbow (7) and explosive ammo (8) this poor soul has left for you, and get into the crawlspace in the east and climb up back to the pool. Swim back the same way you got here, climb out and collect the shotgun wideshot ammo (9), and with a running jump and grab get over the pool and grab the edge of the crawlspace – get in, and out on the other side, get your torch and enter the coffin room.

Light the 4 torches below the structure here, to open the 3 coffins and make 3 grumpy mummies (6, 7, 8) come out. Make some use of your crossbow and blow them up with the explosive ammo. One will leave the scarab of the spring (10). Now push either of the statues by side, and throw your torch in the small opening that was behind them to get them in the other room. Now get to the room where you threw the torch in either way you prefer (either do the traps again, if you’re crazy, lol, or return there through the same way you got the torch here). Get the torch and light the basket to start a fly-by with a flame sliding towards the oil-pool. It shows a pit filling with sand nearby. So get to the ladder and climb to that room – kill the dog (9) there. Enter the passage here and kill 2 more dogs (10, 11). Activate the lever before the holy scripture statue to open the back of the middle coffin. Shoot the left vase here for some shotgun normal ammo (11). Return to the coffin room and enter the one where the back of it opened. You won’t need the torch anymore as of my knowledge so you can leave it there.

After the Coffin…

Slide down after going through the sarcophagus and move on through the chambers – shoot the 2nd left vase for a small medipack (12) along the way. When you enter the next cave - danger music plays and a big scorpion (12) attacks from the right. Continue south and another one (13) emerges from the left. Climb up beyond the pillars and keep going this way until you arrive at some ruins where a banshee (14) greets you. After she’s dead go up the steps and then left – with a running jump and grab get up on the higher sections on the left. Pick up the shotgun normal ammo (13) and light a flare to spot another passage nearby. Go up and activate the cord here, now let’s find the first secret, which will also serve as a shortcut back to the start of the area after the coffin. Still from the high-spot of the cord use your binoculars with the light to spot a crack in the opposite wall. Go there and get in for secret #1 – a small medipack (14) and revolver ammo (15). You may safety drop on the other side to find yourself back at the start of the area as I said. Now look for a hole in the NE sector of the cave – there, a door should have opened to the reveal the next sector for you to raid in.

Go through any of the 2 crawlspaces on the left to enter the next area. Ignore the lever for now if you find it. Go down the stairs to trigger a big scorpion (15) from the right furthest corner, kill him and go where he came from. In the corner look up the brick wall for an opening – get in there and activate the lever to open the nearby door. Go there now.

Spinning blade room.

As you enter ignore the 2 vases in front of you and go to the left (north) of this room and shoot the vases in the corners – one of them yielded a small medipack (16). Now go through the doorway in the east to enter the spinning blade puzzle room. The objective here is to step on the 4 sunken lighter tiles without touching the rest of the floor, and of course staying alive. The order in which you step on the tiles doesn’t matter, but I’ll start from the one in the SE corner. Step on it, and with a standing jump, jump to the nearest next sunken tile (west). Duck if the blades come close to avoid them.

If you didn’t already notice earlier, look at the centre of the whole spinning blade machinery to spot a pole, you have to reach it now, without touching the rest of the ground. Here’s what you’ll do to achieve that – go to the edge of the tile that’s closest to the pole. Be careful not to step off it! Now simply when the coast is clear from the blades perform a standing jump and grab towards the pole. Now after having grabbed the pole – climb it to the top and backflip into a room for secret #2 – a large and a small medipack (17, 18) in the corners of this room. Jump back to the pole and slide down into the blade room. Now we’ll try to get on the east tile. Face the entrance of the room while on the pole, and adjust so that the tile would be behind you. Climb the pole up pretty high, as much as it goes, yet so Lara could still backflip off the pole without any setbacks. If you do this correctly you should land on the desired tile. As before, duck to avoid the blades. For getting back on the pole, same process as before from the previous tile, and also the same process on the pole to get on the last tile. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should feel some shaking – that will be a wall sector in the north lowering. Now you can safely walk all over the ground if you need to, towards it to enter the next room.

Climb up the pole and backflip past the slope atop, get past the circular blade trap and a door will close behind you as you do. Move along here till you reach a room with an eye-symbol on the floor. After it follows the 2nd mummy coffin room, and if you’ll explore it you’ll awaken one of the mummies (16) sleeping by the open coffin, and notice 2 moveable Seth statues that you have to move upon 2 eye tiles identical in looks to the one you saw before. That’s where the room with the first eye tile jumps in – draw a flare to spot a movable wall sector in the corner. Pull it out and aside to reveal a hidden passageway. Enter it, and from the small hall jump in the bluish hallway. At the top of the ramp – before dropping down by the statue, drop in the top alcove for a small medipack (19). After getting it, drop by the statue, which you’ve reached from the other side with the help of this passage, and push it in the main room. Push it onto the eye-tile next to the steps. Now go to the NE corner of this room, jump in the alcove and shoot the vase there. It yields nothing, but now with a simple run, jump & grab you can grab the monkey bars above you. Swing to the alcove next to the statue – let go and grab the edge of it – drop on the other side, push the statue out in the main room and onto the eye-tile. This open the other coffin, so go and blow up the mummy (17) in there (and also the other one sleeping nearby, in case you didn’t already) and get it’s Holy Water skin (20). Now return to the room with the first eye-tile. Push the wall sector you pulled out earlier in front of the passage, and now return to where the first statue we moved was initially, and go back through the secret passage on the other side. Push the block out from here – and now pull it onto the eye-tile. Now approach it from the other side and climb onto it. Spot a crawlspace above you and through it you should soon enough end up in a hallway that will lead you out of here. At the end of it is a small room with a pit below. Jump on one of the slopes below and bounce till you can grab the pole in the center. Slide down and climb in a window from which you see the entrance to the spinning blade puzzle. Drop out and you’re done with this bit.

Moving walls…

Go south from where you entered this area again and you should notice a lever. If you didn’t activate it before, do so now - this activates some moving wall traps, which also reveal you the way in the furthest left opening in the turn-able obelisk room before. Return to the room now through the crawlspaces and go to the room that was closed for further exploration by the moving walls. Now simply time your getting on the other side. Once there keep in mind that the wall can block 2 openings depending on where it is – so time your run deeper into the hallway past the block. Exactly the same tactics for clearing the 2nd wall. Once done with that, you will get to a golden switch. Activate it and it’ll raise a trapdoor in a big hall later on. But now SAVE if you want to have a go at getting a bit tricky secret nearby. You may have noticed the door in the crawlspace above the switch – that will obviously lead to the secret, but now look opposite the switch. There should be a crack in the top part of the wall that leads to a cave with 2 vases. Basically you have to shatter both to open the door in the crawlspace – and I found it the easiest to do, by simply jumping up and launching an explosive arrow in between the 2 vases, while in midair – this shattered both of them immediately (you can of course use the pistols with the same tactics (only you shatter each vase separately), should you want to save the explosives for some nastier enemies later on). And once they shatter – they start a timed sequence for the door in the crawlspace above the switch. The timer is 12 or so seconds, and I managed easily personally, but don’t waste time, as this is the only chance you get for this secret. Unless you reload and try again that is ;) Once in the crawlspace get out on the other side in a bigger room. In the middle of it is a pedestal, from which you can get the lasersight (21). Ok, hint enough, let’s look for something to shoot at! And the blue thingy covering the other crawlspace looks just right – so combine the newly acquired lasersight with your crossbow – switch to normal arrows, point and shoot. Now go on the higher tile near the now open crawlspace, jump and grab onto an invisible crack in the hieroglyph wall and shimmy till you can get into the crawlspace – secret #3, as you go up the steps, shoot the vase for some revolver ammo (22), Continue up the steps and clear the slope to get on top of the yellow gratings. Here – you can get the revolver (23) by the skeleton so do so. Now simply backtrack all the way to the obelisk room, as you’re done here (a little tip for along the way – once you get past the timed door – opposite from the side you got here is a little shortcut back to the 1st moving wall, so you don’t have to go all the way).

Blood pyramid/ Shrine.

Cross the obelisk room (west) and enter a huge hall, as a banshee (18) starts pestering you. Once she’s down, go in the north direction where all the collapsed pillars are – you may also notice a window to a room we’ve been to before, but there’s no need to return there. From the highest broken pillar jump onto the 2nd level of the room. First we’ll take a little detour for a secret – I hope you’re familiar with curved jumping from other levels, as otherwise this could be quite tricky for you, I’ll do my best to explain, but in case you can’t do it – keep in mind that this is a secret – so nothing important for the overall plot/gameplay.

Ok here’s what you do – get in the alcove behind the climbable wall – stand in the corner near the edge of the pit. Run along the edge and about mid-way through jump with curving a bit (only so much, so that Lara doesn’t hit the pillar in front of you) to the right, and once past the pillar slightly to the left. This is tricky and might take quite some tries till done right, but in case you don’t succeed not matter how you try and want the secret badly there’s another much easier (though quite health-consuming) way. Climb up the ladder and backflip onto the trapdoor which you activated earlier (in case you played the level differently and only now jumped in for guidance, AND noticed that the trapdoor isn’t activated, check out the previous section – moving walls – for guidance how to activate the trapdoor) and from it, jump to the third level of this room. Now face the alcoves and with a running jump get into the middle one. The fall takes some health though, as I mentioned earlier. Any way – you should be in the middle alcove now – and though you have to perform another curved jump, this one is much easier than the previous one. Climb to the highest bit and run along the edge similarly as with the previous jump and curve a bit to the right when jumping, and slightly left when past the pillar to land in an alcove with secret #4a large medipack (24) and some shotgun ammo (25). Safety drop down once you’ve got the goodies and backtrack all the way till the ladder on the second floor.

Once by the ladder- climb up and backflip onto the trapdoor (and again, see previous section, once it isn’t activated) And get on the third floor. With a running jump and grab get on the other side past the broken gap. From there go to the end and face the shrine – you should be able to get on it with a running jump, but be careful to land on the parts you can stand on. With single standing jumps clear the slope bits and get some crossbow explosive ammo (26) – secret #5 in the end – return the same way you got here. You could access the shrine now, but let’s do the rope swinging first in order to avoid lots of backtracking. Climb on the broken pillar and from there with a running jump get on the rope. Wait till the rope calms down, then align with the second rope and swing onto it. Once on the 2nd rope, you don’t have to get one the third one, simply swing to the high ledge (you’ll use the third rope for getting back). Here – go to the side and activate the lever to open the nearby doors. Climb the pillars to get to one of them in the SW corner – now haven’t you been here before? Yes you have – but no need go back and see if more doors have opened up – as you’ll notice the door opposite you has opened too – but all you need to do is zoom in with the binoculars on it, then memorise, write down, make a screenshot of it, as this is the hint for the obelisk room (another hint – this part of the level is in the load-screen, so actually all you have to do when reaching the corresponding puzzle is save and reload the level to see the clue ;) ). Once you have the solution – return to the rope. Now there are 2 ways to get to the shrine (below from where you found secret 5):

1)The fastest, but also takes some health – once on the rope, simply face the top of the shrine and swing to it. Lara must land on the slope bits (if you didn’t get secret 5 before, you may also try landing on the flatter bits, and get it first – it’s possible) and as she slides off the edge – press action – BUT it must be a delayed one – ie, if done correctly – Lara will not grab the ledge, but land on the one below – nifty trick, eh? (in case you don’t succeed and Lara grabs the edge before doing the above mentioned trick – simply climb up on the slope and repeat till you succeed).

2)This takes much longer, but you don’t loose health this way too – so it might be a better choice in case you need to save up on health. Swing back to the third floor – use the same trick mentioned above to land on the 2nd floor below you, to which you couldn’t get to earlier and go along the side and simply jump onto the shrine. (you also can get on top of the shrine from the third floor too, as mentioned earlier for secret 5, but you might as well use option 1 then too, unless you have trouble with rope swinging, or you have somehow neglected the secret),

Anyway – no matter how you got there, place the Scarab of the spring next to the holy scripture statue and return to the main room to see the effects. Blood will have leaked from the red pyramid – with a running jump and grab jump towards the pyramid and slide down in the water. Once there fill your waterskin with the blood, and lets move on to the obelisk room now.

The obelisk puzzle.

Get out your notes, screenshots, whatever of the solution for the obelisk puzzle and arrange the obelisks as in the hint and pull the cord (a hint for the puzzle – the brown line you see in the solution is the slope in here with the brown sides). In case you still can’t work it out here’s a complete solution:

SW obelisk – turn it so, so it points to east.
SE obelisk – turn it so, so it points to south.
NE obelisk – turn it so, so it points to east.
NW obelisk – turn it so, so it points to north.

If you make a mistake you wont even be able to pull the cord, so don’t worry and simply adjust where needed. Otherwise – pull the cord to get a fly-by which shows that the door by the 2 statues and hint for this puzzle has opened. Return there either way you know (the big hall/rope swing way is longer, so I suggest taking the route you got here into initially – ie corner in the east).

Sacrifice to Horus.

Don’t bother shooting the vases as they hold nothing of interest, head straight to the south. Where you will have to put your sacrifice (mind you, you can reach this place as soon as finishing the obelisk puzzle, so in case you don’t have the waterskin, or haven’t filled it check out the ‘spinning blade room’ and ‘blood pyramid/shrine’ sections respectively). Drop down (not on the red section, mind you!) and finish off the 2 jackals (19, 20). Go where you see the pedestal by the Horus statue and spikes and pour the blood into it (Lara might say ‘no’ but just try again). As you do, the protection around the artifact is neutralized, and you can pick the golden serpent (27) up, but as you do a Horus guardian (21) starts shooting you, shooting it with pistols takes up a lot of time and is tedious, so rather get your stronger firearms out for this battle. (note: the flare bug will kick in about now, so should you have any flares left, remember that when drawing you have to throw them away to see anything). Climb up on the 2nd floor of this room via the help of the ledges by the statue and sacrifice altar, and get out of here. In the room with all the vases another Horus Guardian (22) will appear, so dispose of him. Continue going along the cave – just where you usually would turn left, go straight (east) to see that a door has opened. As you enter the next area it closes behind you. Activate the switch and the pit in which you’re in will fill with sand. When it is full, climb out and find yourself….. back at the start! Climb up the ladder as the trapdoor will have opened, and as you do that will be the end of this great, challenging adventure! Hope you had fun!


Kills: 22
Pickups: 27
Secrets: 5