Tower Air

Level by Tradewinds

Walkthrough by DJ Full

Go right and kill a guy (an android, as I presume). Go across the 1st compartment and find 2 pairs of uzi clips by the side walls, among the chairs. Enter the left S passage to find some uzi ammo. Open the bathroom occupied by one more android and eliminate it. There is another bathroom in the right corridor, but there is nothing to find in it. So enter the 2nd compartment to kill another robot and get some more uzi bullets from between the chairs (right side of the place). Enter the following right S passage, time the swinging axe and find the uzis in the nearest bathroom. Check the transverse corridor to fight a baddy and check the side bathrooms to find a guy to destroy in the N one and a small medi in the S one. Throw a switch on the wall of the remaining bathroom at the E end of the transverse passage. Everything is done here - advance to the 3rd compartment, kill the next enemy and pick up another 2 pairs of uzi clips from the same side of the plane as always. There is one more on the other side. Get to the 2nd transverse passage, timing the blade and killing a thug, and check out all 4 bathrooms, the same way as previously, to find a guy in the E one (drops a small medi), and the last opponent guarding the second switch in the N levatory. Now, a hole in the middle of the 3rd compartment is accessible. Get a key from it, face the nose of the aircraft and place the item in the slot in the left passage between the 1st and the 2nd compartment. The door next to you opens, so enter the revealed room and shatter a bin for a small medi. Nothing in the cabinets. See the hole?

Grab the ledge and descend to place yourself just a little bit above the giant scorpion. Backflip, drawing the uzis in midair, and shoot the 1st boss right in its cuticle. The NW corner contains a piece of collapsing floor. Step on it for a while, but remain on the floor you are. Waiting for the floor to fall, you can hear a demigod waiting for annihilation down there. Safety drop, jump over the surrounding gap and fight the 2nd boss, appearing to be a devil (manual targeting and rapid fire recommendable, getting as close as possible to the enemy advised). When it dies, grab the grenade gun, some normal ammo for it and a pack of flares. No pit is deadly, but throw a switch to make the way out (and kill a harpy after doing so) before you collect the key, because as soon as the pickup is in your backpack, a spiked wall is supposed to start moving towards you. Avoid it by sprinting S, jumping over the gap and climbing the ladder... and realize the trap is not working, so all you've done in purpose of surviving was unnecessary. Get back on the passenger deck.

The keyhole is on the W of the far transverse corridor. Place the key, safety drop to the luggage compartment and blow up the 3rd boss - two giant red scorpions. You need at least 3 grenades for them. Then, pick up a small medi and a flare box from the invisible remains of destroyed crates and leave. There is also some uzi ammo in the NW corner. Pull the right block out of the wall, enter the passageways and kill a dark scorpion in there. Platform across the (not so deadly) pit, timing the swinging axes, killing a harpy and ignoring 30 bullets for uzis. On the other side, there is a slot for a key you can't obtain. So you've just got as far as possible in this game.