Las Vegas

Level by Lukasz Croft

Walkthrough by manarch2

You start – as in the original Las Vegas level – in the bathroom. In the SW corner you can find a Little Medikit; from the W showcase you can take the Shotgun. Press the N button to open the exit door.

SECRET 1: Press the W button in the next room and kill a rat. Go inside the wardrope and find another Shotgun and many types of ammo, further Flares.

Press the SE button beneath the fire and find Crossbow Poison Ammo to your right. Go left then and jump into the pool at the end to find Grenade Ammo, you can also find some grenades NE. On the N block you can find Shotgun Ammo. Go back in the corridor and shoot the window to your right. Take the Key Load and go back to the last room. Kill a rat and a dog there and notice that Winston has arrived, too. Use the key in the E and in the next area you can press a W button to kill a butterfly, but you don’t have to. Head E in the black/white room and jump NE to a square where you can stand. After a cutscene shoot a ganster at the other side of the room and one on the glass floor. Jump or shimmy to the dead body and take Shotgun Ammo. S you can find Crossbow Ammo in a chest. N again get into the passage and kill a baddy and his dog. Climb out SW and kill a rat. Take a Little Medikit S and push the “Off”-Button to open the door at the top of the ladder, which you should climb now. Up there kill four gangsters and pick up their munitions. Push both W buttons and the E door opens. Kill a baddy and a dog in the next room, take Uzi Ammo and a Little Medikit and watch a birdmonster killing several baddies and dogs on the other side of the lattice. Exit this room E and in the next room kill a guard, a baddy and two dogs and run through the W passage to finish this level.