MAGIC ARTEFACT (Magiczny Artefakt)

An 18-level adventure by Stasand

With a BIG THANKS to Kamilszy at for providing the Polish translations and also the locations of the secrets (70 in all).

This walkthrough is the result of a group effort, and the contributors are identified below. Many thanks to all for your hard work and participation.

Several of the secrets in the first eight levels are not documented in the walkthroughs presented here. However, D&G Productions has provided walkthroughs for all 18 levels, in which all 70 secrets are documented. To access those walkthroughs at Dutchy's site, click

Level 1- The Oceanic Archipelago (Oceanyczne Archipelag)

Walkthrough made by Selene

Pickups: Key, Coral, Diamond + 2 Secrets (small medipack and medicine)

Enemies: Tribesmen, leopard

The first thing we see is a fly-by showing some giant scorpions on a moonlit beach and a tribal village (among other things), this all leads down to our Lara standing far below in a cave area. One very important thing to note first is that Lara has no means of defense in her backpack. That's right: no weapons, not even the trusty pistols. And by the looks of it we'll be facing some danger along the way (did you see the size of those scorpions???), so in other words our primary goal is to find the girl some firearms to play with.

As soon as the fly-by ends start forwards (E) and turn right nearly at the end to spot a gate beyond a depression in the floor. The gate is closed so we need to find a way to open it. The solution is right in front of your nose (literally): there is a jump switch on the wall above the gate. Stand on the edge of the depression, hop backwards and do a running jump towards it while pressing Action. As Lara pulls it down the gate below opens. In the next room there are several openings in the ceiling and they all lead up to the same room, but they're also all too high up for Lara to reach. The simple solution is to climb the ladder in the middle of the room. Here you'll find a closed door to the left (W), a monkey swing high up in the ceiling, a ledge with a keyhole and a closed gate in the high N/E corner and a slope leading up to a niche by the S wall.

You only have one option presented here for now and it's a pretty action packed one too: as you still have no weapons you'll get pretty good at dodging enemies of various kind. There are three objects you need to get for now: a key (to unlock the gate up to the N/E in this room) and two crystals (you'll see where to place them later on). Do a standing jump up the slope and reach into the niche here. Doing so opens the W door. Slide down and run past the disabled spikes and into the village. Two tribesmen will be here to greet you and not in a good way. Without being able to defend yourself you just have to avoid them.

Run to your immediate left (S) and as you reach the wall go right (W) and behind the first hut (which is now on your right side). You'll see a cave straight ahead, run through it and at the end jump to clear a gap (if you fall into the gap simply pull up on the lowest side which is where you came from and backflip). Run through the opening in the W wall to enter a sandy area with palm trees. Oh, and a hungry leopard too. There is a low block in the middle of this area and Lara is safe from the sharp teeth there. By the N wall there is another low block with a skeleton on it, as soon as the leopard runs away from the block where you stand run over to the second block and climb it. Here you can pick up the Key (Klucz).

Now that we have the key we need to make our way back to the room with the monkey bars and niche. Continue through the cave back up to the village and around the hut on the right side, then proceed through the opening with the disabled spikes. We're going to do something a bit nifty, so be sure to lure both of the tribesmen with you in there. Jump up the slope like before and reach into the niche again. This will shut off access to the village and lock you into the room together with the two tribesmen. The difference is however that you can get out, but they can't. Doing this also gives access to a secret. Now turn around and jump up to grab the monkey bars. Shimmy across the room until you reach the end in front of the ledge with the closed gate. Drop and immediately press Action again to grab the edge below. Pull up and use the Key in the lock to open the gate next to it. Enter and go right. Here a block has lowered as a result of you pushing the button in the niche again (if you hadn't done this the second time this alcove would be inaccessible). Pick up Secret #1: a small medipack and follow the hallway around the corners where you can pick up the Coral (Koral) from the pedestal. As you do so the wall in front of you raises, leaving a way out. Follow it and drop onto a slope to slide back down to the village. Now that the tribesmen are locked in you can do everything else at your own pace (notice also how the spike trap in front the previously open door is now enabled). This time run right as you reach the first hut (N) and turn left past it. Here there is an opening in the wall to your right, run in there and pick up Secret #2: medicine.

Leave this room and go over to the S/E corner of the village, there is an opening in the wall. Go in there and to your left jump over the wooden fence to the E. Continue down the hallway, but do NOT step on the tiled section yet. Doing so will have two spears shooting out of the wall ahead from the left side. Instead start about two hops away from the first tile and sprint to the other end of the hallway. The spears will start going, but if you do it like this Lara will dart past them just as they retract and so they'll do no damage to her. To the right of the closed gate there is a receptacle. Notice how the eyes of the snake on the receptacle are red? This is a hint as to the colour of the stone that goes here (use for later reference) so insert the Coral here to open the gate. Enter and go left (right is a dead end). You will eventually come to a beach. The water is cut off by a wooden fence and a good thing that is, as there are some sharks swimming around on the other side of the fence. Go in the water and swim down to the approximate middle of the fence to find a skeleton where you can pick up the Diamond (Diament).

Nothing else to do in here so go back out to the hallway with the spears. Stand about two hops away from them (closest to the left wall) and once more sprint across. Go hopping over the wooden fence and back out into the village. This time turn left and enter the first hut on the right side (N). Notice that there is a hole in the ground, but do NOT go jumping in there immediately. As you will notice if you take a closer look there's a fire emitter down in the hole, so if you're too quick Lara will be toasted. Once it ceases drop into the hole and dart forwards to avoid the flame. Here you will find another snake receptacle (notice that this one has white eyes) and a closed gate. Place the Diamond there to open the gate next to it. Enter to find nothing but a button. Push it and you'll see a gate open somewhere else. Now it's time to go back up. The flame emitter is making this potentially unsafe, but you still need to go that way. Stand about two steps away from the opening on the left side and as soon as the fire dies out rush forwards and jump to climb out of the hole. Go straight out of the hut and over to the N wall and then turn right to go back down through the cave and into Leopard's Cage again.

Run right and straight across towards the N wall, avoiding the leopard as much as you can. When you reach the skeleton block turn right and run into the N/E corner where there's an opening you can drop into. Down the ramp to the N you will see the gate you opened by pushing the button in the room with the flame emitter. Run through it and slide down the ramp to end the level.

Level 2- The Infernal Caverns (Piekielne Groty)

Walkthrough made by Selene

Pickups: Diamond + 3 Secrets (all medicine)

Enemies: Skeletons, lizards, beasts

You start this level dropping down from the slope above (losing some health in the process) and slide down to the bottom of the cave. Incredibly enough it seems that Lara has done some raiding of her own since the last level, because she now has her trusty pistols with her. Strangely enough you will not find them in the inventory, but if you press the Draw key (Spacebar) she'll pull them out. Around to the right there is a block with an oil burner. If you stand facing W on the leftmost side of the block and climb up Lara can access the room she slid into at first by turning left and doing a standing jump over to the floor. This isn't necessary though as there is nothing of interest here so go left instead.

Follow around the corners until you reach a small lava pit and a ramp leading up. As you can see there is a boulder on top of the ramp so we need to deal with that first. Turn around so that Lara's back is to the lava pit and backflip onto the ramp. Hop back once and the boulder will come rolling down. Run a few steps forwards and jump over the lava pit and the boulder will roll down into it. Turn around again and jump over the boulder, then proceed up the ramp. Continue to the top and go left until you reach more lava on both sides. Go on to the W and here you'll find an opening with a blade trap in the middle.

Like before the patched tiles on the floor triggers it, but unlike the last trigger trap starting to sprint past the trigger tiles to set it off won't get Lara past without damage. What I found to work though was to step on the tile to set it off and then stand about two steps away from the first trigger tile. As soon as the blade starts rolling towards Lara sprint ahead and she should get past without taking damage. Be VERY careful here though so you stop her before she sprints into the lava on the other side.

Head through the opening to the left (W) and climb the steps up to the top. You are now in a room with sloped and flat blocks and apart from that nothing but lava. Do a running jump towards the slope ahead and press Action to grab the edge. Pull up and instantly do a jump forwards while angling Lara left in mid-air to land on the flat block S/W. Turn left (S) and climb into the opening, drop down onto the small slope and the tiles will start trembling under Lara's feet, meaning that we need to get out of here quickly. Run forwards to the end, jump and grab the edge ahead and pull up while the tiles you stood on turn into dust in the lava pool below. Once safe and sound turn left and do a running jump to the long slope ahead and as you land on it jump forwards to end up on a flat block. Turn left (S) from there again and one more running jump will land you in the doorway ahead. Proceed to climbing the block ahead, then the next one, drop down and enter the next room.

As you can see from the lava pool and the position of the sloped blocks we will be doing a jump sequence next. Begin with a standing jump from the edge and press Action to grab the back of the sloped block. Pull up and slide, then jump and continue around the room sliding a bit and then jumping until you land on a flat block at the other side. Go on through to the next room where you will find more lava and if you turn right safe land. Well, safe and you can see there are two skeletons laying on each their side of the room. They will wake up when you pass them, which unfortunately you have no choice but to do, but they're luckily easy to avoid as well. Hop backwards and do a running jump over to them, run quickly between the two of them and up the short ramp. At the very end jump and press Action in the last moment to grab the opening across from the lava pool. Phew, safe grounds....for now!!!!

Head around the corner and climb up the next three blocks. On top draw your guns and deal with a pesky lizard that comes in from the left to give you a hard time. You can either drop down where you came from and shoot it as it runs by while occasionally climbing out to draw it towards you. You can also run straight ahead and jump at the end, then press Action to grab the platform ahead, pull up and draw guns and then shoot it from safety. Or finally if you like to do things the direct way you can run and jump around to dodge it while firing. Either ways when it falls make your way across to the rightmost platform to the E by a running jump/grab at the last moment. Climb the block ahead and drop down on the other side where you can pick up Secret #3: some medicine. Head back to the side where you killed the lizard and this time do a running jump and grab to the long ledge in the middle. Go to the end (the E wall) and from the top peak of the ledge turn left and do a running jump to the next one over by the doorway, then head through it.

Go left and then right through the next doorway and either slide down and jump up to the flat floor or do a running jump to it directly from the doorway. Here there are a few things for you to notice. The first thing is the jump switch high up on the E wall. The next is a closed stone door in the N/E corner. There is also another closed stone door in the trench in the N/W corner. Furthermore, by the W wall there are two high pillars with one switch on top of each. Now notice the spike holes at the low block at the bottom of the pillars. If you try stepping on them the spikes will pop up and kill Lara instantly. Because of this we need to find a way to activate the spikes (yes, you heard me correctly): that way you will know when they pop up and be able to time a run/jump past them. To activate them head towards the closed door in the N/E corner of the room. Do a running jump to land on the block below the jump switch. Stand facing the wall and backflip onto the slope behind it, then jump forward and press Action to pull the switch down. As you can see, this has activated the spikes over by the switches to the W.

Slide down into the crater and do a standing jump up the slope to land on the flat floor. Go over to the pillars with the spikes and switches. What you are now required to do can cost you a bit of health, but it should also be possible to do it without losing any. Timing is all there is to it. Stand about one step away from the spikes by the left pillar. When they pop up run forwards and jump to grab the tall pillar, then pull up.

*NOTE: if you start running when they retract, you will not make it past them before they pop up again. You MUST start running as they pop up in order to make it.*

Reach into the niche and pull the switch to open an underwater door somewhere else. Now turn right and drop down from the safe side of the pillar. And now you need to repeat the same procedure with getting past the spikes in order to activate the switch in the second niche and open the stone door in the N/E corner of the room, as well as raising a pillar in the next room.

Go through there and climb the pillar, then turn left to face the slope W. If you look up above the slope to the right and left you will see boulders hanging above it. Not a good sign for sure!!!! The next sequence is made a bit tricky by the fixed camera angle. Do a standing jump from the middle of the pillar to land on the slope and slide down the middle of it. Now turn right (this will be left from the angle you're looking at) and run forwards, then turn left to face downhill. Start running a few steps forwards and then sprint as the boulder comes rolling down after you. About three or four steps away from the edge ahead stop sprinting, run to the edge and jump while pressing Action to leap across the lava pool and land on another slope. Slide down to the floor below.

There is nothing to the left, so continue right and climb up into a room with more lava. Stand on the left side jutting a bit further out across the lava and do a running jump to land on the slope ahead and jump forwards to the longer slope. Note that if Lara lands facing upwards she'll need to backflip/roll in mid-air so that she lands facing upwards on the long slope. Slide to the end and press Action to grab the edge. Shimmy left and about three steps from the left edge pull up and backflip/roll onto the block with the deactivated burners. Do a running jump from here to the tile ahead. Said tile will collapse under your feet so immediately run forwards, jump to land on the slope, slide and jump again to grab the ladder ahead. Climb to the far left side and position Lara with her hands on the third rung from the top. Backflip to land on a slope, slide down and press Action to grab the edge. Now you can shimmy left and pull up onto a flat block where you can breathe for a second and save your game.

Face the sloped block to the E, do a running jump to land on it and jump forwards into the doorway. In the next room you will find the underwater door you opened earlier, but there is still one that needs to be opened. Climb the block across from the opening and turn right to face the jump switch on the W wall. I know it looks far, but she'll make it so do a running jump over to grab it and pull it down. Ok, so that solved the problem with the closed door, but now we have a different problem: pulling the switch also closed the first door that was already open. So now we'll need to find a way to open it again. Jump in the water and swim over to the two doors, then climb out on the left side (the right side doesn't lead anywhere). Follow the stairs up and climb over the disabled burner block and go on until you can climb up into a room with a closed stone door and a button. Push the button to open the door on your left and go through here.

Climb out of the trench and you'll find yourself back in the room with the spikes and pillars. From here we can open the second door down in the water channel, but first we're getting a secret. You should now notice that the spikes are also activated at the bottom of the rightmost pillar in the middle of the room (rightmost when facing the switches W). That's where we'll find the secret, so stand as close to the spikes as you can without getting impaled and wait until they pop up. When they do run forwards and quickly pull up on the pillar where you can pick up Secret #4: more medicine. Drop down on either of the safe sides and go over to the leftmost pillar with the switch at the W wall. Now you'll have to repeat the same procedure in order to pull the switch in the niche on top of the left pillar. When you do this the second underwater door will open and you'll have full access to the water channel. Drop down from the pillar again on the safe side and return to the door down in the trench where you came from.

Go back to the water channel the way you came and you will now see that the burners in front of you are enabled. To get past them without taking damage stand with Lara's back to them about two steps away and with her shoulder against the right wall and backflip over them. Turn around and go down the stairs. Do NOT dive in the water yet though without getting the final secret of this level. At the end of the stairs turn right to face the N wall. Jump up and press Action to grab a crevice and shimmy left around the corner before continuing until you reach an alcove where you'll hear the secret chime. Go along the passage until you can pick up Secret #5: a medicine bottle. Head back to where you can dive in the water and swim through the two open doors at the far end. Go on to the end, climb out of the water, proceed forward and ready your weapons as a nasty beast comes charging at Lara. You can hop back into the water as it comes close and then climb out again as it runs away. If you repeat this procedure it should fall in no time at all. Or you can of course take it out by running around and jumping to dodge it.

When it's over and done with, go toward where it came from and head right to find a closed door between the two pillars on the right side. We will be back here later so remember this location. Now there's an opening in the S/W corner for you to go through. Proceed until you reach a lava pool with some ledges and sloped blocks. Ahead of you there is a central structure that is split into three parts. Across from each part there is a slope with a boulder and also a switch on top of the leftmost and rightmost slope. What you need to do here is to set the boulders rolling into the lava to be able to reach the switches. There are two ways of doing it; for the first one you'll need to set off the middle boulder, but this is not required for the second method.

First way: stand facing the boulder ramp on the left, hop back from the edge once and jump forwards to land on the boulder ramp. Immediately sideflip right to clear the first boulder, this should land you on the second ramp so sideflip right again to land on the third ramp OR sideflip left to land on the ramp which is now safe. If you sideflip left to the safe ramp you can sideflip right twice to set off the third boulder and then sideflip back left to clear it. But if you sideflip right instead you HAVE TO wait a few seconds until the boulder starts rolling before sideflipping left again so that you do not jump back into the path of the middle boulder before it has rolled into the lava.

Second way: Stand at the very edge facing the slope with the boulder, hop backwards, then do a standing jump forwards and immediately backflip to the ledge you came from to avoid being flattened. Repeat this until you have at least made the two switches accessible.

Once this is done pull the two switches to open a stone door up in the opposite corner of the room. Stand on the third boulder ramp facing the two-ways slope to the W. Go two steps and then one hop back from the edge and do a running jump to land on the part of the slope facing towards the doorway ahead. Jump to land below it and pull up on the tall pillar, but instead of go through the doorway ahead turn right (N) to face the stone steps. Do a running jump over to them and climb to the top and another running jump + grab will get you across the slopes to the flat pillar with the now open stone door on the right hand side. Slide down the slope into the newly opened room. If you go left here you will reach the back of a slope. Now remember the doorway on top of the pillar that I told you to ignore? Going through there would get you to the opposite side of this very slope (i.e., the bottom of it and you would not be able to get across it from there). This is for later though, so turn right and approach the block with the fire emitter. Climb the block below it (you will not take any damage there) and position Lara facing the wall with the emitter. As soon as the flame ceases jump up to grab the top of the pillar and pull up before it starts again. You can now safely climb up through the opening in the ceiling into a room with a chasm and two more flame emitter blocks.

Stand facing the first one and jump up to grab the edge (but do NOT pull up yet). As soon as the flame stops pull up and wait a second or so until you see the flame stop on the next block as well. Now run to the edge and jump at the last moment to land on the next block. Immediately do a standing jump forwards to land on safe grounds on the other side. Go right (S) and by the wall turn right again, then follow the passage until you can enter an opening on your left side. Go through to the next area and look to the left. There is a chasm here leading down to the lava pool with the boulder ramps and across the way you should be able to see something green on the other side. This is home to two lizards, but in order to shoot them from here you need to get them to start moving about. To solve this problem go to the far side where you can see a ledge jutting out to the left. Stand on the edge and start shooting towards them; this should startle them out of their apathy. Shoot them from the safety over here and once that's done do a running jump over to where they frolicked about.

Go to the right and you should spot a closed gate and a snake receptacle in the S/W corner. We need something to place in the receptacle though, so turn around and go to the exact opposite side of the room (N). Turn left to spot an opening across the gap in the N/W corner. Jump over to it and go around to the left where you can push a button to open the brown door between the pillars in the room where you killed the beast (remember I told you to take a mental note of this?). Jump back across the gap and from the jutting ledge at the opposite side you can do a running jump back to where you came from.

Now you're in for quite some backtracking. Run to the far side of the room and out through the opening N. Head right as you come out and around the corner back to the chasm with the flame emitter blocks. Do a standing jump to grab the edge of the first one, but wait with pulling up until the flame ceases. Run to the edge, jump over to the next block and run off it to land on the ground before the flame comes back on. Drop into the hole in the ground like before and this time drop off the block on the opposite side of where the flame emitter is to avoid taking damage. From here go around the pillar and now you can pull up onto the slope ahead and slide down to the bottom. Climb up through the opening in the S/E corner and you're back overlooking the lava room with the boulder ramps. Do a running jump to land on the part of the slope facing the boulder ramps and jump to land on the third ramp. Turn left, slide down and another running jump will get you over to the central structure. Go across it and through the doorway, then follow the passage around to the Beast's Den.

Now you can finally climb into the opening between the two pillars and pick up the Diamond (Diament) from the pedestal. Without further questioning we know where it goes and so we have to make our way back there once more. Leave the Beast's Den through the opening in the S/W corner and go back to the lava room with the boulder ramps. Jump over to the third ramp and from there a hop and two steps backwards, then a running jump and another jump again will get you past the two-ways slope and over to the flat ledge by the W wall. Climb the pillar, turn right and do a running jump over to the steps. Climb to the top and do another running jump and grab to the pillar in the corner. Turn left and hop down into the room with the first flame emitter block. Climb it and make your way up to the room with the chasm and two flame blocks...almost there. You already know how to get past these two, so do so and on the other side go around to the right again and then left into the room above the lava pool where you killed the lizards. Do a running jump over to the other side from the jutting ledge and now you can finally insert the Diamond in the receptacle in the corner to open the gate next to it.

Go through and slide down the slope, then do a running jump to grab the pole ahead. Slide down almost to the lava pool at the bottom and turn right so that Lara is facing the wall opposite of the opening to the right. Backflip and turn around and at the end of the hallway you will see spikes popping up and a ladder across more lava ahead. Time you run past the spikes and jump at the end to grab the ladder. Climb up, run into the cave on top and draw guns as there is another beast lurking around here. Once it's dead enter the room to the S. Climb the block in the middle and from there pull up onto the floor above. To the E there is a long ramp leading up. Run to the top and climb the block at the end. As Lara slides down towards the flame emitters below and what looks like a certain death trap the level luckily ends.


Level 3 - The Flooded Sanctuary (Zatopione Sanktuarium)

Walkthrough by Val (Moonpooka)

The level begins with Lara sliding down a slope, and landing on a block by a small pool. Drop into the water and swim through the west passage, then at the end swim down the hole in the floor. Now see an UW lever to your right and use it to open the gate, and then swim through into a large pool room.

Stay in the pool and swim to the west where you will see a 1st skull key key on a pedestal, take it then climb out of the pool on the south side. There are two closed doors up here, one to the north and one to the south and they both need a key, you have the south one in your back pack, so make your way to the central ledge and judge the spike bag to make it to the other side of the pool. Run round to the south door, use the key on the lock, and go through the newly opened door.

Run through the passage, avoiding the spike traps as you go, and then use the floor lever you find at the end. This opens a door in the pool outside, so make your way back and swim through the south wall hole. Swim to the bottom of this area and in the east wall you can enter that newly opened door.

You will swim into an underwater cavern with a central structure, but you need to quickly make your way around to the outer south wall of the cavern and to small ledge where Lara can climb out and shoot a lurking crocodile. Once he’s seen to, pick up the 2nd skull key from the skeleton bones at Lara’s feet, and then swim back to the pool room.

Climb out of the pool and use the new key on the north lock, then head through into the new room.

There is a movable object and a tile at each end of the room and each tile is guarded by a blade trap. Try as I may I could not get anything to happen by moving the object to the east tile; it only activated the blade and killed Lara. But by moving the object to the west tile, the blade remains safe and a new door opens back at the structure/crocodile room, so leave here now and head back to that room via the pool’s south wall passage.

Swim through the newly opened west door of the structure and Lara arrives inside the structure/pool room. There are three closed doors ahead, two in the pool and one up on a ledge by a lever, and there is also a floor hole for later as you enter the room. First climb out of the pool at the west side and then use the floor lever; this will open the right pool door. Dive in and make your way through the door and through the watery passage to a large pool room with poles. Climb out at the south side and Lara will hear foot steps of some rather unusual enemies lurking in a room across the pool and you will meet them shortly.

First check out the SE corner of the room, you will see a hole in the wall to climb up into but don’t go there yet. Use the poles to cross the pool, and then enter the room ahead and gun down those strange beings that were causing so much noise.

On the north side of this room is a lever, use it to open an UW door in the north wall of the pool, then drop in and swim through to the next pool room. Swim around to the south side of the pool and you will see a slope on the south wall, use it to back flip Lara onto the central platform then gun down the enemy and use the floor lever nearby.

The door you entered here by closes and a new door opens in the west wall of the pool. Dive and swim through the new door to enter the next pool room. Climb out of the pool at the south side and make your way down the one blade trap path to the lever at the other end. Use the lever and see the left door back at the structure/pool room open, and then dive back into the pool and return to the previous pool room.

Climb out again and re-use the floor lever to open the door out of here, and then return to the pole room and check out the space up in the SE corner for Secret #6: a medicine bottle. Now you can make your way back out to the structure/pool room.

The left pool door is now open, so, swim through and make your way to the end of the watery passage. You will come to another pool room. Climb out on the west side and look up, you will see a hole in the ceiling for later, but to get the secret from there you will have to take care when doing your next task.

Face the pool and note the two slopes, in-between the slopes is a collapsible tile which you must not break or you will not be able to get the secret from the ceiling hole. So, take a running jump towards the first slope, and then jump as soon as you hit it so that Lara bounces over the tile and lands on the second slope, thus leaving the tile intact.
Now head through to the next room where an agitated Skelton awaits you. He is easy enough to avoid and you can simply nip to the floor lever at the end of the room and use to open the third door back at the structure/pool room. You can now leave but do not drop into the pool by the lever or you will not be able to get that secret, so leave the way you came and stand in front of the two slopes like before. Simply do a running jump over the first slope, land on the tile then jump again to clear the second slope, and now you can see that a block has raised under the ceiling hole and Lara is able to climb up for Secret #7: a medicine bottle.

Ok, so now all you have to do is go back to the structure/pool room and head through the newly opened door in the west wall. Lara makes her way down another watery passage and will eventually come to an UW cavern so beware of lurking sharks!!!!! Swim west then south into a second cavern, then swim to end and then west into a third cavern. Swim ahead into a fourth cavern then at the end swim up and out into a large outside water pool. Climb out onto the central platform and note the receptacle for an object on the central pillar; this is for later so let’s go get that item.

First swim to the pillar in the NE corner of the pool and from here you can jump to the alcove in the east wall and use a button to open a gate in the south wall of the pool. Drop into the water and head through that new gate. Swim through and at the end of the cavern, swim up through the ceiling hole and climb out.

A ferocious enemy waits for Lara, so be quick and run to the central platform. Look on the east side of the central pillar for a hole, and use action to let Lara take her prize Mask. Then before you leave here you can check out the SW corner of the room for a small passage leading to Secret #8: a medicine bottle.

Are you ready to leave? Then kiss that big bully goodbye, and make your way back through to the outside pool via the floor hole. Climb out onto the central platform again and place the mask on the pillar receptacle, then you will see an UW gate open back at the structure/pool room. Now it is just a case off making your way back to the structure/pool room via the under water caverns so mind the sharks!!!!

Ah! I am glad to see you got Lara back here safely, you may now take her down the floor hole you saw early when you first entered this room. There is the newly opened gate, so swim through and take a first right to find an UW lever, and then use it to open the gate that is blocking Lara’s way. Swim on into a cavern, then swim west, and then up through a ceiling hole in the SW corner and climb out. Lara arrives in a dark room, and you will hear the sound of blades.

Go forward a little way and then climb the pillar to the north. Face south and run jump to the blade ledge, then face west and stand near the blade and judge it to do a running jump to the next blade ledge. Again stand near to the blade and judge it to run jump to the far west wall ledge. Now climb the ladder on the west wall and enter the small cave above.

Drop down the hole in the floor and enter the lava room below. Go to the central ledge and judge the spike bag to do a running jump to the pillar behind it, and then face the north slope. You need to do a running jump from here and land Lara on the high part of the slope so that she slides and jump to the higher part of the west slope, this allows her to jump again and grab the edge of the long south slope. Shimmy right until you can pull up onto a safe pillar, then jump across the lava to the west ledges. Pull up onto the high pillar, then face north and you will see a hang lever to jump to. Then when you have used the hang lever Lara will fall onto a slope and you will have to slide a little way and then back flip to the safe ledge behind her. Climb back up the high pillar and do a running jump into the newly opened north door below the hang lever, and then nip down into the final room. Enter the transporter to the west to end the level.

Level 4 -INKASKI SZLAK (Inca Trail)

Walkthough by Phil Lambeth

After the brief flyby, step out of the coil and jump to the pillar east. Take a running grab and grab the golden jump switch to open the door directly below. Vault up into the passage and follow it to a dark underground passage. Hop down, make a horseshoe turn to the right and hop over the slab into the next area. Run into the opening on your left and immediately head to your right as two jackals attack and take refuge on the raised ledge. Draw your pistols and dispose of the jackals, then hop down and go around the skeleton to your right as you hear snapping spikes nearby. Pick up the large medi-pack in the alcove as you hear the chimes of SECRET #9.

Reverse roll and go back out, and continue east to the wall. Turn right and pull up into the opening. Take a standing jump to the ledge and turn left to face the first of two swinging blades. Wait until the blade starts swinging left, then take a running jump and grab to the east pillar. Pull up and turn left. Repeat past the second blade and pull up onto the north pillar. Take a running jump to the final pillar and pick up the CROWBAR. A block rises to your left as you do so. Its purpose is unclear, unless it's to give you a convenient way back up in case you miss a jump on the way back. Go back the same way you came. A fire is now burning beyond the pendulum west, preventing you from using that avenue back up (as if you needed it).

Turn right when you reach the ledge beyond the second pendulum, turn right and take a standing jump with grab into the north opening. Return to the ledge from which you shot the jackals and pull up onto the higher ledge. Use your crowbar to open the door and enter the next area. Step up close to the golden spikes on your left and take a running jump over them as soon as they pop up. Walk up the ramp to the second set of spikes and repeat. Continue up the hill and around the corner to your right. Vault up onto the ledge and find yourself overlooking a deep pit. It's a long way down, so turn around and slide backwards down the slope. Grab the edge and shimmy to your right until you're about halfway across. Pull up, face SE and take three standing jumps in succession until you reach a ledge near the SE corner. Go into the opening in the wall for SECRET #10 and pick up the large medi-pack.

Go back out to the ledge and look down the slope. Line yourself up with the flat spot nearest the SE corner and slide down onto it. Face SW and take a long running jump to the south slope beyond the depression. Slide down and grab the edge, then shimmy to the right and around the corner until you reach another flat spot. Pull up and vault up onto the next flat spot. Turn right and take a running jump north to the next flat spot. Vault up onto the safe green area to your left and run to the opening in the west wall. Follow the passage to the next area and shoot two more jackals.

You see two golden jump switches ahead. The one on the left is protected by a flame tile. Climb up on the facing pillar and take an angled running jump toward the one on the right. As you activate it you hear the sound of a boulder being released. As soon as you land, take a side flip to the left and note to your relief that the flames have been extinguished. Turn around, climb back onto the same pillar and activate the jump switch on your left. Another boulder is released, so take a side flip to the right as you hear the sound of a door being opened.

Pull out, run to the east wall and locate the depression in the ground. Step into it, jump up to grab the opening and pull up into SECRET #11. Step forward and pick up the large medi-pack. Climb back onto the jump switch pillar and this time take a running jump due west with a grab at the end to land on the ledge in front of the open doorway. Hop down into a room with pillars along the walls, together with two sloped pillars breathing intermittent flames. Turn left and vault up onto the slab in the SE corner. Take a standing jump and grab to the pillar west. Step forward and take a running jump to the ledge. Note the closed door on your left and walk to the other end of the ledge to face the flame blower. Wait for the flames to subside, then take a running jump north and grab the next ledge. Pull up, walk to the other end and repeat over the second flame blower. Pull up and run forward into the opening. Pull down the wall switch to open the door in the south wall. The first pillar you used in the jump sequence is lowered at the same time, so you have to make your way back past the flame blowers.

When you get to the open doorway, go inside and follow the passage to a small room. Drop down through the hole in the middle of the floor and walk south toward the two swinging blades. Slide past them one by one when the time is right and step forward into a little hallway. Vault up into the opening and run into a new room. Your objective is the door high up in the wall in the SW corner. To get there you must make a timed horseshoe loop to the right past three flaming tiles. Climb up onto the block to your left and face the first flaming tile. Take a running jump over the gap to the next pillar and vault up onto the black tile. The flames ahead go out. You need to do the following in one quick sequence: Take a running jump toward the first flaming tile, continue with a running jump to the next ledge, veer to the right and run past the second tile before the flames return, turn right and take a running jump to the next ledge with the third tile, and when you pass it take a running jump and grab to the final ledge in front of the south opening. Pull up, run forward and jump over the gap. When you reach the SW corner, push the button to open the door.

Inside a demigod waits to your right, so waste no time hopping down to your left to allow the stairs to protect you for a moment. When the demigod stops firing and comes looking for you, run forward and use one of the raised tiles in the floor to jump to the stairs ahead. Pull up and quickly run forward to get out of range of the demigod's bolts. Go to the alcove in the south wall and take the FIGURKA from the pedestal. A cut scene shows that you've activated a spike trap elsewhere. It takes a long time to kill a demigod with pistols, but with skill and patience it can be done.

Climb up the north blocks and return to the previous room. Look to your right and you'll see the springing spikes beyond the flaming tile in the SE corner. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but you can go straight toward the spikes by simply running past the flames to the left (and maybe right, too, but I didn't try that) when you reach them. Stand at the middle of the final ledge, and when the spikes pop up take a standing jump into the opening and run forward quickly to safety. Follow the passage and drop down through the hole (there's nothing of note in the passage past the hole).

Go through the north opening and follow the passage to a slope. Slide down into the trench below and turn carefully to your right. You're looking up the south slope at a boulder trap that will be released when you walk forward a few steps. When you see the boulder start to hurtle down toward you, calmly hop back, wait until the boulder is nearly upon you, and side flip to the right or left. When the coast is clear, run up the south slope, pull up onto the block and turn left at the top. Vault up into the dark passage and follow it until you reach a large outdoor chamber. Follow the ledge to the east end and turn NE to face the slope. Jump to it, slide down, grab the edge and shimmy to your right and pull up. Turn and run to the sloped pillar on your right.

Pull up, slide down and jump off four slopes in succession (the last one being longer than the others). Grab the ledge in the south wall and pull up. Run up and into the passage on your right. You'll soon come to a wall protected by spikes that shoot out at timed intervals. As soon as they retract, step forward quickly, jump up to grab the top and pull up before the spikes come out again. The other side is similarly protected, so wait until those spikes retract as well before jumping down into the passage. Continue through the passage until you come to a small room. Drop down through the hole in the floor and walk carefully forward to the edge of a sloped pit. Jump up to grab the monkey bars, and swing forward over the spike trap. Drop down at the other end and follow the passage to another hole in the ground.

Drop down onto a block, hop to the ground and walk out to an opening overlooking a room with two spiked pillars. Since the spikes are triggered at the same time, it appears you have an impossible task ahead. Not to worry. Safety drop into the room and go around the nearer spiked pillar. You'll find a safe pillar on the other side, so pull up onto it and face north. Take one step forward so that you're about in the middle of the pillar, wait for the spikes to come up, and take a standing jump and an immediate running jump to the north opening. You see two skeletons in the next room below, just itching to do battle with you. Since you have no weapons with which to defend yourself, jump down and avoid them while you run forward to the block against the north wall. You're safe there, so push the button to create a pool in the large outdoor chamber with sloped pillars.

Reverse roll and run past the skeletons again, jump to the south opening and pull up to face the room with the spiked pillars. Safety drop to the ground and use the safe pillar to get back to the east opening in the same manner described earlier. Vault up onto the block in the next room, face east or west and pull up through the hole in the ceiling. Follow the passage back to the spike pit, monkey swing across it and drop down on the other side. Pull up into the small room and follow the south passage to the spiked wall. Scale it as you did earlier and jump down the other side. Go out to the ledge overlooking the outdoor chamber, face NW and take a running swan dive down into the pool below. There's a barred opening in the south wall, but I didn't find a way to lower the bars.

Locate the opening in the SE corner and continue around to the left into an underground room to alert two jackals. (The large dark area to the west appears empty.) You can hop back to the safety of the passage from time to time as you continue to pump lead into them. When they're dead, go inside and locate the small pool near the SE corner. Dive in for SECRET #12 and pick up the large medi-pack at the end of the passage. Swim back and pull out of the water hole. Return to the outdoor chamber via the SW opening (you'll be coming back here soon) and locate the opening in the NE corner.

Follow the dark passage which widens into a large cave. When you see the skeleton lying on the ground, step amidst the bones, shoot two poisonous scorpions and pick up the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ. There's nothing else in the cave that I could find, so go back outside and return to the jackal chamber via the SE opening. Run to the NE corner of the chamber and turn left to find a hidden opening in the north wall. Vault up into the opening and face two flaming sloped pillars. Simply sidestep to the far right and take a running jump over the first flame. Grab the pillar beyond, pull up and repeat. Turn to your right, jump to the ledge and insert the Silver Key in the receptacle.

The door to your left opens, so go inside and face a room with swinging blades. Pull up onto the nearest pillar, time a running jump past the blades and grab the pillar beyond. Pull up and take a running jump and grab to the jump switch in the east wall. Keep the action key depressed so that you slide down and grab the edge, pull up and back flip to the pillar. Now take a running jump into the east opening, and follow into a room where you can hear the snapping sounds of a spike trap. Hop down into the room and locate the stairs in the central structure. Vault up onto the second step and stand back in either corner. Angle toward the far wall and take a standing jump when the spikes spring up. Immediately turn to face south and take another standing jump to safety. (If you try the jumps straight on, you won't have enough room.) Run along the ledge to the receptacle and insert that Figurka you've been carrying around for quite some time. The door to your left opens. Enter, run down the passage and slide down the slope into the next level.


Level 5: ZAGINIONA PUSTELNIA (Lost Hermitage)

Walkthrough by Yoav

You begin underwater; allow the current to carry you forward to the end of the tunnel. Pull out of the water and walk forward, at the end climb up the wall and use the crowbar to open the door. Climb up the ladder to a valley with many areas. Kill the four little green dinosaurs you meet and you'll deal with their mothers later. Head west behind the stone wall and come to an area with shallow water and a hole at the middle. Right now ingore it and head west, enter the opening at the wall and follow the passage to the end. In front of you is an area with a small hill and a fire on the top.

Head south, pass near the dead dino and proceed behind the stone wall. Climb the short block and pick up the Torch. Back to the fire on the hill and carefuly light the torch, then back to the area where you found the torch. Go south-east behind the column, enter the opening and run to the end of the large passage. At the new area you meet a free dino, not easy for you since you are holding the torch, so run forward and drop into the sunken ground. Light the campfire to open a gate near you and climb into the room. Get from the skulls wall the Gwiazda (Star #1). Return to the area where you found the torch and go through the south-west opening, follow the passage until you reach an area with the ancient structure.

Kill the first dino you see, then go and stand on a north-east square right above the closed gate. Jump up, grab the edge of the sloped face column. Pull up, slide the slopes facing west, north, east and south of the other sloped faces. Fall down onto a burning square, if Lara is not burned then you did it right. Follow the passage inside the structure and then climb the opening, jump into a next room. Use the Gwiazda (Star #1) at the receptacle to open the stone door. Next there is another receptacle and a stone door, which means you have to come back here once again or maybe more than once. Anyway, get from the pedestal the Kamyk (Stone #1). Back to the first room and use the pole, pull up and back flip onto a block behind. Climb up the stairs, turn to face east, pull up into the passage above. Go forward and drop down into an earlier passage. Go south to get back outside the ancient structure and proceed east behind the stone wall to a new area with a big hole. Drop to the bottom and head into the building, use the Kamyk (Stone #1) at the receptacle to open the gate. Run down the stairs into a room with a monster, go to the east wall and get the Gwiazda (Star #2). Go back to the area with the ancient structure.

Enter the ancient structure the same way you entered before and back to the second room. Use the Gwiazda (Star #2) at the receptacle to open the next stone door. Get the Kamyk (Stone #2), notice the next receptacle and the closed stone door. Make your way out of the ancient structure (you know how, don't you?). Anyway, when you drop back to the earlier passage, go north. Back to the area where you found the torch and proceed south-west behind the column as you did before, cross the large passage and back to the area with the campfire where you lit the torch. Climb the north opening stone wall and slide into a short hole.

Kill the dino and go forward, reach the next area with a pool. Head toward the north-west corner and jump up the slope for SECRET #13, pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine). Jump into the water and then pull the underwater door, swim into a passage and pull out of the water. Run forward across the dart emitter and enter the opening. Use the Kamyk (Stone #2) at the receptacle to open the gate to enter the room. Kill the monster, then go to the north wall for the Gwiazda (Star #3). Back to the pool and pull out of the water. Kill the dino and go south-east, jump over the reversed slope, turn to face north-east and cross the large passage. At the next area go south-east and follow back along the passage to the ancient structure.

Once again enter and use the Gwiazda (Star #3) at the receptacle to open the stone door. Get the Demon and once again make your way out of the structure. At the earlier passage go north again and back to the area where you found the torch. Go north behind the stone wall and back to the area with the hill and the fire on the top. Follow the east passage and you're back at the area with shallow water and the hole at the middle that I told you to ignore when you started the level. Anyway, dive into the tunnel and reach the underwater lever. Pull it to open the gate and swim forward to reach the shallow water and a new area. Ge out of the water, turn east, the opening you see is for later. However, head nouth-east and jump over the reversed slope into an alcove for SECRET #14, pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine). Cross the area west and turn south. Pass the dart emitter ahead and drop down, reach the hole in the ground. Drop into the hole and use the Demon at the receptacle to open the door.

Drop onto the block and fall down into a place with deadly yellow water pool and block with yellow spikes at the center. It won't be so easy to cross the block to the other side, but with perfect timing you can do it. When you finally reach the other side, climb the wall and go forward. Ahead is a room with three burning blocks in a deadly yellow water pool. As soon as you step onto the marked tile it turns off the fire. Start a timed run, jumping onto the blocks and crossing the pool to reach the west opening. Follow into the next room and climb the north wall while two moving blades come out of the wall. Drop into a room below, then climb into the opening and drop into the next room with three more rooms. The north room is blocked by the bull, so first go to the east room and climb the left pillar for SECRET #15, pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine). Go west and throw the switch to open the gate. Now go to anger the bull and make sure he follows you into the west room you opened, then throw the switch back and lock him inside the room. Go into the north room and get the Gwiazda (Star #4). The first room you entered blocked by a rising block, so throw the switch at the south wall to lower the block.

Back to the second deadly yellow water pool, step onto the marked tile to turn off the burning blocks to cross the pool and back to the first pool. Again with perfect timing, cross the blocks with spikes back to the other side. Back to the area you came from and swim into the tunnel, pull the underwater lever to open again the gate and pull out of the water. Hope you remember the way back to the ancient structure. In case you get lost, go west, follow the passage to reach the hill with a fire. Head toward the next area and go south-west, follow the passage and you're back again to the ancient structure.

For the last time enter and use the Gwiazda (Star #4) to open the last stone door. Before you fall down into the room below, reach SECRET #16. Take a simple jump into the south-west alcove and pick up the Lekarstwo (Medicine). Now fall into the room and go to throw the switch to open the gate. Enter the next room and take from the grave the Stary Klucz (Old Key). Climb out of this room and and from this ancient structure forever. Once again make your way back to the area with the shallow water and hole at the middle. Cross it to the east and back to the beginning area. Head to the north-east corner and reach SECRET #17. Pick up small medipacks, now back again to the shallow water area. Dive into a tunnel and pull the underwater lever, pass the gate and reach the area you left a few minutes. Head east and go through the opening to reach the stone door.

Use the Stary klucz (Old Key) to open it and follow into the last room. Run south to the other side, then turn to face north and use the crowbar to open the door. Drop into the passage and run forward, climb the block ahead and slide down to load the next level.

Level 6 - TAJEMNICZY KRATER (Mysterious Crater)

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth

Lara slides down a slope into a dark cavern. Run forward through the east passage and climb two blocks. Continue around to the right and you'll come to a closed door. Push the button to its right to open it, then enter and come out to a ledge overlooking an outdoor pool. Jump into the water and note the underwater passage in the south wall. There's a closed door at the other end, however, so it's for later. Swim to the east side of the pool and pull out onto the sloped green ledge. Angle to the left and take a standing jump to the ledge where a skeleton is working on a sun tan. Pick up the nearby KARTKA (piece of paper) and examine it. You see nine Xs arranged in a backward S, and its significance is not apparent at the moment.

Jump back to the previous ledge, turn to face east and climb the block ahead. Turn left, jump up to grab the top of the sloped pillar, pull up and slide down the other side. Jump off at the last instant and grab the ledge over the skeleton. Pull up and walk forward to the NW corner. Face slightly left and take a standing jump and grab to a higher ledge in the north wall. Step forward and pull up into the opening. Go around to the right and find a second skeleton. Pick up the ZAGADKOWY KRUCYFIKS (Enigmatic Crucifix) and return to the sloped ledge at water level on the east side of the lake (just jump into the water and swim there).

Pull up onto the block ahead, and this time turn to your right. Pull up onto the sloped pillar, slide down the other side and take three jumps in succession to land on a higher ledge in the south wall. The opening to your left is for later, as it leads down to a passage with a closed door requiring a key. Continue west as far as you can go, then take a running jump to bring you back to the opening where you were first introduced to the lake area. Facing north from that opening, take a standing jump and grab to the small ledge ahead. Pull up and jump down to find a second opening in the west wall. Go inside to find a receptacle for the Enigmatic Crucifix. Insert it to open the door, then hop down into the passage to find the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key) on a pedestal.

Go back out, slide down into the water and pull out onto the sloped east ledge. Climb the block ahead and use the sloped pillars on your right to return to the higher ledge in the south wall. Vault up, pull up into the opening to your left and follow the passage down to a closed door. Insert the Lost Key in the keyhole to the right of the door to open it. You've undoubtedly heard the snapping sounds of a spike trap by now, so save your game as you enter and stand in front of the pole.

Slide down the pole to a safe spot, wait until the nearest spikes retract and jump south to the next safe spot. Take a running jump and grab to the next set of spikes, pull up and repeat. Make your way clockwise around the room in this manner until you face a spikeless area in the NW corner. Jump there and hop into the opening in the west wall. Time a fairly easy run past the flame blower into the next room. You hear more ominous sounds as you follow the passage into an area with a giant blade trap. You can get past them unscathed by taking a running jump the instant the blades start to snap shut. Continue through the passage and you'll next come to a room with a single squishy block. Time a jump past it and continue around to another room with deadly gold liquid.

The door in the far wall opens as you approach, and a flame blower is ignited at the same time. The door is on a timer, so step back off the trigger tile and wait until it closes. You now have to make a running jump across to the ledge with the flame blower, pull up just as the flames are receding, and take a running jump and grab to the far ledge. Pull up and run into the opening before the door slams shut again.

The awakened skeleton is slowly crunching its way along the room below, but you're safe as long as you stay where you are. When the skeleton's back is turned, run down and hop into the alcove on your left for the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key). Time a similar run to the other alcove and pull down the wall switch for a cut scene showing one of the gates opening at the end of the underwater passage mentioned earlier. Reverse roll and run past the skeleton and take refuge in the NW alcove. Pull up to your left, then to your right, and follow around to a hole where you drop down to the alcove on the other side of the closed gate. This tile, too, is a timed trigger that turns on the flames in the burner tile across the room, so quickly make your two running jumps with grab past the flame blower to the other side and past the burner tile before it ignites.

Go back the way you came, past the squishy block, the blade trap, the burner tile and the spiked pillars (refrain from trying that tempting short cut east). Climb back up the pole facing south and back flip into the higher passage. Turn around and climb out to the high ledge overlooking the outdoor pool. Hang drop from a couple of ledges and slide down into the water. Pull out onto the west ledge and climb higher. Turn to your right and take a standing jump and grab to the higher ledge in the west wall. Pull up and take a running jump north to grab the edge of the sloped pillar. Pull up, slide down the other side and take three successive jumps to land on a small triangular ledge in the north wall.

Pull up into the opening and follow the passage down to a closed door. Insert the Lost Key in the keyhole and the door will open. Follow the passage and drop down through the hole in the floor onto a pillar in an underground room. Hop down, time a running jump past the swinging blade, and keep the jump key depressed to bounce off the slope on the other side and land safely on the north ledge. Turn to your right and run past the swinging chains to face your next challenge.

Stand at the opening to the deadly pool room and take a running jump and grab to the pillar ahead. Pull up to trigger a plethora of spikes on the other surrounding pillars. Time a running jump east over the spiked pillar and grab the edge of the safe pillar in the SE corner. Turn to face north. The next move is a little trickier. From the back edge of the pillar, wait until the spikes ahead are about to come up, then take a standing jump to land just as they retract. In one fluid motion, take a running jump and grab the edge of the safe NE pillar. Pull up, face left and cross over to the NW pillar. Pull up, step forward and take a standing jump with grab to land in the west opening below.

Walk forward and vault up onto the ledge in the deadly pool room. Take a standing jump forward to land on the first of many sloped pillars. Jump eight times in succession while trying to avoid the fire wraith that's released. When you reach the flat ledge, don't try to escape via the opening ahead in the north wall. Instead, continue clockwise around this room and run into the NE opening. Zig zag around to your right and drop down into a room with a pool filled with clear, refreshing water. Jump in to douse the fire wraith, then pull out and pull up into the opening in the south wall. Jump back to the pillar in the deadly pool room, turn right and return to the next room with the sloped pillars.

This time you can make the jumps in peace. When you reach the flat ledge, jump forward into the opening in the north wall. You come to another deadly pool room with nine pillars. Remember that map you're carrying? You need to hop the pillars in the pattern of a backward S as shown on the map. The only problem is that you're on a timer, so you need to make the jumps in a certain manner to make it across before the door closes. (If you try to get across any other way by taking a short cut, the door closes immediately.) Here's the way I did it: Stand on the opening tile facing west and begin with a side flip to the right. Take two standing jumps forward, a side flip to the right, two back flips, a side flip to the right, and two standing jumps forward. When you reach the ninth pillar, veer to the right so you can run through the opening before the door slams shut in your face.

You find yourself in a familiar setting, a room with a key and a switch, guarded by a skeleton. Run down and throw the wall switch in the right alcove for a cut scene showing a second door opening in the underwater passage. Reverse roll, run to the opposite alcove and pick up the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key). Leave this room the same way you left the similar room earlier. You don't have to follow the S pattern across the pillars on your way back. However, the beginning tile is on a timer that ignites the burner tile across the way, so the instant you hop down you need to get across as quickly as possible to beat the flames.

Return to the sloped pillar room jump back to the opening in the east wall. Zig zig around to the right into the clear pool room, pull up into the opening in the south wall and make your way back around the spike traps in a clockwise direction. Take a standing jump with grab down into the west opening and run past the swinging chains. Run past the swinging blade and pull up onto the pillar on the other side. Pull up through the hole in the ceiling and return to the high ledge overlooking the outdoor pool. Hang drop and slide into the water, and pull out onto the sloped east ledge. Get higher, turn to your left and jump back to the ledge above the skeleton. Stand on the raised hump against the east wall, hit the up arrow and the action key and Lara will pull up into the passage. Follow it down until you reach a closed door. Insert the Lost Key to open it.

Go inside and drop down through the hole in the floor onto a pillar. Ho down to the floor and follow the east passage slowly and carefully until you trigger a sneaky sawtooth blade trap. Time a run past the blades and continue a short distance to trigger a second blade trap. Repeat and follow the passage until you reach a deadly pool room guarded by spikes. Take a running jump just as the spikes pop up, and jump across to the other side. As you turn the corner you face a scissor blade trap with what appears to be a trigger tile directly in front of you. Run past the two traps and across another trigger tile to deactivate the blades.

Your next challenge is a deadly pool room with a number of poles to negotiate. Jump to the first tile, then take a running jump and grab to the nearest pole. Without sliding up or down, turn around and back flip to the NW pillar. Take a running jump and grab to the next pole and repeat. Do this a third time, then turn around and take a standing jump with grab into the south opening. Stand at the edge of the dormant burner tile, wait until the flame blower begins its cycle, then take a standing jump onto the timed trigger tile and jump up to grab the ceiling. If you've judged the flame blower properly, you'll be able to monkey swing past it while the flames are turned off. When you near the end of the monkey bars (if you go all the way to the end you won't have sufficient time), drop down and sprint forward to beat the closing door in the south passage.

You know what to do here. Throw the switch (the underwater passage is now completely open), get the key, dodge the skeleton and get back out you way you've done before. However, this time you pull up into an alcove on your right for SECRET #18 and a large medi-pack. Hop down and go to the NW corner. The exit is on this side for a change, so pull up and drop down onto the ledge in the flame blower room. The burner tile across the way is now lit, so jump to the leading edge of the trigger tile to extinguish it, jump up and monkey swing to the other side. Drop down and run past the burner tile before it re-ignites, but be sure your momentum doesn't carry you into the deadly pool beyond.

Make a quick trip through the pole room, using the west pole to your left, and hop into the SW opening. Follow the passage past the scissor blades, the spike trap, and finally the sawtooth blades, climb up onto the block in the next room and pull up through the hole in the ceiling. Run through the passage and pull up to the ledge overlooking the outdoor pool. Hang drop and slide down into the water. Swim through the opening in the south wall and follow the passage through the opened doors and into an indoor pool where a huge crocodile awaits you. Quickly pull out and insert the Lost Key in the keyhole next to the door on your left. Take the KAPELUSZ RABUSIA (Robber's Hat) from the pedestal (wonder what that's for, as you neither use it nor take it with you into the next level), then push the nearby button to open the opposite door outside. Go there and step into the spiral of light to be transported to the next level.


Level 7 - INDYJSKIE RUINY - (India Ruins)

Walkthrough by Yoav

Drop down from the block where Lara is standing. Head to the front wall and throw the switch to open the grate nearby, then slide down the slope. Run forward, reach the ladder and climb up. Run forward, then climb the blocks to the place above and kill the tiger. At the west there are two columns with buttons and a hole in front of each. Go east and climb into an alcove for SECRET #19, pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine). Then head south-east, follow down the stairs, turn left and climb up the next stairs to reach the shiva statue place. Notice as the statue is missing one sword and right behind the staue there are two columns with an object on each you can't reach until you've managed to raise the blocks in the holes.

Kill the cobra and go south, take the left way and stand in front of the spikes trap line. At the right moment run forward and turn left to a new place. The east way leads you to a blue receptacle and a closed grate, and the south way to a big pool is for later. Climb the short block, face the west wall and wait for the flames to turn off. Run/jump/grab the jumpswitch to open two grates from both sides. Enter the right alcove and throw the switch, get a screenie of the raised blocks in front of the columns at the place you left before. Enter the left alcove and throw the switch to raise a block in a pool. Go back to this place and press the buttons, the first one show you the big pool and the second will raise an underwater block.

Back to the place you come from and go south to the big pool. Stand in front of the marked tile as you begin a timed running/jumping crossing the pool to other side. Step on the tile, it turns off the fire in the opening you are going to reach. Jump forward onto a block in the pool, run/jump to the north block and the one after it. Keep running west and jump the next block, then toward the south block and two more ahead, reach the opening. Follow the passage into the next place, there is a round movable object in a sunken floor. Wait for the flames to turn off and pull the object onto a red tile in the other side and get a screenie of an opening grate.

Go behind the north wall and pass the trap bars, follow down the ledge above a pool. Look west for the grate you opened, it leads you into a room with another closed grate and some receptacles. Jump into the pool and swim north, climb onto the block you raised and pull up the ledge above. Go left and behind the wall climb two short stairs, then turn left again and behind the next wall reach the place with the cog lever. Right of the cog lever there is a room with grate and head snake receptacles and in the west a gap in front of the grate.

Pull the cog lever until the timed grate is raised up enough to pass and take a run toward the gap. Jump forward, grab the opposite edge and pull up, quickly pass the grate. Climb the block ahead and drop down on the other side. Go forward behind the next cog lever, there are two alcoves. Climb into the right, wait for the spikes to allow you to jump forward and grab the jumpswitch. While you're doing a backflip a block in the south wall has lowered. For the left alcove I leave it, as I never managed to pull the jumpswitch because of the spikes trap. Enter the room you opened and take from a grave the Kwiat (Flower). Now pull the cog lever enough to raise the grate again, since you cannot see it from here, then run toward the block, climb up drop down and pass the grate. Cross the gap and back to the first cog, enter the room nearby and use the Kwiat (Flower) at the head snake receptacles to open the grate.

Pass to the next place with two openings. Go through the right, run and jump forward, cross the hole while part of the floor breaks down. Turn left and follow the passage, at the end turn right and left to reach the grave. As soon as you open the grave and get the Szabla (Sword) a fire ghost will show up. Run through the next opening back along the passage, turn right and jump forward, cross the hole back to the cog lever and from there run as fast as you can back to the pool you came from before, to get rid of the fire ghost. Get out of the water and go through the bars back to the big pool and swim toward the east wall, climb out and back to the shiva statue place.

Bring the missing Szabla (Sword) to the shiva hand, this will raise the blocks in the holes, then use the Breszka (Crowbar) on each column and get the two Kamienny Owad (Stony Insect). Go back to the place where you saw the blue receptacles and use one Kamienny Owad (Stony Insect) to open the grate. Pass to a small jungle area and follow the east path. Proceed behind the rocky wall and kill the tiger. The opening you see in the center is for later. However, go south and climb the short block to pick up the Klucz (Key). Now back to the place you came from with the two alcoves and enter the left alcove. Throw back the switch to lower the block in the pool you raised before and expose an underwater opening.

Back to the big pool and once again cross it back to the place you've been already. Pass the bars and get down again to the ledge, jump into a pool. Dive and swim into the north opening for reaching SECRET #20, get the Lekarstwo (Medicine). Swim back to the ledge and climb onto it, then jump west and enter the room you already opened. Use the Klucz (Key) and open the grate. Follow the passage until you reach the end. Drop into a room with a gaint shiva walking around and run to west alcove, pick up from the pedestal a Skalna Elipsa (Rocky Elipsis).

Return all the way back to the jungle area and from there to the opening in the center. Drop down and follow the passage, pass the bar traps and reach the room at the end. Use the Skalna Elipsa (Rocky Elipsis) to open the grate, then drop to a room below. Use the second Kamienny Owad (Stony Insect) at a blue receptacle and pass the next grate. Climb up the wall and slide down to load the next level.

Level 8 - NIEBEZPIECZNA RZEKA (Treacherous River)

Walkthrough by Yoav

After the flyby circles the area and returns to Lara, go forward, slide and drop down. Go and climb the west wall, follow the passage to the end. Climb up the climbable wall and go to the end of the next passage, then climb up the next two walls. Before you slide down the slope ahead, enter the room from the left. Go to the south-east corner and run over a breakable tile but do not drop down, as you'll be killed by the spike trap below. Stand at the right side and take a simple jump down into an alcove below for SECRET #21. Pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine), then jump up and out from there. Now slide down the slope and take care of the blade, then you drop into the river below. Take a short swim south and climb up onto a ledge, turn east and climb up to the place above. Climb into the east opening and follow the passage, see a closed grate from the right and another closed grate with a keyhole at the end, then turn around and go back to the river.

Swim west, pass the column and climb the west ledge. Go north and at the end of the ledge turn to face east. Make the hard jump under the raise/lower block, grab the opposite ledge. Run and jump to the north ledge. Facing west, take a running jump past the spikes and jump to the next ledge. Look for an alcove in the north-east wall, take a simple jump into it and pick up the Stary Klucz (Old Key). Jump into the river and swim north, at the end see the underwater grate. Turn around and swim back to the beginning, climb out and go back to the end of the passage where you saw the grate with a keyhole and use the Stary Klucz (Old Key) there.

Follow the passage to a room with a hole in the middle and drop down onto a ledge in a deadly water room. All the blocks in the water are traps but one. Jump up, grab the ceiling and a monkeyswing will lead you to the other side of the room. Press the button and a small white ball will show up on the right block. Monkeyswing back to the beginning ledge and then jump toward the marked block. Another jump into the room ahead will wake up a skeleton. Go west and pull the lever, it opens the underwater grate in the river. Now climb onto the short block and grab the opening above, then pull into the room. Head north and put Lara's hand in the small hole to open the timed grate near you. Pass back to the passage and from there back to the river, take care of the crocodile, swim to the end and pass through the open grate.

Proceed swimming north until you reach the river banks. Climb up onto the south bank and take care of the black panther, head west to reach the water hole but this will be for later. Jump back into the river and keep swimming until you reach the big cave, then climb out onto the south bank. Go west and take from the skeleton a Klucz (Key), then step a little bit further for SECRET #22. Pick up the Lekarstwo (Medicine) and go back to the river. Swim north over to the next cave and climb out onto the west bank. Go through the opening, turn to the opening and reach a place with a demigod. Head north into the structure and use the Klucz (Key) to open the grate, take from the crate the Znaleziony Klucz (Found Key). Go back to the place outside, then go to the west opening and jump over the right ramp for SECRET #23. Pick up the medipack and go back to the river.

Swim south until you reach the end of the river and climb out, kill the black panther. At the west there's a closed grate with a Kobra (Cobra) artifact receptacle. Since you do not have it yet, take a swim back to the beginning river where you saw the water hole.

Drop into the water hole, take ashort swim and climb out. Reach the closed grate and use the Znaleziony Klucz (Found Key) to open it. Follow the passage and take care of the statues' swords to reach the opening at the end. Ahead is a big room with deadly water, a burning column in the center and three alcoves in the south, east and west walls. Monkeyswing south above the center column and throw the switch, it turns off the burning column. Turn around and runjump to grab it, face to the west and runjump forward, avoiding the swinging spiked bag. Throw the switch in the alcove, it opens the grate at the west wall. Runjump back to the center column and take another jump, avoiding the next swinging spiked bag, to reach the opening. Go forward onto a ledge and jump across the gap, grab the next ledge at the end enter a room with a large base at the middle. Head to the south opening and climb up the stairs. From both sides there are short burning blocks. Climb the short block in front of you and press the button, it will turn off the west block. Go and climb onto it to turn off the timed east burning block. Runjump over there and immediately pull up and take a sidejump onto the high ledge. Jump forward to the next ledge and follow down the stairs, you are on the base. Pull the lever and the front grate is open. Run jump over there, step inside the alcove and get from the crate the Kobra (Cobra) artifact.

Return all the way back to the end of the river and place the Kobra (Cobra) artifact to open the grate. Follow the passage to reach the water hole and jump in, dive and swim forward and a strong stream will send you to the next level.


Level 9 - Abandoned Rooms (Opuszczone komnaty)

There are two walkthroughs for this level, the first by D&G Productions and the second by Yoav.

4 Secrets

Follow the tunnel to where a wall opens up, swim through to a pool, sharp R and climb up W, run W dodging the Tiger (you don’t really have to shoot) and around the wall to jump onto the block. Climb up into the opening in the wall and get Secret#34, a ½ MP. Run jump out W and land in the pool.

The Lost Key

Open an UW door N, get fresh air and follow through to an UW lever and open the gate with it, swim to the pool and climb up somewhere. Go to the S side and stand against the block facing N, grab/pull up, stand back and run jump over the slanted block when the Spikes are up. That way you’ll land when they are just up again when you jump from the slanted block, immediately standjump/grab to the opening N. (Another way to do this, face S at the N block and pull up, back flip into the opening N, the Spikes will only hurt you a bit) . Follow the passage into a corridor and stand on the lower ledge to grab the monkey bars, go over to the other side (opening R is for later) and drop onto the ledge, follow in L to a square and drop down to the ground floor, walk W to the pit from the ledge you dropped to and run jump with a L curve in the end to land on the slanted side of the pillar in the pit, grab the edge and backflip/roll from that pillar to an opening in the N wall, follow in to the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key). Go back to the entrance and run jump out with a sharp L curve, go into the opening S and follow to a pit with a Knife/Burner-trap.

The Old Key

Standjump as soon as the Knife passes the ledge between the Burners and immediately jump to the ledge ahead, go through and climb up in the end into a room with 2 Keyholes. Go to the one W and open the gate, follow to a Lava room, walk onto the bridge just a bit, then look L into the corner and spot an alcove SE, runjump in there with a L curve (no grab) and get Secret#35, a ½ MP (this alcove will close after taking the Key).

Runjump back out with a R curve to get back on the bridge and go L into the structure W, stand close to the Spikes (teeth doors) and do a runjump through the Spikes to grab the next ledge, run through the next set and go L, get the Stary Klucz (Old Key) there and head back through the Spike traps to the bridge, straight to the room E with the other keyhole on the S wall. Open the gate and go in to come to a room with large blocks, go around the one on the E wall and grab up to get to the Timed switch.

Timed Run for the Klucz (Key)

Have a look to the W and see 2 gates, one R one L the last one will open when you use the switch. Don’t go there in a straight line, as you have to do a pull up taking just too much time. Pull the switch, roll and runjump a bit R to the next block, a running jump to the longer block R and curve L in the middle to jump to the one S of it, curve R doing another running jump to grab the ledge in front of the gate and using this route you’ll just get there in time. DON’T Save again once inside (I had a bug when I did that) and go L to follow to a room with a sarcophagus, get the Klucz (Key) from it and go back to the passage with the gates, in the N end is a switch (if not, reload an earlier save and try again, this was the bug I experienced) to the L is a wall which will be lowered later for a Secret. Pull the switch and get out of the timed gate, in the pool below is another switch, but not accessible yet.

Go to the exit NE, back to the room with the Keyholes and into the hole in the floor E, follow back over the Knife-trap (again jump as soon as the Knife passed the ledge in the middle) and to the room with the pit, up the blocks N and into the pit with the monkey bars, this time go to the opening N and drop/grab to get in, go in to a keyhole next to a gate while Beetles come running for you. Open the gate, run in and push the button to drain the pools at the Timed run room (and lower that wall for the Secret), quickly run back, drop into the monkey bar pit, run E and get onto the blocks there to get back on the monkey bars. Return to the Timed run room where the pools are and do the timed run one more time, this time go R when you are inside and to open the wall N to get Secret#36, a ½ MP. Get back out using the Timed switch and go down in the dry pool to use that switch in the S side of the central pillar. A gate opens in the room with the Keyholes, so climb out NE and follow back to that room to enter the N gate.

The Klucz (Key)

At a lava room is a trigger tile on the bridge, opening op the gate at the end of the bridge, stand back from it and sprint over the tile (this way the gate is sill opening up when you are halfway there), to the gate and if needed, use “Alt” to jump/roll through the gate before it closes In the next room you have to get on the pillar near the entrance, face E and runjump/grab the pole when you expect the Burner to go off, quickly climb to the ceiling and turn around. Go down a bit when the Burner is off and immediately back flip to the pillar E (another way is to face E and stand R on the pillar, one sidestep L and runjump to the block with the pole when the Burner is off and landing on the pointy top just next to the pole you can just jump to get to the next block) . Jump/grab into the opening E and follow to a Spike-pit, jump over the pit, turn around and run back into the pit with a grab so you’ll land in a lower passage S, go get the Klucz (Key) .

Boulders for the Stary Klucz (Old Key)

Runjump/grab back to get up the ladder, follow the passage to the end and come to a large square, go up to the R hand Boulder-ramp E and turn around, take one step back onto the ramp and standjump R around the corner of the wall, then go up again (trigger tile) and run L around the corner over the second trigger tile and jump L around the corner of the wall to escape the second Boulder, now blocks went up W, climb the first block runjump to the second and runjump into an opening S from the second block, open the door with the Key to get the next Stary Klucz (Old Key). Drop back down to the ground floor, up the Boulder ramp E and use the Key to open the gate. Go through the passage, drop down some holes and come to a room with 3 passages. One closed with a gate and two with popping Spikes.

E passage: 1st Gwiazda -- Go into the passage, save and runjump over the Spikes, you have to be lucky to not get hurt (or do the “roll” trick to get through). Go to a deep room with blocks, runjump straight over the slanted one in front and slide/jump to the next, slide and jump to grab the pole, turn R and go up to three steps from the top, now back flip to the N ledge and go in N, get the 1st Gwiazda (Star) and Beetles come out to play. Run out quick climb up and runjump down straight to land on the slanted wall below, slide off and run to the other side of the room, get onto the blocks to the exit and run back to the room with the 3 passages over the Spike-trap (don’t forget to save)

W passage: 2nd Gwiazda -- Go into the passage, save and runjump over the Spikes, you’ll come to a room with Spiked Pillars, jump to the safe one in front and then side jump L, stand one step back from the edge and standjump to the first Spike pillar, landing on the moment the Spikes are just up, immediately a running jump/grab over the second Spike pillar to grab a safe corner ledge, next set of Spike pillars are handled the same and once in the passage, follow through to a 2nd Gwiazda (Star) and surprise… Beetles come out to play.

Run back to the Pillar room, just run L of the ledge and to the E side of the room, from the low blocks near the entrance a jump/grab to the pillar and jump/grab into the passage to the Spike-trap. Now you can enter the passage N and place one of the Stars to open the gate, follow through to a large room with Shiva statues.

The List (Scroll)

Climb the low block W and face the Spike pillar, standjump up to it when you expect the Spikes to go up and do a L curved running jump/grab to the pillar E, get Secret#37, a ½ MP and drop to the floor, go into the NW corner and place the 2nd Star, a piece of the floor goes up. jump/grab up W to the floor above from that elevated floor and get the List (Scroll) .

A cut scene shows another part of floor go up and this one is in the NE corner of the room, jump-grab up to the floor above and walk into the Teleporter beam to end this level.

Secret Count: 37

Level 9 - OPUSZCZONE KOMNATY (Abandoned Rooms)

Walkthrough by Yoav

The stream keeps pushing you ahead and the underwater gate will open for you. Climb out of the pool and kill the tiger. At the south wall are three closed grates. Go around the base and climb the short block, then climb onto the base for SECRET #24, pick up the Lekarstwo (Medicine). Get down and jump into a second pool and pull the underwater door. Swim into the passage and at the end pull the underwater lever to open the grate and swim to the next pool.

Get out of the pool and climb onto the block near to you. Face north with a perfectly timed run/jump over the sloped center, jump forward onto the spiked block and take one more jump forward into the opening. Step a little bit further and monkeyswing over the opening in the north wall. Follow into the room and see a closed grate and a keyhole for later, but you have to run away from there as beetles show up. Drop down to the ground and climb the south block, then monkeyswing again, this time toward the west ledge.

Get down the stairs to a big room with a sloped base in a hole. Head to the north-west block and climb onto it, then turn to face east. Run/jump toward the sloped base and grab it, then back flip into the north opening. Drop into the alcove and get from the pedestal the Znaleziony Klucz (Found Key). Go back up and drop into the hole, climb out and go through the south opening. At the middle of the passage pass the hole with a moving blade by jumping onto the middle tile. Reach the end of the passage and climb up to a room above with three closed grates and keyholes.

Use the Znaleziony Klucz (Found Key) at the west hole to open the grate and follow down the ledge. Ahead is a big room with deadly water and some traps further on a ledge. Turn to face south-east and take an angled jump into the alcove to reach SECRET #25, pick up the Lekarstwo (Medicine). Jump back to the ledge and keep over the trap, pass it and run/jump forward across the gap and grab the next ledge. Pass the next trap and turn left toward the alcove to pick up a Stary Klucz (Old Key). Go to the other side and see through the bars an area with two giant black scorpions (I did not find the way to get there).

Back to the room you come from and use the Stary klucz (Old Key) at the south hole to open the grate. Follow down to another big room with a few blocks, head west and see there are two closed grates above the pool. Jump into the pool and see there is a switch to throw, but first you need to empty the water. Get out of the pool, head east and climb onto the block. Throw the timed switch, it opens the left grate above the pool. Turn around and run/jump forward to the blocks ahead, keep to the left block and run/jump forward to grab the ledge. Quickly pull up and pass the open grate. Turn left and follow the passage into a grave room, get the Klucz (Key). Turn back to the other side and throw the switch to open the second grate and go back to the big room.

Now make your way back to the earlier room where you met the beetles (and I cannot guarantee you they will not show up again). Use the Klucz (Key) to open the grate and enter the alcove. Press the button and get screenie of the emptied pool in the room you came from. Once again go back to this room and drop into the dried pool and throw the switch, get another screenie of opening grate. Back to the first room you came from and go through the north grate you just opened. Follow down the passage, and soon as you step onto the marked tile it will open the timed grate in front of you. Run faster north along the ledge to reach the next room.

Climb onto the block and turn to face east. Run/jump, grab the pole and pull yourself up to avoid the flame. As soon as the flame turns off, slide down a little and back flip to land on the next block. Jump forward into the opening ahead and follow the passage, reach the hole with a ladder and spikes at the bottom. Climb down, but before the spikes hit you back flip into an alcove to pick up the Klucz (Key). Climb up to the passage and keep following to the end and turn right. Ahead is a place with two ramps when at the end of t)he right side there is keyhole (but not for the key you are carrying. Take the right ramp and run up a little, but immediately turn back to avoid the rolling ball. The ball will keep rolling down into a hole and raise some block. Now do the same thing at the left ramp and the second ball will raise another block. Climb the first block and jump over the next block and turn to face south-east. Run/jump over the slope into a room and use the Klucz (Key) to open the grate. Enter the alcove and get the Stary Klucz (Old Key).

Use the Stary Klucz (Old Key) in the keyhole at the end of the right ramp to open the grate. Follow a short passage and drop down, go little bit forward and drop down onto a great block. Drop to the ground, go around the block and see three passages. The north passage has a closed grate with a receptacle. Follow the west passage and pass the spear traps, then come to a big room. The nightmare begins as you have to pass one by one the blocks with the spike traps ahead for reaching the opening at the north wall. Then drop down and follow to a room where you can pick up the first Gwiazda (Star). Beetles show up again, so quickly get out from there and back to the great block. Follow the east passage and pass again some spear traps, then come to a room with a deep bottom. Run/jump over the sloped column, slide down and jump the next sloped column, slide right and jump forward to grab the pole on the next column. Pull up and back flip to land on a ledge behind you. Go the opening in the wall and drop down, go forward to pick up the second Gwiazda (Star). Then quickly climb back to the ledge as the beetles show up again. Safety drop to the bottom and head north, climb up the blocks and back to the great block.

Go north and use the first Gwiazda (Star) at the receptacle and open the grate, run forward then climb to the last room. Go and climb onto the west block, then run/jump over the spike block and one more jump to reach the (block) SECRET #26, pick up Lekarstwo (Medicine). Drop down and head to the north-west receptacle, use the second Gwiazda (Star). Climb the short block you just raised and jump to pull up onto the base. Pick up the *List (Letter) and another short block will rise in a north-east base. Go over there and climb up the base and the launching pad will send you to the next level.

*Szanowna Pani Croft!
Szukamy tego samego, ale ja jestem
szybszy. Mam 2 amulety i zmierzam
po kolejne. Za wszystkie otrzymam
wielki skarb.
Nie przeszkodzisz mi.
Gdy to zrobisz, na pewno umrzesz.

Dear Lady Croft!
We're looking for the same, but I am
faster. I have 2 amulets and going
after next ones. For all of them I will
receive big treasure. You won't stop me.
If you try, you'll certainly die.


Level 10 - Greckie Jaskinie (Greek Caves)

5 Secrets

There are two walkthroughs for this level, the first by D&G Productions and the second by Phil Lambeth.

Go out of the Teleporter and down to the ground floor, dive into the hole with the water and swim E and open the UW gate with the lever to the R, follow up to a cave, climb out and shoot the Fire-dragon from standing in the water, go into the NE corner where that Beast came from.

Hop over the ridge, follow the tunnels, jump up a slope and in the next cave L around the corner to find a dead Soldier next to the Bike he fell off, go S into that tunnel and climb up on the block to the R in that small cave, runjump/grab to the alcove in the W wall and get Secret #38, a ½ MP. Drop out of the alcove and back flip from the slanted ledge (otherwise you’ll end back up in the cave with the Beast), go back to the cave at the Bike and head E, R around the corner in the end and open the Crowbar door there, carefully go in as there’s a Spike-trap under the plants. Walk slowly halfway into the plants and turn around, now back flip to the ledge with the Klucz (Key) and time the Spikes to get back out.

Now go get that Bike and head up the ridge NE and into the tunnel N, don’t go too fast as in the next cave W and just before those Big doors a deep pit will block the way, leave the Bike there and go into a passage S, follow in to a Sliding Spikes-trap, Save and hop on the ledge as the Spikes move away, then run and when the Spikes come close jump over and run off the end. Go follow the tunnels down to a Chain-trap. Stand R and time the Chain to runjump/grab over the deadly pit. go around the corner and do the next Chain-trap. Follow the tunnel climbing up the ledges and come to a Valley where an Old Hippie (Horseman) will attack slide down into the Valley and shoot the Dog. In the SE corner of the Valley is a hole in the ground, go in and follow the tunnel to a Spike-trap, just runjump/grab the edge of the upper passage when the Spikes retract and climb up to go to a gate you can open with the Key.

The Szmaragd (Emerald)

This passage leads to a hole in the floor, drop down onto a pillar in a room with a Hammer Guy, face into the room and spot something on the omega tile, run off the pillar and go get the Szmaragd. Immediately run behind a pillar W and get Secret #39, a ½ MP. Climb the pillar if the Hammer Guy gets too close and wait till he strolls off before getting back to the E pillar. Climb up and follow the whole route (just run straight off the ledge at the Spike-trap) back up to the Valley where you shot that Dog. Now go down the hole SW, and open the door with the Smaragd, enter and run straight through the next room. Hop on the ledge and use the Crowbar lever from facing S and open the big doors at the Bike with it, shoot the Dog and run back to climb up in the Valley.

Back to the Bike and the Zagubiony Klucz

Go to the NE and jump up to the N, go down into the hole you came up from before and follow back past the Chains to the Sliding Spikes, run after the Spikes to about halfway and hop over them as they approach, quickly run off the end and return to the Bike, back it up against the far wall and speed up to jump the Gorge and land inside the open doors. To the L is a closed door, go R and drive the Bike through the next caves to a corner where you can see a Skellie in the area behind a ridge, park the Bike, jump in there and run to the Skellie to get the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key Careful! there’s a hole in the ground closet to the Skellie). Run back to the ridge at the Bike and stand there shooting the Fire-dragon.

The Jump Cave

Now go to that hole near the Skellie and from facing the Skellie, drop/hang into the hole, go drop onto the block below and slide (only this block) backflip onto a ledge behind you. Hang from this ridge and shimmy L (S) to the first block, runjump S and jump/grab a bit L to that high block S (monkey bars overhead). Standjump down onto the L slanted side of the opening W and grab the edge upon sliding off. Shimmy L and pull up in the corner, follow the path to the end and standjump over the rock W, immediately jump again to get to the next ledge, go into an opening SW and come to a Crypt, in the first alcove R is the lock for the Lost Key and inside you’ll find another Szmaragd, you have to jump over the deadly stuff to get it. Go back to the Crypt and L to the Jump Cave, go L on the ledge and jump N to the slanted block, jump again to get to the block near the Spike-trap.

Face N, step back twice and start a runjump when the Spikes pop up a running jump from the Spike ledge to the N ledge (maybe you need to grab) Hang from this ledge and shimmy L around the corner to get to a ledge with Secret #40, a ½ MP. Shimmy back to where you came from and follow the ledge to the E end to do a runjump/grab to the pointy block E, pull up over the top and slide/jump till you are back on that first corner of the central ridge, go S again to the high block under the monkey bars and grab up follow all the way to a ledge NE, turn S and runjump far to the SE, start jumping to and fro over the sloped sides to a flat ledge, runjump up to a pillar NW and runjump/grab S from there to the receptacle for the Szmaragd, open the gate with it and get the Stary Klucz (Old key) from the reach-in hole. Runjump back to the pillar N and standjump NW to the ledge, runjump straight N with a little L curve in the end, so you’ll slide backwards and start jumping again, R this time and in the end jump onto the ledge at the monkey bars or grab it. Use the monkey bars to get back to the high block and make your way W into the Crypt again (look above for the route).

The door for the Key is to the L, go into the open gate and arrive in a big hall with 2 gates up L, go W over the ledge and climb up in the opening, go around the passage to come to a trigger tile for the gate across the room, it’s a Timed run and tight too. First go for a Secret, go to the SE over this ledge and make your way down into a lower passage, get Secret #41, a MP and climb back up/ go to the W and stand back from the trigger tile, wait till the gate closed again.

Timed Gate (

Stand back in the passage and face SE, sprint diagonally over the trigger tile over the corner under the block and turn L, runjump over the gap and onto the ledge under the next block, then turning L a running jump (Lara’s head will bounce off the overhead block), and land facing the opening to the gate immediately sprint turning R a bit and bounce off the L wall into the gate.

Get the Klucz (Key) and throw the switch in the corner at the other gate to get out, go up N and then L (W) through the Crypt, follow through and jump over the deadly water into the passage SW, go up that ladder to come to the Big doors, head straight to where the Bike is parked and take it S, follow to a gate you can open with the Key and go in with the Bike, follow, run first over the 2 Soldiers, then stop and go back a bit to get the Klucz (Key) where you ran over the first Soldier, go on and finally end up in a hole with a Crowbar door, open it and go in (you could do it on foot, but this is faster..) Go over the bridge and stop before going R around the corner, drop from the bridge into the shallow pool below and run to the NW, climb into an opening in the N wall and get Secret #42, a ½ MP. Go out and S to climb the blocks and jump onto the pillar N, back flip to the bridge and go get the Bike, drive it into the room W then L to the end of the cave and run it into the W wall, one square from the L corner (visible as a dark spot in the headlights).

You’ll end up on a bridge in a wide cave, in the opposite NW corner is an opening in the wall, park the Bike and jump/grab into the opening to go down the ladder, shoot the Croc and wade through the shallow pool to the opening in the E wall SE. Go L and pass the Sliding Spikes to come to a door you can open with the Key. Go get Ozdoba Hery (Hera’s Ornament) inside and get back to the Bike, drive it all the way back to the Big doors (running over 2 old and 2 fresh Soldiers). Open that gate near the Big doors with Hera’s Ornament and throw the switch inside to open a gate at the Fire-dragon. You know where that one is, back through the same caves and in the corner at the ridge, enter the gate and go down in the room to get another Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key). Back to the Bike and S past all 4 dead Soldiers and L near the Crowbar door in the N wall is the opening we’ll take now. Climb up NW and go down the ladder to a door you can open with the last Key (in this level). Slide down the slopes and out of the level…

Secret count: 42

Level 10 - GRECKIE JASKINIE (Greek Caves)

Notes provided by Gerty, used by Phil Lambeth to write completed walkthrough. (Ignore the secret numbering, as it is incorrect.)

After the brief flyby, step off the Omega tile, hop to the floor and jump into the water hole south. Swim down the east passage and pull the underwater lever at the end to lift the grate. Swim inside, surface and pull out. An ugly beast with bad breath (at least it sounds like bad breath) scurries up to nibble at your ankles. Run into the NE passage, jump up the slope where the beast won't follow, turn around with pistols drawn and take your time killing it. When the beast is dead, continue along the passage and up the ramp, jump the slope and run forward into a wider area, then make a hairpin turn to the left to discover the motorbike (not to mention a dead soldier).

Go south past the motorbike and the corpse, and climb up onto the block to your right. The hole below you leads back to the opening area and the beast you just now escaped, so stand at the SW corner of the block, look for the well-hidden opening in the west wall and take a standing jump and grab to it. Pull up into the alcove for SECRET #27 and pick up the large medi-pack. Jump back to the block, hop down to the ground and go past the motorbike and the wall torch to the SE corner of the cavern. Vault up onto the ledge and use your crowbar to open the door. Go inside and consider the skeleton to be a warning. Take two steps past the skeleton onto the grass, turn around and back flip to the key. You'll trigger a spike trap while in the air. Pick up the KLUCZ (Key), then time a jump over the spikes and exit this area.

Return to the motorbike and mount it. Drive to the NE ramp opposite the room where you picked up the key. Enter the north passage and continue until you turn a corner and come to a closed door beyond a gap. Stop the motorbike and get off. Vault up onto the ledge to your left and enter the south opening. Follow the passage, and you'll soon discover the source of that persistent tick-tock noise: a set of disembodied fingernails going back and forth across a channeled surface. When they approach, simply jump over them and outrun them to the other side.

Continue along the passage and drop down two levels until you reach a swinging chain over a pool of deadly green liquid. Time a running jump and grab past the chain. Pull up on the other side and continue around the passage. When another chain comes into view, take a timed running jump and grab past it. Run forward and pull up three times. You see blue sky and hear the footsteps of a frantically pacing thug. He's unarmed but in a mood to practice his karate moves, so pull up and run past him to the SE corner, then jump down and dispose of the dog waiting for you there.

Jump into the wide trench at the SE corner and follow the long tunnel until you reach a double blade trap. Stand at the edge and wait until the blades retract, then take a standing jump forward to grab the higher ledge. Pull up past the second blade and quickly run forward. Continue along the passage until you reach a closed door. Use the Key in your inventory to open it. Go inside and you'll hear the sounds of a familiar enemy. Follow the passage to a hole in the floor and hop down onto a pillar. You'll see the Hammergod strutting and snorting about in the room below. He's guarding a valuable pickup on the tile in the center of the room, so wait for an opportune moment to go down and pick up the SZMARAGD (Emerald).

If you haven't been hammered by now, run forward and around the companion west pillar for SECRET #28 and a large medi-pack. Jump up to grab the pillar and pull up for a short rest until the Hammergod calms down. Then hop down and run back to the east pillar. Jump to it, grab and pull up, walk to the south edge and pull up into the higher passage. Go all the way back, past the blade trap (simply run off the edge when the blades retract) and to the trench near where you met the dog. Pull up to the canyon floor and run forward to the SW trench. Drop down and run through the west opening. Insert the Emerald in the receptacle to open the nearby door.

There's another dog in the room below, so deal with it and hop onto the west ledge. Use your crowbar from the right side of the floor device to open the doors back where you left the motorbike. Exit this room, pull up to the canyon floor and jump the slope west to reach a ledge. Follow it to the gaping hole on the north side, drop down the blocks to reach the lower passage and follow it back down, past the swinging chains twice (making a hairpin turn to the right), and finally past the phantom fingernails until you reach the motorbike.

Get on it and drive it (with a good head of steam) over the gap and through the open west doorway. To your left is a closed door requiring an artifact you don't yet have, so turn right and drive past a pillar with a flaming urn and into the NE passage. Continue until you reach a ledge you can't drive over. Dismount and vault up onto the ledge and run past an ugly beast to the skeleton. Pick up the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key) and quickly run back to the ledge, where you can safely kill the beast (although it plods along more slowly than you can run). When its annoying presence has been removed, go back into the area it was guarding and approach the hole in the ground near the skeleton.

Look down and you can see a ledge. Hop back and hang from the east edge, directly above the ledge. Release, and when you make contact and start sliding down, back flip onto a safe spot. Hop back, grab the edge and shimmy to your left as far as you can and drop down onto a small ledge. Walk out to the corner and take an angled standing jump and grab to the taller pillar. There's a monkey bar track overhead, but don't use it quite yet. Instead, face west and angle slightly to your left. Take a standing jump to the slope ahead, slide back and grab the edge. Shimmy to your left, using the crack in the wall, and pull up into the passage.

Walk forward to the edge, take a standing jump over the slope, slide down the other side and jump off onto a ledge. Hop around the nearby corner and go into the west opening. You'll come to closed doors on your right and left, each one requiring a key. Fortunately, you're carrying the Lost Key for the one on your right (north), so use it to open the door. Go inside, take a running jump across the deadly green liquid when the flame is about to go out, quickly pick up the SZMARAGD (Emerald), reverse roll and take a running jump back before the flames return. (When I reloaded from a savegame, the flames never appeared.) Go back to the pathway separating the two keyholes (the way to your right is for later) and turn left to return to the area with the deadly green liquid. Turn left upon entry and follow the ledge to the NE corner. Angle Lara to the right and take a running jump to the ledge facing the spike trap.

Take two steps back from the north edge, and when the spikes pop up take a running jump to the spike block and another quick running jump and grab to the north ledge ahead. Pull up and walk around the corner to the far end of the ledge. Take a running jump and grab east to the sloped pillar. Pull up, slide down and take three successive jumps to land on a familiar safe spot. Hop back, grab the edge and shimmy all the way to your left. Drop down onto the ledge, turn to your left and take a standing jump and grab to the pillar. Pull up and this time use the overhead monkey bars to reach a ledge near the NE corner. Drop down and go south along the ledge as far as you can. Use the sloped surfaces below and to the left to bounce back and forth using the arrow keys to bring you onto a block about halfway to the closed door you see in the south wall. Take a running jump SE from there to the next higher block, and from there a running jump south with a grab to land inside the opening. Insert the Emerald in the receptacle on your left to open the door.

Go inside and use the reach-in switch to get a STARY KLUCZ (Old Key). Go back to the ledge against the north wall, using the blocks and the companion slopes as before, and jump up to grab the monkey bars. Swing back to the block where you started, drop down and angle Lara to the left, jump and slide down to grab the edge of the wall. Shimmy to the left and pull up into the passage. Step forward and take a standing jump to the sloped surface, slide down the other side and jump off onto the ledge. Run forward and into the west passage. The Old Key you're carrying fits the keyhole on your left, so insert it to open the door.

Go inside and note the closed doors in the wall to your left. Pull up on the other (west) side and go around the passage. When you emerge you'll step on a timed trigger tile that opens the door across the way. Instead of rushing over there, though, stop at the SE corner and drop down onto a hidden passage. Run forward into SECRET #29 and pick up the small medi-pack. Pull back out and return to the west trigger tile. Reverse roll across it and run to the east opening, if you can, before the door slams shut. (I had to enable DOZY after about 50 tries and fly across the gap.) Go straight ahead and around to your left for the KLUCZ (Key) resting on the pedestal.

Throw the nearby wall switch to open the other timed door. This one's easy to reach in time, however, so go back out to the pathway between the two keyholes and take a left. Hop over the trench filled with deadly green liquid and follow the ledge left into the SW opening. Follow the passage to a ladder and climb to the top, where you find yourself at the area where you jumped the gap with your motorbike. Follow the long passage back to where you left the motorbike, and continue south on foot until you come to a closed door. Open it with the Key, then return to the motorbike and drive it through the open doorway.

Follow the outdoor passage and run over an SAS on the way. Turn the corner and run over another SAS, then dismount and go back for the KLUCZ (Key) lying on the ground in plain sight. Continue on the motorbike until you reach a junction where you can go right or left. Left is for later, so turn right and drive down the ramp to a crowbar door. Dismount and open the door, then drive the motorbike inside and onto a bridge. Dismount on the bridge and hang drop into the shallow water. Go to the north wall, not far from the NW corner, and locate the opening. Pull up into it for SECRET #30 and take the large medi-pack at the end of the passage.

Jump back down to the water and use the blocks under the bridge to reach the tall sloped pillar with a standing jump and grab. Pull up and back flip to the bridge. Get on the motorbike and drive it across the bridge into a cave. It looks as if you've reached a dead end, but near the SW corner of the cave is an unmarked wall tile that shatters when you drive into it. Dismount in the next area and locate the opening near the NW corner. Jump to it and climb down the ladder into a watery chamber guarded by a crocodile. Splash across the chamber and vault up into the opening in the east wall. Go around the corner to activate more phantom fingernails. Jump and run past them, and continue to a hallway where you can use the Key. Do so and enter the small room. Take the OZDOBA HERY (Hera's Ornament) from the pedestal and cross the watery chamber to the west opening.

Climb the ladder and take a running jump and grab back to the ledge. Get on the motorbike and drive it back all the way through the outdoor passage (killing another couple of SAS along the way) until you reach the spot where you jumped the gap earlier. Dismount and insert the Hera's Ornament in the receptacle to open the door. Go inside and throw the switch to open a door in the area where you met that ugly beast near the skeleton. Drive there, dismount and vault up onto the ledge. Locate the open doorway in the north wall and go down into a small room to find a ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key) on a pedestal. Pick it up and return to the motorbike.

Drive back to the junction in the outdoor passage where you opened the crowbar door earlier. Dismount and slide down the north opening. Pull up into the passage on your left and use the ladder to get down to a lower passage. Run to the other end, insert the Lost Key in the keyhole, enter and slide down the long slope in a series of skips until you're whisked away to the next level.


Level 11 - Ukryte laboratorium (Hidden Laboratory)

5 Secrets

There are two walkthroughs for this level, the first by D&G Productions and the second by Phil Lambeth.

Shoot the Dog and turn R to the s wall, climb over the bluish block and follow in through the Slamming doors. In a sort of workspace are 3 work benches, get the Niebieski Zwieracz (Blue Fuse) from the L hand one and return out to the entrance square. Go open the entrance E and go in to head into the first R, open the door to the Toilets and then open the door L, get the Nielimitowane Lekarstwo (Yellow Fuse) and get back to the Entrance corridor, to the E and open the door in the end.

Go in and straight, in a bigger hall into the slamming doors L and follow the Main corridor straight past another receptacle and R around the corner to a crate standing L in the corridor. Behind it is a trapdoor, open it and climb down into a room with 3 Liquid Tanks (all with a Key inside, but we only got the one from the Blue Tank later). Pull the dead Soldier on the floor away by his head and get the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key) from under the corpse. Jump over the crates in the NW corner and push against the N wall. the block will move and inside you can pick up Secret #43, a MP. Go out and get back up the ladder to the Main corridor again and go L to find the opening on the L (E) in the dark wall, pass the Drill bits and in the end you can use the Key on the L to open the door. In the Ctrl room go L and open the door, at the end drop down the hole.

Save before using the W side Zip line and jump off at the right time to land on the narrow ledge. Standjump/grab to the high ledge next to the Zip line and up to the right onto that tall block, turn around and hoist up W. Get the Niebieski Zwieracz (Blue Fuse) from the workbench there and gate back to the Zip lines in the poisonous pool. Get up to the E side Zip line by timing the Spikes from standing close, run on the ledge and jump/grab up quick. (I found it easier to stay up on the higher floor W and take a running jump, jump up and grab and you need to do that when the spikes are coming up) . Back with the Zip line and up the pillar, back and R out the Ctrl room, pass the drills, go right (N) in the Main corridor, past the open trapdoor and around the corner take the first right to use the Fuse.

Watch out for the Dog and N is on the right a switch, use it, and better also use the switch behind the door to lock the dog out (if you didn’t shoot it). Go to the N wall of the Computer room, into opening NW and take the L side passage, climb up over the brown block and use the button to open the next door. On the right around the corner is the exit behind a button and on the left a Slammer, go through it, use the button at the end and get the Jasny Zwieracz (Yellow Fuse) from the small cupboard to the R.

Leave, go straight after the Slammer and open the door in the end to leave this place as well. Go E in the Computer room and unlock the door and avoid the Dog if necessary, leave through the passage S to the Main corridor. Go E again and follow just past the open trapdoor and go into the L opening to use the Yellow Fuse there. Climb up over the terminals E and get Secret #44, a ½ MP. Climb back over and open the trapdoor on the floor W. Follow through and open a ceiling hatch. Climb up L and in that room is another trapdoor, and avoid the Dog or shoot it and get the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost key) behind the pillar. Make your way back to the Main corridor, go R and R again, passing the Drill bits go R and in the Ctrl room with the Radar screen you can use the Key W.

The Glass Floored room

Follow through, through the Slamming doors, into a room with a glass floor and in two small rooms S you’ll find a Jasny Zwieracz (Yellow Fuse) and a Niebliesky Zwieracz (Blue Fuse) , you’ll have to shoot 2 Robots (Horsemen)[/b] for them. Make your way to the W wall and turn as in the middle structure is a door for the Yellow Fuse. In the small drawers you’ll find a Stary Klucz (Blue Key) .

Go out and pass through slamming doors W, take the L toilet and climb up L at the bowl to get Secret #45, a ½ MP. Back out and run over the glass floor E and through the slamming doors, go out E and don’t use the Blue Fuse in the door to the R there, as you need another object first. Just go straight to the room with the Radar screen and out N to the drill bits, back and back to the Main corridor, go R past the open trapdoor and on the R is the place for the Blue Key.

The Machine Room

There are three trapdoors and three Machines, go into the SE corner and over the brown ledge to get Secret #46, a ½ MP, hop back and on the N wall near the Machine is a switch, throw it (a door opens) and leave this place for now, go to the Main corridor and go W down the stairs, through slamming doors, go W again (passing a window) into the Entrance corridor and take the first on the R (N) where the door just opened, end up in the room behind the windows. Go to the alcove N and climb up for Secret #47, a ½ MP, drop out and now use the Valve on the wall to empty one of those Liquid Tanks.

Get back out to the Entrance corridor and go E, back through the slamming doors L, up the stairs and straight into the Machine room where you used the Blue Key (R). Open the trapdoor S and get the Klucz (Yellow Key). Leave this room, L into the Main corridor go to the S end and open a small door around the corner R, follow to the end of the passage and use the Yellow Key to open the door. Open a trapdoor in the next room and follow that tunnel to some Lasers, stand close and after saving hit “roll” when they are in the Up position (like Rotating Knives). Open a ceiling hatch and pull up facing S into the room under the familiar Glass Floored room, shoot the approaching Thug and head into a NE part of the room to throw the switch on N wall. Flames extinguish on block in the S side of the place, head into the rooms SW and SE to throw 2 switches and see another door open up. Head E through the room and find the open door in the E wall, follow into a small office and L around the corner is a small cabinet, open the drawers and find the Stycznik (Connector).

Go back out and run straight through the big room to the trapdoor W and follow back through the Laser to climb up in the end and follow back to the Main Corridor, go L and R into the passage with the Drill bits and through the Radar room into the passage R, up the steps a bit and now open that door L you saw before and the door in the back of that room can be opened with the Connector. Open the trapdoor in the next room, climb down and us the button to open the next door, go to the Skellie and see a Gun belt, Binoculars and Flares, but before you get them the level ends…

Secret count: 47

Level 11 - UKRYTE LABORATORIUM (Hidden Laboratory)

Notes provided by Gerty, used by Phil Lambeth to write completed walkthrough. (Ignore the secret numbering, as it's incorrect.)

You continue to skip, skip, skip down a long slope and finally come to rest on a ledge overlooking refreshing evidence of civilization. What's even better, even if you didn't have your pistols before you find they're now available. Use them to disappoint the latent werewolf that had crept up toward you in search of an easy kill. When it's dead, hop down and climb up into the opening on your right. Run past the slamming doors into a decidedly high-tech room and take the NIEBIESKI ZWIERACZ (Blue Fuse) from the workbench against the west wall.

Go back out, past the slamming doors, and pull up the blocks to reach the area where you entered this level. Turn right, vault up onto the ledge where you see the corpse of a dead soldier, use the Blue Fuse to open the east door, and head down the passage. Take the first right and follow the passage to the other end. Open the door and enter a modest wash room. Open the door in the SE alcove and go inside for the NIELIMITOWANE LEKARSTWO (Yellow Fuse). The other stall is empty, so go back out, turn right at the intersection and insert the Yellow Fuse in the receptacle at the end of the passage. The nearby door lifts open, so go inside and turn left at the slamming doors.

Follow the passage and go up the stairs, passing two closed doors on your left, and locate the trap door behind a box when the passage widens. Pull it up and climb down into a lower passage. You come to a room with colorful translucent objects. A dead soldier in the middle of the floor is covering the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key), so drag the corpse out of the way and pick it up. Go back to the ladder, climb up to the higher passage, make a hairpin turn to the left and enter the east opening. When you step on a trigger tile the drill bits ahead start spinning. Time your runs past them and over what appears to be another trigger tile, and turn right.

Insert the Lost Key in the red receptacle at the end of the passage on your left and the door next to you opens. Go inside, turn left and open the east door. Enter the dark passage and drop down onto a block through the hole in the floor at the other end. Hop down to the ledge, walk forward and step up to the zip line. Since you have to release at the precise instant, it might be a good idea to save your game here. Drop to the ledge in the deadly liquid and jump south to a flat area. Watch out for the spiked tile to your left and take a standing jump west up the slope. Go around to the other side of the pillar and climb up to the top. Continue climbing through the hole in the ceiling (facing the west edge) and run down the passage to the next room.

Take the NIEBIESKI ZWIERACZ (Blue Fuse) from the work bench near the east wall, and since the north door requires a pickup, return through the hole at the end of the east passage. The spikes you avoided earlier have been activated, so hop down to the edge of the slope and face the spikes. If you take a running jump toward the spikes just as they're about to spring up, you'll land at the base of the wall and have just enough time to jump up and pull up to safety. Another way to do it is to simply stand in front of the spikes and run forward an instant after they spring up. When you reach the safety of the upper ledge, run forward and use the second zip line. Release at the right instant as before to land on the ledge, then take a standing jump forward and grab the higher ledge. Pull up and climb to the top of the pillar to your left, Pull up through the hole in the ceiling, using the west edge, and return to the computer room.

Exit via the north doorway and time your runs past the drills. Go past the corridor with the glass walls, turn right and run past the open trapdoor, past the alcove on your right and around the corner to insert the Blue Fuse at the end of the short passage on your right. Go through the open doorway and shoot the guard dog you'll find in the next area. Hop down and locate the switch in an alcove in the west wall of the central structure, next to the trash can. Throw it to open the access door. (The switch on the other side is to close the door.) Go inside and enter the passage in the NW corner. Take the passage to your left and climb up onto the block. Jump down to the other side and run forward to push the button next to the closed door. You'll experience a minor earthquake as the door opens.

The source of the earthquake is a slamming piston in the left branch of the hallway ahead. Of course, that's the way you need to go, so time a run past it, run along the passage until you reach the end, and push the button to open the door beside you. Enter the small room and open the top drawer of the filing cabinet on your right for the JASNY ZWIERACZ (Yellow Fuse). Go back and past the piston to the far end of the passage and push the button there. Run through the passage and you'll soon return to a familiar area. Exit via the west opening, then left and through the south opening, and turn left at the intersection. Run past the alcove with the blue lock and past the block and trap door, then turn left into the last alcove and use the Yellow Fuse to open the door.

You hear an ominious drilling sound as you enter the next room. Climb up onto the computer banks east and drop down into the shallow hole beyond for SECRET #31 and a large medi-pack. Hop back down to the floor and open the trap door against the west wall. Use the ladder to climb down to the lower passage. Reverse roll and run down the stairs until you reach a ceiling trap door. Jump up to pull it down, then turn to your left or right to climb up into the next room. A dog starts barking, but it's no immediate threat. Open the nearby trap door in the floor and climb down the ladder. Draw your pistols and kill the dog in the mext room before entering. Hop down and go around to the other side of the central pillar for the ZAGUBIONY KLUCZ (Lost Key).

Leave this room and climb the ladder in the passage. Go around and drop down into the next passage, and follow up the stairs to the next ladder. Climb it to reach the computer room, exit through the NW doorway, make a hairpin turn to the right and face the drill bits. Pass by them carefully, take a right at the intersection and use your Lost Key, not in that first red receptacle you come to (although you could if you were dumb enough to, as I was the first time) but in the one in the west wall of the computer room ahead. Go through the open doorway and up the stairs past an alcove to your left needing another fuse, and pass by the slamming doors into a room with a glass floor.

Go around to the left and follow the first south opening into the SE room where you'll find a NIEBLIESKY ZWIERACZ (Blue Fuse) lying on the glass floor. You'll also attract a couple of futuristic tinmen, and although it's possible to kill them with your pistols it's not a project for the faint-hearted. Or, if you prefer, you can simply avoid them, as they can't vault up onto higher surfaces where you can take refuge. Go out and enter the nearby SW room for the JASZY ZWIERACZ (Yellow Fuse). Return to the main room and locate the alcove in the west wall of the central structure. There's a receptacle for the Yellow Fuse, so insert it to gain access. There's a filing cabinet at the far end of the next room where you'll find the STARY KLUCZ (Blue Key).

Exit this room and go through the slamming doors in the west wall into another bathroom. Kick open the doors to the three stalls (when you've gotta go, you've gotta go) to find that all are unoccupied and empty. However, in the one on the far left there's a place where you can pull up to your left for SECRET #32 and a large medi-pack. Exit the bathroom and go through two sets of slamming doors, then past that alcove you went by earlier. In the computer room turn left and exit via the north opening. Turn left and go past the drill bits. Turn right at the intersection and locate that alcove with the receptacle for the Blue Key. Insert it to open the door, then enter a machine room with three closed trap doors in the floor.

Pull the switch on the north wall for a cut scene showing a door opening elsewhere. The north trap door reveals a key surrounded by deadly fluid. Ditto for the south and east trap doors. Go to the east wall, turn right and vault onto the block, and drop down for SECRET #33 and a large medi-pack. Leave this room for the time being and zig zag right to go down the stairs, past the slamming doors and right again to run down the west passage. Turn right at the four-way intersection just past the window and follow the passage into a room with a valve wheel.

Step up to the valve and turn it for a cut scene of the colorful room you saw earlier. Turn to your left and enter the alcove in the north wall. Turn around, jump up to grab the ceiling and pull up into SECRET #34 and a large medi-pack at the end of the passage. Exit this room, turn left at the intersection and follow east until you reach the slamming doors on your left. Go up the stairs and into the room where you used the Blue Key earlier. The south room under the trap door has now been drained, so go down and pick up the KLUCZ (Yellow Key).

Climb back out, exit this room and turn left in the corridor. Go all the way to the end of the passage and open the door on your right. Go inside and follow the passage until you reach a receptacle for the Yellow Key. Insert it to access another computer room. A thug is pacing nervously about in the closed room to your left. Open the trap door in the floor near the west wall, and drop down into the lower passage. The source of the strange noise is a laser trap. Time a run under it and go forward and to the left. Pull down the ceiling trap door and pull up either to your right or left. That nasty thug is waiting for you, so draw your pistols and kill him while hopping out of the way of his steel bar.

When the coast is clear, run through the east passage into the next room. Vault up onto the north block and pull down the wall switch. Reverse roll and run to the south wall to throw a companion switch. Now go through the west opening into the next room and locate a third switch to your left. Throw it for a cut scene showing the door opening in the east wall of the previous room. Vault up into the passage and follow to a small computer room. Go to the filing cabinet in the far left corner and rifle it for the STYCZNIK (Connector).

Exit this room and cross the previous area west until you reach the open trap door. Drop down and dash by the laser trap. Follow to the end of the passage, pull up into the next room, leave via the open Yellow Key door, follow the passage around to the opening leading to the drill bits, go past them and turn right into the computer room you accessed with the Red Key. Turn right into the second Red Key passage and take a left into the passage where you used the Blue Fuse. Use the Connector in the receptacle in the south alcove. Open the trap door in the floor in the next room, climb down the ladder, reverse roll, run past the dead soldier and push the button in the far alcove to open the exit door. Run outside while the door thuds shut behind you, approach the skeleton and you'll be transported to the next level.

We have the feeling that we are missing something but those keys in the Liquid Tanks and a Card Reader we saw can also be red herrings.


Level 12 - Nieprzyjazna Budowla (Unfriendly Building)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

4 Secrets

Now you can finally see the Gun belt and in the inventory you have the Binoculars and Flares (which will soon run out) added.

Pick up the Zagubiony klucz (Lost Key) from the Skellie and climb up the pillar S. Climb higher and use the Key. Enter and climb up, turn around there and jump/grab straight up to climb higher. Go through the blue wall and just slide down, stand near the skeleton, face the wall (E) and shoot. Get Secret #48, Shotgun Ammo, go drop down through the blue opening into the Star Hall. Climb to the pillar on the R and a Flying skeleton (Harpy) appears, safest way is do go down and stand with your back in a corner and shoot the skeleton, he can’t harm you. Climb the pillar again (there are three more similar pillars in the room) and grab up to the floor above when the Blade passed. Use the lever in the middle of the room and see the Flames at the Star below extinguish, safety drop to the ground floor and get the first Gwiazdka (Star)Get to the upper floor again by climbing one of the pillars.

There are 4 doors with Star receptacles, we started with the:

R hand door on the E wall (SE corner)

Look S wall and see the blue circle on the wall, that side is safe, pull the Table on the circle and the door E opens. Shoot the 2 Humpty Dumptys and get the second Gwiazdka. Stand on one of the raised tiles in the room and climb up to a ledge above and grab up to a Statue W. Get the first Talizman (Talisman) . Get out, back to the ledge in the Star Hall and place the second Star L on the E wall.

L hand door on the E wall

Get in and runjump through the Shooting balls, down the stairs, and runjump to the Rotating Knives when you see an opening, stand in the exact centre (safe here) and time the next runjump to the E side passage, shoot another Humpty Dumpty and go into the E passage to get the third Gwiazdka, get on the raised tiles and climb up to get the second Talizman. Go back over the Knives and through the Shooting balls to the Star Hall, place the third Star W on the R (NW).

R hand door on the W wall

Jump/grab up to the monkey climb and at the end turn R a bit, let go and jump to the ledge at the closed door, hop to the next ledge N, again use the monkey climb, go to about 2 squares from the end and hang straight in front of the Jumpswitch, let go and jump from the slanted ledge to grab the Jumpswitch and jump again from the slope to get to a safe block, jump/grab back S to the entrance ledge. (Well this is the way it was intended, but two steps back from the edge of the entrance you can also standjump down N and stand on the corner as close as possible to the slanted ledge, turn facing the W wall and turn a little bit L so when you sidejump you’ll hit the slanted ledge jump/grab with a bit of a L curve and grab the Jumpswitch, then jump from the slanted ledge to the safe block).

As soon as you pull back up on the entrance ledge, the door W will open up, now use the monkey bars and go straight to the opposite wall, drop and slide/jump to the ledge at the door, go in and up the ledges to get the fourth Gwiazdka and climb on the raised tile to get the third Talizman on the upper level. Backflip out of this alcove and land on the block on the ledge, why is it here? You might ask…Turn W and jump up while shooting the W wall, then runjump/grab into the opening and get Sectret #49, Shotgun Ammo. Get down to the ground floor and use the monkey climb to get to the Jump switch E again, drop and slide/jump to the safe block, get back to the Star Hall and now place the fourth Star.

L hand door on the W wall

Pass the Shooting balls, and end up on the trigger tile for the Burner. You have to go R and around the room to get to the ledge with the Burner, stand back in the passage, L side and face into the room. Save and runjump with a R curve over the trigger, landing on the ledge to the R, run L and curving L in the end another runjump to the ledge in the back, curve L and runjump to the Burner ledge, sprint into the room and get the fifth Gwiazdka. Once again step on the raised tile to get the forth Talizman. Stay up here, go N and drop down L or R onto the corner of the burner below (or just run off down), turn to just drop from the ledge and go over to the entrance E, climb out and head back to the star Hall.

Go S and there are 4 doors Just open all of them with a Talizman and use the switches in there. Go through the opened door S, take a L or R side, step back twice and single jumps over the slanted blocks and a grab on the end. Get a ½ MP L and the Klucz (Key)[/b] on the R. Look NW from that Key pickup and spot a flat ledge next to the slanted ones, just do a runjump over the first slanted ledge and land in the space between, the water there is safe. Go E there and hop on the higher ledge, shoot the Rat and use the lever to see a second Spike-trap become active in the passage S. Stand facing S and back against the lever ledge, time the Spikes S and standjump in as soon as the first Spikes are about to pop up, so they are up as you land, runjump to get in before the second set kills you. Get the Worek do Wody (Waterskin). Run back through the Spikes when the nearest ones are down and the second one up (The passage N holds a pickup, but we couldn’t get it, and I read nobody could).

Back to the water and fill the Waterskin standing on the low block. Get on the higher block that is dry and pull up N, back flip twice to get back to the ledge where you got the key, sidestep R and standjump over the slanted block in the middle. A couple of slide/jumps will get you back to the Star Hall. Go climb up one floor by one of the corner pillars and use the Key on the S wall. Go in and in the end go L or R to get to the second floor of the Star Hall, go place the Star on the W wall. Go through the door and come to and opening in the floor, drop in, shoot a huge Rat and climb up an opening in the ceiling N. Use the lever there and get back the way you came.

Nasty Spikes

Back in the Star Hall, circle around the pillar with the Burner (watch out for the Spike ledges and stand about 2 hops back from E side Spikes and facing the L or R corner of the pillar(
screenshot), now time the Spikes (they have to be just up when you go onto the ledge) and run to end up against the pillar, quickly grab up and pull up on the corner of the Burner ledge. Turn and standjump/grab up to the 3rd floor of the Star Hall, go to the opening in the E wall where the 2 Aliens patrol and into the opening L to get Secret #50, Shotgun Ammo. Now go over to the Scales W and fill the pot with the water you have. Head over a gap and into the open door S.


Slide down the floor and step on the grey tile, immediately back flip back onto the slope. The wall opens behind the Hammers and now you can do a standjump over that trigger tile into the open wall and past the closing Hammers, climb up in the end to slide into the next room, and first do the same as you did in the first room, opening the wall, when you slide back from the slope, go R around the corner and get Secret #51, Shotgun Ammo, get through the Hammers and climb up in the end of the passage, to end up in a large room with a Teleporter and a Demigod, shoot that Demigod and go to the W side of the room to get the Pozaziemski Amulet (The Pharos Knot). Go to the E and climb up to the Teleporter, step in and get out of here…

Secret count: 51

Level 13 - Nepalska Kotlina (Valley in Nepal)

5 Secrets

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

Go straight N from the Teleporter and climb the pillar, open the hatch and climb up R or L, follow N and slide down into a dark Canyon, shoot some tiny Spiders and go straight N here. Just go L around corners till you spot an opening up S in that central rock, grab up in and get Secret #52, Shotgun Ammo. Drop out and turn W to find an opening in the W side of the canyon, jump up and go L to meet the Guy (Horseman)[/b] shoot him and go through a gap W and follow straight to a Crossing.

An opening R (N) and one straight (W), go in and follow to a place where another Guy attacks. Go through the passage in the back (N) and come to a wooden Gate bridge, time the Gate (I counted 3 down so I started a runjump/grab on count 2) to get across and follow to a valley with a house and a Campfire.

Campfire Valley

Shoot the Wolf and go get the Klucz (Key) from the skeleton. Then go into the alley R of the house and R into a passage for Secret #53, Shotgun Ammo, back out and go back to the passage you came from, L of facing the front of the house, follow back over the wooden Gate bridge and back at the Crossing go R (W) and over a low block, the passage goes R and you’ll end up at a Blade-trap. Time the Blade and runjump across after the second move.

3 House Valley

Follow L around the corners and come to a valley with 3 doors, shoot the Wolf and go to the door N (we took this one first).

N building:

Start to sprint along the wall when you are just around the corner and you’ll get past the Knife-balls before the Knifes pop out (saves some crawling) And follow down to the Spike-bags. Save and walk up to the danger zone, I took 2 hops back and one step forward standing R, standjump (as soon as the bag is close to you) into the hole under the bags and climb up straight ahead, stand R and take one step forward to standjump as soon as the bag is close, this way getting past those bags. Climb out again and follow up the stairs to a room with blocks in the lava.

Skellie Jumps

Here you have to make a U turn through the room. jumping the blocks in the Lava. But there are Skellies, they can’t jump up to the higher (corner) blocks, so these are your safe points, standjump/grab to the first block, the first Skellie awakes, wait till he walks aside a bit and standjump past him to the lower block, runjump onto the next block and do the same to get into the opening in the SW with a runjump/grab, go in and open the sarcophagus to get the Klucz (Key) and make your way back over the pillars to the passage with the Spike-bags, the whole trap seems to have turned around, but the MO is the same. Stand R and about two hops back, one step forward and a simple standjump when the bag is close, at the Knife-balls you have to stand close to the wall as you can’t crawl under I now noticed and run past as the Knives retract.

S building:

Go out to the valley with the houses and circle R around the house to the S, shoot the Wolf and notice a short passage in the W rock wall (to open another door later). Open the door S with the Key and follow in to a couple of Rotating Knives, stand real close and hit “roll” when they open, then you’ll come to a Burner-trap. The red trigger tile will stop the last Burner, stand back and run over the tile doing a jump over the first Bowl, followed by a standjump and then a running jump over the last Bowl before it lights again. The Skellie room is the same only the other way around and in the sarcophagus is another Klucz (Key). Get back to the Valley with the house and shoot another Wolf, go L and into that opening in the W rock wall, climb up and reach into the hole in the end R to open the door of the house in the Campfire valley.

Back to Campfire Valley

Go out of this passage and around the house (door needs a Mask to open it) to the NE path and get back over that nice trap to the Crossing, go L and N through the valley with the dead Bloke and over the wooden Gate bridge. Go runjump/grab over again on the second count down and follow to the Campfire Valley, go into the house, drop though the hole onto a pillar in the cave below and shoot the Fire-dragon, go into the passage N and get the Maska (Mask) from a reach-in hole. Climb back out of this cave and go back over the wooden Gate bridge into the valley with the dead Bloke you can now get Secret #54, Shotgun Ammo in the NE corner where the block lowered now.

Back to 3 House Valley

Go out and S to the Crossing, R (W) and over the nice trap to the house on 3 House Valley, open it with the Mask and go in and drop into the hole. Open the gate with the Key and follow into a room with Scissor-traps.


Shoot the Itsy Bitsy Spiders and go around the green wall to the NE corner where you can climb that green wall, go to the Scissor you obviously have to pass and time a runjump/grab past it, then the second and from the last ledge you could go for Secret #55, Shotgun Ammo in an opening in the N wall, runjump/grab in and get it, hop back out and do the same jumps again to get where you left off. Now go into the opening W and come to a cave with falling Rocks, stand on the R side of the ledge, take a hop back and standjump to the corner of the first ledge, you’ll be safe when they drop. Then standjump to the corner of the next block and turn L to standjump through the opening to the last block and when the coast is clear a jump to the path N, follow through to another challenge, standjump onto the slanted block, a slide-jump onto the breakledge, immediately standjump forward, then side jump L and a runjump/grab N to the safe ledge.

Walk E and look for the opening to the R, jump L around the corner to get to a ledge and dive E into the water there, it’s safe. Swim to an UW gate and open it with the lever. Swim through an climb out at the end, it’s the same path you’ve just pulled up on, but this action opened a door to a Secret in a room we’ll get to later. Follow the path to the E and stand in front of a nice Spike-trap. Save, slide down and as soon as you touch the Spike ledge, run forward and jump over the gap, keep running and jump up to the slanted ledge. Go L and pull up to a cave with a Skellie. Look in the E wall for the opening you created and get Secret#56, Shotgun Ammo. Then get the 1st Moneta (Coin) near the Skellie and climb up N, L of the Skellie then slide down the slope in the end to leave this place…

Secret count: 56


Level 14 - Zapomniana Droga (Forgotten Route)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

5 Secrets

You landed in the water, swim forward with the current and go up into a cave, go to the pole N and climb, turn around to back flip into the Boulder cave. Jump past the Boulders along one side of the tunnel and follow down a slide into a cave with Spike-pillars, go around the pillar in front of you and climb up, looking NE you can see an opening in the wall (it’s a Secret) runjump N, landing on the moment the Spikes are up and a sharp R curved running jump with a grab in the end into that opening, to get Secret #57, Shotgun Ammo.

From the opening you can runjump to the pillar R and a running jump to the R hand ledge in front of the opening N, follow through to a somewhat higher floor, save in front of the slide and count to about 5, then slide down and jump from the end of the slide over the Burner. Stand L or R at the Moving Pillar and time the runjump past it, follow the path to a ladder. Climb up and start shooting those Snakes, when you’re done, go into the SE corner for Secret #58, Shotgun Ammo, go out and head into the opening W and jump over to the rock bridge with the Jeep.

The Jeep

Go S and jump into the opening behind the Jeep. Follow through to a valley where a Bloke will attack, it’s probably his Jeepa (Jeep), shoot him and get the Kluczyki do jeepa (Jeep Keys) next to the Burner ledge with the Reach-in hole (so we will be back). Get back to the Jeep and drive N, over the narrow ledge, over a Burner tile and around the corner to a platform (wider ledge). Stop and get out to runjump into the opening SE, follow in, climb up and get down into the fenced off storage area, shoot the 2 Ninjas (they drop easier than the Snakes) Go L around the fenced of area (notice the opening in the ground) and around the back is an opening in the rocks, go in and get the Znaleziony Klucz (Found Key), what’s in a name and it is hard to spot too. Head back and go E into the opening in the rock wall and jump onto the higher ledge, runjump (no grab) back to the ledge where the Jeep was before.

Timed Burner Run back to the Jeep

Go N a bit And to the L (W) is a slanted block, runjump onto the ledge on top and see a Burner extinguish, it’s the burner you passed with the Jeep and it is Timed. If the Burner is activated you can’t get back to the jeep.

So save on the tile facing NE a bit and runjump back to the rock bridge, (sprinting here was of no help to me) just do running jumps trying to jump (cut) corners as much as possible when you are about one step up the brown slope to the Burner tile, jump and you have to land exactly at the far side of the Burner tile (not on the next slope) so you can immediately stand jump forward onto the next slope, if you have to slide down first you’ll not make it.

Take the Jeep onto the N trial and follow over another Burner and stop on the wider ledge where you see an opening in the W wall, runjump to that opening and follow in to a Deadly contraption (deadly because it will push you into the abyss, not when it touches you), don’t know how to call it. There’s a hole in the floor under it, stand on the R hand side of the contraption (
screenshot) and side jump L over it when it’s in the position of the screenshot, turn L a bit and runjump over the hole before the thing pushes you in (at least that’s how I did it, you can also try to run after it jump the hole and turn L a bit in the end to side jump R over the corner).

Go L and into a valley with a shack, go R and around the shack to a lower part of the ground, in there is Secret #59, Shotgun Ammo. Go back to the front of the shack and open the door with the Found Key. Shoot the Bloke (Horseman) coming out and go in. Jump up the table L to get the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key). Go back through that Contraption (use the same trick that worked for you getting through the first time) and to the jeep. Turn the jeep around and drive back over the Burner to the wider ledge you stopped before and get out and jump to that opening SE again, go to that fenced off area and ninja place, now drop into the hole E of the fence and use the Lost key there.

Follow through the opened gate and climb up into that fenced off area, use the switch on the W wall to open the gates and go through to another compound, a Ninja storms out of the door, shoot him and go in to get the Zdobyczny Klucz (Gotten Key) from behind the chair L inside. Outside is a Mine Field W, go there carefully and spot the path to the N between the fence and the house. Runjump over a part Mine field and go around the house to get Secret #60, Shotgun Ammo and go back to the other side of the house again, there’s a hole in the ground S (for later). For now head back E to the fenced off area and E into the opening in the rock wall and jump onto the higher ledge, runjump (no grab) back to the ledge where the Jeep was before. Now you have to do the same Timed run again to get back to the Jeep.

Drive the jeep N and even further this time to get out when you can’t go any further. Runjump to the ledge S, follow through and use the Gotten Key on the house S, shoot the Bloke and go into the house to get the Zagubiony Klucz (Lost Key) from the table, and leave, back to the jeep and drive the jeep back as far as the place with the compounds and Ninja’s (the ledge after passing 2 Burners). Go to the second compound through the hole in the ground and behind the crates S is a ladder, climb down and use the Lost Key, get in and immediately turn around, grab up to the wooden platform and turn around again. Time the runjump/grabs past the swinging crates to the ledge S (standing L, start the runjump when the crate starts to move to the L, stand R and it’s the other way around).

Use the Valve around the corner (gate opens up) of course you have to repeat the jumping avoiding the crates to the other side (N) because you cannot climb up at the other side anymore. Go to the left, use the switch to see a gate open up, go back and now safety drop to the ground floor. Go to the E wall and enter to use another Valve. (Cut scene of a Face door opening up and this also lowers a block to a Secret in the long canyon).

Go back out, up the ladder to the compound, E through the fenced off area and E into the opening in the rock wall and jump onto the higher ledge, runjump (no grab) back to the ledge where the Jeep was before and if you want the last Secret you have to go and get that first with the Jeep, so use the trigger tile W again to get over the first Burner, get the jeep and take it N to the wider ledge with the opening L, this time you can just go past that and next go over a long narrow ledge to where you turn L (W) and here is a wider part in the ledge, stop there, get out and runjump into a new opening SW, get Secret #61, Shotgun Ammo and get back in the Jeep to go all the way to the end and get out. Turn the jeep around here or drive to the end and turn there, because you need it for a Timed Ride.

The Timed Jeep Ride

Go back to the end where you found the Jeep at the start of the level and turn it around, park it where you can easily get in again and aimed to the N track. Jump to the hole in the wall S and go into that valley with the dead Bloke and where the reach-in hole was, the Burner is now off, go use the switch inside the hole and a gate will open all the way at the other end of the long Canyon. But it is a Timed gate… Run/sprint back and jump to the Jeep, get in and go all the way over the ledges to the other end of the canyon. Get out fast and jump W into the (hopefully still) open gate, the gate closes and runjump/grab W, walk N and save.

Spike-Jumps/2nd Moneta (Coin)

A nasty jump, runjump over a slanted block starting the run when the Spikes are up, jump again from the slanted block and landing on the 1st Spike ledge standjump forward to the 2nd Spike ledge then side jump R and grab a slanted ledge upon sliding off, pull up and back flip to the path. Go follow the path and get the 2nd Moneta near the Skellie.
Slide down the slope and the level ends.

Secret count: 61

Level 15 - Mroczny Klasztor (Murky Monastery)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

4 Secrets

Slide along the sloped tunnel and save immediately. Jump up (and grab if needed) at the end of the slope and get Secret #62, Shotgun Ammo. Jump back on the slope and safety drop from the end into the cave below. Jump past the Moving Pillar (stand R and a hop back, one more step back and start the runjump onto the higher floor as the Pillar start to move to the R, immediately run off the other side), follow the tunnel and at end climb up and save at a Spike-pit.

Spike-Pit Up

Runjump to the far side of the L side slope and jump, keep jumping and count to 10 and then grab the edge of the upper floor. Follow through and come to a ceiling hatch, open it up and climb up into a valley, a Bold Eagle will attack, run into a corner and turn around to shoot it (notice the pillar with the Skellie on top) , then go to the S side and through the opening to a Spike-slide. Time the Spikes (go down when they are down) and run off the ledge fast.

Follow to a wider cave with more side tunnels, go E and at the slide, go slide down forwards, jump onto the slope ahead and the floor crumbles, grab the edge of the slope and drop/grab to the ledge in the Lava cave. Go E and into the passage in the middle, follow through to the Swinging Axes.

Stand R or L and do a bit of a curved runjump around the Axe, starting on the moment the Axe is on the highest point at your side, do the second one the same way and go over a pit to a crossing. Go L and follow through to a Cave where you have to shoot a Fire-dragon, go to the E wall and find 2 Reach-in switches, use only one (Doesn’t matter which one) to raise a block in the valley where the Bold Eagle was (the other switch will lower it again if you raised it already).

Go back to the Axe room, jump back across and in the room with the Lava, jump/grab up into the hole above and drop/grab to get onto the W side ledge, follow through and climb up, shoot the tiny Spider and go into the tunnel in the corner, up again and time the Spikes to run into the cave, go into the SW tunnel, climb up and run through more Spikes, go R and come back to the Eagle valley. Climb the raised block and runjump/grab to the pillar with the Skellie, grab the Klucz (Key).

Go into a tunnel NE and R then L, stand L at the hole and run off grabbing or standjump/grab down to get over the first Knife-trap. Jump over the second Knife on the R side and grab up, head R (E) and come to a valley with a grey Building, run R around the corner to the SE and stand back in a corner of the rocks to shoot a Bald Eagle.

The Stary Klucz (Old Key)

Go down in a tunnel SE (S Wall) and follow all the way down to a room with a suspension bridge and a nice trap over that, a back and forward Swinging Rack. Stand at the hole in the bridge and standjump over when the Rack is almost on the other side, again a standjump when the Rack is overhead (behind you) and go onto the ledge on the other side, walk W and shoot the wall opposite the ledge, an opening appears, runjump/grab in and get Secret #63, Shotgun Ammo, runjump back out along the L side of the opening and go E and hop over a breakable wooden platform, drop/hang from the R hand side of the red ledge and shimmy R to a Burner, time it to get past and climb up near the second wooden platform, hop over that one too and go into the next dark room, stand on the highest ledge, watch out for the Spike-ledge behind that and standjump up shooting the Swinging Target ball, the Spikes deactivate and you can walk to the reach-in hole to get the Stary Klucz. Go back, shimmy past the Burner, jump over the suspension bridge and make it back to the valley with the Grey Building. Now. if you want the next Secret, go back L and into the opening SW you came from before, go down through the Knife-traps, up at the other end and go L, all the way to the end of that tunnel to get Secret #64, Shotgun Ammo, where a block lowered. Go back through the Knife-traps, R to the valley with the Grey Building and around to the N side.

The Grey Building

Use the Key on one of the locks (doesn’t matter in which lock) and go into the open Building, careful there’s a Spike-trap in the middle of the room, get the MP near that Skeleton, don’t use the key there! Now first climb up the block in the N of the room and runjump over the Spike-trap to another block (or the floor), this activates the Spikes once, so they won’t pop up again. Go to the key hole W and use the Old Key, (cut scene of the trapdoor, but you could open that anyway, so no idea what it did), go to the trapdoor N and open it, safety drop down as the ladder seems to be broken. Go N down the sloped passage and in the next hall into the N room and shoot the tiny Spiders.

Spider Challenge

Climb the pillar at the entrance and find Mommy Spider on the central ledge, you can also see three Jump switches on the walls around the room, apparently you can’t kill that big Spider, so just run past it to the E Jumpswitch and jump/grab to activate it, now you can choose if you want to open the other 2 doors first or enter. I opened them all first. **Running around (or jumping over) the hole in the middle of the ledge gives you some time as the Spider has to go around to get to you.

Spider Room - E side: Burning Pillars

Go in and come to a room with Burning Pillars, face E, stand one step back (do this for every jump) and standjump to the Burner when it is about to go down and a running jump/grab E to the safe corner Pillar, turn L and standjump (one step back) to the next and a running jump/grab N, turn L walk up close and standjump to the last Burner pillar curving R to you only have to turn R a bit more to standjump to the ledge N and go into the opening, follow up and open the double doors by pushing them. Go onto a ledge above the Burning Pillars and run R, jump past the Skellie and go to the red buttons next to the alcove, you have to push them both. Maybe lure the Skellies away before pushing the second and go into that alcove where the Spikes are now deactivated to get the 1st Smok (Yellow Dragon). Hop out of the alcove and drop/hang from the edge of the ledge into the room below, shimmy R a bit till you are over a pillar with a Spike texture and drop onto that pillar, take 2 steps back and standjump to the Burner pillar S, a running jump with R curve will get you back in the exit. Now you can go for the next door in the Big Spider room.

Spider Room - N side: Crumbling Pillars

Enter and go in R to a Lava room with Pillars, they will crumble when you stand on them. You have to get to the opening you can see far L, trick is to hang on the pillars to plan the next move, stand back in the passage, just in front of the step down and runjump/grab to the first pillar shimmy to where you want to start the next runjump/grab and shimmy R around the corner for a runjump/grab to the next, again R around the corner and a runjump/grab to the fore last, L around the corner and a standjump followed by a running jump R and grab to get into the opening in the wall, go R and open the double doors, up the ladder and straight to the first floor ledge and over to the other side to get the 2nd Smok and a door opens below (exit?). Run back to where you came in and through the passage to the ladder hole, just runjump straight over to the doors S and open them, run past the Skellie to the end and get Secret #65, Shotgun Ammo. Roll and run back past the Skellies to the hole, jump over and climb down or roll before the hole to safety drop down, go straight to the double doors S and open them to get back to the Spider room. One more door to go.

Spider Room - W side: Deadly Water

Save and dive straight W, swim along the bottom so you can see if you go straight (if you stray to the L or R you’ll be taken by a strong Current) and go L when you are in between the 3 Skellies, swim straight to the next group, turn L again and R between the next group of Skellies. Climb out on the ledge and follow the steps up to the double doors, you know the routine, wait there till the Skellie are close and sprint to the 3rd Smok, then run back to the other side and down the passage to the water, swim back along the same route and get back to the Spider room.

Leave S and go to the left (E) where a door opened when you took the 2nd Smok. Hop over the Death pit and place the 3 Yellow Dragons N in the next room, go through the opposite door and take the 1st Pozaziemski Amulet (Pharos Knot) from the pedestal L and the door W opens, go past the Statue with the Sword and step in the Teleporter...

Secret count: 65


Level 16 - Egipska dolina (Egyptian Valley)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

2 Secrets

Get down from the ledge and only use the R hand switch as the L one is a trap. Time the Spikes and get into the door, go around the pillar and grab yup. But shimmy around to the other side before you pull up, then runjump past the Swinging Bucket to the next pillar, then another timed runjump to grab the ledge S, drop down in the next room and behind the pillar is a vase, also a Spike-ledge. Shoot the Vase to get the Spikes moving and stand back next to the pillar (not between pillar and ledge) to do a standjump onto the Spike-ledge and a running jump/grab up to the S side ledge, follow through, climb up and use the button in the red cave.

The Campsite, Shotgun

Go in and R to come to a Canyon, go into the opening W and L or R to come to the Campsite, dead Soldiers and Lions scattered around, pick up the 2 Pozazienski Amulets (your 3rd and 4th Pharos Knot) and inside the tent you’ll finally find a Shotgun.

Head NW and shoot the Bandit and find a little Bird statue in an alcove S, shoot the Bird and the door opens, don’t go in yet but remember where it is, head into the tunnel W and L or R and come to another nice Contraption (like the entrance to a football stadium). Stand L and do a runjump/grab past the trap on the moment it is open of course and follow W shooting a Coyote, L or R again to come to a valley with 2 Palm trees, stand in the middle of the valley, face N and shoot the N wall while jumping up. runjump into the new alcove to get Secret #66, Shotgun Ammo.

Hop out and go into the NE corner step on the yellow marking and drop into a lower room. Go down to the floor and from the steps you can runjump/grab a pillar under a Swinging Bucket, on a ledge you can see 2 Hands, runjump to both sides, dropping to the ground and going over the pillar again to get to the second ledge and pick up Gwiazda Oriona (Hand of Orion) and the Gwiazda Syriusza (Hand of Sirius).
The doors next to the pedestals are a red herring, they never opened. Go climb back up to the hole in the ceiling and get back up to the valley, head E, go back through the Contraption and in the valley with the Bandit to the S, now you can enter the open door and drop down the hole.

Place the hand of Sirius and go in to a room with lava and pillars, have a look at the running Tigers/Lions on the wall and jump to the block R of the entrance ledge (not L) and jump to the one next to it to trigger the Spikes in the other side of the room, now time a runjump to the slanted block SE and runjump when the Spikes are down (they will then just have popped up when you land), a jump/grab into the opening and go to a room with 2 Swinging Buckets.

Go over the ledge and run past the Buckets, (don’t jump) and at the opening in the wall go into the next room, Lava and pillars, go L and climb the pillar there, runjump to a slanted pillar S and immediately jump/grab to catch the vegetation on the ceiling, swing over to the other side and drop past that slanted pillar.

Very Nasty Spike-trap…

Go through to the next room and stand at the lever, you have to get the door behind the Spike-traps open but in the same time another set of Spikes starts in the front of that passage, you have to time throwing the lever, so all Spikes will pop up the same moment. Once you got that right you can stand one hop back from the end of the green ledge with the lever (
screenshot) and time a runjump far into the passage, so the Spikes will be just up when you land, run a bit and jump again to get past them (Once you’ve got the timing right it’s not too hard, but I can assure you you’ll die a couple of times).

In the next room you can finally use the Shotgun against the Skellies and shoot them off the ledges when they jump over to you. in the back of the room one side (R) a reach-in hole with the Fragment Tabliczki (Cartouche Piece) and on the L side a button to open a part of a rock wall somewhere. Go back out (you can climb up at the entrance if you happen to jump next to a ledge) and back through that Spike-trap, stand just on the end of the ledge at the door (
screenshot) and run to the Spikes, jump to land far into the just raised Spikes and runjump again to get past them. Go through the room with the Monkeyswing in the reverse order, like you did before and then in the Lava room with the Spikes, you have to stand one step back and standjump to the Spike-ledge, a running jump over the slanted ledge and another jump from a slanted block and follow the passage back up to the valley with the deceased Bandit.

Head W and through the Contraption to the valley with the Palm trees and the hole in the ground (breakledge). This time go S and L around the wall, there is the opening you saw in the cut scene, only problem is… it is still closed, so shoot the Coyote, go on to the W and find another Bird statue in the NW corner in an alcove to the R shoot it and enter to place the Hand of Orion and open the door. In the next room walk far R on the ledge and runjump straight N over the slanted ridge, keep jumping to the r and land on the flat ledge, runjump to the slanted block n and slide/jump to the passage, go through to a pole and save.

Slide down and in the last moment a jump/grab to the pole, turn around and face a slanted block) doesn’t matter which side) next to the slope you came sliding down from and go up the pole a bit, then backflip to a slanted block next to the slope in the other side of the room, slide and backflip to a ledge in the corner, climb up and follow through N to the next room. Go L over the ledge stand one step back from the end and standjump when the Spikes are down jump from the slanted ledge to the Spike-ledge and run onto the safe corner, then run over the next Spike-ledge and jump over a slanted block to grab the edge of the ledge E, go L into the next room and have a look at the layout.

Timed Pillar Jumps

The switch N is timed and will open the gate S behind the slanted pillars in the lava. Stand in front of the switch, pull and roll, run over the higher ledge, jump/grab the pillar and pull up, immediately jump forward from the top (don’t slide) and slide on the next pillar so you can just jump up (grab and pull up takes too long) into the opening and immediately run into the open gate. Drop into the next room and run to the Demigod, duck in front of him and start shooting with pistols till he drops, go around the wall and onto a ledge, push the button to open the second door in that opening in the rocks as you can see and jump/grab up S to get the 2nd Fragment Tabliczki (Cartouche Part), get back to the wall with the Timed gate and climb up to the opening l of it, jump out L and follow back, all traps in the reverse order (if you don’t remember look above) and all the way back to the valley.

Go L out of the hole and back E, shoot a Coyote, to the valley with the hole in the wall, it’s R at the second palm tree, go in and down the hole, combine the 2 parts of Cartouche and place it to open the door. Go in and standjump/grab the pillar, hang R and pull up over, slide/jump R then slide/jump L and slide/jump to the opening. Follow into the next Spike room and stand at the trap. Standjump/standjump to get past them and from where you land a run with a R curve to jump to the next Spike-ledge If you jump straight to it you’ll land too far on the ledge for the next running jump) followed by a running jump to the corner, runjump to and go into the opening W and in the room with the 2 Swinging Buckets straight over the ledge to the W wall. you’ll notice a cross on the wall, jump up and shoot, runjump/grab to the alcove to get Secret #67, Shotgun Ammo. Runjump back and runjump post the Buckets to grab the other side ledge and follow in to a room with Pillars and doors.

From the entrance you can shoot the vase (S) across the room with the Shotgun and the fire L of it will extinguish, drop to the ground and climb up on the block S get the Klucz (Key), go down to the ledge under the alcove and runjump W to use the key there, go in and dodge the Mummy to get another Stary Klucz (Old Key) that one goes E so make your way over there. Get your third Moneta (Coin) at the Skellie and slide down to the R.

Secret count: 67

Level 17 - Zdradliwa Pustynia (Treacherous Desert)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

2 Secrets

Follow the ramp up and climb up to a lever, open the door with it and go up the next ladder to a Valley Crossing, shoot the Scorps and head into the S tunnel.

S side:

Drop down and sprint through the R hand trap, taking a bit of health loss for granted, climb up in the end and come into the Yellow Block Crossing, 4 ways to go on, go down the hole N of the yellow block first and slide down into the water, swim into the tunnel to a gate to be opened with the UW lever, swim to the end and climb out, to the L is a door with a receptacle, go S and climb up, and climb up again E to grab the Pustynny Klejnot (Jewel of the Desert) from the reach-in hole E (you can choose to shoot the Horseman or not and jump run past him). Jump down the pit again R and before the water to that door you saw thereand use the Desert Jewel on the door. Climb up and use button E (cut scene) and then climb up N through the hole in the ceiling.

Timed Gate

On the right is another reach-in hole (timed) to open the gate and follow through to the L to come to a valley where you have to shoot the 2 Coyotes and go through the door you saw pushing the button before and through the passage where a gate will open and shut behind you, drop to the ground floor and go to the W side of the central pit, there’s a trigger tile opening the Timed gate up S, stand on the SE corner of the trigger, facing S at the edge of the pit and sidejump L onto the low pillar, standjump up to the one S and sidejump R to a glass platform, now a runjump (no grab) into the passage and through the gate. Run past the Spikes to the Piramidka (Guardian Key).

Get back and down into the room with the pillars, you have to do the same trick to get back through the N gate now (from the E side trigger tile) and when you done it once it’s really easy. Leave and go to the Yellow Block Crossing. Go N and sprint through the R side of the Rotating Things to the Valley Crossing (where the dead Scorps are).

W side:

Head into the opening W and shoot a Coyote, go down between the walls W and down the stairs to use that Guardian Key there.

Timed Gate & Spike Jumps

Go in straight and runjump/grab to the N alcove with the switch, save and have a look at the route first, you have to get to a gate you can see from the opening you just jumped to and down SE, there are 2 routes, one of which seems to be blocked by a Spike-trap, so that only leaves you with this route and involves some accurate jumps:

Backflip/roll and runjump/grab back S, go R sprinting down the stairs and R around the corner, the runjump/grab to the ledge N, catching it about in the middle, run R and runjump/grab in the last moment to grab the next ledge E, runjump (no grab) to the next and curve R in the air so you can easily do a R curved running jump to the ledge at the gate, landing close to the entrance, quickly sidejump L twice and you should be inside.

Head R (S) and get the Klepsydra (Timeless Sands), roll and run N over a trigger tile lowering the wall and lets you leave, go L back to the room. Safety drop down to the ground floor and use the button S, run N around the pillar and shoot the Demigod in the next room. Place the Timeless Sands N (cut scene of a door opening up). Leave through the passage W and runjump/grab S to the stairs and leave S, up to the valley where another Coyote awaits you. Go E through the tunnel.

Once back at the Valley Crossing go E and through the tunnel to a valley with 2 Coyotes and run straight into the pit with the pillar, the door to the right has opened. Go in, drop down and walk W to climb up S, runjump to the jump lever and the pit will fill with sand so you can climb up on the other end. Drop down between the yellow walls and go S, time the Spikes and runjump/grab past them, shoot the Horseman and after he dropped look for a hole in the ceiling when you walk SE from the passage N where you entered, climb up and go get Secret #68, Shotgun Ammo, drop back down and go W, runjump over the Burner (standing L or R) and follow through to get theHydra (Vraeus) from a pedestal S. A Wraith shows up, so run into passage W and use the Reach-in switch to open the gate run out.

Go N and sprint through the L side of the Rotating Things and in the Yellow Block Valley you can hop onto the yellow block and run off the N side into the hole N of the Yellow Block, run down into the sloped passage and slide into the water, open the gate in the tunnel with the UW lever and climb out in the end, go L (E) and through the open door to the room with the button, climb up N and use the Reach-in switch to get back out, go R and up to the Yellow Block valley, head N through the Rotating Things and come to the Valley Crossing.

Head into the E side again and go through to drop down into the pit with the pillar, through the door, down and up S through the sand filled pit, down at the yellow walls to the room (where you jumped S through the Spikes), this time go straight down into the tunnel E and open the door with the Vraeus. Go in and use the switch (so far I can tell this is not timed), go out and climb up, run S and jump S through the Spikes, follow the route through the cave where you shot the Horseman, W to the jump over the Burner and through the open gate where the Wraith showed up before.

Go N and sprint through the L side of the Rotating Things and in the Yellow Block Valley, hop onto the Yellow Block and run off the N side into the hole N of the Yellow Block, run down into the sloped passage and slide into the water, open the gate in the tunnel with the UW lever and climb out in the end, go straight and climb up. then climb up L twice and go W around the pit into a lower tunnel where you’ll find the opened door.

Follow down to a shallow pool and first run across the pool to shoot the 2 Wasps, go into the NE corner and find Secret #69, Shotgun Ammo, then go to a low pillar standing W in the pool and runjump/grab to the Jumpswitch S and see another gate open up. Go out of the cave E, climb to the valley with the pit, go down in the pit and to the water, R (E) there and to the room with the button, up N there and out through the gate with the reach-in switch, R and on Yellow Block Valley into the E side tunnel, go down the pit in the walls and into the open gate, follow through to a room with a pit and a Spiked switch, drop into the pit and open a door with the button, climb out and save in front of the Timed switch.

Timed Run to get out

This switch will re-open the gate up the stairs, so pull, roll and runjump over the pit, sprint up the stair, L and through the gate. Climb out of the pit and go W to Yellow Block valley, out S, through the Rotating Things and into the tunnel S on Valley Crossing, just past the open door is a Skellie, look between the bones for the 4th Moneta (Coin) and slide down the slope to end the level.

Secret count: 69


Level 18 - Ostatni Grobowiec (The Last Tomb)

Walkthough by D&G Productions

1 Secret

Save while still sliding down and hop over the gap at the end, grab the edge and safety drop down, go to the Burner jumps and runjump/grab to the first one, wait with pulling up over till the Burner is off and slide long before you jump/grab the next one, same MO and grab the ledge on the other side, go L and shoot the Hellhound, in the end of the S passage a safety drop/grab to an opening below and go in for the final Secret of the game, Secret #70, Shotgun Ammo, safety drop out and go to a big Main room with a lever on a Spike block. there are lots of things to do here, start with shooting the Bug in front of the door with the keyhole NW and then go to the door in the S wall to do the same. Climb up the E side of the lever block and time a run through the Spikes to get to the Jumpswitch on the W wall and the Spikes are deactivated.

Climb up again and throw the lever to open the door NE and go in there, follow into a room with a Boulder hanging over a Key in a pit, stand on the Stary Klucz (Old Key), pick it up and backflip immediately. Look for the statue with the Lions Head R of the N door and jump up shooting the Gem in it’s mouth with pistols. The door opens and inside is the Oko Lzydy (Eye of Isis). Back to the Main room and open the door NW with the Eye of Isis, go in and climb the block, stand one hop back from the Spikes, standjump when you expect them to go up and a running jump will get you through, climb down and grab the Gliniane Hieroglify (Earthen Hieroglyph). Go back to the main room and open the door S with it.

Follow in to a ladder and climb up to the end of the passage and Save before you use the Old key.

Timed Sequence, placing the Coins

After using the Key, the trapdoor will open and you’ll slide towards a lava pit, jump with a L curve onto the gold platform and quickly turn L to use the 1st of the 4 Coins. Wait a split second for the door to properly open up and sidejump R to the next platform and use the 2nd, go on till you used the 4th Coin and after the door opened a quickly sidejump R to the safe ledge.

Follow to a high room with pillars, grab the ceiling and go swing over to one step before the ceiling bends down, drop onto the slanted pillar and jump/grab to the Spike-pillar, do not pull up but shimmy L around the corner to the safe ledge and pull up there to grab the ceiling again, go over to the opening across the room.

Next is another Spike-trap. Stand well back and run over the Spikes when you expect them to be up going onto that square, immediately grab up (only Ctrl) and slide into the next passage, follow L or R around a wall into a big room, lure the Harpy into a corner and stand with your back into the corner to shoot it.

The Axe Room

Climb one of the pillars standing in the middle of the room and runjump/grab S, climb up onto the walkway and go around the W side, runjump/grab past the Swinging Axe to a button on the pillar N, push it to open a door below, make your way to the ground floor and enter N, in the next room 2 Hellhounds will attack and you can get a ½ MP by shooting that big vase. Go to the NW corner and push the button to raise a block in the Axe room, roll and push the button NE to open a door on the top floor of the Axe room. go back there and again climb up the pillars to get to the walkway, around the W to the N side and runjump/grab E from where the button is. Climb the block and grab up to the floor above, go W to shoot the Skellies off the floor and go to the open door W.

The Papirus (Scroll)

Follow the passage to a drop off into a room with a blue green floor, don’t go down but look N through the opening in the wall in front to spot the Ball target. Pull the pistols and stand in the middle of the passage, runjump straight onto the slanted floor in front and immediately jump shooting that Ball. The door in front of you, as you slide down, will open up, go in and get the Papirus (Scroll). Return into the passage S and go back to the Axe room, down the hole NE and down from the block on the S side, go into the passage E where the Spikes are now popping up so you can pass them.

Boulder alert!

Standing on the R hand side of the shallow pit you can hop SE into the passage and immediately backflip to release a Boulder, then hop into the passage again and follow into a room with a pillar in front. Runjump onto one of the slanted alcoves N or S and grab the edge as you slide out, pull up and backflip onto the pillar, stand facing E and line up for the Target ball, draw the Shotgun and look down a bit, now shoot and hit the ball if you aimed right (you could do this with pistols too, run off the pillar to land on the slanted back side, jump/shoot the ball) and go into the opened door and follow to a room where you can open doors with a button, shoot the Demigod (Giant Mummy) and get the Ankl (Ankh) from the room he just left, go to the opposite side of the room and open the doors there.

The Magniczny Artefakt (Magic Artefact)

Go in and follow L (E) into a dark room with two big Sarcophaguses On the central pillar are the receptacles for the 4 Pharaoh Knots, place them to open the gate to the Magic Artefact. Climb the pillar you just put the Knots in and get the Magniczny Artefakt (Magic Artefact) and drop back down to the pillar below, from the pillar a runjump/grab into a passage S and follow to climb up and go in W, time the run into the Spikes and only use Ctrl to grab up to the ladder (timing is crucial). Go through the passage to a Spike-trap. Shoot that yellow vase in the end of the passage to get them going so you can get through and climb up L where the vase was, stand facing W after climbing up and backflip to the slanted crevice E, jump and grab the ledge W. walk up the steps and shoot the wall E, go in and push a button to the R to open up the wall, follow up to where Ahmet waits for you with the Jeep.

A flyby will end this adventure…

Secret count: 70
