Tomb Raider Unfinished Business




Walkthrough by Jenni and Moonpooka for


Colour Coding

Weapons ~ Ammo ~ Health



Secrets 10


Quick Jump To

Level One ~ Lara's Mansion

Level Two ~ Atlantean Stronghold

Level Three ~ The Hive

Level Four ~ Return To Egypt

Level Five ~ Temple Of The Cat



Level One Lara's Mansion


Note: This is a short training level and there are a few issues to deal with. Firstly, Lara will pick up flares but they won’t show in the inventory, and secondly there is a weird bug after visiting the pool room and Lara’s voice over can be heard when  you use the inventory.

Lara is at home and we find her in the library. First walk ahead to the far bookcases at the north wall and use the timed book lever to extinguish the fire in the hearth. Enter the fireplace and climb the left wall to the passage above. Go through the upper passages and Lara will arrive in a small room with a movable box and lever. Ignore the box there’s nothing under it, and hop up onto the upper ledge. Use the lever on the west wall to open the gate to the maze, and then push the box in the south wall through twice. Lara is now in the attic.

Collect some Flares from the NW corner, (although they won’t show in the inventory and neither will you be able to use them) and then leave via the east door and go down the steps to the main hall. Go right and enter Lara’s bedroom at the south wall, and then open the cupboard door to the left of the bed and take the LMP ~ SMP x 2. Leave the bedroom, and then return to the main hall and go down stairs.

To the west is the gym room and there’s a closed door just before it; that’s a timed door for later. You can go do some exercises in the gym if you wish but there are no goodies to grab in there, and to the north of the gym is the swimming pool if you fancy taking a dip. To the south of the gym is the kitchen and Winston is wandering about as ever with a cup of tea for Lara, and once you have explored the rooms inside the mansion you can go outside.

Head to the front door of the main hall and use the button to the right of the door to open it. Make your way NE to the maze and find your way to the centre.

Directions: L ~ R ~ L ~ L ~ R and run to the end of the path. Go R ~ L ~ L ~ R ~ R ~ R ~ L ~ L ~ R ~ R ~ R and drop down the hole to your right. Go through the small underground cave to a tiny room at the end, and pick up the Flares. Now use the timed button on the east wall to open the door to the basement and quickly leave via the hole and go back through the underground cave. Jump out of the hole at the end and make your way out of the maze.

Directions: L ~ L ~ L ~ R ~ R ~ L ~ L ~ L ~ R ~ R ~ L and run to the end of the path. Go L ~ R ~ R ~ L and then R through the maze door. Sprint back to the house and if you were quick enough, the door before the gym will still be open, so head through and down into the basement. Use the switch on the north wall to turn on the lights, and then explore the basement if you wish but there’s nothing else to do here so head back up the stairs and the door to the basement will close. Use the button at the top of the stairs twice to open the door and return to the main hall again. Go back out to the garden, and if you want to use the outside training area then head back towards the maze but take a left turn and make your way around the house to the outdoor equipment. What’s that? Lara has a job to do? Ok see you later then Lara; or shall we go with her? Make your way to the garden gate and use the button to the left to open the gate. Head through and Lara will be transported to The Atlantean Stronghold.



Level Two ~ Atlantean Stronghold

2 Secrets

Two days after leaving Croft Manor Lara arrives at the Atlantean Stronghold, and I hope you gathered all the goodies from the manor because you are going to need them!!!

Lara begins on a long slide down into the Atlantean caves and a fiery lava pit lies ahead. First walk forwards as far as you can, and then notice down in the trench there is a hole to drop down into; but don’t go down there just yet, jump the lava pit ahead, grab the pillar at the east wall and then pull up and go through the tunnel to the right for the 1st Secret ~ HK MP5 Clips. Now return over the lava pit and make your way down the hole in the trench.

At the bottom of the hole, make your way through the tunnel and head up the ramp. A boulder will fall when you are close to the end of the ramp and will roll into the lava pit beyond the ramp, but be sure to stay away from the end of the ramp until the boulder has passed or it will catch Lara and kill her. Once the area is safe, jump the lava pit where the boulder fell and then make your way up to the top of the next ramp ahead and enter the first cave area.


The 1st Cave

Be very careful in here because Atlantean Mutants are rife; and not only that they are very hard to kill, but I will add some tactics for killing these creatures if there is a way around getting totally mullered by them.

You will see, or rather hear on your arrival, a Mutant Horseman galloping about in a room behind a window to your left; Lara will take a good look at him but you can ignore him because he can’t leave there. Head carefully over to the south wall and jump the small lava hole in the ground for a SMP, and then return to the cave.

Make your way west into the upper area of the cave and watch the flyby showing you the outlay of the room. When the flyby is finished, walk a little way into the cave and then whip out your guns as Mutant attacks from the left

(Tactic: Run back into the tunnel you entered here by, jump the lava pit and shoot the enemy from safety. This takes a while as you will need to keep jumping back over the pit to lure the Crawler back into the tunnel but you will survive unscathed).

Now make your way to where the Mutant appeared from and grab the HK MP5 Clips from the ground.

Make your way south and to the right of the tall structure where you will alert two Winged Mutants and the tunnel can not save Lara this time!!!

(Tactic: Hop back until you are safe from being knocked off the edge of the path, and then use the pistols to lock onto the Mutants. The Mutants will take a couple of swipes at Lara, but if you keep still they will just hover above her without descending and you can simply pick them off while they flap about above).

With the Demons now out of the way, return to the tall structure and pull up inside it. On the south side there is a lower platform to drop down onto, and then you can make a safety drop to the lowest section for the HK MP5 Gun ~ SMP. Now walk to the SW corner of the structure and hang drop from the edge to activate a boulder that is sitting above the structure. Let the boulder fall and then pull back up to the structure. Face SW and take a running jump over to the rocks behind the sloped pyramid, and then nip up to the central rock for some HK MP5 Clips. (If you try this before releasing the boulder Lara will be crushed).

Note: it is possible to jump into the highest hole in the sloped pyramid face but you will end the level too soon, so please avoid doing this or you will miss the rest of the level.

You now need to make your way to ground and if you head back east you can slide safely down via the slope below the structure, but if you decide to take the west route you need to take care of another boulder that’s hanging up in the rocks to the SW which will fall when you reach the slope that leads to ground, but it is possible to pull up quickly at the end, or simply use the outer rocks to get down to ground. Either way, you should now be on ground level and ready to move on.

First make your way to the north wall and grab the LMP that’s sitting on the block, and then drop down east to trigger another Mutant.

(Tactic: Nip back up onto the block and shoot the Mutant from safety).

Now make your way to the higher pillar at the west side of the room, (to the right of the pyramid face) and use the pillar to jump to the west wall pillars for some HK MP5 Clips. You will trigger a Winged Mutant but he’s high up in the cave and won’t bother you. Drop to ground and make your way to the left side of the pyramid face, and then enter the avenue leading up the side of the pyramid. Top up with health, and then safety drop down the hole and arrive inside the pyramid.


Inside The Pyramid

Collect SMP x 2 from the south side of the room and top up with health. Stand at the edge of one of the holes in the floor and look down. You can see a sloped structure below and you need to make a safety drop down onto that; but make sure you drop to the highest part of the slope so as not to take too much damage from the fall. Lara will then slide into the new room below.

Don’t venture out too far into the new room yet. First take a look at the four blocks at each corner of the central structure and grab the goodies from them Grenades ~ HK MP5 Clips x 2 ~ SMP, and by now you may hear the familiar sound of a Mutant galloping about, so keep your eyes peeled and use the blocks to shoot the creature from safety. When your goodies are stashed away, approach the green pods to release a couple more Mutants and again use the blocks to shoot them from safety. When the room is clear, enter the north hall carefully.

This is a small maze type room with lava pits scattered about so you need to take care in here, but also as you reach the first crossroads ahead a dart emitter is activated, so keep to the edge of the path to avoid being struck and take a right turn along that path. At the end of the path you will be facing the dart emitter and to the right of you are some steps leading down. Head down the steps and stop just before the bottom of the fourth flight. Grab your guns and run into the passage to the left. A bolt firing Mutant will be waiting for you and there’s no where to hide, so use the previous passage to nip in and out of to shoot the creature and then go to where he was standing and take note of the closed door there. Proceed along the passage and take a right turn. You will see a new room ahead, but do beware in this next room and enter it with caution.

As you enter the room you will see three Mutants in alcoves to your left guarding some goodies, but as soon as you go near the sleeping creatures they will spring to life, so tackle the gang one by one and use the entire room to flip about shooting them because there’s no safe place to pick this lot off from. When the battle is over, grab the stash from the alcoves and then make your way into the west wall alcove. Use the lever on the south wall in the alcove and you will see a shot of a Mutant Horseman who will be waiting for you at the end of the level, so don’t worry about him for now and nip up the steps to the balcony above. There are five levers up here, one on the east wall, two on the west wall (left and right) and two in the alcove of the west wall (left and right). Use the left lever in the west wall alcove to open the little door back in the passage where the bolt throwing Mutant was, and then use all other levers to open a gateway back in the first room. Go to ground and make your way back into the passage, and then go up the ramp and enter the new door.

Stop just inside the door and walk a short way ahead to the dark brown wall to your right. Pull up onto the wall and go right for a SMP, and then jump over to the west side of the room and go left for some HK MP5 Clips. Drop to ground and make your way to the top of the path. Collect the MP5 Mini Clips from the ground, Magnum Clips at the east wall and HK MP5 Clips at the north wall. There’s no need to venture into the rest of this room, you will only trigger another Mutant and lose ammo and health so leave now and go back to the passage outside.

Go right in the passage and make your way back up to the lava cave. Carefully avoiding the dart emitter, make your way back out to the first room and to the west wall where you can see the newly opened gateway.

Enter the gateway and make your way up the ramp ahead to a seemingly dead end. Turn around and look up to see a passage above, and then jump and grab the wall and climb into the upper passage. Turn around and jump to the rock to the west, and then jump to the final rock at the west wall. Turn around and make your way up the slope to your left (you can use either slope but there is a good reason to use the left as you will see). At the top of the slope, drop down one step on the sandy ledge ahead, and then using the wall as coverage, gun down the bolt firing Mutant that’s lurking on the opposite ledge. (If you had used the other slope you may have slid straight into him). Now standing on the second step down, face south and take a running jump into the doorway in the south wall, and then drop down into the wide passage ahead.

Go left and make your way carefully through the hallway, avoiding the dart emitters as you go. Lara will arrive at a room with a large pool to the left, and on her arrival she will trigger two Mutants who are flapping about by the pool; and who are now angrily making their way towards her. Don’t hang about, run straight into the north room and quickly jump up onto the block you see straight ahead, and from here you can safely pick off the enemy. The Mutants will disappear back to the pool room so keep nipping to ground to alert them and then return to the block to fire at them. When all is clear, return to the pool room and drop into the water. Swim to the west wall and notice a closed gate in the SW corner and two under water levers also on the west wall. Use both levers to open the door and then swim through for the 2nd Secret ~ HK MP5 Clips x 2 ~ Magnum Clips ~ LMP, and then leave the pool and return to the north room.

Use the lever on the block to open the two small doors behind the block, and then as you enter each tiny room a Mutant will attack. Use the block as before to pick of the enemy from safety, and then grab the HK MP5 Clips from each room. Now make your way into the south room. There’s a lever to the left and right, a small pool ahead and some steps leading up with a closed gold gate at the top. Use the left lever and you will hear the familiar sound of something nasty. Return to the previous room and enter the west room and three Mutants will be waiting!!! Stay close to the east wall and the Mutants won’t cross the boundary line making them easy pickings for Lara. When the coast is clear, use the lever on the south wall to open a door in the west wall and make your way through for SMP x 2. Now return to the south room outside with the small pool and use the right side lever. Drop into the small pool and search the steps at the east wall for HK MP5 Clips x 2, and then swim down the central hole to the bottom. Use the under water lever on the south wall to open the gold door at the top of the steps, and then return to the top of the pool and climb out. Make your way up the steps to the gold door and go through to find yourself back out at the pyramid room at the start of the level.

As soon as you enter the room, find a safe block to pull up onto and shoot the lurking Mutant from safety. Now notice the other gold door (north wall next to the one you just passed through) is now open and go there. Approach the new room and get your guns ready because a bolt firing Mutant is lurking up in the left corner of the room. Use the doorway as cover and pick the creature off; taking care not to fall down into the lower regions of the room yet because there is some stash to collect first. When the Mutant is dead, walk to the edge of the ledge just inside the door (Note the closed gold door to the north, that’s for later) and jump down to the ledge behind the NW slope. Now jump into the north alcove for some HK MP5 Clips and then return to the ledge behind the slope and pull up to the ledge where the Mutant was. Grab the LMP, and then dive into the water below.

There are two under water levers to the west, the right lever opens a timed door to your right, and the left lever opens a door to your left.

Note: Sometimes Lara refuses to use the levers and if this happens, swim her away from the lever and then turn her to face the lever directly and swim straight onto the lever to use it.

Use the left lever first and swim through the left door for some MP5 Mini Clips ~ HK MP5 Clips, and then return to the levers and use the right side lever to open the right door. Quickly swim through the right side door before it closes and go left through the passage. Go right at the turn and then right again. Just here you can pick up some more HK MP5 Clips and to the right of those there’s some Magnum Clips. Continue on through to the end of the passage and note the closed door in the west wall; this is a timed door for the Magnum and we’ll deal with that in a short while. For now though, swim up the hole opposite the closed door and pull out into a spike laden room above.


Timed Run For The Magnum

Walk through the spikes to the east wall and pick up the SMP by the wall lever. Go to the wall lever and save your game because this timed run is going to take you more than one try. Use the lever and then immediately back flip with a turn so that Lara is facing north, and then without wasting a second, run left through the spikes (losing a tiny amount of health) and take a running jump into the water hole. Immediately press the up key for a second to bring Lara’s head up so that she doesn’t swim into the floor and get stuck on the uneven ground, and then press the swim key and swim through the open door to the Magnum. As soon as you are on top of the Magnum, hit the left or right key while pressing action so that Lara turns to face the door as she picks up the Magnum, and then as soon as the gun is in her grasp swim out before the door closes. For more help see Video Now swim back up through the hole and pull out into the spike room again.

Walk forwards a short way through the spikes, and then go around to the right and pull up onto the first pillar at the west wall. Pick up the Magnum Clips at Lara’s feet, and then pull up to the next pillar. Walk to the edge of the pillar and stand jump to grab the alcove above the shimmy gap in the south wall. You will hear a door open which is higher up in the room. Pick up the Magnum Clips from the alcove and then turn and face the sloped ledges over at the north wall and take a running jump over to the north ledges. To the south you can see the door that opened when you stepped into the alcove below and the door will take you back to the beginning of the level, but you will only need to use it if you wish to return to the previous areas of the level to search for any items you may have missed. So, unless you wish to go back for anything, pull up into the hole in the west wall, and then carefully jump over to the small bridge type structure in the new room.

There’s a deadly spike pit below and Lara will not survive a fall so take care up here. Jump over to the west side of the room and walk a short way down until a Mutant attacks. Run back up the path and jump back onto the bridge so that you can shoot the Mutant from safety, and then return to the west side of the room. Go to the bottom of the room and collect some HK MP5 Clips ~ Magnum Clips from the ground, and as you take the Magnum clips another Mutant will arrive, so be quick to get back to the bridge and gun that creature down. Now pull up into the hole in the south wall and make your way to the top of the cave, jumping over the two deadly lava tiles on the way. When you are past the second lava tile, pull up onto the black rock ahead and then pull up into the east wall doorway and you are now overlooking the pyramid room.

Note: There’s a flying Demon flapping about to your left, but in both of my visits to this level he was stuck in the wall and didn’t attack and neither was I was unable to kill him, but should he attack then just nip back into the previous cave area and shoot him from a much safer place.

From the doorway, jump onto the sandy ledge to the right, and then walk to the coloured SE tile on the ledge and collect the LMP ~ HK MP5 Clips. Now jump to the sandy ledge at the west wall for some Magnum Clips, and then return to the coloured tile on the previous ledge. Stand at the SE corner of the coloured tile and line up with the highest hole on the pyramid face. Now take a running jump to the hole and drop down inside the pyramid.

Lara will land in a water pool at the base of the pyramid. The escape door is at the south wall but it’s guarded by a Mutant Horseman who is sitting in wait over at the east wall, so run around the room westwards to avoid running into the Horseman and run to the closed door at the south wall; which will open as you approach. Now you can either just run through into the new passage or you can take out the Horseman before you leave, but when you pass through the door it will close behind you and you are safe from the Horseman anyway, so it’s up to you if you wish to conserve ammo and health by giving the Horseman a miss. In the passage, use the lever at the end to finish the level and Lara will be transported to The Hive.



Level Three ~ The Hive

1 Secret

In the first room of the level, Lara is facing a long flight of stairs, a hole in the floor to her right, two closed doors left and right, and two Mutants sleeping in alcoves to the left and the right. Beyond the stairs there is a slope with two levers at the top, and above the slope there are deadly boulders hanging from the ceiling. Yes, you’ve guessed it; you have to make your way up to the levers without being crushed by the boulders, but it’s simple enough. Walk towards the stairs and stand before the first central tile. Face north with the stairs behind you and hop back onto the first tile to trigger the first boulder. As soon as you hear the boulder fall, run to the bottom of the room and into one of the alcoves where the sleeping Mutants are, and let the boulder pass. Return to the central path on the slope again and do the same as before and making your way higher up the slope until all of the central boulders have passed. You now have a clear path to the levers, but if you fancy a bit of fun you can play around on the slope releasing the rest of the boulders. Use both levers to open the two doors at the bottom of the stairs, and in doing so you will awaken the two bolt firing Mutants at the bottom of the stairs, so take them out and then go down and enter the east door. Mind the wall blade trap and search the end of the passage for Magnum Clips x 2, and then make your way back out and to the west door. You now have an option to either use the west passage or the hole in the floor nearby to get to the lower chambers of this area.

1/ To enter the lower chambers via the hole: Stand at the edge of the hole facing west, hop back once and then run forwards into the hole while pressing action and Lara will glide down under the roof of the chamber below.

2/ To enter the lower chambers via the west door: Carefully enter the west door passage, and avoiding the dart emitter make your way to the end, but stop just before the final tile because a wall blade trap will spring to life. Nip through the wall blade trap, taking care not to over run the edge of the ledge on the other side, and pick up the SMP to your right. Now face out over the edge of the ledge and see two slopes leading down to the lava chambers below. Jump over to top slope and then slide and jump to the second slope. Slide again and make a final jump to the small slope at the west wall in the lava, and then slide and jump to the east slope and keep springing back and forth while using the right key so that Lara bounces to a flat area at the end of the east slope. You are now in the lower chambers.


The Lower Chambers

Whether you arrived here via the hole or via the slopes, Lara will be close to a deep central lava pit. If you entered here via the hole, head down the west slope and then go south. The deep lava pit is now to your left. If you arrived here via the slopes, then head forwards, kill the bolt firing Mutant that attacks from the north, and the deep lava pit is to the east. Walk to the edge of the deep lava pit and a Winged Mutant will pop up from the pit. Gun it down and then hang drop to a pillar in the deep lava pit. Jump to the low ledge to the east, and then drop down one level to a pillar below the ledge. Now run jump to the far east ledge for the 3rd Secret ~ LMP, and then return to the top of the lava pit via the ledge and pillars.  

Go to the east side of the deep lava pit and take out the Mutant that’s galloping about, and then slide down to where he was and jump to the block by the closed door at the east wall. Turn around and jump to the west block in the lava and a door will open in the east wall next to the door you just jumped away from. This door is timed; but before you attempt the run, jump to the low rock to the south for some MP5 Mini Clips, and then return to the timed trigger block. From the timed trigger block, jump back to the ammo rock and then jump to the low rock to the south, from here take a running jump to the block in front of the open door and head through before the door closes.

You are now in a large sloped room with two green pods hanging on the wall. Line up SE and take a running jump over to the pink bridge type structure in the centre of the room. The pods will break and two Winged Mutants will attack. Stay still and fire your pistols to bring the two creatures down, and then walk to the east end of the pink bridge. Face SE and jump to the slope at the east wall, and then slide and jump to the south ledge. Pull up to the top south ledge, face NW and take a running jump to the ledge under the opening at the west wall. There’s a Mutant Horseman waiting for you now at the top of the steps ahead, but you don’t need to kill him and you can simply run towards him and make a safety drop down the hole he is guarding, but you will need to be topped up with health to survive the few hits you take and the fall down the hole. At the bottom of the hole, grab the MP5 Mini Gun from the rock, and then head down the slope through the east doorway.


Large Water Pool With Central Structure

Lara will now arrive in a large water pool in a lower cave with a central structure. First search the pool for some goodies. SW corner SMP - SE corner SMP - NE corner SMP - NW corner SMP and underneath the central structure you will find MP5 Mini Clips ~ SMP. Pull out of the water on the east side of the central structure and shoot the Mutant that’s frolicking over on the south ledges, and then nip over to where he was and find some Magnum Clips.

Over to the east you can see three Mutants jumping about in an opening; and they’re easy pickings for Lara. Head over the ledges to the Mutants playground, take out the enemy one by one from a safe distance, and then enter the rear of their den for MP5 Mini Clips x 5. Two more Mutants have arrived and they’re just over ledges but they are no threat to Lara so just jump up to the top ledge and shoot the two rascals from safety. Now walk down to the waters edge and jump up to the short pillar to the right for some more Magnum Clips, and then quickly get out of the way of the bolts flying from a Mutant over to the north. Drop into the water and pull out onto the central structure to pick of the baddy from safety. There’s one more Mutant to go to clear the area. Swim over to the SW corner of the pool and pull out on one of the ledges to shoot the Mutant from safety, and then enter the area he was in. Search the alcoves to the west for MP5 Mini Clips x 2, and then use the two levers on the North wall to open the gold door and go through to the new room.

Things are about to toughen up now so be on your guard at all times. Drop down into the room and notice the three levers on the central structure. There are also three levers on the other side but they are guarded by two Mutant Horseman who will attack as soon as Lara invades their space and it’s best to get them out of the way now, so run to the other side of the central structure to draw out the enemy, and then fire like crazy and use the pillars in the room to shield Lara from some of the Mutants missiles. There is also a LMP in front of the two gold doors at the east wall which you can grab if you need them. When the battle is over, use the right north side lever to open a pink door back in the central structure in the pool room, the left south side lever to open another pink door in the central structure, the left north side lever to open the right gold door at the east wall, and the final right side south lever will open the left gold door at the east wall. When the gold doors at the east wall open two bolt firing Mutants will attack from the room beyond the gold doors, so take them out and then enter the new room. As you approach the pool the three green pods will explode and two Winged Mutants plus a Mutant Horseman will be blasting away at Lara. Run into the other room to take down the flying enemy, (keeping still as you fire will keep the enemy high and you will take less damage) and then return to the pool room to pick off the Horseman.

Dive into the pool and use the two underwater levers to open two doors in the pool, (north and south walls) and then swim through the north door first. Collect LMP ~ MP5 Mini Clips x 4 and then swim through the south door. Search the area for LMP ~ MP5 Mini Clips x 2 ~ HK MP5 Clips x 2, and then use the lever on the west wall to open the door to the left and swim back through to the first pool room with the central structure.

Pull up onto the central structure and make your way inside and to the top where you will see the two pink doors you opened with the levers back at the previous area. Grab the Magnum Clips from the NW corner, and then enter either of the pink doors. Kill the Mutant that’s lurking inside the room, and then pull up behind the west wall for a SMP. Now enter the east door and make your way down the long passage (taking note of the closed door near the end) and pick up the HK MP5 Clips x 2 before entering enter the spooky sleeping Mutant room.

It’s deathly quiet in here.... but not for long!!! First collect the HK MP5 Clips x 3 that are scattered about on the floor, and then take the HK MP5 Clips x 4 from the central block. When you take this second stash of ammo the door back in the passage will open; but you will also awaken the Mutants in the room, so using the central block as cover take out the Mutants, and then make your way out to the passage and through the newly opened door.

Go through the passage and enter the west room. Use the levers to the left and right of the entrance door, and then head through to a second west room. Kill the Mutant Horseman that’s attacking from the left, and then make your way to the west end of the room and drop down into the room below. Run around the room to burst the green pods and release any unwelcome guests they may be harbouring, and use the pink blocks to shoot the enemy from. When the room is clear of enemies, use the lever at the west end of the room to open a timed door at the east end of the room, and then race through the door before it closes. Slide down the slope ahead and Lara will land in a pool at the bottom of the slope.

Swim through the south pool wall and up to the top of the steep watery tunnel ahead. Pull out of the water and head through to the outside world. Search the ground for LMP x 2 ~ SMP x 2 ~ Rocket Launcher ~ Grenade Gun ~ Rockets x 2 ~ Grenades x 2, and then drop down the hole at the west end of the room and run through the tunnel.

“I guess it’s the last of those guys we’ll be seeing” comments Lara as she reaches the end of the tunnel. “I didn’t notice the sound of sea birds here before. It’s so peaceful” she says as she pulls up out of the tunnel and heads towards the open sea and to her next adventure in Egypt.



Level Four ~ Return To Egypt

3 Secrets

This level begins with large trapdoors dropping open to a large pool area below.  But first, head over to the other side of the trapdoors by run-jumping to a sloped ledge on either side of the open trapdoors to grab the edge as you slide down, shimmy to the other side and pull up. Jump up towards either cat statue and go through the diamond-shaped openings where the statues are to collect a LMP from the right side.


1st Large Pool Area

Head out again and drop in to the large pool area below. (Look familiar?  It’s a flooded Obelisk of Khamoon from TR1) A crocodile is after you as soon as you hit the water so either swim to the ledges on the E side, or the sandbank on the S, to pull up and kill it.

If you’re on the sandbank, hop in to the smaller pool and swim to the ledge on the other side to collect the Magnum clips, two crocodiles will swim out from a hole on the N side of the small pool so kill them and swim through the hole where they came from to collect MP5 Mini ammo

Back in the main pool, collect Magnum clips from the E side of the base of the pillar.

Swim over to the left side of the sphinx, face E and climb out (see Screenshot for position). Go behind the sphinx and climb up to find HK MP5 ammo

Hop back in to the water and swim over to the sandy ledge on the E side, run-jump to the pillar to collect the Magnum clips. This triggers a secret door to open between the legs of the sphinx releasing a crocodile, the secret door is timed, so kill the croc then jump back to the sandy ledge to run-jump to the top of the pillar to open the secret door again. Quickly swim down between the legs of the sphinx and in to the small room to collect the 4th Secret ~ LMP ~ Magnum clips ~ 2x HK MP5 ammo from various alcoves and ledges in this room. Swim out back to the main pool and swim through the passage on the NE side in to a new large pool area. 


2nd Large Pool Area

Turn right as you enter this area and climb out on to the alcove on the right to kill the crocodile. If you can, try to take out the panther on the ledge above over the middle of the pool. You need to find a switch to open the gate behind you, so hop in to the water and swim over to the E side, flick the underwater level on the left pillar just on the other side of the boulder to open the gate and enter the new room. 


Room With Push-Pull Blocks

Hop on to the block that’s close to the middle of the room and jump up to shoot the two panthers in the small room in the S above. (alternatively, you can push the block in the corner over to reach the room where the panthers are but it’s not necessary).  When they’re dead, jump up there, climb the steps, face the opposite direction and jump to the alcove above, flick the switch to open trapdoors in the room and head out again. Get the HK MP5 ammo from behind the gong and collect the SMP from the NW corner. Shoot the crocodile in the water and jump in to collect Grenades from SE and NE corner then swim to the middle and get the SMP. Climb out again and move one of the blocks over to N side as far as it will go to jump up and access this ledge above (see Screenshot). Run-jump to grab the ledge and push the block over to reveal a small room. Shoot the panther which attacks then head inside and collect the HK MP5, HK MP5 ammo and Yellow Rockets. Flick the switch for a golden ledge to appear. 

IMPORTANT: the block moved outside to reveal this room must be pulled all the way back to the E side of the ledge before flicking the switch for the golden ledge to appear. There’s a glitch that flicking the switch will cause the block to be unmovable and you need to be able to climb on to it to get high enough to run-jump to the golden ledge. To do this, pull the block back as far as you can, now climb on to it, turn around and crawl backwards hanging over to hang-drop to the other side of the block (and clear the gap), then push it over to the E end of the ledge. Now head in to the small room to flick the switch for the golden ledge to appear.

Head back out, climb on to the block now moved to the E side of the ledge and run-jump to the golden ledge. Jump up and grab the room above and pull up. Flick the switch on the block in the S side for trapdoors to lower in the cat statue area of the


2nd Water Area

Go to the edge and look down to the 2nd Water Area of the room below. Jump to the ledges in the NE, face N and run-jump to the rock ledges there. Shoot any panthers lurking around on these ledges below and slide down the slope. You can explore the green area with palm trees if you like but there’s nothing there, so turn right instead and run-jump to the ledge on the right. Face the blue roof of the cat statue area and run-jump to collect a SMP. Climb on to the sloped block on the NW side and run-jump to the ledge in this direction to pick up the Laser Sight

Drop in to the water and swim over to the cat statue area. Hop in to the new pool the trapdoors revealed and flick the underwater lever on the W side, this opens the door on the E side among the pillars so head in there (climb out of the pool by pulling up on the sloped ledge on the S side and back-flipping on to the block with the cat statue). 


Room With Slopes And Spikes

Head through the two small chambers with pillars, as you approach the room with slopes and spikes quickly turn around as a panther sneaks up behind you. Jump towards the slope on the left and jump over the spikes as you slide to the ground.  We can veer off the path to collect a couple of secrets, so at the passage turn right for Secret 5 of the level, but if you’re not interested to collect the secrets, then pick up the walk at *

Climb up the blocks heading in to darkness, taking care to jump over spike pits as you go.  Emerge in to a room for the 5th Secret ~ LMP ~ green and yellow rockets ~ rocket launcher. The golden door in front of you will open to the slope and spikes area again so jump to the ledge on the left between the pillars, then jump to the pillar on the NE corner and hang-drop down to the ground.

This time turn left and come out in to a large sandy area. Head up the path on the right for the cat statue to animate in to a panther. Now climb up to the flat ledge on the S side of the path then run-jump to the flat part of the rock in the NE direction and slide down on the N side (to have bypassed the spikes on the other side). Head right in to the doorway and shoot the panther. Dodge the boulder which drops down on to you and climb up where it came from. You can shoot the panther that animated before but there’s nothing there so can avoid it. Otherwise, head up the steps to the top. Run-jump to grab the rock ledge ahead of you. Face S and jump up to the flat rock here, then face W and run-jump to the ledge in the distance with the goodies.  This is the 6th Secret ~ HK MP5 ammoHang-drop down to the ledges below and slide to the ground.

* Follow the panther prints to the blocks near the spikes. Pull the first one out and push the second one in to the next area.  


Water Area With Wooden Bridges

Shoot the panther on the island in the middle and collect the Gold Key from the block. Shoot the crocodile in the water and the other two panthers on the other side. 

The Magnum (optional, as you should have collected this in The Hive, continue at ** if you’ve already got it and you are not bothered about collecting it again)

Hop in to the water and swim along the passage at the E wall of the pool (behind and to the right of the block with hieroglyphics), swim past the crocodile you meet and pull up on either side of the blue ledge of the new small pool to kill the croc. Now turn around to see the magnum on a blue ledge, jump up on to it as two more crocodiles appear from crawlspaces either side of the ledge the magnum is sitting on, and let them have it. Pick up the Magnum and then collect the SMP from the N side of this small chamber. Picking up the SMP triggers two more crocodiles to appear, so jump back to the blue ledge and kill them too. Crawl through one of the crawlspaces (they connect). Drop down the hole and head right to be back at the pool room with bridges.

** Head over to the cave where the panthers were and collect a SMP and MP5 Mini ammo where the hieroglyphics are. Head out again and make your way up the bridges to the top. Climb up to the ledge on the N side and shoot the crocodile (the passage to the W only heads back to the room where you picked up the Magnum so if you missed it before, you could head back there now – note that at least two crocodiles will greet you on arrival as you drop in to the pit with them).

Head over to the edge of this wide ledge so you’re looking out over the pool below and shimmy to the right under the overhang to the other side. Pull up in the overhang gap and collect a LMP and HK MP5 ammo. Turn to the right and jump to the ledge with greenery underneath it, then go inside the small chamber and use the key in the door.


Large Room With Three Blue Ramps And Spikes

Approach the ramps carefully as boulders will come rolling down. Head to the right side of them and drop on to the small blue ledge just below. From here you can shoot the three panthers lurking in the pit below. Drop in to the fenced-in blue ledge to retrieve some HK MP5 ammo (the ammo in the next fenced-in area is unattainable). 

Climb up again and head over to the left side of the ramps (triggering some boulders to roll down as you go) to hop down on to the blue ledge on this side and drop to the ground below (this is also your way out of this pit). Collect the 2x SMP from the blue blocks. Head up the passage near where the exit block is (and the caged-in unattainable SMP), past the cat statue to flick a switch to open a door at the top of the ramps. Now head back up to the blue ramps (there is nothing more to do in this pit, you can go up to the opposite passage where a second cat statue is but it animates as you head in to the greenery area and there’s nothing to collect) and be careful going up as more boulders will be triggered (simply side-jump to another ramp as a boulder heads down). 

Shoot the panther through the doorway from the safety of the ramps and head in there.

Look through the bars to the large desert area outside, that’s where you’re heading. Jump to the first bridge then run-jump to the second. Stand on the block the cat statue is sitting on for another cut scene of outside, if you like. Collect the 2x SMP ~ 2x HK MP5 ammo from the alcoves then drop in to the water below. Swim E through the passage then past the two crocodiles, (shortcut, continue at ***) turn left then swim through the narrow gap on the left (or right) corner, flick the underwater lever and quickly swim through to the outside area, pull up and shoot the panther which attacks. From here you can now kill the two crocodiles which were after you (if they were able to swim through the gap too) and swim back to get those Magnum clips you saw near the underwater lever. 


The Eye of Horus (optional longer route)

Continue E and pull out in to a room with cages. You’re under attack by a flying mummy so draw guns and kill it quickly. Once it’s dead, climb on to the block behind the gong and jump up to the ledge above. Grab the Magnum clips then shoot the panther in the passage (note the closed gate beside you leading to a passage with greenery). Head over to where the panther was and flick the two switches to open the gate. Go through the gate and it will close behind you. Enter the new area with greenery and water to be under attack by another flying mummy, lure it to the passage to kill it more easily. Head back outside and kill the two crocodiles in the water (if you want to, but there’s nothing in the water to collect). You’ll hear another panther mummy running around on top of the central structure but you’ll deal with him soon.

Spot the Eye of Horus floating above the structure rim on the E side, you need to flick a switch to raise the block below it. So move the central block over to the block on the E side and climb up on to it. Face the central stucture and jump up to grab the ledge above, quickly jump up to the higher block so you’re out of harm’s way and can kill the panther mummy safely. Once it’s dead flick the switch for the block to raise so you can access the eye of horus. Pick up the Eye of Horus for the gate to open and head back out. The gate behind the cat statue opposite is now open, place the Eye of Horus in it’s receptacle to be teleported to a new area. Drop in to the pool, but don’t dally as two crocodiles (could) be after you, flick the underwater lever quickly, swim through  and pull up in to the desert. Shoot the panther which attacks then kill the two crocs that were possibly able to squeeze through the gap in to this pool, hop back in to the water to collect those Magnum clips if you didn’t have time to get them before. 

*** Head E and around to the right to collect a SMP and 2x HK MP5 ammo. Be careful as you enter this area as a boulder will drop down on you. Now go to the N towards the fence and spikes for another panther to attack. Collect the 2x HK MP5 ammo from up past the spikes in the fenced area. Another panther will appear so kill that too. Head over to the block with hieroglyphics on it and climb on to it, follow the passage beyond to an area with an unmoving mummy and two cat statues, as you approach the statues, they come to life so get to higher ground to kill the two panther mummies. You can do this by either sprinting back to the hieroglyphic block and shooting them from there, running past them to the water beyond and jumping while shooting from the safety of the ledge before climbing on to the sand. Or you can bypass them altogether and sprint along the bridge towards the unmoving mummy which will drop through a trapdoor. Follow it down to the next level. 



Level Five ~ Temple Of The Cat

4 Secrets

Flick the switch behind you to drop the trapdoor and hang-drop to the room below.  Collect the 2x Magnum clips from the blue ledge in front of you. Note the closed gold door on your right. Head up the alley to see a panther mummy running around behind the gold door area. Look to the right and see two blue ledges, head in to the area behind them and flick the switch to open the gates to 2x SMP and the unmoving mummy. Collect the goodies and raise the switch again, this opens the gold door you saw before but also animates the panther mummy so quickly climb on to either of the blue ledges to kill it.

Go over to the now opened door and shoot the panther mummy from the safety of the doorway. Head inside for the secret chime, as you approach the corner you’ll hear the sounds of 3x panthers approaching so quickly duck in to the alcove on the right or run back to the doorway again to shoot them from safety. Once they’re dead, go to the end of the room for the 7th Secret ~ 2x Magnum clips on the steps.  Now go out and continue past where the first panther mummy was. Climb up in to a large sandy area. When you hear the music, look to the right and spot the HK MP5 ammo, jump over the crevice to collect it.


Desert Area With Pyramid

Head in to the open area to see two panther mummies running around. Jump on to the block with hieroglyphics to kill them. Shoot the panther roaming around the pyramid. Collect more HK MP5 ammo from the hieroglyphic ledge near where the floating boulders are. On the SE corner is more HK MP5 ammo but the boulders will drop on you when you collect it, some of the boulders get stuck and will remain rolling back and forth so best to get them on the way out of this area to avoid going mad with the noise. Move the block on the N side to collect HK MP5 ammo from underneath it. Look to the paw prints to the E and follow them to a pool. Spot the gate to open to the left in the pool and open it with the underwater lever on your right. The door is timed but this also releases a crocodile, so climb out to kill it then flick the lever again and head through before the door closes. Swim to the end near the fence to get the 1st Ornate Key and swim out again. Time to climb the pyramid but first, to collect the 2nd ornate key.

Climb to the 2nd tier of the pyramid and head over to it’s SW corner,  run-jump to the room with painted pillars in the S. You’ll hear a flying panther mummy so quickly run-jump back to the pyramid, get in the corner so you can safely shoot the mummy while it’s unable to get you. Once dead, head back to the room and drop down below. Pick up the 2nd Ornate Key from the tile with a cat face on it. (ignore the boulder, it’s to chase you down the passage if you approached using the alternative method – see below). Head back out to the pyramid and climb to the top (continue at ****). 


Alternative method to getting the 2nd Ornate Key

Climb to the 4th tier, see the two movable blocks (denoted by the “handles”) in the SE corner, pull out the first block and then the second. A panther appears so kill it. A hole is revealed behind the second block so hang-drop (shimmy as far left as possible to sustain as little injury as possible) to the sloped sand below. Head over to the door and flick the switch to open it nearby. Go up the passage, a boulder chases you down so head in to the alcove to avoid it. Continue up the passage and collect the 2nd Ornate Key. Climb to the top and a flying panther mummy attacks, so run-jump to the pyramid, get in the corner and kill it without it being able to get you. Head to the top of the pyramid.


Inside The Pyramid

****  Use the two ornate keys in the locks to open the door on the E side. Head inside the dark passage with greenery. To the left is a switch to turn the lights on but this will also close the door to a secret, so leave it. Instead, light a flare and head inside to the right. Continue around to the left where a panther will attack so kill it and then head in to the open door to the right at the end of the passage for the 8th Secret ~ LMP. Continue on and to the left and enter a small room, hang-drop down the hole and jump over to the W side (left or right, doesn’t matter which) and follow the passage around to cat statues and two switches. If you can, shoot the panther in the area below but it’s not necessary as it can be avoided altogether. Flick the first switch for a cut scene of a large underwater door, then flick the 2nd for the door to open, which is timed. Now jump down a hole in to the water below and quickly swim through the door before it closes (if you didn’t make it, you can climb on the ledge the panther is/was on and climb back to the switches to try again). Swim up just past the doors and climb out on either side to collect the 3rd Ornate KeyTwo crocodiles will appear in the water so kill them before you hop back in to continue your swim up the passage. 


Room With Animated Cat Motifs On The Walls

Shoot the two panthers lurking about at the top when you can. Take the 4th Ornate Key from the pedestal around the pool. A panther will appear so hop to the next tier up and kill it from safety. Head over to the movable block in the SW corner and pull it back to find some Magnum clips underneath it. Take the 5th Ornate Key from the pedestal on the next tier up for another panther to appear. Now make your way to the top and take the 6th Ornate Key and 7th Ornate Key from the pedestals on either side of the fence on the E side of the room. Use the keys in the locks on the W wall for the door in the SE corner to open and head inside.

Drop down the hole on to the ledge below then drop to the lower and longer ledge.  Collect the SMP and HK MP5 ammo from the alcoves then jump to the ledge on the W. Climb up to the ledge on the right and slide down the slope. Climb up to the alcove on the right and flick the switch to open the door above. Continue to the end of the passage and pull up to the ledge on the right. Turn to face right and jump to the ledge (avoid sliding down on to spikes) and make your way to the top again. Head through the opened door. Drop in to the water and swim to the E, follow the passage around always heading right until you reach a dead-end (pick up MP5 Mini ammo on the way), flick the underwater lever on the left to open the door and make your way back by taking a short-cut through the middle of the pool and surfacing at the air pocket. A crocodile may be lurking about so don’t take too much time picking up the MP5 Mini ammo in the middle of the pool and heading back to the surface. You could swim this way first but you’re more likely to meet the croc on the way, the other way is longer but safer.

Climb out and head in to the new area where two panther mummies are trying to get you through a closed door. If you run over the two tiles with Pharaoh faces on them this will open the door. So face the way you came in, run over the far one then the one nearest the door to the previous room and sprint in to the previous room and jump on to either ledge to kill the panther mummies from safety. 

Head in to the new room and note the boulder blocking a passage on the left,  go over to the opposite side of the room and flick the switch on the left to open the door in the NE corner of the Room with Animated Cat motifs, then flick switch the right to trigger the boulder to roll in to a pit and allow access to the passage beyond. Head in there and shot the crocodile, pick up the HK MP5 ammo from the pit and the Magnum clips from the alcove. Climb up in to the passage on the far side of this small room and follow to the end, drop in to the water below – you’re back in the Room with Animated Cat motifs.

Climb out of the water and head up to the NE corner and go through the door. Pick up the MP5 Mini gun and collect 4x MP5 Mini ammo lying around (one set is on the ledge).  

In front of you are some sand dunes, to the left is a closed door and to the right is a passage with a SMP. Pick up the SMP and head over to the sand-dunes (don’t go up the passage, it takes you to a long and more dangerous route to getting to the top of the dunes which two jumps takes care of very easily, but if you’re wanting a challenge or to try a different way, see “The Long Way to the top of the sand dunes” below). Jump up to the ledge where you picked up the last set of MP5 ammo and jump to the sand-dune. Go over to the NW corner of the dunes to collect a LMP, now head over to the NE corner for some MP5 Mini ammo, to the right of that is a switch (on the E wall on the other side of the dune) so flick it to open the closed door you  saw before (where you picked up the MP5 Mini gun) and head back there. 


The Long Way To The Top Of The Sand Dunes

Head up the passage where you collected the SMP from, jump over the pit in to the sandy area and you’ll be attacked by a Flying Atlantean and Panther.  Kill them both then proceed through the doorway on your left (behind the gong) mind the two boulders which try to run you down as you approach the doorway.

Enter this room to be attacked by two Panther Mummies. Kill them both by standing on the ledge the gong is on (they can’t get you here) then proceed back inside the room, note the other unmoving panther mummies just waiting for a reason to come to life... Head over to the far side to the movable block and flick the switch behind it.  Two of the Panther Mummies will awaken so run back to safety to the gong ledge outside and kill them both. Head back in and push the block, on to the cat tile between the blocks in the SW corner of the room. Two more Panther Mummies will awaken so back to the gong ledge and let them have it (or hop up on top of the blocks but sometimes they can hop up here too). Now move the top block in the SW corner over to the top of the block with the cat tile (under the trapdoor). Head over to the far wall and flick the two remaining switches in the niches of the N wall to open the trapdoor. Climb up and follow the passage to hang-drop to the top of the dunes below.


Brightly Lit Room

The door in front of you is closed to take the passage to the right to enter a bright room with wide stairs. There’s a slope on either side of the stairs leading down to certain death. At the top of the left slope is a gate to open. Head up the stairs. At the top, go over to the right corner and run off the corner there to land on a pillar below. Hang-drop down to the pillar below on the E then jump to the pillar in the N. Jump around the right side of the pillar with hieroglyphics then jump to the ledge to collect MP5 Mini ammo. Jump back again and then jump around the corner to the left. Face W and jump up to the pillar above, then up again (jump past the shimmy ledge) to the pillar at the top so you’re on the same level as the cat statue. Head in to the small chamber behind the statue and flick the switch to open the door in the previous room that you saw earlier (it also opens the gate at the top of the slope beside the stairs – this leads to a secret). A bridge will appear in front of the cat statue giving you easy access back to the stairs. Head through the open gate, don’t go down the stairs yet but run along the walkway on the right. At the end are two niches containing goodies: SMP and HK MP5 ammo. Drop over the side to the steps below and head to a blue ramp. As you approach the blue ramp you’ll hear footsteps – a panther appears on the walkway above so draw guns to kill it. Now proceed to the blue ramp. Run down the ramp then immediately turn right in to the niche as a boulder chases you. Once the boulder has passed, follow the ramp to the bottom and to the right on the bright sandy area. Pick up the 9th Secret ~ MP5 Mini ammo ~ LMP then head in to the next sandy room for the chime to register the secret.

(note: you can drop down to here from the pillars above and enter the secret room after you’ve flick the switch behind the cat statue, but you lose a bit of health on the way down, so the method described is technically backwards but safer for Lara).

Now head up the ramp and immediately run left back to the secret area as another boulder comes down the ramp. Once it’s passed, head up again and in to the room above which you opened door.


Room With Greenery

In the niches on either side of the block with a cat face are some trapdoors. Head down the passage in the NE corner. Shoot the crocodile in the passage then continue to a room with more greenery. Head to the left dark niche for a LMP and shoot the crocodile which sneaks up behind. Head to the opposite niche for a SMP, now go further in to find a small pool. Shoot the crocodile in the pool and dive in to flick the underwater lever to open the trapdoors in the previous room.  Head back out and shoot the panther on the way out. Climb up either trapdoor to another room..Head around to the other side and climb on to the blue ledge with a Pharaoh face to trigger the trapdoor you just ran over to drop. Hang-drop down the hole to another room with cat and pharaoh face tiles. Collect the SMP and the HK MP5 ammo from the corners of the room then go through the golden door which will open as you approach it.

Head in to small room on the right for Magnum and Magnum clips then continue on.  Drop down the hole on your left.  (there’s a room further on opened by two switches on either side of the door, this contains two unmoving Panther mummies and is nothing but a trap so don’t waste your time there).

Flick the switch on the right to deactivate a spike trap on the small block in front of you and continue down the passage. Jump over the block (note the closed trapdoor above, you’ll be back here later) and run-jump over the spike pit ahead. Make your way to the end and flick the switch to open the trapdoor above nearby and climb up.  Get on the left side of the push-pull block (face N) and push it twice in to the wall niche, get on the right side of the second block (face S) and push it in to the caged niche to reveal a passage behind it, and head in to a large pool area with 4 switches.


Large Pool Area With Four Switches On Pillars

There are two crocodiles in the water, two panthers and a Panther Mummy on the ledge above so shoot them all. Flick the four switches on the four pillars to drop a trapdoor to access the ledge above and use the pillar to climb up there. Flick the two switches behind the two gongs to drop a trapdoor in the water on the W side, so swim down there.

Enter a large dark room with boxes laying around,  some boxes can be shot open to reveal goodies but not all contain nice things! So shoot open the smaller box at the N wall for a SMP, shoot the two boxes in the middle at the W wall for Magnum Clips and the Laser Sight. The rest (including the large jar) contain either scarabs or a skeleton. Head down the passage on the E wall and the Demigod on the left will wake up, so run in to the next area (or kill him, you’ll head back this way later so it might be wise to take care of him now). Run over the four cat tiles ahead of you to open the gate beyond (and send scarabs after you). Keep running as the scarabs are still hot on your tail and flick the switch to open the gate on the right (the gate behind you has closed when you ran in so that stops the guard at least!) Run down the passage and take the LMP and Magnum clips then slide down the ramp area on the left as a boulder chases you down. Jump over the spikes to safety and grab the ledge opposite (the scarabs should stay in the pit with the spikes). Grab the laser sight (if you like, think you have enough already!) and climb up the steps. Flick the gate above and head through, it closes behind you. Note the two panthers behind the closed gate to your left and head in to the next room.


Room With Two Golden Panthers

Approach the two golden panthers on the other side of the room, you can kill them before they animate but once they’re awake, climb to higher ground to pick them off. Collect the MP5 Mini ammo from between the steps the panthers were resting on. Pick up the 3x HK MP5 ammo (one on either side of the room and the last set amongst the furniture at the N side) then make your way up to the steps to the two resting bulls (but don’t worry, they’re happy to stay resting) Jump up to the ledge above to be attacked by a Flying Atlantean, make your way to a corner of the room to shoot it then head back again. Run along the bridge and jump to the ledge with the block at the base of the ramp (the two golden panthers will awaken if you didn’t take care of them already). Push it over to the blocks in the N corner (revealing a MP5 Mini gun) and climb up the blocks to get to the ledge above. Kill the Demigod then run over the bridge to the two switches taking the LMP and Rocker Launcher as you go. Flick the switches to open the gate in the S wall and head in there to flick another switch to open the gate opposite – make your way there. Hop down the large steps in to a sandy room and shoot the two Flying Atlanteans who attack (back Lara up to a corner so they can’t reach her). Go over to NE corner of the sandy room and climb up to a passage, head inside to see a switch in front of you with the gate closed to it, but the door to your right opens. Run up the passage and past the Skeleton which pops up from the ground, keep running in to the outside sandy area with more skeletons which are asleep and pick the skeleton off from here (it won’t follow you outside).  Shoot the two Golden Panthers on the other side of the sandy outdoor area and flick the switches they were guarding to open the door to the switch you saw earlier.  Head back inside where the skeleton is running around headless, (ignore the sleeping skeletons, they seem to be having a rest day) and shoot the four small boxes with red lids for LMP, SMP, Rocket Launcher and Grey Rocket (don’t shoot the bigger boxes in the middle of the room, they only contain skeletons). Go back to the switch and flick it to open the gate the two black panthers were stuck behind earlier. Go back to the first room with 2x golden panthers and sleeping bulls and take care of the two black panthers (and the two golden panthers if you didn’t take care of them earlier) before you make your way to the ground below. Head up the passage again and through the opened gate on the right, run past the two skeletons who rise up (don’t sprint, just run) and pass two more who rise up as you head along the passage, when you get near to the room, turn around and equip rocket launcher and take all the skeletons out with one rocket. Now go inside the room and shoot the Demigod. Head around to the other side of the ledge to collect 2x LMP, Magnum and Magnum clips before flicking the switch in the NW corner. The switch will raise the trapdoors giving you access back to the other side, as well as lower the trap door in the passage you saw earlier. Head over to the other side of the large pit and in to the room with all the boxes again, quickly jump in to the water before the Demigod shoots you and swim back to the Pillar room with 4 switches. Climb out to the passage in the NE corner. Head down the underground passage, over the pit and up through the newly opened trapdoor. In front of you is a door with a switch on either side, but look left and see a moveable block. This is access to secret 10, if you’re not bothered about getting the final secret of the game, then pick up the walk from *****

Collect the 10th Secret ~ LMP ~ SMP ~ HK MP5 Mini Ammo ~ HK MP5 Ammo

(note: there is no chime to signify a secret and it doesn’t register in your stats as a secret but it is the final secret of the game)

***** Head back to the room with the two switches and flick them to open the door. Run through the door and past the panther mummy which drops down on you and jump up to the ledge in front of you. Ignore the panther mummy as you don’t need to come back to the small room and there’s nothing there to do anyway. Continue in to the next room and jump on to a block


Pyramid Room

There’s a panther mummy running around here too so shoot it from the safety of the blocks around the base of the pyramid. 

Once it’s dead, head around to the other side of the pyramid and go up the steps towards the block. Another panther mummy sneaks up behind you so quickly run back to the safety of the blocks to kill it. Head back to the block, push it in once and continue up the steps. On the grey block at the top (with the cat face on it) face W and jump up to the ledge above you. Jump to the ledge opposite then run-jump and grab the blue ledge on the outside of the pyramid. Head around to the left (N) and spot the ammo through the gate on your right, continue going around the ledge and kill two panther mummies. Head all the way around to the E side again and go through the doorway. 

Continue inside and up the steps, then drop down to collect HK MP5 Mini Ammo. Climb up on to the ledge on the N and head back outside to be looking out over the pyramid (which you can now see has the face of a panther – there’s a panther in it’s mouth, kill it now if you can). There’s also a flying panther mummy, when it comes in for the kill, just jump in to the ledges on any wall and get in a corner to kill it. Also try to get the panther mummy running around the ledges on the top too if you can.

Head along the golden ledges in the W, jump to the grey wall ledge to jump to the pillar with hieroglyphics. Continue along the golden ledges, heading S now. Run-jump and grab the pillar in the SW corner then climb up to the level above (where the panther mummy was, kill it now if you haven’t already) Head over to the W side and jump to the high pillar with hieroglyphics. Face the face of the sphinx and run-jump to the ledge below it’s right eye (it looks slidey but it’s not). Shoot the panther mummy that appears on top of the sphinx. Head down the steps and flick the switch it was guarding. This extends the sphinx’s tongue, so go back to the top of the sphinx’s head and slide down backwards from it’s nose, grab the edge and drop down on to it’s tongue. Head inside the sphinx’s mouth, jump over the hole (it’s throat) and flick the switch to open the door behind you. Run back along it’s tongue and head outside where Lara will say “if anybody had noticed the doorway this statue was pointing to, maybe this temple would have been discovered centuries ago”,  jump off the ledge to finish the level. 


The End


Thank you for using our walkthrough. If you find an error or you still need some help with these levels, then please contact the author of the appropriate section.

Level One ~ Lara's Mansion by Moonpooka
Level Two ~ Atlantean Stronghold by Moonpooka
Level Three ~ The Hive by Moonpooka
Level Four ~ Return To Egypt by Jenni
Level Five ~ Temple Of The Cat by Jenni