Tomb Raider Elements of Adventures (Demo)

Level by T Load

Walkthrough by DJ Full

NOTE: There is no 005 sound in this game. And some secrets seem to contain nothing, so don't be surprised you have more of them than you thought!

Slide down. Tap backwards and grab the ledge. Release and hold Action to grab the crack below. Pull up into the crawlspace and find a small medi on your way through it. On the junction, go left and exit the crawlspace. Climb the central structure, then runjump/grab the opposite slope and shimmy right to pull up on the ledge. Follow the passage and drop into the pit at the end to land on the block. Descend into the hole (either duck and drop or jump forwards with holding Action to fly through the hole) to find SECRET#1 at the bottom - a small medi. Go back outside, safety drop to the ground and go around the central structure to follow the next passage. At the end, roll in and out of the next room to avoid some spikeballs rolling down. Re-enter the room to get through the NE passage (watch out for one more spikeball chasing you. In the next area, behold two more spikeballs, one of them waiting to fall down as soon as you step on the ramp on the E of it. But there is a clever way of avoiding the trap - drop on the ramp and hide in the alcove behind you to get a small medi. Meanwhile, the spikeball passes you by and now it's safe to go down the ramp. Don't fall into the pit, but climb the stepped blocks on the left to go into the next room, avoiding the next spikeball and jumping over the warthogs, what is much more difficult. Enter the N portal, go around the pool and upstairs to find more warthogs. Go around the pillar on the right of the entrance and climb it. That triggers finding SECRET#2.

Jump on the other column to find a large medi. Descend to the ground and enter another N passage, leading to the high chamber with a pool in the center. Ignore the water and ascend, platforming clockwise around it. Second and third jumps require grabbing a ledge, then you need to jump over the gap, slide/jump three times and grab the crack to shimmy right until you can pull up on the safe piece of floor. For SECRET#3, pull up on the left (E) cornice, follow it and jump over the pit in the corner. Go back, hop over the gap, go upstairs twice and climb the highest cornice to go around the pit and down the S passage leading to the patio. Follow the corridor beginning in the SW corner and pick up the Horseman's Gem from the following steps. Continue downstairs and climb the ladder on your right to go upstairs and on the "balcony". Jump on the roof of the nearby building. Doing so activates SECRET#4. Pick up another Horseman's Gem from there. Go back to the junction you climbed the last ladder from and now choose the passage to get back to the warthog atrium. Place the gem in its slot and go through the revealed corridor to find yourself in the warthog fire chamber. Sprint across it, as well as through the spikes emerging from the ceiling of the next corridor, and fall into the water. Swim ahead for some time and then into the underwater passage hidden behind the rocks on your left. Resurface on the other side. Exit the water, enter the portal in the NW corner and go upstairs to reach the curved passage. At the end, jump over the gap to land on the platform above the familiar water. Approach the far statue to activate two flames of unknown function, hop back into the pool and swim to the junction once again. This time, go right. Resurface in the next pool, exit the water and go up the ramp to place the second gem in the slot by the W door. But you need one more gem to access the later secret, so before you go through the open door, check the N passage. In the wide corridor, go around the pillar to avoid the rolling balls and pick up Horseman's Gem from next to the column. Doing so triggers the remaining spikeball to roll down.

For just-a-curiosity backtrack, you need to time the following spikes, go down the passage behind the trap, up another two ramps, upstairs, downstairs and back to the warthog atrium. If you don't wanna backtrack, after picking up the last Horseman's Gem get back to the slot and place the item. Go through the door to swing across the fire pit. There is a non-burning square in there - stand on it and enter the crawlspace to throw the switch behind it. The exit raises and you can go through it to slide down the following slope. Go through the cave, runjump/grab/pull up on the ledge on the other side of the fire pit and crawl through the crack. Go upstairs and into the last chamber. Climb the stairs in the NW corner and pull up on the nearby cornice. Get on the upper one on the right of the tree and use the branches to lead you into the passage in the S wall. At the end, safety drop to find the last Horseman's Gem and exit through the open door to jump on the nearby shelf. Hop on the NE ledge and place the gem in the nearby slot. Follow the revealed corridor, jump over the hole at the enter the passage on your right to place the remaining gem in the slot hidden in complete darkness. That opens the door at the end of this corridor. Get SECRET#5 from behind it - a small medi. Go back to the last room and hop into the pit. Pull the lever to open the exit and the other gate on the SW of it, covering the slope with the finish trigger at the bottom.