Cutscene Museum Demo

Level by mattew9r

Walkthrough by manarch2

Main Hall

Go up the W ramp. You have two possibilities:
Either you go left or right to the brown door, leading to a new level. Go left first.

TR1 (Tomb of Qualopec)

Pick up a Load and throw it in the receptacle. See what happens, explore the area a bit and leave through the E passage.

Main Hall

Go up again and this time right.

TR2 (The Great Wall)

Pick up a Load and throw it in the receptacle. See what happens, explore the area a bit and leave through the E passage.

Main Hall

Drop in the hole in the floor and shoot two bedouin. Go in the only passage which is open to get in the next level.

TR3 (City)

Pick up a Load and throw it in the receptacle. See what happens, explore the area a bit and leave through the E passage.

Main Hall

If you want go E and outside and see the courtyard. There is no finish trigger.