New York City Demo

Level by Dazzle

Walkthrough by manarch2

Turn and you can open the door to see the whole part of the wall. Go W and kill a soldier, then N into the train area. Sprint E and see Kurtis Trent right, but also a train left so jump right. Open the door and kill two soldiers, then climb in the SW crawlspace, find Crossbow Ammo and a Large Medikit in the passage and then drop into the hole at the end. Jump over the rails N and pick up Uzi Ammo. Shoot the box and activate the switch to open a W door outside. Run up the ramp and shoot another two soldiers and take Uzi Ammo with you. Climb the boxes and jump to the balcony where you can find the Uzis if going left. If going right shoot the grate and jump in the next area. Take 2x Shotgun Ammo right and shoot the soldier on the lower floor. To get more Uzi Ammo shoot the bin; go S and shoot a second bin for Shotgun Ammo. Climb the E ladder to the top. Enjoy the view and quit the game as there is no finish trigger.