Gold Edition.

Revised levels including the Bonus levels.

Level series by Thibault Chatelus (TC 14)

Walkthrough by G&D Productions.


                  Level Names and Links to the Quest Levels

1  Canadian Forest

9   The Nuclear Base

17 The Flying Ducthman

2  The Gold Mine

10 General Contamination

18 Aboard the Damned Ship

3  Indian Sanctuary

11 Nuclear Hazard (bonus)

19 Escape from the Caribbean Depths (bonus)

4  Portal/Great Spirit

12 The Hidden Palace

20 Mountains of Saint Francis

5  The Mineral City

13 Tears of a Lost Dynasty

21 The Hall of Legends several stages between the next levels

6  Depths of the Mine

14 Wrath of the Dragon

22 Poseidon's Domain  

7  The Hidden Forest

15 The Ship Graveyard

23 Myth of Sisyphe

8  Mystic Experience

16 Voodoo Magic in Martinique

24 Caves of Midas

In some levels not all enemies are mentioned, to leave an element of surprise

Level 1 - Canadian Forest.

The Crowbar.

Pick up the flares and leave the cave W and come to a deep canyon with railway tracks below. There are some buildings on the E side of the canyon, first safety drop down on those tracks below. Turn around and run to the end, standjump (no Ctrl) over the gap to the next part and hop back grabbing the rail (ladder). Get down fast as a Bold Eagle will appear. Once on the bottom pick up a small medipack NE and go for the all-important Crowbar on a workbench SE.

Go back to the ladder and climb up. Jump N to the next piece of rail, face W and to the wall where that small tree is, there’s an opening in the rock wall. Go into a cave and shoot a bear, follow though S and at the end of this passage you can climb the Ice ladder on the left hand wall and there, another bear appears. Jump into the mouth of a cave SW and you are at the Cabana. 2 Baddies stand guard near the Cabana; get some Uzi Ammo from one of them and the Secondary Key from the other. Have a look around; you can go in 3 directions from here.


S route: Valve Wheel # 1.

Go S and just left of the opening to the forest is a Crystal; shoot it to get a small medipack. Now go into the next forest area (N) and shoot the Bold Eagle, climb over the ridge to the left and find Revolver ammo up in the NW corner of the forest.  Look in the trench (S) behind the ridge you climbed for Secret#1, 2x Shotgun Ammo and Gold Bars (behind the next tree), then go over the ridge in the E to find another small medipack in the NE corner of the forest. Continue to the S and around the corner right, follow through, and shoot a guard near a building. Go around the left side of the building and use the Crowbar on Valve Wheel # 1 there.

The Fuse.

E of this building is a tunnel into the rocks, follow to the end to come to a canyon, safety drop to the floor and open the door N (one time I had a bear there and one time not, the soldier from the fly by leaves some Shotgun Ammo). Crawl under pipes and use the switch E (brings out an icy walkway back in the canyon). Go out and go right, climb the ice ladder almost to the top to back flip and roll, grabbing the icy walkway. Go over to the other side and get the Fuse (facing E) from the left crystal and go back to the walkway. Spot the opening E and take a run jump with CTRL to get into that opening. Watch the drunken Yeti walking around down there.

Drop down and get the 2 x Uzi Ammo (S wall) you don’t have to shoot the Yeti as it is too drunk to do any harm.  Head to the tree Lara is looking at and stand with your back to the tile on the wall, now crouch and pick up Secret #2, the Golden Skull from under the tree. Go back out, back to the icy walkway, into the tunnel S and through the forest to the Cabana Square. Head straight and into the cave N, down the passage SE and follow back to the railway tracks in the deep canyon. Go N and then left (E) get some flares and notice that receptacle on the wall. Turn back and open the door W. Go in and kill a guard, he’ll leave a small medipack.

Go on and find some flares on a workbench to the left, jump into the opening in the floor there and crawl through. Open the trapdoor at the end and climb up to place the Fuse in the NE corner of the generator. A gate opens in the N side of the Canyon. Get the small medipack from the S side of the room and head back through the tunnel, climb up at the most left (NW) corner at that red barred fence and go out to the Canyon.


The Secondary Complex Key, 2 more Valve Wheels.


Head carefully S over the track, it’s damaged. Stand-jump from one step back from the edge and a run-jump to the next part of the track and go up to the Mine cart. Shoot the two Guards down on the tracks while you slide down. In the E are some buildings so make your way there. Climb up to the pipe and get the Valve Wheel # 2. Turn around and climb in the opening of the building and get Valve Wheel # 3. On the workbench is a small medipack. When you leave there will be a guard, so shoot him and head back N (you can go over the snowy side of the track and jump back to where the Mine cart is) and up to the Canyon, to the S over the damaged part and into the same passage in the W wall again (where the tree is), jump to that ice block in front of the opening. Follow though and climb the ladder. Climb up into the mouth of a cave (S wall) and you are back at the Cabana.


W Route: Valve Wheel # 4.


Go W past the Cabana and into the Ice cave there. Shoot the Bear and go on into the NW corner where a wide opening gives access to a deep cave with a frozen lake. Drop/hang from the edge and go shimmy right, around the corner, to where you can drop/grab a lower crack, then drop onto the pillar in the dark corner, roll and run-jump/grab to the pillar W. Enter the CS and follow to another cave with a switch in the E (shoot the Crystal). Pulling that switch will drain the lake in the deep cave, get the Flares (W) on your way out and crawl back to the deep cave, drop from the side of the pillar and then down into the dry lake.

Go into the opening S and into the next cave; watch out for the icicles that drop from the ceiling. Shoot as many ice crystals on the floor as you can and the door S will open. Jump down and up E and open the door. Shoot the guard inside; he leaves a small medipack behind. Behind the table SW is 2 x Shotgun Ammo. On the workbench is the Cabana Key.

This triggers some rolling boulders, so get out, traverse the ice cave and jump back up NW. Back to and out of the empty pool and climb that ladder SW. Go out of the next cave to come back to the square. Go straight to the building and use the Cabana Key on the lock down, left of the door. Enter and get Valve Wheel # 4.

The Secondary Complex.

Head out and E, passing the Cabana and jump over the corner of the Canyon to the ledge where you started this level. Look for the snowy ledge on the E side of the Canyon and run-jump over to it, climb up. Head into the open door, shoot the guards and pick up the Shotgun Ammo one leaves behind, there are also Flares on the desk. Go to the small tree NW, the one behind a table. From there take a stand jump also SW to another tree there and pick up 2 x Shotgun Ammo and Secret # 3, Golden Coins. Jump back and go in the building.

Open the door in the N. On the workbench is more Shotgun Ammo and right next to the door in an alcove some Flares, then use the Secondary Complex Key. Go in and shoot the next Baddy and pick up the Uzi ammo he leaves behind as well as the Uzi ammo on the right in an alcove. Follow through and open the small door E. Go in and shoot the next Baddy. Open the S door, and another one, find and use the switch in the back. Go back through both doors and into the new open door E to place the 4 Valve Wheels.

A door in the room with the switch is open now, so get in there. In the SE another door is open, and another till you get at an office place. On the desk is Revolver Ammo. Open the small door W, shoot the Baddy and pick up a Medipack. On the desk is the Gold Mine Key, shoot another Baddy and leave W, go left and out W. Get back to the green area, follow through and where you jumped for a secret by that small tree behind that table, just run down onto the rail tracks. Go N and left; remember that receptacle on the left? Use the Gold Mine Key there.

The door S is open, shoot the guards and get a Medipack from one of them and Shotgun Ammo from the other. Go in and slide down to the next level.


Level 2 - The Gold Mine.

The guards are friendly, and help you to kill the mutants (wendingo’s).

To The Main Crossing.

Slide down the ramp and look how the guards kill a mutant. Pick up the Flares on the left, turn around go around that wooden support to crawl into that crawlspace there. At the end, crawl out. Use the Crowbar on the door E; better wait a bit, as there is a mutant lurking. Let the soldiers do their work, but if they don’t succeed you’ll have to finish off the mutant. (In that case one of the guards will have dropped a small medipack).

Follow the rail tracks and just look at the crate with Explosives; that is for later. For now continue S and push the little cart out of the way and keep going over the tracks. You’ll arrive at the Main Crossing of this mine.

The First Detonator Card.

Find a crawlspace in the E wall behind the big pipes. Crawl out the other end and stay on the crate to shoot the wolf, jump down and run/jump into the opening across, you need a Key Card here. Another wolf is showing up. Now you can get the Flares NW. 

Follow through N, over the tracks, and see a room with burning floors to the left. Run-jump to the orange crate and from there NW. Push the contraption first N and then pull/push it to the S on that brown tile. A flame around the corner of that orange crate is out. Jump back to the orange crate and you can walk on the other crates as well. Shoot the electric box E, use the switch. Jump N onto the only safe part of the lower floor to get the Revolver Ammo and some Gold Coins as Secret #1. Jump back to the boxes.

Stand on the orange crate and see that you have to push/pull that contraption to another brown tile NE. This opens a door somewhere on the railway tracks. Jump back W to the tracks and go left (N). Push the mine cart all the way forward and grab the Access Card from under it and also find some Shotgun Ammo on the left.

Go back over the tracks, go right and use the Access Card on the door right. Go through another door and find the Detonator on the desk. Leave and crawl back through the crawlspace to the Main Crossing. (In my game all Guards were dead and I had to shoot that mutant myself)

Go N from behind the pipes and jump onto the ice rise with the crates to the right and get the Shotgun Ammo on the floor. Now go back to the pipes and down the tracks (N).

The Desert Ranger.

Go back down the ramp to the beginning of the level, where the crate with explosives is. Open the small door N of the crate, go in and place the Detonator NW. An explosion follows, go out and enter the new opening left. Go right and up and pick up Uzi ammo. Continue on the rail tracks S op a ramp, passing a crane and jump over the lower track, passing some guards, open the door on the right (N). Nothing to do in here but you have to go in to trigger a cut scene to see that outside the guards are killed. So pick up the Desert Ranger one leaves behind. Go back (W) to the Main Crossing; you’ll be back here later. Go left at the explosion site and arrive in the Main Crossing.

The Lasersight.

Go to the NE corner of the Main Crossing and go up the tracks, enter in the opening on the right and in the new room drop into the hole (safety drop in a corner) and swim in carefully as just around a corner is a nasty machine. Time the swim pass this machine (I stayed on the bottom and swam through upwards). Around the corner are two more, so time that as well. This time I swam close to the ceiling. At the end, climb out. Get some Uzi Ammo from the workbench E. Then go N and open the small door, go left (N) over the tracks and all the way at the end is the Laser Sight. Go back to the room, and up the ramp S. Shoot the electric box NE and use the switch, watch the fly by. Go up the ramp E, the door will open and you’re back at the room with the hole in the floor. Leave SE and go down the tracks to the Main Crossing.

The Second Detonator.

Go SE, take the E side opening and go up the tracks, halfway up Lara will stare at the wall. There is a small crack there. Take the Laser Sight and Desert Ranger and shoot the swinging ball.

Continue on the tracks and find an open door. Go further and to the N into another cave, shoot the 2 wolves and at the end the electric box to use the switch. The fire on the tracks is extinguished. Push the mine cart all the way to the end and the fire on the on the grey tile is off so you can pick up another Detonator. Go back to the Main Crossing.

The Azot Bottle.

In the Main Crossing go back down to the tracks (near the pipes) that go down to where you exploded that crate (N) enter that same tunnel again and follow through, jump over the pit again. Enter the door to the right again and use the Detonator in the back of this house (W). Go out and to the right, into the open wall there. Follow through to a Gold Cave. You probably have to kill the miners there. Go all the way E and find a crawlspace, crawl through and pick up Secret #2, a Golden Skull and a small medipack. Go NW to the tracks there and into an alcove, open the door and pick up the Azot Bottle. Leave and go back to the Main Crossing.

The Excavation Area Key.

Go to the S opening, push the cart so you can get pass it, follow the track and go right where the green arrow points. Shoot the Fan and enter. You enter a huge room. Walk over the tight rope to the other side. On the left is an opening in the wooden wall. Open the door, shoot the electric box on the E wall and use the switch. Watch the fly by. There is another door to open NW, and on the desk S is the Excavation Area Key. Leave this building.

The Oxygen Bottle.

Jump back to the ledge and walk S. You have to reach that icy corner NE. Use the rope lowered by the crane before to swing over to that corner and take a running jump with grab W. Look NW and jump into the alcove, shoot the ball in there to stop a burner and get the small medipack. From there a running jump (no grab) to the hanging platform S. Take another running jump onto the crate hanging from the crane, then again a running jump with grab to the ledge in the W.

A worker is there, after taking care of him you can enter this building. Time your run passing those nasty machines and grab the ladder on the right wall and climb down (or check the health and just run down).

Run through the passage and shoot another angry worker. Go up the ramp and halfway up you can climb the ladder to the left. Avoid the drills by climbing left or right. On the top you can climb off on the right, more drills follow, just crawl. On the shelves is the Oxygen Bottle, and under the shootable grey Fan (crate) is some Desert Ranger Ammo.

Shoot the gray Fan up in the dark NW corner and climb in. Walk slowly left around the corner (gate) and hop into the alcove to find some Shotgun Ammo, and then return to the Main Crossing by sliding down the rest of the track.

To the Carbon Bottle.

Once on the Main Crossing, go left and left again (SE and take the S side again), pass the cart and this time go straight. Pick up some Shotgun Ammo on the right, keep on following the tracks and at a crossing go left. Shoot the Fan there and use the Crowbar on the door behind it.  Shoot the electric box and use the switch. You’ll see a door on the tracks opening up. Go back to the tracks and go over the bridge (N). Don’t shoot the soldiers, there are here to help, remember? You have been here before (way up in this room), keep going and shoot that Fan (crate) that is in front of a ladder.

The Carbon Bottle.

Climb the ladder and the second one about 3 blocks up and back flip into a small opening. Look S and a running jump to that small dark ledge and another one W. Walk over the tight rope, climb higher and jump/grab the top of the building. Get the Carbon Bottle from the shelves. Go to the E side and look down, jump to the ledge there and go into the building, down the ladder and turn and take the second ladder to the ground floor. Go back to the bridge and jump to the ladder E. Down in the water pick up 2x Revolver Ammo and swim over the fence to get Secret # 3, Golden Bars.

Swim to the W wall behind that wooden box, hoist out off the water and back flip on the box. Jump from box to box and the to the ladder. Climb as high as you can and back flip onto the tracks.

The Big Drill Room.

Go S down to the Main Crossing and to the NW. Follow the tracks, through an open gate and go right into a room with a small crane. Go left and save here. Be sure to have your health topped up, as you will loose some of it. After the first two machines you have some respite but then there are two more to pass. Then cross the tight rope, shoot the worker, or let the soldiers do it for you, but in any case, pick up the Access Card he leaves behind. Continue E through the newly opened up wall and go to the left, back to the room with the small crane. Climb up E into the building and use the Access card. Time the drills (or crawl underneath), shoot the electric box and use the switch. Go back out and back to the Main Crossing.

Once on the Main Crossing, keep going straight (S) and to the left near the crates a door has opened up. Go the W wall and climb up on the ledge to use the Excavation Area Key there.
Go out and left and keep going left (opening W in the SW corner) grab the small medipack from the workbench and go through the open gate. Go over the tracks and open the door on your right. Place the 3 Bottles at the far end in their receptacles. This opens a door a bit back to back on the tracks and find that door that is on your right. Shoot the electric box and use the switch.

A big explosion follows, go back out and go left to see the ice is gone under the big drill and the drill is working. Go to the ladder W and descend, find and jump into the opening S.

Level 3 - Indian Sanctuary.

ONLY FOR MAC: The leveljump is at the slope just before water section. So basically you get part 1 : Earth - Fire and part 2 : Water - Ice. All secrets are in the first section...

Go forwards and pick up some Flares under the jug. Follow through and over a wooden bridge, go left and shoot another jug for a small medipack. Go E into a passage there and watch out for the Indian in the next room. Enter the opening S, the gates will open when you approach.

The Moving Sand Key, the Jar of Elements.

Head into the cave, go into the tunnel W and turn around at the end, back flip and jump grab to a ledge above to use the switch there. A small quake occurs, get down again. In the S there is an opening in the wall. Go in and into the muddy waters, head to the NW corner. Pick up the Moving Sand Key from the bottom. Now go to the far end S, around the corner right and up the ledge and put the Moving Sand Key in the lock. A sort of a bridge appears W. Jump on it and another jump to a small room to get the Jar of Elements. A cut scene shows a gate opening.

Go back (E) to where you used the key and on the right is the now open gate. Push the block with the face on it (E) once. Then push the grey block as far as it will go (N). Push the block to your left (E) into an alcove so you can turn left and pull the block with the face on it once, go around to the other side of it and push it all the way on its tile next to the popping up spikes.

Pull the E block out of the passage, go around it and pull it in the passage where the face block came from so you can go around it to the room behind and shoot the two jars for some Shotgun Ammo, a small medipack and Secret #1, Golden Coins.

A Torch.

Now back to the spikes and time your run over them and be aware of the Teeth doors in the passage further on. Drop down into the grass and shoot two Wendingo’s. Head S and slide down, to a room with a camp fire where an Indian attacks. In that bush of tall grass near the entrance is a Torch. Carefully light it at the camp fire and ignite the skin hanging on a pole.

The Skeleton Key.

Leave the Torch and climb into the opening N and shoot an alligator. Jump down in the rocky place, grab the Skeleton Key from the ledge on the lower floor and climb back out, back to the campfire. Behind the wooden through (NW) is the open door you got by igniting that skin, so jump in, climb the ladder and climb off to the right. Use the Key on the lock and enter. Kill the Indian and go E and place the Jar on the left in its receptacle.  

Bridge Cave.

Go through this passage and watch out for the clanking knives, and walk slowly onto the first part of the wooden bridge. The middle part is breakable. Turn NW and spot a rock near the W wall, be sure Lara has some health as she’ll loose some of it. Just run off the bridge near the ropes onto the rock and jump inside the opening W. You’ll hear a door opening when you go up the ramp, pick up the Shotgun Ammo and another batch on the next ramp. On the top is Secret #2, Golden Bars. Go through the open door, turn E and you are back at the bridge.

Fiery Traps.

Now cross the bridge, kill the Indian, and follow through to a lava chamber. Go into an opening W and side flip over the fence to use the Crowbar on the lever (face S). Cut scene of a block lowering. Back over the fence, down to the lava room and the block in front of the wooden bridge S over the lava is gone. Run and jump over to the other side of the bridge and another running jump over a pool with lava and an emitter. Next trap, grab the monkey climb and time your way through the emitters. Drop off behind a balustrade and jump into the opening in the floor. Follow through to another chamber with lava. Jump to the block SW and grab the monkey climb. Go all the way to the other side, let go and grab the ladder and shimmy left. At the end be sure to have one block above Lara’s head and back flip/roll to a block and shoot the jar.  Under it is Secret #3, a Golden Skull.

Now for some jumping, side flip to the S and slide/jump from block to block and grab the ladder. Shimmy left around 2 corners and descend, almost down to the lava, back flip with roll and grab the next ladder. Go around the corner and almost touch the lava and back flip, slide/jump till you can stand safe on a block W. Use the Crowbar on the lever (face SE) and see a gate opening up. Go E and just a hop and grab the slanted block on the left and hoist up, slide and jump and at the end grab the safe block. Jump/grab into the opening E, you leave this room through an opening NE. You end up at the Bridge Cave, lower section. Jump from block to block to the other side.

Timed Fire Jump.

In the W wall of the next room is a walkthrough wall, use the switch there and run back. A block lowered in the room with the campfire, take a running jump with grab to the block with the campfire. Shimmy around the corner and pull up on that next corner. From there take a standing jump to grab the ladder and climb up.

Pushblocks, the Jar of the Elements.

N are blocks to push, take the one on the left (face) first, push it in once. Now back to the room and pull the right block twice, run around it and go into the passage, left and pull the face block once. Run around again and push it as far as it will go. Now place it on the tile with a face. The door S opens, walk the tight rope over the lava, grab the Jar of the Elements from the pedestal. You have to cross the lava pool again and this time, also time the emitters (I took 9 steps till Lara started to loose balance, make her regain her balance and wait till the emitter dies down. Then take a standjump to grab the floor ahead). Once back, the door S is open. The other door at the end opens when you approach and jump down in a room you’ve been already.

Go E and at the end of this corridor, place the Jar in its receptacle. Enter and go up some ramps, kill the Indian and make your way through some Teeth doors.

Slide down and (mac version only) you go to another part of the level.

Kill the Indian, jump over the fence in the pool and swim down. Halfway down S is an opening, get in there, follow through and watch out for the croc, keep swimming and use the underwater lever at the end of this passage. Swim back and where the croc came down you can get some needed air. Swim to the pool and up and N is another opening, Lara just opened that door. Follow the tunnel and get out of the water. Follow through and climb down into a pit at the end. Go to that bush and face S to use the Crowbar on the lever there.

Back up the ladder and the door on your left is open, use the switch, back to the pit you just left and see it is flooded. Climb on the floating block and pull up even higher. Just keep going through a passage, meeting another Indian. At the end, jump down into an opening in the floor and then again go down. Follow the tunnel to a Big Cave.

The Big Cave, Underwater levers. 

Shoot the Indian and pick up a small medipack NE. Look up at the ceiling there and spot the blue ball, shoot it to open a gate in a steep tunnel in the E wall. Go all the way to the S and get the Desert Ranger Ammo near the S wall. Head N again and go up the steps W to where there is a small fence on the left. Over the pit is a crawlspace, go up the steps a bit more to where you can grab up to the W wall. Shimmy left around the corners over a deadly pit and hoist yourself into the crawlspace, shoot the vase and get the Cistern Key. Get back out and be sure to shimmy back to the right to drop onto the safe ledge, go down the steps and return into the passage NW, where you entered this place. Watch out as there is a Wendingo on the loose.  

Flood the Cave.

Climb up in the end, use the Key E and go into the room to flood the Big Cave with a floor lever. Go back, swim to the Big Cave and swim up looking up for an air pocket between the vegetation in the ceiling. It is about where the fenced off pit is, this will be a refuge and also a closed gate is to be found there. Save and go down to the E wall, swim into that steep sloped tunnel in the E wall. Throw the 1st Underwater lever there and a gate opens NE in the Cave. Swim back down and go down into that deep pit between the wooden fences, a 2nd Underwater lever will open a gate SW in the Cave (under the bridge), revealing a switch in the end of the passage, so that one is for later. Swim out of the pit, go up to get some air before you go straight into the opening SW in S wall, follow to a ladder in a shaft and use the 3rd Underwater lever (S wall) there to open another gate in the Big Cave, get some air above and swim out again, to the N and go right (W) at the deep pit, in the W wall is the UW room you just opened.

The Little Wheel.

In the top of that room is the 4th Underwater lever, it will open the gate in that air pocket of the Big Cave, so swim out and go up into the air pocket. Climb out and follow this passage into a cave with a Skull on a pedestal. Use the Crowbar lever left to kill the flames at another Crowbar lever and jump on the other block to get the Little Wheel from the Skull stand. Head back to the Big cave, swim S and right to climb out on the E side of the broken bridge. Go into the structure towards the closed gate (behind it is the next Jar of Elements) and to the left is that Crowbar lever; use it to raise a block in the big cave, close to the deep pit. Well that’s all for this run, go back to the N, swim into the NW passage (the start) and back up to the room E where you flooded the Big Cave before. Use the floor lever again to drain the Big Cave and return there.

A Torch.

Go up the stairs, under the bridge go left, use the switch in the end of the passage and see a wall torch being lit. Go out, S down the stairs, shoot a Wendingo and climb that raised block NW (face it W) Jump into the opening W (you’ve visited before) and pull the push block out of the wall, put it aside and grab a Torch from the pile.

Go out to the ground floor and to the SE, jump in the windowsill E. Hop with the Torch up and up once more and follow to where you can light the Torch. Turn and throw it down, use the Crowbar on the lever and see another door opening. Get the Torch and leave. Kill the Indian and pick up the Torch. Go to the staircase in the W; go up to the S wall and hop W onto the ledge with the bridge. Leave the Torch there so that you can pick it up later. Go down to the ground floor and enter the S passage, climb up the ladder in the end, back flip and enter the door there. Shoot the Indian and get the second Little Wheel from the pedestal. In the back of this room is another door.

Go back out and to the Big Cave, NW into the passage to go to the floor lever and flood the Big Cave again. Return there and swim S. Climb up the W side bridge and get the Torch, now slowly walk down the bridge into the water. Swim up the E side bridge and go to that closed door, carefully light that skin to the right.

Room for the Wheels.

Go in and jump to that bridge to get to the E wall. Use the 2 Little Wheels you’ve collected, the fire S will go out so you can use the lever. The wheels start turning and the pool is full of water.  Jump into the water, grab the Jar of the Elements from the pedestal and swim up to the broken bridge and pull up. Leave this room, back to the water and swim NW into the passage to go to the floor lever and un-flood the Big Cave again. Return there and head S, into the passage SW, climb the ladder and back flip, go into the room where the Little Wheel was. The door in the back (SW) of this room has finally opened.

Get into the water and follow through, it is a long swim and a block will lower when you approach. Swim up at the end of this passage and climb out on that the ledge in the water. Take a running jump (side flip) over the balustrade and place the Jar of Elements in the S hallway on the right. Some more swimming to do, at the end are wooden fences, get the small medipack in front of the fence, swim up climb out E.

Timed Run.

Go into opening E, kill the Wendingo on the ice in the next room, run over the ice it and collect some Uzi Ammo in the SE corner of the next room. Run around to the other side (NW corner) and save behind that trigger tile (facing S). Look E and spot that Timed door. Run over the trigger tile, turn right after the pillar, jump over the balustrade in to the corner to the right and keep running and jumping to the NE and into the open door of the E wall.

Lower Passages.

Go down some slopes and arrive at a hallway with snow on the floor. Kill the Wendingo in the room, follow through, pick up some Revolver ammo and keep going, passing a block with spikes on your left. In the next room is an Indian and under that jug is a Medipack. NE around the corner is a lever. Use it and go to the block you just passed, the spikes are gone. Jump on it and up to the ledge above.

Block Puzzle Room.

There are 4 pushable blocks in this room. Your goal is to push them on one of the icy tiles in the N, E, S and W. The clue is to look down through the ice and you can see a tile on the bottom, the same block should be standing on top of it. The door NW opens so jump in and into the water. Get another Jar of Elements from the pedestal, swim back up face N, pull up and back flip back to the Push Block Room. Get back out of the room, down on the block with no spikes, NE, through the icy caves, into the passage, up the slopes to the Timed door. Go down into the room with the frozen pit and into hallway S to place the Jar on your right.

Watch the cut scene then jump to that statue in the pit behind the balustrade and safety drop to the bottom. Into the opening N and slide into the next level.


Level 4 - Portal of the Great Spirit.

In and around the Shaft.

From the Indian sanctuary you’ll slide into a new area, in this hall is a closed door up L and a Face tile up in the R hand wall, climb up through that Face Tile and get Secret #1, Arrows, Shotgun Ammo and a Pile of Golden Coins. Head back out and proceed to the N and just before you get onto the bridge a flyby will show the Shaft and surroundings. Cross the bridge, into the next room and find the blue button in the far R corner, it will open that door you saw opposite the Secret room. Standing W of the pillar in the room with the button is a blue box, shoot it to get the Flares and head back S over the Bridge, go down into the hall, shoot an Indian and get his small medipack. Enter the room ahead and up into the W opening. Follow to a room with a Golden Pond.

Do a L curved stand-jump around the hides to shoot the blue box SW and get the Shotgun Ammo, jump back and stand besides the Spike ledge, do a run-jump/grab past the Spike ledge (I never touched the Spike ledge) to the Golden Blade ledge and shimmy around to the N side, pull up on a corner (the Blades will never get activated this way, you can also crawl under them) and turn facing the next Spike ledge a stand-jump when the Spikes are just coming up and immediately another stand-jump to the safe ledge.

Head down the E side and go around the deadly yellow pit to come to a bridge over the Shaft, one level down. Cross over to the N side, shoot an Indian and drop into the hole in the floor at the gates, go past the burner-traps and come into the Shaft one more level down. Grab the monkeyswing under the bridge and go to the other side, drop and grab the crawlspace there, crawl through and come to a push block. Pull it W once, turn left and crawl out, push it W once more so it sits on the dark blue Tile, now the spikes are gone and the block can be moved to the E side to the tile with the face. The door opens NE. Go through and save before you come to a Spike-trap. Stand a step back and run over the trap as the Spikes go up, two more nasty Spike-traps and you can climb down to the Zip-line, grab it and go all the way down to the opposite wall, grab the crack and shimmy R to the crevice with the Flares.

Shoot the grating and climb in backwards a bit and back flip. Under the bench is a Medipack. Look up S and shoot the ball, this opens a door further on (out of Ammo? go do the ladders first). Go climb the ladder and shimmy around, climb as low as you dare to go and back flip/roll/grab the next ladder. Shimmy around and you can climb to the floor. On the block SW is Revolver Ammo. Go N, jump/grab the ladder, climb almost to the bottom and back flip/roll with grab to a ledge and shimmy right. Two huge hammers come crushing down.

Look for a ledge with a switch in the corner NW and jump there as the burner is off, quickly hop back and grab the edge, wait till the Burner is off again, pull up and backflip to the Hammer ledge. Run through the open Hammers or shimmy past to the Totem. Behind the pillar E is an opened door, you can get there by jumping to that Spike-ledge and immediately another jump to the door (or just run over the corners of the Spike-ledge to the door or side flip and hop)

The Torch.

Now you are at the Shaft again, to the L are burning Skins you need later, cross the bridge, pick up a small medipack and go down in the next room. Take care of the enemies and go to the E wall and around the corner right and just look at a Torch between some grasses. Leave it for now and back to the ladder and climb up, climb off to the right. Use the button and watch the cut scene, back to the ladder and down. Now go for the Torch. Take it to the exit of the room W, stand against the wall under the opening and jump. At the highest point hit "1", as if you pull out the guns and Lara will drop the torch in the opening (you can also jump into the opening from a block S). Climb up, retrieve the Torch, go over the bridge and side jump onto the spikes when they are up and jump immediately forward to the ledge with the hammers. Go through the hammers and jump on the block with the burner (and switch) when the burner is off. Standing in a corner is quite safe. Best way for me to ignite the Torch is standing with your back to the wall in the NW corner and when the flame is out, turn a bit towards the tile and use Ctrl, Lara will then ignite the Torch. Go stand back to the wall and wait till the flames are out again and then jump to the middle ledge.

Go W, into the room with the spiked ladder and this is a bit tricky, stand on the raised floor near the two statues left and right to ignite the wall torches. Lara has to be standing exactly in the corner to just do that (use Ctrl). The spikes disappear so throw away the Torch SE near/against the wooden fence so you can pick it up later from the other side, and climb the ladder. When you about one block away from the ceiling, back flip and roll and grab a wooden ledge. Hoist up and jump/grab up to get onto the monkeyswing ceiling. Swing to the pillar with the Zip-line L and drop/grab the edge of it, use the Zip-line to go over the fence to the other side of the room.

Pick up a small medipack left by the Indian and some Flares, and get the Torch, drop it into the hole in the floor, get down yourself and come to a pushblock, push it once and turn L to push the next block in twice and then move it onto the Tile NE. Turn R and go through the passage behind the hides and come to the 1st block, push it once and go around again to push it into the S alcove onto the blue Tile and a door opens N, don’t go there yet but pick up the Torch, in these rooms are 2 statues, light them and the W door opens, go in and get Secret#2, a small medipack, Uzi Ammo and some Golden Bars.

Go out and enter the open door N, carefully go around the corner as Burner-traps block the passage, time the run through and come to a death pool (you’ll have to leave the Torch here), grab the grated floor above and monkey swing over the pool, to the right in the end is a closed door. Hop onto the grated floor and get past the furniture and a Burner to the button to open that door, get back safe and find a pole in a corner of the Shaft. Go down the pole, turn to face the corner and back flip onto the yellow central floor and hop/grab into the opening E, follow to a room with a blue structure in the middle. Watch the fly by. Run-jump/grab to it and shoot the box to the L for some Revolver Ammo, remember this place as you will come back to this Portal Pillar much later.

Shoot the swinging ball to open the N door (from standing on the block with pistols you will save Ammo), grab the Flares and even more Flares a bit further. In the SW corner of this small room (behind the vase) is an opening in the ceiling with a jump switch. Go back to the blue structure and then runjump/grab back into the orange passage W, jump to that small island in the Shaft and jump into an opening N where a door now opened. Follow up to some big closed doors and head into the SE passage and follow down to a glass window looking into a pool. Further down the passage is a Rolling Boulder, face the R hand lower side of the passage, save, then sprint down and quickly run sharp around the R hand corner, stop at once before you run off that ledge.

Little Wheels and Flood Switches.

Now take a run-jump from the ledge into the blue structure you’ve visited on top already, to the left is a push block. Pull it once then move it onto the ice covered spot W, a block rises behind the Totem, climb it and run-jump/grab to the Jump lever on W wall. The big doors open up, so head back to the opening up S by doing a run-jump/grab over the fence to the ladder and hop to the left onto the Boulder slope, go up to where you saw the big doors before and enter, shoot the Natives to get a small medipack and hop up into an opening E overlooking the pool you saw through the window before. Dive in the pool and swim down to the NE corner, where an UW lever will flood the place even further (a passage opens up in the bottom, leading back to the Boulder slope).

Just swim up and back into the now flooded room at the Big Doors, go up in a shaft and swim into the S tunnel after you got some air at the surface. Follow to where you climb out at the Swinging Axes room, stand with your back to the blade, back flip to the sloped block and jump/grab the monkeyswing ceiling, turn around and go along the left side past the 1st Blade, then cross over to the right hand side and go past the next till you hang against the ladder, drop/grab and go left around the 2 corners and drop at a room. Shoot the bench for a Medipack. In the next room remember where you shot the native as he drops a Little Wheel and it is pretty hard to see (better wait till he comes out after you). If the 2 Snake Mutants don’t come out, just leave them and get back on the ladder, go around and hang right when at the Axe, one square from the bottom and back flip/roll/grab when the Axe swings aside. Time the next Axe and pull up to slide back to the entrance.

Go left and find more Cogwheels on the wall and place the little wheel in between them. The fire under a lever S is out, so use the lever there. This will raise the water level in the pit even further, go back out and left at the Axes, swim back to the pit and go up, to swim into the W tunnel and follow to a room where you can climb out.

Find a grating in the W and shoot it to get in, follow through, shoot another gating and drop into the pit room. There’s a pit with a Jump lever and a lever on a lower block, go to the opening in the fence NW and climb down the ladder into the pit. From about halfway down, back flip to a yellow block and jump to the switch to raise a block in the upper room. Jump back to the ladder and go climb the block at the closed gate after you shot the Snake. Grab the Monkey Swing ceiling and head over to the Jump switch on W wall. Better save before you drop/grab the switch and hold grab to catch the edge of the sloped block, shimmy right a bit and drop, slide and jump/grab back to that block N, now be careful as a Burner started between block and ladder, time it. Jump to the ladder and quickly climb up, the gate is now open. Get the Little wheel from the Snake statue and make your way back through the crawlspace. Place the Cog on the wall, use the now safe lever, this will raise the level in the pit once more. Dive into the pool and swim back E to the pit, and go up a bit to swim into the E tunnel.

Pushblock Puzzle.

Get out and find Flares SE. Climb up a ledge and use the jump lever at the S wall. A door opens NW. Take a running jump in there and crab the Monkey Swing to climb pass the swinging axes. Find the Little Wheel on that snake like object and take the same route back to the poolroom. Once out of the water go to the S wall and right into the opening E. Use the lever in the corner there. This lowers and raises blocks in the poolroom, go back and get the Face block (E of the pool). Pull/push it onto the lowered block W and go into the E room again to use the lever.

Go back and move the block E onto the grey Tile on the wall and use the lever in the E room again to raise it to the next level. Now you can grab up to the grey block on which the push block sits and shimmy left around to the high wall, go pull/push the block to the Face Tile on the E wall and the Spikes where you have to use the Little wheel are gone, so place it and then you can use the lever next to it to raise the level in the pit, go swim back there and save at the surface, facing the tunnel SE.  

Nasty Swim and a Secret.

Swim into the tunnel. Navigate over a couple of fences and come to a wider room with a wooden gate, in the back to the R is an UW lever you have to use to open a door (later). There’s a Secret behind the wooden gate, but you will have to get back for air first cause you will not make it in one go… Getting back to the pit in one breath is hard enough already (maybe use a MP while swimming). Then save and swim in again, to the same room, but up at the ceiling at the wooden fence is a somewhat higher part of the ceiling, here you can go over the fence, (hard but possible if you’re lined up straight) Get Secret#3, a Golden Skull and quickly get back over the fence, swim back to the pit (this swim is possible in one go after some practice… Dutchy).

Burners, Hammers and Spikes too.

Climb out onto the ledge at the ladder and turn E to hop into the opening in the yellow wall, there are big closed doors here, shoot the Indian. Go to the N, follow the passage down to a deadly pit with a grated monkeyswing, jump/grab straight up and go left to the Burners. Time them to get past, better go almost to the end of the monkeyswing and turn right, drop/grab the crevice and shimmy right to the flat part to pull up in there, follow to a drop off and save before you do that. Slide down and grab the end of the slope, climb left over the ladder.

Drop onto the blue ledge and look in the NE corner for a box with a Medipack inside, then have a go at the next obstacles. Best way was from the ledge where you got the MP, just run-jump NW from the NW tip to the 2nd part of the Spike-trap when you expect them to go up so when you land they are just down, run into the passage and just slide down (did it without losing health).  


In the passage below is a lever to open the door left and the big doors you saw up at the pit. Slide into the left tunnel and you’re back in a passage you’ve visited before, I left the Torch here before and it was still there. Go left and over the monkeyswing again to come to the Shaft, down the pole to the yellow island, into the opening N (the Indian will leave a small medipack), go right and down the passage of the Boulder-trap. Into the water below and swim to the room with the UW lever, go way up, through the opening W and up in that high pit, climb out on the ledge at the ladder and again jump E into the opening.
In the back of the room are the open doors. Use the switch behind them to open 3 doors, up where we go next. Go out, jump to the ledge with the ladder in the pit and climb up to the top of the pit.

There are 3 doors, giving access to 3 different levels, you can choose which one to do first, I started with the first opened door.

Go into the E passage and follow to…


Level 5 - Mineral City.

There will surely be a different order to collect all the objects in this level, but this is the way that worked for me…

To the City.

Go to a wider cave and straight to a blue box, shoot it for the Desert Ranger Ammo and turn around, shoot the ball on the ceiling and head into a passage in the W wall you opened up. Follow to a cave with 2 huts, one with a golden (closed) door, and an Indian attacks. Go to the right (S) side of the hut and climb up to the roof. Go over to the N end and hop into the opening in the wall, follow to a cave with water. Run-jump to the blue block, run-jump/grab to the Ice ladder E when the Blade swings left, climb left around the corner, go down a bit and back flip/roll/grab the opening, go in to push the button and jump back into the water. Swim to the NE corner and get the Medipack, go back to the opening SW and climb out of the water.  Back to the huts and head SW where a gate opened.

The Upper City.

A flyby starts when you enter Mineral City, get the small medipack to the left and head to the NW square, look up SE and shoot the ball there to open the hut under that ball. Under the blue bench S is some Desert Ranger Ammo. Now go to the hut under the ball, climb down the ladder, go jump to the yellow block in the pool cave and grab the monkeyswing on the ceiling go past the Blade and drop onto the block below. Jump to the button in the corner, which will open the door on the other side of the pool. So go back as you came and enter the W passage. Follow the passage and watch out for the knives, you’ll come to the roof of the hut you just entered. Go to the front, close to the fence and run-jump to the SW hut, then to the NW hut and collect 2x Uzi Ammo on that roof. Jump back to the middle hut and climb down the ladder on the S side to get into the other part of the City. Nothing to do here now, so go to a deep pit SW and drop onto the ledge under the edge. Stand-jump S and then run-jump/grab W, the opening in W wall is for later after you collected all Sacred Stones. A curved run-jump/grab to the icy pillar N and climb down the ladder on the N side of it, head into the passage N and follow to the ice covered crawlspace you saw in the flyby, shoot it and go through shoot the next panel and drop into a new area.  

The Lower City, 1st Sacred Stone.

Go N and L at the hut, around the back of the E hut and when you come to the next crossing, go L and look up N near the wooden fence, shoot the ball in the ceiling and a gate opens up, go to the E and find a place with a Totem and a burning statue, shoot a box there to get some Flares and go to the opened gate E.

Jumping the Pits.

Run-jump to one of the sloped sides and keep jumping to and fro to the other side, once there let Lara slide backwards to the lowest point of the slope, then jump and steer hard into the opening and hit grab in the last moment. Follow down to a couple of Snake statues besides a death pit. Jump to the S side of the pit, jump up straight W and keep jumping uphill till you reach the top (better light a flare halfway up the slope), once on top you have to grab the Monkey Swing ceiling in the forward jump. Go to the opening W and you can jump to the roof of the hut, go jump to the S roof and then cross over to the W, that hut has a hole in the roof, drop into the hut. Use the switch there and go out, go right and the Indian will leave a small medipack. Go to the wooden fence (N) and through the opening as a block went up next to the hut. Climb the roof of that hut and go behind the chimney to climb the ladder to an upper room.

Go left, head up the steps N and hop over the fence, push the button to open several hut doors (see the fly by).

First open Golden door is in the same hut you are on. So down the ladder and a safety drop on the ground, the opening is W when facing the hut. Push the button to open that door in the upper room you just were. Now go out again, around the hut and climb the block N of the hut, go up the ladder again, turn right this time and into that open door SE.  

Pushblock Puzzle, 1st Sacred Stone.

The block under the NW pillar is a pushable block. Move it to the N wall and onto a Tile behind the N pillar. Head to the S side of the room and you can climb the SE pillar from the higher part of the floor, go to the N and jump W to grab the ladder. Go up and roll, runjump to the ledge E, then to the ledge S, pull the switch and go down the S side, jump over the fence to the lower switch S and use it too. The push block is now on the 1st level. Jump back and go pull/push (shimmy along the wooden floor to the other side of it) it to the SW corner onto the lowered block. Go to the E switch (via the ladder) and use it again to raise the block to the 2nd level. Jump to the lower switch S and put it back in the “up” position (otherwise you will have a raised block in an alcove up W). Now up the ladder and go back to the block and move it to the tile N. If there’s a block in the alcove W preventing this, be sure to have both switches in the “up” position.

Go over to the E switch and from there a jump up to the top bridge, do a run-jump/grab to the high switch in the SW corner and use it to raise the block to the 3rd level. Run-jump back to the bridge and move the block under the Hammers S, the block will be smashed revealing the 1st Sacred Stone. Make your way down the room and head back, down the ladder to the huts. Drop down at the raised block; go out through the fence and left around the huts to the one SW with some Desert Ranger Ammo in front.

Timed Runs for the 2nd Sacred Stone.

Enter, drop into the opening in the floor and follow through. See a dark blue tile W. Save as this is timed.

This will open a timed door in the N of the room, face E and run-jump to the opening in the fence turning right a run-jump to the yellow block in the deadly pool, landing a bit on the left side of it, curve right and a running jump (no grab) will get you through the Timed door in time.
In the next room there are timed raising blocks and Trigger tiles on the balconies.

The idea is to start in the N side of the room, face the blue trigger tile on W wall and sprint over the corner of it to raise a block next to the N balcony, now sprint onwards to the SE corner, jump on the blue block, triggering another raising block roll and runjump to the White block, landing a bit right so you can do another runjump/grab up to the raising block, from that one a long runjump/grab in the last moment to the block at the N balcony, quickly get onto the balcony to raise another block near the E balcony (make a save here), get there fast and jump onto the E balcony, the trigger tile there will open a Timed door in the NE corner of the room (you also can make a save here). So run off the balcony, roll and sprint N, turning left you can runjump up into the opening.

Go down and stand on the next trigger tile there, you’ll hear a door open up. Stand left facing the right hand back of the passage, wait for the moment you expect the Spikes to just go up and sprint to the end of the passage through the open door, get the 2nd Sacred Stone there and exit through the S passage, the door will open and in the passage, climb up in the corner there (SW) and you are back at the hut after climbing out of the hole. Leave the hut, go left and all the way N, turn left and left again around the hut and go into the first hut to the right (the SE hut of the village).

The Animal Cages, a Torch.

You’ll see a cut scene of a fleece. There is a jump switch behind the right hand statue. Go up the stairs in the back, halfway through where it gets dark is another jump switch up in the ceiling. This one will open a gate in a cage we go to now, follow the rest of the passage to the 1st Cage. Wait up a bit and a so-called Ahmet (hate that name) will come in. Take care of him and go out to the E into the 2nd Cage, in the E wall is a crawl space.  Go in and follow to a switch opening up the 3rd Cage (S), go back and drop into Cage #2, Shoot the Ahmet coming in and go into Cage #4 to shoot the glass from the glass cage. Just leave the Torch for now, as you need to shoot another Ahmet. So head back to cage # 1 and kill the beast. In cage 3 look up to the ceiling, there is an opening and a ball you have to shoot.

This opens up the cage N, shoot the Ahmet then head back for one of the Torches. Ignite the Torch on the fleece in the last cage and head back to the huts.     

Fire&Water, the 3rd Sacred Stone.

Go out of the hut and right, right and left behind another hut, around the corner and you see two statues and an arch (where you entered the village before). Leave the Torch somewhere there so you can pick it up later. Go S and into the hut on the left and climb down a ladder. Shimmy to the left and climb down almost to that deadly water and back flip. NE is a lever and under a blue bench W a Medipack. Flip the switch E, go to the wooden bridge and jump to the other side while timing the flame. Use the button there and the deadly water turns into normal water. Back to the bridge and now jump SE to a small piece of wooden bridge. Keep a medipack handy, as you have to jump to that switch E while the floor is still burning. Quickly flip the lever and side flip into the water and use a medipack if needed.

Swim down the opening in the floor, follow through and hoist out of the water. Climb the wooden box and grab the slanted block. Next couple of moves aren’t that hard. Shimmy to the right and hoist up and slide, jump/grab the opposite ledge. Hoist up again and back flip roll with a left curve, slide back and grab the edge. Shimmy to the right again and climb up. Up the ladder and almost on the top a back flip and roll and grab the ledge. Shimmy right and when you can’t go further back flip and roll/grab again and again shimmy, now to the left and at the end, hoist up and a back flip.

Climb the next ladder and when Lara’s hand reaches the metal, a back flip/roll/grab and pull up. Use the button. Jump in the water below, as the lower room is flooded. Swim over the fence and grab the 3rd Sacred Stone from the pedestal N. Get some air and swim back to the bottom, through the long tunnel and get out at the broken bridge N. Use the ladder around the corner to get back up to the hut. Step out and go back S to where you left the Torch.

With the Torch, the 4th Sacred Stone.

Go N to that crawlspace you came from before (in the opening S and turn right (E). Stand with your Torch next to the hole in the floor 2 steps away from and in front of the crawlspace (E), throw the Torch so it will land inside the crawlspace. (or stand against the opening and jump, pull your pistols with the “1” key), crawl in and keep throwing and picking up the Torch till you are out on the other side. Pick up the Torch and follow through to the Ice pit. Ignite the fleece (S) in this icy room. Pick up the 4th Sacred Stone, which will appear close by.

Go to the pillar S and climb the Icy ladder to the top. Do run-jump/grabs over the pillars (some jumps are nasty as the little fences prevent a straight run) and finally pull up E at the S square.

Upper City, Snow Balls and the 5th Sacred Stone.

The hut nearby has opened here, go in and shoot a box to the left to get Desert Ranger Ammo inside, then go up the ladder till just under the roof, back flip/roll and go to the front of the hut (N), drop backwards from the roof, grabbing the Jump switch, the Burner on the ladder will now stop and you can go in again all the way to the top and right to get into the passage. Follow into a room with Snow balls hanging in the NW corner, in the E side are 3 ledges with Spikes, a Burner and 3 Buttons, all 3 buttons have to be used to get the 3 Snowballs into pits and a door will open NW. Go to the blue pillar S and climb it, look N and spot a Jump switch on a pillar with a Burner on the side, run-jump/grab that Jump switch and the burner will be off.

Looking at the button-ledge you’ll notice the middle button to be safe now, so go use that first and see the first Snow Ball going into the pit. Go to the W side of the room stand facing the slope, stand to the right of the slope, jump back and take a running jump with a curve to the right to land on the platform. Use the switch to kill Spikes on the button-ledge so the right hand button on the button-ledge can be used for the next Ball. Climb the S pillar again and use the monkeyswing ceiling to get to the switch on the pillar E and a raising block goes up in the SW corner, also the Burner on the button-ledge changes position. Go onto the NW platform again to use that switch a second time and the last (left) button can be used the raising block SW makes the boulder going into the central slope (it takes a while) and after it falls into the pit, the door in the W wall opened up and you can claim the 5th Sacred Stone. Make your way back through that E passage to the hut, get out to the N square and climb the ladder to the roof of the hut N, drop onto the NW square.  

Skeletons and the 6th Sacred Stone.

Climb on the ladder N and up onto the roof and drop down at the other side. Turn around and go to the W hut and enter, follow to the back and climb up right, get 2x Shotgun Ammo and go to the next room, Skeletons roaming around, depending on what you’ve got left in your backpack, you can either shoot off their heads or just run quickly and jump the ledges over the Ice pit and enter a new Skeletons room on the other side. Leave the one on the floor alone as you need to shoot it later (for a pick up).

Jump up into the opening S and push the block once, go in around the block. Push it back and get the Harpoon Gun (Crossbow) and Explosive Ammo, pull the block back and arm Lara with that gun, shoot the Skeleton in the previous room and get the Skeleton Key he will leave behind. Open the door W to get the 6th Sacred Stone, the exit opens up again and you can jump back over the ledges to the N side Skeleton room, shoot the Skeleton there and get another Skeleton Key, use it in the lock NE and a door opens up in the S wall, go back to the higher passage SW and grab the Skull ceiling, swing over to the open door to get Secret#1, a Golden Skull. Make your way back to the Square in the City, go SE and enter the hut there.

Rotating Blade and Spikes, 7th Sacred Stone.

Drop into the hole onto a sloped floor and slide to the lower passage, jump a spiked pit and follow to a Burner/Spike-trap around the next corner. Run-jump through when you think it’s safe and save in front of the next slope. A Boulder will come after you, slide long and jump over the deadly water. I don’t know if I was just lucky or its meant to go like this, but jumping to and fro to the left you’ll pass 3 Spike-traps and I didn’t get hurt in the end a last jump to a walkway (just save in the air after each lucky pass, as you CAN get hurt) Follow in to the Blade room.

Stand at the opening in the low fence and stand-jump to the break ledge, side jump right and land in a safe corner of the central platform. Notice a few squares are without Spikes, stand-jump NW to the next safe corner, look over the edge and spot the ledge with the next Secret. Stand-jump over the fence to the lower hardly visible ledge and pick up Secret#2, a Golden Skull.

Side jump up to the next safe corner and then side jump back to the N side of the platform take another jump to NE to another safe corner, from where you can jump/grab the ladder going up, climb till just under the burner, time it and back flip when possible. There’s another Burner at the Stone pedestal.

Run to the Stone when the Burner goes down (facing W) and hold the back flip while Lara picks up the 7th Sacred Stone. The exit door opens up, leave through the open door and follow to the back where a ladder is located between the pillars, but first shoot the Indian. Go up to a passage with more Spikes, from standing in the plant you can wait till you expect the Spikes to go up and stand-jump to the ledge, immediately another stand-jump and run against the wall, hop back once so you can now time the Spikes and Burner to stand-jump up once more (it’s a nasty one, I know, the timing has to be perfect) Sliding down you’ll end up in one of the first huts you saw in this level, shoot another Indian and go to the N hut on the right and enter.

Mirrors and Squishy Pillars, 8th and Last Sacred Stone.

Follow the passage down to a room with a Mirror, in the Mirror you can see a dark deadly floor with a few safe (grey) Tiles, the first one in front of the first Pillar where it stops left, a stand-jump will get you there. Stand on the NE corner, but not too close to the edge of the Tile and stand-jump NE when the pillar moves left (towards you). From that Tile to the NE one close to the Mirror and then to the statue at the wall, jump to the NW corner and climb up to get the invisible (only visible in the Mirror) 8th Sacred Stone.

Get back the way you came or do a runjump NW to the first safe tile next to the pillar. Go back up to the hut, go out and left to the SW corner so you can go back to the Upper City, go into the first hut left and down into the hole. Follow the passage W and go through the passage with Burners and a Blade to get back to the rooftops. Jump to the S hut, get down onto the S square and go to the pit SW. Jump over the pillars to the opening W and go place all Sacred Stones in the receptacles. When you come close to that ramp, the Snow Ball is released and will drop into that frozen hole in the pit. Now climb up W into the hole the Snow Ball came from and find Secret#3, Golden Bars and 2x Shotgun Ammo in the room above. Climb back down and go E to the exit to the pit.

The Mineral Keystone.

Runjump right to the Icy pillar in the pit and use the ladder to get down to the pit floor, drop into the hole and find the Jump switch on W wall, just behind the Totems. It will open the gate E and you can run-jump/grab to a block in the deadly pool. Turn left and run-jump/grab to the central block. Take care, Spikes protect the Mineral Keystone and there’s a Burner Tile in one corner.

Go to the E side of the floor and to the opening at the Blade and use the ladder on the central block to go down and back flip/roll/grab (or just do a diagonal run-jump and grab) the ladder behind the Blade, go left around the corner and down a bit, back flip/roll onto a sloped block and slide to a button. Now comes the tricky part. Jump/grab the ledge with the burner Tiles and shimmy past the Burners (hang close and time them) all the way around to the golden block you raised before. Shimmy over a sunken golden block to a sloped block. Pull up on that block and just slide off to grab the edge again, the golden block will rise, so pull up/back flip and you’ll land on it. Face SE standing close to the SW corner, then side jump right over the lower part of the fence and the corner of the burner Tile to land back on the spot you just jumped from. Go to the pedestal and grab the Mineral Keystone.

Run-jump/grab the E ladder at the Blade again and now go left and all the way up to the S square in Upper City, climb over the hut N and down from the other side, go through the passage E to the first huts and out the passage E to go back to that cave with the Ball you shot, go left and head back to the intermediate level.  

Portal of the Great Spirit.

In the pit room hop into the S passage to go to the ladders on the right climb to the L and drop on the yellow block, here you have to run-jump diagonally over the block (the ladder makes a straight run too short) curving to the next block and grab hop into the passage S and follow to…


Level 6 - Depths of the Mine.

Follow that tunnel, crawling into a dark cavern after shooting the ice cover, crawl out backwards and shimmy left and up. Then right over the crawlspace you crawled out before, back flip/roll/grab the pillar the run-jump/grab to the broken walkway S. Turn around and be sure to stand at the highest part and run-jump to another walkway N.

Go left (E) and open the small door, find the Shotgun on a workbench in the back and spot the 3 Fuse boxes for which we have to find the Fuses now.

Go out and to the room on the other side of the walkway, open the door there and grab the monkeyswing ceiling to cross over to the railway track. Go W and run-jump over the electrified pool to follow the tracks to the Main Cavern.  

The Main Cavern.

Run around a bit, there are friendly Guards here, don’t shoot them as they will take care of a Mutant coming in. Get the Ammo if one of your friends perished and head up the W track. (Remember this route as you have to go back here later) Just before you go into the tunnel, turn left and do a curved run over the track to jump/grab to the stack of crates in the electrified pool, go up the roof of the Garage and stand-jump SE onto the stack of crates in the middle of the Main Cavern. From there a run-jump/grab to the left side of the opening over the drill in the S structure, follow to where a Mineworker attacks and shoot him for a small medipack. Get past the drills (crawl underneath).

Electrified Water Room.

Go down on a ledge in the water room and line up for a run-jump and grab in the last moment to the central platform W. Run-jump/grab to the rusty ledge W (over a closed UW door) and shimmy right to the end, there take a back flip to a block behind. Turn around to stand jump/grab to the sloped pillar SE. Go over the top and slide/jump/grab to the ledge with the switch. Use it to stop the machine in the NW corner. Run-jump/grab N and go over the top of the pillar to slide/jump over the fence back onto the central platform, go jump to the W again and use the same route to get back to the SW block, from there a run-jump/grab to the ladder SW and go left over the walkway, use the switch on the pipes a bit further to the right and see a wooden gate open up.  

Burners and Drills.

Go back to the ladder and run-jump to the block below, go use the route over the switch ledge E to get back to the central platform and run-jump to the NE ledge, go back through the Drill passage (time burner and drill to jump past) to the Main Cavern and head into the NE tunnel (in passing pick up some Uzi ammo). Follow to a crossing with left a death pit and right a steep slope; the open fence is straight ahead. Follow in to another death pool, run-jump/grab to the block in the water and run-jump to the ledge with the machine E (time the jump). Start running when the machine goes down and land when its just going up run curved right and jump to the block on N wall, turn W and grab the monkeyswing ceiling, time the emitter and go over the drill to get to the corner block with the switch.

Using the switch will open up a steel door in a Mine tunnel. Go back over the monkeyswing and from the E block a stand-jump/grab to the machine ledge, shimmy all the way left around corners and along a crack to come to the E wall, a Burner around the corner has to be timed to drop onto a sloped ledge, slide/jump/grab a sloped pillar and hang most left. Save and pull up over the top, you’ll slide in two moves and you’ll have to wait with jumping till Lara is at the end of the slope before you do a jump/grab to the last pillar, pull over and land on the S walkway. Side-jump over the Barrier and head back to the Main Cavern.  

Area 52.

Head into the S tunnel, just follow to a crossing and head straight W, push the Mine Cart into the room and onto a broken part of the track, the Flames under the switch in the far corner will stop and the switch can be used to open a fence with a non smoking sign. Head out of this room (see the Mineworker filling the Cart, shoot him anyway as he will come after you) and go to the R (S) at the first possibility. Follow down to Area 52, go to the far end of the bridge and stand at the opening R, run-jump/grab the chain over the deadly water and turn around, go climb up to about one square under the ceiling (mind the lower part) and back flip to a ledge on the yellow wall, grab the edge and shimmy R till you are over the #52 and pull up to back flip/roll/grab the ladder on the pillar, go R around 2 corners and up to back flip/roll/grab the block over the bridge, go R again and drop to the yellow ledge below, slide into the shaft.


Swim down, get a small medipack and then open the grated UW door. Now first go up for air and swim through the door. Swim sharp left into the Fan Room and immediately left, into a narrow gap in the left wall, and get the Garage Key. Swim back out. For a Secret go left, stay close to the L wall and swim past the Fan (loosing some health) into the next opening L, get Secret #1, Golden Coins there and roll. Swim out and sharp R, back to that yellow shaft. You probably need that MP you just got, pull up on the sloped side of the shaft and start jumping to get onto one of the flat corners, without hitting that dangerous Tile. Jump over the fence back to the bridge and head out to the E, make your way back to the Main Cavern.

The Snow Mobile.

Head to the door in the Garage (building on the left) and open it, inside is a nice Snow Mobile. Mount it and go up the W track. If you happen to run over one of your Buddies, get the Ammo he leaves behind. On top of the steep sloped track you can leave the Bike behind, go walk up the next track and get into a small room. In the corner is a small medipack. Stand to wall N (the camera changes) and climb up. Come to a passage with a Mine cart, push the cart and shoot the mineworkers, go to the end of the track at the fake door and get the Desert Ranger  Ammo in the right hand alcove, go back one alcove to get into the room W (looks familiar).

The Forbidden Area Key. (Red Fuse)

Run-jump to the orange crate in the room with the deadly floor, turn around and look E for a fuse box with a red light on top. Shoot it (pistols will do) to shut off the barbed wire the other end of the ledge and go to a kind of Scale on the ledge S, pull it all the way to the N end of the ledge and then move it W onto the Tile that was behind the barbed wire.

Then get it out again and move it under the Fire sign on the S end of the ledge and the flames on the second ledge will stop so you can go get Secret #2, 2x Shotgun Ammo and Golden Coins. Now head to the NW corner and run-jump/grab the ladder, go down to the ledge and jump further down, climb down and slide down a chain to the lower part of the pit, look around for the Forbidden Area Key (Red Fuse) and make your way up the chain and ledges again. Go up the ladder and a simple jump with grab back to the green ledge. The next ladder climb almost to the top and back flip (no grab) from 4 steps from the top. Run-jump back to the Entrance of the room E and go left to follow back to where you left the Bike, take it back down to the Main Cavern and ride it into the SE tunnel.

Shutting down the Power.

Follow the track up to some Mine carts at a closed fence, leave the Bike and go up the left sloped track to a lever seen from Area 52, it will open the fence. So go back down, shoot or drive over the monster and enter a small door S. Go to the back of the central block inside and use the switch to turn some pools safe, as the Flyby will show. There is another door W you can open as the electricity is turned off. Use the lever (this will be a shortcut later)

Make your way back to the Main Cavern.

2nd Forbidden Area Key.

Head to that formerly electrified pool W, park the Bike close by and climb down and get the 2nd Forbidden Area Key. (Yellow Fuse)

1st Fuse.

Climb out again and a Giant Mutant will come for you, quickly get on the Bike and run him over. Ride the Bike into the S tunnel and go straight (W) at the crossing again, through the room with the Mine Cart and up the sloped track in the back of the room, come to a cavern with a small Fuse on the workbench, park the Bike on the Miner, pick up the 1st Fuse and go back, turn R at the crossing to Area 52.

Ventilation Room, 2nd Fuse.

Just before you ride onto the bridge, turn the Bike around in the wider corner and back up onto the bridge, leave the bike there and go on foot to the now safe pool across the bridge. Hop onto the higher floor left and open the small door. Jump around the corner past the first machine and stand about two steps back from the next one, stand close to the right hand wall and run-jump when the Burner is off and the machine goes up, go into a room with Big Fans. There’s a medipack on the workbench and you’ll surely need that here. You have to get to the back of the room, I just ran past the fan along the wall (hurts less if you do it fast), till I bumped into the wooden pillar. Then sidestepped to the opening and sidestepped to the wall again to get past the 2nd Fan. In the NW corner is some Uzi Ammo and in the NE corner a block behind the yellow tanks. Climb up and stand against the E wall facing W, jump up as you expect the Burner to go down and quickly get the 2nd Fuse, holding back flip while Lara picks it up so you will be gone when the burner starts again. Go back past the Fans and backtrack to the Bike and ride it back to the Main Cavern.  

The 3rd Fuse.

Go to the right into the NE tunnel and near the open wooden fence to the right and follow to a pool. Stop there and walk over the pool, open a small door to the right in the next passage and go in.

To the left is a grey air conditioner, shoot it and find the red light on the fuse box up in the ceiling. Shoot it and a door opens in the other side of the room, go find some Desert Ranger  Ammo near the tables, then go into the newly opened room in the back and use the lever to bring out a bridge over the pool at the Bike. Go back there and check an alcove in the NW corner, somebody has been digging up Secret #3, a Golden Skull. Take the Bike over the bridge up the steep track and leave it just on top. Go down into the area with the shack. Shoot a red light on the fuse box hanging on the side of the shack, the fence opens up. Go push the Mine cart all the way to the end and the Barbed Wire at the shack’s entrance will be gone. Go into the shack and get the 3rd Fuse. Once outside, get the Shotgun ammo E and head back to the bike; pull it back down the slope. Turn it around and go back over the bridge to the Main Cavern.  

4th Fuse.

Go down the entrance tunnel E (the wide one you came from in the start) and find that pool dried up, so you can take the Bike up to the walkway. Go straight across and follow the next tracks to a crossing, go down the left side and follow to a wider end, leave the bike there and hop over the ledge N, get some Shotgun Ammo in the end, find the opening in the fence and then go down from the tracks into a room with a crate. Open the small door and come to the Crate Puzzle.  

Crate Puzzles.

Push the crate W once and go right/right around the corners, pull the crate there once and go back. Then take a left, right, left and left till you face another crate W and pull it once. Turn back and go right/right and left through the opening you just pulled the crate from and pull that same crate as far as you can into the passage to the puzzle room W. Turn right and go to the next crate NE corner (that’s first the crate you have pushed) and push it twice, go left and push the next crate there twice, go left again and follow the passage left to the crate near the puzzle room, push it once into the room. Circle back (go right everywhere) around the passages to pull/push the crate S until it’s in front of the closed door, now pull it once to that door and then push it N onto the tile next to the “Fire” Tile and the flames under the Scale S are off.

Go push that Scale onto the N Tile and the door will open up, go through to the next room, shoot the Mineworkers that attack and get a small medipack. The last Fuse you need is out of reach under the Deadly Machine, so climb the chain to back flip to the block and grab up E, follow the passage jumping past the burners and finally come to a Burner in front of a switch stand close, run to the switch and pull. Hold back flip while Lara uses the switch to back flip twice and go back through the nasty passage to the machine room with a now open door in the W.

In the next room are flame emitters in front of three switches. Time the emitters so you can flip all three switches. The room rocks, this stops the machine. Go get the 4th Fuse from under the machine and head back to the Bike, follow the route back to the Main Cavern.  

The 3rd Forbidden Area Key. (Blue Fuse)

Leave the Bike near the garage and go over the crates to the roof of the Garage as you have to get into the S building again, follow the nasty Drill passage to the Electrified Water Room.

Electrified Water Room. (2)

Go over the central platform to hang on the W side ledge again and go shimmy right to back flip to the block. Run-jump/grab the ladder NW and go S over the walkway. Climb up in the end and follow the passage to get to a room with Fuse boxes (you saw the room from below already) There are 4 Fuses missing (2 on each side) and on a workbench in the back is some Desert Ranger Ammo. Save especially when placing the fuse where the cables are in front of the receptacle. The Electrified Water becomes safe. Open the door W and use the switch, a shortcut is now available.

Now go back to the Electrified water as that is safe now and hop in (E behind that sliding slope is some Shotgun ammo), just to the left as you go down from the ladder is an UW door (grated one), open it, go in and use the UW lever to stop a Drill at the next UW lever under the central platform. That UW lever opens the door W and you can swim to the 3rd Forbidden Area Key (Blue Fuse).

The Animal Keystone.

Swim out and go NE to climb back up to that nasty Drill passage and go through it for the last time and drop into the Main Cavern. Take the Bike and go through the wide entrance tunnel E to the rail track with the yellow water next to it. Park the Bike, grab the monkeyswing and head into the opening N and go through the small room left to the walkway outside, get across into the E room and place the Forbidden Area Keys there. The door S opens up, go in and hop over one of the fences at the back of the building. Use the switch at one of the pillars facing W. Giant Mutant Bold Eagles attack, take care of them and get the Animal Keystone once they are dead. Hop over the fence and go N, back to the walkway in the first cave and jump to the ledge S. Then to the white one S and finally to the climb wall at the CS, get through and follow back to the intermediate level. If you want there is a small medipack in the water.  

Portal of the Great Spirit.

Get back over the yellow pool by using that ladder and go L out to the pit, go W when you come back to the pit and up into the passage, get some Revolver Ammo to the L there and then use the monkeyswing over the deadly water to get to the Hidden Forest.


Level 7 - The Hidden Forest.

Deep into the Forest.

Follow the passage to a pit, jump to the pillar and from the pillar a run-jump/grab to a ladder E, go up and follow through a lower valley and past a fence overlooking a swamp to another pit. Jump to the sloped E side and shimmy L along the edge to the opposite side, follow the next tunnel to where it drops into a grassy valley with a pool.

The 1st Golden Idol.

Dive into the water and find an opening SE in the E wall behind that bush, swim in, and immediately up and right into a orange room with an UW lever up in the NE corner, to open a gate further in the other tunnel. Swim back for air, then go in and down left, follow the tunnel to a two way crossing and go right, into the room behind the wooden fence. Follow in going left around corners and come to the second UW lever, you can go back for air as there’s no rush, the E side of the two way crossing leads to the Golden Idol on a pedestal. Swim back, surface in the pool and go climb out in the N, because we need one more Golden Idol before going up the ladder N.

The 2nd Golden Idol.

Through an opening S you’ll come to another forest area, head to the S wall, turn around and pull up on the back of the slanted tree trunk there. Hang right and pull up to the top. Immediately jump from the top and curve right to grab the next tree, jump left to the branch and climb up the tree (ladder). Go up and poke Lara’s head just through the green leaves and back flip/roll/grab the Jump switch on the tree behind you (opens a gate up at the tree tops). Get back up the ladder all the way to the top and turn N to run-jump/grab to a transparent ledge with Secret #1, Golden Coins. Jump with a grab into the SW corner and get the Harpoon Ammo from the trunk there. Standjump/grab back to the secret ledge and jump to the N, go into the opened gate.

Spike-bags, Nasty Knives.

Two Run-jump/grabs along the right side of the openings when the Spike-bags swing left will get you to a sloped tunnel down and there’s a nasty Knife-trap in there. Stand right and start slide when the Knife blocks the passage, it will likely be open when you pass. Just around the corner on the next slope is another Knife-trap, jump to get over that one and when you end up on the last lower slope to the left, jump to get onto the ledge in a small cave. Go out N to come to a river. The 2nd Golden Idol is located on a pedestal W, then wade E and dive down the waterfall. Climb out of the pool N and head up the ladder N; follow in to place the Golden Idols to open the gate and enter.  

Forest Temple.

There are huge trees standing on a square in the Forest Temple. Also 2x Flares at the W wall and Desert Ranger Ammo N and S wall, as well as a small medipack in the middle. Go to the trunk N (on the right) and from standing against it, back flip to the roots of the tree behind, jump/grab up to the trunk turn around and run jump/grab to the branch of the huge tree, Fight off a Vulture from there and then stand in the SE corner (safe here). Run-jump to a sloped branch E of the S tree and slide/jump curved left and grab the edge of the ledge on E wall. Hop over the left fence and go into the room there, inside are closed gates, approach the one SE, the gate opens, go in and follow through a lower room to a grassy area overlooking the Temple Square. Get the small medipack right and run-jump/grab to the ladder (careful, the hole under the ladder brings you back to the cave where the second Idol was). Climb up and off left, follow W to a slide/jump/grab over a waterfall into the stream, follow the river and straight ahead on the left, find the push block (SW corner).

Push it all the way in and then move it into the room so you can pull it E once, it has to go onto the light grey Tile just next to the entrance so the Flames under the switch will extinguish. Use the switch to open a gate back in the cave with the ladder. There are some Flares to pick up SE.

Head back to the E, drop down at the waterfall. Climb the ladder S again and back flip to the upper room, head E now and up to the open gate to come to the next level of the Temple. Go to the N end of the balcony. Run-jump over the fence to the branch NW and go run-jump/grab to the W, then to the roof on the W wall (notice the Idols door below) and from that the corner, take a back flip to the next branch. Grab the monkeyswing above and head to the N tree, drop/grab the crack below and go shimmy right, follow the path up ladders and above the leaves shimmy to the right. A Vulture attacks and a small medipack is on the branch. Go up the next tree till Lara’s feet are two steps above the leave cover and back flip/roll/grab the broken bridge behind. Walk up to the trunk and peek on the left down, there is a very small green slope, you have to jump to, sliding backwards so you can grab the edge. Then shimmy right around the corner and pull up. Use the lever there; this opens a big door in the N. 

Now you have to get to those Golden blocks S, stand at the left corner and take two steps to the right face NE a tiny bit and a run-jump with a left curve will get you on a sloped ledge behind that tree. Slide, jump/grab to the Golden ledge. (It’s a hard jump, you can also choose to jump to the sloped block on the right side of the tree down N and slide back to the branch from which you can reach the N ladder again, back flip to the bridge and from the N end an run-jump to the same sloped chunk on the SE tree and slide jump/grab to the Golden ledge).

DON'T pull up but shimmy R around the block to the S end, pull up there and run off to the brick ledge N of the tree. Hop to the ledge E and run-jump with a grab into the alcove E, get Secret #2, Golden Bars, never mind the closed gate, that one is for later. Runjump/grab back to the ledge on the tree and hop to the N ledge. Jump to the open gates S and enter a new area, there’s a pit with a ladder and a passage NW leading to a big swamp area.

Into The Pit for the 3rd Golden Idol.

Get some Desert Ranger Ammo W of the pit and run E into the pit, slide and jump/grab the ladder E to go down, slide grab the edge to safety drop down at a closed gate, hop back once and look up SE, jump/grab to the opening and follow to a sloped end, back flip to the slope, jump/grab and thus activate the Jump switch which will open a gate further down the pit. Go back to the opening, run out grabbing and land in a lower opposite alcove, turn around and stand jump/grab to a lower opposite opening again and go in right, to the right is a door blocking a ladder (to open the exit later).

Go left and over a block into a room with a Knife-trap (the exit gate you saw opens up), follow around the left to the far N and in the NW corner is a Jump switch you can reach from the low block there (it will raise a raising block E of you). Pick up a small medipack W of the block after landing. Then get onto a block on N wall, run-jump up to the raising block E and from there a run-jump/grab over the wooden fence to the pillar N. Run-jump grab to the Knife pillar and shimmy left around the corner, pull up on the next corner (safe) and stand jump to the S pillar. Grab the monkeyswing and head W, drop onto a dark pillar there and face the swinging Spike-bag. I did a curved left run-jump so you go around the bag a bit and time the jump to get to the next pillar with little harm. Now a run-jump with a last moments grab to the yellow SE pillar with the 3rd Golden Idol (screenshot of the exit passage).

From the pillar you have to stand against the E wall, face E and side jump down right over the fence to the N side of the room. Head back to the S and leave, now go straight W and come to a ladder over a pit, jump/grab the ladder. Go up and one block from the top, back flip/roll/grab the Jump switch there (gate opens) and immediately jump/roll/grab as you hit the slope under the switch to get back on the ladder, go down and climb off right into the passage. Head left and come back to the pit, standjump/grab over to the other side and then jump/grab up N curved right. Pull up in the alcove where the gate opened (only to make the jump back up possible) and from there standjump/grab the sloped SW ledge, pull up, backflip and jump/grab up in front. Shimmy right to the ledge and from that alcove you can standjump/grab back SE to the ladder, go pull up to the top and backflip/roll/grab, shimmy right just around the corner and pull up, backflip and jump hard left to land on the flat corner ledge, you’re safely back out.

The Swamp for the 4th Golden Idol.

Head W and come to the swamp, stand left, run-jump and grab the broken bridge on the tree, look NW and jump to the next bridge with the Burner. Run up to that ladder, climb it and go right around the corner as much as right as possible to back flip to the roots of a tree. Jump on the bridge, then the ladder, go left around to the other side of the tree and back flip to the bridge, run-jump into the opening W. Follow to the block with the pedestal in the back. Then to the left in the S wall is a push block, visible with the Binoculars. Pull it out 4 times and then pull it to the E twice and it should end up under the falling water on a square that will activate blue rays. On the pedestal another Golden Idol will be visible, go get it and the gate NE will open up.

Get in and follow the passage, pick up a small medipack and turn around at the end so you can back flip/jump/grab to get onto a ladder (stand Lara with her left shoulder to the wall), go up and off right and hop over the pit. Shoot the gratings and jump over the next pit after you saved standing most left, slide and in the last moment a jump to the left to get to the bridge in the Swamp. Run-jump/grab to the ladder E and go left around, drop to the bridge and head to the other end, a stand jump around the corner to the right to the small platform and run-jump/grab back to the opening SE, follow back to the Temple square.

You have to get down to that Idols door (I’m not really sure if I got the right route, but it worked for me). Hop to the brick ledge on the tree and jump onto that yellow ledge left now a stand jump down to the branch SW and from there run off onto that lower roof on W wall, grab the edge and shimmy right till you are over the mushroom on ground floor, just pull up and back flip, you will land on a branch (loosing some health) from which you can jump up to the Idols door.

The Idols Door.

Place the idols to open it and climb up in the CS. Pick up Flares and a Medipack, shoot the grate and crawl in (hold “duck” or jump in and hold “duck”)). Follow through to a drop off at a nasty trap. A Blade circles the passage below and if you hang it will cut you up real bad. So time the Blade and when it’s in the opposite side of the passage, turn around, climb out and drop, side jump right and go on to the next challenge. A room with a death floor and you have to get to the button clearly visible to the left, run-jump to the bridge stand on the tip close to the Swing-blade and time the moment the Burner goes down and the blade is moving right. Run-jump to the Burner Bridge, and immediately a running jump up to the button ledge, push the button to get a flyby of the Forest Temple and see the brick ledge near the yellow blocks raised. Turn around and stand at the edge, run-jump to the Burner Bridge and a right curved running jump to the other bridge (or a standjump depending on where you land). Then jump into the passage, time the Blade and quickly grab up to the CS and go out through to the Idols door.

Back Up to the Vegetation Keystone.

Stand jump to the branch, then to the S one and from there a run-jump to that E sloped branch to get back to the E ledge with a jump/grab curved right a bit. Hop over the fence left and go into the room, a gate opened to the N. Go through to a pit with trees, run-jump to the branch and then to the one E, go up the ladder on the tree, start to back flip and jump from the top and go left till you are on a flat corner. Go up an opening N and pull the switch to the right to flood the pit you came from. Go back, dive in and swim down to the central tree with an UW lever that will raise a door on the monkeyswing in the room back up there.

Swim up E, climb out, and go up the ladder again and to the room with the monkeyswing and Blades. Grab the monkeyswing and go past the Blades to the other side and drop onto the corner ledge, follow the passage in and run-jump over the pit past the swinging Spike-bag. You can get the Shotgun ammo behind the bag if you crawl, but you will loose health getting back. Come to a ladder with a closed gate, go up till you hang on the gate and back flip/roll/grab the Jump switch, now you can go up into the open gate and find yourself on the ledge where the Secret was before, that Tile is now deadly, so good thing you got it already!

Run-jump/grab to the ledge on the tree and pull up, run-jump S to the entrance ledge. Jump to the yellow block N and stand jump/grab up the raised block, grab up to the branches above S and head to the pedestal with the Vegetal Keystone.  Go back to the S side and from the R hand side of the green ledge (low ceiling L) you can run-jump/grab to an opening in the S wall. Pull up in and immediately jump/roll, grab the edge on sliding of and shimmy L to get Secret #3, a Golden Skull, now shimmy to the other side and on the fore last square you can pull up and back flip/roll/grab a ladder. Go left around the corners and drop on a break ledge, quickly side jump left and go over the bridge to the brick ledge, pick up the small medipack from the plant.

Knife-trap Alley.

Follow to a slide down past a Burner into the Knife-trap alley. Save, slide and jump to get over the first two Knives, hop over the Burner-pit and then crawl under the next Knife. Now comes a hard one, a jump over a pit past a Knife, face W, sidestep as close as possible to the pit and side jump right over the pit, you have to be lucky but it’s possible without harm. Then sidestep carefully around the corner, hugging the wall and come to a slide, jump/grab the Jump switch over the slide to kill the burner and slide down the slopes to where you have to jump to the pillar in the first cave. Jump to the opening in the red wall and follow back to the intermediate level.

Portal of the Great Spirit.

Use the monkeyswing to get back through the yellow room and go down to the Pit. Dive in and swim all the way down, to the E and down in the next room, through the hole in the bottom and follow to where you can climb up at the end of the Boulder slope again. Go up the slope, follow the passage up and go to the left at the big yellow doors. You’ll end up in the bottom of the Shaft, jump to the yellow ledge and hop into the E opening and follow to the top of that blue structure, place the 3 Keystones on the 3 pointy receptacles and the central pillar opens up, revealing the Portal of the Great Spirit, save and keep that save separate as you will need it in the next levels. Pull up into the Portal and be taken to the next level.


Level 8 – Mystic Experience.

Step out of the Portal beams, go find the Desert Eagle Ammo SW and then grab a crack in the NW pillar to shimmy around to get behind the fence. Hop to the blue ledge and look for a Harpy coming your way, start shooting as soon as possible and runjump/roll NW to the corner of the slanted block NW and (be sure to slide backwards) grab the edge of it upon sliding off. Shimmy right around a corner and backflip onto the block behind you.

Now take a run-jump/grab into the building N and go left around the statue to find a Jumpswitch on the pillar (cut scene of Yeti’s near the Portal). Runjump/grab back to the block and face SE standing on the SE corner, standjump onto the blue slanted block and slide off the left side, then jump with a left curve and grab under the ladder on the big block, pull up over the top and slide/jump/grab back to the blue block, runjump/grab to the Portal house.  

To the Top.

Go climb back via the crack around that left pillar and have it out with the Yeti’s. Look W and see a block with a Burner on top. There used to be a Burner pointing in your direction too and that one is now gone. Runjump/grab to that block and shimmy around left to the other corner, pull up, turn around and stand motionless, then stand jump/grab to the slanted block NW. Hang right, save and time the Spikes on the next ledge. Best is to pull up as the Spikes are about to pop up and immediately jump from the top of the block, curve right and do a running jump over the Spike block, jumping to the ladder at the last moment (if you land too low on the ladder you have to try again).

Go climb up and left around the corner, up again and right till you hang over a Burner ledge, go down to the lowest point and back flip/roll/grab a block behind. Runjump onto the next blue slanted block a bit to the left and slide jump to the next. Now runjump/grab to get onto the roof get over there and hop onto the highest part, look back W and spot the Secret Golden Bars hanging in the air, jump onto the invisible platform it is on and get your Secret# 1 Golden Coins. Jump back to the roof and use the button. A ladder appears in the SE corner of this building. But for now go to the E side of the roof and stand jump to the walkway E, go left and see the first building on the right? There’s a crack in the side and it leads to a crawlspace.

The Receptacle Room.

Runjump over the railing and grab the crack, go R till you are hanging over a Jump switch (for later) and pull up into the crawlspace, go climb out onto the ladder in the Receptacle room and from hanging on the top of the ladder a back flip/roll/grab to the Receptacle floor. Hop onto the blue block E to get the small medipack and go down from the block (the opening E is for later).

Go to the W side of the Receptacle floor and jump/grab the ladder, go down to the end, climb left as far as possible and take one step back to the right, listen to the sound of the Spikes and backflip (no roll) when you expect the Spikes to be up when you land, immediately side jump right onto a sloped block to slide onto a ledge. Look NE and see the Golden Coins on the deadly floor, that square is the only safe spot, so jump straight to it and get your Secret #2 and from that square you can jump back to the ledge.

Time the Spikes again and hop through the corner to do a running jump/grab back to the ladder. Now once up go for the ladder on the N wall, down all the way and back flip to a slanted block and from there jump NW to the lever. Flip it and see a passage being opened up, make your way back up the ladder (a single jump will do) and back flip/roll and grab the Receptacle floor. 

Climb the blue block and into the opening in the E wall and get out onto the block right of the opening so you can climb up the ladder to the roof there, two Yeti’s attack, shoot them and hop over the railing. There’s a Zip-line here, but you can’t use it yet, that one will be for much later. Head to the far NW corner of the roof. Drop down to the walkway you came from and jump to the roof of the Portal (the one with the button on the roof). From the roof you can runjump to the walkway NW and go to the W end and just before that big statue is a small medipack to be found. Go back and head to the S end, just under the arch is another small medipack. Go to the S and shoot a Demigod on a roof there and run-jump/grab over the railing to the blue block E; then run-jump to the roof and Lara will look up at a Jump switch under a crawlspace up in the S rock face. Look down from the W side and see a ledge with a Medipack, safety drop down there losing a bit of health.

Grab it and spot the Ivy covered opening SW in the W wall, runjump in there with a left curve and follow in to shoot a Yeti, you’ll come to a fence with Fire behind it, grab up to the ceiling monkey swing and go just over the second fence, drop down and line up for a run left through the Spike-trap. Save and run as the Spikes just popped up, jump/roll to a slanted ledge over the gap and jump/grab a climb wall. Go up to back flip/roll/grab the ledge behind and go up, shoot a Yeti and shoot a box to get some Desert Ranger Ammo from it. Go out E and follow crawling backwards out of the crawlspace to the Jump switch, drop/grab and a door opens in the building below. Now you have to get down and the quickest way I found (probably there’s a better way) was to jump back to the blue block S and stand on the SE corner, face SE and run off to land on the grey block below, runjump/grab N to the building.

The 1st Lizard Sphere.

Go in and find the open gate N, look into the opening and spot a crawlspace in the blue wall over the gap. Go down on the ledge and stand in the middle of the E side, face NE and run off with a right curve to grab the edge of the crawlspace, follow into a pit and hang on the edge of it, shimmy left along the crack to a crawlspace with a plant, go through and hang on the other side, shimmy left and climb up the wall.  

Room with the Statue (Bottom section).

Go up to one step from the top and back flip to the ledge behind, go N and hop to the block E, turn around and run off the lower side with a grab to land on a thin ledge (down and W). Grab up to the monkey swing and head to the S wall, drop/grab the crack and go shimmy right to where you can pull up. Walk up to where you look out over the main area and do a run-jump/grab with a left curve to the closest side of that blue block to the right. Runjump/grab to a block in the NE corner and standjump/grab up to the higher block S, now you can stand jump/grab to the N and run-jump/grab to the wooden ledge W. Then a run-jump to a balcony block with the pedestal N. Get the 1st Lizard Sphere. The whole place rocks as the Spikes in the crawlspace N retract, drop from this block to the blue block below and runjump/grab back into the right hand opening with the Zip-line, safety drop with grab and shimmy left along the edge and go through the crawlspace to a very nice room.

Spike-traps, a Blade and a Burner.

Stand jump a bit left to the Spike block as you expect the Spikes to be up on landing and immediately another stand jump onto the corner of the Burner block, drop/grab from the edge and shimmy around to the far corner, pull up facing W and turn slightly right, so you face the Spike block. When you now side jump right to the Spike block in the corner you’ll land on it. Time the Spikes and side jump when you expect them to go up, then immediately stand jump/grab forward to the ledge and pull up, turn SE and runjump over the Burner block (of course when the Burner is off) and land on the balcony with the Skeleton. Grab up to the N wall and shimmy right to a slanted block with a Spike-trap and a Blade behind it, hang left on that block and time the Blade (when it is right) to pull up over the top and slide/jump to the ledge over the Spike-trap.

Room with the Statue (Top section).

Jump/grab to the ledge left and runjump/grab to the wooden balcony on W, pick up the small medipack, then runjump onto the next and keep doing that, all the way around to the ledge with the push button. Pushing the button will open that door over the bridge E of the Portal, jump back to the Statue and then to the opening S (shimmy till you are next to the statue, pull up and take a standing jump with grab). Go out onto the walkway and at the Hides-rack a runjump (mind the overhead block) to the roof of the building W, make your way back to the Portal (jump back to the blue block S and jump to the walkway W, there might be a small medipack on the walkway.  Go S and jump to the roof of the Portal E, climb down that ladder NE and drop into the building).

Go out E and runjump/grab to the block, go runjump over the broken part of the bridge and enter the E area. Runjump with a left curve around the hanging block to land on the blue ledge left in front and from there a runjump onto the dark brick structure S, grab the edge and shimmy to the left side, from the middle of the last square a back flip/roll/grab to a climb wall on a pillar. Go up and right around the corner to back flip to a rock ledge where a block has to be raised later. Go up to a ledge N and get the small medipack there, then stand jump to the block SW and run off SW to land on the dark brick structure, sliding off backwards you can grab the edge and shimmy to the ladder, climb down into the structure, push the Face Button and see a door opening up on a balcony in the E rock face.

Climb back up the ladder and pull up on the roof, slide off grabbing the edge and immediately start shimmying right before Lara gets her feet back up. Go right to the square where you can see the button below, then pull up, backflip/roll/grab to the Fiery block, hang on the edge and shimmy right around the corner and pull up in the next corner, quickly turn around and standjump to the block NW. A Hammer-trap activated on a balcony S

and that’s where you have to go, through the Hammers, Spikes and a Burner to get to that small balcony left of the ledge. (If you look NE you can see the third Secret)

Booby Trapped Ledge.

Run-jump to the ledge when the Burner is off and the Hammers just clanked together (also time the Spikes, you have to be lucky) and jump with a left curve to get onto that small balcony left of the ledge, push the Face Button there (extinguishes the Fiery block). Now for getting back you have to be real careful, stand back and take a stand jump onto the ledge when the Burner is down and try to time the Hammers, so you’ll land when they are just opening up again, as for the Spikes, you have to be really lucky again and it will take a few tries for sure (I was lucky, through on first try!). From the S end of the ledge a run-jump right back to that blue block (You can also get into the corner of the ledge next to the burner, when it is of a runjump S, then a running jump to the blue ledge). From the blue ledge a stand jump to the now extinguished Fiery Block.  Look SE and spot the crack in the rock face, jump/grab to it and go shimmy R to a ledge with 2x Revolver Ammo. Now don’t be scared but just drop from the N side and walk under the ladder to get Secret#3, another Gold Skull.

The 2nd Lizard Sphere.

Go grab up to that ladder and go up and left around into an alcove, look out NW and spot a blue ledge, standjump out with a left curve to land on the ledge and runjump to the balcony over the Booby Trapped Ledge, get the small medipack on the end and take one step back from the railing, then a hop back, now runjump over the railing and grab the blue block S. Then stand jump/grab to the slanted block E and pull up over, slide and jump/grab the ledge with the small statue. Climb up left and go get the 2nd Lizard Sphere, just beyond the pedestal is 2x Uzi Ammo. Go back down to the statue ledge and look for that extinguished Fiery block SW, check the health and runjump out of the alcove with a right curve to land on that block.  

Back to the Portal.

The 3rd Lizard Sphere.

Run-jump/grab to that crack in the E wall again, go shimmy right onto the ladder and go up to that alcove, stand jump out SW to the blue ledge on S wall and jump to the balcony over the Booby Trapped Ledge, now look for a block W of it and hop over the railing onto that block. Then a run-jump down to the dark block a straight forward and a bit to the right and a runjump to the slanted block in front of the structure, slide and jump/grab to catch the edge of the opening, climb up S behind the statue and see the Receptacle room in front of you. Stand jump/grab up to the ledge up and left and run-jump/grab across to the one S, look down and go to the Golden platform and get the 3rd Lizard Sphere there. Look for that Jump switch on the wall of the Receptacle room (under the crawlspace) and runjump/grab to activate it (the Burner on the block S of the bridge extinguishes). Grab the edge of the slanted ledge below and hang left, back flip/roll then jump from the slanted block and jump again with a right curve to land on a broken bridge. Push the button there to stop a burner and Spikes on the route you have to take now.

Ladder Route for the 4th Lizard Sphere.

Go W up the bridge, stand close to the block with the Hide-rack and runjump/grab to the block N, then to the block NW and head N with run-jump/grabs. On the last dark blue block you can turn around and take a run-jump to that ladder. Shimmy around the corner right and stay away from the edge, as that will make the spikes deadly. Back flip/roll/grab to another ladder block with Spikes and go right around 2 corners, then another back flip/roll/grab from the same height and grab the ladder under a Fiery slope, now go left around 2 corners and down to the lowest point possible (Lara’s feet still on the ladder) and back flip/roll/grab to a blue climb wall. Go left around to the second corner (because there’s a low ceiling left of you), stay there and go down as low as possible, back flip/roll/grab to a block.

Now runjump/grab W and grab up to the higher block S, turn around to runjump N and then runjump into an opening NE of the ledge and in the N rock face. Shoot the Yeti and get the 4th Lizard Sphere. There’s some Shotgun Ammo hidden in one of the plants. Go out to the opening and stand jump out left, back to the block and jump to the one S, drop down and jump back E, go around the blue climb wall and to the second wooden ladder. Around the first left corner you can drop/grab the slanted ledge below and back flip/roll/grab to the blue ledge near the Portal, jump over and go around the crack on the left pillar and you’re back in the Portal.

The E Area for the 5th Lizard Sphere.

Run-jump/grab the block with the hide-rack E and run-jump over the broken part of the bridge to enter the E area. Runjump with a left curve around the hanging block to land on the blue ledge left, and from there a runjump onto the dark brick structure, grab the edge and shimmy to the left side, from the middle of the last square a back flip/roll/grab to a climb wall on a pillar, go up and right around the corner to back flip to that rock ledge. This time go S and run-jump/grab to the block; turn left and runjump to block with some grass growing there. Turn around and head N with two run-jumps to the block with the Hide-rack. Now go W to the balcony with the Statue (stand jump, run-jump). Try to shoot that Demigod in the structure SW from here and run-jump/grab to the block N then go over into that structure and get the small medipack on the floor (could be the Demigod dropped right on top of it), throw the switch to see Spikes retract on a ledge.

I wont mention all the jumps, but you have to go back the way you came to the “block with the grass” and then to the block E, from there you can runjump down to the block where the Spikes went down, in the SE corner, close to the Swinging Blade. Grab upon landing to soften the impact and stand jump with a left curve to the ledge with the Burner-button on N wall. Time the Burner and jump to the Face Button when you expect the Burner to go down and hold the “back” key while Lara pushes the button so she will hop back before the Burner starts again. Now run-jump/grab to a dark blue block W and then a runjump/grab to that ladder on the Spike-pillar N. Go up to one step from the top and back flip onto a balcony ledge, from there a runjump (no grab) to the block E and two stand jumps to get into the opening in the E rock face.  

Blade Room.

Run-jump (when the Blade is moving right) from the left side of the opening and with a right curve to a yellow block in the death pool, from there a runjump to the E balcony to get the 5th Lizard Sphere. Run-jump back to the yellow block and face N, stand left on the block and runjump/grab with a right curve around the Blade to an alcove N to use the switch there (block rises on the rock ledge). Now runjump back to the yellow block and back to the entrance (Note: It is possible to run-jump directly from the switch alcove back to the entrance, but that is also a hard jump).

Over the Top to the last Lizard Spheres.

Once outside you can stand jump to the first block W, then jump to the second and from that one a stand jump down to the dark blue block NW, near the ladder and go back up the ladder, now all the way to the top of the pillar as the Spikes have retracted. Jump to the block with the grass and then over to the E block. Then to the rock ledge and from the raised block you can climb up W. Follow the high blocks to the W and try to shoot the Demigod from one of the ledges close to the Central Tower. From the last block with the railing near the walkway go left and then over to the roof where the Demigod was, get the 2x Shotgun Ammo and follow the route N and then W to the till you face the Spike-block SW. Here you have to time the Spikes to a runjump to them and immediately a running jump to the next block SW. Time the next stand jump onto the second Spike-block and a running jump to the blue pillar near the building, go SW over the roof, shoot the Demigod from here or stand jump to the block SW and run-jump over to him, duck and shoot him from close up with pistols. When you push the face Button, a door will open up in the building you just crossed over (go there later, because if you go down there now you have to all the way around again to get up here and the job isn’t quite finished here). Try and shoot a Harpy flying around S from here.

Go to the SE corner of the balcony and spot the pillar, run-jump with a left curve to grab the crack in the base of it (N face of the pillar) and shimmy right around the corner and drop to a ledge with a plant below, hop back and drop down one more level, get the Desert Ranger Ammo there and jump/grab to the dark pillar W, then stand jump/grab to a ledge W (railing) and runjump back to the ledge with the plant E, turn around and grab back up W to the crack in the pillar. Shimmy right to pull up on a ledge with a plant, hidden in the plant is a small medipack. Then shoot the Harpy hanging way up N (if you didn’t already) and spot the structure N with the Burner in a crack on the left hand corner, run-jump onto the roof, slide and grab the edge, go left around the corner when the Burner is down and watch out. There’s another Burner a bit further on that side (different texture on the floor of the crack).

All the way in the end is a small balcony below, drop/grab and go push the Face Button to stop Burners inside the structure, another Harpy is flying around, you can hear her, shoot it if you get a chance, otherwise just shimmy along the crack with the Burners back to the front of the building. The last burner at the corner is a nasty one as I got torched even approaching the corner, so I used one interval to get to the corner, one interval to go around the corner and hang still there to wait for the 3rd interval and shimmy past it. Go to where you can pull up into the building and drop inside, go move the 2 push blocks onto the Face Tiles. The first has to be moved all the way to the W side before you can move it N. Once the blocks are on their proper tiles the spikes will deactivate and you can push the Face Button in the NE corner to open a door on the N walkway.

Go back into the crawlspace after moving the block aside, Save and drop down onto a slanted wall, shimmy right and back flip/roll/grab to the block where you got the Ammo before, shoot the Harpy (could be she pushes you off, then just reload and try again) and go back up to the blue ledge with the plant so you can runjump to a ledge E and close to the walkway E. Run-jump onto the walkway and head S through the first open arch, to the right and below the second you can spot a short wooden walkway, stand here and stand jump with a left curve and grab over the railing to land on it. Go jump to the E, the next jump involves Spikes, time the runjump and curve right in the air, so when you land after the Spikes went up, you can immediately side jump left and land on the blue ledge. Look down S and spot the ledge with the railing, runjump down to it and head W with run-jump/grabs to a higher pillar with a Hide-rack. Get the small medipack and runjump to the pillar N, grab up to the ladder on the structure and hang left on the ladder, pull up to the roof, slide off and shimmy left before Lara gets her feet up. Go to the last part before the edge goes up and back flip to the second arch (of which the door opened just before).

Try to get rid of the Harpy coming from the NW and run-jump to the first (N) arch. Go over to the E end and runjump/grab to the blue block to grab the monkey swing above, go over to the block with the plant S and run-jump to the block with the Totem. Now stand jump down to the balcony with the Face Button E and push the button to see the Fire on the S walkway go out. Stand against the railing, facing S and just jump backwards straight over the railing to land back on that same ledge below where a Medipack now appeared and you can use it right away I think. Go back to the ladder on the blue building W and now back flip from the top onto the N walkway and shoot a Yeti. Then go to the N end of the walkway and stare in the unknown. You can see a stake with a Skull and far away in the distance is another one. This gives you a direction, because there’s an invisible (or white) walkway you have to follow.

Walking the White Walkway, the 6th Lizard Sphere  (map)

From the walkway take a running jump to the first stalk or else you get send to your LOAD screen. I’ve made a little map in case you get lost, but the trick is to walk slowly go from stake to stake, at the end take some jumps and you will come to a terrace with the 6th Lizard Sphere, make your way back to the wooden walkway and follow N till you can runjump onto the roof of the Portal building.

The 7th Lizard Sphere.

Run-jump from the NW corner of the roof to the NW building where the door opened a while back (W and left) and go inside to get the 7th Lizard Sphere. Now you have all of them you can return to the Receptacle room.

Get back on the roof of the portal and jump onto the walkway E, run-jump/grab over the railing to grab the crack in the building SE and get into the crawlspace, hang on the ladder inside and back flip to the Receptacle floor. Place the 7 Spheres and climb onto the block E where you can walk out into the opening. A flyby kicks in, showing you the top of the building with lamps lighting up at the Zip-line you’ve seen all level long. Run around the right hand corner and climb up to the roof and hop over the railing, get onto the block so you can use the Zip-line and enjoy the long ride. Grab the climb wall in the end and go up to a receptacle with the Essence of Nature. A block lowers on a pillar W, run-jump over the railing to grab the edge and pull up.

The level ends...

Level 9 - Nuclear Base.                                         

"Korea, one week later…"              

Red is the way the compass shows.

Lara is dropped off on the roof of an underground base, careful because there’s a deep Main Laser shaft in the middle of the roof, get that stack of Flares (3x) NW and go to that shaft. Stand facing N at the shaft and run in with a grab to land in an alcove N, turn around and stand-jump/grab against the S wall, to grab a slanted ledge, drop/grab one more level down and shimmy left till you can pull up in a tunnel with a Laser-trap. Crawl into the tunnel (stay low) when the Laser moves away and crawl to an electrified pit, stand up quick when the laser goes behind you and jump over the pit, quickly run left into the N passage. Follow through to a shaft, stand to the left and take 3 steps back from it and run in, so you just go over the edge and landing on a slanted ledge a jump/grab to the other side of the pit. Shoot the gratings and go backwards into the crawlspace, drop and look for the Revolver Ammo. Equip the Revolver with the Sight and shoot a gratings up left in the Main Laser shaft and stand jump/grab up there with a left curve, follow the dark duct down a slide and then go through some Slamming Automatic doors and to the left at the next intersection (R is closed door). Pass through the slamming doors and come to a button, a Timed button to open that door in the S passage. Save and push, back flip/roll and run around the corner, through the doors and straight into the open door.


The Ventilation Shaft.


At the Ventilation shaft a run-jump/grab to the pillar in the opposite corner and a run-jump/grab to a ladder W, go up to the top and turn around to stand jump/grab to the swing pole, swing over a Burner tile into a passage E and notice the overhead ladder you almost bump into, the hatch over the ladder is still closed so head into the passage S, shoot the grating W just around the corner. Crawl in to get the Fire Key, go back out and to the N (the passage R at the cylinders is for later) and left in the end, up a small ladder and to the R in the next passage is the door you can open with that Fire Key.


The Fire Room.


Inside are Burners and the floor is deadly, stand jump to the left corner of the Burner block, turn facing E and sidestep to the pipe when the Burner is off, quickly get on it (hit “Ctrl”) and walk over to the other side, time the Burner there to run to the button and push it, hold “back flip” while Lara pushes and you’ll be gone before the Burner starts back up, another burner went off. Go back over the pipe, waiting for the Burner to go off in the end and quickly get onto the block and sidestep to the right hand corner. Jump/grab back into the opening S and go left (to the R is a Timed door we’re going to open up now), down the small ladder and left at the cylinders into that W passage, here is the place where the Burner went off.


Timed Run.


Take out a Flare and Save in front of the Timed button, push and back flip roll and run out of the passage, right and jump up onto the ledge at the small ladder, run/sprint diagonally into the passage at the Fire room and sprint to the end, left and through the Timed door in the end. Push the button (not Timed) and see that trapdoor opening up at the ladder. Go back and follow the passage to the ladder (at the start) and get up the ladder (can be a bit tricky, stand back close to the Burner and stand jump/grab forward). Climb off to the left, jump to the S and go left to push a button between *Power signs*, the power of the Laser down in the shaft will be off. Go back down the ladder, drop and stand straight under the ladder, now you have to back up a little bit, but not a whole step, so turn left or R a bit, then sidestep and turn again so you stand straight and back flip just over the Burner tile and you should just land on that block in the corner of the Ventilation shaft with minor health loss. Drop through the now safe Lasers and shoot a grating in the S, go to a button and see a door open up high in the Ventilation shaft, get back out (time your way passing that burner) and make your way back up like you did before, climb up the ladder. Jump to the S passage and go right this time, through the open door and look N to spot a grating in the opposite wall, shoot it (pistols) and run-jump/grab over to crawl in.


The Ducts.


Follow through past a grated wall and come to the room adjacent to the ladder room, get the small medipack and push the button E to open the trapdoor at the ladder in the room behind the glass N. Return into the duct and at the grated wall with the sign: “Central Ventilation – Access Shaft” you can climb up W, pull up into the crevice and crawl to the N, drop into the space behind the grated wall and go for the button E to raise a platform in the Ventilation shaft. Hop back and look up for a hole in the ceiling, grab up to a duct from facing E and crawl past a couple of Steam-blowers, taking advantage of the small intervals and pick up the Medipack while you’re there, go around left to come to an opening in the floor. Drop down and head out S, to drop onto that raised platform, run-jump/grab over to the S and follow the passage to jump over the hole at the ladder.


The Restricted Area.


Go down into the now open trapdoor and follow the passage crawling to where a flyby kicks in, the General will enter the Restricted Area where 2 SAS stand guard. Go on through the duct and come to an opening in the floor, you have to shimmy around to the opposite side, be sure to take the shortest route (so climb down along the S side and go around quickly) and have your health up. Pull up into the other duct as soon as possible and you should just make it. Follow the duct to a small medipack and a button, which will lower a part of the Barbed wire in the passage below. Go back to the hole and quickly jump out (Alt+forward), roll and take care of the 2 SAS, one of them will leave a Medipack (that may end up between the Barbed wire). Look for the Timed button in the NE corner and it will open the door S only shortly, so back flip/roll and sprint through the door, maybe even hitting “Alt” to roll through at the last moment.

Follow the crooked passage up to a crossing with a Control room straight ahead, the door is closed and needs an Access Card. Head left and down the stairs to a Storeroom.


Crate puzzle for the Access Card.


Go straight when you come into the room with crates and pull the crate SE out twice, then pull it W once, turn left and walk into the SE corner where you’ll find another push crate right, push it E and then all the way to the N into the entrance passage. Now go back through the bypass and pull a crate standing W into that bypass and then move it all the way into the NE corner, so the bypass will stay open. Now there’s another crate SW, pull it out and to the E once so you can get behind it. Get the Access Card and go push the last crate back so the bypass will be open again and you can pull the crate standing in the NE passage back out. Go up the stairs to the Control room, open it with the Access Card and go look for another Fire Key on the shelf in the back left side of the room.


The Fire Department.


Go out of the Control room and left up the stairs to a platform with a ladder on a hanging pillar, on top of the ladder is a closed hatch, go up the stairs S and follow to a Rocket storage, shoot the 2 SAS on your way to the Fire control E, one leaves some Uzi Ammo. Go to the N side of the fenced off area, face N and side jump over the fence to use the Key in the lock. A Fire tile under a button S becomes safe, side jump back over the fence, go to that yellow Fire sign on the floor S and side jump over the fence there to get to that button in the SE corner. Push it and see the Fire tile W extinguish, side jump over the fence and walk straight W to the button that will open up the hatch over the ladder (you have to use the same button again later). Head NW down the stairs to the platform, from the steps a run-jump/grab and go up the ladder passing the two openings left and right, you can’t get in there now, because you have to close the hatch first. Get into the crawlspace on top to get to a ladder down to a door that will open for you and you are back in the Fire department.

Go to the extinguished Fire tile to use the same button to close that trapdoor at the ladder and go through the door you just came from, follow the duct with Burners on this time, to the ladder at the 2 openings and go down onto the hatch to grab up to the opening E and get the small medipack there. Turn around and go N, into the room and to a button SW, under a sign that says: "D" sector generator, push that to activate a door near the Store room below. You’ll witness the General entering the Secure Silo 01 Area and the guarded door closes behind him…

The trapdoor opened up again, so jump/grab to the ladder and go down to drop to the platform, go down the stairs to the Store room and find the open door NW, go into the passage to the Silos and shoot the 3 SAS coming for you. One leaves a small medipack.


The Rocket Silos.


Follow the passage passing the Silo entrances first D 01 where the General went in and then D 02 (up left), go around the corners there and just around the last corner is an entrance to the Exterior Area Access up in the wall to the right. Climb in and push the button on the S wall to lower the Barbed wire behind the fence, notice the Card reader on the N wall and go back out to the passage, head R (S) and into the next opening right, Silo D 03. In the NE corner of the room is an alcove, jump over the NW corner of the N wall to land in the spot where that Barbed wire went down. Stand against the W wall and back flip onto the slanted block, jump/grab to the crack in the W wall and shimmy R to pull up at a pipe spanning the room below, walk over the pipe to the button in the alcove S and the door below will open up. Drop from the alcove and enter the open door E.


Timed Run in Silo D 03.


Go to the S wall and spot the ladders, climb the one W to the top and back flip/roll/grab the one behind, quickly go up and wait on the top of the ladder to time the overhead Burner, don’t pull up but just back flip/roll to a ledge with a button. The button will open a Timed door in the N side of the Silo (you can just see it behind the rocket. Check out the route, a ledge on the W wall and a sloped arch kind of structure S with the door above. There’s a Secret on a platform E, but a burning floor protects it.

Push the button, hop back while turning left and you’ll be lined up for the run-jump to that ledge NW, then a running jump with a sharp left curve to jump onto the slanted side of the arch, then side jump right into the open door (Second method: Push the button, hop back while turning left and you’ll be lined up for the run-jump to that ledge NW, curving R in the air to bump into the wall, roll and run with a right curve then a run-jump to the edge of the ledge in front to the door while curving left so you can quickly side jump into the opening).

On the walls are signs, "#2", so when you push the button you’ll know Silo D 02 will be open now. Make your way down from the arch and shoot that SAS below before you run-jump to the platform E to get Secret#1, Golden Bars and some Arrows, safety drop from the platform and pick up a small medipack the soldier dropped. Go out to the W passage, shoot another SAS in the Silo entrance and go out to the passage. Head back N and just around the corner after the grated wall is the entrance to Silo D 02 up in the right hand wall.


Silo D 02.


A ceiling hatch opens up when you approach the opening in the W wall of the entrance room, look in the right hand wall of the Silo and shoot that grating with Pistols (while crouching). Then grab the ceiling and go to that duct, drop/grab and get in, follow to a button in the left corner and this will close the hatch back up. Now you have to go the E and crawl through a duct, drop from the other side and you’re back in the passage with the grated wall, re-enter Silo D 02 and now go straight over that monkey swing and drop on the ledge W. Go down and stand jump to the slanted ledge N, hop over the gap and get the 2x Shotgun Ammo there, now go down the ladder to the Silo floor, go get the Uzi Ammo SW and go to the E side into an opening to a room with a Laser floor, there are platforms going up and down.


Laser Room jumps for the Exterior Area Access Card.


First get the Medipack on the walkway on the left and then line up for the first platform and the ledge beyond that. Stand back against the wall next to the entrance and stand jump as soon as you expect the platform to go up and do a running jump to the ledge ahead. Line up for a run-jump to the platform N and from that a stand jump to the next safe ledge, now hop onto the walkway E and go time the Burner to get the (Exterior Area) Access Card. Jump back to the last safe ledge, jump to the ledge on the corner right and drop down through the only safe spot in the Laser floor W of this ledge and get Secret#2, a Golden Skull. Climb back up and stand 2 steps back from the edge before you stand jump S when the platform is about to go up, a running jump will get you back to the S side safe ledge, stand close to the platform and take 2 steps back, stand jump and a running jump back into the exit W. Go up the ladder and over the ledges W to the monkey swing, get back to the entrance room E and go out to the passage, head S and around the corner, shoot that SAS and go back into the opening right around the next corner. Open the door using the Card in the reader on N wall.


Exterior Area.


Follow the dark staircase up to a room with a crate, go around the crate and pull it once into the passage W, turn around and go up to a Barbed wire trench in an outside area (to the R and down in the trench you can spot a trapdoor), run-jump to the left onto the opposite slanted side and keep jumping left till you land on the grassy field, there’s a closed door and a Radar, go behind the radar and find a button, it will open a timed trapdoor in the N end of the Barbed wire trench.


Timed Trapdoor.


Save and push the button, turn right and sprint straight to the trench, release sprint and run-jump as far as possible onto the lowest part of the R hand slanted side of the trench and jump to and fro towards the end (past the barbed wire), then just let Lara fall into the hopefully open still trapdoor and you’re back in the Silo D 02 entrance. Go back out, then to the S again, just around the corner jump up to the right and into the Exterior Access room, go up the stairs to the crate you pulled before, now you can enter the passage hidden behind it before and push the button to the left (a door opens in the courtyard outside).

Climb up N and go over the safe part of the floor to a pit, safety drop down and go into the dark passage S, shoot the 2 SAS in the next room and go to a block SE. Stay close to the E wall and climb the block, wait with your back to the wall till the laser moves away, then take a run-jump to the swing pole and swing to the other side. Turn around and take a run-jump/grab to an upper ledge E. Then jump/grab up W and last a stand jump into the opening in the S wall. Grab the monkey swing on the ceiling and time the Burner to get past, turn left in the end and drop/grab to the slide going out to the courtyard, pull up over the top and draw a gun as a SAS is waiting for you around the corner. Enter the open room W and push the button to open the Secure Silo D 01 door. Now you have to do the timed run/jumps to that trapdoor in the Barbed wire trench again, so go behind the radar and push that button and run/jump towards the trapdoor and climb out of the Silo D02 entrance, go right and around the corner to the entrance of Silo 01.


Silo D 01.


Straight at the end of the passage is a Card reader and to the R is the door the General went through, go left and follow to Rocket Silo D 01, go down into the passage N and follow through to the N end, run sharp right around the corner of the fence at the Burner drop down and shoot the SAS. Then go to the S side of the room with the yellow cylinders and up into the opening S. There are fences in the next room and you have to get through the crawlspaces with the Blades by hopping in as the Blade moves aside and then crawl through and stand. Side jump out of the trench and find a push crate and a Burning tile in the first quarter of the room, you’ll be back here. Go through the next and pick up a small medipack near the S wall. Then take the next one W and push the button to stop the Burner in the N end of this place.

Now you have to do this all over again to get out, back to the N past the Yellow Cylinders to the end and run-jump over the slanted W side of the passage where the Burner was before, in the N side of that place is a button to stop the Burning tile at the push crate. Jump back head to the S into the rooms with the Blades and head through the first trench to get to the crate, push it to the S (could be Lara won’t push, just try a couple of times till she does) and push the button behind it. Watch the flyby as a fire will start in the N side of the passage and the cylinders will explode, the liquid gas will run over the floor to the next set of cylinders and the rockets will overheat, causing them to launch…


The Access Card. 


The floor of the passage is now in ruins and quite deadly, turn R from pushing the button and crawl through the triangular opening N, onto a narrow and low ledge, look for a block in the deadly mass where the floor used to be and slide/jump to that block. Walk onto the NE corner and hop back, then run-jump E onto the next part of the narrow ledge, crawl N to the next fence and grab the grated ceiling. Go around the fence when the Burner is down and go to the N end, stand one step from the wall, facing W and slide down, jump hard left and land back in the remaining part of the passage. Follow back up to the Rocket Silo and watch out for those Burners under the grated floor, stand with your back to the wall and take a run-jump towards the ladder and climb the ladder and from that ledge you can jump to the ledge E. Run-jump up into the opening in the E wall and follow through to an outside structure, grab the monkey swing and follow into that structure.

Grab the Access Card and return to the other side, jump down to the ledges and go down the ladder, up through the opening W and follow back to where you saw the Card Reader before. Open the N door with the Card and enter. Inside you’ll see the General walk through the passage behind the fence and to the E is a 2x Revolver Ammo pickup. Then climb up the shaft at the radiation sign and get into the duct, follow to a corner with a Blade, time it and quickly crawl through the corner to the next trap, do the same and come to a drop off into a Store room of some kind with a deadly floor and there are 2 Security cameras, you have to stay out of their range.


The Store Room.


Just walk N a bit and grab up to the monkey swing, go over to almost the end of the monkey swing and drop, stay on that spot behind the crates and look for gratings in the NE corner of the room and shoot all 4, then turn W and go into that passage. At the end to the left is a button, use it to open the door in the storeroom. Go back and go right in front of the rockets to the S wall, get the Revolver Ammo and head along the wall to the corner where you shot the gratings, grab up to the block and shimmy left past the camera to drop in front of the open door. Go in and right, in the NE corner at the Secure Access door is Secret#3, Golden Coins. Opposite the door are 3 Uzi Ammo pickups and a small medipack. Then head to the S and find the General…. The level changes.  


Level 10 – General Contamination.

Lara took care of the general….

Pull the General’s corpse away, holding him by the head, and pick up the General Access Card. Go out of the office to the door you saw before in the NE corner (in the previous level), open it with the Access Card and enter, follow the winding passage to a Danger Sign. Drop down into the room below and find yourself in a nuclear waste pit, still sizzling, to the left in the pit is a trapdoor opening, it opens up later and in the middle is a “Fire” block.

Stand jump/grab to the “Fire” block with the flame on top and shimmy around the left, pull up in the next corner and stand jump/grab over to the other side walkway, head left and open the door with your Card. Go down into a Store room, thrilling music starts and 2 Guards attack in their Anti-contamination suits (you’ll be visiting this room later over that walkway above). Take out the Guards and head to the E wall, there’s a grating you can shoot with pistols. Grab up and crawl to the end where you can pick up 2x Revolver Ammo.


The Reactor Core.


Shoot again the grating and drop/hang out of the crawlspace, shimmy right and come to a broken steel walkway (From this point there are more ways than one to get through this level, this is how we did it).

Walk down to the lower part of the steps and shoot the gratings out of the wall, aiming at the R hand side you should be able to shoot them. Stand jump with a grab into the opening and shoot the SAS there, from this small room you can only go N for now, so grab up and follow to a pit with Burners. Stand left and jump with a grab to the higher part of the floor under the Burner (of course when the Burners is off), then stand right and run-jump up onto the higher opposite passage past the second Burner. Follow the passage to the store room you’ve crossed just a minute ago, shoot the gratings and use the monkey bars under the walkway to get to the high stack of crates. Turn R and drop/grab to get onto those crates, jump NE onto the steps and go over the walkway to the S and follow the tunnel to a grating, shoot it and you’ll see the Reactor Core again. Look out left to spot the broken steps, run-jump out with a sharp left curve at the end of the run and jump to those steps, go up about 2/3 and run-jump/grab E to the top of the Core.

On top you’ll find the Uzi and a closed trapdoor (we’ll be back), go over to a ladder on a pillar NE and turn around facing W, drop/hang backwards over the edge drop/grab to the walkway below and follow in, when you get into the upper Control room, all technicians duck behind their consoles, go to a Card reader on the E wall, use your General Access Card and open a door (close to the start of the level) with it, go to the shelves S and get a small medipack left and 2x Uzi Ammo from the right hand shelf.

Head back to the Reactor room and from the walkway a jump/grab to the ladder, go up and back flip to the top of the Reactor. Go over the top the SW, then take a run-jump back to those steps W, walk down N and from there a right curved run-jump (no grab) back into the opening, follow back though to the store room and hop to the stack of crates, down to the floor and W into the room with the Fire block and straight to enter the room W you’ve opened.


Room with the Malfunctioning Cranes.


Run-jump through the opening in the fence to the block in the waste and the time the crane to run-jump/grab to the block E with the Medipack. Get it and stand back to jump/grab forward and up to the walkway over the Crane, you’ll get hurt a bit but there’s a small medipack available. Then run-jump into the opening in the S fence and go left, onto the block and at the opening in the fence you can see a monkey swing a closed door and a crane, grab up and follow the monkey swing to the Crane. Go right and to the waste waterfall W, drop/grab a lower crawlspace behind it and go in for Secret#1, a Medipack and Golden Bars.

Climb out W at the side of the little fence and drop onto a slanted block, slide and jump to a ledge, run-jump (no grab) NW into an alcove and then SW to the Copy machine, over to the NW again and use the button to open that door in the Crane room. So jump back to the Copy Machine, then to the alcove, run-jump NE back to the ledge where you came from. Look for a climb wall NE, run-jump/grab to it and climb down left around the corner into the opening, climb up E to the ledge in the Crane room and stand under the monkey bars. Check the health bar and head over to the Crane, hang left and pass it quickly, get into the open door and follow into a Ctrl room. On the E wall is a button to open a trapdoor in the waste room with the “Fire” block and near the pipe S is a small medipack.

Go back to the entrance and save, stand about in the middle of the opening, turn R a bit and run out curving sharp to the right, you’ll land on a slanted block below. Slide and jump/grab to the block in the waste pool, run-jump into the opening S with a grab, follow out E and in the next room, near the toxic waterfall is the trapdoor you’ve just opened. Run-jump to the block where the Fire is gone, now SAVE, face E and run-jump with a bit of a left curve to the hole E (leap into the unknown) slide and jump to the next slanted block, slide far and jump/grab (you obviously have to face forward here) to the cracked pillar. Shimmy right around 2 corners and drop to a safe ledge, jump to the ladder wall SW and climb to the far R side and down as far as possible, back flip/roll and slide/jump to the ledge in front of the S opening.


Thumping Presses, 1st Nuclear Fuel Cell.


Go through to the room with a Crane, run-jump/grab to the block and over to the other side and left of the Thumping Press, under the Press is a Fuel Cell you need, you can’t get it now so head E and stand jump (or side flip) around the left side of the Presses to get to the button on the E wall. Push it to stop the W side Press and have a look W if the Fuel Cell is available, could be the Press is down so try again then. Go pick up your 1st (Yellow) Nuclear Fuel Cell, also a small medipack on the workbench and go back past the Presses E to the door over the button, the door is opened, so go up and you’re back at the Reactor.

Drop/hang from the E side of the ledge, shimmy right to the wall and safety drop onto the slanted green block below, run around the Reactor till you found the 2 Guards you have to shoot, then enter the passage E and follow up to another part of the broken walkway. Run-jump S to a single platform and then S again to the steps, go up and run-jump/grab to a walkway at the Reactor, push the button there while Lara looks at a door in the W wall, it will open after the button is pushed, now run-jump to the SW corner ledge you came from before (diagonal from the walkway or the approach will be too short). (Tip: stand back against the railing, just walk W one step, then holding the forward key release “Shift” immediately hitting “Alt” and Lara will jump to the ledge with only a one step run.)

Line up for a run-jump NW with a right curve and grab in the end to just land inside the opening with the open door. Go in and get a screenshot of 3 Technicians taking cover (the probably aren’t expecting anything good), you have to shoot one of them later to get a Nuclear Fuel Cell, but for now that’s impossible. So stand at the W tip of the lower part of the floor and side jump over the fence N (if you can’t manage that, drop into the Ctrl room and climb up an opening in the ceiling N to end up behind the fence), go into the R hand (NW) passage and come to a room with a trapdoor in the corner, go up the ladder SW and climb left into the passage, go in and just around the corner is a button opening a door (S) in the next room, go on and drop down in a room you visited before.


The Laser Doors.


Go up into the open door S, follow the passage through some rooms to a place with a green Laser door in the opposite wall, pass through and come to a room with a single crate and a hatch in the ceiling, 2 red Laser doors and one green. So pass the green Laser door N and come to a room with more doors and a sand hill. Pick up some arrows on that hill and shoot the Guard and go through the Laser door S to come to a room with a pipe, shoot the Guard coming from the passage S, pick up some flares near the S wall and go push the button W (Laser button, changes several Lasers doors to safe while other ones turn deadly, you’ll get to know this button real well). Then head into the S passage; the way back is now blocked by a red Laser door. In the next room are 3 crates, an opening up in the ceiling over the higher stack (shortcut later), but if you want the secret you have to get in there now, jump from the single crate to the high stack and jump/grab into the duct, follow in to an open door to the right and get Secret#2, a Golden Skull, 3x Revolver Ammo. The way onwards through the duct is still closed, so head back left and drop down into the 3 Crate room.


Booby Traps.


Go through the Laser door E and slide into the room below. Careful, there are Mine-traps (yellow signs), just get behind the work bench W and take the 2x Uzi Ammo from it, from where you stand turn left and run-jump S over the Mine-trap near the yellow sign and follow straight S to the corner, then walk to the button on the S wall (the green door in the room with the sand hill opens up, for later) and return the same way you came to the button. Hop up to the green Laser door and in the 3 Crate room; a Guard will be waiting for you.

Head into the NE passage and follow to a small room with a single crate and a hatch over that crate, go into the only green door and push a button on the wall in the next room (trapdoor in the floor), the hatch in the previous (single crate) room opens up and provides a shortcut between rooms.

Go back out and left through the green Laser S to the room with the 3 crates and back through the passage NW to the Pipe room, push the Laser button W in that room and go out N to the room with the sand hill, to the right is the door you’ve opened in the Mine field room (this one is for later). Go out E and back to the room with the single crate and the open hatch, from the crate you can jump/grab up to the duct and follow past the now closed Secret door and follow to where you can now drop into the room with the 3 crates. A new door opened there. Go through the green lasers to the rocket room S and hop onto the walkway S on the left side, go to a button and push it to open another trapdoor.

Back to the room with the 3 crates and up into the ducts, get back to the room with the single crate and drop. The trapdoor you opened is behind the W door, but the Laser is red, so no access at this point in time. Head N into the room with the sand hill and out S to the pipe room and use the Laser button there. Out S to the 3 crate room and through the NE passage to the single crate room, now you can enter the W room and go down into the open trapdoor.


Deadly Waste Basement.


In the far end of this passage you can grab the monkey bars and follow them with some curves over the deadly waste, go into the next room and stand near the N end of the ledge, face S so you can side jump to the slanted block in the waste, slide long and jump hard left to land on the next block, jump two more times to get to a ledge and stand jump (grab) to the ledge in the far end, go up the ladder, climb higher and grab the monkey bars to get to the other side and go out to the room with the sand hill, where the N door is now safe.

Go up the ledge N and push the button to get a flyby showing another door opened in the Reactor room. The flyby takes you through the rooms you've already visited and rooms you still have to visit. Go back out to the room with the sand hill S and because all other doors are red you have to go back through the Basement. So go left (W) into the room with the waste, go right onto the walkway, check the health and run-jump into the opening with the ladder W. Hop to the ledge E and line up for a run-jump/roll to the far side of the NE slanted ledge, slide and jump hard left to get to the E side of the slanted block, then jump twice to get to the E ledge, go back over the waste using those monkey bars and go straight E through the newly opened door. Up the ramp, follow through, slide down, jump up straight (E) and in the next room on the left is an opening to the Reactor room.

Walk up to the opening E and jump right around the corner onto the broken stairs and spot the triangular ledges on the corner of the Reactor Core. Run-jump onto that ledge and hold “Ctrl” while Lara drops along those ledges to the ground floor.


Temperature Regulation Puzzle.


Go S and into the room you saw in the flyby, pick up the Safety Instructions from the floor and read them:

Temperature regulation

Used switches add temperature

Unused switches subtract temperature

Beware of overheating

On the S wall are 3 buttons, a wrong combination will set Lara on fire, you have to get 270 degrees (see left wall under the door), so push the 360 and then the 90 to get that and the door W will open up, go through, notice a block with a Mine-trap standing in a waste pit W, push all the buttons on the E wall a bit right of where you entered and see several doors opening in and around the Reactor room.


Core Level B door.


Head back to the Reactor room and go into the passage E, up to the ledge in the Reactor room and look NW, run-jump to the broken steps there and then run-jump with a grab in the end down into the open door W, follow in, push the button to open the Level B door of the Reactor Core and go back out. Drop/hang from the ledge, shimmy left against the wall and drop onto the green slanted block, turn right and shoot the Guard, then go into the wide corridor N, to the R is the opening with the door you opened, go in and push the button to disable the Mine-trap on the block in the waste pit.


Core Level A&D doors.


Go back out and shoot the Guard to the right in the corridor, then go S and around the Core to the room S and up through the opening W and at the waste pit a run-jump to the block in the pit and onwards to the W side ledge, more buttons and two doors, one for Core level A (360) and one for Core level D (180)

At the buttons, use the 90/180/270 and the door S to the Core level D button opens, go in to push that button and get back to the 4 buttons, push the 270 again and then the 360 to open the door in the W wall to get to the Core level A button, go into that room and push the button, now return over the block in the waste pool to the E side of the room. Head S and go through the showers to jump up to the contaminated area.


Contaminated Area.


You can run here, but your level of contamination will be shown as the air supply bar in the top R corner of your screen, when you run out of health, either head back into a Shower area or die, there are some instant death spots spread around the area. Go S, just sprint straight heading into the right hand opening ahead, and along the left side walls (deadly spot in this place), then around the left into the next part of that area and onto a little mound in the end so you can run-jump (NO grab) into the opening (almost impossible to climb the ledges in this place) with the grey ledge in front. Go R into a room and sprint past the Guard as you can’t shoot him now and down into the next still inactive shower area, past another Guard and jump up into the opening in the left wall where the air is safe again. Grab up to the slanted ledge right (E wall) and opposite the waterfall to back flip onto the waterfall, follow the flow of water up a waterfall to a kind of crossing, grab up to the left side waterfall and roll up to the wall to grab the monkey bars, go over to the other side and head left into the tunnel and take the first left to push a button opening the valves so that Shower area you passed will now be a safe area.


2nd Nuclear Fuel Cell.


Go out and left to follow the rest of this tunnel and slide down, go left and run through the room with the Guard once more, straight down into the Shower and this time you can shoot that Guy there, pick up the 2nd (Yellow) Nuclear Fuel Cell he drops (you could also shoot the Guard in the other room if you like) and hop into that N tunnel again, follow the same route back, and slide down that ramp again. Now go straight and back into the Contaminated area, go straight N, around corners along the R hand wall till you are back in the first cave, sprint N and down into the main shower. Turn around and save after the contamination washed off.


3rd Nuclear Fuel Cell.


Hop up again and go S once more, near the split in the road go into the left side now and stay right on the path, so in the end you can just run-jump up into the passage (couldn’t get Lara to grab up). Run into a room with a Guard and just sprint past him, hop up into the opening W and run through the flames (Lara will burn but the flames will extinguish themselves) and onto the trigger tile in the end of the passage and see another Nuclear Fuel cell appearing (it’s back in the Main shower). Turn around and run back, the same route as you took getting here and to the Main shower S, slide down and get the 3rd (Blue) Nuclear Fuel Cell.

Wash off the contamination and get back in that stuff, at least if you want to go for the next Secret… And the jumping to get there is really hard…


(For PC users there is a new move you can use to save precious seconds while crawling. It is the crawl/roll move)

Hop up the ledge again and turn sharp right (E) run to the ledges there (screenshot) and jump up, follow through SE down the slopes. Crawl through the left side of the cave to a trigger tile and when you go over that tile you’ll see Secret#3 appear in the Showers. Go crawl back out and stand as soon as possible (You can save while Lara stands up) hop onto the low ledge and stand jump with a left curve to the left and quickly grab up to the ridge (the left is a spot you can grab up to). Run SW and down the ledges to the main area, to the showers (probably pumping medipacks) and get the Golden Coins and Grenade ammo in the Showers.

Head N through the room with the block in the waste and up left to the room with the 3 buttons, go out to the Reactor room.


4th Nuclear Fuel Cell.


Go around the Reactor into the passage E and follow back up to the ledge. Run-jump S to a single platform (you can also climb the ladder on the E side of the Core and back flip from the height of the grated texture) then jump S again to the steps, go up and run-jump/grab to a walkway at the Reactor. Run-jump to the SW corner ledge again and run-jump NW with a right curve and grab in the end to just land inside the opening where you went in before. Follow in and side jump over the fence S again into the SW corner and down the now open trapdoor, follow the crawlspace and climb up into another narrow tunnel, shoot the grate to find yourself at the Ctrl room with the scared technicians. Shoot the one in the middle (you can shoot the technician because you are out of reach of the Security cameras) and follow the path back, go up the ladder at the trapdoor and go S and R around the corners to drop down into that Ctrl room, go get the 4th (Blue) Nuclear Fuel Cell. Climb back up through the same opening you just came down from and go left around the corners to the open trapdoor, this time climb the ladder S up to the rooms above again and go into the room near the Reactor.

2 Routes from here to the top of the Reactor:

1:Go up N into the opening with burners, run-jump past the first burner, hop back and again a run-jump passing the next burner up into an opening straight ahead. Follow the passage to the store room, use the monkey bars under the walkway to get to the stack of crates and drop/grab to get onto those crates, jump NE onto the steps and go over the walkway to the S and follow the tunnel to the Reactor Core again, run-jump out with a sharp left curve at the end of the run and jump to those broken steps, go up about 2/3 and run-jump/grab E to the top of the Core.

2: Or jump to the right out of the room onto the broken stairs and jump onto those triangular ledges on the Reactor again, holding Ctrl till you are safely back on the ground, go to the E side of the reactor and climb the ladder all the way to the top.

On top you’ll find the open trapdoor, drop in and place one of the Blue Cells. Go to the W and the door opens up, run-jump back W to the steps and just run off the N end with a grab to land on the steps below. Stand jump/grab back into the opening W and turn around, now you can run-jump with a grab into the open Level B door.


Firing up the Reactor.


Place a Blue Nuclear Cell left and roll, go up the ladder to back flip onto the C Level, use a Yellow Nuclear Cell and the door opens, walk out and run-jump to those stairs left. Turn around and use the triangular ledges again to get back to the ground floor. Grab up into the Level A door and get the revolver Ammo to the right before you save at the receptacle for the last (Yellow) Nuclear Cell. When you place it a flyby starts, the Reactor is on the point of a breakdown, looks like you have only a certain amount of time to vacate the premises.


Time to get Out!


Run out of the Reactor, left around that Flame and jump E over the Nuclear waste, then turn R to run-jump from the green ledge at the corner of the S corridor onto a second safe ledge in the left side of the corridor, then run-jump SW with a grab to the opening in the W wall, turn to the SE and run-jump to the next safe ledge, from there into an alcove SW and drop/grab back out and hang on a climb wall, stay on that level and climb left, almost from the end of the climb wall a back flip/roll/grab to an alcove behind. Pull up and quickly grab the monkey bars, swing S into the corridor and left into the next opening, from there a run jump to a save ledge ahead and again a running jump to the broken staircase to the right. Running jump to the ledge down and again a running jump (NO grab) to the ledge a bit further and climb the ladder. Run E and run into an Elevator and get to the controls E.

If you made it in time... Just before you reach the controls the level will change and you'll have a Bonus level at hand.

Got here with time to spare, save before you go into either opening and wait out the 4 minutes, Zone D will be sealed off as shown in the cut scene.

If you do not want the Bonus level... head N from climbing the last ladder and run into the Elevator there, a cut scene starts where the Elevator crashes down. Skip the next part and go to Level 12 The Hidden Palace.


Level 11 - Bonus Level.. Nuclear Hazard.

Go out of the Elevator and follow the corridor to where you find Flares in the corridor to the left. Go to the Hazardous waste door and of course we open this one.

In the next room you have 2 choices.

Infectious Waste, a Torch:

So open this door first and hop to the ledge ahead and stand on the utmost SE corner, line up for a run-jump (holding the forward key down) to the next ledge. Then SW and another jump to the slanted rock next to the falls SW, slide and jump to land on the solid waste S. Go up into the SW corner and jump up onto the corner ledge, jump back N and then over the gap to the E. Walk to the wall and left and go into the next room, open the door S. Grab up left and crawl through, drop into the area with those Zombies and shoot them while hopping back. Get the small medipack from the floor in a corner and use that wheel N. If you look left through the window you can see the door opening up in the E. Back through the crawlspace, into the open door and get a Torch. Now go back to the N and jump down to the waste pit below, From the NE corner a run-jump left around the corner to land on a slanted block, jump hard right to land on the ledge. Jump to the one NE and run jump onto the slanted wall NE, slide and jump to the ledge at the entrance. Stand back and face NE, stand jump with a right hand curve into the opening, drop the Torch for a moment and go to the..

Fire door W, Mutant DNA Sample:

Open the door W and do take the Torch in and hop down from the ledge, ignite the torch on the flames and jump back up to the ledge. Here you can now hold the burning Torch under the Sprinkler and the Sprinklers burst, extinguishing all flames. Hop down in the pit and get the Mutant DNA Sample. You will see some doors opening; this is for later. Get out and leave S, back to the corridors.

Go left and head to go into the last opening left, up the ramp to a room with a pool. In the pool you’ll find a Medipack and a closed door. So head up the stairs into the passage above and come to the Main Room.

The Main Room.

You can run-jump out with a banana curve right to land on those stairs, or just safety drop down. Climb the crate S and jump to the corner block to get the Medipack and Revolver Ammo. Run off the block onto the crate and grab up to the stairs above. Jump E to the next and spot the glass stained windows E, shoot out those windows and walk up to the end of the platform, stand right and turn right a bit to run-jump with a left curve (no grab) under the low ceiling and into that alcove. Get to the one with the Access to Occidental Enemies Chamber Card. Pick it up and watch the show. Then hang from the edge and drop onto the slated floor below, shoot remaining Mutants and be sure not to hit those UN soldiers...

The First Cooling System Fuse.

Go into the corridor NW and up the block to use that Card. Go through the now safe Lasers W and get a Shotgun in front of the door W. Enter the Occidental Enemies Chamber and save in front of that Timed switch to the right of the picture. Pull, turn right and sprint out of the room turning right to end up straight in front of the next Timed switch. Save while Lara operates it and immediately side jump right, run into the room and left to jump up into an opened door. On the desks are a small medipack and the First Cooling System Fuse.

Go back out and through the green lasers to the room S and continue up to the dangerous waterfall S

Up the Waste fall.

Standing at the waterfall that looks more like a waste fall, you'll see a niche in the left hand wall. Jump in there and then onto the green rock in the waterfall. Go to the corner and jump/grab up to the last opening in the SE. Turn around and take a running jump to the other side and grab the ladders there. Shimmy to the left and climb as high as you can, and get into the alcove around the corner. Shoot out the grate at the opposite side and jump to the monkey climb, stay to the right, at the end let go and grab and crawl through. 

Go down into the passage and get a small medipack E, turn around and follow the other end of the passage to a slide down into the room behind the windows E of the Main Hall, get the Revolver Ammo near one of the windows and stand under the radiation sign on the E wall. Back flip to the sign and jump to grab the crawlspace. Follow through, shoot the grating and go through the passage, jump over that slanted block to the upper floor. In the SE corner is a Valve, use it and see an overhead door open up. Go to the only open window W and get down to the ground floor of the Main Hall by running out left onto the slanted floor.

Up in the main room

Your next task is to get away from this room via the way you first came in. Find the suspended stairs on the W wall. Stand next to them and jump/grab and pull up. Run-jump-grab to get on the next series. Turn left and run-jump to reach the next platform. To get to the next series of stairs, the best is to perform a swan dive over the pipes. Then, run-jump-grab the first rope. Better make a safe here, as the next jump to the second rope is a very tricky. Best way for me was to line up Lara quite a bit to the right of the second rope and swing at least two times to grab the second rope (takes some tries to get it right). You can now use it to get in this passage in the wall (savegame.2). Get down the stairs to reach the water poolroom.

Waste Basements, the Second Cooling System Fuse.

Head NW down the ramp and right around the corner to go down the ramp to the opened overhead door (crawl underneath as it is too low). 2 UN soldiers are guarding this place, don't hurt them as they can help you taking care of another Mutant, which will appear as soon as you enter the next tunnel. Follow in along the right hand wall and in the first corner is a higher ledge, face NE and jump to grab that waterfall, pull up and back flip into the tunnel above. Follow down ladders to a room with Secret #1, Golden Coins and Grenades. Jump and grab back to the ladder from the block and go up ladders, back flipping into the higher tunnels. At the end you can run out left with a grab and land on the safe side of the deadly waste flow. Jump to the N side and look for gratings you can shoot. Go in and slide down into a lab with a moaning Mutant, shoot him and use the valve (S wall) to open the air lock. Follow through and in the next room is a Valve on the N wall, turn it and see a rocket change position. Go back to the previous room, shoot the Mutant and go into a lower room E to get the second Cooling System Fuse.

Go out, climb the block where the rocket was and run-jump N and a bit left to grab the ladder on the small block. Pull up and back flip, keep jumping right while going up the slope and end up next to the waste flow. Follow back and go through the overhead door, then left to the staircase in the poolroom and up to the Main Hall. Jump out right and land on the stairs, drop to the ground floor.

Cooling system

Back to the Main Hall and go to the air lock door W (under the opening you came from), open it and jump across the pit to place the Cooling System Fuses, hop into the now safe pit and go into both tunnels to operate the Valves. Go back out to the Main Hall where the tunnel S is now cooled down.

Bulldozer Keys.

Head to the tunnel S and drop into the pool below, swim S for the Bulldozer Keys and pick up the small medipack NE. Swim down into the hole in the bottom and you're back in the pool where that Medipack was. Get back to the main room via the stairs and get this Dozer to work.

The Mini Dozer.

Drive into the corridor N and keep up the speed going left up the ramp, jump 2 pits holding the pedal to the metal. (After the second pit you can grab a medipack). Go through that narrow passage and arrive on the ground floor E, go straight into the open Elevator doors. The Elevator goes up and you can back up out of it (use the sprint key). Turn the dozer around (Shift) and head S up the sloped tunnel, save there, as the next part is tricky.

Drive the dozer along the left hand wall, carefully up onto a ledge N, you have to end up facing W. Back up and run over the gap to the W wall, left around corners and finally end up on a floor with a pipe. Park the dozer there and walk down N, jump and grab the wall with the pipes W and shimmy right to the end, down a bit and back flip onto a ledge. From there take a run-jump N and left around the wall and go over to the big machine S. Place that Mutant sample there and the flames at the 2 Valves will stop. Use the 2 Valves and the whole place turns safe, because of this, the deadly goo will drop into the Main Hall and eats away the ground floor, revealing a hidden cave.

Go around (not down into) the pool to the SE corner of the dry pool and get the Shotgun Ammo there, behind a crate with a mutant in it. Walk through the now safe riverbed to the N and right around the corner where that pipe wall is. Grab up into the crawlspace S and get Secret #2, 2x Uzi Ammo and Golden Bars. Go back to the dry pool and slide down to the middle section, jump onto the NE corner between those fences and drop grab to the platform below. Hop down onto the stairs and jump to the next to get down to what's left of the ground floor.

The Big Cave-in.

In the SW corner are some yellow cylinders, face W there, drop backwards from the edge of the floor and grab/drop/grab to a crawlspace below. Follow through to the end (spot a Golden skull through the window to the left) and at the end you first have to shoot those stained glass windows left and some gratings at the crack in the pillar down E. Drop/hang out and shimmy to the right to get the 2x Uzi Ammo, face S and hang on the edge of the ledge, drop and slide jump to a ledge. Run-jump and grab the crack in the pillar to shimmy around to the other side, drop and slide jump, jump a few times more while steering left a bit and finally a jump from the slanted left side to a flat ledge at a pipe wall (N). Go up and get into the narrow tunnel, shoot a stained glass window and face E on the next ledge, drop from the ledge onto the slope below. Slide and back flip to a ledge. Go jump to the ladder on the left, climb up and drop onto the broken stairs, from there a jump to the roof of the building. Go over to the SE corner and jump into a hidden tunnel behind the waterfall, follow in to get a Medipack and Secret #3, a Golden Skull. Jump back out to the roof (leap of faith) and stand on the E side of it, look down for a slanted block and hang from the roof over the block. Drop, slide and then jump hard right to get into the opening. Walk through to the next challenge.


Level 12 - The Hidden Palace.

Start here if you didn't play the Bonus level...


After the Reactor Core explodes the Elevator will crash down the shaft and hit the bottom, step out of the wreckage and find 2x Flares in a plant left, then go get the small medipack opposite the crawlspace in the wall to the left.

Get into the crawlspace and follow around to a Lava pit. Drop and immediately back flip/roll to grab the crack in the green wall, go right around and do the same. Drop, immediately back flip/roll and grab the vegetation under another crawlspace. Go through to drop into another Lava cave, slide to the end of the slope and back flip/roll to a slanted rock, keep jumping R (be sure you face into the cave) and you’ll land on a sideways slanted rock, then slide and jump the 2 lower ledges till you can grab a higher slanted block. Hang a bit to the right and pull up over the top, slide far and then jump with a left curve to land sliding backwards, grab the edge of the pillar and pull up, back flip over the ridge and grab the edge on sliding off. Shimmy left as far as possible and back flip/roll with a R curve to grab a ladder on the wall, climb R and from one step higher than the deadly entrance (Burner floor) a back flip/roll/grab to a ledge on the ridge, push the button there and run-jump/grab back to the ladder, climb right into the opening and go inside. Continue here***

Start here after playing the Bonus level...   Go into the first opening to the right, jump out left to a ledge on a ridge (or use the ladder on the S wall to back flip/roll and grab that ledge). Push the button there and run-jump/grab S to the ladder, climb right into the opening and go back inside.

***In this room are 3 more buttons, 2 on the walls and one on a balcony E you can reach by using the monkey swing, starting from the ledge with the Bell at the N wall. Finally the gate in the passage SW will open up, go through to a room where 2 Ancient Warriors will attack. On the ledge in the SW corner is a small medipack, then go to the ledge NW, get the Shotgun Ammo and go into the passage W, leading to the Courtyard and have a look S, there’s a pillar with a Yin-Yang on it, on the grassy ledge NE of the pool you can collect Uzi Ammo between some grass.

Go S and dive into the pool, on the E side of the pillar in the pool is an UW lever, throw that to lower some Spikes on a ledge and a Wraith will probably kill itself while you’re at it (if not it will appear when you climb out S). Go S to a small hill with a Gazebo on top, stand left of the rock and jump up and again so you are next to the gazebo. Turn and face N. A run-jump and a grab will get you hanging from a ledge on the pillar, pull up and run-jump to the ledge W where those Spikes went down, hop around the NW corner to next ledge and again run-jump W around the low railing. Then run-jump N to a swing pole sticking out of the wall and land on a balcony, from that balcony you can run-jump/grab to pillar with a Water Bowl in the pool. Then run-jump along the E side of the Bowl (no grab) to pillar with Yin Yang Symbol (E) and run-jump back N into the pool, because another Wraith will appear. Go climb out S and open the door W with the Yin Yang Symbol.


The Elements room, to the Water skin.

Shoot an Ancient Warrior and go to the back of the room and locate a windowsill in the E wall. Take a curved running jump from there to the pillar with the Burner on top. Hang on the right hand corner, pull up and turn R, grab up when you expect the Burner to go down and take a quick step forward. Grab the Flares on that ledge and look E and run-jump/grab to the upper window sill E, shimmy right and when you come to the waterfall you have to time a Blade in the wall, wait till it comes out and quickly shimmy R after it, pull up in a windowsill over the rooms entrance. Do a left curved run-jump NW with a grab in the end, around the string of Lampions and into the windowsill N.


Hard Swing pole Jump.

Stand in the middle of the opening (screenshot) and face NW. Then stand jump with a bit of a right curve so you will already be facing that swing pole a bit when you land just after the Spikes went down (screenshot) (the timing is crucial here), quickly turn a bit more R and stand jump/grab to the pole, swing and land on the sloped block so you’ll slide off and end up on a low ledge in a lava room.

Stand jump onto the block in the middle of the room and run-jump S to a Spike ledge when you expect the Spikes to be down on landing, immediately side jump left onto a small balcony and push the button to get the Burner on the ladder N to burn with an interval. Stand jump back to the Spike ledge and a running jump right to the low ledge where you came in, back to the block in the middle and now a run-jump/grab to that ladder after you timed the Burner, quickly climb up and come to another room and watch the fly by.


Grab the overhead monkey swing and go follow over a Spike block to the end where you can go R to the wooden part and you’ll fall onto a pillar with fences, grab the small medipack. Face W and stand back to do a right curved run-jump onto a wooden ledge on the W wall and push the button there to retract the Spikes on that block S and open a door E. Run-jump/grab to that block and then look E, another swing pole next to the monkey swing, stand jump/grab to it and get launched into an opening in the E wall.

Stand jump/grab over the gap onto the Circle tile in the lower room and squeeze between the Puzzle piece and the S wall to go push/pull that piece onto the Circle tile, the trapdoor opens behind you. Save and hop back to land on a sloped block and slide/jump to slide into a windowsill overlooking the courtyard, look for a Spike-ledge SW and stand back in the corner of the bamboo window, run-jump over the corner of the sloped block onto that Spike-ledge and run into the next room to stop immediately inside. Stand jump down to the closest ledge in the lava and time the Burners to run-jump over the ledges to the opening in the N wall (A secret Rose lies on that pillar with the Spikes).


The Puzzle Piece Lift.

Inside the room is a lever W and a Puzzle piece S, go pull the piece onto the circle tile to stop the Spikes at the lever and then pull it onto the white square N of the central pillar, throw the lever to raise the block and go grab up to the central pillar from the higher floor in the corner near the lever. Pull/push the piece to the raising block on E wall and use the lever again to get the piece one level up and move it to the next raising block. Go back to the lever again and then push it onto the circle tile. The gate up in the S wall will open and you will have to use the lever once more to get the raising block close to that gate up. From this block (SE) you can do a right curved run-jump into the opening and then you have to do a run out R, from the corner of the ledge onto the Spike block and jump (grab) with a right curve around that open door up into the opening E.


A Secret. (skip the next paragraph if you don’t want to go for the Secret)

In this room is a button on the S wall and the button will lower Spikes on the Secret block in the Lava room you just left and also in the opening E. So if you’re in for a little detour to get a Secret, go back to the door W and stand R in the opening, face NW and run-jump/grab with a left curve around/over the Spike-ledge into that opening you came from. Go down in that room and stand jump out past the Burner and run-jump to the block where the Spikes went down, get Secret#1, Golden Coins. Then stand jump to the ledge NW, get into the opening S and up the pillar and ledges to get back into the upper E room by jumping from that nasty Spike ledge again.

Go to the opening E and grab the ceiling, go out onto the monkey swing over the pool and in the end you can drop/grab an opening behind the waterfall, slide down into a room with a shallow pool. Do a run-jump/grab to a ladder and go up to the top, back flip/roll/grab the ladder behind and go up and left over the sloped stone ledge, drop and slide jump to back flip over a Burner tile onto a ledge and look up W for an opening in the wall, jump/grab up and pull up over the top. Slide and jump over the Spike-trap onto a ledge, go around the wooden fence to push the button, the Burner outside will stop.

Run-jump back over the Spike-trap and the sloped ledge to land on the extinguished Burner and from there a run-jump/grab to that waterfall, shimmy right to a ledge and pull up, take one sidestep left and turn around, look S and spot a different wooden wall (boards are horizontal) just left of the waterfall. Stand jump and grab that wall as it is climbable and go up to where you can climb left around the corner over a slanted ledge, drop and slide/jump to a ledge N.

Go out to the top of the room you’ve come through in the start, go right and get the Revolver Ammo there, then go back to the opening in the railing and look for the tightrope with the banners and use it to get across to the N, the camera will be from below when Lara moves forward, so the going is tough (Tip: and this normally works quite well for me on tightropes, as soon as Lara stops walking, release the forward key and tap the left key once, immediately go on as most of the times you have to correct with the L key).


The Waterskin for the Bag of Sand.

Go right (W) over the landing to get the small medipack there and then look on the E side for the Waterskin. Do a safety drop down from the landing into the room below and go to the NW corner. Then go out the passage behind the red pillar, you’ll end up near the small brook; dive in to get rid of the wraiths. Walk up onto the shallow part and fill the Waterskin. Go up the hill in the NW corner and hop over the rock, follow the tunnel in to a cave and put the Water in the Bowl there. The door will open up, go in and take care of the 2 Ancient Warriors, go into the room N and another Warrior will attack. Look for the Puzzle Clue behind the central fence and go to the S room to move the pieces accordingly (Black-SW, Blue-SE, Red-NE, Green-NW) The difference between Black and Blue is hard to determine, but the Blue piece is standing in the SW corner of the room. The gate S opens up, go in and shoot a Warrior then go get the Bag of Sand from the pedestal on the balcony, return to the puzzle room where you’ll have to deal with another Warrior and head out E to the courtyard (you can also just outrun the last 2 Warriors).


The Waterskin for the Jar of Oil.

Go down to the shallow part of the brook again and refill the Waterskin, go to the S side, over the pool and up the hill next to the Gazebo, run-jump/grab to that N pillar again and follow the W side ledges and the swing pole route so you can run-jump/grab to that pillar in the middle of the pool, put the Water in the Bowl and the trapdoor in the bottom of the pool opens up.

 Dive in and follow the submerged rooms to where you can climb onto a ledge, go into the passage E and right around to throw the lever in the back, go back to the water rooms and find the S side of the room is now drained. Get down into that part and mind the Spikes at the button when you go open that small door under the ladder. Climb up the ladder over the doorway and roll/back flip and grab the ledge, go in E again and this time left around to throw the lever again and bring the water back into the room. Head back and dive in, swim through the small door you opened and follow over a wooden fence to the end where you’ll find an UW lever (Spikes go down at the button). Swim back (can be tricky to get out) and climb onto the ledge and go use the flood lever again to get the water out for the last time, go down into the dry room to push the button (a wall lowers on the ledge). Get back onto the ledge via the ladder and find the open wall W, get the Jar of Oil and swim back S to the pool as you’re done here.

Go up to the S side of the pool, then go in the Element room and up in the N side windowsill, push button to open a gate. Go out to the NE corner of the courtyard at the big pool and run-jump onto a submerged rock E next to the waterfall, fill the Waterskin again and jump/grab into the hidden opening behind the waterfall E, in this passage the gate opened and you will come to another Puzzle room.


Puzzle room, Crowbar and 2 Dragon Seals.

Open the small door S and go in to observe the clue to the puzzle and shoot an Ancient Warrior, go back and push the green piece (middle one) all the way S, then go into a passage N (behind a red pillar) and follow to a lever, throw the lever to change the position of the Spikes in the Puzzle room and go back there to move other two pieces all the way N and door opens in S passage. Spikes will pop up as you enter the new room, top up your health and just run through Spikes to the most left ladder and only use Ctrl to grab the ladder and climb up. Go climb R and back flip to a slope, jump/grab a ledge above, shimmy left to the middle and back flip into a passage, follow the dark passage to another small door and drop out onto the landing in Puzzle room. Go look E for a small medipack and then go back to an opening in the railing to run over a thin wooden lattice to the S landing to throw lever left (which will change the position of the Spikes), go W to get 1st Dragon Seal (Burner goes off at the 2nd Dragon seal). Throw the same lever again, to switch the Spikes once more so you can get 2nd Dragon Seal E, now you can safety drop down to the ground floor and go back out SW with a bunch of Wraiths on your tail. Run into the pool (SW) and swim over to the N side, climb out and go back into the Elements room.


Into the Caves for the Torch.

Place the 2 Seals S; enter the door and follow the passage to the end, turn around and go up the ladder to 3 steps from top, back flip/roll/grab to catch the slanted rock and go over the top. Slide/jump/grab the wooden pillar in the lava, go shimmy around left and drop onto the ledge, run-jump (carefully lining up as you can easily step off the ledge) over ledges to the button E, push it to get a flyby of the cave system and a waterfall starts flooding the lava pool so it becomes safe.

Climb up to the waterfall and on the second one you have to shimmy all the way to the right hand side, do a back flip/roll, slide and grab the edge. Go shimmy just R around the corner and do another back flip/roll, slide and grab the edge. Shimmy left around the block and drop next to the waterfall. Go up into the tunnels, to the right is a closed gate (for later), go on and climb up to slide down into room with Torch.

Push the button S to open that small gate you saw back in the tunnel and pick up the Torch, go to the NE corner and Save facing S, throw the Torch onto that slanted corner and it will bounce off into the crawlspace, go in after it, pick it up and crawl with the torch, almost to the end (looks like you CAN crawl with the Torch here, but for MAC players: you CANNOT crawl with the Torch here and be careful not to fall down the hole) and throw it down, crawl back out and go back to the steep slope N, grab the W vegetation and climb up R (use Ctrl) over the slope, drop back into the tunnel and go into the now open gate left. Jump/grab the ladder on S wall of the shaft and go down to drop onto a sloped ledge grabbing the edge when you slide off, saw the Secret didn’t you…Just drop to the ground and go into the SW corner, jump/grab to that lattice wall and go up to about 3 steps from the top, back flip and land next to Secret#2, Golden Bars, now slide down forward and jump to the hill.

One more time a run-jump/grab to that pillar ledge N and if all’s well the Torch will be on top of it, if not it must have fallen somewhere next to the pillar, so throw the Torch off (look where it ends up) and go down behind it, look for a button on the N side of the pillar and push it to light a fire in the Gazebo on the hill. Get the Torch and go up the hill again to light the Torch.

Elements Puzzle, first part.

Go down and take the Torch into the Elements room, drop it somewhere safe near the Bowls. Put the Oil in the central bowl and light it with the Torch and the Spikes at the other Bowls will stop.

Detour for a Secret: Take the Torch N to the pool, run-jump onto the rock NE (shallow water) and then run off facing W. Swim into that brook left behind that pillar and walk up onto the shallow part. Face N against the bank and jump up, hit the #1 key and Lara drops the torch. Now light the bowl in that Gazebo and a gate opens up. Leave the torch, head NE and enter the building there to the first hall. The open gate is in the S wall; get in for Secret #3, a Secret Skull. Make your way back to the N side of the pool and enter the room to the Elements Puzzle.

Note from the TC14: If the player takes Secret 3 before using the torch in the Element Puzzle room, he can go back after the secret by swimming in the water; there's now a raising block to get out of water on the other side of the water (next to Element Puzzle room), triggered when you get Secret 3. When Lara's on the block with the torch, she needs to perform the jump-pistols shortcut (push 1) to get the torch up.


Elements Puzzle, continue.

Put the Bag of Sand in the right hand bowl and empty the Waterskin in the left hand Bowl. The floor will open up and you’ll drop into a steep tunnel…


Level 13 – Tears of a Lost Dynasty.

The Temple Courtyard.

Lara drops into a pool with a Sea Hag. Turn around and swim up to the right hand side of that tree N, climb out there and shoot the Sea Hag from standing there (hit her in the tail, Revolver/Crossbow/&Sight). Dive back in and swim W, to the right behind the building and open the UW door in the building, Climb up E and jump/grab the ladder, up into an opening and run-jump/grab across to the other building. Open the door and inside to the R is a receptacle for a Sacred Stone (later) and a closed trapdoor, throw the switch on the wall behind the trapdoor and see an UW gate open up under the tree in the pool.


The 1st Dynasty Symbol.

Go back to the opening and run-jump out left to get down into the pool. Swim N and up for air at the tree, then Save and dive into the tunnel under the tree, a long and winding tunnel with a nasty surprise, because halfway down a school of Piranhas will attack (if you want to get rid of them, Save and reload) Follow the rest of the tunnel into a cave with the 1st Dynasty Symbol hidden in the grass and a small medipack in the NW corner, hop back in the water and swim back to the pool.

Climb out on the right hand side of the tree again and side jump to the N, slide off and grab the roots, shimmy R along the roots to the grass and climb up (or do a left curved run-jump SW from the triangular ledge to the grass). Go NW and find 2x Flares there.


Raise the block for the Yin-Yang Symbol.

Head E along the wall to the grey rocks near the fence and climb up into the crawlspace behind the blue flowers on the right hand side rock wall. Follow through, some bats will attack and come to a small cave, hop over the fence into a shallow pool with a lever (the lever will raise a block near the building as the flyby shows), in the SW corner is a small medipack for you. Return through the crawlspace and go E, that block you raised is next to the building left and is needed when you have to place the Yin Yang Symbol there later.


The Temple, Spiked Swim.

In the NE corner you’ll find some fenced off steps, go into the passage there and follow to a Temple. Run to the back, be sure to collect the Wraith and quickly go into the passage E to open the door. Behind it is a small pool to get rid of the Wraiths. In the pool N side is a small tunnel, swim in and in the end is an UW lever (raises a platform in the room with the Chain). Save, roll and time the Spike-traps to swim back to the Chain room (there are save spots between the traps, turn right or left to swim against the wall after a trap so you won’t swim into the next trap too soon).


To the Balcony.

Arriving back in the pool you’ll notice the raised platform in that room, jump/grab the chain, go up and back flip to the platform, hop over the fence and go up to the door W, open it and step out onto the balcony, turn R onto the balcony and on the opposite side is a small door.

Open it (there is a small medipack a bit further on the left) and go in and at the end open another small door. Continue over the balcony N and on the white tile in the corner, pull the hardly visible chain, the block in the W passage lowers. Go back and through the new opening to come to the treetops on the Courtyard.


The 2nd Dynasty Symbol.

Jump to the right hand side branches of the closest tree and make your way over to the SW, then take a run-jump/grab to the grey ledge W and climb the Vine on the tree R, go left around over the fence, down a bit to back flip/roll/grab a ladder behind you and climb up to the rooftops. Go over the roofs to the N, with run-jump/grabs (where the ceiling is high enough) and on the last roof you can shimmy around the left side to the back to get the 2nd Dynasty Symbol (a gate opens up).

Shimmy back right around to the other side of the roof and run-jump/grab back over the rooftops to the white ladder block SE and jump E to the branch, grab the monkey swing above. Swing over to the next tree and drop onto the branch, run-jump to the one in front of the waterfall E and run-jump/grab to the cave behind the waterfall. Follow in to a slope down into the Temple, slide off backwards and grab the roof, shimmy left to the end and back flip/roll with a hard R curve to land on a white ledge.

Go into the opening N and follow to where you can jump to the roof of another house and on top you’ll find a chain, a cut scene will show a gate to a house opening up. Now you can jump down into the pool and watch out for another Hag, climb out again and head SE, but if you want a Secret follow the route below.


Route for the secret: go back to the opening NE you just came from and follow back to the white ledge in the temple, run off to the W and land on the balcony below. Follow the route back through the door W, to the trees and over to the SW corner house, stand on the W side of the roof and look down right of that small waterfall, an opening in the rock wall, stand jump with a grab to land inside and get Secret#1, a Medipack and Gold Coins. Safety drop out of the tunnel and go to the SE corner of the Courtyard.


Spikes and a Hammer for the Sacred Stone.

In the NE corner of the Courtyard you can enter the passage up the steps again and go follow into the SW corner of the Temple. Follow to a room with Lava, Spikes and a Hammer. Run-jump/grab to the Spike ledge and stand facing the Spikes wait for the moment they go up, just before the hammers open up and run-jump/grab to the next ledge. The next one is a very tricky jump (screenshot), you have to run curving left and jump (start to run when you expect the Spikes to be just down when you land) to the Spikes and land as they are just down, then a curved running jump left over the corner of the ledge to grab the block with the button.

The button will lower a block in the opposite corner of the room. Turn right and against the fence, aim for the most left side of the Spike-ledge, hop back and hold "look", start the run-jump when the Spikes are about to pop up (so they are down again when you land) and do a running jump with a left curve from the Spike-ledge to the button NE. Push the button and get a cut scene of the Sacred Stone.

Now you have two more tricky jumps. One is a stand jump back to the Spike-ledge from standing back against the button, and then a running jump to the safe ledge. Save and then do a run-jump to the Hammers when they are about to open up and run-jump through the Spike-trap.

Go back to the Temple and find the Sacred Stone on the pedestal, when you take it the earth will move. Go back to the Courtyard through the NW passage and get into the pool again, swim W and to the right behind the building; watch out for another Hag and go through the UW door in the building, climb up and jump/grab the ladder, up into an opening and run-jump/grab across to the other building, to the R in the windowsill the Sacred Stone can be used to open that trapdoor in the same room.


To the Yin Yang Symbol.

Drop into the trapdoor and hop down from the block, in the NE corner is a hole, safety drop into the cave with the Symbol, still protected by Spikes. Take care of the Ancient Warriors and look for a hole in the floor. Dive into the water, follow the tunnel into a room with Statues, go on left (closed gate to the right) and come through a room with air above, better just go on as the Croc will catch up soon, in the next room go up R immediately and find the sloped pillar, pull up on that and back flip to the walkway, near a closed gate.

Grab up to a crack in the rock W and go all the way around to the wall before you drop. Roll and look NW to spot the chain in the corner of the pool, do a left curved run-jump/grab to the chain from the corner of the pillar where you just landed and turn around to back flip to the W landing (if you happen to miss the chain but catch the walkway instead, just pull up through the fence).

Go to the S and from the flowerpot I did a left curved run-jump/grab over the fence to the S walkway, pull up and go stand in the left side of the opening in the fence. Face NE and stand jump to the right hand side of that Spike ledge when the Spikes are about to go up (screenshot) and a sharp left curved running jump with a grab in the end to land on next the part of the S walkway on the other side of the pillar.

Get into the tunnel N, shoot a bunch of Bats and climb the E wall up to a ledge right. Follow the next tunnel to the right and step out on the red arch to get the small medipack. Now go back in and R to the other arch from which you can run off to the E side walkway where a lever will open that gate S. get into the water and pull out at that slanted block and back flip near the open door.


Spike Jumping.

A Wraith will show up while entering the new room, run back for water and go in again, in the NE corner is a nice set of Spikes you have to conquer. Hop over the fences to the Spike-traps and stand close to the fence with your back to them, listen to the sound of the Spikes and when you expect them to go up, back flip, side jump left and immediately a stand jump forward to the balcony in the corner. Push the button to stop the Spikes on one of the ledges, turn around and stand back against the button. Stand jump when you expect the Spikes to go up and immediately a hop up to the highest ledge.

Jump/grab up to the bamboo lattice and go forward to get out of the way of the Spikes. Follow the monkey swing to the end and drop/grab to a wooden pillar, turn around and grab up onto the bamboo lattice, go over to the SE corner. Follow the tunnel there to the Poolroom and SW of the red arch is a block, look NE from that block and if you want the next Secret you have to do a banana run-jump from the block to the red arch in that NE corner, around that waterfall. Get Secret#2, Gold Bars and 2x Revolver Ammo. Do a banana jump (sharp left curved) back around the waterfall pillar. Or jump down in the water and do the Spikes route again to get back up there (yeah right!).


Hazard Falls.

Go onto the flat block and stand back a bit to stand jump/grab the chain, climb up to the room above and back flip off. Jump to the S side of the room and don’t fall in the hole, climb up left of the waterfall S and go up the ledges (about one step aside from the waterfall) till a Snake-ball comes crashing down, side jump to the right, jump back as the second Snake-ball comes down and go up again jumping from side to side (if you happen to slide down from the falls, just back flip when you come into the room below and give it another try). On top of the falls another Snake-ball will go down through the middle, jump to the tunnel W and turn around there, grab up to the ladder, go up and follow to a switch opening up that gate in the room with the Statues as the flyby will show.

Go back to the Hazard falls and just slide down from the end to drop into the Pool room, swim through the S tunnel and this time go up for air in the next room. Save there and swim through the Statue room, through the open gate S and open the UW door to the left in the next room (remember you can go back for air any time), swim in and throw the UW lever and a cut scene shows the Spikes go down at the Yin Yang Symbol. When you are out of the door swim left to get a medipack on the floor. Now return through the Statue room to get a lung full of air and then swim back N through the Statue room, go to the right before the open gate and follow the tunnel (stay high, nasty Lampion) back to the room with the pedestal. Get the Yin Yang Symbol and now you have to swim back to the room with the Statues.

Swim right through the open gate in the room where you opened the UW door E before, now go up N and find another UW door, open it and swim to the tree N. Climb out at the tree and go to the NE corner, close to the steps there is a low red block against the building, from the block a run-jump/grab to the white pillar you raised before and place the Yin Yang Symbol. Drop from the W side of the block and go left to the poolside of this building, a ladder appeared there and now you can climb up to the gate you opened before by pulling the chain on the roof. Go through the opening and run off sharp R around the corner to land on a sloped block and slide to the floor, in the other corner is a lever which will open a gate in a tunnel in the rocks W.

Back flip onto the sloped block, jump/grab to the pillar and jump to the next, run-jump/grab to the opening W and go down the ladder, head NW and go right around the building there, get the Uzi Ammo near the waterfall and then go through the waterfall to find an opening in the rock wall left. Get in and follow to a plant on the floor. There’s a crawlspace up left, get through and in the end of that short passage is a ladder if you turn around, climb up along the left side and to 4 steps from the top, then go right, hanging two steps from the left wall and back flip immediately jump hard right from the sloped ledge and curve just past the ladder to land on the floor.


The 3rd Dynasty Symbol.

Climb up E an shoot an Ancient Warrior, Hammers start banging away and on the E wall is a switch to open the gate there, but don’t go there yet. First run-jump/grab over the fence W to the chain in the Hammer-pit, turn around and hang with Lara’s head just sticking out over the Hammers, back flip when they are opening up and land on a ledge with a switch, the switch shows things happening outside in the Courtyard, a platform rises and a gate opens up. Jump/grab back to the chain and climb all the way up, back flip off and go S and left to drop down the hole, just slide down to where you come back to the ladder you came up from before. Climb up E again and now go into the E gate you opened before, run-jump to the platform on the building and go inside, jump to a ledge across the high room and jump/grab the W wooden wall with the horizontal boards, climb down and get the 3rd Dynasty Symbol. Climb up the W wall again and off left to the ledge, run-jump/grab back to the entrance and from the platform outside you can just run off straight W to land back near that tunnel in the W wall on the ground floor.


The Torch and the 4th Dynasty Symbol.

Go back in there and follow to the end, to come to the small Courtyard where an Ancient Warrior attacks. In the W wall is a tunnel behind the vegetation, follow the crooked tunnel to a Statue room. Hop over the fence in the middle of the room and open the trapdoor (spot it with a flare) from facing S. Go down and just around the next corner is the Torch, follow the rest of the passage hopping onto the blocks and at one point a run-jump back to a higher level and finally come to a slope back into the Statue room. Ignite the Torch at the wall torch E and light a wall torch S (and the Campfire N for a Secret later) in this room, get back down in the trapdoor with the Torch and light 3 wall torches there, the gate at the wall torch in the lower tunnel will now be open and inside you can get the 4th Dynasty Symbol.


The Way Out.

Take the Torch back to the Statue room and go out NE, back to the small Courtyard, light the Campfire there (opens a gate on the roof), leave the Torch and go into the NE corner next to the house. From the rock you can climb up to the roof (only use "Ctrl") and throw the lever on top to open the door below. Go to the SW corner of the roof to find the gate opened by lighting the Campfire, on the roof just outside is some Uzi Ammo, then go in to get Secret#3, a Golden Skull and 2x Uzi Ammo. Now get back down from the roof and into the house, place the 4 Dynasty Symbols to get the Spikes at the button S down, use the button and hop/grab back into the opening in the floor, safety drop down and go down the end slope…


Level 14 – Wrath of the Dragon.

Slide down the wooden slope and land in the opening to a room with some Stone Dragons behind a fence, drop down into the room below and go through the opening E.


Lava Jumps.

Stand jump onto a sloped rock N, immediately jump with a hard left curve and land on another rock, from which you can immediately jump and land on the red ledge with the fence (it’s also possible to run-jump straight to the rock ledge NE and back flip to the ledge with the fence), face SE and stand jump onto the rock in the corner when the Burner is about to stop, immediately jump/grab the monkey bars and Save, then time the Burner and get past it, go left around the corner and turn left at the fence to get over the save ledge where you can drop. Hop back, grabbing the edge and shimmy right around the corner to drop onto a safe floor, now you can enter the room with the Stone Dragons.


Stone Dragon Room.

Stand jump onto the red block on the right and get the small medipack, then hop back and stand left facing the Lava pool, run-jump/grab the platform and shimmy to the left side before you pull up in the corner. Turn SE and wait for the Flames to stop so you can run-jump straight onto the corner of the next platform (no grab). Then jump onto the slanted one SE and turn NW to run-jump to the even higher one, grab up S to the platform above, turn left (W) and grab up to the edge of the sloped wall, shimmy left and close to the Spikes, then pull up and back flip, keep jumping left to get into the NW corner with the button and stand right of the button, then hit Ctrl and Lara will sidestep to it (can be a bit tricky to get it right), a Burner SE stops. Then jump back onto the E slope and keep jumping left till you are in the corner where the Burner stopped. Hop down into the lower passage and then up again around the corner, drop backwards into the hole and climb down next to a bamboo fence, go to the slope and slide down into the Connection room.


The Connection Room.

A Beast will attack, shoot it and walk up to the N side gate and it will open up.


Connection Room, S gate.

Go through to a Lava pool and stand in the right hand side of the opening, there’s a rock to the right, turn right a bit and take 3 steps back, then hop back once and run-jump onto the slanted back of the rock, then jump and land on a rock ledge. Turn SW and run-jump up into the opening in the W wall, go through and shoot the Midgets. In the back of the cave, left around the corners is a button to stop the Flames on a lever, Go back stand jump to the ledge and jump to the floor NE, pass under the Dragon (notice the Dragon Seal on the balcony under the Dragon’s Breath) and find the Trigger tile on the SE corner of the floor.


Timed Gate.

This Trigger tile will open a Timed gate in the passage E, go stand back under the Dragon and run to the corner of the Trigger tile (this way the gate is still opening up when you are getting close, otherwise you won’t make it), jump to the ledge SE, then a running jump up into the passage and hold the forward key to get into the gate before it drops shut. Inside to the left is the lever with the extinguished Flames, opening another gate in the Connection room (there’s a shaft with a ladder in this room (later)). Throw the lever, go back to the lava lake and jump to the ledge below, running jump to the dragon and a jump to the W side ledge, stand jump from the SE corner onto the slanted ledge near the entrance and jump left to get back into that entrance, get back to the Connection room and R into the E gate.


Connection Room, E gate.

Go up into the passage E and follow the stairs up to another jump series, stand jump to the sloped block in front, jump to the next and slide to the end of it before you jump/grab to the swing pole, swing into the opposite side of the room and get the 2x Uzi Ammo, then go to the opening S overlooking the upper part of the Connection room. Run-jump to the right hand roof and shimmy left to where you can pull up (notice the gate in the wall here), then turn left and run-jump to the roof near the blue balcony, get to that balcony and use the button to open the last (S) gate below.


Connection Room, N gate.

Safety drop from the roof and go in, time the jump past the Moving Pillar and shoot the Beast in the next room (Receptacle room). There’s a lava pool and 2 receptacles on the E wall, a pillar went up between those receptacles. Go through to the room S and find some Puzzle pieces.


Elevating Puzzle, the 1st Dragon Seal.

In the NE corner next to the blue pillar (behind the red puzzle piece) is a grey Trigger tile, stand on it and Timed pillars rise throughout the room, look W and see a low block, step from the trigger and save, step back on the trigger and run to the rising block, jump on it with a roll so you can run-jump onto the pillar N, then jump to the one E and further to that blue pillar NE. Use the button there and see that pillar in the receptacle room get smaller, there seems to be a passage behind it. Get down from the pillar and move the green piece (SW) onto the block W (when it is down), then go stand on the Trigger tile again, run to the block and climb up to push the piece onto the blue ledge. Go into the passage W and shoot the 2 Midgets there, go get the Green piece and push it to the entrance (you can sidestep to the N side of the piece and hit Ctrl so Lara steps to the spot where she can push it), then push it inside and onto that greenish tile in the first room left. This trick has to be repeated for the other 2 pieces, the Red one goes 2nd room right and the blue one 2nd room left, then go into the passage in the back and get the 1st Dragon Seal from the pedestal.


The 2nd Dragon Seal.

Go out and N to the receptacle room, climb the block E and grab the monkey bars, go over to the opening SW and push the button to see that gate in the top of the Connection room open up. Go back and go S past the Moving pillar, to the Connection room, left into the E gate and up the stairs, Do the jumps to the swing pole again and head to the roof, run-jump to the R, grab the edge and shimmy left to where you can stand and jump into the open gate. Go in and run-jump left to that wooden ledge, then run-jump/grab to the balcony E, push the button and see the Dragon Breath stop at the 2nd Dragon Seal. Safety drop down from the balcony and go W to the Connection room, left into the N gate and jump to that ledge again, over to the Dragon and get the 2nd Dragon Seal, return to the Connection room, go in S and past the Moving Pillar to the receptacle room, place the 2 Dragon seals E and the block goes down.

Go in and use the lever, the hatch over the ladder in the room with the Stone Dragon opens up. So return to the Connection room, head into the N gate, jump over the lava to the Dragon and do the Timed jump to the E gate again. Inside to the right is the shaft with the climb wall, go up and come to a Huge Room.


The Dragon Pagoda.

The flyby will show you around and you can already see buttons and various passages. Going straight E over the bridge will bring you into a room where 3 Dragon Seals are to be placed. So that’s for later, but from the end of that bridge you can jump NE to a slanted rock on the corner of that structure and then immediately jump onto the block. Run-jump onto the platform N and stand on the middle of the N side, turn right a bit and stand jump with a R curve to the platform at the Dragon, grab in the last moment and time the Breath to pull up and run-jump/grab W. From that platform a stand jump/grab to the crevice NW and crawl in, drop into the passage left and follow up to a hole in the ceiling, climb the wall and shoot the 2 Midgets up there, follow the balcony to where a familiar sound is heard.

Moving Pillar Jump.

First: Indirect approach jump: Go into the room and stand one square away from that lampion, face the Spike-ledge, with your back against the wall, so you face SSW, then start a run when the pillar starts to move left and jump to the Pillar ledge, the pillar should just move away when you land, now stand jump to the Spike-ledge with a right curve and immediately stand jump again with a grab in the end to get into that opening in the S wall, try to land in at the left most side.

Second: Direct approach jump: Stand close to that lampion, back against the wall and face SSE, then start a run when the pillar starts to move right and run-jump to the right hand side of the Pillar ledge, it should just move away when you land left curved running jump/grab around the Spike-ledge to grab the edge of the opening in the S wall, shimmy left.

If you are able to jump to the left most side of the opening, you can slide and jump with a hard left curve and you should just land on a small balcony with Secret#1, a Stack of Gold Coins, then run off onto the slanted block below and slide, jump two times over the slanted blocks and then jump to and fro with a right curve, to get onto the sideways slanted block, slide and jump/grab with a left curve to the climb wall. Go left into the opening and follow over a balcony to a hole in the floor.

Safety drop down, follow the balcony to a button that will open the gate up at the ladder, go back up and left from the ladder, grab the monkey bars and go to the gate, drop/grab and hoist yourself into the passage. Go through a room with 2 Beasts and head into the passage NE to come to a ledge up in the Dragon Pagoda Room.

Stand jump/grab to the lone pillar W and pull up, run-jump/grab to the Dragon ledge W and turn SW from the right hand corner where you pull up to stand jump to the wooden ledge under the Dragon Breath (when she inhales off course) and immediately run-jump through to the platform SW. Turn NW and run-jump (/grab) around the corner to a wooden walkway, then run-jump/grab to the roof of the Pagoda N and find the closed gate in the N side (needs Key). Hop to the rock ledge behind the Dragon to get the small medipack and hop back to the roof. Go run-jump to the platform right of the dragon then look for the wooden ledge under the Dragon Breath NE, run-jump over to it when the Dragon inhales and a running jump straight NE will get you on the next platform, run-jump/grab E and then run-jump SE, from the last platform a run-jump/grab to the opening in the E wall.


Dragon (monkey) swings for the Pagoda Key.

Stand one step from the left side and stand jump onto the sloped rock left, then slide/jump onto the balcony, go to the opening in the railing and grab the monkey bars. Time the Breath of the Dragons (plenty of time) to get across to another balcony and go into the passage to where you can climb up to the Pagoda Key. Now get back the way you came and from the balcony a run-jump W onto that rock in the corner below, be sure to slide forward to the left and jump/grab to a crack in the wall, shimmy R to the opening.


The Dragon Seal.

Stand left and run-jump back over the platforms to the Dragon ledge, do a run-jump with a right curve and grab the wooden ledge under the Fire Dragon, then shimmy left around the corner till you are close to the Dragon, pull up (only move when the flames are off) on that corner and turn left a bit to jump back to the platform NW and then run-jump back to the Pagoda. Open the gate with the Key and the Dragon Seal is yours (a gate opens up). Go out and go to the left corner of the roof, run-jump/grab E to a stone pillar and then to the platform S, run-jump/grab to the gate that opened in the E wall.


First way in: Face NE and run-jump with a roll to the slanted wall near the Spike-trap, immediately jump and grab monkey swing, go swing to the end.

Second way in: Face NE and run-jump with a roll to the slanted wall near the Spike-trap, slide and jump/grab the opposite climb wall, go up and left, just over a slanted wall, drop and immediately jump/grab to the grated monkey swing. Go to the end.

Turn left at the end of the monkey swing, drop/grab and hoist up into that crevice, crawl to the S end and climb out onto a ladder, go left around 2 corners and pull up on the ledge, go inside and follow to a Circular Knife-trap. Stand real close and hit “roll” when they open up, turn and continue, shoot the 2 Midgets and time a short run through a Spike-trap just around the next corner to get to the next Circular Knife-trap. Follow to a pit in the corner and hop to the right, run up the slope a bit and immediately roll run back around the corner as a Snake-ball comes down and drops into the pit. Follow the passage up to a cave with a lava pool and 2 Beasts, shoot those and go for the opening SW, looking out into the Dragon Pagoda.


The 2nd Dragon Seal.

Run-jump left around the corner to a balcony and go over a bridge to the Pagoda, go left and past the gate to the SW corner of the roof, jump to a ledge in the rock wall W and then run-jump N to grab a crack in the wall at the last moment.

Shimmy right around corners till you can hoist up into a crevice, follow through to a balcony and do a run-jump to the block in front of the Dragon. Take a stand jump NE once more, then E to the platform and a run-jump to the N to push the button on the balcony. Spikes retract on a block E. Go back the way you came to the dragon and back to that blue block in the SE corner.

Stand on the N edge, then grab up and follow the dark and winding monkey swing, just after the lower part you have to turn R and left again, otherwise you’ll fall, go to the end of the swing and drop onto a balcony E. You probably saw the Secret already, jump/grab the dark blue wall S of the balcony and climb up to get Secret#2, Golden Bars. Climb down a bit and back flip to the balcony again, look NW and spot a crack in the blue wall. You have to do a diagonal run and curve left to jump/grab to the crack (straight to it the balcony will be to short, or use the short-run jump Walk holding shift, release Shift immediately hitting Alt while keeping down the forward key), shimmy right around the corner till you can pull up in an opening, go in and down left to get the 2nd Dragon Seal.


The 3rd Dragon Seal.

Get back in the opening and look for a slanted grey rock W, run-jump with a right curve, slide off and grab the edge, pull up to back flip/roll/grab the ladder behind you and go left around the corner, go at least 6 steps up from the bottom and back flip/roll/grab to a platform. Then a far run-jump (no grab) to the balcony down NE and get 2x Shotgun Ammo there, climb the ladder on the pillar up to the top and climb off right into the passage. Follow to where you can jump to the top roof of the Pagoda and go crawl or shimmy all the way along the edge of the roof to the opposite corner to get the Pagoda Key lying there. Get back to the N side of the pagoda near the entrance you came from and safety drop down onto that bridge below, go left and open the gate to the 3rd Dragon Seal. Go out and head to the bridge N, face NW on the first part and run off the bridge to land on that platform below (right of the Dragon), then run-jump S to the roof of the Pagoda and go right to the front. Safety drop onto the bridge below and roll to go E and into the Building, place the 3 Seals there and a trapdoor opens up in the floor. Save and run in forwards, slide down and meet the Dragon.


The Dragon.

(Tip: There are a number of med-packs around, I will mention where they are and it is up to you to go get them when you need them, another tip: The corners where the buttons are, are relatively safe and when Locust comes out to play, save and reload to get rid of them *saves on med-packs*, there are also plenty of Beasts around, shoot them when you are in a relatively safe corner, important is to keep moving when out in the open)

A flyby starts while the Dragon screams…

Turn right after the flyby and get the small medipack on the floor, then run to the far SE corner and get the Medipack, run N along the lava pit and find a lever under the Dragon ledge at the E wall, you’re safe here, so throw it at ease and look for the blue block N, run-jump onto the block and stand-jump/grab up to the balcony run to the right (left is a Medipack) and jump right over the corner to get to the balcony with a closed gate (right is a small medipack), run N into the NW corner and find a lowered white block, push the button there to lower another block (small medipack in the SE), this one on the ground floor SW. Push the button and the block on 1st floor NW will go down so you can go up again and push the button there, back to the ground floor and the button SW (Medipack in the SE) and now the gate on the 1st floor W should be open.

(Short description:#1- lever ground floor E, #2- button 1st floor SW, #3- button ground floor NW, #4- button 1st floor NW, #5- button ground floor SW).

Go back up from the blue block and quickly get into that open gate, it will close behind you, follow the winding tunnel up to where you have to climb up several times and come to a dark cave. To the right is a closed gate, go up left (S) and to a button, that button will release 2 Snake-balls who will find their way down onto the head of the Dragon and kill her.


The Dragon Claw.

An Artifact will be visible, go down the passage where the Snake Balls went in and come to the hole in the floor, check the health, maybe pick up and use the small medipack lying there and slide down backwards, grab the edge and safety drop down to get the Dragon Claw. Now you could go and get any left over Medipacks and get up and into the re-opened W gate (1st floor), follow that tunnel back up and head straight E to where another gate opened. Just before passing through the open gate is a crawlspace in the left wall, get in and take Secret#3, a Golden Skull with you, climb out and go through the open gate.

Follow the tunnel, run into the bright light and the level ends…


Level 15 - The Ship Graveyard.

If you want to play the Bonus level after the Martinique series, you’ll have to collect all 12 Secrets in these 4 levels.

Mind the green lines in the walkthrough.


Search for the Batteries.

Get down into the water ahead and swim up to the top of the mini sub to get Secret #1, Uzi ammo (S) and Golden Bars (N). Get some air or immediately swim N into the tunnel near the bottom, swim up into the next cave and left a bit to climb N onto the wrecked submarine. First shoot the 2 Sharks, walk to the tower W to get some Flares on the deck of the wrecked sub.

Dive in S to swim back towards that tunnel you came from, look right and spot a hole in the bottom. You’ll be swimming in there in a Timed swim later. Now swim W and when you come to a floating crate, look to the right and behind the green plant are more Flares. Swim W again and past the ship’s Propeller. Just behind it you’ll find Battery # 1 (first of five).

Timed Swim.

Remember that hole in the bottom? Swim N and up to the deck of the sub, walk E to the Tower and find a timed lever. Hop straight up once so Lara is able to run and save in front of the lever. Pull the lever, side jump left over the fence and swim E, a bit left to get to that hole in the bottom past the tunnel you came from before. Swim down and right around the corner through the Timed gate.

Climb up in a small cave, head S and shoot 2 Goons of which the last will leave behind a small medipack. Follow through to where you look out into the cave with the Wreck, run-jump sharp right around the corner (NW) and grab to get into the opening with the coral. Crawl through and come to a pole going to the Wreck, walk the pole while a Shark lurks below and from about 2 steps from the Wreck you can jump forward and grab the crack. Shimmy as far as to the right before you pull up back flip with a roll to grab the block, get Lara’s feet op the block and climb around left, go down (with Lara feet still on the block) back flip onto a crate in the water. Jump to the ledge SE and jump along the S wall to grab the ledge W, pull up and get to the end of the crevice. Look up W for a monkey climb, best is to stand in the middle of the ledge facing W and hop back, turn slightly left and run-jump curving right to grab it. Get on a block W and from there a jump to grab a ledge N, get into the tunnel.

Battery # 2.

Follow going right and crawl a bit to the right (you’ll see a crate with explosions) and you’ll come to a waterfall. Just dive in and follow through the twisting tunnels to a cave with a wreck. Swim up SE behind that pointy rock and turn left into the opening, follow through, swim to the S end. Climb out quick and kill a Shark. Save here and use the lever there and shoot a new Fish before you get back into the water.

Swim back to the previous cave and this time down left into the opening E, swim pass a squishy block and notice the next squishy block has stopped. If it is blocking the passage and the under water ceiling lever (in the middle where the second block is) you’ll have to go back to the previous lever and use it again till the underwater ceiling lever is available. When you used the lever a platform will raise in the other cave, so swim back there. Climb the platform and walk the pole to the lever N. Watch the fly by of the diver dropping a Battery, first shoot another Fish and then swim back to the cave again to pick up Battery # 2.

Battery # 3.

Go back through that tunnel N and follow all the way back to the waterfall, climb out N and back flip to the ledge. Jump to the waterfall and go N. Follow through to a triangular opening NE and do a running jump to the crate in the water to pick up Battery # 3.

Battery # 4.

Dive into the water, get the Grenade Gun N of the red coral and swim E, past a closed gate and along the Wreck till you come to two pillars. Look right between those pillars and find the UW lever (face E). The lever will bring out a pole near the crate SE. Turn right and swim down NE to get the harpoons on the bottom.

Swim up S and climb up on the Wreck. Look into the NE corner and spot the pole. Aim for the middle of the pole and run-jump grab to it. Swing to that crate in the corner. Jump to the crack W and shimmy right till you come to a ledge. Do a running jump to grab the slanted pillar SW. Hang left before you pull up over the top and slide far to jump to the next pillar, jump again with a right hand curve to the corner ledge, slide a bit and jump to grab the pole, swing to end up on a crate.

Jump into opening with squishy block and on the opposite side of the block is a small medipack. Turn facing NW, walk back as far as possible so you stand close to the block (screenshot). Then take two hops back turning left a bit and hopefully you will grab that jump lever below the middle of the opening (otherwise just grab the edge and quickly get over the lever and use it before the block kills Lara). You will drop straight in front of the now open gate, a Fish comes out so swim to a save place and shoot him. Now go back into that tunnel, follow through and climb up into a room. Shoot the crate W and get Battery # 4. (Look up and spot the opening in the ceiling, that’s for later) Swim back to the Wreck and climb up the E side.

Up the Cave for Battery # 5.

Go E into cave and watch out for the boulder, just run in and left against the wall. Proceed into the next high cave and pick up Uzi Ammo after shooting the Goon. Dive into the stream and swim behind that coral W, press CTRL to open the UW gate there. There is an underwater ceiling lever at the end. Wait in the tunnel a bit before you get out, as another boulder will fall into the stream. Climb out E and then W onto rock near the waterfall S, face W and run-jump to use the jump lever W. This opens a trapdoor E on top of the old ladder. Jump and grab up to the ladder and climb up and then climb off left, turn around and jump grab the crack S, shimmy left and crawl in past the waterfall. Follow the path and at the end a run-jump (no grab) to a rock N, notice the Jump lever up W. Turn E and walk over the tight rope to get to the other side.

Go N and follow through, look left around the corner to spot the Jump lever again. Run out with a left curve to jump to the jump switch. (Use the tight rope again to get to the E side and go through the N corridor and now get on top of the raised platform) Or just jump/grab NE to that platform from the ledge under the jump lever. Jump to another platform S and from there into the opening up S and pull up, get the small medipack, jump back to the platform and from the middle of it a curved jump to the opening SE, next to the waterfall. Pull up over the top, slide down and jump to grab the opposite wall. Climb up till you just see Lara over the edge, hang left or right. Save there and back flip/roll (timing the squishy block) and keep the forward key down to get out of the way.

Timed Gate.

Notice the Timed gate and jump SW to get behind that squishy block. Around the corner is the lever, so save before you pull it, roll and run around the corner, run-jump right so you’ll land against the wall just right of the block. Now you can just side jump right into the opened gate.

Follow through, slide down on a grating and pick up Battery # 5, the grating will give way and you’ll fall through into the stream below.

Climb out E and get back up the old ladder, all the way up into the passage and go left or right to find the receptacles for the 5 batteries. In the middle passage is door that will open up, go in and turn around. Jump up to the jump lever W and the trapdoor will open up below. Slide down into the next challenging room.

The Deadly Pool and even deadlier Jumps. (level changed)

Jump to a ledge S and spot the ladder on the wall, there’s a burner on top of it. Face N and standing back against the wall and in the middle of the ledge. Save and run-jump to grab to the pole, aim left a bit when Lara lets go and grab the second pole. Then curve hard left and land on a slanted side of the pit. Slide and jump with a roll once, so you’re facing back from where you came and keep jumping the sloped sides till you are on a save blue ledge, look N for a jump switch. Run-jump and grab it and after using it you should keep jumping till you are save again on that blue ledge.

The flames on top of the ladder S are gone. Walk to the far SE tip of the ledge and run-jump as far as possible to the S along the wall. Turn slightly left in the end so you will slide forward down the slanted side, jump with a sharp right curve and land on the slanted block near the ladder, slide and jump to grab the ladder. Go up to 4 steps from the top and back flip into a corridor (or back flip/roll/grab).

There are two Goons you have to kill and one of them drops Revolver Ammo. The next room has a lever E that will open a trapdoor W with a flyby of the lower area with the Wreck flooded. Go to the trapdoor and drop down into the corridor below. You are back at the Jump lever you used near where you placed the batteries.

Swim into the cave (W) and go NW to that Jump lever you used near the squishy block, swim into the opening under the lever and follow through to the room where you got the battery before, this time swim up through the hole in the ceiling and get Secret #2, a pile of Gold Coins, Grenades and Revolver Ammo. Swim back out to the Wreck.

Into the Wreck.  

Swim up over the tower of the sub and down into the tower, through the open door in the E. In here and all the way up is a breathing hole (“self contained air respirator”). On the top ledge S you’ll find 2x Shotgun Ammo and NE is an opening to the next room. Swim in and get the Revolver Ammo SE on the top ledge. Swim into the opening to the lower part of the room and near the gate W is another underwater ceiling lever; the W door in the tower opens up.

Get back and get some air and dive down, swim out W to get into the other door W. In this room is on top also a breathing hole and you open this with the lever on the N wall. Climb out onto the sloped sides and keep jumping left back and forth till you are save on a ledge with a burning lever (or jump back and fro till the trapdoor closes). Jump SW and walk over a grated floor to the SW corner, there’s a Jump lever you have to use. The stand-jump can be done from an angle and after landing in the room below you can swim out E. Use the lever on the N wall again and climb out in the hole and jump up to the burning lever again, go W into the next room again and use the lever on the wall N as the trapdoor closed up under the lever.

You'll see a rock falling so back to the jump lever you just did SW and dive down, there is a small tunnel in the SW in the corner. Swim through and use the ceiling lever at the end, swim back out and climb onto the platform W to shoot the Fish. Also shoot the darkest box on the bottom and retrieve the Battery. Climb back onto the platform W and use it on the contraption.

Watch fly by and get back to the now extinguished lever up E. Use the lever and watch another fly by. Get back into the water (room W) and swim E, out into the tower and up, out of the top of the sub and swim to the W into the opening in the W wall a bit right from centre. Swim up when inside and climb out E to go S, into the tunnel where the explosion occurred. Follow through and get into a crawlspace, watch the fly by of a large cave.

The Ship Key.

Drop from the ledge and open the underwater door S. Swim in looking up and just before you hit the big ship propeller there is a ceiling lever up on the ceiling. An underwater gate will open up when you use it. Swim back out to the big cave to the N wall and turn right to the W and left into the opening with the red coral. At the end is a jump lever up on the wall, if you turn around you’ll find an underwater lever, a Key will show up on a tile. Swim out of this tunnel and straight into this big cave, turn SE under the ship, as there is the big ship propeller and in front of it is the Ship Key on the grating, under the bubbles.

Swim to the S wall and find the poles up over the water, facing W is a place (SW) to climb out, back flip with a roll and grab the pole, swing to the next pole and land on a slanted pillar after that one. Slide and jump to grab the jump lever in the corner. Then swim along the E wall underneath the wooden ship and find an opening left, just past that propeller. Swim in and use the underwater lever on the S wall in the end, a door opens up.

Swim out to the cave and go straight to the W wall, turn right there and save at the surface before going into a triangular tunnel. Swim in, and when you get into a somewhat bigger corridor that goes up, you have to watch out for two boulders. Swim aside and along the wide part of the tunnel when the tunnel starts shaking, the boulders will go by without harm.

In the next room you can climb up into an alcove E, turn around and jump with a curve up to the NW. Use the Key W and go into the open door behind you. Follow through and save at the end, face right and jump to grab the crack in the rock NE. Shimmy around left and pull up after the corner. Walk N over the pole. From there, go NW to the pink coral and stand-jump NE onto the slanted rock, slide down and run-jump into the opening in the waterfall. Follow through and walk further down in the waterfall. Behind the waterfall is a jump lever you saw before. Slide down and jump to grab the lever and swim through the open door there and go up to climb out. Use the lever N and watch fly by.

Swim out S and about straight to the small wooden boat (you can only climb out on the middle section). Shoot the Shark and jump grab E to the ship. On deck, somewhere between the masts is a Medipack. 

Then go to the S end of the ship, jump SW over the railing onto to the crate in the water and then onto a ledge S (no Ctrl). Face W and stand left and do a run jump with a last moments grab to the climb-wall and climb all the way up. Now go N and jump past the squishy block, jump to the ledge on the right and safety drop from the edge, shimmy left past the waterfall around a corner and crawl into the crawlspace.

Follow in and use the lever, a gate opens up. Crawl out and safety drop into the water below, climb up onto the wooden boat and kill the Shark. Now go to the N end of the ship. Run off the end into the water, turn around and find the opening in the stern. Shoot the crate, crawl and go right at the intersection, hang from the edge and shimmy to the right to crawl in S, use the lever there to detonate the explosives in the crawlspace. Go back the way you came and crawl to the intersection and go right again, crawl S and stay in the middle at the end, crawl out backwards and grab that jump lever there.

Up, Up and Away.

Turn around and swim S into the open gate, in the back behind the plant is an underwater ceiling lever you have to operate from facing sideward, a rope comes down in the big cave. Swim back out to the wooden boat and jump to the ship, head S and hop onto the crate. Face S and swing those poles to grab the rope in the end. Turn right and spot a triangular opening in the rock wall E, aim for the pillar right of it and swing to grab a crack in that pillar. (savegame.6) – if you have trouble with that rope.

Shimmy to the left and pull up into that opening to get 2x Uzi Ammo and Secret#3, a Golden Skull. Shimmy back along the crack.

Shimmy right past the pole and climb onto the next ledge. Follow through and jump onto the platform at the end, jump W over the next 2 platforms and then up left into the opening behind the waterfall. From there, a sharp left curved jump to grab the dark ledge up in the corner, shimmy right to the corner and pull up. Turn S and spot the hole in the top of the big pillar, run-jump in and swim through the tunnel to where the level ends… 


Level 16 – Voodoo Magic in Martinique.

Swim up and climb up onto the slanted rock, stay in the water for now and fill the Waterskin from the inventory. Climb out and go stand on the waterfall S, jump and grab up to an opening and climb in, turn around and jump to grab to the roof N. Go up and into that triangular opening, use the lever to open the gate below. Go back down the roof, shoot the Parrot and get down to the ground floor to go through the door N. Jump over the ridge and get down into the next room.

Go close to, duck and shoot the Demigod. Go and find the pushable block in the NE of that central structure. Push and pull it on that red bloodstain in the SW corner of the room. Shoot the Natives, and climb the vine they came down from N of the central structure. Face E before you go up and back flip to the top of a pillar and jump over to the SE corner. From that pillar you can stand jump and grab the jump lever on the E wall.

W gate, Teeth Doors, the Caves.

Shoot another Native and go W to the open gate. Go through 3 sets of Teeth doors and use the lever to lower a block on the central structure. Back to the large room and use the vine N again to get on top of that structure. Jump/grab and hoist yourself up and pull up under the railing. Poor the water (from the Waterskin) in the scale and see a gate opening, now safety drop down to the floor. Go back to the start (S) and climb the waterfall S again, now go straight into that tunnel as a gate opened there.

Into the Caves.

Climb the wall in the end and climb left around the corner to get in the upper passage. Follow up to the E and you are at a vast flowing stream. Go N a bit and on the left is a fern (plant), there is an opening behind that fern. Jump up and follow through you are at the other side of that gate in the stream. Follow the tunnel upstream. Shoot the Native and another one in the opening on the right (W, the camera is fixed). Go in there and go down N, slide down and shoot the Parrot. Go E and into opening to the right at the Torches. Use the lever and go back out and climb up the waterfall to follow the stream up to the push block straight ahead. Pull the block, go around the block and push it into the stream. The flyby will show a pool in a lower room filling up.

Head back into the cave W and downstream towards the lever you just used and you’ll find a new opening on the right, go in to get Secret#1, 2x Uzi Ammo and a stack of Gold Doubloons. Go back upstream to the push block.


Follow the now dry riverbed S back to the gate, go left through the tunnel with the fern and left again. You’re now at the dry waterfall into the start room, safety drop with health loss or stand jump with a grab from the left side of the opening and land in the small pool below.  

E Gate: Blades and Demigods.

Go to the room N again, and now climb into the E gate. Go right (N) and turn around at closed door in the end. Use the jump lever in the higher part of the ceiling. Go back and right, the gate there is now open. This is the pool you flooded, dive into the pool and use the underwater lever E. There’s a passage E where you’ll come to later.

Climb out, leave W and go back to the room with the central structure, go into the gate W, through the Teeth doors and the gate there is now open. Save and slide through the Blades, shoot two Demigods (mind you, only one will be active at first so don’t go shooting the wrong guy). One drops a Voodoo Key, so pick it up and use it in the keyhole W to open a gate S. Look for 3x Uzi ammo in one of the holes without a pillar SE.

Go into the gate S and in the NE corner of next dark room is a crawlspace up N, get in, go left at the burner (the next part is about turning that burner off) and end up in a pool. Swim S and climb onto the part of a wooden bridge. Jump to the next (E) and dodge the Blade when you time the flame to jump the next one N. Hop back and hang from the edge till it’s save again to do a running jump straight N to grab the ladder. Climb up and to about a block away from the Blade, hang right and back flip onto a platform. Jump up W and grab up to the monkey swing above, time the emitter and follow to the bridge, go over to the S side, crawl and shimmy along the lower ceiling. Stand jump to the ledge down E and then jump up E again. Turn around and run-jump grab W to the bridge under the Blade, first shimmy left so you can pull up safely. Walk to the S end of that wooden bridge and turn E to jump and grab that jump lever (a bit from an angle). This raises a block so you can exit this place later. Fall back into the water and swim S to open the left hand gate of the two. Swim in up for air, face W and an underwater lever is hidden behind the base of a pillar along the W wall (second from the right).

Underwater Blades.

Swim through gate S, safe here, as the next part is very hard to get past those Blades. Swim under the first, then up to the ceiling and over the next two to the end, just swim through those flames, get a medipack E, there are 3 rooms leading from this central room. Swim up into opening S and get air.

Burning Underwater Levers.

There is a lever down S, just pull it, Lara might catch fire but doesn’t loose health or die. You opened a gate in the N room; get back for air and save. Swim N into the opened gate, same kind of lever, same fire but be aware of Teeth doors as well as you have to swim back through those and there’s no air there. Save some distance away from the first door and go when it is closing up, just swim immediately down and through the next one. (or wait high up in the space between the 2 sets of doors to get some speed to swim through the second set)

Swim into the room and better get some air S before entering opening W. Another lever awaits, the flame in the crawlspace is now extinguished. Go get some air S and dive down into opening in the bottom of the central room and swim back where you came from before. Watch out for the Blades again, swim high first and down after the second Blade. Get up for air in the room with the pillars and you’ll hear the echoing sound of Teeth doors.

Crawl Lara crawl.

Swim N and up through the shaft to the big pool and in the NW corner of the pool is a block so you can jump back into the crawlspace.

Go left (E) and crawl further, over a collapsible floor and you’ll fall into a small room, could be you land on a ledge halfway down, just slide further down. Note the dark tile on the floor and a lever on the wall way up.

Go through the gate S, shoot a Demigod and use a jump lever behind the second pillar E. Notice the gate SW and then go to the SE corner to get 2x Uzi Ammo near a block, climb that block and jump grab N to grab up into the open hatch. All the way N is a small medipack. Turn around and go left (W) into the crawlspace, the rest of the floor you fell through before collapses and you can now look over the edge and spot a jump lever, so place Lara directly over the lever, jump backwards and grab that lever, slide down to the lower room again and a block has risen under the lever.

Timed Gate.

It is a Timed lever, pretty tight and the door is all the way S through the room with the pillars and on the left. Pull, back flip/roll with a bit of a left turn run around that wooden fence and turn back left a bit to sprint straight S along those pillars. Curve left at the end and sprint (or jump) into the hopefully open gate.

The Huge Room.

Once inside shoot the Demigod, go look in the NW and SW corners to get the Revolver Ammo and a small medipack along the S wall and standing N of that central structure is a push block.

Push/pull it to the tile (with the diamond shape) W of that structure, a trapdoor opens up SE and in the hole is another Timed lever. 

Timed run up the Block, the Vegetal Keystone.

This lever pushes up a block NW, pull, back flip with a roll curving right and run SW to the block, jump on block and do a running jump to the wooden ledge SW as well. Jump and grab the roof N (do not pull up) and shimmy around to the right and after the second corner you’ll find a jump lever.

Shimmy to the right and pull up on the steaming tile, turn around and run-jump into that “window” S, get Secret#2, Gold Bars and 2x Shotgun Ammo. Jump back to the roof and go shimmy left to the jump lever.

This lever opens a door W, around the corner in the building. Get the Vegetal Keystone and watch the fly by of where it should be placed.

Go NE and find another lever under an opened trapdoor, a block will rise in the trench N. Take the push block and push it onto the raised block near the N wall. Use the same lever again to lower the push block into the trench. Push the block to the other end (W). Pull the block back once and look behind it, there is an opening in the N wall now. Go in and up the passage W; watch out for the pit.

Take out the binoculars and see those pots, shoot them (pistols will do) and a block appears in the room behind you, climb it and face S. Jump and grab up and climb all the way to the top, then to the right and drop. Follow through and jump through the narrow gap.

Breakledge Jumps.

Jump SE to a small walkway, now you have to do a few hard jumps to get to an opening up E and of course there will be more ways to do this but I thought this one to be the easiest (Map).

Stand to the right facing S, pull up over the top and slide to jump to a breakable ledge N, try to grab it so you can have a look where the next is. Shimmy left around the corner to just before the next corner, pull up turn left and stand jump to grab #2. Shimmy right around two corners and pull up, run turning right and jump from under the low ceiling to grab ledge #3 (W). Shimmy left around two corners and pull up near the wall to do a right curved run and a jump onto the tip of ledge #4, immediately a right curved running jump and grab to the hard to spot opening N. Use the lever there and see that big trapdoor open up in the room below.

Go stand in the opening and just run out into the water below. This is a familiar place, turn to swim N and up through the shaft. Out of the gate and to the block NW. Go through the crawlspace and right to drop into the room with the deadly red pool. Jump to the platform and place the Vegetable Keystone. A Sorcerer appeared somewhere.  A gate also opened in a room where you found the Voodoo Key before. Go N out of this room and go the knife NE and now you can climb over that block.

The Big Cascades Cave.

Climb backwards off the block, hang and shimmy till right you can crawl in (E) Crawl through and watch the fly by. Look down to the bottom of this cave and spot some pots, shoot them to raise a block you need later. Then crawl out backwards and shimmy right and crawl in when you are on top of that wooden gate below. Go on through this crawlspace and find the block you raised, look up E and jump grab to another crawlspace. Follow through and kill a Native. Go to an opening to the big cave and jump out to that platform in front. Walk up to the NW corner and look with the Binoculars to spot the block on the pillar W. Run jump over onto the block and you’re now standing right over a Secret that will become available when the block lowers later. Look for a rock ledge W and shoot the Native from here. Now you can jump down onto that ledge. There is a small medipack on the floor there.

Teeth Doors.

Go stand SW facing W and see another nice trap in front. Time the burner and run jump through the Teeth doors, run and curve right to jump onto the roof there, grab when you slide off.  You’ll have to end up on the green pillar, so pull up and back flip to it. From there a run jump NW through more Teeth doors, landing against the wall past the doors, so you won’t go too far. Stand close to the next doors and stand jump NW through both sets.

Pillar Jumps.

Now you have to jump some pillars. A Parrot will also bother you. Go NW and then SW and then W, NW and N. The last one is best done with a run jump and grab to the N under the lower ceiling. Go NW into the tunnel and follow through and then crawl through the wooden tunnel, stand up at the railing and go down into the room or just a stand-up there to shoot the Demigod below. Get down, go E to get Revolver ammo and use the lever at the opening overlooking the cave. A rope appears outside. Go back the way you came.

And Down…

Get back up to the pillars and stand jump back to the first from standing left facing S, the next a stand. Jump E and stand in front op the rope, just a hop and grab to the rope, slide down the rope and drop onto a block. Something is firing at you and it must be that Sorcerer on the stage NE, so go all the way to the E and shoot that Guy. A Native will also appear. Notice the lowered block on the NW corner of this floor. That’s where you have to get to in a Timed run later. That being done, head back W and get the small medipack in the water.

In the building W is a push block, pull/push it SE and over that small wooden bridge near the trench E (don’t push it onto the water though), leave it next to that pit there. In between you will also have to shoot another Parrot. You have to raise a block in the pit to get it any further. Dive into the trench S and swim to an underwater door E. Open it and follow in to an underwater lever under a trapdoor. A gate opens up, swim back and climb out of the trench, shoot the Native.

Timed Run for the Block.

The timed lever is behind a door you just opened a bit further to the E and on your left (S). Save and pull, roll run out jumping left and do run-jumps along the shallower parts of the stream. Jump SE onto the floor and run with a right curve to jump onto the block, immediately a right curved running jump onto a wooden platform NW of the block.

The 1st Voodoo Key.

From the platform take a run jump to grab the opening W and go up the ladder to where you look out high into the cave. Jump and grab the platform to the right and use the monkey climb to get to the pillar E. Grab the Voodoo Key from the pedestal. Look W over the edge of the pillar to see the trapdoor which opened up in the shallow pool below and run off the pillar into that pit to get down fast (you can also take the same route back). Shoot a Native and go straight S from that pool to use the Voodoo Key on the pillar left of the grey door, shoot the Native coming out and go in to use the lever. A vine appears and a gate opens, this will be the way out for later….

A 2nd Voodoo Key.

Now go to the building N where that timed lever was, outside on the right around the corner is a jump lever, run jump and grab it from the higher part of the ground, Go NW and to that push block remember? A Parrot and a Native will attack, while you have to move the block to that Diamond tile S past the stream. Something shows up on the tile of the floor in the E. Go E and up to where you shot the Sorcerer and pick up another Voodoo Key.

The 3rd Voodoo Key.

Climb the vine from facing SE all the way to the top and back flip onto the roof of the structure. Side flip to the W and slide, shimmy and hoist up at the next corner. Jump up the roof and climb up to the crack N. Shimmy right and crawl in, follow through to a lever. Use the lever and return to the top of the roof. Slide down and shimmy to the corner where the vine is. Jump to the vine, climb down and back flip to that wooden platform NE. Jump back SW to the structure to get the 3rd Voodoo Key. Jump back to the wooden platform.

Walk to the SW corner of the structure and look for that pillar where you jumped to at the start of the level, a Medipack appeared and that’s the Secret. Run jump down to that ledge and pick up Secret#3 that Medipack and a Golden Skull. To get back down, just run down W into that opened trapdoor in the pool below. Climb out and shoot another Native. Go up to the floor E and up the vine from facing SW. Back flip to that wooden platform in the SE corner.

Go into the open door (it’s a passage you’ve visited before) and follow through to the right to come to that pool with the underwater lever, go to the E side passage and follow to where you can use the 2 Voodoo Keys. Go in and through the next door to the next level…


Level 17 - The Flying Dutchman.

The door opens, jump down and go right because left you’ll need a key. Jump down and the floor gives way. Just slide down and follow through, climb up the ridge and slowly walk into that tunnel to the red stream and watch the fly by.

Jump S and keep jumping till you are safe at the other side of the “Blood river”. Jump up and go N, carefully around the obstacles. Follow through and at the end look down, there are breakable tiles in the bloody water.

Break ledge Jumps.  (Map)

First is a stand jump from standing a bit left in the opening, a running jump to the second one S and to the right, landing close to the left side. Turn left a bit and stand jump to the corner of the third where it touches the island, turn left again and stand jump onto the slanted side of the island, try to slide backwards so you can slide and back flip landing back to the wall. Turn right a bit and run jump to the island, keep jumping and do a roll so you will be facing the island, go jump right and slide to the break ledge, do a U-turn right while running and jump into the opening. You will probably land against a crate, just shoot it, pick up the Medipack and continue S.

Blade Ladders.

To the right is a lever over a lowered block and in the end facing E there are ladders to the left and right. Take the right hand one (N) and climb past the static Blade to use the lever on top, climb down and from just under the lower Blade take a back flip roll and grab, and then climb off, left from the ladder. Go back N a bit to where the block has risen and use the lever there.

Jump back on the N ladder and climb up right, go close to the Blade and time the Blade to back flip/roll (the moment the Blade is against the ladder) to the ladder S and hopefully have enough health left to go up to the next Blade (you can use a flare here if you have a fresh one, as the Blade is hidden in the dark). Hang right again and another back flip/roll grab, go to 4 steps from the top and one more back flip/roll to get back to the S ladder, go up and hoist up.

The Voodoo Key.

Get the small medipack and walk up to the next room. Walk over the wooden bridge to the pedestal where you can get the Voodoo Key.

Walk S over the bridge and step through that dark textured wall to get Secret#1, a Golden Skull and 3x Uzi Ammo. Walk back to the pedestal where the Key was.

Jump to the block E and enter the passage, you’re now back at the crossing where the level started. Go N and right to use the Key.

The “Flying Dutchman”.

Hop down the passage and come to a room overlooking the cave with the “Flying Dutchman” where you’ll find a Medipack NE, in the NW corner is a crack in the grey wall outside the railing. Jump over the railing, grab that crack and shimmy left till you can stand up on a ledge with a plant. Check the health and run jump N to the wooden platform in the deadly water. (A curved running jump) Jump the platforms ignoring the opening with the Burner and the Teeth doors and walk all the way around the ship. Jump into a cave opening N. Grab up and use the monkey climb to go around the building and drop onto a ledge with a Blade, if you drop on the right hand closest corner it is OK, so watch out. Face S and side jump left onto a slanted block, jump and grab the wall to climb left and up to the ledge with the lever. One of the Teeth doors will stop; is it in a closed position you’ll have to use the lever again.

Through the Teeth Door Wall.

Get back to the monkey climb, the burner and the blade pose no threat anymore (but even though it isn’t working the Blade is still deadly, but if you stand on the wooden platform facing SE that tiny corner is safe). So from there to the monkey climb and jump the platforms along the ship to the Teeth door wall NE.

Run jump left through the door to the walkway and immediately hop back and hang from the side to let the boulder pass by.

Jump to the ship and shoot 2 Harpies. SE and NW are some Shotgun Ammo pickups. You can trigger another Harpy if you climb all the way on the back (E). From there jump to the plant covered opening in the middle of that wall. Jump up to the higher floor and a block rises to close off a room, so go straight. At the pit in the end stand left and do a running jump with grab (watch your health) shimmy a bit left, drop/grab and pull up into the dark opening.

Look NE and jump on the wooden platform, turn SW and jump to the bright stone ledge to use the lever around the corner there (the block you passed before lowers again). Jump back to the wooden platform and then to opening S (or jump into this opening directly from the switch ledge). Jump to the opening NW, and then to the SE corner, climb the block and turn to jump to the opening NW. Turn around and from there; take a jump left to the slanted roof left (SE). Slide and grab the edge to and shimmy right. Pull up in the passage and follow back to where the block lowered, now enter a water room.

In the Wet.

First walk through the waterfall N and get 2x Revolver Ammo and a stack of Gold Doubloons posing as Secret#2. Go back out and save at the pool.

Dive in, into hole and S, go right at the plants, open the next (metal) underwater gate to the right. Swim in and to the end, swim up (a bit hard as Lara might get stuck in the rocks, but then just dive again). Turn around and climb up, run forward a bit and kill 2 Lizards. Find a crawlspace left (N) and use the lever to stop a Blade, when it stops fully open (blocking the tunnel) it is in the correct position. Get out of this crawlspace, go W and into the water in the corner, go left and use the lever behind the Blade, the water level rises. Swim back a bit and up into that room, climb on a wooden walkway. Fill the Waterskin here (jump up once so Lara can run again) and jump N to grab into the opening.

Go to the back wall N and face W, back flip onto the slanted block and jump/grab the ledge above, shimmy right to pull up. Take a curved jump to the right over the railing and empty the water skin in the scale.

Watch fly by and jump in the water, you have to take the way back by going right and pull out (bit tricky) into the passage where the Lizards were, at the end in the water again, swim through the open underwater gate and left, go up and out at the end.

Go out of the room and go right (S), take a running jump back to the ship. Go NW and jump on top of the structure with the Teeth doors at the end and then into opening N. Follow through to a small cave with a shallow pool, kill the Harpy.

Target Shoot.

Shoot 4 sets of pots (one at the entrance, one in the pool, one in a crack SE and one NW) and the gate opens up S. You’ll find 2x Harpoons along the E wall near the plant. Better you fill the Waterskin while here (although you can get back to fill it). Go into the open gate N, push the block twice and kill the Lizard and quickly go into the opened gate. Don’t dillydally but get into the other room, as a burner will start on that dark tile on the floor.

Put the water in the scale and watch another tile around that Skull become active. Go NE and push/pull the push block around till it is on its tile in the N passage, but be sure to pull it to the tile as you have to get back to the room with the scale, a block lowers in the SW corner of it. Go in there follow through to a lever to open a gate near the ship. Go back to the push block and push it once to get out.

A Leap of Faith.

Go back to the ship, 2 stand jumps, one to the roof and one onto the ship. Look over to the S and see a small blue flame in the “Blood river”. Go stand on the near by crate (on deck) and do a running dive (Alt+Shift) and under the surface is an opening you can swim in without dying.

Blocks and a Torch for the Voodoo Key.

Swim up and face W then pull up and start jumping left up the slopes till you can jump hard left onto the floor. N is a vine you can climb. Back flip into the room above and in the middle of the room are some Harpoons. There are 4 pushable blocks in here that have to be pulled on 4 tiles. SW and SE are 2, N are 2 more, the blocks can be placed onto the tiles closest to them.

Climb the vine that appears near the NE block, back flip to the upper floor, use lever NW and Zombies appear, you can shoot them now or later, the harpoon gun works fine and one of them will drop the Voodoo Key (go look for it). Go get a Torch NE and go down and down again at the vine holes to the lowest room and ignite the Torch on the flame. Go light the snakes head W. Drop the Torch and climb up to the top room (Kill the Zombies if you didn’t yet and get the Voodoo Key one of them will drop).

Grab the second Torch (for the Secret), jump on the block and slide down into the next room, drop it near the Keyhole W and open the door on top of it, grab the Torch, jump into the passage and go through the first set of Teeth doors. Stand close to the second set and light the Torch on the Burner, turn around and get back into the previous room, light the Snake head E and see a door open up. Drop the Torch and go up into the W passage again.

Go through the first Teeth door; stand close to the second set and run jump past those while timing the burner. Slide down and grab the edge over the deadly pit, pull up, back flip/roll grab and hoist up to slide down onto the safe floor.

Grab the Medipack SW and now you need water for the Waterskin, so go S and jump up into the passage left (W), fill the skin and get the Revolver Ammo.

Climb back out, go straight and jump into the room E to get Secret#3, Gold Bars and 2x Shotgun Ammo.

Go back and fill the scale to activate the third tile at the Skull. Don’t forget! Go back to the room with the water and fill the Waterskin again. In the room with the scale behind the blue vine NE is a jump lever, go up into the opening to the block puzzle room E and right to where the gate is opened. Climb out backwards on a ladder and shimmy right and drop down onto that platform. Jump E to get onto that ladder at the end.

Climb till you see a grey wall on your left and back flip. Walk over and jump to the ship, grab and pull up and go kill two Harpies. Drop from the N side of the ship onto the platforms below and go W, jump S once and then jump and grab up into to the opening in the W wall. Under the Skeleton in the next room is Revolver Ammo to be found. Stand facing the right hand side of the crate with the Blade and jump up, grab up to a crack and get the Medipack, drop back out and run jump to grab the slanted wall E and left of that Blade. Pull up and back flip/roll to grab the roof, shimmy right and pull up.

Shoot the Lizard, grab the small medipack he drops and look for the plant behind the roof left (W wall). Facing W you’ll see a Jump lever behind it, run jump and grab the switch to open a gate upstairs. Jump back up like you did before and follow through to where you look out over the cave. Did you fill the Waterskin before??

Grab the monkey climb and go to the first mast, the fixed camera makes it hard to spot the right path, but you have to circle right around the mast and stay on the path with the stars. Finally drop at the 4th Scale and pour the water in. The last segment is activated and the Skull is now active.

To get down; stand on the SE corner of the ledge (higher ceiling), check the health, face SW and do a running jump (according to Gerty), or a stand jump (according to Dutchy) to land on that crate below. Go to the activated Skull tile and step on to get “aboard the damned ship”.


Level 18 – Aboard the Damned Ship.

Follow through and open the door, go SW through the cargo hole and open another door, go right around the corner and into the opened door to shoot the sacks for a small medipack in the N and get flares SE.


The Key to Sailor Brooymans’ Cabin. 

Go to the crate with an opening with flames S; on the right is a big barrel (S wall) that you can push. Pull/push it N as far as and then push it onto that different looking piece of floor, between those two canons E. Go into the door SW as the flames in the passage are off and jump up onto the higher floor to grab the Key to Sailor Brooymans’ Cabin.


So now you can go upstairs (NE), open the door and the first on the right is a bedroom, nothing there but open it anyway. Go to the second door right this passage is still closed off, but leave the door open for now. Door straight ahead, is a large mess room where two Ghost Pirates attack.


Mess Room: Left hand door E, staircase leading down.  

Open the first door left, go into the bedroom to open a chest SE. Inside you’ll find the Ballroom Key. Back out and left, the door left is locked so open the one to the right, go down some steps, take the slide there shoot the bottle W to get the Key to Captain’s Cabin, then climb up N from the slightly raised floor to the balcony (only use Ctrl). Jump over the chandelier to the alcove S and find a Timed lever.

Timed Run Back Up.

Turn around and see the chain on the chandelier. The lever opens the doors to that upper corridor. When you pull the lever, watch the fly by and then save again for the timed run. Pull, roll and run out to jump to the chain. Landing against it, jump up and grab, go up five grabs and back flip/roll holding the forward key immediately running through the doors. You are back at the corridor.


The Captain’s Hut.

Go back up the stairs and use the Captain’s Key NW. Shoot two Ghost Pirates in the captain’s hut, high up over the table is an artefact and there are 3 receptacles in the SE wall. Open up the door E, go up the stairs, use the lever on the left at the opening to the room and see a door open up. Jump down and head SW out of this hut back to the mess room and again go into the E left corridor, down the stairs and go straight through the newly opened door in the end.


The Wheel house.  

Jump over the railing onto the higher floor, shoot the box for a small medipack, then hop back to a Timed lever SW. That lever opens a door in the passage N.


Timed Run Wheelhouse.  (Map)

Pull the lever, turn left while Lara pulls and turn enough to sprint just past that nasty open door, curve right a bit and hit Alt just before entering the passage so Lara will dive from that slope. Hold the sprint key down, aim to the right hand side of the timed door and just before the next slope another roll so you will just roll through the gap of the closing door. It’s a tight one so it may take a few tries.


The First Damned Heart.

Get in water and follow through, meeting a Shark in one of the tunnels, swim into a cave and go right just past that first barrel and find an underwater lever on the E wall. Use it quickly and swim to the barrel S. Through a small triangular opening behind it, hoist up at the end.


Get a medipack straight ahead, go into the passage E and use the lever at the window. Watch the fly by of a canon firing and blowing a hole in the wall. So it’s time to get back to the cargo hold.


Swim back get out of the water go to the wheel house and go left through the nasty door, up the stairs, straight through the mess room into the door W, go straight down stairs, go shoot the Ghosts first and then head NW through the cargo hold to the first cargo hold, pick up Flares NE and find the opening in front of the NW canon. Drag the skeleton from facing E and get his Damned Heart.


The Ballroom and the Second Damned Heart.

Go back SW and S to the other cargo hold and NE, back up the stairs, through the corridor and down the first stairs to the left and use the Ballroom key there. Go to the E wall and find a hidden crawlspace up in the curtain (left side curtain, one block up). Shoot the sacks and crawl further to climb down in a foyer. Throw a lever in the window immediately left (NE), head W and look in a window left for a second lever (screen of a door) run around the corner W to shoot a Ghost Pirate, there is third lever on the left wall around the corner (screen of a door opening up), another Ghost Pirate will come running. Look along the W wall for a lower part of the ceiling. Face E and grab up to the ladder to climb up to the floor above. Head to the NE corner and run jump right around the corner to the opening where the door was. Pull up and jump across the entrance passage to the crawlspace. Go through and jump to a crate in the next room. Face S, sidestep left and run along that side to jump to the grey tile S, then a stand jump/grab into the corridor.


Timed run for the Damned Heart.

Go left and jump through curtain to chandelier and jump all chandeliers to the highest one in the middle and climb the chain. Back flip off and use lever up there, get back down the chain, stand jump down SE to the chandelier and back into the curtain to the room as the fire in front of Timed lever is now extinguished. Save in front of the lever so Lara will pull it and watch how and where the door opens first. Save again and pull the lever, back flip/roll and run to the edge of the opening, stand jump to the first and do running jumps over the rest of the chandeliers to grab the one SW. Pull up and run jump straight with a grab to land in the open door. The passage leads you to the other balcony to get the second Damned Heart from a pedestal. Drop from the balcony and leave N up to the corridor.


Mess Room: Right hand door E, staircase going up.  

Go left to the Mess room and open the right hand door E, go up the stairs, shoot another Ghost Pirate, go to the keyhole a bit further to the right use the Key to Sailor Brooymans’ Cabin on the door, shoot the sacks in the corner, use the lever. Go out and left, down the stairs to the Mess room, into the W corridor and take the first on your left.


A Mysterious Maze, the Cursed Book of Souls.

Shoot a Ghost Sailor upon entering the first room and pick up the flares he drops. This is a mighty confusing maze I’ll tell you. Go in E and if you keep going to the right you’ll end up in the first room again with a Ghost Sailor on your tail. Shoot it and enter E again, this time keep going left and you’ll end up back in the first room again, but with a different layout. Go up the stairs left and end up overlooking a bedroom. Shoot that Ghost Sailor running towards you, did he run over an invisible floor? Walk slowly into the room and you’ll notice half the floor is made of glass, you have to walk along the W side to the opening across the room (walk slow and you’ll find it). Better save after this.

Now I lost direction a bit (can you imagine) But I think I went right (shoot a Ghost) and then right again, shoot a Ghost, but you have to get into a corridor where the camera angle changes and when using the binoculars you can see a sort of shaft up in the ceiling. Face W and keep jumping up till you see a corridor in front of you. At the end of this corridor (shoot a Ghost) you can safety drop down and go N into a dark place, stand under that Book in the ceiling and use Ctrl to get the Cursed Book of Souls from the floor.

Go S, keep going straight ahead to leave this place. Once back in the corridor go right to the Mess room and again into the (E) right hand opening, up the stairs and open the first door to the left.


The Library.  

From the entrance a stand jump and grab to the crate with the flames W, stand on the corner of the crate block losing a bit of health. Turn around and jump/grab E to the bookcase, your goal is the jump lever way up SW, so crawl into the bookcase, out the other side and shimmy left over the bookcases to the end. Back flip with roll/grab to next bookcase and go down to climb left under the upper floor. Keep shimmying till you cannot go further, safe and be sure that Lara’s feet are about one block from the floor, and back flip/roll and grab the bookcase again. Shimmy around the corner and then climb up and over the lever and drop/grab to pull the jump lever, land on a slanted block and slide to back flip behind the crate, the flames are all extinguished now.

Get onto the crate and run jump and grab the bookcase SE and climb up where the burner used to be. Shoot the Ghost Pirate and shoot the little box for a small medipack. Go to the SE corner and place the Cursed Book of Souls between the other 2 books. A door opens in the Mess room.

Go SW and Lara will stare at the ceiling, climb up and through the ceiling for Secret#1, 2x Harpoons in the room and in a chest you’ll find Golden Bars. Go down to the room below again.

Stand at the opening in the balustrade where the burner was and turn around, drop backwards and go down the bookcase to back flip into the entrance. Go out to the corridor and right to the Mess room, shoot a Ghost Pirate and head S for the open door.


The Flooded Rooms.

Get down the stairs and look to the left to spot a small crawlspace (for later).

Jump to the stack of crates just in front and dive down the hole between them, swim through to find and use the underwater lever. This will raise and lower the water in this room so remember where it was.


High level:

Swim N and back into the entrance where you saw the small tunnel (to the right), near the floor (see above). Follow through to get Secret#2, Gold Doubloons and a Medipack. Swim out of the small gap and left to get back to the water room.  

Swim into the opening S and climb out on the stairs, follow up and crawl in on the right at the closed door. At the hole you can lower yourself down into the hole and drop/grab to pull that jump lever and save when you are in the water. Now swim past the knife (stay high), and follow back past an opened door to the right (can’t use the lever in there yet) Go on over 2 short stairs to the S staircase, go left and back to the Main room. Swim back down the hole between the crates to use the lever that will lower the water level in the Main room again.


Low level:

Swim S and up the stairs go immediately to the right (E) and down some steps and the door to the left is open now, use the lever in the corner. See a camera shot for a jump switch, get back to the Main room, down to the lever and raise the water level again.


High level:

Swim to the chandelier near the E wall and climb the chain, turn to back flip to the chandelier NW. Jump to chandelier N and from there to the jump lever. This opens an underwater door on the W wall way down at the bottom SW.

Swim in and when you come to the corner, better get air and swim along the surface through the opening instead of diving through (collision of the door posts). In the next room is an underwater lever. Throw the lever till you see the Blade in the open position, so not blocking the crawlspace. You can go back for air when needed. When you succeeded you can get out to the Main room.

Swim to the staircase S and all the way up the stairs and into the crawlspace to the right again. Grab the edge of the hole and shimmy all the way around. Watch the cut scene and after the low ceiling is a passage to the right, go on and get one Torch from the pedestal. Go out and N to an opening overlooking the Main room.

Stand jump to the closest chandelier and the Torch will stay in Lara’s hands. Walk slowly off the chandelier and swim to the opening N. Straight in front of that opening and about one and a half block away from it you best save first. Then throw the Torch (spacebar) and see it float gently into the opening underwater, landing in the entrance N. Go down between the crates to lower the water level again and go jump into the opening S from the crates in front of it. Pick the Torch up.

Go up the stairs to the Mess room, throw the Torch where you can find it later and shoot two Ghost Pirates. Pick up the Torch and go W into corridor and into ballroom (first on the right) to ignite the Torch on one of the candles candle (NE).

Back to the Mess room and take the right hand passage E, go straight to the end and into the door, to come to the room you saw in the cut scene; light the two wall torches and the door to the Kitchen opens up.


The Kitchen, the 3rd Damned Heart.

Into the kitchen, shoot the sacks on the floor and go to the big barrel in the NE corner. If you look SW from it you’ll see some drops falling from the ceiling, place the barrel under it (pull twice and pull once). You can leave the Torch here. The fire over the hole in the floor is out, so drop in, shoot the Ghost. Go to the next room and time the burner to jump to the crate in the middle of this inferno.

Stand back on the corner, save and run jump with a right curve to the next crate with the Blade so you have room to do a running jump into the opening across the room. Go up the stairs and come to a room where 3 Fire Wraiths will come alive. Run right and upstairs, the door will open, go out left and to the Mess room, sprint S through the door and down into the water.

Get out using the crates and go back to the right hand passage E and now take the first door right (S) and in the chest W you can get the 3rd Damned Heart. One more Wraith might show up, so get rid of it in the water S of the Mess room. Go back through the Mess room and now go N into the Captains Hut, to those receptacles NE and place the 3 Hearts. The room above your head will be filled with water.


The Corsair’s Curse.

Go E up the stairs and dive into the water. Swim to the Artefact over the table below and grab the Corsair’s Curse. The door N opens, follow through and up and hoist up. Open a chest to get Secret#3, a Golden Skull. Stand on the block next to the chest and jump up into the water above, swim through and that is the end of the level. (When you didn’t get all secrets before, these passages will be flooded and you can only swim past that chest)

Martinique Bonus level, only if you found all 12 Secrets…


Level 19 “Bonus” - Escape from the Caribbean Depths.

*****DO NOT touch your keys while the cut scene is playing, this might give you some control over Lara but in the end it doesn’t work well (bug).****

After the cut scene Lara is wearing that diving suit and she can barely move because of the weight (Hold “sprint” then hit “duck” and Lara does the crawlspace roll to get forward faster, or just do back hops if you have to walk far).

Walk S to the water lock and crawl in backwards, swim down and through the tunnel N, you’re back at the wrecked sub.


The Underwater Levers, the Detonator Key.

To open a gate where you have to get in, find and use the 4 underwater levers.

Lever 1:  That one is straightforward and a bit to the right on the rocks N near the slanted pillars.

Lever 2:  Turn right from the lever and swim in straight S and a bit to the right and up, into an opening left of that grated window, swim into the tunnel and just keep going right around corners to the lever on the W wall, swim E a bit and get the small medipack around the corner.

Lever 3: Swim back out the way you came in and go right around corners, over that pole you walked and find an underwater ceiling lever over the plant S of the submarine tower.

Lever 4:  Swim NW from here and there are 3 gratings on the ceiling near the W wall, just E of the left hand one is another underwater ceiling lever, the gate will open up.

Swim E a bit and down, go into that gate you visited before (under the jump lever at the moving block) and follow through, up in the air pocket and climb up W to you only have to take one step to get the Detonator Key.

Hop back and when in the water and swim into the alcove W to get the Revolver Ammo there. Swim back out to the Wreck area.

Hunt for the Sacrificial Skulls. (for the levels only Secret, so you might want to skip this)

Swim up a bit and turn around so you can look behind the moving block to spot the first Skull, save and swim past the block with some speed, get Sacrifice Skull #1 and get back out. Swim E along this side of the wreck and just before the second slanted pillar to the N wall to get the Harpoons there. Swim E again and in that coral bush NE you will find Sacrifice Skull #2.

Swim into that cave E and swim all the way up to climb up into the hole in the ceiling, follow, get the Revolver Ammo and hop down to the Moving Block, face SW and do the sprint/ roll to get into the passage W where Sacrifice Skull #3 lies. Go further into that passage and use the lever to let the Moving Block stop in a position allowing you to leave, hop backwards into the water (S) and swim out of the tunnel, sharp right around the corner and into the tunnel there to get the Medipack.

Swim across to the N side and into one of the openings there to get yet another Medipack. Swim out of this cave and back into the Wreck area. Right and down to look for that tunnel in the bottom where you went in during a timed swim (SE corner along the S wall) Follow in to get Sacrifice Skull #4 and get back out, swim straight W along this side and just before that big propeller to the right is a green plant and behind it are Flares.

Swim W again and into the tunnel just left of the incoming blue light, into the opening NW and right at that explosives crate, follow this tunnel and in the end on a crate is (the last) Sacrifice Skull #5. Swim back to the explosives crate and out E, go up there and climb out N and go into the room to use the Detonator Key.

Back out and into the water, swim in W where the explosives blew a hole in the wall, follow through and climb out S from the pool. Go SE and into the next room for the Secret. Place the 5 Skulls and Secret #1, a Golden Rose will appear in the middle of the room (Inventory says: “That Secret was hard to find wasn’t it?”). Go get it fast, as nasty Chickens appear, the longer you wait the more will come. You can’t shoot them so get to higher ground and leave the room NE to the poolroom.


Timed ‘Run’.

Go to the lever on the S wall and save, the lever opens a Timed gate N and the best way is to do back hops along the W side of the pool and into the gate. Head into the next room and into the passage N, climb the blocks to the upper level and walk out onto the roof. Almost at the end, face W and walk up to the edge, hop back and save. Use “sprint” and then “duck” to roll forward and slide from the roof, do not jump but only use ctrl to grab a crack in the wall. Shimmy to the right and to a Jump lever, activate it and go into the opened door E. There are 5 Snake Stone receptacles. Use the lever on the block and watch the flyby of a giant Monster coming alive.


The 5 Lizard Spheres.

Get back to the pool and down the tunnel, swim back and just past the explosives crate take the second left, save there where you can already see some of the Spheres, surrounded by blue sparkles in the E. First we go sharp left (follow the wall) and into that triangular tunnel for the Lizard Sphere #1, then E along this side and down to the bottom for the Lizard Sphere #2, swim up along the S wall there and into the opening near the 3 dark gratings (you went in there before), follow all the way through to the end for the Lizard Sphere #3. Swim back and out into the wreck area, N and to the left a bit for the Lizard Sphere #4, turn right from there and swim to (the last one) the Lizard Sphere #5 you can see left of the Monster. Swim W again and into that tunnel there, to the explosives crate and follow back to the room with the receptacles (Go N and then left E). Place the Lizard Spheres and watch the flyby of the Monster being destroyed. A fuse stays behind. That’s what we go for now, return to the Wreck area.


The 3 Fuses.

On top of the wreck where the tower is now gone lies Fuse #1, go E and into the cave and down into the trench, find that underwater tunnel on the left and go in to get Fuse #2. Now swim up and into the opening E on top of that ladder, go right and left around the corner, take a right again and swim down and save in the entrance of the machine room where Blades now circle around. You have to go left and up into the ceiling tunnel (swim along with a blade) and get Fuse #3. Get back out and return to the Wreck area. Swim into the tunnel S where the level started and up into the mini sub. Place the 3 Fuses in the Fuse boxes and watch the flyby. Walk to that ramp and go up to leave.


Level 20 - Mountains of Saint Francis.

Coming from the previous level, a cut scene will start this level series. Pierre finds his way through the Canyons and will wait for Lara in a small valley. (Could be Lara’s hand is a bit strange after the cut scene, This could happen when Lara had a flare in hand at the end of the previous level, take a new flare and throw it to get things back to normal)  

After the cut scene Lara has to go W the same way as Pierre, pick up a bunch of Flares, follow the passage to a monkey swing over a deep cave. Only problem is the opening at the other end of the monkey swing closed off by the earthquake. So instead of using the monkey swing, grab the wooden wall to the right, go left around the corner and climb down, back flip over the fence with the Spikes and go up a ledge left of the fence. Use the lever in there to open up a gate near the monkey swing. Now for getting back up:

Go into the NW corner, face S and stand one step away from the slope behind you, then back flip jump from the slope and grab the wooden block to get back up to the monkey swing, go over to the climbable wall and climb left around the corner to the opened gate.

Follow through and make a safety drop out of the passage into the valley with the Boulders. Drop down and face N, run to that block standing in the waterfall to the left, stop there while Boulders drop all around you. Now go W and slide off the waterfall, get into the water below. Look under the waterfall E for a narrow triangular gap to swim through and find Secret#1, Revolver Ammo and Golden Coins. Swim back out and wade to the NW corner where you’ll find a lever on the S side of the pillar, Lara will look up to the door opened there. Go NE and get the Grenade Gun out of the pool. Then climb the rock pillar in the pool and run jump to the broken bridge W, follow up S and run jump to the bridge SE, aim past the block and turn around to jump/grab up to the top of the block W, run jump NW to the ledge and follow with a shimmy past that nasty plant and come to a crawlspace, crawl out backwards and shimmy left around the corner to a slanted grassy ledge, pull up there and back flip to a bridge, head E and run jump straight down to that open door.

Follow this passage through till you meet Pierre in a small valley, let him lead the way (into tunnel N) and come to a pool near a house. The door over the bridge is closed, dive left (E) into the pool and look for a small triangular opening under the waterfall, swim through and in the room with the furniture you’ll find a lever on the wall, opening up the door to the house. Go swim back and climb on the bridge, head into the house and follow him into that passage NW, go up to where you can jump across the room onto the wooden ledge and wait till he opens up the door for you (you may have to go to the door (W) before he does that), go in and follow, climb up left and head to the right and around the corner to where you will look out over the pool at the house.

Just around the right hand wall is a small wooden platform, run jump with a right curve and land on it, run jump/grab to the roof of the house and grab the edge upon sliding off. Shimmy left and pull up then back flip to another wooden platform. Hop up into the opening E and go SW in the small cave with the closed gate, walk out onto the waterfall and drop onto the wooden walkway S, go to the W end. Run jump to a small part of the walkway W (mind the block up right) and climb onto the waterfall S, go in and follow up to a lever, throw it and watch the cut scene.

Pierre will join you there and makes his way back to the opening you came from before, but before you follow him you can pick up a Secret in the cave he just came from. From this waterfall through the gate W, go in and get Secret#2, Gold bars after shooting the crate, pick up the small medipack. Now you can take 2 routes to where Pierre is waiting.

1: Go back up E and down the waterfall, jump E over the blocks like Pierre did and drop down to enter the small cave E.

2: Go N from the Secret pickup and left to where you jumped to the small wooden platform before, take the same route, jump to the roof, shimmy and back flip to the platform behind, jump up into the opening E to enter the small cave.

Keep following Pierre and go into the gate SE and follow all the way to the top level of the canyon, there’s a bridge leading to a closed door, go right around the corner and hop into the building SW, throw a lever near the closed gate and go back out, over the bridge to the now open door.

The Waterworks.

Dive into the water at the waterwheel and swim N, get out on the shallow part on the right hand side just after the plants and grab the ceiling to get onto the steep N bank. Go into the garden beyond and look along the right hand (W) wall for a hidden crawlspace, go in and come to a room where you can throw a lever to open an UW door near the waterwheel. Go back out to the garden, head to the waterwheel S and swim into the open door S to a room with Wine barrels and Burners.

Time the Burners and make your way through to the back, use the lever in the back and throw it to open a gate in the N wall of the Garden. (You can crawl on the right hand slope, avoiding the burners). Get back past the barrels and swim back to the waterwheel, go N again to the garden and find the open gate in the N wall. Into the gate and throw the lever to get the water running so the wheel will start to turn and a gate opens in the building where Pierre is waiting.

Go back to the waterwheel and swim into the open UW door again, this time go straight where the cave-in is now gone, get Secret#3, some Harpoons and a Golden Skull.

The Maze.

Swim back and climb out at the wheel. Head out W, over the bridge and hop into that building NW, follow in and go left where possible (if you happen to loose track of your guide), you’ll pass a door and at a second plant pot (in the left hand passage) go right and there’s another door he will open for you. Throw the lever behind that door and go back following after your guide to go through the other blue door (near the second plant pot left), go straight and a bit right into the passage and follow to the W side and left to where Pierre is waiting. You have to use a monkey swing to get across the pit. Another gate will be opened for you and you have reached the Omega room. Go to the gate in front of the crawlspace W of which only Pierre seems to know the opening code and a flyby will show you how the gate is opened for you. Get in and get 4x Flares, drop from the other side to get to the next level.

Level 21 - The Hall of Legends (part 1).

 “Quest for the 10 Legend Keys.”

Go through the passage to a lower corridor and turn left (to the right will be visited later), follow the passage and a flyby will show you the Hall of Legends, several levers, protected by fire, proceed and when you enter the hall, 2 Gladiators will attack. Take care of them and head into the passage N, up the steps and where you’ll go into the bright light is a closed gate E (you’ll exit from there later), so climb up S and follow to a large balcony overlooking the hall, the  “N balcony” from now on. To the W is a passage to be visited later and on the N wall are 3 Colour levers, protected by flames. For now go to the fence SW and run jump/grab to the roof on the pillars in the Hall (aim right of the column). Go over to the SE corner and run jump over the fence S to the S side balcony (“S balcony”). To the E is another closed gate and on the S wall the  “Blue/Pink lever” as I will explain later, don’t use it yet or the order of the walkthrough will change.

Head into the passage W, at the opening in the floor, first go down that lower passage, go down the stairs till the gate opens for you (shortcut back up to the S balcony) and head back up. Follow the passage to the W and to the right are some rooms with closed doors (same kind of rooms as on the N balcony, all for later). Follow the passage all the way to the end and get a cut scene of the Blue/Pink lever, there’s a Pink block in the W wall and that lever will open and close the passages on the Pink and Blue blocks throughout the Hall of Legends (there will be more of those later, lever up is Blue, lever down is Pink). For now go back a bit and climb over the Blue block into the room behind it, the Poseidon gate will open for you. Slide down into a pool, swim through the tunnel N and climb up at another steep passage, slide down into Poseidon’s Domain.


Level 22 - Poseidon’s Domain.   

(Blue/Pink lever is in up position)

Timed Entrance doors, door I.

Wade through the shallow water to the block E and climb it, to the W is a closed (Timed) door. Safe at the lever and pull, turn left and run with a left curve off the block, run close along the right hand (S) wall and jump over the (steep) deep part at the last moment so you can keep running and curve a bit left into the still open door. Immediately start shooting a huge Rat, go to the ladder on the N wall and up into the passage above, follow to where a Rat shows up. Shoot it and go left to a button, push that to open a gate in an UW tunnel and draw guns as another Rat will be on it’s way. Get back to the lower tunnel and look for a hole in the floor SW of the ladder.

Door II.

Swim through to an other part of these entrance tunnels, climb out N and save at the lever (the fence looks out into the previous room), left (S) of the lever you can see another Timed door, this one is tricky. Pull the lever and turn left, stand jump S over the hole and immediately start sprint before you hit the deeper water, Lara will sprint right through the door before it closes.

Secret Hall.  (because there is one you can get later)

Go through to a high Hall, into the SE corner and dive to the UW lever there (door opens up). Save and pull the lever, roll and get back fast, go sharp right around the corner while a Croc nibbles at your feet, you can climb up onto the grassy ledge from facing E and then shoot the Croc (or you could shoot it from standing in the shallow water near the wall). Face E and look up to grab up to the lowest part of the waterfall above (only use Ctrl). Looking SE on that waterfall you can see a balcony with a Gold Skull, still protected by Flames so we’ll have to get that one later. Look SW and spot the door you opened, from the waterfall ledge (standing one step on the lower part) you can do a right curved run jump with grab at the last moment to get into that opening.

Push the button in there and Spikes will retract on a pillar behind you, turn around and grab the monkey swing to get to that pillar, drop/grab to climb it and from the pillar a run jump/grab to the waterfall left NE, Shimmy left to the flat part and make your way up into the NW corner, at the long steep waterfall you can jump/grab the climbable wall SW and go up to the top ledge, hop to the E to get the small medipack and then jump back to jump down to the S walkway below. Climb up the ledge S and shoot the Rat, run jump E and look for the ledge behind the hanging pillar NW, a well aimed run jump with a right curve to the closest corner will get you there, jump/grab up SW into the ceiling and climb over to the lower passage S, look for the passage up SE and follow in to where you look out into Poseidon’s Hall.

Poseidon’s Hall.

The Flyby shows you around and 3 Rats sing their song, finish them off before you go down onto the grated floor, to the W is a Mechanism, to the SW a closed door. Look S for the hole in the floor where you can drop down to the pool below, quickly swim to the low ledge SE and climb out  (I have no clue as to when Crocs are triggered, so watch out in this Hall).

A Little Wheel.

Take care of the Croc (or 2) and then dive in to swim NE, into a tunnel in the corner near the bottom, leading you to a dark place, there is a Spike protected lever and a pedestal NE where you’ll find the Little Wheel.

To the Flood lever

Get back to the Hall and onto the SE ledge, run jump NW, then run jump/grab to the opening with the closed door W, turn around and do a banana jump right around the NE corner to the ledge N. From there a jump/grab NW up to the block on the W wall and jump/grab to the N to a climbable wall on the block in the NW corner. (Remember the next part) Go up and turn left to run jump/grab E to the “N balcony”, go to the E side of it, turn left and run jump/grab the pillar S, from the pillar a run jump/grab with a right curve SW to grab the grated floor above.

Go to the Mechanism W and open that door NW with the Little Wheel. Turn right and run jump/grab to the open door, get in and shoot that Rat, that door S is a Timed one, the lever is in the passage to the right, head up the passage and hop over to the blue pillar with the lever. Save in front of it, light a flare and pull, roll and run with a bit of a curve over the ledge (or the run will be too short due to the lever behind you) and hop over the gap, run in and curve left off the ledge, run left and sharp right through the open door.

The Flood lever, High Level.

On the S wall of this small room is the  “Flood lever”, protected by Spikes. Go to a button on the W wall and push it to stop the Spikes, a trapdoor opens up somewhere and the entrance door closes up. Go to that Flood lever N and throw it to raise the level of the water in the Hall, those ledges were floating, as they went up too. Go to the closed exit door N and it will open again on approach, dive down and swim to a ledge near the door in the W wall.

Climb out and shoot all visible Crocs, then swim down NE into the same opening you went in before, this time you can climb onto a ledge in that small room where you got the Little Wheel before, on the back of the pillar is a lever, lowering the Spikes at that (now flooded) lever below the floor you’re on. This lever is for later when the place is drained again. Swim back to the Hall and over to the SW corner, a bit below the surface is a slanted tunnel you can swim into now, there is another Croc, so get back out to shoot it from the low ledge W and swim back in. Hidden behind some plants in the SE corner of the flooded room is an UW ceiling lever, opening up a gate in the SE corner of the Hall. Near the N wall behind that little tree is a small medipack. Swim out of this room and go left.

Remember this route: Swim into the “S room” (just over that balcony) and up in the SW corner against the left hand wall, there’s a slanted sandy ledge, pull up facing S and back flip/roll with a hard right curve to land on the floor next to the plant pot (climb up, hold both the forward and right keys down and jump with Alt, no “end” key needed). Go out on the balcony and face E, if you are carrying a flare, first drop it and grab the grated monkey swing, go E and drop/grab to the balcony where the gate opened. Turn around to grab up to get up onto the grated floor and go W, hop over the gap into the opening W and come to a room with a fenced of pit.

Hop over the fence into the water below and swim to the UW lever S, it will open an UW gate somewhere. Swim out through the tunnel E and follow up to where you can climb onto a ledge, grab up to the crack E and shimmy left to get back to the room (well be back on this ledge with the crack to get a Secret later), go left and left out to the Hall.

The Flood lever, Low Level.

Swim back out and make your way back up to the Flood lever, start on the low ledge W and jump the floating ledges to the NW corner, then to the balcony, to the pillar and up to the grated floor where the Flood lever is located in the room SW. Throw it to get the level down again and go out of the room, look down to where you can dive into the pool below (not on a ledge of course).

Swim to the fenced off floor part in the bottom (left of you) and swim down into the opening in the floor, into a triangular opening S and right around the corner through the door you opened into an UW chamber with an UW lever (with Spikes) keep right and go right around the next corner and left into the NE tunnel, walk up the floor and get the Revolver Ammo there, turn around and walk back a bit till you can take aim on the Target ball in the flooded tunnel W (room will shake). The Spikes at the UW lever will lower so swim back and right to use it and lower Spikes at an UW lever in the Hall (you might have seen it already). To the left of you is a tunnel leading to a room where the Tridents will have to be used later. You could take a look if you want, but now you really have to get back up, so roll and swim W to get back to the Hall.

Swim to that corner tunnel NE where you can now go in and look for the (formerly Spiked) lever in that dark room and throw it to open a door in the W wall of the Hall. Swim back to the Hall.

Opening up doors.

Swim to the ledge SE and jump to that open door W. To the left a closed gate (exit later) so go to the right (S) and follow to a plant pot. Turn around and grab up to the climbable wall, upstairs a Rat will meet you. Then go N, climb up to a higher floor and turn around again to spot the ladder. Go up and traverse to the right as far as possible, then back flip off (no roll) and slide/jump curved hard to the right to land next to the flame. Push the button N and stand facing S at the left side of the flame. Stand jump/grab over the left side of the flame tile into the passage beyond and go out to the hall with the door that will open for you. Don’t go out yet but look for a small medipack in the alcove S (next to the plant). Head to the passage N and look down into the shaft, Spikes, so it seems this one is for when the place is flooded.

High Level:  

Shortcut: Get back up to the Flood lever, this time you can use that ladder on the E wall near the SE ledge to climb to the opened trapdoor above, back flip and follow the passage into the room with the Flood lever. Throw the Flood lever to get the water level up again and dive down into the water, swim to that pillar SE (near the ladder) and find the UW lever on the E side.

Throw it and see the UW door next to you open up, swim in and to an UW door in the S wall. Open it up and swim back as the rest of the action here will take place when the place is drained (use a button and a lever in these rooms later). Swim right into the Hall to climb out on the ledge W at the opened door you came from before, hop into the open door W and inside go left around the corner to that shaft (left of the fire) and dive down, stay high in that room and swim along the E side to avoid the Spikes below and look for the UW lever behind the open door (A door opens N in the Hall).

Trident #1.

Swim up to the ceiling and into the shaft to get air. Face S and swim down to the open door, turn left after the door into the W end with the plant pot and swim up to the ceiling in the end to look for a tiny triangular hole in the left corner, swim through and follow to the end where you can swim down to the 1st Trident. Swim back out to the Hall.

Trident #2.

Make your way over the ledges to that open door N, on the last ledge take one step back and stand jump/grab into the opening and follow in to a room with Swinging Blades (Could be there’s a Croc in the pool, it depends on where you hop over the fence, you can climb out on the NE pillar to shoot it). Hop over the fence and swim through the pool to the W, under the ledge with the Trident is an UW ceiling lever to stop the Burner on the ledge. Swim straight back E and right around to the pillar NE and face W to climb it, stand on the NW corner ands face S, time the Blades to do a run jump/grab to the block S, shimmy right around the corner and pull up. Go stand here and time the nearest Blade, I started the run when it was left and about to move right again curve left and when you land on the Spike ledge, a left curved stand jump through to the balcony with the 2nd Trident. Hop over the fence and swim back to that pillar NE, climb it again and run jump past the Blade to the balcony E, go back out to the Hall.

Jump to the ledge in front of the opening and to the corner ledge NW, go up to the Flood lever by using the same route as before (N balcony).

Low Level: a Secret and the 3rd Trident.

After the climb up to the Flood lever to lower the level again, you can dive down and climb the ledge SE, jump W and go up to the S balcony, go right inside and through a passage to the back of that Spike-trap. Light a flare and face the left side of the Spikes, stand back to the wall and turn slightly right. Time the Spikes and stand jump into the opening when you expect them to go up. Run jump sharp right out the other end, grab the floor W and go out NW to the balcony. If you are carrying a flare, first drop it, then use the monkey swing like before to get to the gate SE, go up the grated floor. Go W and at the end a jump over the gap into the opening in the wall, go in to the room with the fence around a pit, head right and into the passage right, drop/grab backwards into the shaft you came up from before and shimmy right around to a ledge with Secret#1, Shotgun Ammo and Gold Bars (this one can only be taken with the water level down). Go back and to the Hall and hop over the gap to the grated floor, go E to the grated ledge and look for the opening in the fence to the right.   

Standing in the left side a stand jump/grab to a pillar NE, climb over the top and from standing on the N edge a stand jump/grab straight N to a monkey swing under the grated floor, swing N to the pillar to the right and drop/grab to get onto the ladder, go down till you can drop/grab to lower ladder ledge. Climb up onto the ledge and stand on the SE corner, hop back run jump to the ledge (with the Spikes) behind the pillar SE, (start run when the Spikes went down and wait a millisecond before you start) landing on the nearest corner so you can do a running jump with a left curve to grab the opening S and go in to shoot a Rat. But that’s not all you can do there, go to a button NE and push it to extinguish a flame in a passage (short screen). Now climb through the open UW door S and look for the 3rd Trident SE. Go back to the Hall, dive down and climb out on the ledge SE to get back up to the Flood lever using the ladder SE, throw the lever again to get the water level back up.

High Level: The Torch and the 4th Trident.

Hop down into the water in the Hall and up get to the NW corner ledge (jump there from the ledge W) and get up onto the balcony N, turn NW and spot the opening in the wall a bit higher up, do a left curved run jump up into the opening and find the passage where the flame went down, in the room beyond are some Torches, pick one up and go out to the opening overlooking the Hall, Run out sharp left to end up on the NW corner ledge, jump the ledges to the open door in the W wall and inside is the only flame in this place. Carefully light the Torch and make your way back to the Hall, hop out to the right hand ledge and run jump SE to the ledge on the blue pillar under the waterfall, then hop S and from that one you’ll have to use a trick move, see the pillar SE and the slanted front of it? Stand on the NE corner of the ledge, face the middle of the pillar (slanted side), save and stand jump onto the highest point of the slanted part on the pillar and if all goes well, Lara will slide back into the water with the burning Torch in hand!! Swim to the NE along the E wall and turn left into a sloped passage.

Walk up the sloped passage and in the next room are 2 grated floor tiles, stand on a corner and carefully light those tiles, leave the Torch go into the open door. Shoot the 2 Rats and on the floor of the room is the 4th Trident. Get out of the room and swim to the S, get some air and dive down into that opening in the fenced off floor, go S and through the opened door, left at the UW lever and into a tunnel going up and down and up again to the room where the Poseidon statues are. Place the 4 tridents and the door E opens up.

Go in and straight at the crossing into the next room, there’s some Revolver Ammo in the shallow water N, fill up your Waterskin while you’re there and then go look for the Target ball in the SW corner, shoot it and a door opens in the passage W, to the right, go in and climb up left just past the door, follow the stream to the right and shoot the Rats, look around the left corner for a lever opening up the Timed gate NW. There is a small medipack in the SW corner.

Timed Gate.

You won’t have much time here, so save at the lever, pull and back flip roll, immediately start sprint curving a bit left after the first fence, curve right around the second and aim for the right hand side of the gate (that side is open longer).

The Cistern Key.

Follow to a shaft and face S, jump/grab up and pull up. Back flip and jump again to land on top of a waterfall, throw the lever there and see a shaft filled with water (the one up to the Poseidon statues).

Hop into an opening up right of the lever and follow down a slide back to the N room of the Hall, if you didn’t get it yet you can pick up a small medipack straight ahead and go side jump right over the fence, swim out to the Hall and down into the hole in the fenced off floor, follow to that shaft leading up into the room with the Poseidon statues and look on the grated bottom of that shaft for the hard to see Cistern Key.

Climb out to the room above and hop up E, go right this time and open the door with the Key, run jump straight into the passage, landing just past the burning tiles, quickly take a step forward and grab up to the ledge with the Bowl, put the water in it and that grey tile below will open up, just hop back grabbing the edge and let go. Surface for air and save before you dive down.

Wet Boulder Surprise.

4 Underwater Boulders in the next room will make things pretty tough, one of the objectives is to open that nearby UW gate (if you want the Secret that is, swim right around the corner when Boulder #1 moves left and swim as high as possible against the wall and to that UW ceiling lever (screenshot), stay high and don’t move till Boulder #2 moves away to quickly use the lever, swim a bit forward and up against the wall/ceiling again and when Boulder #3 moves away you can roll and swim back to the front room (you have to wait till Boulder#1 moves away to swim after it) and the now open gate left (if you need it you can first go for air SE), pick up Secret#2, 3x Revolver Ammo and Gold Bars. Go get some air again SE and now swim right or left through the ceiling/wall corner past all 4 Boulders and into the back of the room, right through the tunnel to the next room. To the N is a Swinging Blade, but also some air and a bunch of levers.

UW Puzzle and another Secret.  

Throw the UW lever (1st) SW to open the gate NW, swim into an alcove E of the Blade and throw an UW ceiling lever (2nd), swim out and to the gate NW, through the narrow gap under the gate into the next room N, and go up for air. Spot the UW door W and open it, go in and use the UW ceiling lever to stop some Spikes at an UW lever E, swim around the central pillar and into the opening to use it, the Blade in the previous room will stop, but it has to stop well away from the UW door left of it, so if it is not in the right position, use the lever again. Watch out for the air supply though. Then swim back to the room S through the gap under the gate SW, look for the UW door W of the Blade and open it to use the UW lever there. Doors open up just over this alcove, so swim out and up and go into the room you’ve visited before, the Secret room.

Wade or run jump to the W and right around that grassy ledge again, climb the waterfall one more time and jump up onto the balcony SE to get Secret#3, Uzi ammo and a Gold Skull. Go back down to the doors E and before you leave you’ll have to fill the Waterskin again. Go down into the pool and swim SW through the gate again. Climb the ledge on the central pillar in the S room and put the water in the bowl.

Small UW Maze and Poseidon.

An UW door opens down N, hop over the bowl, swim in and up over a plant pot, in the next room into the tunnel up left and keep going left and swim up through an opening in a room with a fence. Save there and stay high timing the Spikes (there’s an UW lever for later) to swim left out of that dangerous place.

Swim around a structure to the W side and climb out, there is Poseidon, it is possible to shoot him, about 3 point blank rounds of the Shotgun/Revolver and then run away or dive into the pool. One time I couldn’t drop him so I just did it without killing him. On the corner pillars NW and SE are 2 buttons for a gate in a monkey swing. Run jump from the floor onto a ledge E and run jump with a left curve around a fence to land on the block S, grab the monkey swing and head to the ledge with the Crowbar lever. Throw it (yep, always from the other side) to raise a platform in the NE corner of the pool, swim over there and climb out to jump/grab the ladder to the roof of the structure.

The 1st Legend Key.

Shoot the 3 Rats and use another Crowbar lever to lower the Spikes back in the tunnel you came from before, dive down and swim under the structure from the N side and use that UW lever just around the corner, a gate at the roof opens up. Swim back and get back on to of the structure. Jump to the ledge N and throw the lever to reveal the 1st Legend Key. Just run off the S side of the ledge to land on the floor to get that Key and make your way back up to the roof as another door opened there, jump to that opening and go through the tunnels, climbing up the ledges to come to a slide, just hop down and leave this level.

Level 21 - The Hall of Legends (part 2).

You ended up on the top S side balcony, throw lever on the W wall there to make the Red and Yellow levers on the N balcony safe (flames go down). Go stand jump straight down N into a flooded pit and swim through to hall with timed blocks.

Timed Blocks.

Go to the lever NE and throw it, back flip/roll onto a block raising up behind Lara and do a running jump with a left curve to land on the raised block in the opposite corner, roll and turning left a run jump/grab to an opening up in the E wall. Pull up and grab the crack to the right to shimmy along the crack to the ledge NE, turn around and use the monkey swing to get to the open gate W, you’re back on the S balcony at the Blue/Pink lever. This time you can use it to open up the passage over the Pink block. Go into the passage W and all the way to the end where you got that cut scene before, hop over the Pink block and the gate will open up. 

Level 23 - Myth of Sisyphe.  (Blue/Pink lever is in down position)

Nasty Entrance.

Stand in the middle of the opening and safe, slide and “stay cool”. You really have to slide to the very last moment before you jump to grab the break ledge, pull up on the ledge, turn left and hop to the next ledge, then turn a bit left and jump/grab into the opening in the wall and slide down into a room where a flyby kicks in, don’t move an inch! A Boulder (you will get to know very well) will come down some slopes and you have the task to get it all the way back up again.

The Big Boulder Push.

Push the Boulder into the passage and leave it in front of the passage left (S), walk through opening between the Boulder and the wall into that passage and pull the Boulder in as far as, go through the passage E (over a Circle tile) and right around to push it one more time, through the corner to pull it E and get it onto that Circle tile in the E side passage to open that gate S, the Boulder has to go with you into that passage, so push it in and onto the Circle tile, the next door will open up. Push it all the way against a gate S and look up to the right, there’s a slanted wall, go stand against the W wall and back flip onto the slanted wall, jump/grab and pull up into the crawlspace in the bright light, go through and go to a button in the end of that passage, open the gate with it and return to the Boulder.

Get the Boulder up.

Push/pull it all the way into the room S as far as it will go, the gate closes up behind you. Go SW and follow through to a room with a Lava pool. Hop onto the higher ledge and head S.

Jump over the pillar bases to the SW and into the opening in the s wall to get Secret #1, Gold Bars and a Medipack from the box. Jump back to safe ground and head over the ledges into the SE corner of the room.

Have a weapon drawn, as 2 Gladiators will attack. Shoot the box on that terrace to get the Shotgun Ammo and spot the Spike protected lever E. Go back N and stand on the NE corner of the ledge, turn around and look up to the ceiling. Shoot that Blue Target ball to stop the spikes at the lever. Go back to the SE terrace and throw the lever to open a gate NE in the room, go there by jumping over the block in front and in the room another Gladiator will attack. On the N wall is a lever, throw it and watch the flyby, showing a Key you need. (Leave it like that for now)

The Elevator Key.

Climb the central pillar in this room from facing E, stand right of the plant pot facing E and run with a left curve around the pot to jump with a left curve onto the slanted ledge SE, jump/grab the crack in the E wall and shimmy right into the alcove. Look up NW and stand jump with a left curve into the next alcove, then a stand jump/grab up to the bridge crossing the room and head into the S passage, straight ahead you can see the next secret, still unavailable. So head W and follow to a cave with a crawlspace to that secret and a hole in the floor. Drop through the hole onto the roof below. SW is the Timed gate to the Key and you have to go E over that wall, grab the monkey climb in the end and drop onto the balcony on the E wall.

Line up for a run jump NW to the balcony with the button, push it to raise a block near the wall behind you. Now just run SE off this balcony to land on the block below. Jump back into the room N and safe in front of the lever N.

Pull the lever again, back flip with roll and run to the gate, stand jump to the block in the lava and a running jump to grab the lower block at the wall, run left a bit so you end up facing SW and have space to back flip onto the highest block. Jump forward onto the roof and sprint over to that gate SW, jump in with a grab and get the Elevator Key. Jump back out to the roof and drop from the NW corner down to the ground and go out W to the Boulder. Use the key in the lock near the Boulder and wait till you and the Boulder reach the top floor. Push the Boulder S into the corner and leave it there for now.

Major Push.  

Go on to a big lava cave and look up S, shoot the target ball there to raise platforms NE, then jump the ledges to the lever SE and use it to raise more platforms. Back to the Boulder and push it all the way over the new walkway to the other side (E) to another Elevator. The Elevator goes up, push the Boulder into the opening and the gate opens, then push it into the next room. On the S wall is a lever, changing the action of the Spikes and you have to get the Boulder to the gate NW. Don’t push the Boulder onto a square close to Spikes or you will die. You’ll have to move it over the ledge in the middle of the room, as it will not go through the corners. In the box N is a small medipack.

The gate opens up, so pull it into a passage near that bridge with the fixed camera. First have a look S and see the fire at the Secret is gone, so go W to the cave with the hole in the ground and through the crawlspace E to get Secret #2, Gold Coins.

Head back to the Boulder and push it N over the bridge and onto a raised platform in the next room. Run jump to the ramp NE and look for a Jump lever up W on the Hammer pillar, back flip onto the ramp behind you and jump/grab the lever to open a gate in the passage W.

Scary Moves.

Make your way over there and enter left to pull the lever, the platform drops and the Boulder falls onto the floor. Go back to it and walk straight to the Boulder, that part of the floor is safe. Save before you pull it under the Hammer and you will fall through a trapdoor, slide to the end and back flip to land on a ledge behind you. Follow the room to the W, through the narrow gap and climb the block in the next room (just run past that Gladiator, you’ll never see him again). Jump/grab to the roof W and shimmy all the way left and around the corner to the end, pull up there and hop to the W to climb up into the alcove W, turn around and run jump/grab to the thin ledge E, from there a run jump/grab to the opening in the fence W. Turn around and hop SE over the fence to the balcony, throw the lever there and see your Boulder gets on the move again, it will roll into another room with deadly floor and a Hammer.

The 2nd Legend Key.

You can run jump over the fence to the thin ledge and into the opening W (or straight into that opening) with the now raised blue blocks. Climb them and hop onto a triangular ledge in the corner, face N and run with a right hand turn over the ledge to jump/grab up to a crack W, shimmy right and go up to the ledge, hop through the crack and slide down the same ramp the Boulder went down from, turn around at the close gate and slide down W to the room with your Boulder. Push the Boulder to the corner at the Hammer and then PULL (yes only pull will work) it to the place where a flyby shows the Hammer smashing the Boulder (try to hop back before that happens, just to be safe). After the flyby ended you can pick up the 2nd Legend Key. Turn left and go down the small ramp, get a small medipack at the open gate and run jump N with a slight left curve onto the roof below over the burning hot part, slide off backwards and grab the edge.

Shimmy right around the corners to the wall and pull up, back flip/roll and grab the breakable ledge. Hoist up and run jump/grab the roof in front, shimmy all the way right till you are over an opening below and top up the health, drop and roll upon landing, losing some health. Grab up into the opening S.

Shaft of Death.

Run jump/roll over to the opposite slanted side of the pit and keep jumping left till you are on a flat corner ledge near the fence, from the highest part of that ledge a run jump to the ladders across the room. Go up and left to climb onto a grey platform. Look up and spot Spikes, a Hammer and flames, up NW is a Target ball you have to shoot to stop that Hammer from moving. Only problem is… the platform will drop. So before you shoot stand back against the ladder and then you’ll land on the slope below, you have to start jumping again till you are on the same safe corner ledge. Run jump/grab to the ladders again and go up till you bump your head on the ledge above, stay on that level and climb left just past the platform. Back flip/roll/grab a ladder on the side of a Spike block and don’t go up too high. Climb left around the corners and go up till you’re over that roof like ledge left.

Look left and see an Omega sign, get over there and climb into that wall, drop into the passage behind the Omega sign and get Secret#3, a Gold Skull and after turning around and near the Omega tile 2x Uzi Ammo and Shotgun Ammo.

You can’t get back onto the ladders from this passage so just run out with a left curve onto the roof like ledge, grab the edge and shimmy left, drop near the wall and slide, jump with a left curve to get jumping to the corner ledge again so you can go up to the ladders again, as you did to go to the Secret. This time go further up near the roof like ledge and then left, climb left around the block near the Hammer and go against the wall to the left, from the bottom of the block 2 steps up and back flip/grab the ladder under the Hammer (you will get hurt a bit).

Now climb right into the passage and drop, use the button, the Hammer will start again, so you will be able to jump into the passage behind it. Walk up to the edge of the passage and stand jump right and up into the passage behind the Hammer (stand in the middle of the opening and aim for the far corner of that passage). After checking your health you can go on and shoot the Gladiators you’ll encounter, or just run to the end of the passage and slide down leaving them behind. Slide down into the Hall of legends again, this time onto the top N balcony.

Level 21 - The Hall of Legends (part 3).  

On that upper N balcony is a lever on the W wall, throw it and see all the flames at the last 2 levers below are gone. Go stand at the opening in the fence and Save, then stand jump straight down to land in another pit in the floor, swim through the tunnels till you come into a wider part with a closed UW gate, swim left and left into the tunnel and Save before you throw the Timed UW lever, quickly roll and swim out, sharp right and with a bit of a wide curve left around the opened gate (otherwise you’ll get stuck at the corner of the gate). Follow the rest of the caved in tunnels to where you wade out to a gate that will open up for you. You are back in that staircase with the bright light, hop down and climb up S to get to the N balcony with the Colour levers.

Opening up the Code Doors.

To the W is a passage, a similar passage as on the S balcony, there are 2 side passages in each of them has closed doors, all the doors have a colour code on the wall. So we have 4 doors and inside those doors are Pink and Blue blocks giving access to different places, so all in all you’re about to visit 2x4 places to collect more Legend Keys. In case of any mix-up in colours, I numbered the levers 1 to 4 from the right to the left.

1=Yellow / 2= Blue /3=Red /4=Green

Combination #1: 1/2/3 (Yellow/ Blue/ Red)

Blue/Pink lever down

Artemis, the 3rd Legend Key.

Go E and down the stairs, through the hall to the Shortcut gate you opened, go straight up to the passage (S) with the rooms and climb up left and go left into the first room. Hop over the Pink block (there’s also a Blue block E for later) and push (Ctrl) the double gate open, now you can enter the Artemis rooms. Run into the shaft grabbing the ladder and drop down, go into the room and shoot all the Lions. Go around the room to pick up the Harpoons. There are gates and levers on the central wall; this is a Target practice (the name Artemis rings a bell?).

On the W side of the wall is the first lever you can use, opening up the S gate. Save with the Revolver/Sight (or harpoon gun with explosive arrows) ready and throw the lever, side jump left drawing your weapon and run turning left to the middle of the N opening, hit shift so you won’t run in, quickly look up and shoot that Target ball on top of the sloped shaft. The lever on the E side is now safe to use to open the gate W. Pull, side jump right and run (jump) drawing your weapon to the gate. Hit shift to stop at the edge to shoot the next Target ball. Lever S opens gate E, side jump left to the gate for the next Target ball. Finally the N side lever will be safe and throwing that one will raise a block behind you. Climb it, turn around and grab up into the crawlspace, go into the room and shoot the 3 Lions. Look for the Target ball up in the ceiling SW and shoot it to reveal the 3rd Legend Key on the pedestal. Go down to the room below and throw the last lever one more time to lower the block again and you can leave. In the entrance passage you have to back flip to the slope. Jump/grab to get onto the ladder, go up a bit and back flip into the passage above, turn around and follow the passages left and back to the S balcony.

Go to the Blue/Pink lever and pull it up to change the blocks, go back to the same room, Pink is now closed and Blue opened up. Hop over the Blue block into the room of Hades and push the double gates open.

Hades, the 4th Legend Key.  Blue/Pink lever up.

In the room you have to stand jump onto the break ledge from standing back a bit, landing on the closest left side and run with a right curve to jump/grab the climbable wall, go left and up at the last ladder, two steps down from the top and back flip/roll/grab another break ledge, take a look at the situation and Save. Pull up and quickly turn right, jump/grab to the climbable wall and go up along the right hand side. At the level of the right hand ledge a back flip to a slope and a jump with a hard right curve to land on that ledge, grab the monkey swing and use it to get to the other side, but don’t let go yet, go all the way to a slide. Line up straight and drop/grab the edge to climb up in there. Nothing to worry about, it isn't Lava down below; it's a big pool of Blood. Wade through the Blood (the lone block in the pool has to be lowered to get the Key from under it) to the big face object on the W wall, grab up and pull up through the wall, go in for Grenades and Secret #2, a Gold Skull. Go out and over to the S side to grab up into the passage there.

Follow through to a dark block, grab up to the left side and pull up over, slide/jump left and land on a ledge in the roof, jump/grab up NE to that window and shimmy along the crack to the next ledge with a lever, throw the lever to get 2 more blocks up in the Blood pool below. Run jump to the roof on the E side and grab the edge, shimmy right to the light beam (just before the Hades sign) and pull up to back flip onto the first of the blocks. Jump to the one against the W wall and turn around, look up E (with Binoculars) to spot and stand jump/grab up to the ledge with the column. Turn around and run jump onto the ledge on the roof W, turn N and look for the Jump lever up on the beam N. Run jump/grab to that lever and slide back into the pool (couldn’t get to that new pillar from there).

Get back up to the roofs through the passage S and jump to the S side roof ledge (like before) this time turn around and run jump onto the W side roof, shimmy to the light beam and pull up to back flip onto the new block. Hop NE and run jump/grab to the new block under the ladder N. Get up the ladder and climb up, then left just around the corner and drop onto the slanted ledge, slide and jump (grab) onto the ledge W, walk up to the wall and turn around to grab the monkey swing to go E and turn right to a ledge, run jump to the SE from there and stand on the highest point to run jump to the S, grab the tip of the ledge at the last moment and pull up to push the button there, that original block in the Blood pool goes down and reveals a Legend Key (if you could see it, but there are bubbles on the surface). Safety drop from the room side of the ledge and turn around, look for those bubbles with the Binoculars, go over there and grab down to get the 4th Legend Key. You hardly notice, but Lara went from a standing into a swimming mode, so maybe the floor gave way (I looked for an hour for the exit of this place). Swim down and follow the narrow winding tunnels to where you can climb out. Hop to the W side and crawl out into the Hades entrance room. Go out and make your way back to the N balcony of the Hall. (Go down the shortcut and up the stairs to the N balcony) Go to the Code levers because it’s now time to change the Code.

Combination #2:  After pulling the blue one (#2) back up, pull down the Green so you’ll have 1/3/4 (Yellow/Red/Green)   Blue/Pink lever is still up.

Hermes: the 5th Legend Key.

Make your way back to that S balcony and head into the W passage once again, take the first right (from coming out of the shortcut) and go over the blue block through to the entrance of the Hermes rooms. You’ll come to a hall with a gazebo, if you climb the block S, Lara will look up to the top of the room. Drop down into the hole under the Gazebo and take the E side, careful at the edge, Save and run in, jump from the slope to the sliding tiles and keep jumping till you can grab a balcony with a lever, a screenshot of that light Lara was looking at before, with some blue spheres visible.

Jump off the balcony to the tile N and jump till you can grab the crack in the wall, shimmy left around and drop in the exit. Before going further face N and drop/hang backwards into the room. The only safe pace is right here under the exit, duck to get Secret#1, Gold Bars and climb back up, jump up left to the passage to the gazebo, climb out at the plant pot and go to that block SE in the room. Look up S and a small sphere will indicate an invisible ledge, jump/grab up to the one S and then run jump/grab W, the next one is tricky, run jump NW with a right curve and grab the ledge, then a run jump/grab N, but you’ll have jump NE and curve right (to go around the low ceiling). Last one a run jump (no grab) to the E and then look at that bright light, just to the right of it you can see the next Legend Key, run jump (and grab) onto to that ledge and pick up the 5th Legend Key. I just did a run jump to the right hand ledge S and run off N to land on the yellow block with some health loss, either way, get back down and get to the exit NE with a run jump/grab from the higher ground near the bush, follow back to the Hall of Legends (you know where it is by now)

Go to the Blue/Pink lever and use it to change the entrances. Make your way back there (W passage, 2nd right) and go left to the Pink entrance to the Prometheus rooms.

Prometheus, the 6th Legend Key.  Blue/Pink lever down.

Open the gates to Prometheus and follow in to a small hallway where a Gladiator will attack; pick up a Medipack on the right. Go on to the next room and find a large Statue in a cavern. When you go SW and left around that statue you’ll find some small medipacks and Revolver Ammo. Go NE to the left side of the lava pool and a Bird will start to attack that Statue and Lara will loose health. So get to the statue and stand between the statue and the Bird, shoot the Bird without hitting the Statue. Head to the Lava pool N and hop up to a ledge NE, slide down and turn around, back flip and jump/grab to the climbable wall above. Climb in to the right and go out on a balcony, grab the Revolver Ammo in the shadow there and go push a button to open a gate near the Statue. A Bird will show up, shoot it as fast as possible before it reaches the Statue. A gate opened up in a crawlspace W of the Statue, go over there. Climb into the crawlspace W, follow in to a lava room with break ledges.

Break ledges.

Run jump with a left curve into the room, landing on the tip of the ledge left, side jump right and turn right, then jump forward twice and from the second a left curved run jump onto the middle of the sandy ledge (ceiling is high enough in the middle). Pick up the small medipack there and crawl backwards out of the opening E, climb left around the corner on the ladder and up into the opening there, hang out of the crawlspace and drop. Jump twice and land on a break ledge, quickly run left against the slanted block and grab up. Pull up over the top and jump/grab the next crawlspace. Hang out of the crawlspace over the pool and shimmy left to the ledge.

Grab the monkey swing and go over to the Jump lever over the pool W (it can be a bit tricky but you have to get almost into the wall and then pull it), use it and slide/jump/ one more slide/jump and you’re back on safe ground, quickly take care of the next Bird and go to that now safe lever on the slanted block E of the Statue (there’s another small medipack near by). Throw the lever and an explosion will reveal the 6th Legend Key in front of the Statue (I really expected him to hit Lara in the head while she bent over to get the Key). Climb into the passage E of the Statue and head back to the Hall of Legends, use the shortcut passage and go to the N balcony again as it’s lever time.

Combination #3:  Put the yellow one up and the blue one down so you’ll have this: 2/3/4 (Green/Red/Blue)  Blue/Pink lever still down.

This door opened near by, so head into the passage W from the N balcony and go first left hop over the pink block.

Hephaestus: the 7th Legend Key.

Open the gates to Hephaestus and go through the passage and watch out for the Burner, coming to a room with Lava, look up right to spot a Jump lever and up left you can see a gate where a monkey swing starts, to get to the gate you first have to run down left into the room and land on the ledge with the column, jump to the brick block NW and then look for an opening into a structure on the N wall. There’s a break ledge in that entrance so run jump with a left curve and keep the forward key pressed so you’ll immediately run into the room. You won’t have to go far as there’s nothing to be done yet (Legend Key behind gate E), the first square on this floor was a trigger to open that Monkey swing gate.

Go to the S wall and look for a Jump lever under a block with hanging plants. This will rise a block W, jump on the block, grab the crack N and shimmy past the burner to an alcove near the gate. Take a running jump from the alcove to the block S and from there, jump up SW to the Monkey swing gate.

Grab the monkey swing and time the Burners on the blocks to get all the way over to that Jump lever SE (opens gate on balcony down SW). Better Save hanging there as you’ll have to do some fancy moves now, drop onto the ledge below and jump roll curving right to land on the next slanted block, immediately jump again with a sharp right curve to land on the tip of the big slanted brick pillar, jump to back flip onto the safe corner block.

A Torch.

Stand jump and grab the ledge SE onto the roof of the entrance and time the Burner ledge on the S wall so you can run jump to it and run off the other side onto the balcony below (I could grab the ledge and shimmy around to drop on the balcony). Go into the open gate and throw a lever inside to open a gate up in the NW corner of the room. Pick up one of the Torches from the pedestal and go out on the balcony, jump onto the slanted pillar N and keep jumping till you are on the safe corner block, again stand jump onto the roof over the entrance.

Face the wall on the top of the roof and hit the #1 key to draw pistols; Lara will drop the Torch where she stands. Now we first have to raise a platform on the roof in the SW corner, go jump to the same Burner ledge W and from there take a run jump onto the roof W, slide off backwards and shimmy left to the wall. Back flip/roll/grab the Burner ledge there and do a run jump to the roof N, from there you can run jump up into the open gate NW, follow in to a booby-trapped button and time the Burner to use the button (platform goes up), immediately back flip twice and go back to the lava room.

Make your way over to the Torch (over the Burner ledges) or the route along the N wall and the safe block NE, grab the Torch and run jump onto the Burner ledge W, try to land in a corner next to the wall, so you will be safe when the Burner starts. Carefully light your Torch and time the Burner to run jump to that raised platform on the roof W, time the Burner on the ledge N and jump to it to do a running left curved jump to the roof N. Stand on the E end against the right hand wall and stand jump up to the high block NE and light the Circle tile from standing on the corner. Turn around to stand jump back down to the roof and find a lowered block into the Key room. Walk in and just run down to the right so you’ll land on the raised block W. Go to the gate E and carefully light the 2 Burner (Circle) tiles next to it, drop the Torch somewhere safe and get in to take the 7th Legend Key. Time to get back…

For the next Secret, you’ll have to take the Torch along with you to the Hall of Legends. You can’t use the crack-route along the N wall bringing the Torch so you have to go to the ground floor opening S and run jump out and a bit left to land on the tip of the slanted block. Jump twice and you’re on the safe corner block run off SE onto the ledge with the column and jump into the exit. Make your way back E to the Hall of Legends, go down to the ground floor and drop the Torch somewhere safe so you can use it later to get that Secret.

Atlas: the 8th Legend Key.  Blue/Pink lever up.

Make your way up to the S balcony and pull the Blue/Pink lever up, go back to the N balcony and go into the passage W, first left into the Atlas rooms over the Blue block. Drop down from the passage and head to the ramp in the SE corner, back flip to the slope and jump/grab up to the roof above, jump up into the passage E and go to the Boulder Challenge.

The Boulder Challenge.

Run jump with a left curve over the Boulders into the room (aiming for the open gate), start when the Boulders are up left, run to the slope and stop running to hop up into the opening (looked like you could jump up more easy when you stop running just at the start of the steep slope), push the button to open a gate across the room. Aim for the next gate and run jump when the Boulders just start to come towards you, run to the slope and hop up to the button to open the next gate, same MO and the last gate will be SE, the whole room will change after pushing the last button, 2 pillars remain and a passage opened up SW. But the pillars are Booby-trapped, slide and jump onto the first pillar, immediately back flip and slide jump again to land back after the Boulder dropped. Stand a bit back on the pillar and stand jump to the next SW, immediately do a running jump into the passage SW before the Boulder hits you. In the end of that passage is a lever to retract some Spikes in the Atlas room.

Dropping the Boulder.

Run jump back onto the pillar and stand jump/grab back into the entrance W, go down from the roof to the ground floor and walk to the N, turn around and do the back flip/jump/grab again to get onto that side of the roof. Look for the ledge with the ladder to the W and run jump over to it. Climb up and left onto the ledge, run jump/grab E to the sandy ledge right of the trapdoor, go S over the trapdoor and immediately drop/hang from the side of the ledge as a Boulder comes down (or shimmy along the edge of the ledge past the trapdoor and pull up to trigger the Boulder, then hop back grabbing the edge), hang there till the Boulder stops moving and pull up to climb the ladder on the E wall, go over the Jump lever and use it to open a gate in the Atlas room (down N).

Jump N over the Boulder and run jump back to the ledges with the ladder to get back down, get into the open gate N and follow through to a slide onto a Spike-trap, slide when you expect the Spikes to be up on landing and run through, around the corner is another trap so watch out and time the run to the button, the Boulder will drop and ends up on the Atlas tile. Now you have to get back through those nasty Spikes, in the Atlas room you’ll find the gate in the opposite S wall opened up, go in and careful at the corner, slide and jump to the break ledge, side jump right and then jump/grab forward into a lower passage. Follow to a pit and a passage right, go up the ramp and use the lever to open the trapdoor. The Boulder will now drop into this passage, so quickly run to the pit. Run left around/over the corner, the Boulder hits the tile in the pit and another Legend Key will be revealed in the Atlas room. Go up the trapdoor (W) the Boulder came from and get the 8th Legend Key from the tile between the statues. Go stand under the exit W and grab up to get back into that opening. Head back to the N balcony of the Hall. Time to change the combination again.

Combination #4:  Pull the Red lever back up and the Yellow one down: 1/2/4 (Yellow/Blue/Green)

Apollo: the 9th Legend Key.  Blue/Pink lever up.

Go W and take the second opening left. Hop over the block, open the gates to Apollo and follow the passage to a high room, go left and hop over some fallen debris to the opening E. Go in and left to a Circle texture, left of it in the SW corner is a shaft down, hang in the middle and drop grab the Jump lever below (a gate opens up). You’ll drop into a lower passage, go through and climb out to the middle level of the room, go to the S and make your way down over the blue/grey blocks, get into the pool and find the open gate NE, inside a pushable object. Pull it out as far as it will go, get behind it to go into the passage the block came from and swim through to an UW lever in a pit, opening up a gate on the middle level of the room. Then swim back out to push/pull the block onto the grey tile in the pool. Get out of the pool S and climb the blue blocks S to hop over to the S ledge of the middle level, where a gate opened up. 

Get the Block up.

Go into the open gate and find a room with 2 levers, a blue one and a red one, the blue one controls the blue/grey raising blocks and the red one several floor parts throughout the room. Throw both levers and run out of the room. You’ll land on the high blue block below, go over to your push block and move it over the W ledge to the S to one square past the W gate then one pull to the E onto a raised floor part (don’t push it onto the blue/grey tile). Get back up to the levers and again use them both, go down to the pushable block and move it around the S side of the high blue/grey block to the grey square E of the high blue block (under that trapdoor).

Up to the levers again and now only use the blue one and go to the block to push it into the opening E, go up to the levers to throw them both again, go pull/push the block on the Circle tile S, a gate opens below on the W ledge.

First go into the lever room S to use the red lever again, then go down into the open gate W where a block lowered now, use the lever there to raise the trapdoor on the E ledge, get back to the push block and pull/push it all the way over the trapdoor to the N. Go back into the lever room S to use the red lever for the last time and go pull the block twice onto the middle square (in front of the opening E). Use the blue lever for the last time and go all the way around the E to the NW corner ledge, walk S and get a small medipack on the ledge W, just next to that ladder, drop/hang from the ledge there and shimmy right to the ladder to go up to the top ledge. Go left around to the pushable block and pull it as far as it will go into the passage E. Then move it S onto the Circle tile, a gate opens in the passage N, go in and through the open gate.

Get the 9th Legend Key and go out to the room, right and hop over the debris, follow the S passage back to the N balcony and go over to the S balcony to use the Blue/Pink lever for the last time. Get back to the N balcony and W, into the 2nd left and hop over the Pink block this time.

Damocles: the 10th Legend Key.  Blue/Pink lever is down..  

Below the entrance is a pool with a purpose, hop down swim across and climb up, follow down to a Lava room with hanging Swords, no danger yet so jump the blocks to the entrance S and go up to the pedestal with the 10th Legend Key. Save before you pick it up, health topped up. Then take it and run down the steps with Sword Wraiths on your tail, stop one step back from the Lava pit and hop to the right hand side of the first block, line up and time a run jump to the one with the popping Spikes landing on the far right hand side. Immediately stand jump to the right hand side of the next block (so against the wall) and run jump through to the block in the corner, run straight into the corner of the walls and turn left to run jump/grab back to where it all started, pull up and run jump up into the exit, run to that pool (timing the Spikes) and wait for the Sword Wraiths to disappear. If you are in somewhat short supply of health go W and find a small medipack around the corner and then make your way to the coloured levers.

Now go pick up your Torch and go back into the passage E and follow back down to the ground floor of the Hall of Legends. There is a pedestal you can light with the Torch (the hint was the burning pedestal across the Hall). Drop the Torch, you don’t need it anymore and go into the room opened by the lowering block in the E wall. Get Secret#3, Gold Coins, jump over that little fence from near the entrance and get Harpoons and a Medipack.

Go W out to the passage where the level started and look up left when you reach a cave-in, climb into the crawlspace and follow through to the other side of the cave-in. Go down and to the next room.

Level 24 – The Caves of Midas.

Here you can use all 10 Legend Keys in the locks around the central wall, best do the silver one on the E wall last (not really necessary but easier later).

A cut scene and the room changes, an eerie creature lurks around grinning at times. If you’re not there yet, get to the E side ledge and then a stand jump down to the NE, onto the small balcony, turn around and stand jump straight W onto that hardly visible yellow ledge in the deadly pool. See that grey pillar W? Stand jump/grab the pillar and go 2 corners around the left, to a ladder. Climb down till Lara’s feet are in the deadly stuff and back flip/roll/grab to a ledge with a lever. Throw it to open the gate and also lower the Spikes on the next ledge S, stand jump/grab to the S ledge and run jump to the one right of the pillar S.

Drop hang from the E side of the ledge and shimmy right along a crack in the wall till you reach a crawlspace under the terrace. Get in for Secret#1, Gold Coins and Revolver Ammo. Crawl forward and a trapdoor opens, so you can climb up to the terrace.

Go to the fence E (W is for later) run jump over the fences onto the brick block below and run jump/grab to a crack in the structure E, go left around the corners till you come to a slanted wall on the E side, pull up and back flip/roll/grab to the rock-ledges E.

Break Ledge Jumps. (screenshot)

Face S and run jump down to that break ledge, landing a bit left of the middle a running jump to the next, curving right a running jump to the corner ledge with the Spikes and (you have to be lucky here, the Spikes have to be down of course) curve sharp left with a running jump to the next ledge W, aiming for the left side of it (because of the low block above) and an immediate running jump with grab to the ledge ahead W, shimmy left around 2 corners and facing back where you came from you can now pull up and run jump/grab to that brown block up E. There’s an opening in the E wall and a platform next to the pillar NE, run jump straight E and land on the dark pillar in the SE corner jump to the platform N and grab up to the ledge, you’ll find a button behind the open gate there. Push it to stop the Spikes on the ledge below.

To the 1st Iron Bar.

Jump down to that ledge and throw the lever to drop the platform and close the gate so you can now run jump/grab to and climb the pillar with the ladder all the way to the op of it. You’ll come to some traps, stand in the middle and jump over when the Spikes went down just before the Hammers are about to open up and run through to hop over the next pit, time the Burner and run jump over the last pit. Follow the passage to a button raising a block in the Main room. Make your way back the way you came (better do a run jump over the first “Burner” pit) and go down the ladder onto the platform that went up again. Jump up into that opening SE, past the now open door and shoot the Griffins (Grenade gun is fun). Go on till you reach a pool and jump/grab to the opening W of the pool, shimmy left and pull up on the next ledge, go through and slide to a ledge overlooking the Main room and run jump down to the ledge ahead to the right of the pillar, stand SW and stand jump/grab SW to catch the monkey swing under the bridge, go to the opening in the structure S and drop/grab, climb in and dive into the water in the building, follow through to the 1st Iron Bar on a pedestal in an UW room.

The 2nd Iron Bar.

The gate E is open, swim out and to the S through a tunnel and up at the pool. Some more Griffins appeared, so climb out to shoot them and hop back up into the same W opening as before so you can jump to that ledge in the Main room again. Stand SW and face W to grab up to the bridge, go right to the terrace and grab the 2nd Iron Bar.

The 3rd Iron Bar.

Gates open up, the one N is for later, walk about halfway onto the bridge and jump/grab to an opening in the rock pillar E to go through to the pool again. Jump out left and go up the cavern to where you came in before (SW), run jump out to the platform SW and from the brown block a run jump/grab to a ledge with blue columns N. Walk to the SW corner of that and stand jump down to a tiny yellow ledge in the pool below W and look SW with the Binoculars, under that broken bridge is a rock with a crack running along the side of it, to the right of the black block is a small triangular rock ledge. Stand jump to that ledge. Run along the lower side of the yellow ledge and jump with a right curve (no grab) to land on that triangular ledge in the corner of the black block. Stand on the lowest tip and grab up W, shimmy along the crack to the left around 2 corners and hang on the W side.

Hard jumps.  (Map)

The next jumps are the hardest of the level in my opinion. Hang 2 shimmies from right hand the corner, drop and back flip/roll, land on another slanted ledge, back flip back and then slide down as far as possible before you jump with a left curve and grab a crack in the W wall (you can only grab this crack on the left hand corner). Shimmy left around the corner and drop on the ledge there. Stand on the E corner as far as possible and run NW along the edge of the ledge, curve left at the end to jump and curve right a bit to land on the far side of the entrance in the W wall.

Go in and shoot those Griffins to get the 3rd Iron Bar from the dark room. Go back to the Main room and look out to the right, there’s a block at the terrace, stand right, turn right a bit and hop back, run jump out with a right curve and hit the slanted triangular ledge next to that block, jump and grab to the block, climb up and get onto the terrace. Climb the block on the S side and jump over to that broken bridge. Shoot the box in the hall and get the Medipack, follow S and go left at the crossing. Save and throw the lever, falling through the trapdoor you’ll end up in a lot of trouble…

Demigod and Gladiators, the Obol to Midas.

Drop onto the floor and immediately take a Medipack, run jump over the yellow pit in front and grab up into the opening W. Run out of sight and wait till he runs another direction so you can get the Obol to Midas there. (You can kill them all, it all depends how many medipacks and ammo you have left) Go find the crawlspace up SW, follow through and in the end you have 2 options;

1: With secret - You can run down and shoot all the enemies to get a Medipack on the floor N. Look at the deadly pit in the middle of the N side and see the colour of the wall is slightly different, hop in and get Secret #2, Gold Bars. Then pick up the Medipack S and Harpoons SW. Go back to the crawlspace and use the monkey climb to leave.

2: Or just pump Medipacks while using the monkey climb to get over to the opening E. That’s the exit, so get there and pick up an additional small medipack NW. Climb up the ladder E to get back in the passage upstairs with a back flip. Follow back N and jump from the bridge to the terrace with the blue columns.

Climb the block N you raised before and grab the monkey swing, go to the roof on the structure E and drop/grab, shimmy right around the corner and pull up on the flat corner in the back, crawl to the small medipack and crawl back from the edge, hold Ctrl and you’ll land on the terrace below.

Get the Gold Bars.

Go over the bridge to the portal N take a running jump over the slanted block, grab into the opening N, follow in to a room with a big Vase.


There are three skylights; push the vase under each one of them and the gate S will open up. Get in there and use the button on the balcony to open the N gate in the Vase room. Go into that passage N and find a hand sticking out of the wall, put that Obol to Midas in it and the door will open up, go in and shoot one of those Griffins. As tempting as it may seem, don’t jump onto that hand, although you might try after saving to watch what happens. Go through to the room E, shoot more Griffins and find the ruins of the Colossus. Next to each hand (there are three in total) is a lower part of floor, stand there and place the Iron bars in the invisible receptacles, 2 in this room and one in the previous room, every time picking up the Gold Bar which will appear on the floor behind you, so you will end up with 3 Gold Bars.

The Hand of Midas.

Go back to the vase and leave W to the main room and run jump out left to that small balcony SW, take the route over the yellow ledge W, the grey block and the ledges W to get to the terrace SW, jump over to the floor W and shoot the Griffins, place the 3 Gold Bars in the receptacles W and when you walk E a flyby starts, showing you Poseidon himself coming down from the ceiling and forming ledges in the yellow goo when he lands, jump back to the terrace and run jump over the fence to that block down E. Shoot the him as you go jump the yellow, ledges to the S. It will be very hard to jump on the ledge where he died, best is to jump on that triangle ledge and from there, a running jump SW to the dark rock for Secret # 3, a Golden Skull. Stand in the corner and jump back to the ledges and the last jump no grab and pick up the Hand of Midas, watch the final cut scene of Lara escaping the Midas Wraiths….

