Search For 10 Artifacts (Auf der Suche nach den 10 Artefakten)

Level by miss-anti

Wakthrough by manarch2

Into the Temple

You begin this level in a small courtyard. N you find Revolver Ammo and W a Torch which can be light N but you don’t need it. Now push the S block away and crawl through the passage for the Revolver. Back in the courtyard shoot the NW grate and follow the dark passage (you can use the lighted torch for this if you want). Jump in the pool; in the next room you can find 2x Grenade Flash Ammo. Open the N underwater door. At the end of the water area climb out and kill a scorpion. Crawl under the spikes and open the blue doors manually.

1st Artifact

Kill a red-masked bedouin in this room and climb the ladder near the entrance. You will find the 1st Artifact. Drop back and look at the brown blocks. All but one are deadly so jump on the SE block to open the exit door.

2nd Artifact

Take Revolver Ammo E and climb the S ladders to push the wooden floor lever. This opens a N door for the 2nd Artifact. Stepping on the Artifact tile opens the E door.

3rd Artifact

Jump on the blocks and find the 3rd Artifact. This triggers a red-masked bedouin and a scorpion. Shoot them and go behind the N high blocks – in a vase is Revolver Ammo. Now climb the S blocks (unmarked ladder at the second square looking from E) to find the Crowbar. Open the E door with it after climbing back out.

4th Artifact

Take a Large Medikit S and jump in a N crawlspace for another one. Jump to the E ledge and shimmy S until you can stand. Jump forwards to another crawlspace; follow it N around the corner, stand up and at the end drop off the right ledge and shimmy E until you can fall on a safe block. Jump S over the platforms and slopes until you reach the 4th Artifact. Open the E door with your Crowbar.

5th Artifact

Climb the ladders W around the corner to find Revolver Ammo and the 5th Artifact on the top. Back down step on the middle tile on the N wall or the left tile on the S wall to open the exit door.

6th Artifact

In the next room there is just one path which is not deadly. Jump or climb over the blocks. The first tile on the middle block is also deadly so watch out and shimmy around it. When finally arrived at the end open the E door with the Crowbar. In the next room kill eight scorpions in the dark SE side. On a E platform you can find the Grenade Launcher and Grenade Ammo. Push a block away N behind the blocks and find more Grenade Flash Ammo. Thereon climb these blocks and monkeyswing S to the 6th Artifact.

Out of the Temple

Jump E to the ladder and at the top of it slide down and jump over the deadly gap to a ladder. At the top open the left door with your crowbar to get to a big courtyard.

The last Artifacts, Jeep Ride

From the high platform kill a giant skorpion from above and then jump to the W wall to find the 7th Artifact. Run further N and find the 8th Artifact in a bush. Run the wall to the end and jump E to the other wall. On this wall you can find the 9th Artifact and the Jeep Keys. Jump down and get to the far SE corner to find the 10th and last Artifact. Get in the Jeep and drive over the N ramp. Drive over seven more giant skorpions and into the white to end this level.