Dark Catacombs

Level by Binibe (September, 2008)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You start by sliding down a series of slopes. You land in a corridor with many branch corridors. Go south a little and go west and find a water hole. Dive into the water and there are two underwater tunnels. Swim east and follow the underwater tunnel. Pull up into a room. Pull down all three wall switches and shoot two rats. Get into the water and swim back. Follow the north underwater tunnel to the other room behind the fence. Loop around to the left to north-west corner and pull down the wall switch. Get into the water and swim back to the first room. Only reset the wall switch on the north wall. Swim back to the other room. Loop around to the right and reset the corner wall switch. Enter the alcove and pull down the wall switch. You get a cut scene of an underwater trap door opening. Go to the corner and pull down the wall switch again. Shoot a rat and get into the water and swim down the open trap door.

Follow the underwater tunnel and pull up at the end. Press the button on the wall. You get a cut scene of a gate opening somewhere. The gate is also open beside you. Go east, north, and immediately east again. Follow the corridor to a timed wall switch. Pull down the wall switch, roll, and run back to the starting area. Hop onto a timed raised block. Stand jump to grab an upper south ledge. Pull up into the tunnel and go south. You get a flyby showing you four receptacles. Follow the tunnel to a room. Evade two skeletons and shoot the brown vase in the corner. Pick up the crossbow and quickly exit the room. Safety drop back to the starting area. You have to return there later after you get four items and some explosive ammo.

Pyramid Key #1

Go south and immediately east. Follow the tunnel and go pass an item on a pedestal behind a gate. Follow the tunnel to a room with a water hole and a chain. Climb the south-west corner chain and back flip onto a west ledge. Pick up a small medipack. Stand jump to grab the center chain. Climb the chain and use a medipack to survive the wall darts. Back flip into a room with three fires and a closed gate. Stand jump to grab the hole in the ceiling and pull up. You can see three jump switches over the three fires in the room below. Go into either south wall alcove and pull up to a higher ledge to the north.

You face a rotating floor blade. Follow the west side floor blade and reach three timed wall switches. These switches control the fires below the jump switches. Pull down the left timed wall switch. Roll and run back through the floor blades. Drop into the hole below and go left to pull down the west wall jump switch. Side flip to the right before the fire starts again. Pull up to the floor above with the jump switches. Go to either south alcove and pull up onto the floor above. Go back to the three switches. Pull down the right timed wall switch. Roll and run back through the floor blades. Drop into the hole below and go right to pull down the west wall jump switch. Side flip to the right before the fire starts again. Pull up to the floor above with the jump switches. Go to either south alcove and pull up onto the floor above. Go back to the three switches. Pull down the center timed wall switch. Roll and run back through the floor blades. Drop into the hole below and go forward to pull down the north wall jump switch. Watch out for the hole in the middle of the floor. Side flip to the right before the fire starts again.

Go south through the open gate. Follow the tunnel and shoot the vases for crossbow normal ammo. Follow the tunnel to the end. You get a flyby of columns with knife blades over a water trench. Stand jump to the first column. Land on the far corner to avoid the knife blade. Turn to the right and stand jump to grab a crawl space in the east wall. Crawl through into a room for secret #1. Shoot the vases for flares, crossbow normal ammo, and a small medipack. Get out and drop into the water. Swim south to pick up a small medipack in the corner. Then swim north and down a vertical shaft. Follow the tunnel to the water hole in the room with the chains. Climb the chains again and return to the ledge with the knife blades.

Stand jump to the first column again. Land on the far corner to avoid the knife blade. Stand jump to the far corner of the second column. Now you have to get lucky with the timing of the knife blades. Side jump to the left onto the third column. Quickly stand jump forward with a left curve to the east to land in an alcove. Follow the tunnel to a dark room and shoot two small spiders. Enter the room and hop onto the west short block. Stand jump to grab the north-west corner column. Pull up and pick up flares. Get down and get onto the west short block again. Stand jump to grab the crevice in the south column. Shimmy to the right around the two corners and pull down a jump switch. Quickly hop onto the short block and shoot a giant spider. Get onto the east short block and stand jump to grab a higher east ledge. The doors have opened so enter the tunnel. Follow the tunnel and slide down a slope. Go forward and pick up Pyramid Key #1 from the pedestal. The gate opens as you approach. Return to the west back to the starting area.

Pyramid Key #2

Go north and immediately west to an apparent dead-end. Turn around and pull up into a higher wall ladder. Climb and shimmy to the left and into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the end and get a flyby of the room. The flyby ends at a wall switch. Go north a little and pick up flares in the rocks next to a broken column. As you run around the room, the camera view gets annoying. Go to the middle of the room. Shoot the vases at the east wall and pick up a small medipack. Go west and stand on a short platform. Pull up onto the ledge above you. Run and jump to the south-east alcove. Stand jump to the north-east and pull down a jump switch on the lower east wall.

Go west and stand on a short platform again. Pull up onto the ledge above you. Run and jump to the south-east alcove again. The gate is open. Run and jump onto the south-west alcove. Pick up a large medipack. Run and jump back to the alcove with the gate. Run and jump onto the south-east alcove. Drop and grab the edge.
Shimmy to the left around the corners and pull up onto the east ledge. Go north and time the sprint though the steam emitters. Drop into another tunnel in the north wall. Follow the path to the end and run and jump to grab a wall ladder on the south wall. Climb up onto the ledge

Get onto the small platform in front of you. Pull up to the south into the room above. Shoot two bats and a small spider. Pull down the two jumps switches on the north wall. The spike ball drops onto the grate trap door. Go behind the south column and pull down a wall switch. The grate trap door opens and the spike ball drops onto the floor below. Go down though the hole to the floor below. Go south and pull down the wall switch. The grate trap door opens and the spike ball drops. You get a cut scene of the spike ball dropping and moving the barrel to reveal an item.

Go to the left or right and behind the south column with the wall switch. Run and jump to grab a ledge in the upper south wall. You have to jump with a curve to avoid a low-sloped ceiling. And the columns get in your way as well. Go south through a crawl space. Enter a small room for secret #2. Pick up a large medipack from the pedestal. Shoot the vases for flare, crossbow normal ammo, and crossbow explosive ammo. Return to the entrance. Stand jump with grab to glide onto the alcove with the open gate. Safety drop to the floor. Pick up Pyramid Key #2 from the floor. Go south-west to exit this room. Follow the tunnel back and climb down the wall ladder. Follow the tunnel back to the starting area.

Pyramid Key #3

Go north and continue north into a long tunnel. Then follow the tunnel west to a room with blocks and wall switches. Pull down the south-east and south-west switches. Hop onto the south raised boxes and move the box from a west wall alcove into the east wall alcove. Hop onto the north raised boxes and move the box from a west wall alcove to the end of the raised north boxes. Pull down the north-west wall switch. Continue to move the north box into the east wall alcove. The gate opens in the east wall.

Enter the tunnel and follow the tunnel to a pit. Turn around and grab the edge. Shimmy to the left and pull up into the corner. Pick up flares from the floor. Shimmy back and run and jump across the pit to grab the ledge. Pull up and shoot two bats. Go north and slide backwards down the slope and grab the edge. Pull up, back flip, and roll to grab a platform. Pull up and shoot a bat. Shoot the brown vase on the west ledge for crossbow normal ammo. Climb the chain on the platform and back flip north into a very dark room. Push a button on the dark south wall and return to the platform. Face north and run and jump to grab a hanging rope. Swing high to the north and release to grab the edge of a tunnel above the north platform. Pull up and go north.

Follow the tunnel to a dark room. Pull down a jump switch on the column in front of you. Go behind that column and pull down a wall switch. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Go north and left to pick up a large medipack. Turn around and shoot three small spiders. There is a hole in the north wall. You can drop down there and run and jump south to grab a monkey swing. However, you can go nowhere by that route. Just ignore that hole and go back the way you came. Safety drop onto the platform.

Stand jump onto the west ledge. Follow the crawl space into a room for secret #3. Shoot the vases for flares and a large medipack. Exit the room and return to the platform. Stand jump to the east ledge and go through the crawl space. Pull up into a dark room. Shoot the vases and pick up Pyramid Key #3. Go to the west wall gate and the gate opens. Use explosive ammo to destroy the skeleton and pick up crossbow explosive ammo. Drop into the pit and climb up the wall ladder on the other side. Follow the tunnel through the room with the raised blocks. Continue back to the starting area.

Pyramid Key #4

Go south and follow the tunnel. Enter a long room and shoot two bats. Shoot the vases in the south-west alcove and pick up flares. Continue west to a closed door. Turn to the right and see a slope over a fire trap. Slide down and jump forward to grab the ceiling. Be careful of the fire emitters and monkey swing to the north. Drop onto a ledge in front of a slope. Slide down west and jump to land on a column. Run and jump to land on the slope. Jump onto the next slope. Jump with a right curve onto the next slope. Slide down backwards and grab the edge. Shimmy to the right side of the slope. When you see that the fire emitter is out, pull up and back flip onto that column. Stay in the corner and you are safe from the fire emitter.

When it is safe again, run and jump to the south ledge. Press the button on the south wall. You get a cut scene of a trap door dropping. Stand jump up the slope to the west and pick up crossbow explosive ammo from the ledge. Slide down to the east ledge again to stand jump over the slope to the east. Run and jump north onto a corner ledge. Pick up a small medipack and run and jump back. Climb the wall ladder and go through the open door. Go east and turn left into the first alcove. Climb the wall ladder and pull up into a crawl space. Follow the crawl space to the end. Stand up in a church room. Go to the north-east corner and pick up Pyramid Key #4 from the pedestal. Go to the north-west corner and pick up crossbow explosive ammo from the floor. Crawl out and go east to return to the starting area.

Placing the pyramid keys

Go north and east to return to the timed wall switch for the raised block. Pull down the wall switch and run to the block again. Pull up into the higher tunnel and destroy the two skeletons. Enter the room and place the four pyramid keys in the four receptacles. Trap doors drop open at the north wall. Go there and drop into the hole. Go west and follow a crawl space to the end. Stand up to run and jump over four fire emitters in pits. You are in a tunnel and the camera view changes. An earthquake also starts. Go north into a large room and the earthquake stops.

Turn to the right and shoot vase #1 in the corner. Go between the middle east pillars and pick up a large medipack. Shoot vase #2 at the east wall. Shoot vase #3 in the north-east corner. At the east wall in that corner is a floor brazier. Above it is a triangular hole. Jump up and you can see a vase in that hole. It is best to use explosive ammo and jump up to shoot vase #4. Go to the north-west corner and shoot vase #5 partially buried in the earth. A gate opens in the north wall tunnel. Enter the tunnel and go forward to a slope. Stay at the west wall and slide down backwards. Grab the edge and shimmy to the right. Climb up the wall ladder and shimmy to the right. Drop into a tunnel Go west for secret #4. Shoot the vases for a small medipack, crossbow poison ammo and flares. Return to the tunnel and drop onto the slope. Continue to slide down the slopes and fall through a ceiling and land in water.

Pull up and get a cut scene of a demigod. You cannot kill him. Pull down the two jump switches on the two columns to your immediate left and right. This raises two blocks in the north corners of the room. Use the blocks for shelter and go to the corners of the room to press two buttons on the north wall. The doors open in the east wall. Go there and go north in the tunnel. Stop before each tile section and floor blades slice in front of you. Continue and enter a small room. Go to the west wall for a small medipack. Pull up onto the ledge with the spike ball. You get a cut scene of the demigod on the slope below. Use CTRL to push the spike ball down the slope. You get a cut scene of the spike ball rolling over the demigod. Slide down the slope to inspect the dead demigod. Go south and see an open trap door. Drop into the hole and slide down the slope.

The escape

Follow the tunnel to a room. You get a flyby around the pedestal. Go to the north-west alcove to pick up a small medipack from the floor. Pick up the Crystal from the pedestal. The gate opens in the south wall. A wraith starts to chase you. Enter the open gate and wait as the floor slowly rises. Enter a tunnel in the south wall and sprint through two sets of floor blades. Follow the tunnel and stop before a slope. Jump to the right and slide down the slope. Jump with a left curve to avoid a fire trap and reach the center of the slope. Slide down and jump over a fire trap. Jump to grab a chain. Climb the chain as two bats attack. Climb up and flip into a tunnel. Back flip a few times to avoid the floor blades.

Slide down a slope to the north. Follow the path and be careful of fire emitters. Turn right and follow the tunnel to a room with rolling spike balls. Time your run through the spike balls to reach the other side of the room. Run and jump onto a platform in a lava floor. Go north and run and jump timed grates to land on a grate that does not drop.

Run and jump more timed grates to land on a platform. Jump east into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a large room and the door closes behind you. Shoot two demigods and pick up two Pyramid Keys. Use explosive ammo to destroy them quickly. The wraith is still chasing you. Watch out for the lava pits in the floor. Place the keys in the north wall receptacle and you get a small screenshot of the ceiling. When you get control, the lava is changed to water and the wraith is gone.

Go to the west wall and dive into the right side water trench. Swim into an underwater crawl space at the bottom in that corner. Follow the crawl space until you can surface for air. Pull up onto the ledge and go north and the gate opens. Slide down the slope towards the water and the level ends.
