Levels by Jon Heywood (Inchdix)

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth

I remember that when I first played this marvelous level set not long after its release, I had a devil of a time following the intricate and time-consuming installation instructions. However, we now have a hassle-free download of the compiled tr4 files, courtesy of Bex at Lara's Home. I decided to celebrate the occasion in 2006 by writing an expanded walkthrough for the series. My gratitude to Monika for having provided an outline years ago, which was very helpful to me, not only then, but when I replayed the levels recently.

There are 15 secrets to be found (the first of which does not register, although the builder intended that it be counted). Harry Laudie has documented several secrets that were missed by Monika and by me, and his greatly appreciated input has allowed this walkthrough to be amended and presented to the community as a thoroughly annotated document.

In late 2007, George Maciver released a second version of these levels that addressed a number of bugs and incorporated several changes in the process (some of which are quite substantial).  This walkthrough has been amended to include what will be called v2, and any differences in gameplay will be noted when they occur.



Begin after an opening flyby (in v2) in a vast enclosed area facing a building where water cascades down into a small lake. The closed door behind you requires two gems, and those artifacts constitute your primary quest in this level. Step forward and a flyby will pan the area ahead, stopping at an SAS guarding one of those gems high up on the second story. You'll attract the guard's attention if you continue forward, and you'll also find that the pool is populated by crocodiles (two, to be exact). Draw your pistols and clear the area of enemies before jumping into the water (you may find it necessary to swim around a bit to lure the crocs out into the open). If you find that the SAS keeps himself out of range, you'll get an opportunity to kill him later.

There are several underwater openings to choose from. Leave the one in the NW corner for later and swim over to the SE corner. There you'll find two openings close to each other. The one on your right leads to a presently closed door, so first fill your lungs with air, then enter the other one and swim a fair distance along the tunnel until you meet a third crocodile. Flip turn and beat a hasty retreat to the pool. Pull up on the west side, draw your pistols as you turn around and kill the crocodile. Go back now and swim through the tunnel without fear of another reptilian attack.

Follow the tunnel until you reach a junction. Turn left into the alcove for a small medi-pack, then flip turn and follow the other passage, ignoring all side openings for now (which appear to have been removed in v2). When you reach the end (passing a door in v2 that opens for you, then closes behind you), swim up for air, then go back to the nearest side opening (which is now on your right), swim inside for the flares, and return. Pull up into a room with blocks and pillars of various sizes scattered about a green floor that means instant death if you walk on it.

Begin by walking out to the NW corner and face north. Take a running jump and grab to the first pillar and pull up. Turn around and take a running jump SW to the next pillar, then a running jump and grab to the one against the west wall. Pull up, turn right and take two running jumps north in succession. Turn right and take a running jump due E to the short block, then another running jump E for the SHOTGUN (and some shotgun ammo in v2). Jump back W to the previous short block and take a standing jump with grab to the next pillar N. Take a standing jump NE to the next pillar, and finally a running jump with grab to the last pillar E. Pull up, step forward and take a running jump E to the foliage-covered wall. Grab it and climb up four rungs, shift all the way to your right and take a rolling back flip to grab the roof of the central structure. Shimmy all the way to the left and pull up onto the flat spot in the corner. Ready your shotgun, run forward and around the corner to your right (where you'll find more shotgun ammo in v2) and blast the awakened skeleton over the edge.

Turn around and jump over to the ledge S (where a second skeleton awaits in v2) and walk out to the SW corner. Take a standing jump and grab the crack in the S wall. Shimmy to the right and drop down onto the ledge in the corner. Turn around and walk out to the NE corner. Turn left and take an angled standing jump with grab to the crevice in the E wall. Shimmy to the right until you're able to pull up into a dark opening. Light a flare and follow the passage to your right. At the other end, hop into the sloped passage to your left (because the surface directly in front of you is unstable) and quickly loop around to your left and dart into the S opening to avoid the spike ball. (A secret was not registered at this point, by the way, but I understand it was intended by the builder to count as SECRET #1, so it will be documented here as such.) Pick up the large medi-pack at the end of the alcove (the CROSSBOW in v2, where the first secret is indeed registered), then reverse roll and step carefully back toward the sloped passage to trigger a second spike ball. Hop back quickly (if necessary) to avoid it, then leave the alcove and turn right.

You now need to jump over to the E ledge. You can do so either by sliding forward and jumping at the last second, or more reliably by sliding down backwards, grabbing the edge and taking a rolling back flip. Either way a skeleton will be awakened, so be prepared to deal with it upon landing. When you've done so, take a running jump SE to the central structure and send two more skeletons to their doom (although you can save ammo if you wish by simply avoiding them and proceeding as described below). The handy ledge against the east wall can be used as a place of refuge, forcing the skeletons to jump the gap toward you so you can dispatch them with a single shotgun blast each. When they're gone, jump back across, pick up the flares NE (in v2 only), jump over to the S ledge, pick up the uzi ammo (in v2 only, unless I missed it earlier) and from there take a running jump into the opening in the S wall.

Follow the passage until you reach an opening overlooking a room with a red-hot floor. Stand at the edge and take a standing jump forward. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing forward along the small trench in the ceiling. As you approach the S end you can see the crack in the wall ahead. Turn left to follow the ceiling trench for just a short distance further until you're near the left edge of the crack, then swing to your right to face the S wall. Release with the jump key depressed to bounce off a sloped pillar beneath you, and grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy to the right corner and release to drop onto a block. Face the W wall and sidestep to the right, then step back into the corner. Angle slightly to the right and take a standing jump to grab the crack in the W wall. Shimmy to the right until you reach a ladder, then take a rolling back flip when Lara gets "set" to grab the top of the column near the center of the room. Pull up and take a running jump E to grab the lower edge of the crawlspace in the wall.

Pull up into the crawlspace and continue around the corner until you can stand up. Light a flare, follow the passage up and take a standing jump and grab to clear the fire pit. Continue into a large room where you can see an SAS patrolling the area high overhead. There's a large medi-pack on the block in the center of the room, but I suggest you kill the SAS before you pick it up. If you feel that you're at a disadvantage because the SAS is shooting down at you from above, run into the NW opening where you'll meet him coming down the stairs and can engage him at close quarters. When the coast is clear and you pick up the medi-pack, you'll release a trio of wraiths, so dash into the NW opening and up the stairs. When you reach the second story, go along the ledges to your right and through the open doorway in the E wall where the wraiths will become captivated with the bird statue in the next room and eventually will implode against it.

Return to the SW opening where you entered the second story, and locate the nearby opening high up in the S wall. Pull up inside and walk forward until you come to a long barbecue grill to your right. Stand at the edge and jump up to grab the bars. Monkey swing forward around a couple of corners and drop down onto the block for a small medi-pack. Jump back up to grab the bars and complete your circuit until you can drop down onto a ledge. Turn around and step back to slide down the slope. Grab the edge and you can look down to see three hungry crocodiles circling about in the water below and practically licking their chops at the prospect of a succulent meal. Release to drop down into the water, and when you're able to get your bearings, quickly swim S and locate a lower spot near the middle where you can pull out of the water and dispatch the crocs.

If you were to jump back into the water and explore a bit, you would find an area to the west where you could pull out, engage a skeleton and progress to a point, but you would soon come to a closed door, so let's save that for later. For now, go deeper into the room where you pulled out of the water, and you'll find a partially enflamed floor back at the S end. Vault up onto the smaller white slab against the W wall and turn to face S. Start about a step away from the wall and take a running jump toward the taller pillar on your right, aiming for the right corner. If you've positioned yourself just right (and it may even require a midair curve to the right), you can grab the edge of the pillar and pull up. Face E and take another running jump and grab to the next pillar. Pull up, angle slightly left and take a standing jump with grab to land inside the passage (or grab the edge and pull up, as the case may be).

Follow the passage until you reach a torch-lit room with a deadly floor. You'll awaken a fire wraith upon entry (but not in v2), so beat a hasty retreat to the water to douse the wraith, then repeat the steps described in the previous paragraph. When you get back to the torch-lit room, take a standing jump to the corner of the tile against the W wall. You'll be tempted to try a running jump to the tile in the SE corner, but don't do it. Likewise, what seem to be safe floor patches near the W wall aren't. Instead, face the W wall and jump up to grab it. Shift left until you're a square and a half from the SW corner, climb down two rungs and back flip to the safe tile. Turn around and enter the E passage. Climb the blocks to your right and take a running jump over the barbecue pit. Continue around to your right, taking a standing jump across another barbecue pit and a running jump and grab across a third one. Climb the blocks to your right and you'll soon come to some flowing water.

Angle to the right and hop into the E channel. Go in a short distance and vault up onto the ledge to your right. Crawl forward into the relatively immense SECRET #2 area. However, the only pickup I could find was a large medi-pack on top of an underwater green-tinted grate on the floor near the NE corner of the lake. There's also a crocodile swimming about (not in v2), so lure it toward you and then pull out onto the wooden pier at the S end. Walk out to the N end of the pier and take a running jump and grab to the facing outcropping of rock. Pull up and blast the skeleton into the water (there's more shotgun ammo close at hand in case you've run out), then use the crawl space in the N wall to access a floor lever that opens an underwater door elsewhere.

Return to the S pier and use the crawl space W to return to the flowing water. Safety drop from the waterfall at the W end, and follow the winding water down to a shallow pool, killing an SAS along the way. Pull up into the S alcove to the right of the waterfall for some more shotgun ammo. Now go W and follow the grated canal until you come across two more SAS guarding a bridge. Kill them, then continue to find yourself on the bridge spanning the lake you dropped into earlier. Run across the bridge, through the N tunnel and into the uppermost tier of that huge room where you began the level. Safety drop from the gap where the streams flow toward each other, then run S to awaken a skeleton over on the other side. (Kill the SAS stationed over there as well if you didn't do so earlier.) Draw your shotgun and wait patiently until the skeleton jumps over the gap toward you, then blast it over the edge.

Slide down to the edge of the waterfall, then jump the gap and run over to pick up the shotgun ammo on one ledge and the first HORSEMAN'S GEM (called the CELTIC GEM in v2) on the other. Dive into the water and swim into the NW opening you bypassed earlier. You have a long way to go, so begin with a pair of lungs full of air and don't dawdle. When you reach a junction, it doesn't really matter which way you go, because both passages lead to the same destination. Take the right fork to eliminate some possible confusion if you went left (the indecision has been removed in v2). When you reach the end of the passage, swim up and pull out into a small room with a grid-covered pool. There's an opening on each side of the grid, so jump into the N opening and swim along the passage (you'll soon find that they all look alike) until you come to an opening on your left, created when you threw the floor lever back in the previous secret area.

Swim inside for SECRET #3 and follow the passage. Swim up the shaft at the end and pull out into a small dark room. Locate the flares and shotgun ammo, then jump back into the water. You can turn either right or left as you swim past the open door, as you'll come back to the same grid-covered pool. Jump into the W opening and swim along the passage until you come to something new--you swim down. Continue for a while, then swim up and follow until you emerge in a large underwater area. Swim forward into the central structure and go up for air. Pull up onto the ledge and you'll find a spare shotgun on the pedestal at the SW corner. Picking it up opens one of five underwater doors.  There are also flares in v2 at the NW corner.

Jump back into the central hole and swim down and outside. Locate the doorway you just opened in the W wall and swim inside. Go up and pull out W into a short passage, where you'll find a floor lever (a wall switch in v2). It would be a good idea to save your game here, for you're about to embark on a series of tightly timed moves. (Even though you don't normally think of floor levers as timed devices, these particular ones are.) Push the lever to open the door on the left side on the opposite E wall, immediately reverse roll and jump in the water, and swim around the left side of the central structure to the opening before the door closes. (Don't try to save time by swimming through the central structure, as that won't work.) In v2, wait for the annoying cut scene to conclude, then pull down the wall switch a second time and proceed as described above.) When you make it, pull up into a similar short passage and save again in front of the second floor lever (or wall switch, as the case may be).

Push this one, which opens the door on the right side of the opposite W wall. This one is a little easier to get to, because you have a fairly straight shot to the right side of the central structure. Pull up and save in front of the third floor lever (or wall switch). Push it to open the door on the right side of the opposite E wall and swim there in the swift, efficient manner to which you're now accustomed. Push the fourth floor lever (or wall switch) to open the final door in the N wall. However, this one isn't timed, so you can take your time getting there. Swim up along the underwater steps and turn right at the landing for some crossbow arrows. Then turn to swim W until you can surface and dry yourself on the stairs. Continue up, pausing for shotgun ammo in v2, and when you reach the hallway you'll awaken a pair of skeletons ahead. Use the water-filled trench between you and the skeletons to your advantage, blasting them into it when they jump across toward you. If you happen to fall in yourself, simply swim W and pull out into a passage that leads back to the main hallway.

Hop across the trench and kill an SAS who steps out to challenge you around the corner, then follow the hallway into a room where you'll see two pedestals against the E wall (only one in v2), each one bearing a HORSEMAN'S GEM. Let's see, now. You already have one, and by all indications you need only one more. So why are there two here? If you're beginning to smell a Hobson's Choice, you're absolutely right. Actually, it doesn't really matter which gem you pick up, because both routes lead to the exit. However, picking up the left gem gives you a quick and fairly easy way out of here, while picking up the right gem requires you to invest a great deal more time and energy getting to the same place. So, if you'd like to try it both ways, save your game here and refer to the following paragraphs.  In v2, there's only one door, in the N wall, so refer to the first paragraph (Left Pedestal) below to the point where you enter the room with the bird statue, then drop down three paragraphs and continue in order to avoid confusion.

Left Pedestal: Picking up the left gem opens the door to your left, releasing two wraiths, and sets the other pedestal afire. Run through the open doorway, reverse roll once inside, take a standing jump and grab the ladder, and climb up into a higher passage. Run around the corner and take running jumps across two gaps in the floor, and go down the stairs into a room where the wraiths will self-destruct against the bird statue. Go through the SE opening and follow the winding passage until you drop down into a fairly shallow trench. Pull up on the other side and you'll slide down into some water. Swim forward until you reach the partially-submerged stairs, and follow them up to an opening overlooking the large area where you began the level. (If you're curious, you can swim in the opposite direction and pull up into an opening, but the passage leads to a presently closed door that you would open if you were to select the much longer route described immediately below.)

Right Pedestal: Picking up the right gem opens the door up in the wall to your right, releases two skeletons and sets the other pedestal afire. There's no handy trench or hole to assist you in disposing of the skeletons, so simply run around the room a bit to draw them away from the south wall, then run over there when the time is right and pull up into the opening. You'll slide down into a large room with water to your left and a ramp to your right. If you follow the ramp up along the west wall you'll find a closed door at the end, so your first task here is to find a way to open that door. Jump into the water to lure the crocodile out of hiding, then pull out near the NW corner and kill it. Jump into the water once more and you'll discover two underwater closed doors. There seems to be nothing else to do down here, so climb back out. Get onto the metal grating and pull up onto the south ledge. Push the floor lever in the dark corner to open the door at the top of the ramp. Go there and follow the passage up to another floor lever adjacent to the room with the bird statue. Push the lever, stop to pick up the small medi-pack in the SE corner, and go back down the ramp past an awakened skeleton and jump into the water. Both of the underwater doors are now open. However, the west opening leads to an anteroom where you find another closed door and nothing else to do, so swim through the south opening and follow the passage up to a place where you can pull out. There's another floor lever in front of you, so push it to open that final door in the west anteroom and swim there. Follow the passage and pull out to find, oh no, another floor lever. Push it, as you know you must, and you'll see a cut scene of the previous pool area. Dutifully swim back there, pull up onto the blocks between the water and the grating, and jump up to grab the crack. Shimmy to the left, around several corners, until you can go no further, and release. Keep the action key depressed so that Lara grabs the edge of the slope below. Shimmy to the left, with your feet dangling in the water, until you reach the far corner. Take a rolling back flip to the stable surface on the other side and pull up into the opening in the east wall. There's another floor lever in the alcove to your left. When you push it you hear the sound of a door opening nearby, so go out and stand at the edge of the opening that faces east, take a running jump and grab the crack in the far wall. Shimmy to the left around several corners, and when you reach an enclosed alcove, release and pick up some shotgun ammo. Jump back up and pull yourself into an open doorway. Go around the corner and push another floor lever (the last one, I promise). Go back to the doorway, turn around, hop back to grab the edge and continue shimmying around to the left as far as you can go, and release to land on a ledge. Turn around and take a running jump to the ladder in the north wall. Allow Lara's feet to get set, shift left to the other side, climb up four rungs, and take a rolling back flip. Jump off two sloped pillars in succession and you'll land on the flat surface of a third pillar. Face NE and jump down into the darkness. You land on a wooden ledge near the open doorway you created with that last floor lever. Go inside and climb up to your right. Follow the passage to a water hole. Jump in and swim east to the stairs. Pull up and follow the passage to an opening that overlooks the large room where you began the level.

Jump into the water, pull up on the west side and run forward to insert your two Horseman's Gems in the receptacles on either side of the door. (If you chose the longer route described above, you'll be greeted by two SAS when you pull up.) The door lifts up, so run inside and find yourself transported to the next level.


v2 continues:


In v2, when you reach the room where the wraiths self-destruct, continue through the opening in the S gate.  Proceed through the opening ahead and run down the passage until it widens into a lower room.  Make a tight hairpin turn to your right and locate the floor lever in a dark area next to the S wall (two bright white jugs are nearby).  Push the floor lever, then head back N, turn right and jump into the water.  Swim toward the SE corner and find an open doorway.  Swim inside and up until you can pull up into a small passage with another floor lever.  Push it, reverse roll and jump back into the water.  Swim back to the pool area and locate the open doorway at the lower W wall.  Enter and turn left to swim through another open doorway.  Follow until you can pull out and push a third floor lever for a screen shot showing a block rising elsewhere. 


Swim back to the main pool area through the two open doorways and turn left to climb out onto the NW step.  Loop around to the left and climb up onto the raised block S.  Step up to the wall and jump up to grab the crack.  Shimmy to the left around three corners and continue as far as you can go.  When you reach the end, release and drop down to a slope.  Grab the edge and shimmy to your left, with Lara's lower body in the water, until you can go no further.  Back flip onto a stable surface, then turn around and pull up into an opening in the E wall.  In the alcove to your left is a fourth floor lever.  When you push it you can hear the sound of a door opening.  Reverse roll and continue E along the passage.  Take a running jump and grab the crack in the E wall, then shimmy left and around the corner.  Release to drop down into an alcove.  Pick up the shotgun ammo, then pull up E into the open doorway and follow the passage until you reach a fifth floor lever.  Push it, and you'll hear the sound of another door opening.


Go back along the previous passage.  When you reach the doorway, turn around and hop back to grab the edge.  Shimmy to your left and around several corners.  Release when you reach the end and turn around to face N.  Take a running jump and grab the wooden wall ahead.  Shift to your left and three rungs from the top, back flip onto a slope.  Slide a short distance, jump off onto another slope, slide and jump off onto a stable pillar.  Turn to face NE and jump down onto a wooden walkway.  Run forward and turn left into the open N doorway.  Pull up E and follow the passage as it slopes gently downward until you reach a water hole.  Jump into the water, turn left and swim a short distance E until you surface in a stairwell.  Wade forward until you reach an opening overlooking the lake where you began this level.  Jump into the water, turn right and pull out SW.   Shoot two SAS and run forward to insert the two Celtic Stones in their receptacles.  The door between them opens, so run inside to be taken to the next level.


PART 2 (THE DAM in v2)

Ready your shotgun and step forward. You'll be attacked simultaneously by an SAS lurking among the pillars to the NE, and by another SAS stationed high up on the SW wall. After killing them both, head W and run down the stairs against the N wall to kill a crocodile. There's nothing else to do here at the moment except to note that the large light-colored structure to the W is a dam you'll be seeing later. You'll also see the closed doors up in the S wall. Go back up the stairs, take a standing jump over the slope and run forward into the large open area and locate the short block near the spot where you killed the SAS. Climb up onto the taller block to the N and turn left.


Take a standing jump to the sloped pillar, slide and jump to the next sloped pillar, slide and jump to the flat surface of a third pillar. Turn to face N and take a running jump to the ledge. Turn right, climb up onto the block, turn right again and jump up to grab the wooden rails in the ceiling. Monkey swing across the vast chamber, following the clearly marked path. When you reach the far end, release to land on a ledge. Run to the W end and take a running jump and grab to the next ledge. Pull up, run forward, climb up onto the block, turn right and jump up to grab the next set of monkey bars. Although there's no real trick navigating the twists and turns, it's a long way down, so don't slip. When you reach the other end, release to drop onto a ledge and locate the crawl space to your left. Crawl through, stand up and run to the far end of the passage. There's a long barbecue pit down below, so jump up again to grab the ceiling.

Monkey swing over the pit and drop down into the passage on the other side. Follow the passage to a small room where you'll find some shotgun ammo on the central tile. Head down the NW passage and emerge overlooking an underground lake. Take a running jump to the W ledge and kill the SAS who steps out to challenge you. Pick up the revolver ammo he drops, then follow the path from where the SAS emerged (ignore the left passage along the way) and you'll eventually wind up in a small room with a bird statue. That's a clue that danger is afoot. Continue through the SE opening, and when you pick up the flares that are too tempting to resist, you'll arouse two wraiths. Reverse roll and run back to the bird statue. Watch the wraiths do their thing, then go back down the SE opening.

When you reach the junction where you picked up the flares, turn right and locate the crawl space up in the wall to your left. Pull up into it and crawl forward until you can stand up. Proceed down the passage and you'll come to a bridge that spans the lake. When you cross over you'll find some shotgun ammo on the grate. Picking it up awakens a nearby skeleton, so blast it over the edge of the bridge. There's a companion crawl space on the E end of the bridge, so crawl inside and locate the monkey bars next to a closed door. If you wish, you can first crawl back onto the bridge and awaken a pair of skeletons to eliminate now rather than later.

Whatever you decide, use the monkey bars to cross over to a ledge. Drop down, turn right and climb down the ladder before dropping down into a water hole. Swim down into a small room for SECRET #4. In v2, the door to the secret room is closed, so you need to begin by pulling up into the S passage from the water hole.  Pull down the wall switch (which is timed), reverse roll and jump into the water, swim down and through the passage past the timed door before it closes.  Pick up the LASER SIGHT, a small medi-pack (which re-opens the timed door in v2) and some crossbow arrows (but not in v2), then return to the base of the ladder and swim up the shaft. Pull up into the S passage, turn around and jump back to the ladder. Climb up to the higher passage and monkey swing over the activated spikes. Crawl back to the bridge and run into the passage on the other side (dealing with the two skeletons along the way if you didn't do so earlier). Crawl through and drop down into the lower passage. Run to the E opening and dive into the lake below.

Swim around to your right past the three crocodiles to a pier underneath the bridge, on the E side of the central structure, and pull up. Kill the crocs and then jump back into the water and swim over to the N end of the lake. There's a low spot near the NE corner where you can pull out. Look to your left and be mindful of the deadly blue surface in the trench. Use the safe tiles to jump across to the W side, and follow the moss-covered ledge to the cavern wall. Locate the nearby ladder in the wall of the deep hole to your right and climb down until Lara is hanging by her fingernails. Release and immediately hit the action key again to grab the wall underneath the opening. Climb up and pull into the passage. Follow it around to the right and take a running jump and grab across the pit. Keep the jump key depressed so that you bounce off the slope onto a level surface in front of a ladder.

Climb up, shift left and drop down into an upper passage. Go around the corner and you'll see the first signs of advanced intelligence. Take a standing jump forward and grab the mesh above the alcove. Climb up into the darkness, and when you reach the top climb back down three rungs and take a rolling back flip to the ladder behind you. Climb up still more and back flip into a room with a checkered floor and a closed door at the S end. Climb up onto the ledge just to the left of the door and pull up through the ceiling hole into the upper N passage. Push the floor lever at the other end, then reverse roll and hop around the corner into the upper W passage. The door ahead opens automatically, so go inside and push the second floor lever to open the door down below. Go back down and enter the S doorway.

You can now choose either of two routes, either of which leads you in short order to where you want to be.

Wet route: Slide down into the water and swim through the passage into an underwater room with a grated ceiling. Continue through the SE opening, surface and pull out. Slide down the slope backwards and grab the edge. Drop down onto a block and safety drop to the floor.

Dry route: Take a running jump over the water and run up the ramp into a water-filled room. Ready your shotgun and jump over to the south ledge. Blast the skeleton there into the water. Another skeleton will be awakened on the far ledge. Wait until it jumps across toward you and blast it while still in mid-air. Take a running jump to the block where the second skeleton came from and jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing W and drop down onto the corner block. Enter the SW opening, slide down the slope backwards, grab the edge, release and allow Lara to drop down into a dark room.

Locate and push the face tile in the left wall of the large stone fireplace. A cut scene of the bridge shows a door opening.  Go to the opening in the E wall and dive into the lake. Swim ahead and to your left, and pull up onto the wooden pier. Vault up onto the ledge and go around to the S side of the bridge. Jump up to grab the edge of the well-disguised opening and pull up into it. Turn around and safety drop onto the block steps below. Descend into a lower room and use the ladder at the SW floor opening to reach a balcony area. Kill the SAS stationed on the other side of the room. While you're so distracted, another SAS will dart out of the NE corner and go looking for assistance. If you let him get away, you'll later have to deal with him and three more SAS, so try to kill him before he reaches the opposite side of the room.

Pick up the shotgun ammo apparently dropped by the first SAS and go down the stairs around the SE corner. Pick up the uzi ammo (not in v2) as you near the W landing, and take a standing jump and grab from there to the ledge ahead. Pull up, run forward and push the face tile. Hop down and continue down the stairs to the E and into the room below. There's a closed door at the SW corner, so enter the open SE doorway near the bottom of the stairs, crawl past the low ceiling and push the floor lever you'll find at the other end. The SW doorway is now open, so go there and shoot the SAS standing on the structure in the center of the room. Stop to pick up the small medi-pack he drops, then go through the SW doorway to the end of the short passage. Climb up into the opening on your right, and follow the wood-lined passage to a floor lever. Throw it and watch the cut scene showing that the area formerly kept dry by the dam has now been flooded.

Now you have to get back to the lake. Drop down from the passage into the lower room and find yourself being chased by two wraiths. Quickly cross the room and run back up the stairs. When you reach the second story, turn left and run along the balcony to the ladder in the NW corner. Climb it with maddening slowness as the wraiths nip at your heels. Pull up into the next room and the wraiths should then go away. Restore your health as necessary and pull up onto the central pillar. Pull up from there through the hole in the ceiling and climb the block steps. Finally, pull up into the S opening and jump into the lake (where the wraiths, if they continued to follow you, will be destroyed). You'll also encounter another crocodile in v2. Note in passing the closed door just above the water's surface in the S wall, and swim toward the dam at the NE corner of the lake. Go through the underwater opening into the recently flooded area and turn right. Surface and pull up in front of the now-open double doors. Run forward through the portal toward the next room and you'll be warped to the next level.



Run down the hallway and enter a large room.  You're treated to an elaborate flyby in v2.  A quick look around will reveal a central pool, a roaring fire in a huge fireplace and a closed door to the right of it.  Go up the stairs against the E wall and wind your way to the W wall. When you're about to turn the corner there, take a standing jump NE to the pillar and pick up the shotgun ammo. Jump back and continue up the stairs until you reach the second level. Ready the shotgun and blast the skeleton over the edge (not in v2). Here we have what I'll call a hub area, with openings to the north, south and east.

Starting with the E opening, run through the passage and emerge at a setting reminiscent of the Palace Midas level from TR1. However, this one's a little easier, as you have only three blocks with which to contend. Start next to the E wall and take a running jump to the near left corner of the first block, continue with a running jump to the next block as flames erupt behind you, then veer to the left and continue with a running jump to the third block and finally a running jump and grab to the far ledge (do all this in one fluid motion). Pull up and run forward to push the face tile (or a hard-to-see wall switch in v2). A cut scene shows that a wall torch has been lit at another location. If you should miss along the way and fall into the water, simply swim back and pull out at the NW corner and try again (noting the underwater door in the E wall). Turn around and run off into the water. The E door underwater is now open, but you have a long swim for nothing more than a small medi-pack at the end of the passage (shotgun ammo in v2). However, it can be done rather easily if you don't stop to look around on the way.

Swim back to the room with the burning blocks and pull out. Return to the hub area and go through the S opening. Note the face tile off to your left (these are wall switches in v2, but they perform the same function) and jump into the water. Swim across to the SW corner and go through the underwater passage. Swim up the shaft and pull up into a small room. Push the face tile (1 of 5) and jump back into the water. Swim to the middle of the E wall and pull up onto the ledge to your right. Turn around and jump to the ladder. Climb up until your head is at about the level of the bridge to your left and back flip to a ledge. You can turn around, climb up the next block and access some monkey bars in the ceiling. However, they lead to a door in the north wall that's closed at the moment, so there's really no point. Instead, angle slightly to the left and take a standing jump to the bridge.

You can see the glow of a face tile ahead, so walk to the north edge of the bridge and take a standing jump down to the ledge against the E wall. Run forward, pull up into the alcove and push the face tile (2 of 5). Reverse roll, hop down to the ledge and you can see another face tile hidden underneath the bridge. Hop down there and push it (3 of 5). Return to the ledge, face slightly SW and take a standing jump and grab to the bridge. Pull up and run to the W end. Turn left and note the opening in the S wall near the SW corner. (There's a wall crevice you could access from the monkey bars, but using it takes longer and isn't necessary.) Take a running jump there and look down S to see another face tile. Jump down there and push it (4 of 5). Return to the bridge (using the action key so as not to bump your head against the abutment when you jump) and go over to the N edge. You can see the glow of another face tile down in the NW corner. A running jump without grab will get you safely there. Push the tile (5 of 5), and you'll be rewarded with the sound of a nearby door opening.

Jump into the water and climb out onto the ledge at the E wall. Climb up the ladder, back flip to the block and climb up the next block. Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing over to the N wall. Release and go through the open doorway. Push yet another face tile (again, a wall switch in v2), and a cut scene shows a second wall torch having been lit. Dive into the water and pull out onto the N ledge. Run into the hub area and go across into the N passage. You'll come to a deep chasm with a closed door to your left. Stand at the edge, facing SE, and take a standing jump (or simply run off) to the slope below. Grab the edge as you slide down and shimmy to the left corner. Pull up, take a rolling back flip and grab the edge of the slope behind you.

Pull up, allow Lara to drop back, and hit the action key once you've cleared the edge. Your trajectory will change so that you land on the slope below. (You could shimmy to your left and drop to the crack in the wall, but you'd be facing forward when you dropped to the slope, making things more difficult for you.) Keep the action key depressed so that you grab the edge. Now here's the tricky part. Pull up and take a rolling back flip, but keep your finger off the action key until Lara's feet hit the slope. Otherwise you'll miss it and fall to your death. Grab the edge, shimmy to your right and around the corner, and release to drop onto a stable surface. Turn to face the S wall, hop back and grab the edge. Release and immediately hit the action key again to grab the crack in the wall. Repeat to grab the lower crack, and shimmy to your left and around the corner as far as you can go. Release, slide down and jump off the slope with a midair curve to the right. Hit the action key before you land, so that Lara will slide down the facing slope and grab the edge. Shimmy to your right to clear the burning floor below, and release.

Step up onto the ledge, get the small medi-pack in the SW corner, then go through the NE opening into the next room. Climb six blocks, then take a standing jump and grab W to the next block. Pull up and continue climbing blocks until you hear the sound of a door opening above you. Pull up one more time and deal with a skeleton before doing anything else (not in v2). Then push the face tile for a cut scene showing a third torch being lit. Return to the hub area (you'll encounter the skeleton here in v2) and go down the stairs to the first floor (or simply drop through the central hole into the water below for a short cut).

Go into the dark W doorway and light a flare. Walk forward until you reach the edge of what appears to be a deep pit. However, it's not that bad. Locate the ladder near the west wall and climb down to the room below. There are flares in the SE alcove in v2, and possibly in the first edition as well.  Locate the crawl space at the NE corner and crawl through until you can stand up. Push the face tile at the end of the passage, and you'll find that not only are the lights now on, but you've created some translucent floating blocks in the previous room. Climb the ladder and use the floating blocks to get across to the S ledge. Push the face tile (a wall switch in v2) there to light the fourth and final wall torch. The cut scene also shows a door opening in the same area.

Hop back across, using the translucent blocks, and return to the main room. The door to the right of the fireplace is now open, so go inside and push the floor lever. The grate in the SW corner of the pool in the main room has fallen away, so swim down into a nice little underwater maze. However, it's a piece of cake if you remember to keep to the left and make no right turns. There's an alcove to your left just before the end of the passage, where you swim up and surface in an underground lake. Swim into the open S passage and turn right. The water soon becomes shallow enough where you can start wading along the trench. When you approach the grate at the end, vault up onto the ledge to your left and push the face tile to start a minor earthquake. Return to the shaft where you swam up into the lake and swim back to the starting point of the maze (keeping to the right this time). Pull out of the central pool, noting the spike ball that has recently fallen near the W ledge, and run up the winding stairs.

After dealing with the skeleton at the top of the stairs, note the changes that have taken place on the second story. Climb to the top of the monolith, walk out to the SE corner facing east, and take a standing jump and grab to the higher ledge. Pull up and knock the awakened skeleton off the edge with a shotgun blast. Note the four wall torches you saw in the cut scenes, and enter the open E doorway. Follow the SE passage onto a ledge partially encircling a dark room with a shallow pool down at the bottom. Jump into the water and swim down the E side under the obstruction into a much larger lake area. Swim under the bridge ahead and pull up into the open doorway in the E wall. Follow the passage into a room with a HORSEMAN'S GEM (in v2 it's called a CELTIC STONE) on the central pedestal. When you pick it up, a cut scene shows you that the grate near that last face tile has lifted.

Go back to the lake, jump in and swim to the smaller pool W, where you can pull out at the SE corner. Go around the ledges and engage the skeleton you'll find on the N side (not in v2). The W wall is a disguised ladder, so climb up and back flip to the higher ledge. Walk out to the left corner of the section that juts out S over the pool, and take a running jump SE. Follow the ledge to the right and enter the SW passage. Return to the doorway under the four wall torches and simply run off the middle of the horseshoe ahead to drop a dizzying distance into the pool below. Swim down the shaft in the SW corner and follow the passage (keeping to the left, remember) back to the underground lake. Swim into the S passage and wade into the newly opened area. Pull up onto the ledge to your left, and follow it until you come to a ledge on your right that you can hop to.

Enter the new area to the E (a gate lifts as you approach in v2). Don't use the slope ahead, as there's a barbecue pit down below. Walk to the edge, turn around and angle slightly to the right, and side flip to the right so that you land on the waterfall sliding backwards. If you land on the stable ledge next to the waterfall, simply run off onto the waterfall so that you slide down backwards. Grab the edge, release and immediately hit the action key again to grab the crack in the wall, and shimmy to your right and around the corner. Release to drop into an alcove. Pick up the small medi-pack and push the face tile (a wall switch in v2). Drop into the water and allow the current to carry you to the other side of the lake. Swim into the NE opening (the one to your left), pull out and locate the floor lever in the room above. Throw it, swim back down and enter the opposite SE opening. Swim up, pull out and locate the N crawl space. Use it to find some shotgun ammo at the other end, then go back to the previous room and climb the blocks starting with the one in the W wall.

When you reach the top you'll find a ladder. Climb a few rungs from the top and back flip to a wooden ledge. Enter the SW opening and run off onto the gap in the floor so that Lara slides down to a flat surface overlooking the lake. Go ahead and jump into the water, and swim S and then E to the end of the canal (in v2 the canal ends S). The fire in the barbecue pit has gone out, so pull up safely and vault up to your right. (There's an elaborate procedure by which you can take a running jump and grab from the flat surface across the water to the other side, shimmy left to an alcove with a nonfunctioning face tile and a small medi-pack, and continue shimmying to the left and use the cracks in the wall to access the secret area as if the barbecue pit were still aflame, but there's no apparent need to go to all this trouble unless you just want that medi-pack.) Pick up the crossbow arrows and enter the open doorway for SECRET #5. Inside you'll find the CROSSBOW (not in v2) and some extra crossbow arrows.

Go back out and swim along the channel to the E end. Turn right into the SE opening and swim up to the place where you pulled out before. Climb the blocks again, climb the ladder and back flip to the wooden ledge. Slide back down to the flat surface and walk to the NW corner facing SE. Take a running jump to the next flat spot on the cliff, then a standing jump S to the next flat spot, and finally a standing jump S to the near ledge containing the waterfall. Take a standing jump SE over the water to a flat spot on the far ledge, and finally a standing jump SE to a paved opening in the wall. Go around to the left and pull up N into the opening. Take a standing jump and grab to the next block and pull up. Turn right and pull up into a dark passage. Climb up over one final block and hop down into a room with two large floor holes, one grated and the other open. Pick up the shotgun ammo between them if you care to use up most if not all of it dealing with two skeletons that are awakened in the process.

Go around the open floor hole and down the stairs in the W wall. In the room below are two more skeletons. After blasting them into the pool, jump into the water and swim through the S opening. Follow the passage until you can pull up into a small room with a face tile. This one works, so push it and swim back to the pool area. When you pull out you see that the NE doorway near the foot of the stairs is now open. Go inside and run down the stairs into a lower room where you see a floor lever ahead that's protected by sputtering blue electricity. Go past the small deadly pool and into the room to the right of the floor lever. You can pass freely through the blue curtain in the right corner (but not the one in the left corner). Go through the one on the right first and climb the blocks beyond until you reach a crawl space. Crawl through and lower Lara down the other side. Hop down into the small room below and push the floor lever.

Go back out and run through the blue curtain. The blue electricity has been turned off in the next room, so push the floor lever there to open a door nearby. Run past the deadly pool to the right and enter the W arched doorway. You're in a large sanctuary-like room with another deadly pool in the center. Run up toward the "altar." where you can see four Horseman's Gems (two in v2) on pedestals beneath the stained glass window. However, there's an invisible shield that prevents you from approaching the gems. In the alcoves to the left and right are receptacles for two pharos devices (only in the alcove to the right in v2).

Go into the leftmost opening in the N wall and pick up the shotgun ammo at the end of the passage. The other five openings in this room are covered with blue curtains, similar to the one in the previous room, that you can pass through as if they weren't there. Go across the room and enter the leftmost opening in the S wall for some flares. The middle S opening leads down to a grate, beyond which you can see a pharos device you can't get to. The rightmost S opening leads you up a winding ramp to a face tile you can push.  Do so.

Go back down and cross the room. Enter the middle opening in the N wall and go down and through the doorway you opened with the face tile and pick up the PHAROS PILLAR (called the ALBA KEY in v2). Return to the main floor and turn left. Enter the rightmost opening in the N wall and climb the ladder to your right. Continue up and emerge on a ledge overlooking the room below. Run toward the W end and turn so that you're squarely facing the pillar on the right that supports the ledge on the S side of the room. Take a running jump toward the pillar and grab an invisible block. Pull up, walk forward as far as you can, and take a running jump to the S ledge. Go into the open doorway on your right and pick up the second PHAROS PILLAR.  In v2 you find the REVOLVER for SECRET #6.

Go back to the ledge and safety drop to the floor. Apparently all you needed is one Pharos Pillar, since inserting one in either receptacle will cause the shield protecting the altar to vanish. Of course, in v2 there's only one receptacle.  However, it does make a difference which gem you select. If you take the one on the far left, you're set aflame. If you take the next one over, you release four wraiths. If you take the second one from the right, you release two skeletons and create an earthquake that reconfigures the room to the south in such a way that you can't get across to the exit door. So, the correct thing to do is pick up the HORSEMAN'S GEM from the pedestal on the far right. This causes the other pedestals to burst into flames, but no matter. In v2, it's much simpler.  There's an unmistakable clue on the floor, so take the CELTIC STONE from the pedestal on the left, causing the earthquake described earlier and releasing the wraiths. Reverse roll and run to the E exit.  Take a running jump SE over the deadly terrain without using the control key, and you should land safely on the checkered ramp.  Run up the stairs and into the next room.  Hop onto the block surrounded by water, and the wraiths will self-destruct against the nearby bird statue.  Go back down the stairs, taking a running jump NE (again without using the control key) to land inside the E doorway and continue as described below.

Exit the sanctuary through the arched doorway, run around the deadly pool and insert your two Horseman's Gems in the wall receptacles beyond the far arched doorway. The large door E opens, so go inside and emerge at the upper tier of a very deep room. The surrounding ledges are uneven and have broken away in spots, so you need to watch your step up here. Go around to the right and walk as far E as you can. Take a slightly angled running jump to your right to land inside the S passage. Run inside the next room and awaken two skeletons. It's an easy matter to blast them into the central pool. Once you've done so, jump into the water and locate the crossbow arrows (not in v2) and shotgun ammo at the bottom of the pool. Pull out of the water and note the closed door in the S wall.

Return to the N end of the passage and take a standing jump to the triangular ledge ahead. Lara's attention is drawn to the N archway in v2. Around to your right is another closed door with a nearby receptacle for a pharos device. Let's see now, we still have that leftover Pharos Pillar (not in v2, of course) from the previous room... No such luck. You can now try to take a running jump NW to the next ledge, but you won't make it. Rather, you'll land on a mound of dirt below and slide down unhurt to the N wall.


At this point, gameplay is substantially different in v2 because of the terrain-altering earthquake that you avoided in the original version.  If you're playing v2, skip down six paragraphs and resume.


So instead, go around this tier in a clockwise direction by taking a running jump back to the W ledge. Enter the passage in the W wall, go up the ramp and you'll come to an opening overlooking the deep pit below. Turn around, hop back and grab the wall, and shimmy to your right until you can pull up. Go around to your right and you'll see a closed door in the passage to your right. Enter the S passage, turn left and pull up into a crawl space. There seems to be absolutely nothing of interest here, so go back out and into the W passage where you saw the closed door, and you'll come to some steps that will bring you back to the uppermost tier (for later).

Go back to the N opening where you pulled up, and jump down to your left (the ground directly below is unstable and will send you sliding down to your death) to land safely on a pathway. Turn around and follow the pathway under the ledge, and go into the opening on your right. Crawl through and take the passage to your right. When you can stand up, run down the passage and push the floor lever (1 of 5) in the small torch-lit room. Go back to the crawl space and turn right again. Hop down into a little trench and push the next floor lever (2 of 5). You hear the sound of a nearby door opening, so pull out and follow the crawl space west until you can stand up. Walk out to the north edge of the ledge and turn right, and you can see the doorway you just opened. Get there with a slightly angled running jump east and go inside. Follow the passage around to your left and up a ramp. Push the floor lever at the end (3 of 5) and go back the other way. When you reach the S end of the passage, pull up into a dark crawl space and lower Lara down the other side. Reverse roll and hop over the deadly pit. Climb up onto the block ahead for a small medi-pack.

Go back outside and walk forward to the W edge. Take an angled running jump back across to the ledge from which you jumped earlier, and run forward to the W wall. Turn right, go up the hill a short distance and turn around. It's possible to reach the S opening above with a running jump and grab, so do so and pull up. Go around to the right and you'll find that the door that was closed earlier is now open. Go inside and push the floor lever (4 of 5) to open a door in the E wall outside. Leave this room and go to the edge of the N opening. Turn around, hop back and grab the edge, then shimmy left a short distance and pull up into the opening. Follow the interior passage around to the E wall and pull up into the opening. Push the floor lever at the end of the short passage (5 of 5).

Drop down to the ledge below and return the way you came, making a clockwise circuit. Use the crack in the wall to shimmy back to your right. Pull up into the opening and make a horseshoe turn to the right. Run N up the stairs you noted earlier. When you reach the top step, turn around and jump up to grab the flooring above. Pull up and turn to your left. Look up to see an overhead opening. Take an angled standing jump and grab to the edge and pull up into the opening. Step forward and take a running jump to the ledge below. Turn left into the N passage and look for the CROWBAR lying on the floor to the right of the ramp. Run up the ramp and when you start heading south, pull up onto the ledge to your left and push the column forward. Then pull it back, go to the other side and push it the other way. The nearby door then opens, so go inside for SECRET #6 and pick up the small medi-pack and shotgun ammo.

Continue up the ramp through the open doorway. As you enter the next area, the door closes rudely behind you and a skeleton is awakened ahead. Knock it into the water with a couple of shotgun blasts, then continue N and behind the computer banks to locate a floor lever. Push it to flood the previous room and drastically lower the water level here, then go back around, knock another skeleton into the water if you're feeling nasty, and jump into the water. Swim through the opening in the S wall into the larger area you explored earlier, and dive down to locate the open doorway in the S wall. Follow the passage to the end and pick up the PHAROS PILLAR.

Go out, surface for air and climb out onto the E ledge. Insert the Pharos Knot in the receptacle and the large door will lift open. Go inside and listen to Lara's theme music. At the E end of the room you'll find a GOLDEN STAR on the wall to your right. Pry it off with your crowbar, but refrain from climbing the ladder in the S wall, as this will take you prematurely to Part 5. As a warning, there's no need for you to return to the S room, but if you were to do so you would find that the doorway at the far end is now open. This route takes you back to Part 2, but you're not ready to do that now, so stay away and avoid a stuck situation. Instead, jump into the large flooded room and swim down to the hole at the bottom. Follow the passage a short distance and you'll hit the warp trigger.

v2 continues:


Safety drop from the ledge near the torch in the N wall, and you'll land on a lower ledge.  Walk along this ledge in a counterclockwise direction, hop down to your left after you've passed the long mound of dirt and watch out for the deadly pit as you continue S.  When you reach the opening in the S wall, go inside and find a crawl space.  Crawl straight forward (passing an opening on your right), and when you can stand up hop down to your right.  Push the floor lever (1st of 5) to open a door nearby.  Pull out, use the crawl space again and this time take that turn to the left that you bypassed earlier.  Go down the passage into a torch-lit room and push the floor lever there (2nd of 5).  


Return to the crawl space and go out to your left, where you entered this area.  Step out to the edge of the pit and take a running jump NE to reach the open doorway in the E wall.  Go inside and follow the long passage to the next floor lever (3rd of 5).  Retrace your steps and locate the crawl space higher up in the S wall.  Pull up into it, drop down the other side, turn around and jump over the pit.  Pull up for a small medi-pack and exit this area the way you came (or you can use the overhead monkey bars if you prefer).  Go out to the ledge overlooking the pit, go through the N opening and follow the passage (parallel to the one you used earlier) until you near the W wall.  Turn to your right and pull up onto the higher N ledge.  Go around the ledge in a clockwise direction and turn to your right into an opening as you near the S wall.


Go up the slight ramp and come to an opening.  Turn around so your back is to the pit, drop back and grab the edge, and shimmy to your right along the crack until you can pull up.  Run forward and turn right (unless you wish first to use the crawl space to your left for another small medi-pack).  Go down into the small SW room and push the floor lever (4th of 5).  Exit and go N up the dirt steps. At the top step, turn around to face S.  Jump up to grab the hole in the ceiling and pull up onto the higher checkered floor.  Go over to the E end and repeat that long running jump SE to land inside the S doorway.  Jump over to the triangular ledge N, safety drop from the area near the wall torch, and see that the door high up in the E wall is now open.  Pull up inside the opening and push the floor lever around the corner (5th of 5).


Hop back down to the ledge and follow it in a counterclockwise direction as you did earlier (being mindful of the pit

against the W wall).  At the point where the ledge slopes downward near the S wall, face slightly SE and take a standing jump and grab to the opening to the right of the shimmy crack you used earlier.  Pull up and loop around to your right.  Run N up the stairs again and pull up through the hole in the ceiling.  Turn around there and you can see an opening higher up in the E wall.  Take a slightly angled standing jump and grab the edge.  Pull up into the opening, walk out to the E edge and take a running jump to the checkered ledge down below.  Turn left into the N opening and run up the ramp until you reach a moveable column near a closed door.  Push the column once N, pull it back, go around to the other side and push it once S.  The door opens, so go inside for SECRET #7 and find a small medi-pack along with some shotgun ammo.


Exit this room and continue up the ramp.  Enter a water-filled room with a wooden bridge leading to a computer bank.  The door closes behind you to prevent escape while a skeleton ahead is awakened.  Blast it into the water, then go behind the computer back to push a floor lever.  Go back around and dispose of a second skeleton, then look around to find that the water level has been drastically lowered.  Jump into the water and locate a hard-to-see opening in the S wall where the white paint meets the dirt.  Swim inside and emerge in an area you explored earlier before it was flooded.


Note the square hole in the floor, but first swim into the open S doorway just above it and follow the passage to the CALEDONIAN KEY.   Go back out and surface at the E side of the pit.  Pull up onto the ledge there and run forward to insert the Caledonian Key in the pharos receptacle.  The large door to your left opens, so run up the ramp into the next room and take the FIRE STONE from the pedestal.  A cut scene shows that hole at the bottom of the pit, so return to the water and swim down there.  As you head along the passage you'll hit a warp trigger.


PART 1 (THE AQUEDUCT), revisited

Swim forward into a familiar area and surface. Swim across to the NW corner and pull out onto the W ledge. There you'll see a receptacle for the Golden Star (or Fire Stone in v2). (Yes, I know I didn't say anything about it earlier, and this was because I didn't want you to waste needless time worrying about the location of that artifact.) Insert it to open the nearby door, then step inside and slide down the slope into another warp trigger.



Run up the stairs into your new playground. The centerpiece of this room is the caged Mechanical Beetle (it's a different artifact in v2) that now becomes the focus of your quest. To claim it you must first acquire eight other artifacts, two each of the following: Golden Star, Horseman's Gem, Music Scroll and Pharos Pillar (although you still have that leftover one). Let's get started by going up the stairs in the NW opening. Enter a chapel, where you'll find a closed door at the far end and a nearby E passage that's blocked by a closed door. Therefore, you're forced to use the W passage near the entrance. Turn the corner and you'll hear the sound of activated spikes. Jump over the spike pit and continue down the ramp. Refrain from pushing the face tile, as that's for later. Turn around at the face tile and climb down the ladder in the deep shaft. Don't carry a flare with you. When you get to the gap and are dangling by your fingertips, release and hit the action key immediately to grab the opening below. Pull up and run forward into SECRET #7. Pull up onto the block and pick up the GRENADE GUN, then turn to your left and hop into the S passage.

Follow the ramp up and get the ammo (the UZIS and some uzi ammo in v2) for your grenade gun. Reverse roll and return to the secret area. Hop onto the block, turn to your left and jump up to grab the W crawl space. When you can stand up, run up the ramp and pull up into the crawl space on your right. Stand up, pull up into the opening on your right and run down the ramp to that face tile. Now is the time to push it, but hop back immediately after doing so to avoid the spike ball. The door behind you opens, so turn around and enter a small room with a large column. Push the face tile in the NW corner to open a distant door, and head back up the ramp W (the spikes are now gone).  There’s a crawl space in the spike pit that leads back to the secret area where you found the Grenade Gun, which the builder has graciously provided in case you had happened to push the face tile prematurely.

The E doorway in the chapel is now open, so go inside and follow the ramp up to a ledge overlooking the chapel. There's nothing here but receptacles in the north wall for the Golden Stars (gems in v2), neither of which you yet have, so go back down and exit the chapel S. From the main room, run up the stairs in the SW opening and you'll come to the library. Receptacles for the Music Scrolls are in alcoves in the N and S sides of the first room. Continue W and go through the arched doorways into a small room with three openings. Turn right and enter the E opening. Run up the ramp into a small wing of the library. There's a very much out of place tomb there you can raid, but it's empty (a small medi-pack has been provided in v2). Climb the shelf beneath the N alcove and pull up into it (it's low enough in v2 simply to jump, grab and pull up). Turn around and use the monkey bars to swing across to the other side. Release and grab the edge, and pull up into the crawl space.

If you continue around to the right, you just return to where you came from, so stand up and walk out to the S opening. Take a running jump with grab into the opening in the next shelf, then another to the opening in the wall, and hop down S into a larger room. Raid the tomb on your left for some flares. However, someone's been here before you and raided the other tomb already. Go to the pole near the back of the room and stand in front of it facing S. Climb up eight rungs and back flip to the central pillar, where you'll find a second pole. Climb it as well, and when you get high enough take a back flip to the nearer ledge N. Now is a good time to try out that grenade gun, as two skeletons have been awakened over on the far ledge S.

After order has been restored, take a running jump over to the S ledge and from there take a standing jump with grab to land in the S opening. Run forward and push the face tile (a wall switch in v2). The door to your right remains closed, so reverse roll and go the other way over the ledges to jump into the N opening. There's another face tile in there, around the corner, and guess what pushing it does. Sure enough, when you return to the S opening you find that the doorway on the right is now open. Go inside and follow the passage, and you soon come to a slope that provides no clue at all as to what lies beyond it. Have faith and take a standing jump over the slope. You'll fall a long distance into a pool of water. Pull out on the S ledge and go up the stairs to the N wall. Pry off the GOLDEN STAR at the top (there's a pedestal with a FIRE STONE in v2) and jump back into the water.

You're in for a fairly long swim. Begin by entering the NW passage and wind your way along until you can pull out. Run forward and find that you've returned to the room with the three-way intersection in the library. Turn left and run into the N opening. Follow the passage to a hole with a ladder in the shaft. Climb down and drop down onto a block. Hop down to the floor and find that you're in a hub with four connecting rooms containing a glass-protected pickup. It's best to save your game here, because random exploration can leave you stuck with no way out. I'm not sure what's going on in this area (you can hear doors opening and shutting in the distance as you progress), but here's what worked for me (and since this area has been completely revamped in v2, skip down to the next paragraph if you're playing that version):

Start by going down the N passage. When you step on the wooden tile at the entrance the door to your right opens. Note that the glass cage ahead is protecting some shotgun ammo. Go into the open E doorway and follow the passage around the corner to a crawl space at floor level. Crawl inside and push the face tile. Return to the passage and repeat the procedure just described (stepping on the wooden tile, etc.), working your way around the rooms in a clockwise direction (you may make the circuit more than once) until you finally come to a room where the glass cage has disappeared. Pick up the revealed item and repeat the process until finally you've gathered some flares, some shotgun ammo, a small medi-pack and the HORSEMAN'S GEM. I was not able to make it all happen the same way twice, so apparently there's a random effect in operation here (or maybe the technique in v2, described in the next paragraph, works here as well;  I didn't load the original version to check), but as long as you keep moving clockwise, or use the hub passages, you won't make a fatal mistake. (I found that if you're fortunate enough to pick up the Horseman's Gem first, all the cages surrounding the other items then disappear.) It's when you start backtracking by going to your left that you experience serious problems (such as the hub passages being blocked off and the wooden tiles ceasing to open the doors).


The following paragraph applies only to v2:


Start by going down the N passage.  When you step on the wooden tile at the entrance the door to your right opens.  Note that the wire cage ahead is protecting a floor lever.  Go into the open E doorway, follow the passage and stop just after you've rounded the corner (you'll hear another door opening somewhere).  Walk slowly forward until you're even with the closed gate to your right, but don't go beyond it.  You'll experience a mild shaking, so turn around in place and go back to the previous room.  The cage there has lowered, so push the floor lever.  Follow the E passage again, this time going past the closed gate (you hear the sound of a door slamming shut somewhere) and into the next room.  The gate behind you also slams shut, but ignore that while noting the nearby caged floor lever, and step on the wooden tile in front of the W passage.  A gate opens S, so go there and run down the passage (you again hear the sound of a door opening).  Turn right at the bend and walk forward slowly.  When your screen starts shaking, turn around in place and run back to the previous room.  The second floor lever is now unprotected, so push it.  Return to the S passage and this time follow into the next room (two gates slam shut as before).  Step on the wooden tile in front of the N passage to open the W gate to your left.  You know the drill by now;  when your screen starts shaking, go back to the previous room and push the third floor lever.  Return to the W passage and follow it into the next room.  Here the cage protects a burning artifact, but follow the same procedure as before and return to the room to find that the cage has been lowered but the artifact is still engulfed in flames.  So return to the N passage and follow it into the next room (where you've already been).  Step on the wooden tile to open the E gate, go inside and around the corner to find that the gate to your right is now open.  Go inside and push the face tile.  Exit to the passage, turn to your right and repeat the laborious process in a clockwise direction until you reach the room with the protected artifact.  Step on the wooden tile to open the N gate, go forward until your screen shakes, return and pick up the CELTIC STONE.  Whew!  You're not out of the woods yet, however.  If you now step on that row of ornate tiles in front of the wooden tile in this room, you'll cause a block to rise in the E passage, preventing you from exiting this area.  Give those ornate tiles a wide berth (it's okay, however, to step on the wooden tile itself) as you return to the hub room.

When you've collected everything (the gem only in v2), return to the hub room and climb up onto the block. Climb up the W ladder and run through the passage to the room in the library with the three-way intersection. Continue forward through the arched doorways, turn left and run through the library and back to the main room. Now it's time to take the SE opening into a room that looks much like the chapel you visited previously. In the intersecting passage at the far end of the room you'll find a face tile at either end (wall switches in v2). When you push the second one, two spike balls are released from the ceiling and create havoc in the room you just crossed. Unfortunately, the flare bug kicks in at this point (not in v2). What's more, when you step down from the threshold, two fire wraiths are released, so you have little time to appraise the situation. It would be best to save your game before proceeding.  The wraiths don't appear at this point in v2, so you can take your time and follow the ledge along the W wall.  Take a running jump NE from the edge, down to the flat pillar, and now the wraiths appear.

Take a running jump into the pit. You'll land on a sloped pillar. Slide a short distance and jump off toward the pillar slightly to your left. A course correction in midair may be necessary. When you land, angle to the left and take standing jump toward the corner. You'll land on a lower block. Turn to the left, and from a point near the edge take a standing jump down to a still lower block. From here you need to take a running jump W to the next block, and finally a standing jump to the top of the stone wall. Now take a running jump into the dark NW corner (being careful not to bump your head on the low ceiling to your right), and you'll fall down a hole into some much-needed water (if you've been set aflame by that time).  The wraiths will follow and will be extinguished.

In the underwater area you're confronted with more decisions. Swim into the triangular passage in the N wall, swing around to the left and pick up the PHAROS PILLAR (the ALBA KEY in v2). The instant you do, two ice wraiths are released, so flip turn and swim back out to the connecting room. Turn right and enter the W passage. Swim forward and zigzag to the left to continue W. Swim up the long winding shaft, take the N fork when you reach an intersection, and pull up into a room where the trailing ice wraiths will self-destruct on the bird statue. You can see an open door leading past one of the music scroll stands into the library, but don't go there or the door will close behind you. Jump back into the water, swim down the first part of the shaft, and when you reach the second part, continue S and follow to a very similar room with a floor lever instead of a bird statue.


Save your game here, as the floor lever introduces a timed sequence.  Push the lever and hit the look key to restore camera control as a cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere.  Reverse roll and jump into the water hole at the SE corner of the room.  Swim down and turn right, then left, then left again and over the hole, then right and right again and up the shaft.  Pull out to your right into the room with the bird statue, run forward and to your right to exit this room past the pedestal into the library (the door closes behind you) and turn right.  Use the sprint key as you run E into the main room.  Continue across and turn right into the SE opening.  In the reconfigured room, run to your left past the flaming trash can and pull up onto the block to your left.  Ignore for now the medi-pack and turn to your right.  Pull up onto the wooden walkway.  Run forward through the open doorway for SECRET #8 and pick up the revolver ammo.


Hop back several times (noting the receptacle for a Horseman’s Gem at the end of the walkway in the S wall), drop down to the ledge below and now enter the alcove to your left to pick up the large medi-pack. Hop down and go toward the other block. This one's a little trickier, but there's a small ledge in the W wall you can jump to to avoid the flames. Climb the block, enter the alcove and claim the second GOLDEN STAR (in v2, it's a second FIRE STONE on a pedestal). On the way out, pull up W to the higher ledge and note the receptacle for a second Horseman's Gem.

Go back down (the E side is less hazardous) and return to the main room. Go to the chapel via the NW entrance and follow the E passage up to the second story ledge. Insert the two Golden Stars (or Fire Stones in v2) in their S receptacles and turn around to leave. As you face the N ramp to go back down, look up in the SE corner and note the opening. Face N and jump up to grab the crawl space (a full opening in v2). Pull into it, crawl a short distance and stand up. When you reach the intersection, turn to face slightly left and hop forward onto the ramp to trigger the spike ball. Hop back immediately so it doesn't bowl you over, then continue N up the ramp. You'll emerge at a loft high up in the chapel.

Take a running jump N to the first rope, then when Lara stops swinging turn to the left until you're lined up with the second rope. Swing forward, jump off and grab the second rope. Turn to your right so you're facing due N again, then swing forward and jump off to land on the balcony. Run into the NW opening and follow the passage to a slope. Slide down into the water, climb out and take the shotgun ammo and small medi-pack from the pedestals in the NE and SE corners. Note the Music Scroll beyond your reach behind the iron bars in the W wall. Then jump back into the water and swim down the shaft. Follow the S passage (the others lead to dead ends) and swim up the shaft at the end. Pull up into the small room and take the MUSIC SCROLL (renamed BARD'S SCROLL for some reason in v2) from the pedestal. A door opens in the previous room, so swim back there, pull out and enter the NW doorway.

Follow the passage down the ramp, and just before you go through the next doorway turn to your left and push the face tile in the alcove. Now step forward through the doorway, and a flyby takes you through a most unholy sanctuary where a skeleton is awakened and you see the other Pharos Pillar on the sill of a stained glass window. By the time camera control is restored the skeleton is already upon you, so draw your grenade gun and blow it away. Go inside and raid the middle tomb (facing N) for some extra ammo for your grenade gun.

You'll search in vain for a way to reach that stained glass window here. Instead, go up the S stairs into the chapel and turn left into the east passage. Go up the ramp to the landing and pull up into the crawl space (or opening in v2) you used not long ago. Run up the ramp to the area where you jumped to the rope, and this time look for a crawl space in the dark SW corner. Crawl inside and turn right. Stand up on a ledge overlooking the sanctuary. Turn around and safety drop to a wooden ledge, losing a little health in the process. Walk to the S edge and face SE. Take a running jump and grab to the window (a simple standing jump gets you there in v2) on the right. Shimmy to the left and pull up into the alcove where you saw the PHAROS PILLAR. Pick it up and listen for two fire wraiths headed in your direction. Turn around and take an angled running jump to the wooden ledge to your right. Run NE off the right edge onto the window slope and slide down near the floor.

Run to the NW opening and up the ramp to the water hole for some instant relief. When the coast is clear, go back down, leave the sanctuary and the temple S, and return to the main room. Enter the NE opening (in the E wall) for a new set of tasks. There's a central pool with the second Horseman's Gem down at the bottom. However, the pool is filled with a deadly green fluid, so you need to find a way either to drain it or purify it. There are floor holes on either side of the shelves of pots and jars in the NW, NE and SE corners. Hop down into the NE and SE corner holes and push the face tiles (one on each side) you'll find there. Then pull out and climb down the ladder into the NW hole. The door at the bottom is now open, so go inside and you'll find yourself in a room with more pots and jars. Shoot the jar on the tile in the center of the room, and you'll hear the sound of a door opening as an ice wraith is released (in v2, you just approach the pedestal, running over a wooden tile, to release the wraith). Quickly run N and pull up onto the ledge and turn right. Run toward the presently inaccessible face tile (a wall switch in v2) and jump into the water. The current will carry you a fair distance until you can pull out into a small room with wooden flooring.

Head through the S passage into the next room. A door closes behind you while an earthquake causes some configuration changes in the area. Run out, turn left and you can see the same face tile (wall switch in v2) you saw earlier in the distance. However, the water you jumped into to escape the wraith has now frozen over (if it hasn’t, go through the same circuit one more time), so walk out and push the face tile to open a gate elsewhere. Go out and hop down into the room below and through the S passage (the door re-opens for you in v2). Climb the ladder and return to the green pool room. Hop down into the NE floor hole and you'll find that the door to the E is now open. Run up the stairs and come to a hub room with two openings and a floor lever. Push it to open a door in the green pool room, then go up the W passage (the other one leads to a dead end) and step out through the open doorway onto an upper ledge. Turn around and insert a Pharos Pillar (or Alba Key in v2) in each receptacle. You'll experience a minor earthquake (not in v2) with an uncertain result, so hop back and safety drop to the floor below.

Climb down the NW hole, reverse roll and run into the next room. Stand on the central wooden tile, turn left and take a standing jump and grab to the second shelf. Pull up and enter the open doorway. Go up the winding stairs into an upper room, and continue through the NE opening to push a floor lever. Go back downstairs to the shelf and take a running jump and grab E to the shelf on the other side of the room. Pull up and enter the open doorway. Go down the stairs into a small lava room with four face tiles. Push three of them in the following sequence: SE, NW and SW. Leave the fourth one in the NE corner alone, as pushing it will set you aflame. Go back upstairs and hop down to the floor. Exit this area through the S passage and climb the ladder into the next room.

The pool has been drained, so hop down and pick up the second HORSEMAN'S GEM (or CELTIC STONE in v2). You hear the sound of a nearby door opening, so pull out of the pool and hop down into the NE floor hole. Run E up the stairs and follow until you reach the ledge where you inserted the Pharos Pillars. Take a running jump NW to the third shelf against the N wall and enter the open doorway. Run up the ramp into a room with four moveable columns. They need to be pulled and pushed onto the lighter squares surrounding a similar square in the center of the room. When you've accomplished that tedious bit of work, you hear the sound of a door opening. Vault up onto the block in the NE corner and push the floor lever at the end of the short passage.

Go back out and you'll find that the lighter squares in the previous room have all been raised. Climb up on the central one and pull up into the upper room. Pick up the second MUSIC SCROLL and go back down to the previous room. Exit via the S passage and safety drop down (releasing and grabbing on the way to ensure no loss of health) to the floor of the green (formerly) pool room. Return to the main room and go to the library through the SW passage. Insert the Music Scrolls in the alcove receptacles to your left and right. You experience a minor earthquake. Go back to the main room and enter the reconfigured room through the SE passage. Carefully go around the flaming waste basket on your left and climb up onto the block. Take a standing jump and grab W to the ledge and pull up. Insert the Horseman's Gems (or Celtic Stones in v2) in the receptacles on either side, and a flyby shows you that the cage around the Mechanical Scarab has been lowered, while at the same time two skeletons have been raised.

Arm yourself with an explosive weapon and make your way carefully down to the floor, being mindful of the flaming waste baskets. Eliminate the skeletons that are awaiting you, and go to the main room for that hard-earned MECHANICAL SCARAB (the RAMPARTS THISTLE in v2). When you pick it up you hear the faint sound of a door opening. You may have earlier tried out those holes at the corner, and you may now be curious if there's been any change. There has been. They're now spiked, so don't bother. Go to the new doorway that's opened up on the right side of the S wall. Go up the ramp, step up at an angle onto the ramp to your right, and hop back into the passage to avoid the spike ball (not in v2). Continue up the ramp, and when you reach the top, slide down the slope into Part 3 for some unfinished business.

PART 3 (THE DUNGEONS), revisited

v2 is much briefer here.  Simply run forward and take the GOLD KEY from the pedesal.  The door opens behind you.  Enter and slide down the slope to your left.  In the room down below, run past the computers on your left and drop through the hole in the far corner to land in some water.  Swim through the S opening into the larger pool and bear to your left and up.  Pull up into the SE passage and run forward into the room with the small pool.  Just beyond it is the receptacle for the Gold Key.  Insert it to open the large door.  Enter to be taken back to Part 2 (The Dam). 

Step into the torch-lit room and you'll immediately attract a horde of beetles. Hop or climb onto the block to your right and push the face tile. The block to your left has some shotgun ammo if you have the time and inclination. Run to the far left corner, hop onto the block and push the face tile. You'll hear the sound of a door opening. The nearby block has a small medi-pack, which you may be needing by this time. The crawl space in the N wall leads to some crossbow arrows and SECRET #9. The best thing about it is, if you get down there and back alive, the beetles won't follow you back up. (By the way, the flare bug has also been vanquished, at least for the moment.)

Crawl out and enter the open doorway in the S wall. Slide down the slope into a computer room and pull up to your immediate left. Go down the passage and take a running jump and grab across the gap (the floor down there is deadly throughout). Pull up on the other side, run forward and take another running jump and grab N. Pull up and run down the companion passage and continue in the same vein until you reach the E wall. Hop down to your left where the floor is safe and push the floor lever to turn off the blue sparks, neutralize the deadly floor and open a trap door back at the SE corner. Wind your way along the computer banks and jump into the water. (You may land on the wooden ledge below; if so, simply run off and drop down into the water.)

Swim through the tunnel in the S wall into the larger flooded room. Swim ahead and slightly to your left, then surface and pull up into the opening in the S wall. Run forward around the central pool and into the open S doorway.


Part 2 (THE DAM), revisited

There's a closed door in the passage behind you. Go down the W passage and light a flare. As you run down the ramp you'll trigger two spike balls behind you, so jump off near the bottom to a ledge either to your right or your left. When the spike balls have rolled by, jump over to the W side and continue into the next room. Push the face tile to open a nearby door, then continue down the passage to the opened doorway that overlooks a familiar lake. Jump in and swim forward past the central structure. Locate the large floor hole NW of the central structure. Swim down and find yourself in an underwater maze. Your primary goal is to locate and push three face tiles. Along the way you'll also be able to access a secret.

As you enter the maze, take the first left. Swim down a short distance, keeping to your left, and look up to see a strange shimmering surface with an orange tint. It's safe to surface there. Pull out on the W side and follow the long passage, passing a closed door, until you reach a face tile (1 of 3). Push it, reverse roll and jump back into the water (you can see the second and third face tiles to your right and left).  Swim SW and up, and pull out NE.  Run forward and push the face tile (2 of 3).  Reverse roll, jump back into the water, swim SE and up, and pull out N.  Push the face tile to your right (3 of 3), and you'll hear the faint sound of a door opening.  Jump back into the water and make a hairpin turn to the right.  Pull up W (you've been here before) and follow the long passage until you reach the doorway you just opened.  Go inside for SECRET #10 and pick up the flares and revolver ammo.

Go back along the passage and jump into the water.  The exit to the maze is in the NW corner (the water there has no orange tint). Pull out there, climb up onto the ledge ahead, turn around and take a standing jump and grab to the ladder. Climb up and pull up into a dark upper passage. Turn around, light a flare and take a running jump W over the gap. (Going the other way takes you back to the lake.) Run forward and you'll come to a pair of closed doors ahead and a passage leading to your left.  (The passage to your right leads to a closed door.)  Follow the passage and you'll come to an underground room with an empty pool (or maybe it isn’t, but it makes no difference in either event) and a spike gauntlet off to your right.

Gingerly make your way up the W slope past the spikes, triggering a total of eight spike balls (four waves of two each). You may wish to save after each pair. When you reach the top, you see a closed door to your left.   Go back down the slope E and stand on the W edge of the pool (nearest the spikes) facing W.  This spot is a silent trigger for the timed door you saw up the slope, so sprint back up the W slope past the spikes.  Turn left into the opening just before the door begins to close.  Pull up onto the S ledge and push the face tile.  Hop backwards and drop back into the passage, exit this room and go down the E slope past the spikes.   When you reach the pool, turn left and enter the N passage.  Continue across to that door that was closed earlier.  It’s now open, so enter for SECRET #11.  Explore the long passage W for the REVOLVER and some revolver ammo in a cramped alcove at the far end.


Return to the pool area S and turn right to go up the spike ramp one more time.  Walk down the sloped surface to your right (N) and jump to the ladder. Climb up until you see the opening to your right, then shift right and around the corner and drop down into the short passage. Drop down into a lower passage E and use the crawl space to reach a face tile. When you push it, two ice wraiths are released, so beat a hasty retreat back up and jump down into the water. Climb out onto the ledge in the NE corner and take a running jump to the sloped pillar in the middle of the water. Face N and take a standing jump to the ledge. Pull up, turn to your right and run toward the bird statue. You know what happens next.

Run off the ledge (the ladder in the NW alcove leads only to previously explored territory) back to the sloped block in the water, and take a slightly angled running jump E to the ladder. Climb up, pull up and you can see an artifact on a pedestal off in the distance. Jump into the water and you'll be grabbed by a strong current. Fight your way to the N side of the central building (it's easiest to go around counterclockwise) and fight your way into the opening there. Once you get inside the strong current is gone, so you can swim up for air. Pull out of the water and climb up onto the nearby block. From there, grab the ladder W and climb up to the top. Pull out and take the WINDING KEY (another RAMPARTS THISTLE in v2) from the pedestal. Draw that grenade gun, as four skeletons are all coming your way (but not in v2).


In v2, the doors S open when you pick up the Ramparts Thistle.  Go down and take the LASER SIGHT and the REVOLVER from the pedestal, causing the next door S to open.  Then you can follow the next paragraph for the secret, or exit as you wish.


Go down the E walkway, but don’t enter the open doorway yet (which isn't open in v2).  Stand facing the entrance on the right side, hop back twice and turn to face SE.  Take a standing jump toward the E wall, slide down and grab the edge.  Shimmy to the left and under the walkway until you reach an opening, pull up and run forward to the edge of a barbecue pit.  Save your game here, as the jump across is tricky.  The way I did it was to angle slightly to the right, with a slight midair curve to the left, where I made the grab safely.  Harry Laudie made it with a straight running jump and grab, holding down the action key the whole time. Pull up onto the far ledge for SECRET #12 and pick up the large medipack.  The jump back is just as tricky, so save again before trying.  Once again, an angled jump from left to right, with a course correction to the left in midair, got me across safely.  And guess what, DOZY isn't disabled in v2.  Pull up and run forward to fall into the water.  Fight the strong current to swim through the square opening in the N face of the green structure, locate the air hole and pull out, climb the blocks and use the ladder to return to the spot where you picked up the Winding Key.  Go down the E walkway, and this time enter the open doorway (it isn't open in v2, which means you must exit via the S doorway). Walk forward and take a running jump across the gap. Continue E and jump over a spike pit lurking in the darkness. When you come to the lake, jump in and swim to the S side. There's a dark opening to the right of the torch-lit barred section, where you can pull up. Do so and follow the passage past a face tile, hop around the lava pit ahead and run up the E ramp and around the corner for one final piece of unfinished business.

PART 3, revisited

In v2, you appear back in Part 1 (The Aqueduct) and not Part 3.  Follow the passage (you hear a door opening ahead), jump into the lake and swim NE until you can pull out into an opening.  Follow the passage until you run into a warp trigger.


Run around the central pool and out to the flooded room. Take a running jump to the ledge ahead and run up the E ramp to your right. Climb the ladder at the far end, pull up, follow the passage and prepare yourself for the final leg of your adventure.


Run along the passage as howling winds and rumbling thunder greet you. As you turn the corner you see the first human enemy you've encountered in a long time. Draw your favorite weapon and eliminate the SAS, then continue to the opening on your right and deal with a second SAS.  Before going into the next area in v2, take the revolver ammo from the pedestal in the corner ahead.  Along the passage to your left is a lake area that's fenced in. However, there's a door at the far end in the SW corner to provide access once you find out how to open it. Don't venture too far into the opposite open area, as there's a sentry gun poised on the wall above you as you enter. There's another one in an alcove to the right in the E wall. Just run straight forward and drop down into the water as the sentry gun opens fire. Turn right and swim E to the barrier at the far end. Pull out to your left and light a flare. Go into the N passage and partway up the stairs. Wait a few seconds and an SAS will come down to challenge you. Kill him, then go up a little higher and turn around to kill the second SAS who was trying to sneak up on you from behind.

Go all the way up the stairs to the opening. As soon as you reach it you'll come into the range of the sentry gun across the way, so hop down to the ledge and run to your right where you'll be safe. Step into the NW passage.  The gate here is closed in v2, so you'll have to ready those medi-packs and run back E while the sentry gun riddles you with lead.  Quickly insert the two Ramparts Thistles in the snake head receptacles to open the NW gate, then run back to enter.  Standing on the first scarab tile, combine the Mechanical Scarab and the Winding Key (not in v2). Use it at your feet, and the little toy will move forward and trigger two hidden spike traps. Go forward, pick up the device and step into the connecting passage. Push the face tile on your right, reverse roll and go into the next room. Note the closed north door requiring two Golden Stars, then go back through the scarab passage and run quickly off the ledge and into the water below as the sentry gun rains bullets into you.


Swim into the opened W gateway and follow the underwater tunnel to an outside lake with a wooden pier jutting out from the N bank. Swim through the S tunnel and into a larger underwater area where three hungry crocodiles lie in wait. Flip turn and swim back to the lake. Pull out onto the ledge and dispatch the crocs one by one. When you're done, swim back through the S tunnel into the open area and note the three openings. For starters, turn left and go through the E passage. Swim up through the shaft and pull up into the small room for SECRET #13. Pick up the flares and the uzi ammo from the tiles, then enter the S alcove for a large medi-pack.

Swim back down and into the larger area. You can check out the W passage, but you'll find a partially submerged pole that's impossible to grab while you're in the water. Go back out and into the S passage. Surface at the ceiling hole and pull out. You can hear the familiar sound of a slicer dicer as you move through the W opening. Go up the ramp and stop at the opening to the next room as the slicer dicer rolls merrily by. Follow right behind it and jump up the slope. Pull up into the alcove and duck if need be while the slicer dicer makes another circuit. Pull up to your left and take a running jump and grab S. Pull up into the alcove, step forward and pull up to a higher ramp (keeping to the right, of course). When you reach the far side and start walking down, turn to your left and jump into the flat alcove. Wait for the slicer dicer to go by and take a running jump with grab to safety (a simple standing jump in v2).

Shoot the SAS waiting for you at the top of the ramp to your right, then go up and find yourself in an area guarded by two slicer dicers. When the second one has gone by, run forward off the block on right side and slide and run to the bottom of the ramp, where you'll drop into a shallow hole in the floor. Make a hairpin turn to your right and push the floor lever at the end of the short passage. Go back to the hole in the floor, and when the second slicer dicer has gone by pull out to your right and perform the same sequence you did earlier in the other room. Take a running jump and grab S and pull up. This time when you reach the squared top of the ramp, turn to your right and pull up into the W opening.

Run down the ramp and jump the gap as a spike ball comes crashing down behind you. Continue down the ramp with a drawn weapon and kill the SAS down below as you turn the corner. When you reach the opening, angle Lara to the left and take a standing jump and grab to the pole. Turn around, slide down until Lara's derriere is lined up with the top of the S opening, and back flip into the N opening (you hear a door slamming shut). Turn around and find a closed trap door that you need to open. Jump back to the pole, turn around and slide down until Lara's feet are lined up with the top of the lower N passage, and back flip into the S passage. Turn around, follow the passage and push the floor lever. Reverse roll and go back to jump once more to the pole. Turn around and slide down until Lara's feet meet the water line in the far wall, and back flip into the N passage. Turn around and follow the passage to another floor lever. Push it and you'll hear the sound of the trap door opening. Jump back to the pole, climb up until Lara's derriere is lined up with the top of S passage straight ahead, and back flip into the passage with the open trap door.

Safety drop into a new area, enduring a slight loss of health. Head N through the hallway, noting several closed doors on your left along the way as you hear an SAS stomping about nearby. When you reach the room with three bird statues (the two on the left being out of order, and only two appearing in v2), turn right and push the face tile to open the large iron gate you passed by earlier. In v2 you'll find the CROWBAR in the middle alcove between the bird statues. The ramp to your right leads to a closed door requiring a gem artifact, so go back along the hallway and find the open doorway. In the next room two SAS open fire as you enter (one drops revolver ammo), and a skeleton crawls out of one of the caskets (not in v2). Dispose of them all, then raid the other tomb for some crossbow arrows (not in v2). Search the area for some flares and the HORSEMAN'S GEM (not in v2), then push the floor lever in the SW corner to open one of the remaining doors outside.

Exit this room and make a hairpin turn to the left. Enter the next room and pry the GOLDEN STAR (or CELTIC STAR in v2) off the wall with your crowbar. Note the empty pedestal in the corner. An ice wraith is released, so quickly reverse roll and run out to the hallway. Turn to your right and run past the room you visited earlier and find that the first doorway is now open. Go inside, skirting the lava pit, and pry the second GOLDEN STAR off the wall. A horde of beetles joins the ice wraith, and to add to your miseries the door slams shut. Run clockwise at least three times around the lava pit, and the door should re-open. Go outside, turn left and run down the hallway and up the ramp. Stand next to the bird statue that's nearest the face tile, and the ice wraith should blow itself on it. If you actually step into the alcove where the bird statue is lodged, you'll awaken a fire wraith, but I don't believe there's any real need for you to do that. In v2, go back to the room where you got the first Celtic Star.  The pedestal is now occupied, so take the CELTIC STONE from it.  Use the Horseman's Gem (or Celtic Stone) to open the door at the end of the S passage, then run straight ahead off the ledge and you'll slide down the bank into a lake you've already visited.

Climb up onto the wooden pier, face NE and take a running jump up the bank to land on the flat gray spot. Jump N toward the castle and follow the fence to your left until you reach the opening. Go inside and the door slams shut behind you. You find yourself in the area where you began this final level. Run N into the next room to provoke the sentry guns' fire (they appear now to be disabled in v2), and run off into the water. Swim E, pull up on the ledge to your left, run up the steps where the next sentry gun waits, and hop down with a quick hairpin turn to the right into the NW scarab passage.

Insert the Golden Stars (or Celtic Stars) in the receptacles in the next room to open the iron double doors. Go down into an outside area and shoot two SAS, one on either side as you enter. You can now go either way, but start by running E up the slight hill and jump into the water below when you reach the gap. Locate the narrow opening in the lower left E wall and swim into it. Follow the passage into SECRET #14, swim up the shaft at the end and pull up into a small room where you'll find the UZIS. Swim back down and return to the previous area. If you swim through the S tunnel you'll find a closed gate to your right. The way to open it is to go back and pick up the uzi ammo from the top of the submerged wooden pillar. Swim on through the opened gateway, turn immediately to your right and pull up onto the ledge.

Go into the N opening and back up the stairs. Make that quick hairpin right turn past the sentry gun, through the scarab passage and the Golden Star doorway. Go right and up the slight hill again, and when you reach the gap where you jumped into the water earlier, walk up to the higher right side and take a running jump across to the other side (don't try to grab the ledge). There's a sentry gun stationed in a wall alcove up to your left, so run forward and take cover behind the pillar. From there, kill the two SAS who are coming toward you from the E opening ahead. Run through the S arched hallway and you'll soon get out of the sentry gun's range. When you come out to the open area, watch out for the SAS hiding in the N end of the first niche to your right. Kill him, then pick up the uzi ammo at the other end of the same niche. Go across the courtyard to the opposite niche and push the face tile at the N end.

Return to the courtyard and run SW to the next niche. Vault up into it and push the face tile at the N end. Finally, get the uzi ammo in the fourth niche across the way. Stand on the tile at the S end of this niche, turn around and jump up to grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing N to the crawl space, turn right, release and grab again immediately, and pull up into the crawl space. Crawl forward into SECRET #15 and pick up the large medi-pack. Return to the courtyard and run down the ramp S, where two large gates have opened. Go through either one, and the gunfire that meets you is coming from an SAS perched high up on the wall to your right. Kill him and don't worry right now about the other footsteps you hear. The double doors to the S require a Pharos device, and there's a barred opening at the top of the stairs in the E wall. From the top of the stairs, take a running jump and grab to the central pillar. Pull up, and from the center of the pillar facing E, jump up and grab the rope. Swing forward and jump off to land on the upper balcony.

The source of those footsteps, another SAS, is waiting for you, so draw a powerful weapon and get rid of him first, then shoot another SAS who's coming up the stairs toward you. Go down the stairs, stopping to pick up the revolver ammo dropped by the SAS, and push the floor lever to open the nearby door. However, before leaving turn around and pry the GOLDEN STAR (or CELTIC STAR) off the wall. There's nothing of interest in the water (but it'll come in handy later).

Exit to the previous room, jump back to the central pillar outside, get onto the rope and jump NW into the opening high up in the W wall (using the control key to glide smoothly inside). Pick up the revolver ammo and jump back to the rope (or, if you're in a hurry, simply shimmy to the far left and safety drop to the floor). In the W cave is a passage leading to a closed door, and the slope to your right is too steep for you to climb. Since you can do nothing more here at the moment, go back through the N doorway and past the courtyard with the niches on either side to the area with the sentry gun.

Turn quickly to your right and into the E opening where you killed two SAS earlier. There's a third SAS inside waiting for you, so make short work of him and locate the nearby receptacle. When you insert the Golden Star (or Celtic Star), the nearby door lifts open. Go inside and note the closed door on your right. Go the other way, down the W passage, and you can't help but hear the tell-tale sound of a spike trap. Turn around, climb down the ladder (without carrying a flare) until you're dangling by your fingertips, release when the spikes right below you are up and immediately grab and pull up into the opening before they cycle again. Crawl through to the opening and hop down into the shallow water. Get the large medi-pack in the corner and pull up into the W opening.

Run along the passage (noting the artifact to your right in v2) and pause to pick up the revolver ammo when you reach the bend to the right. Continue up the ramp and do battle with two SAS when you reach the next room. Pick up the small medi-pack dropped by one of them and note two closed doors in the dark N wall. Approach the opening in the middle of the W wall and you'll trigger an intermittent flame blower. Wait until the flames subside, then run into the W passage and push the face tile. You hear the sound of a nearby door opening. At the same time, you're attacked by two crocodiles, so reverse roll while drawing a powerful weapon and consign them to eternity before they can get close enough to bite. Time a run past the flame blower and find that both doors in the N wall are now open. It makes no difference which one you enter, as both lead to an alcove where you pull up to your right.

Back flip from the first alcove and keep the jump key depressed so that you bounce off the second one. Grab the ledge ahead and pull up to push the face tile in front of you. Hop back and drop into the water below. Swim down and pick up the small medi-pack and the uzi ammo. Pull up out of the water and return to the previous room. Go to the SW corner and pull up into the opening in the W wall. Hop down into the next room, where the motorbike is awaiting you. Get on it and drive up the ramp E and over a bridge. Move to the left where you have higher ground and drive at full speed over the gap. If you wish, you can get off the motor bike on the other side and jump into the water below. (It's a lot of work and a lot of risk for just a little ammo. Your choice. But you need to make the effort in v2 for an essential pickup.) Pick up a small medi-pack (SW corner) and some shotgun ammo (under the bridge abutment near the SE corner). Pull up onto the ledge above the shotgun ammo, and climb onto the block ahead for some revolver ammo (the first RAMPARTS THISTLE in v2).

Take a running jump and grab W to the next block. Pull up and walk forward to the right corner. Take a slightly angled standing jump and grab to the higher pillar W, shimmy left and around the corner and wait for the flames to subside before pulling up. Take a running jump and grab N to the left corner of the next pillar. Pull up quickly, turn to face E and take a running jump and grab to the next pillar before the flames shoot up and consume you (or wait until they subside, if already on). Pull up and take another running jump and grab forward to the next pillar. Wait for the blower to subside, then pull up and grab the ivy on the wall ahead. Climb up, shift right and drop down onto the bridge. Run to the nearby motorbike.

You would do well to explore the dark area ahead on foot, with a flare in hand, before proceeding, for if you drive into the gap on your right into the water, the game will crash to the desktop and you'll have to reload from your last savegame. You can't reach it on foot in v2, and you have to drive across the first gap, but you won't crash to the desktop if you miss and fall into the water. Drive around the second gap, that's well-hidden in the darkness (and which will indeed send you to your desktop if you fall down into it), and into the S passage that's guarded by a sentry gun to your left. Continue quickly into the dark tunnel to get out of range, then turn left and keep to your left to avoid the gap in the dark flooring ahead. Wait until the two flame blowers ahead and to your left subside, then drive forward over the bridge and zigzag carefully to your left to enter a cave to the right. Drive in a short distance, get off the motorbike and light a flare. (If you overshoot and drive down the slope, you can dismount and climb up from the other end.) Explore the W cave wall for an opening leading to a face tile. Push it to open a door elsewhere and go down the nearby block steps S to find a small medi-pack on the second step. Return to the motor bike.

Drive down S and turn left into a familiar area. Turn left and drive through either of the open double doors and past the niche area you explored earlier. When you near the area where the sentry gun is waiting, dismount and run to your right into the passage where you placed the Golden Star earlier. Ahead and to the right you'll find a newly opened doorway. Go inside to find a flame blower flanked by spike traps. Push the face tile in the west wall, immediately reverse roll and run to the block while the flames are temporarily abated. Pull up, turn around and pull up into the higher alcove for the PHAROS PILLAR.

Hop back down, pick up the uzi ammo and jump to the floor. Exit this room and run past the sentry gun back to the motor bike. Drive S past the niches to the area with the central wooden pillar. Dismount and insert the Pharos Pillar in the S receptacle to open the double iron doors. Go inside and the doors close behind you. Ahead is a pedestal guarded by four flame blowers. There are three floor levers in the corners of the room. Here's the drill: Go to the SW corner, push the floor lever there, go around to the other side and push it again. Now go to the one in the SE corner and push it. Finally, push the one in the NW corner and three of the flame blowers are extinguished. Go to the pedestal away from the flames and pick up the GOLDEN SKULL (the SKULL OF KNOWLEDGE in v2). A flyby takes you through a dark tunnel with a door opening at the end, and a fire wraith comes to pay a visit.

The double doors are open again. Exit this room on the gallop and turn right to go up the stairs into the small room where you acquired a Golden Star earlier. Jump into the "useless" (remember?) water to extinguish the wraith, then pull out and return to the motor bike. Drive it N through the twin double doors and past the niche area. When you near the sentry gun outpost, point the motorbike NW and save your game. Don't bother in v2, as the sentry gun is now disabled. But it's still a tough jump across the gap, so I suggest starting beside and to the right of the central pillar and then gunning it. Drive past the hail of bullets and over the gap (using the ramp against the wall) to the other side. Once across, drive forward leisurely, following the sloping green hills, and run over three SAS who dare to try and block your way. After you've killed the last one, drive down the W ramp and crash through the wall.

You'll be immediately sprayed by four sentry guns spewing bullets and fire, so drive quickly past them to trigger a flyby taking you past a dark area into a treasure room stocked with goodies and guarded by a single SAS. I hate to tell you this, but you're going to have to turn your bike around and drive past those sentry guns again.  In v2 the ending is a little more anticlimactic.  Skip down to the last paragraph to continue.  Dismount at the top of the hill and run to the E wall. Climb the block to your left and run forward to the NW corner of the ledge. Take a running jump and grab to the rope, slide to the bottom and turn to the right to face the north opening, swing forward and jump off to land inside the opening. Run forward quickly and turn to the right or left to avoid the sentry gunfire.

Kill the SAS in the next room, pick up the revolver ammo he drops, then plunder the room for a CROSSBOW, the REVOLVER, the GRENADE GUN, a large medi-pack, some crossbow arrows, grenade gun ammo and uzi ammo. Exit this room and pick up the GOLDEN VRAEUS from the pedestal. The sentry guns have now been quieted, so walk to the south opening, turn around and hop back to grab the edge. Climb down the ivy, release to grab the crack, and release to slide safely down to the bottom. Turn around and hop the slopes SW to get back to the motorbike. Drive past the sentry gun gauntlet one final time.

When camera control is restored, dismount and run to the south wall. (If you ride up the steep slope north, the game crashes.) Insert the Golden Vraeus in the receptacle to open the door to your right. Vault up into the opening, jump into the water and swim into the east opening. As you follow the passage you run into the finish trigger.


In v2, continue after driving through the wall:


When you're safely past the gauntlet of sentry guns and the fixed camera angle, dismount and look for a large medi-pack near the S wall.  Get back on the motor bike and drive up the steep N slope.  Dismount at the top and take the second RAMPARTS THISTLE from the pedestal.  Get back on the motor bike (backing down the slope is easiest) and drive it E past the sentry guns and through the opening.  Dismount before going down the steep slope to your left and run forward to the E wall of the castle.  Turn left and pull up onto a ledge.  Insert the two Ramparts Thistles in the snake head receptacles, and rope drops down NW.  Jump to it, turn to your right a little  and swing across to the higher N ledge.  It's a little tricky, as you're prone to land in the lower ledge with the flag. 

Once inside, take the vraeus artifact from the pedestal for a long concluding flyby.





Celtic Folly
Level 1
Jon Heywood / Inchdix

This is an unauthorised walkthrough by Monika Pietsch.
It has all the important pick-ups and items mentioned.
It will not contain all pick-ups, all enemies and maybe not all the secrets.
This walkthrough is meant as a guideline to get you to the end of the level, even so there might be other ways too.


You start at a door with 2 receptacles for a Blue Stone and another one for a Golden Star. Shoot the SAS high up on a bridge and 2 crocodiles in the water. Go into the water and lure one crocodile out and kill it. Then swim into the opening on the right side. There is a closed door. Go into the opening next to it and swim till you meet a crocodile. Draw it out and kill it from the shore. Now start a long swim till you reach a room with columns and a fiery floor. Make your way over the blocks. Pick some shotgun shells and the Shotgun. Then use the blocks till you see some greenery on the wall. Jump towards it and grab. Climb up and twist jump. Transverse to the left side. When you get up you have to eliminate a skeleton and you find some shotgun shells. Knock off another skeleton and make your way along the crevices. When you reach the slope jump to the left and trigger a spiky boulder. In the niche you find a Secret and a large medi-pack. Be careful because another boulder comes down. Slide the slope either forward or backward. Eliminate a skeleton. On the central structure are 2 skeletons.
You can run pass them and shoot them from the wooden place or just leave them.
Enter the opening. In the room with block and fiery floor jump and grab the monkey bar.
Swing around the corner and drop onto a sloped block. Jump to the corner, grab the crevice and twist jump to the block. Climb up and jump to the opening.
In the big room there is a SAS and a large medi-pack. I left the medi-pack, because picking it up releases 3 ice wraith. The way to the bird statue is quite a bit to run and you loose more health then it is worth.
Climb out and so on. When you come to a room with a fire floor a fire wraith comes after you. Run back, drop and run into the water. In that room the wall is climbable. Transverse till you are where the safe place is and there back flip.
In the end you come out on top of the bridge. Careful 2 SAS are shooting from below.
Make your way one level below. Kill the SAS and then you have to shoot another skeleton. After that jump over and get the Horseman’s Gem and some shotgun shells.

Dive into the water and swim into the opening on the left side. It is a long swim and maybe you loose some health.
You end up in a room with a grid floor and 4 openings. You come in on the east side.
You can go down the right opening till you come to an open door. Go up and get a Secret and some flares. If you go down the left side you just come to the same place.

Now go into the opening on the left side and you come to a bit room. Go up in the centre. Up there you find a Shotgun. Picking it up will open a door in the water. Now you have to do a series of getting into timed doors by pushing switches. The switch doesn’t stay in place so you better just hurry on. The last door has chequered tiles and is not timed.
Swim in and make your way. When you come to the room with the 2 Horseman’s Gem you have to kill a SAS. If you take the right Horseman’s Gem 2 skeletons rise and if you take the left one an ice wraith appears. Always the other Horseman’s Gem will be on fire.
I chose the skeletons, because I didn’t see how to get rid of the ice wraith. (addendum by CC: You can get rid of those wraiths - by going through the door to the left of the gem pedestals, turn around, jump up and climb up ladder, run along a corridor, jumping 2 gaps and into a room with a relic cross. The wraiths will die on this.)

I got the 2nd gem even though Lara caught fire, by running out the way you came in to a small room with a water hole will put out the fire.

Both these ways may need a couple medpacks to keep Lara alive, so I suppose it's a question of choice whether you want to get both gems
Climb out through the higher opening on the left side. You have to pull switches and go along. In the end you come to a small waterfall above the first pool. Jump in and when you get out kill 2 SAS.
Then insert the 2 Horseman’s Gem and you enter Level 2.


Level 2

Kill one SAS on the floor and one high up on the left. You see a dam and a big closed door. You can go down and kill a crocodile (it helps later).
Now look for a block to climb on. Jump the blocks and use the monkey bar. You can see a lake behind the dam. Crawl in and use the monkey bar over some fire. Pick up wideshot shells. You come out above the lake. When you jump over a SAS is there. He leaves some wideshot shells. Walk on and you come to a bird statue. A bit further away are some flares. When you take them 2 ice wraiths appear. Run back to the bird statue.
Climb up in a dark corner and crawl. You come to a wide bridge. Take the shotgun shells and eliminate a skeleton. Crawl and use the monkey bar. Drop into the waterhole.
Down there you find a Secret, the Lasersight, normal arrows and a small medic-pack.
You can see crocodiles above. Climb back up and now are underneath the monkey bar spikes. When you get back onto the bridge 2 skeletons rise. Eliminate them. Make your way to a lower opening and from there jump into the water. Swim to a wooden ledge at the building in the middle of the lake. From the ledge kill the 3 crocodiles. After that, swim to right side of the green shore. Climb out and jump over the blocks and climb down. Drop grab.
You come to a climbable wall. Climb up and twist jump and grab the opposite wall. Climb up higher. You come to a room with maps and books. In the left dark corner you can climb up. Push a switch and jump over to the door on the right. Push a switch and go through the door down below. Get shotgun shells on the right side and wideshot shells in the water. Eliminate 2 skeletons. Cross the room using jumps and the monkey bar. Slide into a room with a fireplace. Push a button on the dark side of the fireplace.
The camera shows the opening of the double door in the lake, but there is another door to open yet. So jump into the water and go to the wooden ledge. There is a door open in the building. Climb in and down. Kill one SAS on the right side. He leaves shotgun shells.
Then try and get the SAS on the left side (shotgun) before he can alarm his colleagues.
This will safe you health and ammo. He leaves Uzi clips. Halfway down the stairs jump over and push a switch. The door at the bottom of the stairs is open now. You have to push a switch. This opens the second part of the double door in the lake. When you come to the bigger room again 2 SAS are shooting at you. Kill them.
Go to the door on the left side. Climb up and push the switch. When you come back to the bigger room 2 ice wraith are starting at you. Hurry as fast as you can back up the stairs and out of the building. They won’t follow into the water.
Swim over to the double door. Now it is completely open and has flooded the area before the dam. Swim to the big door. When you go in level 2 ends

Level 3

You enter a big room with a staircase, a small pool and a closed door.
Go to the right and drop down. Get some flares and look for a button switch.
Push it and invisible platforms appear. Use them and on the other side push another button switch. Go up the stairs. Jump to a block to get some wideshot shells.
Jump into the water and climb the stairs again. Eliminate a skeleton.
I have started at the east side. Use running jumps to get over the timed fire blocks.
Push a button switch on the other side. In the water go into the underwater door and collect shotgun shells.
Go to the south side with a lake. In the right corner in the water are a passage and a button switch. Then climb onto a block and use the ladder and the monkey swing. Use a crevice and find another button switch. Push it. Jump from the bridge over to the left button switch. After that go into the water and climb back up. Jump from the bridge to the right button switch. Push 2 button switches there. Now is the door at the end of the monkey swing open. In there is another button switch to push.
Now go to the north side. There is a gap and slopes. Make your way down and then climb up again over blocks. You come to a button switch. The door out next to the gap is open now. Eliminate a skeleton.
Go down into the room with the pool. There is a door next to the fireplace open. Push the switch. Go to the pool and down the opening. Keep to the left and swim more or less straight on. You come to a place with a small waterfall. Look for the button switch.
When you push it something rumbles. When you leave the pool there is a spiky boulder on the floor. Go back up the stairs. Eliminate a skeleton. There is now a block you can climb onto. Jump and grab the edge and then eliminate a skeleton. You go through the door you have opened using all the button switches. In the room with the wooden ledges make your way down and swim out and cross underneath a bridge and enter at the opposite side. There you find a Horseman’s Gem. Swim back to the room with the wooden ledges. Kill another skeleton. Walk down the stairs and jump into the pool and swim to the room with the small waterfall. At the end of the room was a metal grate. It is gone now. You come to an area with 3 waterfalls and rocky slopes.
Make your way to the left side. At the end drop and grab a crevice. Transverse till you reach a switch button and a small medi-pack. Push it. Drop into the water and the current will take you to the other side. On the left side is a switch. On the right side behind a crawl space are shotgun shells. Climb the block and you will end on a square in the area with the three waterfalls. Jump down and swim towards the ledge where the fire was. You find some arrows. When you enter the room there is a Secret, the Crossbow and arrows. Swim back to the other side and climb up again. Now make your way along to the left side. When you arrive at a bigger flat area go around the corner. Jump up and climb the blocks. In the next room there are shotgun shells. When you take them 2 skeletons rise. Go down the stairs and eliminate 3 more skeletons.
The next room has a central block in the water and a bird statue on top. In the water is an opening. Swim and find the button switch.
In the next room is a control room with red rays and 2 curtain doors.
Go through the right one. You will find a switch. Pushing it will put out the red rays.
You can now push the switch where the red rays near the control board had been.
A big door opens and you will see 4 Horseman’s Gem. But they are behind a glass wall.
Right side:the 1. curtain door leads up to the ledge
the 2. curtain door has a closed door at the end
the 3. opening has shotgun shells
Left side:the 1. curtain door has flares behind it
the 2. curtain door shows a look at a Pharos Pillar
the 3. curtain door has a button switch at the end.

Now start. Use the button switch and then go to the middle curtain door on the right.
Behind the door you can take the Pharos Pillar.
You can get the second Pharos Pillar going up the 1. curtain door on the right.
Go to the end. From there the 2. and 3. square will take you to an invisible platform.
Jump over to the other side and get the 2. Pharos Pillar.
I only used one on the right side. The glass wall disappeared and I picked a Horseman’s Gem on the right side. The other three are then on fire.
Next you go to the big door and use the 2 Horseman’s Gem.
Make your way with a running jump down on the right side. Go to the stairs and use the crevice. Jump down to the left. Go on and you can push 2 switches. Jump over to the open door and in a passage push another switch. Before leaving, climb into the crawl space and you will find a small medi-pack. Jump to the opening next to the crevice and use it and at the end is another door open. Push the switch. This opens a door on the white wall. In there push another switch.
Now go up the stairs and look at the right side. There is an opening. Jump diagonal. From there jump over to the ledge. Go in and pick the Crowbar. Go up and push a tower. Kill a skeleton. You enter a room with a wooden catwalk. Behind the control board is a switch. Pushing it floods the big room. Kill a skeleton and then drop into the water. Swim out into the big room and enter the door opposite. Down there you find the Pharos Knot. Go up to the big door and use it. Inside you find a Golden Star.

Then go down the to the hole in the bottom of the water and swim and you come back to Level 1. Use the Golden Star and the door lets you enter into Level 4.

- If you climb the ladder next to the Golden Star it will take you to Level 5 (kills the game at the moment)
- When you go to the now open door on the left you can kill 2 skeletons and get some shotgun shells and arrows in the small pool. If you go on further you will land in Level 2 and there is no way out.


Level 4

You come into a room with a cage and in it is a Mechanical Scarab on a pedestal.

I used the following way to get the 8 items you need in this level.
(2 Golden Stars, 2 Horseman’s Gem, 2 Music Scroll and 2 Pharos Pillar)

Start at the north side. There is a chapel. Enter at the left side. Jump over spikes . Climb down and get a Secret and the Grenade gun. Climb into an opening and get some grenade ammo. Go back up and push the button switch. Jump backward to avoid a spiky boulder. Enter the room with one column and push a button switch.

Now go to the west side to the library. You see 2 music scroll holder.
You come to a crossroad. Go to the right. There is nothing in the sarcophagus.
Use the climbable wall. Use the monkey bar and swing over. Drop grab the edge.
Make your way with jumps till you reach a room with 2 poles. The closed sarcophagus has some flares inside. Use the 2 poles to go up. Kill 2 skeletons. Jump over to the button. Jump back to the door and push a button there and jump over to the 2.door. Jump into the water. Get out and take the 1. Golden Star. Swim out and you will come back at the left side of the crossroad. Now go straight on. Drop onto a block.
There are 4 openings and you can see glass blocks there. Start at the south door. Walk on. If you step on the wooden square a door opens. When you reach a crawlspace on the right side get in and push the button. In the end I had the 1. Horseman’s Gem and a small medi-pack.
Go to the south side in the scarab room. Up there are 2 receptacles for Horseman’s Gem and behind a gate you see a Golden Star.
Cross the room and push 2 buttons. It rumbles and a spiky boulder has dropped into the big crater. When you leave the place where the buttons are, 2-3 fire wraiths appear.
Take a running jump to the higher block, then down into the left corner and then over to 3 flat blocks and over to a wall and from there with running jump into the right corner to drop into a waterhole. This is rather a difficult part to manage and so save in between.
In the water you find the 1. Pharos Pillar. When you pick it up a room opens and
2 ice wraiths make their way towards Lara. Swim into the right opening and up and to the right where a bird statue is in the room. After the wraiths have disappeared swim to the opposite room and push a button. Swim back to the room with the bird statue and a door lets you out into the room with the music scroll holder. The door closes again.
Go to the crater room and get the 2. Golden Star and a large medi-pack.

Now go to the room with the 6 columns. Go in and up and insert the 2 Golden Stars.
Look up in the passage and get up there. Avoid a spiky boulder. Use the 2 ropes to cross the church. Collect a small medi-pack and some shotgun shells. Swim in the water till you can get out and collect the 1.Music Scroll. Just before you enter the next room push a button to open the door out of the church. Eliminate a skeleton and get some grenade ammo out of the middle sarcophagus.
Now go back to the passage and climb into the opening. Go up and then crawl into the left opening. Drop down onto a wooden ledge. Take a running jump to the window. Use the crevice to transverse to the next window. Pick up the 2. Pharos Pillar. When you take it 2 fire wraiths appear. Jump to the ledge on the right and then hurry back to the waterhole.
After that leave the church.

Go to an opening next to the entrance of the level. There is a pool and plenty of vases on shelves and higher up you see 2 receptacles for Pharos Pillar.
There are holes on the right and left side. Go down and push the buttons there.
Go to the north side and down. When you shoot the brown vase a door opens and an ice wraith appears. Hurry, to get up the wall and jump into the water on the right side.
The current will take you to a wooden room and you leave through a door.
Now there is ice in front of the button. Push it. Go back to the first room and down into the left hole. You can go up the stairs now and push a button. You can insert the 2 Pharos Pillar.
Jump over to the left door where the vases are. Push a button and go over to the other door. You see 4 buttons. It is a puzzle.
?1. ?3.
?Fire ?2.
Pushing the buttons will draw the fiery liquid out of the pool and you can get the
Horseman’s Gem.

The door on top of the 3 shelves is open. Get up there. You find 4 towers in that room. Pull them onto the squares with writing. A door opens and you have to push a switch. The 5 blocks (4 with towers on them) rise. Climb up and get the 2. Music Scroll.

Now you can go and insert the 2 Horseman’s Gem and the 2 music scrolls.
2 skeletons rise and the cage around the Mechanical Scarab disappears.
Eliminate the skeletons and take the Mechanical Scarab.

Go through the small door. Get some shotgun shells out of the pit. Then avoid a spiky boulder. Slide down into level 3.

Level 5

Level 3
You start in Level 3. First you have to push 2 buttons. Beetles are following you. There also is a crawlspace with a Secret behind it. Because of the beetles (taking too much health) I didn’t bother with it. In a room with control banks you have to find the switch on the other side of the room. Pulling it will open the trapdoor in the corner. Use the opening to leave the room. You fall into water. Swim through a tunnel and you come to the big flooded room. Exit to the right side from where you got the Golden Star and where a ladder leads to Level 5 (later). Go pass the small pool and through a big door.

Level 2
On the dark slope run and jump to the left to avoid 2 spiky boulders. Push a button and go into the water. You enter a green underwater maze. You have to find 3 buttons and push them. You find a Secret and flares. One air hole has a ladder. This is where you climb up. Turn and jump over a gap. You see a closed wide door. Go to the left and at the slope with the spikes you have to trigger 8 spiky boulders. In the water is nothing.
Walk up the slope and at the end jump over to the ladder. You find a switch after crawling. When you push it 2 ice wraiths appear. Make your way back and jump into the water. Use the low ledge in the corner and jump on to the middle block and from there to the green ledge and then stand behind the bird statue till the ice wraiths are dissolved.
Now jump back to the middle block and from there to the small ladder. Climb up and you will see a central structure with the Winding Key on a pedestal.
In the water is a slight current. Try and get into the narrow opening on the left side. You can’t go up in the water to get air. Inside the central structure climb till you reach the
Winding Key. Take it and 4 skeletons have to be eliminated. The wide door is open now. Leave and jump over two gaps and after that go into the lake. Swim to the opening on the south side. Go up the dark slope and towards the door.

Level 3
Just go to the place where you took the Golden Star. Climb the ladder und go on.

Level 5

When you enter you start with killing 2 SAS. There is an automatic machine gun in one niche.
Jump into the water and swim to the far end. Climb out and on the stairs kill one SAS
from the front and one coming from behind. Hurry to the right to avoid the automatic machine gun.
Use the Mechanical Scarab to trigger the spikes. Push a button on the right. You see a yard with 2 receptacles for Golden Stars and a black metal door.
Run and jump into the water and the near door is open. You come to a lake with a wooden ledge pointing in the water. Swim on and draw out 3 crocodiles. Kill them from the wooden ledge. Swim forward again and you see underwater openings.
In the right one you see a pole, but you can’t use it (comes later). In the left one there is a Secret and flares. The middle one will take you to a small yard and to a room with a rotating knife ball. Watch out and then move to the right. Climb up and take a running jump to the other side. On the left side is a flat place. From there take a running jump down. Kill a SAS and take Uzi clips. You are in a room with 2 rotating knife balls.
Go to the bottom and into a hole on the right. Push a switch. Now do the climbing routine and when you are on the opposite wall take an opening on the right. Run down the slope and jump. A spiky boulder will drop into the gap behind you. Kill one SAS.
You come to an opening and now you see and can use the pole.
Back flip from the pole into the opening on the same side you just started. Push a switch. Now back flip in to the lowest opening on the other side and push a switch.
Go up to the opening with a torch. A trapdoor is open.
Go down and you will see 2 smaller and a bigger closed door. Find a button and push it. This opens the big middle door. Kill 2 SAS. Pick up a Horseman’s Gem. Kill a skeleton and after that get some goodies. The first metal door is open now. Get a Golden Star and run away from the beetles. You might have to run around twice till the door opens.
Go to the third door and get a Golden Star. An ice wraith is following you. Open the exit door with the Horseman’s Gem (if you haven’t done it before) and then run to the
3. bird statue (the 1. and 2. don’t dissolve the wraith). A fire wraith will kill the ice wraith and then it will follow you. So run through the open door and jump into the lake.
Climb onto the wooden ledge und jump to the grey spot. Use the door to leave.
You are back to where the automatic machine gun is. Jump into the water and make your way to the place behind where you used the scarab.

Insert the 2 Golden Stars. When you enter you have to kill 2 SAS. Go to the right and dive into the water. Look for a narrow opening. You will find a Secret and the Uzi.
Leave this lake through the open gate. Make you way again up the steps and so on.
Go to the right again and take a long running jump (no grab) over the gap.
Kill 2 SAS and watch out for the machine gun. Go to the right. There are 4 niches.
1. right: one SAS
1. left: switch
2. right: switch
2. left: use monkey bar to get into an opening. Find a Secret and a large medi-pack

Go forward and through the open gate. Kill a SAS high up from the steps.
Jump over to the block, turn and kill another SAS. Grab the rope and swing over. Kill a SAS. Push a switch. Get a Golden Star. Kill a SAS. A metal door is open, so you can leave there. You can swing to the small opening and get some ammo.

Go to where the automatic machine gun is. On the right side is a SAS waiting for you. Insert the Golden Star and the metal door opens. Go to the left and drop and grab and drop. Watch out for the spikes. In the water you find a large medi-pack. Use the opening on the left side. Pick up some revolver ammo. In the next room kill 2 SAS and take a small medi-pack. There is a fire blowing. Wait for an interval and get into the niche.
Push a button. Draw weapons and kill 2 crocodiles. The button opened 2 metal doors. Use either one. Make you way up and push a button. There is some water on the floor. Get a small medi-pack and some Uzi clips. On the left side is now the higher up metal door open. When you get into the next room you find the motorbike. Drive it over a gap. You can leave the motorbike and jump into the water. You find some ammo and then you have to make your way over short timed fire blocks and a climbable wall back up. I’ve done it, but it isn’t really necessary. Drive on. Watch out for waterholes, an automatic machine gun and 2 blowing fires. After them get off and to an opening on the right
Push a switch there. Go down 1 or 2 steps to get a small medi-pack.
The button opened the door on the right side near where you used the Golden Star.
There is a button, a block with spikes on the side and blowing fire in front.
Push the button and get quickly on to the block. Up there you find the Pharos Pillar.
Drive with it back to where the receptacle is. Use the Pharos Pillar.
The door opens and you enter a room with 3 switches, 3 blowing fires and a Golden Skull on a pedestal. Push the switches like that.
1. switch southwest corner forward and back again
2. switch southeast corner
3. switch northwest corner

Get the Golden Skull and hurry out of the room, because there is a fire wraith at your heels. Get up on the right side and jump into the water.

Use the motorbike and drive up and pass the automatic machine gun and over the gap.
You can eliminate the 3 SAS with the motorbike. Drive up the hill on the left and down through the gate breaking a wall and keep driving to pass 4 automatic machine guns. You see a camera sequence (but only if you got all 3 secretes in Level 5). Turn the bike and drive through the machine gun fire. Back on top of the hill get off the motorbike. Climb up and use the rope to swing to the opening. Inside kill one SAS and collect all the goodies (revolver, crossbow, grenade gun, large medi-pack and so on. Then take the Golden Vraeus.
Use the climbable wall and the crevice to get down.
Drive with the motorbike for the third time through the machine gun fire.
On the left side use the Golden Vraeus. When you jump into the water and swim a bit the level ends.