The Egypt Adventure

Level by notbad

Walkthrough by DJ Full

WARNING! Some parts of the game cannot be lightened at all. Neither using flares, nor firing pistols won't work there, and using the binoculars for this purpose will crash the game. However, you can throw your torch around to make light. Picking it up every time after you know what to do takes some time, but this is the only one way allowing you to finish this level.

Find a switch in the SW corner of the chamber. It opens the door next to it. Go through it. In the cave, kill a dog and climb the pillar closest to the entrance. Jump onto the next one and pick up the torch. Light it, using another torch on the wall. Jump onto the next pillar and avoid the pit in the corner (there's no way out). Now take a curved run up and jump into the hole in the E wall. The hole is covered in darkness, but the jump itself is easy to perform. At the end of the corridor, drop the torch into the lower room (you gonna use it later) and get across the gap to find another one. Light it and go through the right portal (the left one is locked). Slide down and follow the corridor to the next room. The NW corner contains some normal shells, and there is a switch on the N wall. Pull it. Before the mummy gets you, climb the block in the SW corner. Pick up another torch from it and set it on fire. Go through the door to find yourself back in the first chamber. Find some more normal shells near the NW corner. Now for some backtracking - get to the room where you killed a dog. Pull up into the hole you already used (in the wall, on the right of the entrance), as you don't need to use those pillars again and repeat all the jumps. Finally, jump over the gap and go inside the left passage, which is now revealed and appears to be an alcove, not a passage - whatever... Pick up the Hypostyle Key from the pedestal hidden in the dark. Use it to open a door on the N wall of the first chamber. Go through it. I hope you saved that torch I told you about, as you will need it to make something brighter soon.

Climb the blocks on the right of the entrance and find some normal shells there. Jump over the open door to find another red box of ammo on the other side of the stairs. Now go upstairs and into the green chamber. At last, there is some additional light. DON'T throw the torch out. Platform across the pool. Now drop the torch in some dry place to know you not gonna lose it. Jump into the pool. A crowbar lies under the N wall, normal shotgun shells are located under the E one, and the exit is on the S, as well as another pack of normal shotgun ammo. Get back to your torch chamber. Before you pick it up, kill 2 scorpions. There is an unlighted torch on the E wall, but ignore it, as it doesn't work. Finally, collect the shotgun from the NW corner of the corridor and proceed towards the next torches surrounding the portal leading to the next green chamber with a pool.

If you decide to jump into the water in this moment of the game, DON'T SWIM INTO THE E PASSAGE - there is an underwater lever switch at the end, which PERMANENTLY CLOSES THE DOOR LEADING TO THE S PASSAGE. (I know something about it, I pulled that switch and saved the game, so I had to replay everything from the mummy room). Choose the S passage and find two things at the end: a unlighted torch you can't use and a polerope you can. So climb it to get to the upper corridor. When you see the red room, sprint into it before the approaching mummies block the passage. Pass them by, go across the chamber and pick up the crossbow, some more explosive arrows and the next Hypostyle key. Blow up all the mummies with one precise shot and return to the pool area. Jump into the water and find: some explosive arrows in the SW corner, 6 wideshot shells under the W wall, 2 large medikit in the middle of the bottom, some poison arrows next to the N wall and some normal arrows near the SE corner. Get out of the water and open the N door, using a key you have.

Go through the portal and enter the climatic waterfall area, where you can pick up the main artifact of this game - the Sun Talisman. Hop into the pool, swim into the dark and then turn right. Get closer to the blue spot to swim out of the level.