Curse of Apollo Ring

Level by Daniel Inhoni

Walkthrough by DJ Full

The first flyby camera shows you blue crystal on the one of the roofs. This is the quest item for this location, so remember where it is placed. After you start the game, turn right and see a flat part of a roof behind a dune. Climb onto that roof and pick up a small medikit from there. After you descend and make some steps W, you should see a wild boar attacking you. Escape W to the pool, activating a crocodile. Now you can safely kill both enemies from here. Now find a building to the E of the pool and climb the roofs to get Blood Diamond mentioned in the beginning. Take a look from this place. There is a set of broken pillars on the S. Get to them and climb the first one. When you get on the second pillar, turn left and find a medipack on a southern ledge. Return to the second pillar and jump on the two remaining on the W. Next, grab a crack on your right and shimmy left until you can stand on a raised block. A slot for the diamond is behind you - jump over a gap to get to it and insert the item to open the only one door you can leave this area through. Camera shows where it is, so descend and go through it to enter the new area. Watch out for the boiling tar - it's deadly. Follow the marked path and climb two blocks at the end of it. Now do some platforming, with climbing a ladder in the meantime, to reach an extremely long monkey swing. Make it to the very end of it and find yourself in front of a dark room, full of skeletons you can't fight yet. But there is a hope - a shotgun ammo lying on the floor in the SE, SW and NE corners of the room, and a gun itself in the NW corner. Lure the skeletones out of the room and shoot them off the ledge to have no more problems with these guys. Now climb some blocks on the right of the entrance to get another Blood Diamond from the top of the last of the pillars. Now climb the ladder on the other side of the room and use the monkey swing to get to the slot. Put the diamond in there to open the exit. If you don't wanna lose health, you can use the monkey swing again and descend with help of the ladder you previously climbed, but it's not necessary - the finish line is very close to you and you have enough medipacks to survive that 50 meters separating you from completing the game, so you can just safety drop yourself down from the pillar you are standing on and pass through the door. Go downstairs and there is the end.