Dr Who Die Klon Chronik


B. Hawaito

Walkthrough by Moonpooka for trle.net


Essential Items


Secrets ~ 3

Story: After receiving a distress call from a mysterious island in the middle of nowhere, The Doctor, A.K.A. Lara Croft, must investigate. Unbeknownst to her, the island is crawling with Kill-Bot (TR) Lara Klonen! She must blast the living daylights out of everything if she wishes to stay alive and enter inside the evil, floating dismembered head that has appeared above the island.

Notes: The title.tr4 and uklogo.pak files are missing from the download. If you have issues running this game from the download folder, either copy the files from the download folder into a clean LE folder or add the missing files to the data folder or use the level manager to install the game.


Watch the cut-scene showing you the Tardis spinning into action. Lara will then arrive on a pier leading to the hostile island.

Run ahead onto the island and take out the lara-clone that attacks from the left. Head SE, pick up the Shotgun Ammo and then head back towards the pier. Take a left turn just before you reach the pier and make your way to the middle of the island.

Gun down the two lara-clones that attack from under the central structure (and a third one if she happens to show up at this point).

You can now detour for the 1st secret. Head north to the edge of the lake Screenshot and drop into the water. Locate the opening in the rocks beneath the island Screenshot and swim through for the 1st Secret ~ The Revolver.

Swim back up to the island, head SE and make your way to the grey rocky structure Screenshot Take out the lara-dog that attacks from the right and then make your way over to the edge of the lake. Pick up the Shotgun Ammo and then head up the slope on the side of the grey structure. Take out the lara-clone that begins firing at you from the ground, then head up the slope and climb the ladder at the end.

Make your way up the first path, then turn the corner and take out the lara-dog and clone. Walk to the top of the path, and then as you reach the end, nip back to avoid a boulder that comes rolling down from the third path. Continue on up the third path and then go L - L and climb the ladder.

Take care here! There's a jump-switch ahead and you'll get attacked by a swarm of lara-heads. Quickly use the jump-switch to open a hatch on the structure above the pier, and then drop down the ladder and kill the lara-clone that has arrived. The lara-heads are still on your case, so run down the path and make your way to ground as quickly as you can. Now lure the lara-heads to the lake and dive in the water. The lara-heads will follow Lara and sink to the bottom of the lake.

Pull out of the water and head to the middle of the island. Take a right turn, make your way back to the pier and take out the lara-clone on top of the east structure above the pier. As you approach the east structure, another swarm of lara-heads will tumble down from the previous structure and land at your feet. Drop into the water to drown the lara-heads and then pull up onto the east structure - at this point Screenshot

Pick up the LMP that the clone left behind and then head to the end of the wall and pull up onto the next platform. Head right, make your way around to the open hatch and pull up inside. On the west side of the platform you will find the Shotgun Screenshot

Head around to the pole on the east side of the platform, face east and climb to the top. A lara-clone will be firing at you, so be quick and back-flip to the platform behind you and gun down the clone. To the south there is a ledge with blue bars. Jump to it and take out the clone that's firing at you from the SW platform. Now grab the monkey swing above you and make your way towards the south island. Drop off onto the steps and then quickly hop back from the edge and grab it. Wait for a boulder to roll over-head, and then pull back up onto the steps, walk a short way up and turn around. There's a ledge above you Screenshot Pull up onto it and run to the end for the 2nd Secret - Uzi Ammo. Note: Unlike the 1st secret, the bell will chime twice (or even a third time) and your secret count could show any amount.

Head back to the steps and take out the two lara-clones and big-bird up on the higher platform. Jump over to the platform and head to the west side. Run-jump down to the lower west platform, take out the lara-clone and pick up the SMP that she drops. Now use the jump-switch on the pillar nearby Screenshot to open a railed gate on the central structure. Before leaving here, pull up onto the ledge behind the jump-switch and collect some Uzi Ammo from the south side.

You now need to get back to ground and the quickest way is to jump into the lake. So, drop back down to the platform and walk to the SE corner Screenshot Run-jump from the edge of the platform and fall into the lake. Pull out of the lake and head to the SW corner of the island. Take down the lara-dog that attacks, pick up the Shotgun Ammo nearby and then make your way north to the central structure.

Collect another pack of Shotgun Ammo from the side of the lake (west) and then run under the central structure and head to the east side. There's a triangular mound of snow here Screenshot Stand on the top of it and pull up onto the central structure.

Take out the lara-clone and then run around to the north side of the platform, pull up onto the higher platform and take out the next lara-clone. Walk around to the south side of the platform, pick up the SMP and then nip back around to the north side of the platform.

Stand with Lara's back to the north slope Screenshot and then back-flip onto the slope, spring forwards, grab the upper south platform and pull up. Turn around to face north, spot the newly opened railed gate to your right Screenshot and jump over to it. As soon as you do so, a lara-clone will attack from behind. Quickly gun her down and then pull up onto the ledge inside the passage Screenshot

Turn right, walk to the blue railings and then face right and stand-jump to the top of the slope. Jump down diagonally right for a SMP and then quickly jump back to the top of the slope to avoid the hail of bullets from another lara-clone on the higher south platform. Pull up onto the higher north ledge and then turn around, stand-jump towards the grey sloped rock ahead Screenshot and grab the edge of it. Now pull up, slide-jump towards the south platform, grab the edge of it and pull up.

Take out the lara-clone on the central ice rock and then climb up to where the lara-clone was. Face north, jump to the slightly higher north ledge and nip over to the left (west) for a SMP Screenshot

Return to the ice rock and run-jump to the higher south platform Screenshot Quickly pick up the Shotgun Ammo and then run south to the other side of the platform. Take out the two lara-clones and big-bird and then head to the NE corner of the platform and face north. Between the upper and lower platform you can see two ledges. Jump over to them and collect the 3rd Secret ~ Uzi Ammo ~ LMP Screenshot Note: As was the case with the 2nd secret, the bell will chime twice (or even a third time) and your secret count could show any amount.

Return to the platform and head to the south side. To your left (east) there's a jutting ledge that you can pull up onto Screenshot A lara-dog appears on the platform below. Take it out and then run-jump over to the north platform and take out the next lara-dog. Pick up the SMP and head to the far north platform. Take out the three patrolling lara-clones (the central clone will leave you a LMP) and then jump over to the north platform and collect a SMP and Shotgun Ammo.

Return to the previous platform and head around to the east side. Jump over to the short stepped ledge to the east Screenshot and then turn around and gun down the lara-clone who's firing at you from the higher west platform. You now need to get up to where the lara-clone was. So, run-jump and catch the higher west platform Screenshot and pull up.

Make your way to the lava pool on the other side of the platform. Now nip down onto the floating-tile in the lava pool and collect the Waterskin Screenshot

You now need to get back to ground and fill the waterskin. Drop back down to the lower platform and head to the SE corner. Face east and walk to the edge of the platform Screenshot and then turn around and safety-drop to the lower platform. As you did before, walk to the SE corner Screenshot and run-jump down into the lake. Swim east, pull up onto the floating-iceberg and fill up your Waterskin.

Make your way back to the island and head to the SW corner. You'll meet two lara-clones on the way and possibly two lara-dogs (sometimes only one shows up). When you reach the SW structure you can pick off another lara-dog that's running around on the structure. Now use the triangular mound of snow Screenshot to pull up onto the structure.

You now need to make your way back up to the platform where you collected the 2nd secret; and on arrival there will be two lara-clones to sort out Screenshot When the area is clear, head to the west side of the platform, turn around and face east Screenshot

You now need to perform the back-drop trick so that Lara lands under the platform. To do this, stand at the very edge of the platform and drop back from it. As soon as Lara is lower than the edge of the ledge and can't grab it, press the "action key" to glide Lara under the platform and safely into the room below Video Help

Pick up the SMP from Lara's feet and then stand-jump NE so that Lara lands on the outer edge of the lower platform Screenshot (take care not to jump into the spikes). Now walk north between the spikes and safety-drop into the room below.

Take down the two big-birds and then walk to the water scales. Select the Waterskin from your inventory and Lara will tip the water into the scales. You will see a final cut-scene of the severed head above the island opening and the level will end.