Quest for Infinata’s Eye

by Colin Benson


Walkthrough provided by the author



Below, I will give the quickest possible path through each of the five levels. Secret Sapphires and non-essential pick-ups will not be listed.


Okay, okay... I'll give you a few hints about those Secret Sapphires. Every level  (except the last) has six bonus rooms where you can "Cash in" any Secret Sapphire(s)  you might find. You can look through the iron gates and select the prizes you want to "spend" your Secret Sapphire(s) on. There are three Secret Sapphires in each level  (again, except for the last level.)

Alright, lets' get started with the walkthru...



Quest for Infinata's Eye Part1


Lara starts off on a small beach. Run forward and jump into the water. Swim to the bottom North West corner where you will see a small hole in the wall. Swim through it and dive deeper underwater to small, dark passageway. (You might want to light a flare here.) Continue swimming through turning right and left around two corners.  You'll find a three way junction. Take the first passageway on your left. Swim up the slight incline, turn a corner and ignore the three side passages to your left for  now. Continue swimming south, turn right and then swim straight up. *Gasp* Give Lara a chance to catch her breath. A pair of bats might come out to annoy Lara here. Just  blast 'em out of the sky. After your air meter is full again, dive down and take the  first path on your right. (You may wish to light another flare.) At the end of this small passage is a hole in the ceiling and a sort of underwater stairway. The top stair has an important Summer Rain Staff item. Pick it up, go back and grab some more air and swim out of this area. Return to the 3 way junction. Turn left (to the north) and follow the passageway. Make two turns and you will end up in a large underwater room with two pillars. Turn left (swim to the west) and swim up to almost the ceiling look for the wide alcove in the wall. Swim to the northwest corner and surface in a dark, sandy cave. (You probably had just enough air for that stunt, right?) Climb out and run to the west. Draw the pistols and shoot any bats that appear. Turn to the south west and run towards the open doorway. Go through the "U" shaped path and you'll end up in a room with a floor switch and a crate. Throw the switch and you'll  see a camera shot of a door opening.


Leave the cave and return to the underwater alcove. As soon as you exit the alcove turn towards the hole in the north wall. Swim through it and you will find yourself in another cave. This one has a small hole in the ceiling and a small grassy island with a single palm tree. Run to the north and through the door you just opened. Run down the bright hallway and draw your pistols. Take out the terrorist and two dogs. Continue to the north west corner and grab the Gate Keys near the brooms. Turn around and run to the other end of the hall the last doorway of your right has a iron gate that you will open with that set of Gate Keys. This door leads to a big bridge with flames burning in three archways. Go back to the bright hallway and enter the room closest to the door to the big bridge. You'll see a stick figure running on the floor in the center of this room. This is the start of a trio of timed runs.


Position Lara behind the stick figure floor tile. Before you start, you should save the game. When you are ready, sprint across the tile. You'll see a camera shot of a flame on the bridge going out. Slow down for a second and do a normal run when you reach the bright hallway. Turn to the left and sprint to the north. Enter the next room and roll over the second stick figure tile. You'll see another flame will go out.


(Depending on how you have the controls configured, you might find the roll key tough to hit when you are dashing through this timed run. There is another easier solution. When you are holding your move forward key tap the move backward key and Lara will roll.)


Run back to the hallway again and turn left (north again) Sprint towards the last room (North west corner) and run over the third timed run tile. This will extinguish the final flame. Run out of the room, turn right and sprint like crazy to the doorway that leads to the big bridge. Slow down around the corner and just do a normal run then sprint like crazy across the big bridge. Hopefully, you will pass all three archways before the flames re-ignite. It is unlikely that you'll do it the first time. If Lara doesn't make it re-load the file you saved just before the run and try again. Practice makes perfect.


When you do make it, save the game again and go through the door way into the next room. Grab the shotgun and Lightning Deity resting on the pedestals. Leave this room and turn to the left. Look for a break in the fence. Walk up to it and drop onto the crates below. Run to the east across the empty lower level. Turn right near the opposite wall and run to the south. run under the bridge and take out a bat or two. Climb the nearby wall ladder and return to the main hall. Turn to the left and run North. Go through the small middle doorway on your right. Jump and grab the fireman pole in this room and slide down.


You are now in the pitch black catacombs. First order of business is to get yourself a torch. At the bottom of the fireman pole are two torches sitting on pedestals and a burning trash can. Grab either torch and carefully walk up to the burning trash can. Press action when you are close enough and Lara will light the torch. Turn to the east and jump over the pit. Continue running east until you get close to the wall. Turn to the right and run to the South West. Climb down the steps and look around for a passage way in the wall at the bottom of the steps. Follow the zig zag slanted passage way down. After reaching the end of the large slope, slow down. There are a few slamming spiked doors around the corner. Walk up to them and run or jump past as they reset. Turn a corner and in the next room is a crowbar on a small glowing tile. Tap the draw weapon key (default space) to toss away the torch for a moment. Pickup the crowbar, then go back for the torch Lara tossed away. We are done here so let's leave this passageway and return to the big main room. After exiting the passageway, run in a south east direction. Follow the wall until you reach the south east corner of the big room. Turn to the north and take the third door on your right. There are a few spike traps here so walk around this room carefully. The northeast corner has a staircase that leads to the second floor of this room. The west wall has a Solrock embedded in it. Toss away your torch again (space) and use the crowbar to pry the Solrock off the wall. Grab your torch again and return to the big main room.


Run to the NorthWest until Lara reaches the wall. Turn to the West and continue to the small staircase. Climb the stairs, turn to your right and take the first passageway. Follow the passage all the way down to the second Solrock embedded in the wall. Drop your torch and pry it off with your crowbar again. Leave the way you came. At the end of the passage, turn and run to the North. When you reach the wall near the blue sign, turn to the West and continue running. When you reach the fifth passageway on your right take it and continue through a long set of corridors. At the end is a small room with a side passage to the right. Ignore it for now and continue to the South. The next room has two receptacles for your Solrocks. Place them both in after dropping your torch and you'll see a door opening. Take that side passage we skipped a moment ago and you find yourself in a creepy room lit by a big glowing ball. Run to the opposite side and drop your torch. Jump up and throw the wall switch. You will see a door opening outdoors.


We are done down in these catacombs so take the long passage back to the big room. Run to the South and detour around the wall. (Watch out for that deep pit.) Here we will find the fireman pole that takes us back. Toss away your torch and climb up the pole


You are back in the timed run corridor. Turn left run to the South and turn and run left again. Just around the corner is a receptacle for a Thunderstorm Idol. Combine your Summer Rain Staff with Lightning Deity and place the new Thunderstorm Idol on the receptacle. Go through the door and you will find yourself in a familiar looking hall. Take out the two terrorists that run out of the left door and enter the door on the East wall. Enter the courtyard and kill the three wild pigs. Go to the Northeast corner and search the bushes carefully. There, you'll find a Tetra-jade key. Enter the room that the two terrorists sprang out of a moment before and take out another terrorist standing on the crates. Climb onto the crates to the north and look for a hole in the wall in the Northwest corner of the room. (You may want to light a flare.) Place the Tetra-Jade Key in the wall and a door opens.


Return to the bright corridor with the timed run tiles and take the stairs at the North East corner. Run to the North and climb the wall ladder. A pair of skeletons will sneak up on you in this next room. Blow them down the pit with your shotgun. Climb the two ladders on the West wall. You are now in a storage room packed with crates. Two terrorists are milling around this room, find 'em and blow them away.


Climb the single crate near the north wall and climb onto the next set of crates. We have a very tricky jump here so you might want to save the game. Move Lara about one crate away from the tall stack of crates, face West and a little to the south. Lara's head should be just peeking over the stack of crates tap back so Lara takes a small backwards jump. Run forward and as soon as Lara's feet leave the ground, do a hard right. (You probably won't do it right the first time, just keep trying.) Once Lara makes the jump, save and move her to the SouthWest corner of the crates. Do a running (perhaps grab jump) to the next set of crates. Climb up to the text crate then jump and grab the next crate. Shimmy along to the left and around two corners. Let go turn around to the South and do a running jump to the next stack of crates. Face East and do two running grab jumps to the next stacks of crates. Do a standing (possible grab jump) to the huge stack of crates. Look for a little pit on the middle and search for a gold coin. Pick it up and go alllllllllllll the way back to where you started this level. Look for the archway with the big face above it. Drop your Gold Coin in the coin slot and the nearby iron gate opens. Enter and you are sent to the next level. (As an added bonus, Lara's health will be recovered completely.)



Quest for Infinata's Eye Part2


Proceed down the corridor until you reach a long shaft. Grab the Fireman pole and slide down and jump to the next platform. Take out the two terrorists and dog. Now, explore the attached two rooms. Picking up the shotgun off the pedestal in the North room opens a door at the top of the shaft. Climb the fireman pole to the top of the shaft, jump off onto the platform and follow the passageway to the next room. Watch the quick flyby of the room. Climb down the wall ladder to the lower floor. Go to the cubbyhole in the NorthEast. Pickup the Silver Orb located at the dead end. Explore any other of the cubbyholes around this lower level. You'll see a silver hand at the dead end of each one. Place your Silver Orb on the hand and you will see a camera shot of a door on the upper level opening. Climb back up to the upper level using the wall ladder and get ready to blast a pair of skeletons off the catwalks. Note: There is a package of shotgun ammo at the center of the room. If you run out of Shotgun ammo, another package will magically appear. Of course, you can always use explosive weapons if you prefer. Once both skeletons are gone, explore the newly opened room. Located in this room is one Silver Orb and a Bronze Ball. (You might wish to use a flare or two to help light the way.) Climb back down to the lower level and place your Silver Orb in another cubbyhole's dead end. This will open another door on the upper level. Take out another pair of skeletons, explore the newly opened room and get another Silver Orb and Bronze Ball. Take your Silver Orb to the last cubbyhole and place in in the hand. The final door on the upper level will open. Once again, destroy the skeletons and explore the new room for a Silver Orb and Bronze Ball.


Check your inventory. You should now have Three Bronze Balls and a Silver Orb. Go to the lower level of the room and place your three Bronze Balls in the hands attached to the pillars. The door at the West end will open up. Go through and turn right, climb the stairway into the next room. This room has four fat pillars. Go through the doorway on the West side. In the next room, climb either wall ladder and snuff out two terrorists. One of them will drop a Silver Orb. Pick it up, climb down and go through the tall doorway to the South. Shimmy up the fireman pole and continue down the corridor. You will be attacked by a bat or two here, but you can take them out easily. At the end of the corridor, you'll find yourself in an alleyway between two houses.


Let's explore the South one, first. Open the door and get ready to battle a pair of terrorists in the living room. (A Silver Orb is being cooked in a fireplace. You won't be able to get it right now.) After taking both terrorists out, turn right into the kitchen and open the next door. You will find yourself in the master bedroom. A dog and terrorist will pounce on you here. Kill them both and look to the East wall of the bedroom. There is a wall switch Emergency fireplace extinguisher. Jump up and throw the switch. Return to the living room and you will see that the flames in the fireplace are out. You can now pickup the Silver Orb. Exit this house and enter the other home across the alleyway. Two dogs will greet you almost as soon as you enter. Deal with them with whatever weapons you'd like. Run down the hallway to the North and open the second door on your left. It leads to the owner's bedroom. Go to the NorthWest corner of the bedroom and enter the bathroom. You'll find another Silver Orb between the toilet and sink.


We are done here, let's go back to the alleyway. Run through the corridor, slide down the fireman pole and to the lower room. Run to the North and shimmy up into another room using another fireman pole. Open the Iron gate with your crowbar, turn right and run East. Take the first passage on your right. There is a wall ladder on the North wall. Climb down carefully. You are now in a giant storage room packed with crates. Run, climb and jump to the South. Take out a terrorist or two along the way. At the Southern end of the storage room is a smaller room with a timed run tile on the floor.


Save the game and get ready to go. Walk behind the timed run tile and face NorthEast. Run across the tile and begin sprinting. Ease up on the sprint key for a moment when you reach one block distance away from the first crate. Do a running jump onto it and run right off of it. Almost as soon as Lara's feet touch the ground, start sprinting to the North. Again, release the sprint key when you are within one block of the next set of crates. Run and jump on to them run North again and jump onto the next set of crates. Turn to the NorthWest and do a running grab jump to the wall ladder. Climb up to the hall. Turn left and sprint down the hallway. Turn right (You might want to ease off the sprint when turning the corners) and sprint down the final stretch of hallway. Try to pass through the doorway in the NorthEast corner of this hall before it closes. If you do so, Save the game. If you fail, re-load or just run back and try again.


Follow the small passageway into the next room. Here you'll see a deep well with several layers of iron fencing. Run to the NorthWest corner and drop down the hole. Drop down the next hole near the center. The next hole's by the East wall. Now, go to the SouthWest corner and drop through the hole there. You are now at the bottom of the well. Throw the floor switch and you'll see a door open. Climb all the way back out. For some of you this might be tough. Try doing a standing grab jump directly under the side of a hole, then just pull yourself up. You can also try a running grab jump when Lara's about a block away from the opposite side of a hole's ledge. One way or a another when you've climbed all the way back to the top of the well, leave the room and return to the hallway. Continue South, enter the room with the fireman pole and slide down. Run to the South and take a left. You are back in the room with four fat pillars. Go through the doorway at the NorthEast corner. Follow the passageway, climb the wall ladder and continue to the next room filled with sand. As you enter Lara looks to the ceiling. Make a mental note or a sketch of the dark and light tiles. The room above has invisible fire trapped squares. The lighter colored ceiling bricks here show you the safe path. While the darker tiles show you deadly areas of the next room. The plain square tiles on the East and West are also in the next room and are safe as well. Go through the tall door way in the NorthEast corner and climb the stairs.


Save the game before venturing onto the dangerous area. (You might even want to save several times while doing this jumping/memory puzzle. Anyhow, starting from the plain, safe square tile next to the doorway, walk three blocks ahead (West). Turn to the North and walk ahead two blocks. Do two standing forward jumps and then turn to the West. Walk ahead two blocks. Turn to the South and do a standing forward jump. Turn SouthWest and do a standing forward jump. Walk the rest of the way to the West. Good job, you did it. You should save here again. Place all of your four Silver Orbs in the hands. You'll see another door opening. Walk to the fifth square from the SouthWest corner and face East. Walk forward two squares. Face NorthEast and do a standing forward jump. Step backwards once and face North, do a standing forward jump. Turn to the East and walk two blocks ahead. Turn 

South and do two standing forward jumps. Walk South two blocks and turn to the East. Run all the way to the doorway and continue down the staircase. Cross the lower room and go through the passageway back to the room with four fat pillars. Go through the Western doorway into the next room. Turn right, run through the room to the fireman pole. Climb it into the next room. Run North, through the doorway and take the first small passage on your left. In this room you'll see a gold coin sitting atop a pillar on the opposite side. Pick it up and A pair of doors will open. Four skeletons will come running out of the opened doors. Take them all out with your shotgun or any other explosive weapon you have.


Exit this room and run to the East down the large hallway. Climb the big stair case and you'll end up in a outdoor courtyard. Finally, some fresh air! Don't relax just yet... A terrorist is perched atop a stack of crates to your left. Snuff him out and run to the North. Another terrorist is perched atop the grey building to your rightbut it would be better if you were to just ignore him and continue to the double archways at the North end of the courtyard. After passing the arches turn and run to the East. Turn the corner and blast the dog that comes out. Place the Gold Coin in the coin slot near the iron grate. Walk through the open gate, running north. Turn to the right and climb high up onto the crates. Face the huge building, jump and grab onto the edge of the roof. Shimmy all the way to the West. Drop down after passing over the spike trapped tiles. Kick open the nearby door and enter the building. Climb onto the crate just to the right of the entrance. Now do jump up and grab the next crate. As Lara hangs on to the edge (while you are holding action) press forward and the dusk key. Lara will do a climbing crawl up on to the next crate. Turn round 180 degrees or until Lara's facing to the West. Crawl backwards to the edge of the crate and tap down while holding action. Lara will slide down to the ground below. Now all you need to do is drop down into the pit below. You'll be sent to the next level and get a health boost.



Quest for Infinata's Eye Part3



Run to the East and follow the passageway. Try to avoid the jets of steam shooting from the wall. Once you are in the next room, turn right and enter the doorway to the South. Run through this next room into a large "+" shaped room with many pillars. Explore this room thoroughly. One terrorist will drop a Miracle Eye. Exit this room and continue to all the way to the North. Enter the small room and throw the floor lever. (This lever opens/closes many of the doors in this area.) Exit the room and take the first doorway on your right. Climb the slanted hall into the second floor. Turn right and take the doorway on the Southern wall. Proceed around the block and up another slanted hallway. You'll wind up in a "H" shaped room. Do a jump across the small pit and take the torch on the pedestal. (It's a good idea to save here.) Now do a running jump towards the two slanted floors near the walls. Hold down the jump key the whole time you are in this area. When Lara jumps forward, you can control her to do a slightly angled jump with the direction keys. (You can't do it during a backflip.) With each forward jump you'll be able to get Lara slightly closer to the other side. When you've finally reached the other side of the room. Walk up to the burning trashcan on the NorthWest end and light your torch. The SouthWest corner has two wall switches. Toss away your torch for a moment with your draw weapon key and throw them both. (Be careful you don't toss your torch onto the fire trapped tiles.) The pair of wall switches both open doors. Pick up your torch again and jump to the sloped floors and repeat the jumping move I explained above. Exit this room and run down the slanted hall to the lower level.


Go back to the room with the floor switch. (It's located in the North room on the lower level, remember?) Toss away your torch for a second and throw the switch again. Pick up your torch and return to the second floor again. Turn left and proceed North. Take the second door on your left. Follow the hallway into a huge dark room with black and grey bricks. Turn left and avoid the dart shooter. Run in a NorthWest direction through the cobwebs. You'll hear a knife trap activate. Run SouthWest and look for it. Do a running jump over in and continue running South. Once you reach the crater turn to the SouthEast. Toss away your torch and do a climbing crawl up on the 

block. (Remember, it's jump up and hold to the edge with jump and action, then while holding action, press the duck and forward keys.) Turn to the North and slide down the block (Press down and action when Lara's at the edge.) Turn around, duck and proceed South down the crawlspace. Don't take either of the side branches. After crawling out, Run SouthEast and following the zig-zaging path. You'll hear two knife traps activate at the end. You can't jump over the knife blades from the ground so let's find a higher place from which to jump. Three blocks from the knife blades on the South wall is a tall block you need to climb. The best place to climb onto it is the East edge. Here's another fairly tough jump, let's save the game.


Walk backwards to the West edge of the tall block. Sidestep left or right until Lara's just a step to the right of the center of the western edge. Position Lara so she is facing NorthWest. Start running forward/right as soon as Lara reaches the corner of the block, jump and make her turn in mid-air to the left. Just before she hits the wall, hit action to grab the edge. Do another climbing/crawl into the small space between the two blocks and save the game. (Re-load or turn around and try the jump again if you don't make it.)


Crawl West, turn around and slide down off the block. Run to the West for about 4 blocks. Turn and run to the SouthWest. You'll come upon a floor lever. Throw it and you will see a door somewhere in this area open up. Go West a few blocks and turn to the North. Follow the passageway. Climb and slide down the hill. (Don't go through the cubbyhole passages to your right.) After the slide, run East. Near the East wall is a crawlspace. Crouch down, crawl in and turn left. This path takes you back to the area where you dropped your torch. Do another crawling crab jump, then back out and pick up your torch again. Run to the West, jumping over the low wall and dart shooter. Continue running West. Soon you'll see the door you opened a few minutes ago to your right. Go through and look for a slightly raised platform near the dart shooter. Sitting on this platform is a Miracle Eye.


We are done in these dark caves. Work your way back out of the room, turn left and run East. Jump over the small wall and dart shooter again. Take the first passage to your left, jumping over the knife trap once more. After clearing the knife trap turn to the East and it's only a short distance to the exit of this dark area. Once you are back on the second floor, turn to the right and run to the South. take the second doorway on your right. It leads you back to the lower level. here you should turn to your right again (South) and take the second doorway on your right. Continue down the corridor, being careful around the steam jets. You're now back in the room where you started this level. The west wall has an unopened door. Drop your torch and open it. Pick up your torch again and run down the hall. Turn to the right at the first intersection. Turn left at the end of this hall and you will come upon a Miracle Eye resting on a small pillar. Drop your torch once more to pick it up and get ready for a pair of skeletons. You can use your shotgun to blast them both down the pit at the other end of the hall or just blow them up. Take your torch again and run down the hall to the South don't make any turns at the intersection, just keep going straight. Follow the hall until you reach a wall ladder. Drop the torch and do a standing grab jump onto it. Watch out, though. The floor underneath is spike trapped. Snake your way down to the bottom, avoiding the spiked trapped floors. Turn the corner and you will find yourself in a large empty room. Go to the open doorway at the SouthWest corner and drop down to the room underneath. A fourth Miracle Eye is located in the North West corner. Grab it and climb back up to the bigger room. There is a wall ladder on the North side of the hole you sropped in. Two skeletons have appeared, take them out with whatever you have. Run back North and snake your way back up the wall ladder. Grab the torch you dropped. Continue North down the hall and turn right at the intersection. Cross the starting room again and go through the hall with the steam emitters.


You are now back in on the lower floor. There's nothing for you here right now, so go to the second floor. (I'm sure you know how to get there by now.) On the second floor go through the middle doorway on the West wall. Drop your torch and climb the wall ladder. Once you reach the top place the four Miracle Eyes in the receptacles in the central block. Once all four are in place you'll see a door opening.


Grab your torch again and go down to the lower level. Go through the huge doorway on the East side down here. Climb up the fireman pole on the north end of the room. Continue on and climb the big, wide staircase. At the top you'll have to take out a few  bats. Turn right and go South and follow the passageway. At then end is a hedge maze.


Note: This hedge maze has a few terrorists and dogs that will appear at some point.


Starting from the entrance, take the first left and then the first right ignore the path to your right and turn the corner. Take the right path after turning the corner then take a left. Continue down the path and around the corner. Ignore the path to your right and continue until you hit a dead end. Here you'll pick up a Bronze ball. Now, turn around 180 degrees and follow the pathway turning twice around the corners. Again, ignore the path to your left and turn another corner. You should be facing West. Continue running West and ignore the first path to your right. Turn left when you reach the wall and follow the path. Ignore the two paths to the left and right. Continue down the path, turning a few corners until you reach another dead end with another Bronze Ball. Turn around 180 degrees again and turn three corners. Ignore the path to your right but take the path to your left. Ignore the little dead end to your

left and turn the two corners. You are now facing/running to the North. Ignore the two paths to your left and take the right path when you reach the wall. Go around a few corners until you are going North again. Ignore the path to your right and continue running North and you will find yourself back at the entrance to the hedge maze.


Turn North East and enter the room with the crates. Go to the North West corner of this room and proceed into the next room. A few bats are hanging around this room take them out with your pistols. A few recycle bins are located in this room. Shoot them all, one of the cans contains your third Bronze Ball. Exit this room through the North West. Run around the small building and continue going North. After passing through the "Y" shaped passageway, you'll end up near a big pool with square platforms attached to the walls. Let's get that lasersight, first. Do a running grab jump onto the platform and pick up the lasersight. There are a few crocs in the pool so blast 'em from this or another platform. Drop down, climb the South wall and line Lara up with the platforms on the East side of the wall. Do another running grab jump to the platform. Do a running jump onto the next one. Turn to the East and do a side jump to your left. Lara will land on a slanted platform and slide down. Hold action so she holds onto the edge and then shimmy to the left. At the end of this platform, pull up. As Lara is pulling herself up, press and hold jump and roll. Right after Lara turns around hold action to grab the edge of the next platform. Pull up and do another running grab jump to the next platform. Do yet another running grab jump to the next platform but don't pull up onto the spike trapped tile. Shimmy to your left and pull up on the safe tile. Take out the skeletons here any way you'd like. Walk to the Southern edge of this platform and do a standing grab jump to the platform across the pool. The next two jumps to the West are easy. You are now on a series of platforms on the West wall. One tile is spiked trapped and the one behind it has a crate resting on it. Walk into the middle of the tile just before the spike trap and do a standing grab jump onto the crate. Pull up and drop to the platform below. From here, do a running jump to the North East. You will land on a small "L" shaped platform. Do two standing jumps to the North. Face West and do a running grab jump to the opposite platform. Take the Revolver, combine it with your Lasersight and equip it. Press and hold the look key (default is zero on the numeric keypad). Aim at the purple jewel in the lion's mouth (Use Duck and Sprint keys to zoom in and out. Control the direction with left, right, forward and back.)Fire at the jewel and the lion will close it's mouth and the door underneath will open up. Jump to and enter the newly opened door and explore the dark room. A dead end in the center has Bronze Ball number four.


Return to the pool area but don't jump into the water. Wait a minute for a pair of crocs to come around the corner. Shoot them safely from the ledge. Now you can dive into the water. Swim all the way back to the beginning of the pool room. Go through the "Y" doorway again and head South. Return to the big, wide staircase and climb down. Slide down the fireman pole to the lower level. Go to the North room and throw the floor lever. Exit the room and run South. Go through the second door on your right. Climb down the wall ladder and place all four Bronze Balls in the hand receptacles. When the final one is placed, you'll see a door opening. Climb the wall ladder out of this room. Run East into the next room. Turn right and slide down the Fireman pole. Pick up the Claydol Key beyond the door you just opened. Shimmy up the two fireman poles and climb the big, wide staircase. Turn right and return to the hedge maze area. (You don't need to explore the hedge maze again, though) Return to the room with the crates again. (Entrance is near the NorthEast of the hedge maze area.) Run in a NorthEast direction through the room with the crates. Pass through the two tall archways. A terrorist will be waiting for you here, deal with him. Place the Claydol Key in the keyhole and the tall iron doors will open. Continue through the archways and into the next room. Open the door on the North side and get ready to blast a terrorist standing on a raised platform. You are now outside once again. Continue running North through the archway. You are now in a huge outdoor area. Two dogs and one terrorist will attack you here. Once you take care of them both, keep going North. The next section of this huge area has another pair of terrorists. One on top of a stack of crates and the other approaches from the Eastern building. (There seem to be quite a lot of enemy pairs in this level, right?) Run to the NorthWest corner of this area and locate the floor lever. It is near the small pool.


Throw the switch and you will see a door open. Run back South across the huge outdoor area go through the little archway and return to the little building. (You were here just a few minutes ago.) Go to the NorthWest corner, (near the crate and newly opened door) follow the hallway and you are sent to the next level with a health boost.



Quest for Infinata's Eye Part4



Walk down the hallway and into the next room two dogs and terrorists attack you here. The terrorists tend to retreat from the room while the dogs attack. Take care of them all. Continue North after walking around the big pillar. Follow the path until you reach an alleyway between a pair of three story buildings. Go through the archway on the NorthEast corner. Continue through the room and up the inclined hallway. up on the second floor, three skeletons have just risen from the ground use your shotgun to blast them down into the alleyway or just blast them to pieces with your grenade launcher or crossbow explosives. Do a running grab jump across the alleyway into the next room. Here you see three floor levers. Throw the middle and Western ones. (Leave the Eastern one alone.) The door opens. Enter the next room and do a running grab jump across the alleyway into another room. A terrorist is waiting for you here, blast him. Shimmy up the fireman pole into the next room. Once again do a running grab jump into the room with the pillars. Continue into the next room with the rock hanging from the ceiling. Another running grab jump takes you to the final room. Push the first crate ahead (East) one block. Sidestep to your right and push the second crate forward (East). Turn back to the first crate and push it to the North. Pull the second crate back out one block and then push it to the left or right (North or South) A pathway is now open, follow it to a jump switch.


After throwing the switch, you'll see the ceiling rock fall. Now, go all the way back down to the first floor. (Two terrorists will shoot at Lara as she makes the jumps accross the alleyway. Use potions to heal her if her energy gets low. Oh, one more note: Don't try jumping down the holes the rock made.) Once Lara's on the second floor, she can blow away the terrorists. Once you have returned to the alleyway the bottom floor head South and continue along the path. Once you reach the fat pillar, turn right and go through the Western doorway. Run down the stairway and jump into the little river. Swim to the North, you will see the rock sitting at the very northern end of the underwater corridor. (The purpose of dropping the rock was to slow the current in the river so you can reach the next room.) Keep swimming North and take the path to your left. In the center of the room, on a raised block is a Creepy Key. Take it and swim out of the river. Return to the alleyway and go through the doorway to the NorthWest on the ground floor. Bump off the terrorist and place the Creepy Key in the keyhole. Enter the newly opened door. Enter the room, run up the long ramp and turn right. A terrorist will appear in a little aclove shoot him and enter the alcove.


Run to the NorthWest corner and shimmy up the fireman pole. Jump off into the next room. Go through the large archway to the North and cross the sand dunes. Turn right but before you enter the room, crouch down. Crawl into the next room and some spikes will poke out from the ceiling. Continue crawling to the Indium Rod sitting in the SouthEast corner. Take it, turn around and crawl out of the room. Return to the alcove.


Now, shimmy up the SouthWest fireman pole, jump off when you are in the next room and run South. Run up to the hole with the fireman pole and turn to the North. Drop down and hang onto the edge. Let go of action for a moment, then press and hold it again. Lara will drop a short distance and then grab onto a ledge below. Do a ducking pull up into the crawlspace (hold up while pressing crouch and action.) Crawl to the North, turn the corner and slide into the next room. Throw the floor lever, you'll see a door open. climb back into the crawlspace again and return to the other end. Slide down and drop to the room below. (Lara will take some damage from the drop) Shimmy up back up the fireman pole into the upper room. Turn left and go through the newly opened portal. Climb the wall ladder and watch the nifty flyby of an giant emerald room.


Face SouthWest and do a running grab jump to the ceiling pillar with the carved out notch. Shimmy to the right around the corner and pull up on the catwalk. Deal with the skeleton and do a running grab jump to the next catwalk. Take out the skeleton there, too. (Save the game here) Line Lara up with the rope and do a running grab jump onto it. Wait a while for Lara to stop swinging back and forth. Slide down to the bottom of the top and face the wall emerald to the SouthEast. Build up some momentum by holding the sprint key and at the height of your swing jump off. Lara will land on the emerald safely if you did the swing correctly. Face South and do a running jump to the next emerald. There is a small doorway near the wall, pull up into it. Follow the path and in this larger room, look to the North. There is a glowing red hand holding a Specter Key. Watch out, though. There's a deadly pit 

surrounding it. Jump over the pit and snatch up the Specter Key. Jump trough the small doorway to the North. (Don't try a standing jump from the edge, though.) This next room is dark and has small deadly pits scattered all over. It would be a good idea to only walk in this room and/or use a flare or two. Some skeletons will come out to harass Lara here, too. Use your shotgun or any explosive weapon. Carefully make your way to the NorthWest part of the room. One pit has a wall ladder on it's Eastern face. Climb down and drop into the room. You've been here before haven't you? Turn to the West and climb the wall ladder again. Once you are in the big emerald room, work your way to the rope as I've described above. (It might be an idea to save before jumping to the rope) Once you are hanging from the rope again, turn SouthWest. Build up some momentum again and jump onto the catwalk. Try not to overshoot it. Destroy the skeleton and do a running grab jump to the next catwalk to the West. Walk to the Southern pillar and place the Specter Key in the keyhole. The pair of doors to the West open up. Do a running grab jump to the edge.


Enter either doorway and go into the "H" shaped room. Be ready to fight some bats here. Climb out at the opposite end and you will find yourself outdoors. Two dogs and three terrorists will attack you here. Jump or climb onto the single crate at the NorthEast corner. Face the building, do a running jump and grab the edge. Now, shimmy to the right. Keep going until you are only one block away from the NorthWest corner of the building. Pull up and hold jump and roll. As soon as Lara completes the roll, press and hold action to grab the edge of the stack of crates. Pull yourself up and take the Indium Rod.


Enter the archway on the North wall. Run to the NorthEast and place both Indium Rods on the little shelves attached to the wall. The door opens into a hallway. As you run ahead, the door at the end opens but as you get close it slams shut again. How do you get by? Look carefully at the floor. You'll notice that there are two rows with slightly darker flooring. Return to the first row and walk across it. The opposite door opens again. Run forward again but jump over the second row of darker flooring.


Enter the room and blow away the terrorists. You'll also notice walls that have the spike trap pattern. To avoid being damaged, jump over the floors next to the spiked trap walls. You'll get by with out a scratch. Go through the doorway to the North and shoot the terrorist and dog.


You are now in the theatre. You've seen the posters all over my levels, haven't you? Climb up onto the crate and face NorthWest towards the jump switch. (Don't try this from the top of the two crates.) Do a running grab jump to the switch and throw it. The door to the North opens. Go through, find and throw the floor lever inside. You'll see that the theatre's curtain has been raised and a trio of terrorists are waiting for you on the stage. Run towards the stage and kill off each terrorist. One of them will drop a Neptune's Key when he hits the floor. Pick it up and go back to the room with the spike triggered walls. Cross the hallway and go through the door you opened with the two Indium Rods. Return to the outdoor area again, go through the little "H" shaped room and follow it to the emerald room. Do running grab jumps across the catwalks and jump to the rope. Swing over to the emerald on the wall, jump over to the second one and enter the next room. Go to where you got the Specter Key and jump into the dark room with the little deadly pits. Climb down the wall ladder at the NorthWest pit again. Now, go East and slide down the fireman pole located at the NorthEast corner. You are now back at the little alcove. Run NorthEast and down the ramp. Take care of the lone terrorist and place the Neptune's Key in the Eastern wall's keyhole. The door opens to a steep staircase. Run down and use the crowbar to open the iron gate. The next long room has a pool in the center many underwater floor tiles are spike trapped. Climb onto the crate, from here do a standing grab jump to the ceiling monkeybars. Make your way to the North along the monkeybars. Drop down and go through the Western doorway.


You'll find yourself in a beautiful "greenhouse" like area. One terrorist is waiting for you on the ground floor. Take him out and look for the floor lever near the shrubs and palm trees. Throw the lever and go through the SouthWest doorway. It looks like a dead end but look up. There is a wall ladder on the Eastern shaft. Climb it and get ready to do away with a skeleton. Enter the little room to the South. There's a switch on the wall. Jump up and throw it, you'll see a door opening. Leave the room and run to the floor lever near the edge. Throw it and drop down to the bottom floor. Go back to the floor lever in the shrubs and throw it too. Run to the shaft to the NorthWest. Climb up the wall ladder and destroy the skeleton that's here, too. Run into the little room to the North and throw the wall lever. You will see another door open near the room with ceiling spikes. Drop down to the ground floor. (Note: This is the last place where you can use your Secret Sapphires.)


We are done here, let's return to the room with the monkeybars and pool. You can't reach the monkeybars from this side. You'll have to drop into the pool. Look before you leap, okay? Wade through the water to the South. Avoid the spike trapped tiles and climb either ladder on the other side. Exit the room and climb the slanted staircase. In the next room keep hauling yourself to the West and up the ramp. Turn left, then right and you'll enter the alcove again. Shimmy up the NorthWest fireman pole and jump into the room. Run North across the sand dunes and crawl into the room with the spikes poking out of the ceiling. You were here before when you grabbed the

first Indium Rod, remember? Stand up in the next room and run towards the small pit. (If Lara's energy is low at this point, give her a potion.) Turn around at the edge, tap backwards and hang onto the edge. Drop down into the room below. Lara will lose about one sixth of her energy from the fall. Slide down the North or South slope and then slide down the slopes at the bottom. Go through the small doorway and slide down another steep slope. Once Lara reaches the bottom, she will be sent to the next level with a health boost.



Quest for Infinata's Eye Part5



Run towards the door, it will open for you automatically. Continue down the hall with the wall mounted torches. When you are about half way down the hall, turn to the North and look for a Tiny Skull Key on the floor near the wall. As it's name implies, it is quite small. You will need to look for it carefully. Once you have it, run East into the next "L" shaped room. Climb the fat wall ladder on the opposite side and place your Tiny Skull Key in the keyhole. The big iron doors will open. (Hmmm... What do we have here?) The following is printed high on the Eastern wall "_ _ _ _ SESAME" and there's a small pit on the floor with many letters printed on their tiles. have you ever read "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"? The password for opening the magic cave door was "OPEN SESAME". You'll have to spell out the "OPEN" part of "OPEN SESAME" using the lettered floor tiles. Jump or walk on the tiles that haveO", "P", "E" and "N" printed on them. If you accidently step on another letter, the puzzle will reset and you'll have to start spelling "OPEN" over again. (Note: Jumping over a letter tile does not activate it.) One more thing, you don't have to spell the word "OPEN" in right way. You can spell it in reverse or in parts.


Once the word is correctly spelled out, the iron doors to the East will open. Continue through the open doors and  down the hall. Jump down the shaft and be ready for a loooooooooong fall. Lara will land safely in a pool below. Swim to the bottom SouthWest of the pool and grab an Entropy Key. Climb out of the water and run up the slightly slanted hall to the West. Open the NorthWest door and run down the hall. In the next room you'll see many locked doors with skull pictures hanging above them.


Let's go to the Northern wing first. Run to the last door on the Western wall. Place the Entropy key in the keyhole and get ready to battle a pair of dogs and terrorists. Once they are out of the way, go into the opened room and pick up another Entropy Key and an Orange Demon Brain. Run a short distance to the door at the NorthWest. Open it up and get ready for two skeletons and a fire ghost. You already know how to dispose of skeletons, but how do you kill the fire ghost? Run or sprint all the way back to the pool you landed in after that big drop and dive in. The fire ghost will follow you and when it touches the water, it will extinguish itself. *Phew* Return to the door you opened and grab the Entropy Key along with the Blue Demon Brain.


You are done on this wing of the room so run South into the other wing. Go to the SouthEast door and open it up. You'll have to deal with a pair of fire ghosts again here, too. Return to the pool and dive in again. Wait for the foolish fire ghosts to follow you. Once they both are gone, return to the SouthEast room and get an Entropy Key and a Red Demon Brain. Runa  short distance to the closest door on the East wall. Open it with your Entropy Key and kill the two terrorists and giant beetle. Go into the room and add the Green Demon Brain and Entropy key to your inventory.


Run to the central part of this big room and go through the small Western doorway. Place all four Demon Brains in their matching demon heads. Go through the opened door to the West. The next room has a keyhole for the final Entropy Key on the Eastern side of the little block. Place the Entropy Key in and the door behind you opens. Enter the room and... wha... what's that on the raised pedestal in the center of the room?


It's Infinata's Eye, of course! Pick it off the pedestal, Lara's theme plays and the door on the Western wall opens. Go through it, run down the hall, congratulate yourself, as the level ends successfully here.



I hope you enjoyed my levels, it took me several months to make the game.


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