Natla Returns

Level by Dgenocroft

Walkthrough by manarch2

NOTE: While reloading or going back to title screen the game crashes. So please unpack the level before playing and click again on the tr4.exe file if this happens.

LEVEL 1: Something Strange in Venice

Start this level falling in a pit. Get out and shoot the wolf (1). Run N and climb the ladder, then back flip onto the platform. Perform a running jump W and take the Load (Green Key). Run up the ramp S and jump to the SE platform. Use the key there. After watching the cut scene, jump into the water and climb out at the E ledge. Kill another wolf (2) and climb the ladder and back flip onto the next stage. There is nothing in the water so jump over the ledges to a platform with a wolf (3). Jump to the ladder N and climb into the tunnel. After running through turn around and jump to another stage. You enter a new room. On the N wall there is an unmarked climbable ladder (three squares W from entry) which leads to SECRET 1, the Uzis. Then run to the W lever, push it and climb the (marked) ladder NE and back flip. Jump (without pushing Action) to the red alcove and make your way up: Jump (no Action again) to low point of SE ledge and from there further W. At the end of the alcove slide down the ramp and at last possible point jump to final N alcove. Climb the ladder W and slide down. A female enemy (Natla?) shoots from behind, you can shoot at her but not kill her because the level changes.

LEVEL 2: Temple of Natla

Slide down to the end.
Note the slot requiring an artefact to the left. Jump into the pool and climb out S. Pick up the Large Medipack and Flares. Climb that structure by performing standing jumps SW. Enter the tunnel and climb onto the high ledge. W is a keyhole. S is an opening to a bigger area. Jump down and from there to SE ledge (on same platform). SW is a ledge, too, Further SE jump to another roof and from there run S and jump two times W. Get on the most N platform, jump to the roof slope and hold Action. Climb down the ladder. Kill a baddy (4) and take his Load. Climb the ladder up again and back flip on the ledge. Make your way back to the exit and in the W pit where you can use the Green Key. The big roof room is now flooded. Swim E and down into the little passage. Swim up SE and take the Ba Cartouche. Again swim to the exit and into the starting room. Put the Ba Cartouche into the receptacle and the game crashes which is the end.

End of Level.
Kills: 4
Secrets: 1