Level by Adriel Silva


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with lots of help from the video segments prepared and posted by the builder.


There's no compass here, so I'll indicate directions as best as I can.  According to the builder's readme, there are 10 secrets in this level.  However, although a number of pickups documented here "felt" like secrets, only the ones so indicated gave the familiar chime and/or registered in my secret count. There also appeared to be something wrong with my audio files, as I heard no background music or voiceovers throughout the game.



Step forward and use the ice mound to pull up into the first window on your left.  Shoot out the glass and hop down inside the room.  There's a large blue jug to your right.  Move it into the next room and push it onto the small rug to your left.  A door opens in the opposite corner, but before going there open the nearby bathroom door and go inside for a large medipack.  Return to the previous room and go through the opened doorway.  In the next room, run past the grand piano and stand at the edge of the smaller bright carpet.  Pull the carpet back toward the piano (you have to be standing in just the right spot to activate Lara's pulling animation) to reveal a trap door in the floor.  You can open the trap door now if you like, but there's nothing to do down there right yet, so go back the way you came and past the spot where you found the blue jug. 


Turn left and run up the stairs.  Make a hairpin turn to the left at the top and open the leftmost door (one of two you'll find up here).  Enter the sparsely appointed room and shoot out the window to your left.  Step out onto the landing and take a running jump and grab straight across to the next building.  Pull up and hop through the opening on your right to land in the room below.   As you do so you'll see a brief cut scene of a room with Christmas presents.  Hop over the brown crate just below the window and pick up BOX 2 in the corner.  Nothing more to do here, so hop back up into the window sill, jump to the lower roof to your left and safety drop to the alley below.  The transporter is inoperative, so run down the alley and turn left at the wall.  When you emerge in an open area, turn left again and find another alley in the wall next to a closed door.


Follow the alley and turn right at the archway.  Hop into the small fenced enclosure and find the LASERSIGHT between the trees.  Hop forward and locate another alley opposite the one by which you entered.  Follow it and turn left at the yellow car.  Continue forward into an alley separating a building and a fenced enclosure.  When you reach the icy obstruction in the alley, use it to back flip and jump into the fenced enclosure.  Shoot out the window in the building, then take a running jump over the fence and grab the edge of the window.  Pull up and run forward into the building.  Turn left and go up the stairs.  Run forward and shoot out the next window on your left.  Step out onto the balcony and turn right.  Shoot the railings blocking your way to the next balcony, jump over there, shoot out the next railings, and so on until you reach the last balcony.  Shoot out the window to your right and hop down into an upper loft with some presents.  Go down the stairs (you can shoot the railings here, too) into a room with more presents and a sleeping dog.   Continue down the stairs to the lowest room and open the door in the far wall (ignoring for now the wall switch).


Climb up on the block and pick up WRAPPING PAPER 2.  Combine it with Box 2 to form GIFT 2 and return to the previous room.   Stand in front of the pile of presents and add to it Gift 2 (cut scene of a closed door somewhere outside).  Now pull down the wall switch to open the exit door and go back outside.  Turn left and run past the yellow car, through the alley separated by the building and fenced enclosure, then angle to your right just before you reach the red car and continue forward past the central plaza with the horse statue.  The square opening in the wall ahead appears to be blocked by snow and ice, but you can pull up into a crawl space.  Do so and crawl forward until you can stand up.  Hop down into a large outdoor area.  After the flyby, run to your right and pick up the small medipack in the corner.   Turn around, look up and locate the jump switch.  Activate it to release a trap door somewhere. 


Run to the opposite corner of this area, to the left of the big tree, and locate the hole you just opened.  Jump down inside and follow the passage past a frozen array of Christmas presents and turn left when you reach the shallow water.  Hop up onto the block in front of you and pull up onto the wooden platform to your left.  Quickly run forward and jump to the ice ledge before the platform crumbles.  Pick up the HOTEL ROOM KEY, turn around and jump back down to the icy floor.  Return the way you came, past the shallow water and presents, and climb out of the hole.  Run forward past the tree and turn left into the ice passage.  Follow to a water hole and jump in.


Swim down through the freezing water and into the small passage.  Quickly swim through and up as your life force is being drained, pull up on the right side of the sloped ledge and back flip to a flat surface.  Turn around and walk up the ledge for the REVOLVER.  Jump back into the water, quickly swim back the way you came and pull out into the ice tunnel.  Return to the large outdoor area and run straight forward across the frozen lake to exit through the crawl space by which you entered.  Run forward and slightly to your right, past two yellow cars, until you reach a gate just beyond which is a red car.  Pull up onto the ledge either to your right or your left and hop down into the little courtyard.  Locate and open the door in the side of the building.  Go inside and open another door ahead and to your left. 


Go up the stairs in the next room (past a closed door on your right) and run past the first door on your left and one on your right.  Open the second door on your left and go inside.  Pull the pedestal out of your way and go behind it to pull down the wall switch.  You can hear the sound of a door opening not far away.  Reverse roll and return to the hallway.  Turn right and open the next door.  Enter the bedroom and go through the opened doorway onto the balcony.  Turn to your left and pick up the BASEMENT KEY behind the chair.    Go back out to the hallway, turn slightly left and open the next door.  Instead of going out onto the balcony, turn right and run down the stairs.  Turn right and open the door across the room.  Enter the bathroom and kneel down in front of the sink to pick up a small medipack.  Return to the previous room, loop around to the left and exit through the open doorway.  Turn slightly to your right and open the next door. 


Enter the kitchen, hop up onto the ledge to your right and shoot out one of the glass panels.  Hop down into the next room and use your Basement Key to open the door.  Enter, go down the stairs and watch the flyby.  Since you now know the water is electrified, use the wooden platforms to get across safely to the other side.  (Because of the low ceiling, use running jumps to get from platform to platform and finally to the ice ledge.)  Jump past the swinging wires, turn left and jump up to grab the monkey bars.  Monkey swing across the deadly water and drop down onto the wooden crate.  Pick up the MOLD, turn around and monkey swing back the way you came.  Jump back along the platforms and exit to the stairs.  Return to the dining room, jump over into the kitchen and exit to the hallway.  Loop around to the right and come to the outdoor courtyard. 


Run forward, pull up onto the ledge and take a running jump and grab to the window sill where you shot out the glass earlier.  Pull up and run up the stairs to your left.  Loop around to your right and use the Hotel Room Key to open the door to your right.  Enter and turn right.  Hop up onto the table and pick up the middle WINE GLASS.   Activate the nearby jump switch to open the exit door.  Enter the swimming pool area and pull down the wall switch across the room to open the trap door in the pool.  Jump into the water and swim down to an underwater ductwork passage.  Turn right at the intersection and follow past the closed gate to an alcove where you'll find the SCREWDRIVER.  Go back in either direction and swim up through the open trap door. 


Exit the swimming pool, run through the dining room into the hallway and turn right to return to a window that you shot out earlier.  Safety drop to the ground and run forward toward the horse statue in the distance.  This time, when you reach the red car turn left and run up the wide stairs.  Use your Screwdriver to open the door at the top and go inside, where you'll encounter what seems to be a level change.  Go to your right or left and head up the stairs.  Ignore the closed door ahead and to your left.  Instead, turn right, run along the wooden catwalk and open the door around the corner.  Go inside, turn left at the bookshelves and open another door.  Enter a huge library.  Step forward and climb the bookshelf directly in front of you.   Climb all the way up to a small wooden roof and shift right as necessary until you're directly over a jump switch.  Release and activate the jump switch to lower a block nearby.  You'll suffer some unavoidable health loss as you fall to the floor.


Turn right and run around the corner.  Look up to your left to see two open spaces in the bookshelf.  The upper one goes clear through, while the lower one is still barred by a closed door.  You can also see an opening high up on your right.  Climb the bookshelf on your left, starting near the corner where the books are piled up on the floor, go all the way to the top and pull up.  Run straight forward along the top of the bookshelf, hop over the pile of books, turn right at the corner and pull up onto the central ledge to your right.  Run forward, hop down into the hole, turn around and push the button to lower a block.      


Get back onto the outer ledge, go back the way you came, and before you reach the pile of books you hopped over earlier, start climbing down the bookshelf.  When you get down to the little wooden bridge, shift right and drop down onto it.  Back flip onto the ledge behind you and jump forward into the irregular opening in the bookshelf.  Go inside and through the triangular opening to your left, locate the opening on the opposite side of the bookshelf and take a running jump to the opening in the facing bookshelf.  Grab the edge and pull up inside.  Safety drop from the other side and follow the patterned carpet to a ledge.  Pull up onto the ledge and take a running jump to another ledge to your right.  Turn right, go to the end of this ledge and pull up into an opening.  Push the button there (cut scene of a section of the library).


Get back down, continue in a clockwise direction around this area, and when you reach the last ledge take an angled standing jump and grab to the opening you dropped down from earlier.  Pull up into the opening and safety drop from the other side.  Go right, hop over the pile of books and hang from the edge.  Make sure you're over the opening below, release and grab and pull up into the opening.  Hop down below and enter the alcove on your right to push another button (same static cut scene as before).  Return to the opening, hang from the other edge until Lara's feet are set, shift right or left and climb up to the top.  Pull up and go to your right and around the corner to your right.  Hang from the edge and locate the opening beneath you.  Climb down, release and grab, and pull up into the opening.


Run forward and turn left.  Hop up into the opening and into the trench below.  Pull up into the opening on your left and push the third button to cause a section of the bookshelf to lower.  Get back out, return to the opening and jump to the right of the opening in the facing bookshelf.  Grab and shift right and around the corner.  When you reach the wooden ledge below you, climb up a bit and back flip to the higher ledge behind you.  Turn to your right, run toward the wall and hang from the edge before you get there.  You can see the new opening directly below.  Climb down, release and grab, and pull up inside.  Run forward and turn right.  Pull down the wall switch to open a wooden gate elsewhere in the library.


Go back and take a running jump and grab to the facing bookshelf.  Climb up a few rungs and back flip to the upper ledge.  Run toward the far wall, hop over the pile of books, turn the corner to your right and look for the twin openings down below in the facing bookshelf to your right.   Jump across and grab, and climb down until you're just above the opening.  Release, grab and pull in.  Hop down and enter the passage slightly to your right.  Jump over the pile of books to the opened gateway and safety drop a long distance to the floor below.  Go to the nearby chain and pull it three times.  A section of the wall comes lumbering out.


Look for an opening in the bookshelf and climb up to it.  Pull inside and safety drop from the other side.  Turn left, run around the corner to your right and exit the library to your left.  Turn left, run around to the wooden catwalk and go downstairs.  Go behind the stairs and find the section of wall that has moved out to reveal a deep hole with a ladder.  Climb down the ladder to a room with a mirror floor.  Turn around and hop up into the hexagonal opening to your left.  Pick up the BOOK and climb back up the long ladder.  Pull up, then loop around and go back up the stairs.  When you reach the top, open the door to your left that you ignored earlier.  Enter an icy outdoor balcony and look around if you like.  However, since there's nothing else to do here right now, turn around and go back downstairs.  Open the door at the far side of the room and enter another library as you get a remote camera shot. 


Turn left and loop around the bookshelves to your right.  Continue past a larger sitting area and locate the ladder.  Climb up the far side and pull up onto a catwalk.  Turn left and take a standing jump over the rail onto the top of the nearest bookshelf.  Continue forward, hop onto the next bookshelf and crawl into the space where the shelves dip down.  Turn slightly to your right and take a running jump (because of the low ceiling) and grab the crack in  the facing bookshelf.  Shimmy all the way to the right and pull up into the crawlspace for SECRET #1.  Pick up the large medipack, drop down to the floor, exit this area and go around to the left.  Continue until you reach the ladder.  Climb back up to the catwalk.  Follow the catwalk around the corner to your left, take a banana jump around the obstruction, turn around and enter a small parlor to your left.  Place the Book on the plinth and find yourself magically transported to a higher room with a translucent floor.


Enter the alcove into which the spotlight is shining and pull up into a higher room.  Hop into the alcove next to the little lamp, and a door leading to the highest area of the library opens for you.  Don't go out this way, however.  Turn around, hop down to the previous room and exit through the opening in the far wall.  Turn right and follow the passage to a doorway on your left.  Enter a large room and go up the wide stairs at the far end.  Vault up onto a checkered veranda, turn left and jump up to grab the shingled roof.  Shimmy left until you're underneath a gray slab in the wall (use the look key).  Pull up and back flip into an opening in the central structure.  Turn around and go to the other side of the structure.  Pull up into an alcove, step forward and pull up twice more until you're on the highest portion of the central structure.  Go to the corner and take a running jump to the nearer suspended platform.  Jump to the next platform, and stand two steps back from the far edge.  Take a standing jump down to the third platform, and from there jump into the opening in the wall.


Step forward as the camera angle changes.  Pull up into the alcove in front of you and pull the chain once.  A cut scene shows the area outside the icy balcony you accessed earlier, and the windows are blown out to provide access to a new building.  Reverse roll, return to the opening that overlooks the platforms, and safety drop to the shingled roof below.  Turn left and jump to the lower sloped roof, where you'll slide down to the checkered veranda.  Follow the veranda back to the stairs and go down to the doorway in the opposite corner by which you entered earlier.  Turn right, then left into the small library and vault up into the doorway you opened earlier.  Hop down onto the carpeted catwalk surrounding the library area and run around to your right.  You can see the ladder, so use it to get down to the next level (actually, the ladder only works going up, but the fall is harmless). 


Turn around, jump over the railing and down to the library floor.  Exit through the doorway by which you entered (where you get the fixed camera shot) and go back up the stairs.  At the top, enter the icy balcony through the doorway on your left and scale the wall in front of you.  Approach the building you saw in the cut scene and pull up into either window.  Hop down into the room below and run forward to pick up the GOLDEN KEY.  Return to the previous building via the icy balcony, go down the stairs and exit via the front door (and not the side door).  You get the appearance of another level change, but the title of the level stays the same in your load screen. 


Run straight forward, past the red car and the horse statue, veer to the right of the yellow car and continue to the pentagonal opening in the building ahead.  Enter the passage and open the doors on your left.  Enter and turn left as the camera angle changes.  Open the next door and enter a strange room with bedroom furniture and three sinks.  Go to the wall between the tall mirror and the armoire and pull up into a high hidden alcove (you can see the crawl space in the facing mirror).  Push the button (cutscene of a door opening) and hop back down.  Exit this room, turn left in the hallway and continue through the opened doorway.  You're still plagued by an annoying fixed camera angle as you enter the next room.  Run past the closed door, turn right and continue along the passage to a backstage area.


Turn right and run past the grand piano.  Another annoying fixed camera angle kicks in.  Safety drop from the stage and use the Golden Key in the keyhole.  A block lowers behind you, so drop down into an area underneath the stage.  Run forward and pick up the CARROT in the middle of the sunken cross.  Pull up onto the ledge in front of the scarlet curtain.  The left portion of the curtain is phantom, so hop down inside for SECRET #2 and pick up the SECRET ROSE.  Get back out, hop down and run to your left.  Pull up onto the brown ledge near the wall, step forward and enter the alcove on your right.  Pull up into a familiar area and return to the stage.  Run past the piano, where camera control is mercifully restored, and veer right to climb onto the crates.  Turn left and take a standing jump and grab to the higher platform.  Pull up and follow the platform to the other side.  Jump to the opening in the wall, grab and pull into the crawl space.


Crawl forward until you can stand up and run to the next crawl space.  Crawl to the far end and lower Lara into a storage room of some kind.  Open the doors and exit to another library area.  Run to the far corner of the room, shoot out the windows next to a fireplace with scattered presents and locate a nearby button to open a nearby door.  Go through this doorway across an enclosed bridge into the next building.  Run around the railing, jump to the ladder against the wall and climb all the way down.  Reverse roll, hop over the pile of presents and get behind the pushpiece against the far wall.  Push it forward once, then get to one side and push it onto the marked tile.  Hop back over the presents, locate the blue jug and push it twice so it's next to the ladder.  Then climb the ladder until you're above the ledge, shift right and drop down onto it.  Shoot the railing above the marked tile, hop up there, go across the wooden bridge and jump into the alcove in the opposite corner of the room.  Pull down the wall switch to adjust the architecture in the room, then go back,  climb down the ladder and push the blue jug onto the white tile.


Climb back up, back flip to the wooden bridge, jump back into the corner alcove and push the wall switch back up.  Get to where the blue jug has been raised and push it onto the marked tile.  Return to the wall switch and pull it down once more, and now move the raised blue jug to the other side of the room and onto the while tile.  Go back down the ladder to find that the pushpiece has been raised in the lower room.  Push it onto the checkered tile to open a door on the other side of the Christmas tree.  Go there and run down the stairs into a wine cellar.  Pick up the WINE near an ice slab and combine it with the Wine Glass to form (of course) GLASS WITH WINE.  Exit this room and climb back up the ladder in the previous room.  Back flip to the bridge and return to the connecting building via the enclosed bridge.  Loop around to the left and shoot out the window glass.  Hop over to the ice-covered alcove to your right, shoot out the windows there and hop down into the room.  Take the NOTE from the shimmering table.  It reads:  Hi John, I changed the password to use the elevator in the warehouse.  I know you'll need it.  The new password is: 1105.


Return to the ice-covered alcove and safety drop to the sidewalk below.  Reverse roll and run forward under the enclosed bridge.  Continue until you reach a park area and go all the way past it.  Enter a small alley between the two buildings and turn left at the end.  Continue past a side alley (noting the teleporter there as you do so) and pull up onto a metal platform just above some steps.  Enter the building, hop over the obstruction and take the first left.  Continue to a room where you're warned against using flammable stuff.  Angle to your right and climb up onto an ice pillar.  Turn left and take a running jump and grab to the central structure.  Pull up and loop around to your left.  Stand in front of the wall switch and save your game for a timed run.  Pulling the switch opens a gate dead in front of you, but getting there quickly enough is the problem.  Pull the switch, hit the look key to kill the cut scene, hop back and take a running jump and grab back to the ice pillar.  Pull up and take an angled running jump to the corner of the broken pillar.  Turn slightly left, take a running jump over the rail and into the opening before the gate closes.


When you arrive in time the gate re-opens, so proceed along the passage and pull the wall switch in the alcove to your right to open a wooden gate nearby.  Go back out, jump over the rail and grab the broken pillar.  Pull up, step forward and jump onto the crates below and from there to the floor.  The open gate is across the room on your right, but before you enter shoot the barrel next to the nearby pillar to set off a series of explosions.  It's not immediately apparent what this accomplishes.  Now go through the gateway and enter the password (1105) in the device to operate the elevator.  Use the arrow keys to select the numbers, enter them with the action key, and press the Enter key when you're done. 


Exit the elevator upon arrival and enter the room to your left.  Climb the ladder and pull up through the railing at the top.  Turn left and jump to the rope.  Swing forward and jump off to clear the railing ahead.  Turn around and look up to see another barrel near the edge of the roof.  Combine the LaserSight with the Revolver and shoot the barrel to cause another series of explosions and release a snow boulder.  You'll explore the nearby room a little later, so side flip over the railing onto the ice slope and slide to the floor.  Enter the next room, run past the row of Christmas trees, hop over the long table ahead and locate a crawl space next to the window.  Lower Lara down the other side and drop into a passage.  Follow it around to a jump switch.  Activate it to lift a painting elsewhere, then return to the room with the Christmas trees. 


Locate the lifted painting in the left wall and enter the checkered passage.  The camera angle changes here.  Enter the next room and pick up the STORE KEY from the central slab.  Reverse roll and go back the way you came.  Exit to your left, and once back outside take a standing jump over the icy slope and slide down the other side.  Climb the ladder again and jump to the rope.  Swing and jump over the railing.  Run forward into the next room.  Climb onto the row of crates ahead, climb further to your right and pull up through the hole in the ceiling.  Pick up the large medipack, then get back out and hop to the floor.  Go to the lone crate in the right corner of the room and you'll see a cutscene of another room with presents.  Climb up onto this crate and pick up BOX 1.  Hop down and locate the movable crate in the far wall.  Push it twice forward, get up onto it and crawl into the next room.  Angle to the right and lower Lara into the room.


Locate two more movable crates and pull the left one twice.  Climb into the crawl space you've created and lower Lara down the right side of the crate.  Note that you've revealed a third movable crate behind the first one.  Push the second one against the wall to your right, then get to its right side and push it twice toward the facing wall.  Go to the third crate that was located behind the first one, and pull it back once.  By now you've surely noticed a fourth movable crate, so go around and pull it once so that it's lined up with the first crate.  Your activity has created a little alleyway, so go around the crates and into the revealed room.  Step forward toward what appears to be an artifact, but when you approach it you're transported to a room with Christmas trees.  As long as you're here, follow the hallway to a wall switch.  Pull it down to open the door next to you. 


Exit this building and look to your left to see the teleporter you noticed earlier.  Run down the narrow alley ahead and along the right side of the park.  Turn right into the side street before you reach the red car and locate the open doorway on your right.  Enter the building, turn left and locate a receptacle for your Store Key.  Using it opens the door behind you.  Reverse roll and enter a small grocery store.  Go around to the left for a cut scene of a small table laden with presents.  Shoot the railing and walk past the empty boxes.  Stoop down and pick up the BAG OF GIFTS.  Exit this building and run just past the yellow car to your left to open a door leading into the next building.  Go inside and up the stairs.  Open the doors to the left and run around to the left to open a trap door.


Hop down and open another trap door next to the window.  Hop down again and locate a button in the opposite corner of the lower room.  Push it to open a door nearby, then use the crawl space to your right to locate and push another button to open another door.  Get back out and use the crawl space on the other side of the room, ignoring for the moment the ladder hole you can see to your right.  On the other side of the crawl space turn right in the passage and pick up a SECRET ROSE.  Get back out and now jump to the ladder.  Climb down into the sewers.


Turn left and jump into the water at the near corner.  Swim through the triangular opening and follow the underwater passage to the right, ignoring for now the left junction.  Turn left at the wall and pull the underwater lever.  Flip turn and swim back the other way, turning right at that junction you ignored just now.  Continue to the end of the passage and pick up a SECRET ROSE.  Return to the main sewer and pull up onto the walkway in front of the ladder.  Follow the walkway toward the other side of the sewer, noting to your right the closed underwater grate (for a timed swim later).  Jump into the water and swim around to your right until you locate an underwater lever in an alcove.  Don't pull it yet (it starts that timed swim), but instead pull out of the water right above it and hop up to your left to enter what looks like a base area. 


Pull up on the right side of the long ledge and turn around to see a ladder.  Take a running jump and grab to it and climb up halfway to the top.  Take a rolling back flip and grab the higher ledge.  Shimmy left a bit to avoid the steam, then pull up and jump forward into the water.  Swim down and pull the underwater lever near the ladder.  Swim back and pull out onto the ledge.  Run forward across the bridge and into the open doorway.  Turn right (the other way is obstructed) and follow the passage.  Turn left at the juncture and hop up into the alcove to push a button and drain one part of the previous area while flooding another.  Go back there and jump into the water on the left side.  Swim around to the back and open the underwater door.  Swim through the passage into an outdoor fountain underneath the ice cover.  You get a screen shot of a room with presents on the floor when you swim over the ornate tile.  After that, pick up the TOY and return to the base area. 


Pull out of the water onto the ledge and run toward the far wall.  Brave the steam long enough to jump to the ladder, climb down and release.  Or, in the alternative, you can simply safety drop to the floor and sustain about the same amount of health loss.  Return to the sewers and jump into the water.  Pull that underwater lever you bypassed earlier.  It's timed, however, so quickly hit the look key to kill the cut scene of the open underwater gate, flip turn and swim back around the corner and to your left into the opening before the gate slams shut again.   Pull the underwater lever in the next room to open another underwater gate (not timed, however).  Swim out to the sewers, turn right and pull out under the archway in the corner.  Splash through the shallow water to the opening in the far wall, go inside and locate the shaft in the floor to your left. 


Jump into the shaft and into more water.  Swim around the green container and locate the underwater lever.  Pull it to open a gate leading to the outdoors.  Flip turn and swim back toward the shaft.  Pull out of the shaft and return to the main part of the sewers.  Jump into the water and swim toward the timed underwater lever.  Pull up above it as you did earlier, turn left and run through the gateway you opened just now.  Jump down into the shallow water and wade over to the ledge in the near left corner.  Pull out onto it and take a running jump to grab the rope.  Turn to your left and aim for the near corner of the higher brick ledge.  Swing and jump to it, then run and jump to the left ladder in the far wall.  Grab it and shift right to the next ladder, and continue around the corner to a third ladder.  Release to drop down onto a pillar, reverse roll and take a standing jump to grab the overhead monkey bars.  Monkey swing forward until you're over the next ledge, and release.  Run into the next area to trigger what seems to be another level change.


Stand in front of the left side of the central shaft and take a standing jump over the slope.  Grab the wall, climb up until you reach the ladders, and continue upward while shifting to the right as necessary to allow you to pull up into an upper room.  Turn around and go to the right side of that truncated metal pyramid.  Save your game, as weird things can happen if you don't make the next jump just right. Take a running jump over left of center of the pyramid, where you'll encounter a boosting force that carries you high up the facing wall and sweeps you toward your right.  Grab the crack, shimmy to the right a bit if necessary and pull up into the crawl space.   Pick up the small medipack and safety drop to the floor. 


From this side of the truncated pyramid, take a running jump and float up to the ledge high up in the facing wall.  Go to the far corner and face the burning platforms.  Remember that you can stand safely in the corners, so when the flame of the nearer one goes out, jump over there and scoot into a corner before the flame returns.  Use the same technique to get to the second platform, and from there take a standing jump and grab to the grid platform in the corner.  Pull up and hop down to your right.  Follow the passage, hopping over the steam jet, until you reach a deep shaft with a ladder.  Climb all the way down and hop down from the crate into a dark room.  Locate the barrel next to the sofa on the ledge in front of you and shatter it with a pistol shot.  Pull up onto the ledge and push the button that the barrel was blocking.  An unseen door opens somewhere close by. 


Hop down from the ledge (the other two barrels are empty) and loop around the room to the right.  Locate the movable crate and pull it out into the room.  Push it to one side and enter the revealed doorway.  Turn left and run to the end of the checkered hallway, noting for later the stairs leading down to your right, and turn left underneath the "Merry Christmas" sign.  Turn right in the next room and run to a large outdoor balcony.  Turn 45 degrees left and jump over the railing toward the tree so you that you minimize the drop land on the ice mound.  Turn left and run down the wide alley past a small building.  Turn around and climb to the roof of the small building from its rear.  Run to the front of the building and jump up to grab the higher ledge.  Run forward, being mindful of the ledge as it narrows, and turn right at the closed door.  Go all the way to the end and through the doorway as the camera angle changes.


Continue to the other side, and when you reach the end take a running jump toward the horse statue so that you land on top of the wall below.  Run forward along the wall, to the left of the horse statue, hop down and continue forward until you reach a doorway leading to a room with crates and a small central pool.  Jump in the water and pull the underwater lever at the far end of the pool.  You hear the sound of a trap door opening on the other side of the pool, so swim over there, fill your lungs with air and save your game before proceeding. 


As you swim through the open trap door into an underwater mirror room, you encounter what seems to be a strong current.   However, if you'll look in the mirror you'll see that your progress is being impeded by a series of invisible fences.  There are openings in each fence (you may want to take notes of the pattern and go back for air before starting), so quickly weave your way across the room and pull down the underwater lever in the alcove on the far side.  A cut scene shows a trap door opening somewhere in the crate room.  Make your way back there the same way you came, and take a deep breath.  Pull out of the water, go between the stacked crates and locate the open trap door.  Pull up onto the crate underneath it and jump up into a room with a glass floor.  Go to the alcove in the opposite corner of the room and pull the chain there three times.  The larger chain behind you moves, and a flyby takes you outdoors and shows a grate opening.


Go back to the trap door, jump into the hole and lower Lara back down to the floor.  Go back outside and turn left.  Run through the opening created by the lifted grate and hop up into the opening on your right.  Hop down the other side and run left between the two crates.  Face to your right and back flip onto the sloped crate.  Jump off and grab the edge of the higher crate.  Pull up and hop forward onto the ledge, and from there pull up to a higher ledge.  Note the snow boulder near the center of the room (your task here is to line things up so you can push it along a track), then turn to the wall underneath the mural and jump up to grab the crack.  Shimmy right until you're able to pull up.  Turn left and vault up onto the wooden ledge.  Look up to see a lion's head in the distance.  Using your combined Revolver and LaserSight, shoot the gem in the lion's mouth. 


The snow boulder has been lowered, so ready your pistols now so you won't inadvertently use up precious revolver ammo later, and head along the wooden walkway to the far corner of the room.  Drop onto the sloped shingled roof, slide down and grab the edge.  Safety drop to the floor.  Jump over to where the snow boulder is and push it forward four times.  (You may have to try several times before Lara's pushing animation is activated.)  Finally, push it down the sloped roof to the ground below to open a wooden gate elsewhere.  Follow the snow boulder to the edge of the roof, go right and jump across to the adjacent section of roof.  Go to the other end and jump up to grab the higher section.  Pull up and run to your left toward another snow boulder.  When you reach it, push it over the edge of the roof and run back the way you came.  When you reach the lower section of the roof, safety drop from there, reverse roll and run to the right of the wall surrounding the horse statute.  Locate the hole in the ground directly opposite the horse statue and jump down inside.


Follow the path around the corner and you'll see a crawl space.  Get in the small room on the other side for a small medipack, then return.  If you continue along the path you'll run into a dead end, so go back the other way and pull out of the hole.  Run to the other side of the horse statue and into a familiar opening with the lifted grate.  Hop up onto the ledge to your right and down into the room below.  Go between the crates as you did before and use the sloped one to jump to the higher one.  Pull up and jump to the ledge.  Go to your right a bit and take a running jump and grab to the row of crates formerly occupied by the snow boulder.  Pull up, turn left and go back onto the roof.  Turn right, run to the end and jump across to the facing section of roof.  This time, go forward and pull up to the higher section to your right.  Enter the building via the opening to your left and see the lifted wooden gate down below.


Hop down and follow the passage to an opening that overlooks a large lake.  You can jump and grab the fence to your left, so do so (as the camera angle changes) and shift right until you're beneath a ladder.  Climb up to the top and pull up onto the roof.  Run forward and to your right, and safety drop to an ice ledge.  Slide down to your right, then run off the far end to your left, holding back the action key so that you glide into a tunnel.  Run forward and pick up a SECRET ROSE.  Go back and jump up to the ice ledge.  Take a standing jump to the flat apex, turn right and pull up onto the roof.  Run forward and to your left, and jump into the open window.


There's a bank of wall switches in the room ahead.  Starting with the one on the far right, pull them down in this order: 1, 2 and 4.  After each pull you'll get a cut scene of gates lifting and closing.   After the third one, the way is clear.  Reverse roll and exit this room by hopping down to the roof.  Go to your right, turn around at the roof's edge and use the ladder to go back the way you came.  Shift to the far left section of the fence and release to drop down into the opening.  Continue reversing your steps and use the ledge to pull back up to the roof overlooking the horse statue park.  Run forward and hop down to the lower section of roof.  Turn right and safety drop to the ground.  Run around the left side of the horse statue and locate the climbing surface leading up to the roof overhang.  Climb up, pull up to the roof overhang and run forward into the arched opening.  Continue through the doorway ahead and out onto the outdoor ledges. 


Safety drop onto the large checkered balcony and enter the building.  Turn left at the far wall, exit the next room at the "Merry Christmas" banner and go down the stairs you noted earlier.  All obstructions have been removed, so follow the passage to a new park area with two horse statues.  Turn left, go up the checkered steps, turn right and stand at the center of the blocked arched doorway.  Jump up to grab the ledge and pull up.  Run forward and safety drop into the lobby area of the building.  Run up the stairs and turn left at the landing.  When you get upstairs, open the doors in the wall ahead.  Go inside and run to the far right corner.  Push the button that's obscured by a Christmas tree, then go back and exit this room.  In the hallway outside, run forward to the other end and follow around to your right.  When you reach the end, look to your left for a jump switch.


Line up for an angled jump and activate the jump switch.  When you hit the floor, reverse roll and run over to the doors to your right.  Open them and enter a dining room that's leaking snow.  Go around the dining room table and place the Glass With Wine on the white plinth.  The door opens at the far end of the dining room, so go there and enter the passage.  Follow to a room with two closed doors and five receptacles.  Use the first receptacle, the one on your right as you enter the room, by inserting one of your Secret Roses.  Turn around to your right and insert a Secret Rose in each of the next two receptacles.  It's beginning to dawn on you that there are more receptacles than Secret Roses in your inventory, so open the door in the corner and run down the ramp.  Open the next door and enter a storage room of some kind.  Go around to the other side of the central overhang and note the jump switch.  Activate it, then back flip onto the table behind you and pick up the MASS.


Exit this room, run back up the ramp, turn right and follow the passage back to the dining room.  Run to the far end and turn left through the doorway to get back to the lobby area.  Go up the stairs to your right and this time turn right at the landing.   Hop up into the open doorway and go all the way to the far wall.  Turn right and find the SECRET ROSE for SECRET #3 (the number registered here anyway, although I didn't hear the chime).  Go back in the other direction, down the stairs to the lobby and left through the open door, right through the dining room and into the passage leading to the receptacles.  You now have all the Secret Roses you need, so insert them in the remaining two receptacles to open the exit door.  Enter a sparsely furnished den and note the transporter in the fireplace.  It takes you to a small pond area where the season seems to be warm and not cold.  Pull up onto the ledge for a SPECIAL GIFT that reveals the access code (southsummer) for playing the builder's separately released bonus level.  It also registers as SECRET #4. [Note: As the bonus level was then released much, much later, the author had agreed to not protect the level with that access code anymore]


Go back through the transporter to the previous area.  Return through the passage and the dining room to the lobby, go up the stairs and around to your right toward the jump switch you used earlier.  Standing at the edge of the walkway, take a slightly angled running jump to your left to land in the opening above the closed doorway.  Hop down in front of the twin horse statues and angle to your right to enter the passage in the wall.  Follow to the stairs, go up to the next floor and loop around to your left.  When you reach the doorway to your right, enter and wind your way through the crate room.  Go down the stairs, hop onto the crate and use the ladder to climb up the steep shaft.  When you reach the top, pull up into the passage and follow to the end.  Safety drop to the room below, go to the nearby hole in the floor and use the ladders to climb down into the next room.  Reverse roll and exit this room for another level change.


Walk to the opening that overlooks a familiar water room and safety drop into the water.  Wade across the near side of the room and pull out onto the ledge.  Hop forward onto the higher ledge and run through the opening ahead.  Jump down into the deeper sewer water and swim forward and around to your left.  Pull out onto the ledge to your right, climb the ladder and back flip to the base room above.  There's a nearby open trap door in the ceiling, so pull up into the higher room and go around to find another open ceiling trap door.  Pull up to a still higher room and follow along the passage to a loft strewn with presents.  Go down the stairs to a lower room and run around the breakfast stable.  Standing in front of the pile of presents, add your Toy to the pile.  A familiar cut scene shows a pair of doors back in the lake area.


Exit this room via the doorway next to the jug and run all the way to the other side of the park.  When you reach the hotel, turn right and enter the narrow alley between the hotel and the fenced enclosure.  Use the ice mound to jump into the fenced enclosure as you did earlier.  Hop down into the courtyard and enter the building.  Angle to your left, go through the next doorway and go up the stairs.  Loop around to the left and enter the room with the Christmas tree and presents.  Go to the alcove next to the fireplace and pull down the wall switch.  A cut scene shows an area you visited earlier.  The fire in the fireplace also goes out, so go there and pick up a TORCH.  Go back to the alcove and drop the torch long enough to pull the wall switch back up.  The fire is back on in the fireplace, so pick up the torch and light it there while standing on the wooden floor.


Exit this room and turn right onto the balcony.  Run to the other end of the balcony and jump over the railing to land on a sloped ledge.  Slide down to the street and run with your torch toward the park and all the way past it.  On the other side of the park, enter the alley between the two buildings and turn left at the wall.  Angle to the left and go to the area you saw in the cut scene.  Go down the steps and melt the ice slab with your torch.  You have no further use for the torch, so you may as well douse it here by drawing your pistols.  Explore the puddle of water for some COINS and go back along the alley, turning left at the junction to face the teleporter (which is inoperative, by the way).  Use the ice mound to pull up into the window you shot out earlier, then hop down into the room ahead where you began this adventure and turn left.  Exit the next room via the doorway in the right corner, run past the piano and drop down through the trap door that you opened eons ago.


Follow the duct passage to the other end and pull out right into a dormant fireplace.  Hop out into the room and turn left.  Go past the Christmas tree into the small kitchen, turn left and combine the Mold and the Mass (sounds appetizing, no?) to form the CAKE TO BAKE.  Deposit it in the oven to open a door behind you, then go back to the left side of the Christmas tree and place the Bag of Gifts on the small table.  You get another static cut scene that you've seen before.  Go through the open doorway next to the kitchen and loop around to the left.  Pull down the wall switch to open a door elsewhere.  Go back the way you came, enter the fireplace and hop down into the duct passage, and follow to the other end.  Pull out, hop past the piano and exit via the doorway ahead.  Turn left and run all the way to the far wall.  Turn left there and go up the stairs.  Open the door to your left and enter the bedroom for a small medipack.  Exit this room, enter the room across the hall and climb the ladder in the wall to your right.  


Back flip at the top into an upper room.  Turn around and pull up into the crawl space behind you.  Lower Lara down the other side and pick up WRAPPING PAPER 1 in the alcove behind you.  Go back to the crawl space and return to the ladder.  Climb down to the room below, exit via the door in the opposite corner, turn left into the hallway and run down the stairs.  Turn right, hop up into the window sill to your left and jump down into the alley outside.  Run away from the transporter, turn left and follow the alley back to the rear of the park.  Run all the way to the front of the park and veer left to enter the alley you've visited several times already.  Use the ice mound to jump into the fenced enclosure, hop down into the courtyard and enter the building via the open door.  Veer to your left through the next door and go up the stairs.  Loop around to your left and into the room with the presents and Christmas tree.  Stand in front of the pile of presents nearest the corner of the carpet and combine the Wrapping Paper 1 with the Box 1 to form GIFT 1.  Place it on the pile of presents for a cut scene showing that block finally lowering in the lake area.


Run forward past the stairs and go out onto the balcony.  Jump over the rails on the left end, slide down the roof, grab and drop to the ground.  Run away from the park and angle left around the building in front of you.  Continue forward to that opening that appears to be blocked by ice, and pull up into the crawl space.  Crawl forward, stand up and slide down to the lake entrance.  Run into the lake area, angle to your right and locate the lowered block in the wall.  Go through into the next area.  You can't access the building ahead yet, so take a standing jump to the nearest ice floe on your left.  Continue from floe to floe around the building (you could swim, but the water's mighty cold) until you reach the rear of the building.  Jump to the ledge, run to the far end and take an angled jump to your right to the facing patio.  Run past the flower-covered ledge and pull up into the crawl space to your right.


Lower Lara down into the building and locate another crawl space in the opposite corner.  Crawl inside as the camera angle changes, turn left and trigger a cut scene where Lara meets her double.  They exchange some dialog in the video, but in my game I heard nothing.  If you should experience the same thing, wait patiently for the "conversation" to end, and when camera control is restored run forward past your double into the next room.  Turn left, run up the stairs and turn left at the landing.  Shoot out the window in the corner and go out onto the balcony.  Go left around the corner, run to the end safety jump to the balcony below.  Turn around, run to the other end, jump to the sloped roof and back flip to the higher ledge.  Back up and take a running jump and grab to the next balcony, pull up and jump across to the next balcony.  At the far end, draw your pistols and stoop to shatter the railing of the balcony around the corner to your left.  Jump there and watch a snow boulder roll down into the lake to your right.


Shoot out the window and enter the room on your left.  Jump onto the ledge to the right of the bed and pick up the BLANKET.  Go back out to the balcony and jump back to the balcony around the corner.  Jump across to the next balcony and dive into the icy water.  Quickly swim forward and around the corner to your right.  Pull up onto the bridge, turn left and run back to the lake area.  Turn left there and use the crawl space to exit.  In the previous area, run forward a long distance past the building to the park and enter via the front archway.  Run to the back left corner where you see a snowman under a little shelter.  Place the Carrot under the beady eyes and watch a gate open down in the nearby sunken area.  Go there and enter the open gateway.  Turn left once inside and place your Coins in the beggar's cup to open a gate to your left.  Go there (if the gate remains closed, go back to the beggar and stand at his left side next to the cup, and the gate should open), turn left and follow the ramp down into an underground area.


Run to the far left corner and locate the opening in the fence.  Approach the gentlemen (and dogs) in the next area and go to the far left corner where a man is propped up against the wall with a dog lying close by.  Stand facing the dog and the man and place the Blanket on them.  A gate opens nearby, so go back to the opening in the fence and run straight across into the open gateway.  Get down into the cellar and use the pointed mound ahead to pull up onto the far ledge.  Loop around to the right and run into the transporter for a concluding flyby.  Mission accomplished.