LB Advent Calendar 2010 – Wessely’s Last Will

Level by Clara & Spongebob

Walkthrough by manarch2 - voiceover texts provided by Clara

Take your time and watch the title flyby.

After the long starting cutscene pick up the Funeral Invitation off the floor. Now go W and through the doorway. Head N and pick up a Little Medikit behind the car, then go S and to the door you saw in the starting cutscene. Find a jumpswitch left of the door to open it, then step up to the graveyard. Go to the funeral to see a little cutscene; afterwards pick up the Spade near the grave. You can use it nearby, on the brown earth. A man comes out of a building. Go near him and press Action to talk to him.

Robin Goldberg:
Good day, Miss Croft. My name is Robin Goldberg. Aaron Wessely was my uncle. He was, as I'm sure you know, an archeologist. In the past years he was totally engrossed in finding the legendary lost Ark of the Covenant which in Moses' days held the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments.

Yes, I know the ark was kept in the Holiest of Holies in the first Jewish Temple which was built by Solomon. But I thought it had been destroyed by the Babylonians together with the temple.

Robin Goldberg:
There are different theories about that. My uncle was convinced that it still exists and he could possess it.

Why was he so sure?

Robin Goldberg:
I'm not sure – but shortly before his death he suddenly became totally euphoric. He said he now definitely knew where he could find the ark – even if it no longer existed today. I haven't got a clue what he meant by that. But I'm sure he would have wanted me to tell you about it. Maybe you can continue his work.

Your trust honours me. I have always admired your uncle – and I'm convinced that he was telling the truth. But the question is – where do I begin?

Robin Goldberg:
Take a look at my uncle's apartment first. It's near the Wailing Wall. Here's the key.

Thank you. You'll hear from me.

Lara takes Wessely’s Flat Key if she grabs it from Robin’s hand. Go out of the cemetery and go back to your car. Spot a tunnel E and go N to find a stairway. Go up and find Wessely’s apartment. Open the door with the key and then the N doors manually. Go E and grab into the hole to get the Revolver. Open the door to the bathroom and grab into the toilent to get a Safe Key. Use it to open the door in this room. Get Wessely’s Notebook from the pedestal. You can read that the Ark is brought to the inner sanctuary of the temple, under the wings of the cherub, but there are also numbers in the text – 2,5,6,7. Get to the first room of the apartment and shoot the chest in the SW corner to get the Cigar-Box. Go outside and in the very NE corner of the area you can shoot another chest to get Revolver Ammo. Thereon go back to your car. Nearby is a window to shoot. Get inside the mansion and talk to the man.

Man on sofa:
Oh – a visitor! - You could have rung the doorbell. It's getting cold in here now. - However, if you've got a present for me, I'll forget about the broken window.

Pick up the Little Medikit W near the presents and leave this house again. Go W and then back to the right car. Go W again and talk to another man.

Excuse me, I'd like to take a look at the church at the end of the alley. Who's responsible for that?

The priest lives opposite the Wailing Wall. But I think he's on holiday until Christmas. Maybe the cleaner can give you the key.

Yes, thank you.

Now go back in the last passage; you can shoot the barrel for Revolver Ammo; and talk to the woman there.

I'd like a pretty sheet of wrapping paper. Have you got any?

Yes, of course. That'll be 5 shekels.

Get the Paper for Present and combine this with the Cigar-Box. Jump back through the broken window. Place the Gift on the W presents and talk to the man again. He thinks you’re the waiter of his wife’s bar and gives you the key for it. Take it and go outside. Go back to the NE market where the car stands and place the pub key in a E keyhole. Inside the pub climb over the NE block and pull away the dishwasher to reveal the Crowbar. Now pull the jumplever on the W wall of the little waiter room to open a trapdoor. Push the dishwasher under it, then pull down the switch on the W side of the bar and climb on the roofs. Go and jump SW and to the little balcony with the Golden Rod on a pedestal. Get it and jump down again.

SECRET: Get back into the now full bar. Talk to the blond man.

I saw you at the funeral service and would like to ask you something.
Man in the bar:
Go ahead.

How close did you know Aaron Wessely? I mean – do you know what he was working on before his death?

Man in the bar:
Not exactly. But he asked me a strange question not long ago. You see I'm a tailor and because of that he asked me if I had heard of the magical thread which you weave a flying carpet with. He especially wanted to know about the significance of the colour of the thread. I was intrigued because he seemed to be taking it all seriously, even though it's only a legend.

And what did you answer?

Man in the bar:
Well according to the legend the colour of the carpet told you how far you could fly with it.

How far – you mean the distance?

Man in the bar:
No, no – temporal. On this carpet you could supposedly travel in time – into the past.

Mhhhh ….

Afterwards go S and talk to Wessely’s daughter who gives you a Golden Skull afterwards.

You're Aaron's daughter Karen, aren't you?

Karen Wessely:
Yes and you're Miss Croft, right? - My father left me something that I'm supposed to give you. Here you are.

A golden skull …. mhhh.

Karen Wessely:
He said you would need it in order to do business with Pete.

Who is Pete?

Karen Wessely:
Pete's a real sly fox (???). He always hangs around the Wailing Wall trying to sell fake relics to tourists, but he obviously owns something my father desperately wanted.

OK. Thanks a lot.

Now go out and into the E tower. Go far NE and to the crafty. Talk to him.

Hey, young lady. Are you interested in antique treasures? I think I've got something for you. I've dug it all by myself. (laughing)

I'm only interested in one thing – magic thread.

Ho ho! The lady knows what she wants. You don't work for Wessely, do you? I really do possess the thread – but it's not for sale. I'm sorry.
I think I've got something that will change your mind.

Give Pete the Golden Skull.

I don't believe it! The second golden skull. So old Wessely had it after all. Now there's only one more missing. Here's the thread. You can travel back at least 2000 years into the past with that – but I'm warning you: It's worthless without the right tools.

You might be right about that.

He will give you the Magical Thread - the only secret in this level.

Go to the central tower and use the switch to open the trapdoor. Climb in and take some Flares with you. Run up the N stairs and open the door with the crowbar. Take the Church Key from the pedestal and leave this building. Back in the little W street go SW to open the church with the key. In the church go upstairs, turn N and jump to the higher platform, then jump to the wooden one and up to the bell. Pull down the rope switch to see Santa Claus on the market. Climb down and approach Santa to get the Golden Star. Combine this with the Golden Rod to get the Shining Star. Now run all the way to the graveyard again and go inside the SW building where once the nephew of Wessely came out. Place it in the S alcove; the tomb moves away. Climb down into the crypt and go to the W wall to push in a block. Go further N and see you can input a code SW. The code’s solution are the numbers in the Notebook: 2567. Enter the code and get inside the central room. Go to the N book:

Lara (ironic):
Oh, Wessely – you joker!

See a final cutscene in Lara’s manor.

Wessely really found the loom with which you can weave a flying carpet in order to travel into the past. That means he wanted to pick up the arch in the Holiest of Holies in Solomon's temple.

That's unbelievable! Where exactly is this loom?

Somewhere in the Negev desert. The exact coordinates are in his notes.

So I know what we'll be doing next summer!

Yes, exactly! Next summer. - Because now we're going to celebrate Christmas.