
Level by raidertom

Walkthrough by manarch2

Wake Up

Grab the Map from the pedestal in the NW corner of the pillar.

Also, a text message appears after picking it up:

“POOL is inviting, and WRAITH seems to be interesting.”

Notice a pushable in the NE corner of the starting pillar, then drop down to the floor of this room and run in the passage in the SW corner to reach a toilet. Pick up the Note:

“Hey, Larry!
I have lost the crowbar somewhere above the darters room on top level and the yellow key in the foggy cellars.
Sorry, Tom”

Let’s get started now. You are on the middle level now. The text message gives you a hint where to go first; we need to get to the Wraith segment now. There are three exits from this segment, take the N one. Jump into the alcove and climb the block up, then down again and reach a new segment.


In this segment, you have to do a series of slope jumps in order to reach the trapdoors beside the exits. The aim for now is the N exit, so you need to get on the NE trapdoor. From the entrance alcove start by jumping on the near NW slope, to the N one and with a slight left curve as high as possible on the next N one. Directly backflip with a mid-air turn and a grab to reach the edge of the E slope. Shimmy far left as possible, then take a look at the trapdoors. They raise and open clockwise, so wait until the mentioned NE trapdoor falls, wait until all three other trapdoors were activated, and climb up the slope. The NE trapdoor should raise now, jump on it with a left curve, immediately turn slightly right and backflip to the exit alcove. Climb over the block.


Ignore the N stairway down for now, and head up the NW stairs. You arrive in a room with many timed fires coming out of the T-Rex mouths. First of all, avoid the fires and get into the SE corner to find Shotgun Ammo. Note that in the SW corner there is a green keyhole. Now get to the centre of this room. Look up and find a shaft with a ladder on the W side. You cannot get up the ladder without timing the fire, so stand one step behind the place where you can grab the ladder, wait until the fire vanishes and step forwards, better even sidewards and then turn, jump up and climb the long ladder.

Backflip at the end. Turn around and head to the NE corner, climb the block, drop in the hole and pick up a Little Medikit. Climb back up and jump or climb a series of blocks W, there’s no need to jump on that central bridge as there are only three exits to other segments. Reach the far NW block, turn left and jump on the bridge. A message appears when heading E.

“I think, I need these icy wraiths.”

Jump to the E ledge and a cutscene kicks in, showing you a path through various segments, stopping at a pool. Obviously, you need to make your way to the pool to extinguish the ice wraiths. But first, you need to release the three wraiths by approaching the left and right pedestals. From the left pedestal, you can get 9mm Ammo. Turn around and jump down on the bridge again, then drop on the lower bridge and head out S. Get over the block.

Lava Cross

While still being chased by the wraiths, take a run-jump to the central tile, it lowers while standing on it, so be quick and curve right, then run-jump to the W platform. Climb up into the passage and up and down the block.


From the entrance directly jump left to the SW platform. If you don’t manage this, either jump to the NW platform or drop down, run N and climb up in the alcove, turn and jump to the platform and then S to the formerly SW platform. Now jump SW in the dark and hardly visible alcove and climb over the block.


Jump to the near S pillar, then to the S ledge and dive in the pool, if the wraiths were faster you even don’t have to do this as the top freezes (defaulting wraiths however still can get and be vanished in the pool). However, if you dropped in the water, swim through the SE exit and follow the tunnel. Ignore the hole in the floor and swim into a wider room. Swim up the SW shaft and use the underwater lever to ignite a bin in the Pool segment. Now search for a hole in the ceiling in the NE corner where you can climb out.

Head to the gap and drop down in the next room, then head back W and you’ll arrive back at the pool room. Go left and watch the wraiths’ work. Run over the frozen pool and climb up S into a crawlspace that otherwise wouldn’t be accessible. In the dark room find Flares, a Little Medikit and the Walther 9mm. Pull the lever and a cutscene shows a door in the starting (Wake Up) segment opens.

Get back out of this chamber and in the pool area climb the ladder on the N side of the SE pillar. On top drop down the S ledge backwards and use the jumpswitch - this opens a door in the passage after the pool, so get back in the E passage, climb the right ladder, get in the water and swim in the S passage. When you see the hole in the floor swim down there and find the open door, swim through the narrow passage to find Secret 1, a Bottle of Wine. Return back all the way you came to the pool area. Get on the lowest part of the hall and find a ladder leading down.


Drop down onto the highest pillar of a room. Drop and run down all the way and exit this room using the E passage. Climb over the block.

Wake Up

Jump to the central pillar and then to the E alcove. Climb over the block.

AG Transport

When you fall down in the next tasks you can climb up using the W ladder. Turn left and jump as far as possible on the N slope (or jump on it that you slide down backwards, shimmy right and climb up, then backflip), jump with a left curve on the next slope, backflip with a mid-air turn on the following one, jump on the last slope and finally with a left curve on the safe ledge. Pick up the Bundle of Keys, run-jump on the W pillar and then stand-jump down on the N entrance pillar. Exit this segment by climbing over the block.

Return the way you came to the segment Stars (over Wake Up, Mirror, Pool).


Drop down. The holes in the floor are in general deadly, but not in the SW corner. Drop down there and pick up Flares, then climb up E to find Secret 2, a Bottle of Wine. Climb back up the blocks and on the walkway, then head to the NE corner and climb up into the alcove, then turn and jump on the first platform. Jump up NW into the alcove and climb over the block.


Slide down and kill two gangsters. Head W. Between the boxes you can find 9mm Ammo. Climb the E ledge and on top immediately drop back down as a boulder comes down. Back up the ledge push the switch to release three ropes in this room. Get up to the E alcove and turn around. Run-jump to the first rope and grab it. Turn right and slide down the rope to the bottom. Climb up twice, then press the Swing button withholding it, let Lara swing to the far point where she would swing back, now you should be able to jump to the middle rope. Turn SW on it and swing to the crevice in the wall, then jump and grab it.

Shimmy left and climb up, dropping in a dark area. Find a crawlspace to your right and claim Secret 3, the next Bottle of Wine, then return. Climb the block to get into a new room, pick up Flares. If you want you can climb down the ladder and find Shotgun Ammo in a passage in the NW corner of this room, then climb back up. Now you have to slide down the slope at the leftmost point, curve jump left and grab the rope (the box can be both help- and harmful at this point). Backflip onto the left hand block and turn SW, run-jump on the slope with a mid-air turn, then jump and grab the ledge. Climb up. Jump over the blade at the rightmost point, you will land in a gap, climb out and follow the passage. Pushing a button triggers a cutscene where you can see a timed door opening and closing again. When you have control over Lara push the button again, sprint through the corridor, jump on the left hand pillar and curve left, run-jump to the ledge with the door and sprint through. Slide down a little bit.


Pick up the important Crowbar, then jump on the E block. Climb up N, then over the block.

Return the way to Mafia (over Stars).


Slide down again and head to the NE corner. Pull a lever to open the central trapdoor. Drop down the ladder.


Immediately get up the stairs to escape the poison in this room. However, you have to get back down. Jump down the stairs and drop down N, then directly head to the N of the two floor levers, use it and sprint NE up some stairs and into a safe alcove. Pick up a Little Medikit. Turn around. Now you have more time to explore this room. Sprint downstais again and to the far SW corner where some blue barrels stand, go to the SW one and grab the Blue Key from it, backflip with a mid-air turn and sprint back to the safe alcove. Now sprint down a last time, use the S floor lever to open the trapdoor W, jump to the ladder and drop down.

Fog 3

Drop on a slope, slide a bit and backflip with a mid-air turn and a grab to get up a ledge. Behind the window you can see an item. Drop down to the floor and find a hole in the SE corner. Crawl in the passage and soon you can stand up.

Fog 2

Ignore the ceiling hole for now but move on and crawl further. At the passage’s end you can find a Heart of a Damned and a text message shows up.

“Some Kind of Voodoo…”

Crawl back out of this room, then climb up left through the ceiling hole and reach an area quite identical to the first room. Shoot a rat and climb up the block, you don’t have to move it, jump up to the S ladder and climb up. Get through the passage and climb over the block.

Fog 1

The third Fog segment also looks quite like the other two. Drop to the floor, kill a rat and head to the SE corner where you can find the Yellow Key. Go to the middle of the E wall, under the ladder, and jump to grab it. Climb up and get over the block.


You arrive in a library. Drop to the floor and approach the fireplace. See a flyby and another text message appears:

“Firewraith - Access to water is needed.”

Left of the fireplace there is a lever - pull it to open the door in it. Don’t get in though - you will die because of the flames. Climb the ladder on the S side of the middle E pillar in this room and you arrive on top of a bridge. Turn around and run-jump on the far side of the slope, then jump with a left curve onto the top of the fireplace. Pick up the Shotgun and turn N. Jump to the opposite ladder and shimmy right around three corners, then climb up the ladder to the top. Backflip and get in the left of the three passages, go around the right corner and find Shotgun Ammo at the end. Get back to the junction with the ladder and jump over to the N path.

Open the door using your crowbar, get down the broken stairway a bit and then jump to the right alcove. Push the floor lever to vanish the fires in the fireplace. Jump back to the stairs, grab the ladder and drop on the bridge. Before entering the fireplace jump up the E slope and get over the block. Use the Bundle of Keys to open the next door, then get back to the library. Drop down to the floor and head to the fireplace. When stepping in you will be attacked by the fire wraith so you have to be quick. Climb back up the E ladder to the bridge, then enter the corridor and climb over the block, now heading through the opened door.


Drop down in the room and head to the SE pool, drop in it and wait until the wraith vanishes. Don’t stay to long in this pool though, as the electricity will soon be deadly. Climb out and pick up the Large Medikit from an invisible pedestal under the water pillar, then climb up the W ladder and then over the block.


Return into the fireplace. Use the lever to open a door somewhere, then take one of the Torches (cutscene of the lighted bin in the Pool section where you have to ignite it), then head to the SE corner of this room and open another crowbar door. Grab up your Torch again and head through the passage, up the ramp. You’ll get to the unofficial 28th cube: the Trap Cube (idea by Soul). A pair of bumpers awaits you, there is no other way than starting to sprint when they raise. Eventually you land on a slope, jump as a deadly spike trap is at the end of the slope. Run up the ramp and take some Flares with. The skeleton gives a hint of the next area; it is - again - a poisonous one. First starting running up the ramp without the Torch, on the left side of the top you can find a Little Medikit.

Jump back to the safe ground. Now grab the Torch, run or jump back up the ramp and take running jumps across the ledges over the lava pit. Take the left when the path divides and jump over a big pit with the Torch, stand-jump further and take a last stand-jump up into the alcove, run further and you have fresh air again. Leave the Torch here, better not on the ramp as It might be invisible then, and return to the poison area. Jump over the left pit, take a right and find more Shotgun Ammo on a blue barrel. Quickly return to the safe exit, take the Torch and run up the large ramp. Wait a bit at the top before jumping on the first slope, some fires activate in the rear part of the room, when they are activated wait 2-3 seconds, then jump on the slope and a series of slope jumps follows, you should be able to safely jump to the last ledge now without being hit by the fires. Run up another ramp and kill a gangster at the top.

Find a crawlspace with a Little Medikit in a left passage, then step on the SW sinking tile that raises a block behind you for a limited time. Take the Torch and stand at the rightmost point of it, backflip, you land on a slope, jump with a right curve on the next slope and backflip on the timed block, then run-jump to the NW pillar. Turn around and run-jump on the lowered part of the SE pillar, then run to the highest part and jump on the bridge. Run up the little ramp, then position Lara as follows:

Start running with a little left curve, then, at the very last point before hitting the wall, jump around the pillar, with a hard right curve, and hopefully land at the opposite ledge. Jump up some blocks and get into a passage. Climb the left hand passage with the big steps and at the very end throw the Torch in the deep gap. Say goodbye for a time, then climb back down and this time head left. Open the door with the Crowbar.


Go to the NE corner of this room and push the button to hear:

“Accept - Midnight Highway
covered by Japanese high school students band in 1982”

If you have enough,, you can push the SE button to turn the music off (thank God). Go to the W part of this room and find a harp. Push and pull it to the marked tile near the turn-off button SE. A trapdoor in the centre of this room opens. Don’t get in there yet, we have something to do yet in this room. Get up the stairs, pass a slope and get up further, behind the piano you can push a button to hear some classic music. Run to the top of the room, jumping over a gap. There are two timed levers to find. The left hand lever opens the door under the gap in the middle N wall, the right hand one the door under the gap in the middle S wall. Pull the right lever, jump over the left gap and sprint down the stairs, then run over the left part of the edge curving right and press Action to land in the alcove. The door closes, but you can find the Torch you have thrown from the top of the shaft down here. Pick it up, jump back to the alcove and up the E hole. Run up the ramp, slide down the ramp and pull a lever to open a nearby door. Don’t climb over the right block (leads back to the music room) but head left.

Lava Cross

Drop and take a one-step running jump over to the sinking tile in the lava (walk, then run) or run with a curve and jump to the tile. Either way jump to the opposite W ledge.

Return to Pool (over Stars).


Drop down, then jump on the corner of the pillar with the bin. Light your Torch here and see a cutscene of the place where you can light something with the Torch. Climb back up and jump to the N alcove, then over the block.

Return to Wraith (over Stars, Lava Cross).


Get on the bridge, then jump right (E) and get in the alcove. Climb over the block.


Drop into the hall. Get to the S wall and light the pot to raise a N block. Climb the SE blocks and get up to the grey one. Jump N over the blocks and in the corner turn left and jump up to the raising block. Turn left and jump up, grab the ledge and climb up to the roof. Find the Rose of a Damned in the grave and make your way down again.

Return to Mirror (over Wraith, Lava Cross, Stars, Pool).


Jump to the ramp and run down. Use the Yellow Key NE to open the left hand trapdoor. Jump down in the cellar and follow the passage, ignore the hole (leads back to Fog 1). Notice a non-pushable white block in this room, and remember its exact location in this room. Follow the SW passage in another room with a big mirror. You can find a marked tile in the reflection. Now search for an invisible block on the point where the white block in the previous room is located. Push it onto the marked tile N to open a door high up in the first part of the Mirror segment. By the way, the gap in this room is empty. Return all the way to the trapdoor, climb up the ladder and backflip. Run up the ramp to the top, find the open door and at the end of the following passage you can find the Green Key. Return and get down to the floor level. Head through the N passage and climb over the block.


There are three different levels in this segment - when coming from the Mirror segment we are on the middle level.
Middle level: Find a keyhole in the SW corner and insert the Blue Key to open a nearby door. Pull the block in the just revealed passage six times, then go around it and find a ladder in the passage. Climb it and get in the crawlspace, drop out of it at the end and push the block in the passage once. Return to the last room using the crawlspace and the ladder, find a jumpswitch over the exit and this opens a door in the N passage, climb the ladder there, backflip and climb the next ladder and get into the narrow passage, crawl to the end to get Secret 4, yet another Bottle of Wine, then crawl back and climb down the ladders again, head out of the passage and get back to the storage. Pull or push the box on the marked tile E, which is an inactive raising block. Now climb either the ladder or the N ramp (for the latter, jump to a ledge behind you).

Highest level: Go to the middle S wall and push the box twice on the raising block. Search for a button on the last W row of blocks, push it to raise the block with the box in this room. Find a Little Medikit on a block NE. Drop down to the middle level and through the W hole.

Lowest level: Kill a gangster and his dog, then search for a button SE. Push it to raise the block with the box on it from the middle to the highest level. Now pull out the NE box and this reveals a switch. Push it and another block on the highest level raises. Push the box beside you on the W tile - another raising block - and climb up to the middle level using the SE ladder.

Middle level: Push the switch on the ladder pillar to raise the block with the box from the lowest to the middle level. Climb up to the higher level.

Highest level: Go E and pull the box from the raising block. Climb up SE using the box and push the box from the raising block to the far SE corner, another raising block. Get down to the lowest level.

Lowest level: Use the NE button to lower the raising block in the far SE corner of the highest level, and the SE button to lower the block from the highest to the middle level.

Middle level: Push the box from the SW to the NE corner, onto the lowered raising block, then get down again.

Lowest level: Use the SE button to raise the box you just pulled on the raising block in the middle level. Get up.

Highest level: Climb in the SE corner, drop in the gap and push the box onto the marked tile. A beige block raises near the NW corner. Climb back up and get to the N part of the room. The dark box right of the hole is movable too, so move it W of the lower beige tile. By there there should be two other boxes on this level, pull the first one on the beige tile, then pull the second on the wooden tile on the other side of the gap, opposite the beige tile. The first brighter block raises up, climb on the darker movable block and pull it on the wooden block in the NW corner, climb on it and monkeyswing S to the alcove. Get the Star Crystal and get down to the middle level. Exit this segment through the E passage and climb over the block.


Jump to the NE slope, grab the ledge and again wait until the trapdoor raises, climb up and curve jump left to the trapdoor, turn slightly right and backflip onto the balcony. Head out N and climb over the block.


Before going downstairs head up to the fire heads again and avoid them to get into the SW corner. Use the Green Key to open a door somewhere else. Now get to the lowest level of this segment to reach a cellar. Find some Flares in the SE corner. Find a pushable in the NW corner, pull it out and use the switch. Two gangsters appear so kill them. The switch has opened a door behind a NE crawlspace, so get in and find the open door and in the passage behind Secret 5, surprise, another Bottle of Wine. Return to the last room and pull out the NE box, near to where you found the Flares. Behind it is a walkthrough wall, get through and find the door you opened with the Green Key, leading you to the unofficial 29th cube: the Ventilation Shaft Cube.

Get through the corridor and find a crossing. To your right (N), there is a closed door, ahead (W) is a lever and a flame, and to the left (S) is another corridor. First of all go left (S) and at a junction kill a dog and a gangster. Ignore the box for now and go around either left or right, then pull or push the box, get back and push the first box to get Shotgun Ammo. Return to the crossing and go left (W) now. When approaching the fire it wanders in the far gap, preventing to pick up the Lasersight. Pull the lever that opens the N door at the crossing, return there and head through. Avoid the fires, time the run over the spike trap and avoid another fire. Get up the ramp and get to another junction - there are two right passages. The first one only leads to a ramp you can jump up, you can jump on a bridge and to a jumpswitch, use it, climb up again and get through the open door to the Obelisk segment, but this doesn’t help you now.

Take the second passage instead (the one far N) and jump over the fire gap, run up the ramp, eventually you will trigger a spike ball. Turn and either sprint down the whole ramp or jump to a safe ladder that serves for something else: Climb to the top, then around two corners and find a jumpswitch.. Drop down, return all the way to the crossing and go right. Jump in the now safe pit and get the Lasersight. Now return again and get up to the ramp’s top. There is a closed door that has to be opened now so head around the corner and find a jumpswitch on the wall. Run-jump and grab it. Activating it opens the door, head up and find the Red Key, guarded by a timed fire, so wait till the fire goes out and then quickly grab it and jump back. Find a high jumpswitch to your left, use it to open the door in the last E passage. Get through the corridor and arrive at a ramp leading down, but slide down when the bumper behind the ramp is going down, then jump from the very last point of the ramp to survive this trap. The next trap is easier through - simply sprint through the two right bumpers when they go up. A dog at the end of the passages tells you to draw your weapons - when approaching not only he, but also his two dog friends appear. Kill them all and climb through the SW crawlspace.


The area around the piano is spiked now so you have to drop to the lowest floor. If you haven’t done already push the W harp on the SE tile and drop down the ladder in the central (placing the harp opens the trapdoor).


You land on a slope, soon you will drop on a short second slope, on its end you have to curve jump a little right to grab a jumpswitch. Drop to the floor. The jumpswitch released a rope in this room, but this only helps to place an item we don’t have yet. So keep that in mind for later and run around the central pillar until you find a ladder N of the structure. Don’t drop down yet, but first climb the N blocks and get in the passage, open the door with the Bundle of Keys (for later). Now you can go back and climb down the ladder.


Drop on a slope, grab the edge and drop on a pillar (if you drop down during the next actions, just climb the ladder ahead and backflip on this pillar). Turn SE and run-jump on the ledge, then jump on the W slope to get carried in a passage. Climb over the block and use the Bundle of Keys to open the red door.


You arrive in the segment where you vanished the firewraith. Dive in the SE pool again and find a lever on a SW pillar that raises two blocks in AG Control, use it and climb back out quickly because of the poisonous water. Jump into the water pillar to get transported up.

AG Control

There are two jumplevers NE and SW to open the two exit doors W and N. Go in the SE corner, if you want to return to AG jump down in the shaft surrounded by fences. But if not, climb up the left hand blocks and climb the ladder, turn around and jump to the SE slope with a right curve so that you slide forwards, then curve jump left with a grab (to not get blocked by the pillar) and you land on a balcony. Jump up the W block and to the NW corner block. Shoot the box and pry the Electrictric (power cables) off the wall and drop back down. Climb up the W raising block, get in the passage, climb up the left hand ladder, slide down and enter the right passage. Climb on the block.


Slide down and run upstairs to the two timed levers. Use the left one and jump over the right gap, sprint down and run over the right part of the edge with a left curve and pressing Action to land in the left alcove. Climb over the block.


Drop down and go to the S pillar in this hall and insert the Bundle of Keys to open the central trapdoor. Drop down the ladder.

UW Control

From the ledge you are standing on jump SW to the platform. This activates some timed platforms, so immediately roll, run-jump to the E platform, stand-jump slightly left, then run-jump N, stand-jump NW and run-jump to the NW, where you can place the Electrictric to open an underwater door. Run down the stairs to the bottom and find the Harpoon on a SW pedestal. A wraith appears - jump in the pool in the central part of this room.

UW 1

Two crocodiles appear, and the wraith is still chasing you. You don’t have enough ammo for the Harpoon to kill them yet, so just avoid them at first. In the NE corner you can find Harpoons on a high block. Swim through the W passage.

UW 2

Swim through the broken floor in the rear part of this pool, then into the NE corner where the wraith will extinguish at the cross. Pick up some Harpoon Ammo on a nearby box and some more on a box on the opposite wall. Swim up and find Harpoons N and SW, then swim up a shaft in the middle of the room to get some air. Kill the two crocodiles - one of them can still be in the last underwater room.

UW 1

Swim back there and kill it, then take some air and swim in the NW corner to find the open door, pick up a Large Medikit on the floor left of the door. Swim though and activate the timed switch to see a cutscene of the door that closes very soon. So - use the lever again (maybe take some air before), swim back to the W underwater room…

UW 2

…and to the W timed door before it closes. It might be that you get stuck in the door, but thankfully it normally opens again then. Pick up the Walls Crystal that you might have seen from the other side, and head back to the last underwater room, swim through the E passage.

Return to UW Control (over UW 1).

UW Control

Climb out of the water and run up the stairway. For a secret don’t exit yet, but run up the stairs SW, then run-jump back to the platform that activates the timed run. Do it again over all the platforms, but at the end don’t jump to the alcove with the cables, but to a left alcove. Turn and spot a high jumpswitch here, jump up and use it. Drop down (it’s possible to jump directly in the pool) and swim down.

Return to UW 2 (over UW 1).

UW 2

Find a open door NW and swim through the narrow passage to find Secret 6, the next Bottle of Wine.

Return to UW Control and climb out of the pool.

UW Control

Exit through the SE passage, run up more stairs and find an open door (if you have opened it from the other side with the bundle), otherwise you have to travel a bit and jump back to the ladder to Grave. Climb over the block.


From the pillar you stand on jump SE to the slope, then to the E structure. Climb it to the top using the slope as a boost, turn and jump to the rope. Swing NW to the pillar with the receptacle and place the Walls Crystal to raise one block (of three) in the Fog segments. Climb down, and up the NW blocks, then exit through the W passage back to Central.

Return to Wake Up (over Central).

Wake Up

Remember the block from the very beginning? Jump to the central pillar, then pull it to the SE corner and climb on it. There are two gratings SE and SW, shoot them. If you need some health push the block SW then jump to the ladder and get in the crawlspace to get a Little Medikit, then get back out and push the block back SE. Jump to the SE ladder (from the block) with a little left curve, get up, shimmy right around the corner and climb into the crawlspace. Find Flares and get out of the crawlspace soon, drop down and head through the open door, climb the right block, turn and jump to activate the jumpswitch.

A trapdoor can be heard somewhere, so climb back up the first step, turn and jump to the block left of the closed door and then turn again and jump to the exit, get in the crawlspace and take a left. Drop in the hole at the end and duck to get in another crawlspace, drop out at the end and find the third crawlspace opposite the last, get in and push the button to open the door in the previous room. Get back out via the crawlspace, take a right and drop in the bathroom where you found the Note at the very beginning. Get out and climb back up the central pillar where you started this level, then up the block and re-jump in the SE corner, grab the ladder, get in the crawlspace and drop out left again, get down the blocks and head through the open door to find the Obelisk Crystal. Climb back up W using the blocks, get in the crawlspace passage and drop out right. Get in the N passage and climb over the block.

Return to Obelisk (over Central, Walls).


Drop on the slope, grab the edge and drop on the pillar. Turn SW and jump on the middle of the slope behind the ledge, then curve jump left and bounce back and forth, always curving left, and at the end you have to curve jump onto the high SW block. Climb up W, then turn around (E) and jump on the slope, only wait a moment, then jump and grab the monkeyswing and get to the end, place the Obelisk Crystal to raise another one of the three raising blocks in the Fog segments and slide down the N slopes.

Return to Stars (over AG, AG Control, you have to get through the passage between AG Control and Music, Lava Cross).


Jump on the left hand (SW) platform, to the SW alcove, then on the NW platform. Stand-jump NW, then turn E and jump to the highest block. Again turn and jump to the SE platform, climb up and insert the Stars Crystal to raise another one of the three raising blocks in the Fog segments. Return to the W passage way down and climb over the block.

Lava Cross

Jump to the central sinking tile and curve right, then jump to the S ledge, turn left and jump to the SE block. Turn N and jump to the platform, thereon to the NW block and to the NW corner block. Turn around and jump to the block on the rear part of the central structure. Turn SW and jump to the next corner block, grab the left crevice and shimmy around the corner until you can stand up. Get 9mm Ammo in the right passage, a hint what to do next. Combine the Walther 9mm and the Lasersight (also possible with the Harpoon though) and crawl through the narrow passage.


Take out the combined weapon and press Look to be able to aim manually. Shoot at the top of the red canisters to let the right one of the two sentry guns explode. Get back through the crawlspace.

Lava Cross

Get back down the way you came and exit through the E passage, climb over the block.

Return to AG Control (over Music using the right of the two timed levers).

AG Control

Climb up the W ladder and climb over the block.


Take out the combined weapon again and switch to manual aiming mode by pressing Look, then shoot the red canister of the second sentry gun to let it explode. Jump to the left ledge above the house entrance to get Shotgun Ammo, then shimmy to the other side of the roof to get 9mm Ammo. Pull the lever. Until now three skeletons should have appeared, so carefully drop down and lure the skeletons to the middle gap, then shoot them into it. Get Shotgun Ammo NW, then open the S door with the Red Key. Inside the house kill three gangsters on the lower stage and a demigod on the higher stage (with a harder weapon like Shotgun or Walther 9mm).

The demigod can be shot best on top so climb the NW ladder and kill it. Be sure to have health resources with you, on top you can find another Little Medikit though. Get down and place the Heart of a Damned on the E side, the Rose of a Damned on the W side of the block. Climb back up to the top and climb into the opened picture door W. Get in the right of the two passages and without sliding jump in the left alcove (try doing this with starting to jump right and doing a hard left curve) to get Secret 7, the last Bottle of Wine. If Lara still is able to stand despite all that wine, drop downstairs and find another slope NW, slide down and jump to the vertical pole at the end and slide down a bit, then backflip into an alcove. Slide down the next slope backwards, grab the edge at the end and drop, then immediately grab again and crawl in the passage. Slide down after crawling.

Fog 1

You land in the SW corner of the Fog segments. If you have placed all three crystals, you now can jump over the N platforms. Jump over the first platform and then in the N alcove…

Fog 2

… then over the second platform and then into the next N alcove…

Fog 3

… and finally over the third platform and in the last N alcove. Get through the passage and a last text message with good news appears:

“Daylight - I have found an exit.”

And indeed - when you approach the ladder in the next room you have made it!



Appendix A: How to get around in the Lava segment (never had to go there though) - this works only clockwise:

Drop down the ladder at the rightmost part onto the sinking tile, sideflip right on the slope, after sliding and landing on the second sinking tile backflip with a midair turn and a right curve on the next slope, from here backflip on the next sinking tile and run and jump up the ladder.

Appendix B: Segment What's What


What you need to do …



Water Pool


Vanish fire wraith

Raise blocks in AG Control

AG Control




Open paths to House and Music / Lava Cross


AG Transport

Lever in Pool segment

Bundle of Keys


Crowbar; level in fireplace

Open path to trap corridors and get Torch




Fog 1


Raised block

Yellow Key

Way to finish

Fog 2


Raised block

Heart of a Damned

Way to finish

Fog 3

Raised block

Way to finish; Finish


Bundle of Keys

Lighted Torch

Open trapdoor to UW Control

Rose of a Damned


Walther 9mm / Harpoon; Lasersight


Heavy weapons

Heart of a Damned; Rose of a Damned

Shoot sentry guns


Shoot skeletons in hole

Survive final battle

Open door; Secret





Lava Cross

Walther 9mm / Harpoon; Lasersight

Find a way to shoot the sentryguns in House




Open path to Pool

Open trapdoor to Poison


Yellow Key

Green Key


Place harp


Levers on top

Open path to jumplever in Walls segment

Open temporary to Grave, AG Control; get Torch again


Bundle of Keys

Obelisk Crystal

Open path to AG

Raise block in Fog segments



Blue Key; Path to Fog 3


Ice Wraiths

Open path from Mafia

Freeze pool




Stars Crystal


Raise block in Fog segments


Blue Key

Stars Crystal; Secret



Green Key



Bundle of Keys






Path to ventilation shaft; Red Key; Lasersight; Path to Obelisk

Open path to UW Control

UW 1

Electrictric in UW Control

Open door

Open door

Open door in UW 2

UW 2

Open door (from UW 1)

Jumpswitch (from UW control)

Walls Crystal


UW Control



Harpoon, Secret in UW 2

Door in UW 1

Wake Up


Walther 9mm / Harpoon; Lasersight

Start; Map; Note

Obelisk Crystal


Bundle of Keys

Walls Crystal

Path to UW Control

Raise block in Fog segments


Trigger ice wraiths

Freeze pool in Pool segment