The Temple of the Lost Baboon


Level by: FloTheMachine

Walkthrough by: Mytly


Lara falls down into a flooded room. There are passages to the north, west and south. First go south. Kill a tribesman. Go left and get into a crawlspace to find Secret # 1, three pairs of uzi clips. Crawl out and go further, jumping across a gap in a bridge. Kill the flying sea hag, then look around the room. There are four gems on pedestals, but three are deadly. Look into the adjacent room seen through the window, and spot the moving gem. Pick up its mirror image in the room you’re in (the gem is called The Hand of Orion).


Return to the flooded room, then go west. Swim down the pit into an underwater room. Get a small medipack from the right side of the stairs, then pull the two underwater switches on either side of the entrance of this room. (You may have trouble surfacing for air in this room. If so, instead of swimming to the surface, try to stand on the ledges on the sides of the room.) The gate on the opposite side opens. Swim down the tunnel to the far end and up to get some air. Return a little way down the tunnel, and swim through the two circular blade traps, get the two pairs of uzi clips (this is supposed to be Secret # 2, but it doesn’t register), and return the same way.


Climb out of the water. Hop across the lava pits, and go through the gate in the next room, which opens as you approach. Get the shotgun ammo in left corner. Jump and grab the lowest flaming pillar, and pull up in a corner. Run jump and grab the next pillar when the flame is off, then run jump to the third one. Jump past the flame into the alcove and get another Hand of Orion. Return to the flooded room the way you came.


Go down the slope north, avoid the wraiths, and jump into the water. Swim through to the other side. Jump over the flame traps, and then use the two Hands of Orion in the receptacles to open the gate. Slide down the slope. Get one small and one large medipack and the shotgun from the water. Pull the switch on the east block. Spikes are raised on the central platform and two tribesmen enter the enclosure you’re in. Kill them. (The tribesmen may remain stuck near the entrance, so you may need to lure them in). Go out into the corridor and kill two more tribesmen (who are strangely reluctant to get closer to Lara). Go to the eastern passage and drop down the hole.


Crawl, wade and swim down. Pull up on a ledge to your right. A flyby shows you where to go next. Run jump to the southern ledge, turn around and climb up. Get shotgun ammo from your right. Pull up onto the next ledge at the right end. Rolling balls start to roll down the slope, but you’re safe on the right side. Go up the slope and kill two small dinos.


Drop down the crawlspace and wade until you reach a room with a pole in the middle. Get flares on the higher ledge, then jump from there to the pole. Climb up and backflip off the pole. Run quickly into the eastern pool and get the uzi. Then take care of the tinman. Climb further up the pole and backflip off it. Kill two raptors (they may be stuck in the wall, in which case you can simply ignore them). Drop into the hole. Find another hole in the ceiling in the passage below, and climb up it. Use the switch to flood that passage, then swim up the northern end. Pull up, run over the breakable tiles, and into the passage with the watery portal. As you pass through the portal, the level ends.