The Crazy Day

Level by Leoc1995

Walkthrough by manarch2

- Enter the first right room and use the floor lever in here.
- Enter the first left room, use the jumplever, then run on the tile in the far right corner. Enter the open
doorway, here you can pick up all the items (but you can also leave them there) and use the floor lever.
- Return to the now open door left of the first right room, enter and use the floor lever.
- Now progress through the main hall passing the first left room you entered earlier.
- Enter the left room and use the floor lever.
- Enter the right room and use the floor lever. On the way you have to kill a large spider.
- Now enter the passage at the end of the main hall, follow through and eventually a last door opens.
- In the large hall jump over all the pillars, then run in the passage for the finish trigger