Test Level 1 - Traps

Level by Forger

Walkthrough by manarch2

The Block Puzzle

At the start go around the central cage and climb on the white block, then in the room above and get the Guardroom Key from the pedestal. Since the traps in this room are now activated, run-jump from the pedestal down in the lower room and push the white block under the lever in the middle of a wall. Use it and kill a leopard. Now push and push/pull the block into the cage onto the marked tile to open the door. Follow the passage, climb on the right hand block and then up in the alcove to get Secret #1, gold bars. Drop down and in one of the two pools, then follow the underwater passage (if you are stuck, look for a small passage up near the ceiling) and a frogman appears. Quickly swim in the passage where he came from, use the underwater lever to open the trapdoor a few squares behind you. Swim up there, ignore the items for now and climb out.

Breaktile Challenge

Kill the soldier and if possible the frogman, dive into the pool and get the Harpoon and the Large Medipack, climb out again. There is a high ramp at one of the four walls. Spot the elevated tile and jump up to grab it, shimmy far left as possible and climb up (it’s possible, just try it). Climb up the blocks and run over the first breaktile row, jump on the block, then onto the next row and take a running jump to the far safe platform. Complete the third row the same way, but before running in the passage drop and grab the ladder, shimmy left and drop on a block. Get Secret #2, a golden skull, and climb up again. Follow the passage and drop in the hole at the end to land in a pool.

Water and Spikes

Kill a frogman – it might be even quicker to kill him with the Harpoon rather than to climb out – and search the pool for six Harpoon Packs and the Uzis. Climb out of the water and get two Small Medipacks, 2x Shotgun Ammo and 2x Uzi Ammo. Now dive back in the pool and climb out on the small island to insert the Guardroom Key. The door opens; head through the passage and jump over the first spike trap, use the lever in the right niche to open a door later on. Jump over the next pit, but don’t slide down to the door yet; instead backflip to the last ledge and wait for the spike wall to pass. This reveals Secret #3, golden coins, where the wall previously was, so jump there and get them. Now slide down the slope through the open doorway. There are two more spike walls in this room and a closed trapdoor to your right. Your goal is to open it with stepping on the marked tile in the far left corner, so align Lara on the left side, run-jump onto it, turn and run-jump back to avoid both walls that get triggered the more you step in this room.

The Dagger

Drop in the shaft, then swim through the tunnels until you can climb out in a larger hall. Only one wall texture has horizontal lines, so get there and climb up to a small passage where you can get the Dagger of Xian. Climb back down and two leopards and a soldier greet you. Let the Uzis do their work and spot a now open door in a dark corner. Follow the passage until the level ends.