Ruins of Kazak

Level by Majid Kazmi

Walkthrough by DJ Full

As it is necessary in some cases, this walkthru is split in 2 parts: for a player who dozies, and for a player who dozyn't.


Go NW and pick up some normal shells. From here, kill a wild boar running around on the lawn. Get closer to the door, it opens automatically, so go inside the ruins. Follow the corridor. In the large room, go N. Step outside, where you can kill a croc. Platform to the other side of the abyss. Climb the rocks on your right and pick up a laser sight from their top. Go inside the next part of the ruins and find the invisible ladder on your right. Climb it to get to the top of the platform. Safety drop on the other side of it. Watch out for a skeleton warrior.


Go NW and pick up some normal shells. From here, kill a wild boar running around on the lawn. Get closer to the door, it opens automatically, so go inside the ruins. Follow the corridor. In the large room, go NE, optionally shatter the barricade and, before the skeleton manages to hit you, DOZY your way up onto the platform, when you can pick up normal arrows and a crossbow. Follow the corridor next to the platform. In the next room, there is nothing except a hostile skeleton and a strange, black rectangle on the S wall. It probably was to be a portal to the next room, which remains unfinished or not connected... so go back to the previous large room and watch out for the skeleton you left there. Go through the corridor beginning in the N wall of this room. Step outside, where you can kill a croc. Platform to the other side of the abyss. Climb the rocks on your right and pick up a laser sight from their top. Go inside the next part of the ruins and find the invisible ladder on your right. Climb it to get to the top of the platform. Safety drop on the other side of it. Watch out for a skeleton warrior. DOZY across the gap, proceed through the next corridor, fall into the next room, descend through the hole in the floor, then downstairs and find a passage in the E wall. Go towards the sun. Climb the blocks to get outside. You can see a key waiting for being plucked out of the pyramid wall, but you can't do that. Never mind. On the 4th floor of the pyramid you can activate a skeleton, but this is optional only. Get to the top of the pyramid and grab the knot. A flyby shows you the corner, the corner, Lara, the corner, the corner, Lara, the corner, the corner, Lara, the corner, the corner, Lara, the... Interrupt it and descend to the S side of the pyramid, to find the door open. Follow the corridor. Climb the ladder at the end. S...s...swimming pool area...? It seems so. Jump into the water, swim S, grab a large medi and some xplosiv arrows, FIND THE INVISIBLE PORTAL IN FRONT OF YOU and proceed ahead to resurface in the huge pool. Get out of the water. Kill a wild boar and a croc, blow up a skeleton. Notice a keyhole you can't use and find the portal in the NW corner of the room. Go through. This is the end of this world.