The Quest 2 – The Mysterious Clock

Level by Rambo

Walkthrough by manarch2

Lara falls down onto a short stairway. When she runs forward onto the brown mud tiles, she immediately gets burned, so you have to find a way to pass them without landing on them. Your aim is placed around the right corner, since the grass tiles there are safe again; this requires a curved jump. Place Lara in the NW corner of the stair, face E, then start running, hold the Right button until Lara aims for the left of the edge of the right hand wall and, while still holding Right, after a few tries Lara eventually should manage to reach the safe grass. Head forward into a kind of library and after hearing the action sound turn around, take out your weapons and kill two dogs. The four trees in the middle of the room hide several items; you can't get those now so ignore them for a moment.

Spot a ladder in the SE corner of the room. Jump up and grab it, then climb up exactly eight times and position Lara in the leftmost point of the ladder. Now it gets really tricky. Press the Right button but immediately after pressing it, let go of Action, then grab the ladder again. By now Lara should have been “travelled” a little bit right and three clicks down. Climb back up three times and save, because the next jump will be one of the “very hard” difficulty. Backflip off the ladder, immediately turn in mid-air, hold both Right and Action buttons (the pole will help you here) and Lara stumbles onto the windowsill. Now press Roll as otherwise Lara would drop off the ledge to the floor (due to a TRLE bug this is still possible when Lara falls to the floor and is half-embedded in the wall). Here is a savegame

A fixed camera from the next room will make the next jump pretty hard. Since the door is still closed you first need to open it, and the trigger is in the alcove in the NW corner of the library room. First pick up a Small Medipack in the middle of the room, then use the binoculars to spot it, turn Lara so that she faces the alcove, hop back and run-jump into the opening with a slight right curve. The door opens when stepping onto the golden tile. You now can run-jump back there and leave this room, but also remember there are several items in the middle of the four trees. To get into the free space, position Lara in the SE corner of the alcove, line up with the middle of the trees and stand-jump in the space, holding Action. Lara will land on the items. Duck and pick up the Shotgun and 3x Wideshot Shotgun Ammo – this should be rewarded as a secret, but it isn't. Backflip out and make your way back up the ladder and – using the technique described above – reach the windowsill again.

Don't even dare to jump into the water since it's deadly. Use the zip line but let go when you approach the first platform. This at first seems like an easy task, but don't forget what you have just experienced. When you reach the platform you only have one second to run-jump to the left platform or a flame will catch Lara. To be able to continuously move you need to drop from the zipline onto the edge of the platform, hold left and jump quickly before the flame is triggered. Same with the next tile, land on the near edge, curve-run right and run-jump to the third tile, run quickly over it and jump to the far E block.

The next task won't be so hard: Walk towards the N side of the block and look into the water, there are some golden tiles which are different to the regular floor textures. Those indicate that you can jump onto an invisible platform just above them and the water. From here run-jump to the N platform and climb up. Kill a bat and walk towards the NW corner of the platform. There are two ways to jump to the next blocks. Either walk to the exact corner lining up with the far blocks, jump up twice to get a little closer to the edge, hop back and run-jump to the NW corner. Or you try taking a curved run-jump to either left or right side of the corner where you can hold the ledge of the platform, then climb up. Both versions work and are roughly of the same difficulty.

From this ledge you are able to kill the mafiosi on the high ledge in the middle of the room. Jump down to the first square of the SW platform, but notice the differing textures on the sides of the platform. There are either wooden or yellow textures, the latter indicating a deadly tile on top of the walkway. So the second and third tiles are deadly, Lara should take a run-jump over them. The fourth and fifth tiles are safe again but the last one up the slope is deadly again, which makes the jump to the shore rather tough. Stand at the lower start of the slope, jump up but when in the air hold the Back button so that Lara lands a little bit more E than before, farther away from the last deadly tile in the W. Run and in the last moment before reaching the deadly tile and getting burned jump and hopefully Lara lands on the lowered part of the shore, in front of several red curtains.

Only those tiles which have an ornament in the middle (just like the first one) are safe, so don't simply run further. Take a look NW and spot the second safe tile. Run-jump there and kill an attacking rat. Now jump to the safe tile SW and from then on most tiles are safe. First shoot a dog, then simply run along the W wall approaching the motorbike. A bit in front of it, a demigoddess appears on the tile in the middle of the hall, shooting health-consuming fire bolts at you. So you either have to be fast during the next task or shoot her, best with the Shotgun. Either way, mount the motorbike afterwards, drive along the safe tiles and take a right when possible. If you are fast enough you might manage the jump directly, but if not or you're unsure, press the Back button to get a longer path to accelerate (when you start from the wall, the jump should be possible). So drive up the ramp and jump to the central island where the finish trigger is already awaiting you.