The Shipwreck Ithaca

Level and Walkthrough by Colin Benson


I will only give the quickest path through the level here. Secret Sapphires, Gold Coins and non-important pickups are not listed. (You'll have to find them all on your own.)

Golden Coins are just for fun. (How many can you find?)

Secret Sapphires can be exchanged in a special room in each level for goodies.


Lara starts off in an underwater cave. Turn southwest and swim for a few blocks. There is an air hole in the ceiling. Stop here to fill up your air meter. Dive down and swim southwest again but turn a little more to the west. Keep going and look carefully for another air hole in the cave's ceiling. Surface and wait until you refill your air meter. (Watch out for the barracudas.) Dive again and swim to the stern of the sunken ship. Look for the propeller, swim around it and search the stern for a lever. Throw the lever and you'll see a door open. Dive straight down and hug the cave floor. Swim north and keep going until you find a hole in the ship. (It's near the sunken crate.) Swim up and surface inside the ship. Go through the door you just opened and take out the SAS on the beam. Jump across the beams and open the door. Go through the hallway and enter the next room. An SAS is patrolling the upper area of this room. You may want to just avoid him for now. Run to the southwest corner of the room. There is a slightly raised section of the floor with a running stick figure on it. Prepare for a timed run. Face northeast and run across it. (The northern door on the other end of the room opens up.) Jump over the rusty railing and land on the floating crates. Run north across the crates. Next, do two standing jumps towards the single floating crates. Now do a side right jump turn towards the open passage and run through. If you make it before the door shuts, it will stay open until you trigger it again with the floor trigger. (But let's not do that.) Take the stairway to your left and take out the SAS.

Dive down into the water below. Climb up onto one of the crates and look for a wall button near the timed door. Press it and the closed door opposite opens up. Swim across and enter the room. A thug will come out here so kill him and go open the door to the east. An SAS is here so kill him too and drop into the room below. Look to the southwest corner for a Ring Key. Grab it and use the crate to climb back out. Go back to the room with the timed door and go through. At the intersection, just keep going straight. In the next room, jump, grab and pull up onto the beam. There is another SAS at the other end of the room. Smoke him and jump across the beams. There is a barracuda in the water below, shoot it because we are going down there shortly. First, we need to find the next wall button. Go to the central eastern pillar. The button's on its north face. Press it and we see a door open up. (Let's not go there right yet.)

Dive into the water below. Near the pillar with the button is a hole in the floor. Dive down and at the intersection, turn right. There is a current produced by the underwater propellers that forces you to swim in an anti-clockwise path. Take the third room to your left and search for the Old Key. It's small so look around carefully. Once you have it, keep swimming along the underwater path until you reach the spot where you started. Surface and then swim west to the opposite end of the room. Dive underwater and look for a passage in the wall swim up and climb into a new hallway. Run south and go up the slope - use the Ring Key to open the locked door.

In the next room you have to fight a sea mutant. Once it's out of the game, climb either one of the ladders. Now run down the Northern hallway. Open the last door on your left and enter the room. Climb up on to the top bunk and press the wall button. A door opens up. Leave the room and run back down hallway to the newly opened door. You'll have to face another Sea mutant in the hallway. Once you enter the next room, you'll watch the camera pan around the room. Obviously, the floor is fire trapped.

Run East and do a running grab jump to the broken wooden slope. Slide down and jump to the slope to your left. Jump forward to the next wooden slope and from here jump again to the flat wooden platform. From the center, facing West, do a running grab jump to the small wooden platform. Now face South and do another running grab jump to the slanted wooden block. Pull up and slide down. At the very end of the slope, jump off and grab the ledge in front of you. (Your timing must be perfect. If you jump too early or late, you won't make it.) Pull up, open the door and enter the deck area. There are a few baddies here, so smoke them all.

Once they are gone, run South and drop to the level below. An SAS is hiding down here, so deal with him. Dive into the pool in the Southeast corner and turn left down the corridors. Surface through a hole in the ceiling into another room. Climb the crates, open the door at the top and enter the next room. Take out the three baddies here and run North. Go down the stairs, open the door and use your Old Key to unlock the two doors. The room to your left explains what you must do. (I won't bother repeating the instructions.) Turn into the room to your right. Locate the pushable box and pull it South two blocks. Follow the tunnel to the wall ladder and climb it into the upper room. Cross the room and climb down the Wall ladder on the other side. Locate the pushable box again and push it once to the South. Climb up into the upper room again and drop down to the lower level. Now Pull the box one block East. (You'll hear the sound of wind blowing after moving the box.)

Now the burning Key is safe to collect. Climb once again into the upper level and drop down the opposite ladder. Enter the central corridor and grab the Extinguished Key. We are done here.

Return to the underwater passages. Swim North and take the first passage to your Right. Pull up into a hallway and a short distance away is a locked door. Unlock it with your new Key. Continue down the hall avoiding the crushers. At the end of the hall is a wall lever. Pull it down and you'll hear water flowing into the nearby engine room. The water shorts out the engine and stops the propeller. Return to the underwater passage and swim to the now motionless propeller. (If you tried getting here before the current produced by it blocked you from swimming forward.) Dive down in front of the propeller and take the gear. (You'll need another one of there to complete this part of the level.)

Leave this underwater area and return to the deck area. Climb up the two crates and do a run, jump and grab to the upper floor. Run back to the room with the fire trapped floor. Go to the Southwest corner and face North. Run and jump onto the slanted block of wood. Jump again when Lara's feet hit the slope. Roll in mid air, slide down the slope of another wooden block and shimmy along the edge to the North. Pull up and jump to the next slope. From here make another jump and grab to the flat, wooden block. Pull yourself up and face Northeast. Do a running jump to the next flat block. Face North and slide down, jumping off at the end. Now just do another jump to the opposite ledge. Go back down the hallway and into the next room. Climb down one of the two wall ladders. Exit the lower room and you are now in the hallway. Take the path to your left and get ready to fight two thugs on the shallow staircase. Run East and take the first path to your right. We are now back in the room with the Barracuda, SAS and Underwater anti-clockwise rooms. Do a running grab and pull up jump to the beams. Cross the beams going in a Northwest direction. Remember the door we opened up here earlier? Well, let's check out where it leads.

Enter the ship's main engine room. A gang of baddies will come out to greet you here. Send them packing with your weapons. Go to the Southwest Corner of the room and press the wall button. Go North and Enter the newly opened door. Climb the ladder to the room with six levers. Throw the two levers to the East. Return to the engine room. Run to the Southeast and go through the doorway. Climb down the wall ladder and explore the room beneath the pistons. Go to the Southwest section of the room (behind the crate.) and hit the wall lever. You'll see a camera shot of the door above the pistons opening. Run along the west wall and look for the hall to the lower level. Drop down and you will be in a room with many rusty oil barrels. Open the Southern door and get ready to smoke a sea mutant. Once it's out of the game, take the gear in the center of the room. Climb back up to the main engine room. Hop onto the Southern engine block, face North and jump along the pistons and enter the room with the gears on the walls. Look carefully for the two exposed axles. Place your gear items on them. Once both are in place, the Northern door opens. Go through and slide down into the next level.


Go through the door and fight off the two SAS. Press the wall button near the Northeast corner of the room. Enter the nearby room and drop down into the four block pit you just made. Crawl down into the cubbyhole and drop into the water. Turn and swim to the north. Search the seafloor for a hole. Dive down it and continue swimming along the underwater passage. At the end, you'll wind up in a big cave. Run to the Northeast part of the cave and climb the raised colored blocks. Jump across and along the blocks. The last jump is a tad tricky. Face North and take a side step to your right. Position Lara so she's facing the Northwest corner and do a running jump, in mid-air press and hold the left direction button. You should wind up making the jump. Climb up, run forward and take the Grotto Key. Safely drop down to the cave floor and return to the ship.

Remember the room where you fought the two SAS? Use the Grotto Key to unlock the door here. Pass through the hallway and enter a vast storage pit. Take out the pair of thugs and SAS. (One is perched atop some crates.) Go Southwest and climb the crates there. Face North and jump up the crates. Turn East and continue along the crates. Once you are standing atop the four block high stack of crates, turn South and jump to the stack of crates in the center. Drop down to the floor and grab the Ivory Key. Jump back to the stack of four crates and do a running grab jump to the edge and pull up. Fight off the baddies that appear and use your Ivory Key to unlock the Eastern door.

Go down the stairs to the room below. Do a running grab jump to the chain. Swing over and grab the next chain and from there swing to the platform. Press the wall button to open the door. Do a running grab jump to the chain again. From the chain aim towards the narrow platform to the Southwest. Swing, jump off and land on it. (It is easy to over- or undershoot your target.) Run down the hall and two doors open up with SAS hiding behind. Take them out and continue to the next room. Climb down either of the wall ladders to the area below. Turn East and dive to the deepest central part of the flooded room. Take the Oil Room Key resting on the bottom.

Climb the one of the ladders back to the upper room. Return to the hallway and two more SAS come out to play. Take them both out and go back to the room with the chains hanging from the ceiling. Walk to the Northwest corner of the platform and do a running grab jump to the chain. Turn West and swing back to the next platform. Go back up the stairs. Return to the large storage pit. Stay along the outer edges and go South. Unlock the door with the Oil Room Key.

Cross the room into the next one. Walk across the platform to the Southwest corner and aim for the chain. Do a running grab jump onto it and aim for the platform to your left. Swing, jump and land on it. Turn Southwest and do a running jump to the next platform. From here do another running grab jump to another chain. Aim for the platform to your right. Do a swing jump to it. Walk to the Northeast corner and do a running jump to one more ceiling chain. While holding on to the chain, turn Lara to the left and aim for the next platform. Swing and jump to it.

Now, go through the doorway on the East wall. There is a wall lever in the room. Throw it and go through the opened door. Fight off the SAS and collect the Elevator Fuse in the small hallway. Continue down the hall and through the doorway nearby. We are now only a single jump away from where we started. We are done in this oil room so let's return to the large storage pit room.

Run North and climb the wide stairway on the middle of the North wall. Turn right and run down the stairs. You will end up in a room with many shooting flamethrowers. We must go North through the room to continue but the flamethrowers make it very dangerous. It's difficult to get the timing of all the flamethrowers down, so I've two suggestions on how to cross safely:

1. Wait until at least the first flamethrower in front of you goes out and run forward until you are blocked by another. Stay put and wait until the next one goes out then continue on stopping only in front of active flamethrowers. This method is risky because a flamethrower beside you can activate while you are waiting.

2. Wait until all flamethrowers along the room go out and sprint like crazy across the room. This method may be better but it might take a long time for all flamethrowers to go out all at one time.

If you do catch on fire, there is a pit at the end of the room where you can extinguish the flames. (I guess stop, drop and roll doesn't work in this game.)

Climb the Northern wall ladder after the pair of flamethrowers go out. There is an SAS hiding in the next room but he shouldn't be a problem. Climb the pole and again wait for the pair of flamethrowers to stop before ascending. There is one more flamethrower at the top but you should have little trouble with it. Take the stairs to the South or just climb up the raised section and take the Admiral's Key.

We are done with these crazy flamethrower rooms, so let's go back to the large storage pit. Use the same tricks listed above on your way out.

Return to the stairway on the Eastern wall of the storage pit room. This time, we are going to climb the staircase right to the top. Open the door and eliminate the thug. Go North down the hall and keep going. We are now in a small maze room. Go left, then right. Now go left again. Turn right at the wall and keep going. Round the two corners and press the wall button on the East wall. Watch the camera shot of the door opening and round the two corners again. Turn right, round the corner and go through newly opened door.

We are now in a large room. Run to the Northwest corner and go through the doorway. Light a flare because we are going to explore some dark rooms. Turn North and run until you reach the wall. Look for a wall button and press it. You will get a camera shot of a block being raised. Turn to the South and go through the wide doorway to your left. Turn and run South. Drop down the little pit in the floor. Round the two corners and look for that block we raised a minute ago. Jump onto it and from there, climb through the hole in the ceiling. There's an Elevator Fuse here. Put it into your inventory. We are done with these dark rooms so we should return to the Large room.

Run to the Northeast corner and use the Admiral's Key. Go through the opened door and open another one (You don't need any key for this one.) You are now exploring the Deck area of the ship.

Run to the North and get ready to fight a gang of bad guys. Watch out, one of them is patrolling the upper level of the ship. Once all of them are out of the game, look for the big hole in the deck and drop down to the lower floor. The North end of the floor has a raised block with a running stick figure on it. (Yes, it's another timed run.) Walk behind the block and face Southwest, slightly left of the wall of crates. Run over the stick figure block and keep going. Go South and jump onto the first palette of crates. Do two standing forward jumps up the crates. Turn around and face North. Jump or climb up to the deck level and aim for the three crates in front of you. Run and jump onto the first one. Do a standing forward jump onto the next crate. Do a 180 turn, jump, grab and pull up to the higher level. Run North and do a running grab jump to the next platform. Pull up and run forward. Jump from the platform to the large doorway on your left. Turn Southeast and jump to the next platform. Run Southeast along the platform for a block or two, turn South and jump to the next platform. From here sprint towards the timed run doorway. If you can do this run before the door closes shut, the door will stay open unless you trigger it again. Continue down the hall open the door and descend the stairs. Open another door at the bottom and enter the room. Take the Elevator Fuse sitting on the floor.

We are now ready to go to the next level. Go all the way back to the Storage pit area. Go to the Northern, wide staircase and climb it. Turn to your left and check out the elevator. (If you press the wall button inside the elevator, nothing will happen because there's no juice to power it.) Run around to the back of the outer edge of the elevator and place all three Elevator Fuses in their boxes. Walk inside the elevator and you'll see its lights are now on. Press the wall button and the elevator will take you to the next level.


Walk out of the elevator and go behind it. Look on the East wall for a simple door and open it up. Proceed through the zigzagging hallway. In the new room, drop down twice to the bottom level. Fight the SAS and look for a hole in the floor and jump in. Take the little passageway into another room. Pull the block away from the wall and press the wall button that was hidden behind the block. Drop down into any of the newly opened holes.

Explore and slide down the hole's passageway and you'll wind up in a new slightly flooded room. Draw your weapons and get ready to fight four sea mutants.

I would suggest you use your best weapons here and go for your medikits if you need them. Now you need to find two different keys in the water. Light a flare or two so you can see them a little better. One's located at the Southwest corner of the long side room. The other's found near the Southwest corner of the larger section of the room. Once both the Copper Key and the Fourth Floor Key are in your inventory, look for a hallway on the Southern wall. Open the door and shoot the SAS that appears. Use your Copper Key to unlock the door. You are now in a long vertical shaft. Climb the first rusty block and from there, do a series of running, grab and pull up jumps until you reach the top. Get yourself on the highest block on the South wall of the shaft. There is a wall lever here, obviously you need to throw it. Jump your way to the highest Northern block and go down the hall. We are now back in the three floored room. Directly ahead of you is another wall lever. Throw it and a block on the floor raises up. Jump onto it and from there jump and pull up to the second floor. Go to the Northwestern pillar and throw the lever on its Western face. This wall lever also pushes a block up. Use the block to get yourself to the third floor.

Return to the elevator room and follow the hallway on the West wall. Open up the door and continue West. Climb the staircase and at the end, use your Fourth Floor Key.

Enter the hallway and get ready to take down an SAS. Once he's gone, run East for a while. Turn to your left and open the door. We are now in the ship's library. There are some more bad guys running around here. Go South and take the stairs. First of all, let's take the left staircase. Open the door at the end and an SAS is there waiting for you on the balcony. Take him down and any of his friends. Now crossover to the other stairs and you will wind up on the other balcony. There are no baddies here. Walk to the banister and face the closest bookshelf on the floor below. Do a running jump over the banister and land on the top of the bookshelf. Jump across the tops of the bookshelves heading north. Look for a notepad that is floating slightly above the bookshelf and grab it. Look in your inventory at the item. It's called Marionetta's Steps. Hit enter and you will get a message. (I won't bother repeating it here.) Drop to the floor below and exit the library.

We now need to find the dance hall. Do you remember the door we opened with the Fourth Floor Key? The entrance to the dance Hall is just opposite to that door across the hallway. Climb the small stairs and we are in the Dance Hall. This is where you are to follow the instructions on the notepad. Remember to stand in the correct spot.

If you are having trouble with this puzzle point your favourite browser to: and you can watch a video of me doing the puzzle.

Once the steps are done correctly, the Dance Hall's curtain opens up. Climb up onto the stage and open the door to the East. A thug and an SAS are in this room. Smoke them both and take the Junction Box in the corner. Leave the room and the Dance Hall. now run East down the big hall. Descend the staircases to the room below and climb the other ones. You will run into an SAS and thug as you run into the next room.

We are now in a large multi-storied room with balconies on each floor. Run to the Southern part of the room and climb onto the block of broken wood. Walk to the Southeast corner of the block, face South and do a standing jump. Grab the edge of the floor and pull Lara up. Face West and walk to the edge. Do a running grab jump across the missing floor to the opposite edge. Don't pull up just yet. Shimmy along to your left for at least five blocks. Pull up and go North, round the corner and walk to the edge of another section with a missing, rotted out floor. It's too long to make the jump to the opposite end, so you must aim Lara towards just right of the pillar. Do a running jump and if you've aimed correctly, you'll land safely on the floor behind the pillar. Wait, did I just type Safely? An SAS appears to hound you after you make the jump. Take him out and round the next corner and run South. Keep going and climb on top of the crate. From the top of the crate, look at the floor carefully. There is another section of the floor that is missing. Drop down and keep going South round the corner and look for a wall button. Press it and we see a door below us open but let's not go there just yet. Turn around run North and climb on to the crate again. From here it is a simple standing vertical jump and pull up to the third floor. In front of you is a wall button and a closed door. Open the door by pressing the button.

Go through and watch the flyby camera show you the pool of water in the next room. Walk to the edge of the platform and do a running grab jump to the chain. While she's hanging from the chain, position Lara to the Northeast. (It is a little tough to get the right angle while on the chain. You might want to save before doing this jump and reload and re-position Lara if you fail.) Now swing forward a few times and jump off. If you aimed correctly, Lara will land safely in the pool. Swim to the bottom and be sure and grab the Junction Box. Pull yourself out of the water and use the wall button to open the Northwest door. Shoot the sea mutant in the next room and continue on back into the multi-storied room.

Remember the door on Southern wall of the main floor we opened? It's time to explore what's there. Go through and descend the stair cases into a flooded room with the little platforms just above the water line. You need to jump across these platforms in the correct order. Each time you land on a platform, some other platforms start on fire. You need to reach the opposite end of this room without getting blocked by burning platforms of starting Lara on fire. (If Lara does catch fire, get into the water straight away. The current will take you back where you started.)

Now let's get started with the right sequence of jumps. Face South and to the platform to your left. Do a running jump to it. From here, do another running jump forward to the platform in front of you. Now one more forward jump to the third platform. Turn East and another running jump to the platform in front is needed. Turn back to the South and do a running jump to the next platform. From here, turn East again and do a running forward jump. Once again, face Lara to the South. Now run and jump to the platform in front of you. Now it's just a simple jump to the ledge in front of you.

There is a wall lever on the Southern wall, go ahead and throw it. You'll see a door open up and we are going there right now. Turn around and dive into the water. Let the current take you back to the opposite side of the room. Climb the stairs and return to the multi-storied room.

Let's go through the Northern door on the first floor. Now, open the door to your left in the hallway. You are now in a room with five pushable rusty boxes. Let's first push the Northeastern box one square to the left or right. There is a hidden passageway behind the box. Now run to the trio of movable boxes and pull out the middle one and push it to the side. A wall button was hidden behind this box. Go ahead and press the button and a closed door opens. Enter the passage way you found behind the first box you moved. Go through the newly opened door and take the Junction Box in the hall.

Run back out to the larger hallway. On the Western side is the wall button door we opened a few minutes ago. Run inside and get ready to face three sea mutants. Kill each one and look for the bathrooms in the North section of the room. Open the door to the Eastern bathroom. Jump and pull up into the air vent in the northwest corner of the bathroom. Light a flare and crawl forward, then make two right turns. There is a Junction Box here. Take it and leave the air vent. (You should now have four Junction Boxes.)

Once more, return to the big multi-floored room. Get yourself up to the third floor just like you did before. Run North, round the corner and go West. (Watch out for the collapsing floors.) Press the wall button on the middle pillar. You will see a door opening up. Continue West and round the next corner. We now face a large gap in the floor but a running grab and pull up jump is all we need to cross it.

Go through the open door and run North down the hall. Take the first doorway on your right. In the center of this room (partly hidden behind the crate.) is a metallic block with four Junction panels. Place all four of your Junction Boxes in them. A moment after that is done, a camera shot shows a door opening. Leave the room, cross the hall and go through the newly opened door. Grab the Cafeteria Key at the end of the passage. Now turn around and fight off the SAS that are in the hallway.

Back to the Multi-storied room. Drop down safely to the second floor. Look to the Northwest corner for a wall button. Press it (if you haven't already done so.) and the closed door opens for you. Enter the "L" shaped room and go through the door at the opposite end. Run West and climb the first staircase on your right. At the top of the stairs is a key locked door. Use the Cafeteria Key to unlock it. Go through the room and you are booted to the next level.


Open the door and take out the two SAS in the cafeteria. Run East and open the door. You are now in a room with two staircases. Take out the single SAS here and take the stairs down to the flooded rooms. You'll run into a barracuda in the water so watch out. It might be an idea to climb back up the stairs and shoot the barracuda from the safety of the top of the stairs. Now dive underwater and swim South. Swim into the next room and look for an underwater lever. (It's at the top corner of the Northwest part of the room.) Once thrown, you will see a door open and another close.) Go back up the stairs and get some air. Dive down again and swim through the underwater Western doorway. Continue swimming down the hall, round the corner and take the doorway to your right. You're now in a fancy dining room but you are not alone. There are more barracudas in here. (You can return to the land part of the stairs, wait for the barracuda to follow and shoot them out of the game or you can just avoid them.) Either way, there is a Simple Key on the floor of the Northeast corner of the room. Grab it and swim back to the staircase and some much needed air. Now ascend the other staircase and at the top, turn West. You can now see the door we opened with the underwater lever. Run forward and go through. Continue on and a thug will appear. Deal with him and go to the next room. Look along the Western wall for a wall button. (It's beside the closk.) Press it and the closed Northern door opens. Go through and you are now back on another deck section of the ship. Draw your weapons because a thug and SAS are here. Kill them both and run East. Open the door to your left and go through.

Round the corner and climb down the wall ladder. At the bottom of the ladder turn Southwest and follow the passageway. Open the door at the end and enter the small room. Kneel down and shoot the red bench in the Northwest corner. You'll discover a Gold Relic, go ahead and grab it. Climb back up the wall ladder. At the top, face Northeast to the slanted wooden floor. Jump forward and Lara will slide down. Press and hold the action key and shimmy to your left. When you can go no further, pull yourself up and as the climbing animation runs, press and hold the jump and roll keys. Lara will jump and roll while she is in mid-air. Now press and hold action to hold onto the edge of the opposite ledge. Shimmy to your right to the end of the slanted wooden floor. Pull up and do another mid-air rolling jump and shimmy along. Repeat this until you reach the end of the upper hallway.

Walk forward to the edge of the balcony above the swimming pool. Face East if you aren't already. There are chains hanging from the ceiling. Do a running grab jump to the first chain. Swing forward and do a grab jump to the next. Again swing forward and grab the final chain. Now it's a simple matter of swinging and jumping to the balcony.

Here we see a golden hand jutting from the wall. Place your Gold Relic on it and the Underwater door in the pool opens. Turn around and do a running grab jump to the chain again. (Be sure you have enough running room before doing the jump. Take a step to the left or right after placing the Gold Relic.) Swing forward and jump and grab the middle chain. Once Lara stops swinging, turn to the South. Swing and jump to the balcony. There is a wall button here. Press it and you will see a camera shot of a door opening. Turn around and jump into the pool.

Swim through the door you opened and take the first left. Round the corner and dive through the hole in the floor. Face East and keep swimming. Take the first passageway to your right and swim North. Keep going until you reach the wall. Now look to your left. There is a hole in the floor. Dive down it and go even deeper. Face North and swim down the passageway. There is a bit of a dip in the passage but you can get through it easily. At the end you will find a Lifeboat Key, be sure to take it. Now get back to the swimming pool quickly, your air bar is shrinking every second. Pull out of the pool and run West. Go down the hall and climb up the wall ladder. Return to the Deck area of the ship. Run North, climb over the outer wall and into the blue rock cave.

Turn East and continue through the cave. There is an SAS down in these dark caves so be ready. Keep going East until you reach the locked door. Use the Simple Key to unlock it. In the next room we are in a vertical shaft. Turn South and do a running grab and pull up jump to the single block. Here we see a running stick figure on the floor. Yes, it's another timed run. (There is no camera shot showing what door is opening. But if you use the look key, you can see a door near the bottom open up.) Quickly turn around and do another running grab and pull up jump. Run across the next block and jump to the raised block to your left. Now do two side jumps to your left and shimmy along the edge. At the last block to your left, look around for a moment. If you can see falloff light from the vertical flamethrower behind you, don't pull up and jump. (You can wait a second or two but any longer and you should just return to the running stick figure tile and start again.) If the vertical flamethrower is out pull up and press and hold both jump and roll. Once you land on the block, roll again and hit the back key to hop backwards. Drop to the block below and hold action. When you reach the edge, Lara will grab and hold on. Let go of the action key and drop to the next sloped block below. Hit your jump key and roll in mid-air. Once you land on the block, put Lara's back to the Eastern wall (so she's facing West.) and do a standing forward jump. You will land on a pillar below. Run West and drop to the block below. Now aim Lara Northwest to the flat platform below and do a standing forward jump to it. Once you land, walk to the Northern edge and do a standing forward jump. You will land on a sloped block. Let Lara slide until she reaches the very edge, hit the jump key and grab the edge of the next platform. Pull yourself up and do two side jumps to your left. Run forward and claim the Bilge Key.

(You may notice that at a certain point in this shaft, you can't climb back up to the timed run trigger block. So if you fail the timed run don't panic, just safely get Lara to the bottom of the shaft and continue following my walkthrough.)

Once the key's secure in your inventory, drop to the bottom of the shaft. Look for a passageway at the Northern wall. Go through and smoke the SAS. We are now in another vertical shaft. Run to the wall ladder on the Northern wall and climb it. Drop off the ladder to your right. There is an SAS high on the block above you. Take him out with your guns. Run West and climb the next wall ladder. Drop off to your right again and run South along the platform. Slide down the sloped block and jump at the last second. Grab the ledge and pull up. Turn North and do a running grab jump to the block the SAS was standing on a moment ago. Pull up and ascend the wall ladder. At the top, there is a series of sloped blocks to your right. Do a side jump to your right, slide down and shimmy along to your right. Shimmy over the corner and pull up to the flat block. Climb this wall ladder too and drop off to the platform to your right. Look for a wall button and press it. The block beside you lowers itself. You are now back in the dark caves. Run West and return to the ship.

(If you did not make the timed run as I mentioned before, you can return to the timed run shaft from these caves as you did your first time here.)

Once your feet are planted firmly back on the deck of the ship turn West and run forward. Take out the SAS that appear but watch out for holes in the floor. Once it's safe, turn to the Southern wall and look for the door we opened a while ago. It's between two pillars near the big, rusty blocks.

Run South and enter the inside of the ship. You'll see two thugs and an SAS after you go a few blocks. Eliminate all three of them and look for either of the two doorways that take you to the church-like rooms of the ship. Run to the Northeast corner and take the stairs. At the top, you'll face another SAS. Run along the upper section of the room going West. (The light streaming in from the stained glass ceiling is beautiful isn't it?) You will wind up in a room filled with crates at the end. Look around the Northern part of the room for a pushable crate. Once you locate it, pull it once to the North, then push it twice to the West. Push it to the South until you can push it no more. Next, push the crate twice to the East. Jump or climb over the other crates and pull the movable crate once to the South. Climb or jump over the other crates and push the movable crate one block North. Now push the crate two blocks East. (It should now be resting on top of a raising/lowering block.)

Drop down into the lower passage behind you and look for a wall button. (This button swaps the raised lowered blocks.) Press it and look around the corner. The pushable crate should be there. Pull it once to the South. Go back and press the wall button again. Climb out of the lower area and back into the room with the crates. Look for a wall button near the Southwest corner of the room. (You'll have to climb on top of a crate to reach it. The button also swaps the raising lowering blocks.) Press it one time and run East. Drop into the lower area once more an push the movable crate once to the South. Climb out of the lower area and back into the crate room. Go back to the wall button and hit it again. Once more, you must return to the lower area. Pull the crate two blocks West. It should now be resting on the golden section of the floor. Climb out and press the wall button in the crate area. Drop to the lower area and the closed door that is there is now open.

Run through, open the next door and run down the stairs. Draw your wepaons, kneel down and shoot the second bench from the East. It should have a Steward Key underneath it. Pick it up and leave the entire church-like rooms and return to the hall. (The hallway where you fought two thugs and the SAS.) Turn East and run towards the big staircase. At the top, press the wall button to open the door. Go through and take out the SAS on the balcony. Run to the Northeast corner and use the Bilge Key to unlock the door.

Enter the room and look for a wall button. Press it and you will get a camera shot of a door opening. Exit the room, go down the stairs and return to the hallway. Run West and take the first turn on your left. Run forward and take the next pathway on your right. Now just run West again until you reach the door we just opened. Go through and you will find yourself on another deck. Draw your weapons, there are baddies here. Once they are gone, unlock the Southwestern door with the Steward Key.

The next room has a few SAS and a thug might also sneak up behind you. Smoke each one of them. Turn to the South and do a running grab jump to the opposite ledge. Go down the stairs and you are now on the Western side of the second floor. Drop down to the first floor. Watch out for the pool of green water, it's deadly! (You might encounter an SAS down here, too.) Open the Southwestern door and descend the stairs. Open the door at the bottom and fight off the thug right behind the door. Walk forward carefully, this room also has deadly green water. Turn and walk East. Climb up the crates and jump towards the rusty machine. Slide down and hold on to the edge with action and shimmy to your left. Keep going and round the corner while hanging onto the edges. Keep shimmying to the left until you are one block away from the next corner. Pull up and do a mid-air jump roll and grab. Pull yourself up and take out the SAS that approaches from the opposite room. Now go explore the SAS's room. There is a floor lever here that needs to be thrown. You will get a camera shot of a door opening up. Back out to the catwalks again and walk to the chain hanging from the ceiling. Do a running grab jump to get it. Now swing and jump to the catwalk below you. Climb the stairs and return to the other room.

Climb up onto the crate and face West. Do a running grab jump to the second floor balcony. Now climb the stairs to your right and you are now on the third floor. Run West and jump over the gap. Continue forward and turn North. jump over the other gap and use your Lifeboat Key to unlock the door. Go through and pass through the hallway. In the next area, we find ourselves in another section of the deck. Watch out, there are more baddies here. Blast each one of them out of the game. Run to the North and drop down to the lower section.

Lara's theme plays when you are down here. Run and jump onto the life raft and the level ends here.

(How many Golden Coins did you find?)