[Note] This level is also called Das Verlorene Artefakt Demo.
[End note]

Slide down the slope and go forward to the corner. Pull up into the next cave. Step on the tile ahead of you and the timed door opens in the wall to your right (north by the compass red pointer). Run there and stand jump into the door before it closes. Jump over the slope ahead of you and go to the left into another cave. Pick up a large medipack (1) by the pool in the middle of the cave. On the other side of the pool, you can pick up magnum clips (2) off the floor. Go behind the rocks to the south to pick up Uzi ammo (3). Go to the south-west corner of the cave and enter a tunnel. At the end, you enter a small room. Pick up a small medipack (4) and jump over the sleeping wolves to go up the steps. Jump to a ledge and pick up three magnum clips (5-7) and shotgun shells (8). Pull down the wall switch and shoot the wolf (1) that wakes up. Shoot a wolf (2) on the stairs and four wolves (3-6) on the floor.

Exit this room and return to the cave. Go to the south-east corner and find the open door. Carefully go around the swinging blade and drop into the new cave. Pull the two wall switches and exit the cave. Go to the north-west corner and climb the rocks. On the other side of the rocks is a trench with an open door leading to a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a ledge overlooking a deep pit. Drop into the water and swim to the east wall. To the right of the slope at the east wall, you can pull up into a dark tunnel. Go forward to drop into a dark cave. Kill a wolf (7) and pick up a small medipack (9) from the skeleton in the corner.

Go east and pick up the Gold Key (10) near another skeleton. Go to the skeleton in the chair and pick up a large medipack (11). From there go north into a dark corner and turn to the right to see a key lock. Use the Gold Key in the key lock to open the door beside it. The door opens and you get a cut scene of the skeleton in the chair. It is very difficult to see in the dark. But to the right side as you enter this area from the water area is a small block that you stand on. It is just in front of some hanging vines. From that block, you can pull up to the north onto the higher ledge. Go north to the wall and turn to the left. In the distance, you can see the light from another door that you opened with the key.

Follow the tunnel to a brighter outside area and shoot two bears (8,9). Go to the south wall and pull out a rather obvious movable block. Pull the block to the north four times. Climb on the block and pull to a broken bridge section above your head. Climb the rocks ahead of you and enter a tunnel. Walk, do not run, to the left as the ceiling collapses. Shoot ten bats (10-19) that viciously attack you. There could have more bats, I lost count. Follow the tunnel and more ceiling collapses. At the end of the tunnel, turn to the right and dive into a water hole. Again it is hard to see. Swim down to the bottom, swim to the west, and then swim up a vertical shaft. Pull up into another small cave.

Go to the south-west corner and pull up onto a ledge. Hop down to the roof of a building. You are over the first large cave with the water hole in the middle. Go to the corner of the roof and pick up a small medipack (12). Jump to the roof over the water hole. Pick up Uzi clips (13) and jump to the south roof where you see a wall switch. On that roof, pick up magnum clips (14) and pull down the wall switch. Safety drop to the ground and go to the east wall. You can see a narrow but open doorway to the left of the large wall carving.

Enter the door and slide down to the floor. It looks like a breakable tile but it will hold you. Pull down the wall switch and then the tile collapses into the cave below. Safety drop into the cave and pick up magnum clips (15), large medipack (16), small medipack (17) and shotgun shells (18) from the floor. Go to the east wall and enter the tunnel in the corner. Walk, do not run, through the dark tunnel and jump over the many spike pits. Slide down into a cave. Go forward to enter a cave with building walls and shoot two wolves (20,21).

In the south wall are a window and a closed door in an alcove. There is a closed door in the alcove in the upper east wall. As you enter this area, there is a wall switch on the north side of the first entrance step. Pull down that wall switch, and the door in the upper east wall alcove opens. Go there and enter the building. Follow the corridor and slide down to a lower area. You see the window you saw from outside. Go to the west wall and pull down the wall switch to end the level.

End of the level.
Pickups: 18
Kills: 21
Secrets: 0 out of 0