The Training… Episode Zero Revised  (March 2016)

Levels by DNF. 

Our original walkthrough revised by G&D Productions.

[Video walkthrough by KillerGameplayz can be found here]

The mentioned savegames and other files are in this Saves folder

Watch the opening movie, it explains what Lara’s goal is. As we are still waiting on the transcripts (since the previous version), and the conversations are inaudible for us, we have no text for you.

 Links to the separate levels 

1-   The Beginning

6-b  Mercenary Outpost-revisited


2-a The lost Island

10-  The Dig Site

18-a Canals of Venice

3-a The Hideout

11-  Journey to the past

19-a Lab 41 V

4-a Return to the Lost Island

12-a Amenhotep Chamber

20a  Dark Sewers

5-   Inside the Building

13-a Luxor Temple

21-   U-573

4-b Lost Island-revisited

12-b Amenhotep Chamber-revisited

20-b Dark Sewers-revisited

3-b The Hideout-revisited

13-b Luxor Temple-revisited

19-b Lab 41 V -revisited

6-a  Mercenary Outpost

14-   Train Courtyard

18-b Canals of Venice-revisited

7-   Underwater Exploration

15-   Air Vent Blues

22-   First Mission

8-   Rush Hour

16-   Cold Blur

23-   Saudi Arabia

9-    Runaway Lara

17-  The Big Search











1- The Beginning.

3 secrets.

The PDA.

Lara drops from the chopper into the Base and into water, you can climb out, but there's nothing to do yet.

So swim through the tunnel E and climb out on the left (N), the door will open up as you approach, first check out the shelves on the left to get a small medipack then pick up the PDA from the table and a guard storms in, be sure he is inside and try to avoid him shooting you by running out quickly and closing him in. The PDA will give you more info about the mission.

Let’s start.

Go through the door opposite (S). In the room the only door that will open for you is on the left (E). Once up the ramp just dive into the water below, ignore the underwater lever W for now.

Tunnel S: is for getting back out of the water.

Tunnel N, Lasertraps: Take a big long full of air, swim to the corner and turn right (E) to see if the Laser is far away, swim to it and down into the lower part of the bottom, wait for the laser to pass overhead and swim to the next. Wait a bit, then swim up in the high part of the ceiling to let that laser pass by and then get around the corner to use the underwater lever opening a gate in the pool. Make your way back to the pool and find the open gate in the wall E (second alcove from the left).

Gate E, the Fuel: First swim straight to the back and around a pillar to use the underwater lever, a gate opens behind the grate left of you, swim back to the pool and keep going left around corners to get a small medipack. Go up for air, swim back to the previous opening and left, then straight through a room with boilers and up in a shaft, climb out S. Go right and jump over to the right hand opening (S), right around the corner is a button that will power up the Fuel supply for the coolant system.

Hall with the Press.

Back out and pull/push that machine block NW to the far SE corner and into the alcove with the circuit board. A door opens in the passage left; when you enter a big Press will start to pound. Follow through to a hall with deadly water, jump to that climbable grating; go up almost to the top and shift to the left towards that crack. Get to that crack (climb up at least 3 steps, let go and grab and when you are at the same height of the crack shimmy immediately to the left), shimmy around the corner and pull up at the end. There is a button you can use that stops the Press (do look around the corner to see if the Press is all the way up). Shimmy back and around two corners; climb down till Lara’s feet are one or two steps from the water and backflip/roll (no Ctrl). Then take a running jump to the grating ahead. Up right around the corner into a crawlspace, out the other end and back flip/roll to grab a crack in the wall. Shimmy left and into the crawlspace, up the ladder and at the top, backflip into the passage to a room with a pool.

Lasers, open the Door, a Member Card.

Notice the door W and dive into the pool. Through the tunnel and keep going left to get to a Warning sign. Wait for the laser to move away and swim after it, to the right into the tunnel and follow through to get air. On the S wall is an underwater lever opening that door W of the pool. Get air before going back, watch out for that laser (laser has to be to the right so you can swim left) and swim following the tunnels to the right now.

Get out of the pool and into the door W, use the button on the left hand panel and the door next to it opens up. Go in and find a Member Card in the closet SE (stand back one step). Go out, left and drop down into the room with the big wheels. Go straight down to that pool and hop down into the pool again.

W side, Moving Crates, the Oxygen.

For now ignore that underwater lever on the W wall and swim into the opening left of the lever. In the back is another underwater lever, use that one and swim back out, get some air. Now go into the opening right of the lever and time the swim inside and carefully, swim to the right, not too far as another crate starts moving as you go around the corner. Time that one to get into the tunnel left and follow through to where you can swim up into the hole in the ceiling. Climb out and go in.

Use your Member Card on the door on the right (W), follow through to a room with 2 closets; open them to get Secret #1, 2 Medipacks. N is an exit, don’t go there.

The Poison Gas, the Dual Scorpion.

Go back S, left out the door and down the steps to the left (E), on the right hand wall is a button that doesn’t seem to work. So continue to the E passing a closed door and around the corner watch out for the steam blower. Hop to the opening straight ahead (if you fall in the way out is in the NW corner) and right around the corner is the button that will open up the Oxygen supply and the big wheels start up. A floor goes up in a pit. Turn around, go E and at the red sign there is another button; a door opens in that passage you came from before.

After using that one, get back, passing the steam vent, go around the corner and take a left into the opened door (S). Inside go left again and get Scorpion ammo from the closet. Retrace your steps and keep left, up some stairs and through the door that will open. Make a save right after using the button in the SW corner (after the flyby). Alarms go off and the whole place is filled with poisoned gas. Turn to the left and go through the open door straight ahead (E), keep going right around the corner up some stairs, the door will open when you approach. Go in and now you have to pass that flamethrower, so loop to the right and run along the fence to the back. Turn left and to get into the right hand opening S.

Follow through and wait for the flames to move away from you then sprint to the gate and use the button on the right.

Go in and run to the SW corner (in the back right) and jump over the pool, around the corner are shelves with the Dual Scorpion (Guns) hidden there. Turn and jump back over the water and climb a crate opposite that card reader next to the entrance. Jump higher (S) and select the guns from inventory and shoot out the window straight ahead. Jump in and run left a bit to that button in the cage. This stops the poison gas in this room (Saves 1-savegame 0). Go to the table W and pick up the Swipe Card. Turn around and get the small medipack from the other table in the corner. The left shelve has more Dual Scorpion ammo.

Go in the yellow/black-striped passage and through the door. Jump up and go through the crawlspace, shoot out the gate and safety drop down (loosing some health) into the poison room again. First turn left and drop down behind the crate (NE) for Secret #2, a Medipack. If you want every pick up, in the SE corner behind another crate is some Scorpion ammo. Jump back on the crates and go to the entrance and use the Swipe Card left of the gates. Leave through the gates avoiding the flames, shoot the two soldiers and pass the other flames right to go to the opposite corner (NE). Follow through down some steps and loop around to the right, use the Swipe Card and sprint down, go around the corners and when you are back in the passage, you are safe again. (S1-savegame.1).

Take a right and at the corner you’ll hear a sound, apparently your gun dropped to the floor, so walk back and pick up the Broken Dual Scorpion. Go E once again and go right around the corner and left at the steam blower.

Jump to the grating on the ceiling in the room with the burners and time the burners to get to the other side. In the next room, left around the corner is a push block (SW), push it all the way and go left for a button that will open a trapdoor somewhere.

Back to the room, grab up to a ledge above the entrance SE, climb the grating (S) to the trapdoor you opened and get Secret #3, Flares from the room above. Climb back down, hop over to the ledge (N) to walk over the pipe to the other side. The door on the right will open.

Go to the left (W) down the slope out the door and use the Swipe Card on the door straight ahead.

The Grey Fuse.

Go in and pick up AK47 clips from the table on the right, in the closet (W) is a Pass card. Go out and into the door straight ahead and up the ramp. In the Control room go right and down the passage E to the room with big wheels, a guard is shooting you, nothing you can do about it. Quickly open the door SE with the Pass Card. Use the ladder on the right and upstairs are AK47 clips on a table, AK47 clips behind the crates SW and in the closet N is the Grey Fuse.

Use the Fuse.

Go down the ladder and out the door and right up the ramp, then into the NW corner of the next room, that is where the floor raised in the pit. In the room NE is the socket for the Grey Fuse. That door opens we saw at the start of the level. Head back to the Control room with the pit below and down the slope right (W), to the room with the red grated floor and out N to the water, swim to the left (W) and up left (S) in the entrance shaft. Go through the door to the next level.


2- The Lost Island.

2 secrets.

Conserve medipacks by not taking any near a level change because you will have full health after a level change, also some of the pick-ups are back again.

Go forward and into the first door on the right, get the small medipack from the shelves and go to the door in the back where you'll get a view of another card behind a Timed door. Back out and a bit right to the opposite gate; use the Pass Card left to open the gate to a room with a Medipack. Back to the corridor, op some steps, it seems we'll be back here.

Go to the next section (S), left down some steps and jump over the pool to a push block. Push it aside to use the button there; a door opens at the far end of the corridor. So jump back, to the corridor and to the left (S) jumping over the broken floor. Go into the door on the right (W) to pick up Secret #1(4), 2x AK47 clips (table and floor) and a Medipack. Go out and straight up the stairs (E), right around corners into a control room and use the button W to open the door to the outside.

The next part you'll have to try and stay behind cover as much as possible, there are sentry guns and no way to take them out.

The Swipe Card.

Jump straight S over the wall to that roof and safety drop down, go to the right a bit and kick the door of the Garage in. Left around the corner are AK47 clips (shelf) and Uzi clips (table). Follow through to the other end and spot a Card slot on the fenced off area. Open the door S and take a right, go under the roof with the guns and sneak around the crates (avoid the guy on the crate by going wide around) to the shack N. Kick the door and inside is the Swipe Card on the table left, a small medipack on the next table and in a chest to the right are some AK47 clips.

For a Secret: Open the door N, run out and to the right where you can pull a crate away from Secret #2(5), a Medipack, but you will be under constant fire (and loose about the same amount of health you gained).

The Pistols.

Go back into the Garage and use the Swipe card to open that fenced off area SE. Grab the Pistols from the table and get a Medipack from the chest. A guard is now patrolling outside so finally you could go get revenge for all you endured so far, he will leave you a small medipack.

When going out the Garage through the S door and straight (S) is a wooden door, that's where we'll do a Timed run later, leave it for now and go right, then left into a valley S, shoot the guards when the doors open up, another one will come from behind. Proceed into a building and go down some stairs...

3- The Hideout.

0 secrets.

Once in the red corridor, approach the last door on the right (E) and go straight and around the corner to the right shoot the guard. Go straight down some steps and shoot out the grate in the wall on the right to get into the crawlspace. Safety drop down at the other end and jump down even lower. Shoot out another grate and hoist up straight ahead. Shoot the electric box SE and use the switch. The door next to it opens and it brings you back to the corridor.

The door opposite also opened now; do prepare yourself for a nasty fight with four soldiers. In an alcove SW are AK47 clips and also in the SE corner AK47 clips, get a Medipack in the NE corner. 

The middle grate in the SE area you can shoot, go in and to the right and open a small door in the corner. There are two more guards in HAZMAT suits to kill; one drops Uzi clips. Pull the crate at the S wall away and use the switch you find behind it, also pick up the AK47 clips from the floor.

Go through the door you opened (W) and loop around the right and get a small medipack from the shelves. Turn around and jump on the small crate W, turn to the left and climb up. Follow through the steam blowers, and safety drop an opening in the floor. Open the closet NE and another Pass Card. Go to the other corner and use the button to open the door next to it and for now go straight N, left around the corner and up the steps, out the door and left again to the previous level.

4- Return to the Lost Island.

1 secret.

You can get more pick-ups from the places you got them before, like in the garage, the shack and on the crate under the sentry gun.

Timed Run for the Swipe Card.

Back through the big doors N and shoot two guards, pick up some Uzi clips and take a right at the Garage. Into the passage to the closed wooden door S, it will open when you approach it. Shoot the guard and get his Uzi clips, then save at the button in the back.

Save an use it, roll and run/sprint out, go along the left side of the Garage and jump on a crate on the right hand back corner of the Garage (screen1.jpg) so you can do a running jump to grab the high wall N. Go into the door NE and sprint straight, left down the stairs and right around the corner, jump over the broken floor and go left into the second steel door. In the back is the Time door (savegame.2); on the table is a Swipe Card. On the shelves in this room are AK47 clips, go out to the front room and get more AK47 clips from the shelf where you found a small medipack earlier.

The AK47.

Go out to the corridor, loop right around into the steel door and use the Swipe Card on the gate in the fence. Inside is Secret #1(6), the AK47 in a chest, in the corner behind the crates is a Medipack. Out of the fenced area and in the SE corner of the room are more AK47 clips. Go out to the corridor and make your way back to the S end of the corridor, go into the room W again and this time find 2x AK47 clips on the tables. Out and up the stairs E to go to the outside area with the sentry guns.

Taking out the Resistance.

A flyby kicks in (only when you have the AK47), a chopper unloads a bunch of guards, all coming for you. Just wait a bit inside the door and shoot them (coming from the right) with short bursts of the AK47 (don’t go too far back inside). This way all ammo (4x AK47 ammo) will be dropped on the terrace where you can pick it up without sentry guns bothering you as long as you don’t go to far to the right (W) on the balcony.

Drop from the S side of the terrace and get back into the Garage. Check also every soldier you shoot for ammo.

Check out all shelves (if you didn’t before) and look around for AK47 and Uzi clips in the fenced area where the Pistols were before. Open the door S and run left.

Use the Access Card.

Run under the balcony (E) where the sign says Warning-Alarm will sound! Use the Card to open the door, follow through keeping left to where a steel door opens for you.

5- Inside The Building.

3 secrets.

The Factory Hall, Flooded Pool: First Bottom Trapdoor.

When you enter the Factory hall, a baddy will show up, shoot him and use the button S to close the door if you like. Dive into the pool and swim all the way to the N and behind the last pillar is an underwater lever, opening the First Trapdoor in the bottom of the pool. Swim back and climb out on the low ledge, go back to the entrance door.

Platform #1.

Behind the pillar on the right (W) is another button and this one will raise a platform SE at the pool. Go onto the walkway over the pool, take a right and jump to grab the ledge E, jump and grab up to the crack in the pillar and go right around to a ladder, back flip/roll and grab the platform. Shimmy right around and along the crack to a ledge. Hoist up and walk over that pipe to the other side. Jump NW to grab the crack (at the last moment) in the pillar, go left around (you have to be hanging by hands) and drop onto the walkway.

Platform #2.

Enter the passage on the right (N) and get AK47 clips from a table, in the next room is a chest with more AK47 clips and on top of the low crate W is a button, raising platform #2. Go back to the pool, grab up to the crack in the pillar, go right around and back flip/roll and grab the platform.

Timed Platforms #3&4.

Run jump and grab that ledge W, go and jump into that opening with the red light N. Shoot a baddy, proceed and get a flyby of the timed run route. In the alcove on the left (N) is a button raising Timed platform #3, no need to use it yet. When you step on the balcony E you can see the platform to the left.

Go into the room S and in the left corner is a button for Timed platform #4 on the E wall of the Hall. Save here in front of the button, push, run to button 3 and use that, right onto the balcony and jump over the railing to grab the crack in the pillar on the right (S). Left around, back flip/roll grab the next pillar, left around to the other side and back flip/roll grab the next pillar. Left around again, back flip/roll grab platform 4, pull up and run jump onto the slanted pillar N, slide and jump to grab platform 3. Quickly get inside (savegame.3).

Storage Room, the Crowbar.

Shoot a baddy while going through to a Storage room, up some steps and shoot 3 baddies there and collect 2x Uzi clips and a small medipack they drop. The NW corner has AK47 clips. Jump over the crates along the W wall to the high stack SW and then to the high stack on the right (SE). Then a running jump to grab the jump lever E and a trapdoor opens in the area E. Climb the ladder left (NE) and use a button on the left in the alcove to turn the crates hanging from the crane in the Storage. Go back down the ladder, up the steps W and up the crates at the W wall and jump back to the one where you used that jump lever. Turn towards the hanging box and shoot grate out of the crate on the crane, jump in there to get the Crowbar.

Platform #5.

Drop down, get out to the Hall with the pool and safety drop down onto the walkway below, enter that passage N and open the crowbar door. Turn around at the end of the passage and jump up to grab up to the room above where a button will open an underwater door in the pool (for later). Go back to the Hall, go left over the walkway to open the crowbar door E. Shoot the baddy and one more around the corner. Open the left door (N) with your Pass Card and go in for AK clips on the table; another baddy comes for you. The button on the W wall will raise platform #5 in the Hall. Go out to the corridor to the left and open the other door (N) with your card, inside on the shelves are Uzi clips, then go push a crate at the E wall to get Secret #1(7), AK clips.

Go out to the corridor, a bit straight ahead and to that door on the right, it will now open for you. Inside are Uzi clips on the table and Flares in the chest. Go back up the stairs to the Hall.

Lower the Water Level.

Dive into the pool, swim S and climb out on the low ledge. Make your way over the walkway to the pillar on the right (E) side, grab up to the crack and go left around the corner, back flip/roll grab the crack in the wall and go left to platform # 5. Jump over onto the balcony and shoot that grate around the corner, get into the opening and walk straight to that panel and use the button to turn on the light. Go into the next room, shoot a baddy (sometimes he shows up and sometimes not), take his small medipack and use the switch SE, the alarm goes off and the water level will be lowered.

Drained Pool: Second Bottom Trapdoor.

Go outside, safety drop down to the bottom of the pool and run SW to find a button behind the pillar, the second trapdoor will open up. Go to the middle of the pool and dive down to get Secret #2(8), Uzi clips SE, AK clips NE, a Medipack NW and AK clips SW. Go back up to the drained pool.

The Underwater Door, Opening up the Passage.

Go E and into that “underwater” door E behind the pillar. Follow through to a drained pit and make your way through those moving pillars E. Run straight to the E wall (ignore that door for now) and push the left hand part of the wall in to reveal a hole in the ceiling. Leave the door on the right for now.

Now you'll have to get back through the moving pillars and back out W to the Hall. Climb the ladder on the left (S wall) and go over the walkway to get to platform #5 again (to the E, up the pillar, shimmy left and backflip to the crack), onto the balcony and inside to use the Flood switch once more to flood the pools.

Hole in the Ceiling.

Jump in the pool and back into the underwater door E, through the moving pillars (best is one continuous move, swimming from left to right and back left) and up the hole in the ceiling (savegame.4).

Get out and open the crowbar door E, push the button in the back to open a door in a passage we go to next. Get back out and take a left.

Timed Platform for a Secret.

Go up the stairs S, save at the button and back flip/roll, sprint left at the pool and jump from the timed platform to grab the other side of the deadly pit W (right of the higher block). Get on the block and grab the grated monkey climb, shimmy over the pool and left on the pillar is a jump lever to open big doors. Go into the open doors N and get Secret #3(9), Uzi and AK clips from the tables. (It is also possible to forgo the timed run, just stand at the E side and face the jump lever (N). Stand in the middle and just jump towards that lever and Lara will grab it).

Ventilation Section.

Get into the water, swim down and to the door S next to where you pushed the wall before, the door will open. Follow through and up some stairs to a crowbar door and open it. Up more steps and through the door you opened with the button at the Hole in the Ceiling.

Go left around corners to find two doors you can open with the Card.

W: 2x Uzi clips on the floor and in a chest.

E: Uzi clips in a chest

Two baddies show up, take care of them, go S and the next two doors won't open (I did use the card on the one door or else the door wouldn't open when I went back), so proceed around the corner and as nothing can be done here. This is a rather buggy part, I continued around the corner and took a left towards another door there, then I went back and that worked.

Return to the two closed doors, the one on the right (E) opens up and baddies come out. Go inside and left around the corner for AK clips on the table, then push the block on the right of that grating N and find a button. Go back out and left around corners to the door in the back (N). Shoot the resistance and get onto the crates SE, from there into the hole in the ceiling and come to some laser traps.

Lasers, another Platform.

Run forward as the laser moves away and jump over the pit, a running jump over the second pit and hop back grabbing the edge, just hang there till it is safe to pull up and jump over the last pits and run left around the corner. Follow through, drop through the hole in the floor and shoot a grate SE. Use the switch there to raise a platform in the hall near the moving pillars. The door E opens on approach and you're back in the corridor, go left and follow back to the water and back through the moving pillars (swimming zig-zag) to the room behind them.

Get out on the walkway and spot that raised platform on the E wall, grab up to it. Turn S and grab the grated pillar with the jump lever. The Alarm sounds while doors open up on a walkway S. Go back up to that platform, jump NW onto the slanted pillar and shimmy to the yellow striped corner, jump over to the W and from there to the ledges SW. Jump over the railing to the open doors and shoot the baddies.

Storage Room, Platforms to the Roof.

Up the stairs and get the AK clips dropped by a baddy, continue up the stairs and just sprint to the back of the next Storage room, because there is a chest with Uzi clips and one of the baddies is about to knick that. OR if you are quick, shoot them all and then go to the chest that did work for me. Go around and gather Uzi- and AK clips and a small medipack dropped by them.

Go back to the middle of the Storage and climb the ladder into the structure. Shoot the NE window and spot the platform E, then go to the switch on the N wall and see two platforms go up, jump to the platform E from the broken window, to the ledge N and shimmy along the edge past the pillar W. Jump to the next platform and jump to the jump lever on the structure.

Go back to the chest W and climb the wall next to it, on the first floor around the corner are AK clips, then go up to the second floor. Shoot the SE window and jump to the roof of the structure.

Fiery Passage, Laser Traps, the Lasersight.

Jump S to the balcony, shoot a window and get inside. Up the passage S, open the door with the switch and run through the corner of the steam-fire emitter combination when the Press goes up. The fire doesn't have to be down as long as you run over the corner. Next is harder, time all traps and sprint to get through (diagonally).

Open the next door with the switch next to it and come into a Laser trap passage, up to the right in the back is a crawlspace we have to get in. Run to the approaching laser and jump early, this way you'll be on your way down before the top laser hits you. Now run all the way to the back and wait. Stand under the left corner of the crawlspace (the bottom laser doesn't reach here) and jump up, quickly pull up inside (savegame.5). Shoot the grate and go right/left to shoot another grate on the left (E) and lower down into a control room.

Go open a crowbar door N, follow through and get the Lasersight from the table, one of the shelves has AK clips. Back to the control room and shoot the grate in the W wall to get in. Walk straight to the shaft and turn around, check the health and safety drop down, slide off and grab the edge of the second slope, safety drop down to the bottom. Drop through the hole and you're back in the Factory Hall, drop from the ledge and open the door S (in case you closed it). Go through and follow through.

Return to the Lost Island-revisited.

Go outside and run straight W, then take the second left into the valley with the big double doors to get to the Hideout.

The Hideout-revisited.

4 secrets.

Turning off the Heat.

At the start go to the left after the crate, jump to the ledge W then up to the ledge N where you can now open a crowbar door. On the table is a small medipack, around the corner is a button, unlocking a faulty door (the card reader didn't work). Get out, down the stairs into the red corridor and left into the opened door (That door on the right there, where we got the Pass Card from the guard before is where we have to go later, it is still blocked by a Fire trap we'll have to turn off and that will take quite an effort).

A Green Access Card.

Go straight, shoot the guard, go NW down the stairs and shoot two more, one drops a Green Access Card and the other AK clips. In the doorway NE (next to the stairs) are Uzi clips, in the side passage SE more AK clips.

Backtrack for a Secret (thanks go to Tomb Titan, even DNF couldn’t tell me how to get this Secret): Go back upstairs and E to the red corridor, take a right and out of the Hideout to the valley with the Garage and take a right to the Building. Just when you enter the yard in front of the building is a door to the right under a balcony, use the Access Card there. Go in and get Secret #4 (10), shoot the two baddies, one drops a small medipack, the other Uzi clips, Uzi clips on the shelves left and then climb up to the walkway E for a small medipack and 2x AK clips. (because we heard of this Secret after revising the walkthrough, all save games provided with this walkthrough will be missing this Secret)

Get out and make your way back into the Hideout, in the red corridor the last door left and straight through.

Prepare for a Secret in the next section: On the balcony go left and hang from the edge of the floor, shimmy right past the pillar, pull up and use the button behind the crate to open a door to a Secret for later. Drop down to the floor below.

Go up the stairs S. The door will open when you approach, inside shoot the window on the right (N) and get through, a very dark corner in the back holds a Medipack, then open the trapdoor in the floor and get down into the Bio Hazard Control Room.


Go to the automatic door S, the next rooms will drain health at a staggering rate, so watch out! This will be quite a nerve wrecking experience, watching the health, shooting guards, timed runs...

First you better check out the Map (biohazard.jpg) I've made so you will have some knowledge of how things are around here. A is the control room where three runs to timed doors start. There are switches in there, operating 3 Timed doors. We have to reach 3 buttons in 3 separate runs. Deal with guards as you encounter them and in front of each button is a glass panel you have to shoot. Be sure to hit the 0 or 9 keys to take medipacks when needed.

Here we go: Run straight to the next door, pull out the AK47 and run through the next door, a bit left and into the opposite door to the Control room. Shoot the guards that might want to come in, one drops a small medipack you can pick up later if you like. In this room are AK and Uzi clips pickups S.

Following the Map:

Run 1: Save in front of the left hand switch (B), pull, back flip/roll and run to the right out of the door, take a left and get out the AK47, run straight to the end and left around corners, shoot the guard and run through the Timed door B into the next room, right around the corner and shoot the glass to get to button 1. Run back and out to the left through the door, right around corners and look N for the open door to Secret #1(11) (that is...if you found the button before to open the door and you better get it after the timed runs, it will still be available), a Medipack and AK clips and a small medipack E. Shoot the guard and head back to the Control room.

Run 2: Save in front of the switch in the middle (C), pull, back flip/roll and run right out of the door, take a right and sprint towards the stairs E, just before the stairs to the right and down through the Timed door C, left around the corner, shoot the glass and use button 2. Back to the Control room.

Run 3: Save in front of the right hand switch (D), pull, back flip/roll and run right out of the door, take a right and sprint up the stairs E, left around the corner and left through Timed door D, straight into the passage W and shoot the glass to use button 3, the last one and the place will become safe again. Now you could go around finishing off remaining guards, picking up some Medipacks, ammo clips and the Secret, then leave in the far NE to come to the red corridor (savegame.6).

Go left through the door on the right (NE) and down the steps take a left where the burner tile is now safe. Shoot the guard to get his Medipack. Follow through kicking in doors and come to a small hall with Uzi clips and 3x AK clips on tables and on the shelves. Seems to be no way up, so return through the passage W, pull that crate on the right (NW) out of the corner and get behind it, shoot the grate and follow through. At the end, climb up on the right and go to the far NE corner for Uzi clips. Go back a bit and shoot the grate E, take a right and pick up Flares there, turn back and go to the other end, hang from the edge and shimmy right along the edge. Pull up and hop over the railing to the balcony E where you can open a crowbar door. Loop around to the right to pick up Revolver ammo. In the closet are AK clips, and more of that in the other corner.

Shoot the cover from the electric box next to the entrance and throw the switch to open a door in the hall below. Get down there and enter that door (E), follow through automatic doors to where a guard attacks. W is a closed door, so go straight (S) and down the stairs, take out the 3 guards.

Go down the stairs SW, 2 more guards, go into the door on the left (N) and left, pull the crate (W) out as far as possible and them push it to the N. Go into the crawlspace where the crate was and follow to Secret #2(12), a small medipack.

Loading Docks, the Revolver.

Go back out and head E down the stairs and straight to the next area, look for a small door on the right there, go in and find AK clips on a table. Go further and shoot a guard, more guards when you go up the small stairs in the back and through the door on the right.

Go into the passage on the left (SW), follow to a door where you can use the Pass Card, again a faulty door, Run back out of the passage and Daniel calls in through the radio.." Lara Get back in there…..".

Go back to the door that should now open up. In the NE corner of that control room is a button that will operate the crane. The crate is dropped into another room.

Head back through the crane room into the door straight ahead (N), right around the corner in the next room is the crate, use it to get onto the crates on the left (E) and climb down the other side to get some AK clips.

Back up the crates and grab that air vent S, climb left around the corner and drop on the walkway and then go into the opening N.

Preparation for a Secret: Turn around and run from that opening to jump and grab the jump lever SW, a crate will be dropped in a room (later).

Go back up to the walkway and through the opening N. The door on the walkway to the next room will open up, go in and right around the corner for AK clips, then head into the next section. One closet has AK clips, the other has the Revolver. Go back W out to the walkway and take the short route down by jumping straight over the railing to the room below (You could follow the route back through the loading dock too).

For the Secret: Hop onto the low crate N, get into the crawlspace and look around for Secret #3(13), 2x AK clips and Uzi clips. Get back out to the room where we left off.

Loading Docks, the Mechanic Piece.

Head E up the stairs and shoot a small army of guards. Go to the E wall, opposite the steel stairs and look up W to spot a circuit board under an air vent. Shoot it with Revolver and sight and the door left of it opens up. Go up the stairs W and turn around to shoot a guard up on the walkway SE; he can be quite nasty with his grenades. Open the door and into the passage left and up a steam vent to the passage above, go over the walkway, open the door and get 2x AK clips and Uzi clips from tables. Back out and from the walkway a jump to the top of the arch (NW).

Here comes a tricky jump, face NE and run jump with a left curve onto the lower end of that brown pillar. Turn NW and run off, landing on the sloped roof, grab the edge to safety drop down onto the conveyor. Shoot out the side window N and jump inside. In the SE corner is a broken Fuse box, pry the Mechanic Piece out of it with the crowbar. Alarms will sound (this also opens a door to Secret 13), so leave through the door W and shoot the resistance. Follow through, down the stairs to the ground floor and shoot more guards.

Use the Mechanic Piece to repair the Elevator.

Leave SW and keep going straight, down the stairs and up some, up the steel stairs. For a Secret, go to the left (N), up the stairs and almost at the end on the left is the now open door to a room with Uzi clips on a table on the left. Go between the two pillars on that floor grate with the smoke and face W, jump up and grab the climbable grating. Go up, shoot the grate and get Secret #4(14), a Medipack.

Back out, take a right down the stairs and at the balcony go to the left (E) into the passage, go around a corner and shoot the guard, open the door and shoot another one in a pump room.

In the side room E is another baddy, shoot him and pick up his AK47 clips; in the side room W are two closets, get 2x AK clips from those.

Open the next door in the N, go down into the room and shoot two guards, one drops Uzi clips. Go down the stairs on the right (E), into the back of that room and place the Mechanic Piece into the circuit board E. Go back to the previous room. Use the button next to the elevator N and go in to use the button in the elevator to go up.

Conversation between Lara and Daniel.

6- Mercenary Outpost.

4 secrets.

Step out of the elevator, grab the AK clips from the table and follow the corridor down the steps and take out the guard in the hallway with 3 doors.

For a Secret and better go get this one: Go to the SE corner, look up N and shoot that old fuse box, a gate will open of a crawlspace E, get in there and crawl right/left. Shoot the grate and get into the room with Secret #1(15), 2x AK clips E in a chest and on the table and to the N the Uzis with Uzi clips and around the corner in a chest are Harpoons. Look on the pillar E of the 2 tables to find a button, push that and a door opens up to another Secret. Go to the door W near the computer table and get out to the hallway with 3 doors.

Behind the door W you'll find a chest with Uzi clips, behind the fence is a Secret room. For now go back to the hallway.

Now go through the S door, shoot the guard and ignore the open door on the right (N) for now. Go straight (W), to the hall with 2 elevators, loop around to the left and on a table are AK clips. Go W and left up the steps for another AK47 with more AK clips on a table. Back in the hall, the S elevator seems to be broken, the N side is usable but we'll do that in a bit.

Go back E into the corridor and to the left is the door you opened in the first Secret room in the N wall, go in and follow through to Secret #2(16), AK clips and a small medipack on the tables. You already visited the other side behind the fence. In the NW corner is a gate you can open with a button, inside is a blue ray, step in and you'll have a flashing Lara which is temporarily less vulnerable to enemy fire and we need that in a bit. So save and step in and do the next bit as fast as possible..

Go back and down the stairs through the door, take a right, shoot the 2 guys and go W to the hall and go to the N elevator, push the button. Side flip left and run inside before the gate closes. Push the button inside (on the right) and go up, follow the hallway and get AK clips from the table left. Run out into the open, lots of baddies here and also a sentry gun we have to take out.

I went left along the rocks, towards a kind of tunnel and shot all the baddies that showed up. Then I went W and shot more of them (I found 2x AK clips, probably dropped by them), from standing in front of a cave W I shot the guy up in the watchtower N. Two more baddies approached and those were taken out as well. Now go to that watchtower N, climb up and grab the AK clips and it was possible to shoot that sentry gun SE from there (hit the fuel tank). If not you'll have to circle wide around to get to a point where you can shoot it (savegame.7).

Go to the palm tree in front of the W cave entrance and climb that tree all the way up, slide down a bit and back flip onto the stack of crates to get Secret #3(17), a Medipack. Drop down and go climb that tower where the sentry gun was, grab the line and grab the crack in the wall at the end of it. Shimmy right and pull up in the crawlspace to get Secret #4(18), AK clips to the left.

Drop out again and head into the cave W, shoot some bats and come to a deep pit in the end, swim into the tunnel N, left through the broken fence and take a right through the door that will open.

7- Underwater Exploration. (MAP-underwater.jpg)

1 secret.

Long swim distances without much air, so be prepared.

Swim left to another door that will open, swim immediately left through the broken fence and follow through to where you can go up for air (savegame.8).

Open the Door.

Take a deep breath and swim back, go left and left passing the propellers and right around the corner and up a bit over the sloped floor to the end. Take a right in the next tunnel, go around a corner and take the first opening on the left (W). Save at the underwater lever on the left (1) there. This lever opens a door (1) a bit further in this tunnel (if you have enough air left you can try to go onwards to that door, or first go back for air and return here).

Tunnel with the Presses, Harpoon Gun.

Swim out and loop around left (N) and through the corner room to where the door opened, best save here again and try a continuous swim through the presses with maybe short stops in between. Go right around a corner go up to a control room with air (savegame.9). A button in the SE corner opens a door in the tunnel with the presses. Then go through the fence N and get the Harpoon Gun from the closet, Harpoons and AK clips from the tables. Arm yourself with the Harpoon Gun so you are ready to use it.

Swim back down and straight through the door you opened, immediately left in the next tunnel is a tunnel with propellers, in the end are Harpoons. Go back, left (S) and left around the corner, first right and back to the tunnel with the propellers to the right and again right through the open grate and get air where you did before.

Shoot Grates with the Harpoon Gun, a Piece of Paper.

Dive down, swim left, left, right around a corner over the slope, at the end take a right again and then a left and immediately take a right (E). Go up the sloped tunnel, to the right and down in the alcove are Harpoons. Then swim N and up left, shoot the grate near the ceiling and go in, follow through and shoot another grate, up in the next room on the right is air (savegame.10).

In the NW corner of the pool on a crate are Uzi clips, in the window SE are Harpoons, then climb out in the room above. You'll find a Piece of Paper and a Medipack in a closet, AK clips on a table and to the left of the closet (NW) is a button to open the next door (3).

Now we swim back through that small gap SW through the low tunnel to the wider one and into the tunnel, almost straight ahead (E) up the slope and left into the wider tunnel where the door straight ahead (N) opened up. Go over the crates in the next room and through the small gap N into a crawlspace. Go straight, left and then right around to come to a flooded room. Shoot the grate in the floor on the left, swim down, follow through to get air. Quickly get out in the NW corner and shoot that guy (savegame.11). Go to that faulty air lock (S) on the walkway and shoot it with pistols, duck while shooting.

Fire Passage.

Side flip over the first burner, left in the next alcove are Harpoons and go stand to the right at the corner of the next burner as close as you can get (screen2.jpg), save and reload, immediately jump as you get back in the game and you should get through. I couldn’t duplicate that jump in this version, I tried a run jump from the corner where the Harpoons are and this time I got lucky (savegame.12). Well, this was a point where gameplay could have been “improved”.

Go to the code pad straight ahead and examine the piece of paper you have in your inventory, there you can read a story. Extract the single digits from it and punch those into the code pad (3264).

The gate opens up and you can use the Flood Valve inside to drain a previous room. Then go to the NW corner and use a button to stop the burners. Go back, through the air lock. Swim through the tunnel in the bottom and up in the room where you shot the floor grate.

Climb out of the water and shoot the panel on the W wall, over the small tunnel (pistols will do fine). This will open the airlock (E).

Follow down to a room with control panels, go down to the last room, get the Harpoons there from the table and go back up to the middle room. Look S under the stairs and get the AK clips. Use the button (N) to open the door, shoot the next air lock to open it and go in.

The Docks, Timed Run.

Two baddies will come for you, deal with them. From the air lock, go right around the corner, spot the air lock and to the right is a button, it will open Timed doors further on. First head through W and shoot a baddy; pick up the Uzi clips. On a grey crate in the corridor are more Harpoons, go to the end and pick up more Harpoons in the window on the right. Then return to that air lock E which will now open up, shoot the baddy. Follow through to the N, more baddies attack go to the end and climb up on the left.

On this walkway, overlooking the pool below, are the Timed doors (in the N wall). So head back to the button and do the timed run into the doors (savegame.13). Use the button there and a trapdoor down below opens up below.

Open the Gate, the Fuse Part (right).

In the next parts are some Frogmen, they can harm you, but taking the route below I didn't see much of them.

Turn back through the timed door and run straight down into the water, wait till a barracuda comes for you and go back up to shoot it. Back into the water, swim N and up to that trapdoor over the big pillar, on the N wall is an underwater lever opening up a gate. Swim out; go all the way to the top of the yellow room and in the N is that gate, just follow through. Climb out (NW) to shoot two baddies; one leaves AK clips behind. Go along the S side to the NE corner, over the crates and get the Fuse Part (right).

Radar Room.

Dive back in, swim out of the gate and take a right, go behind that crane there to get Secret #1(19), a Medipack.

Swim down, to the N and up in the next part of the factory, shoot the baddy and look in the water for two barracudas, shoot those and pick up Harpoons in the alcove S. Go to a radar screen SW, pull it out of the corner and go behind to use the button, doors open.

The Fuse Part (left).

Dive into the water, swim N and up, there’s a high part of the bottom where you can stand up and grab up to the N ledge, to the left is a small medipack, to the W near the wall are 2x Harpoons. Turn around; head through the broken grate; jump in the water and swim straight ahead and get out for a Medipack and Harpoons. Go back to that place where you got the small medipack.

Back into the water and swim S, passing the dock where you came in first, then go up a bit and then down and to the far right corner (SW). Swim up into the hole in the ceiling, swim to the left (E) and climb out, shoot the baddy and get the Fuse Part (left) from the table. Swim back out, to the N and up at the docks to get air.

Use the Fuses at the Loading Docks.

Turn E, dive down and swim E through the cave, swim up quite a bit as soon as you can and turn facing W you can swim in to a loading platform of sorts.

Swim to the right there is an underwater lever next to a door (NW), this opens the door, go in and swim straight and then up for air. Grab up to the ledges above and go up to the top of the room, get Harpoons NE between the crates and AK clips on the ledge above the air lock SW.

Drop down and shoot the air lock to open it. Follow through down a ladder and on a ledge next to the ladder are Harpoons (NE). Drop down and head through the passage E (the doors here were opened with the button behind the radar screen in the Radar Room). In the room below are left and right the receptacles for the Fuses, behind glass panels you have to shoot. Place both and Big Doors open up (near the Radar Room). Go back, up the ladder, down in the room with the air lock.

Through the Big Doors.

Take a deep breath before you swim back E and get Arrows on the left on that wooden crate. Go further and at the end swim up and find Arrows (NW) and Flares in the opposite corner (SE). You better go back for air before doing the next task. Swim back (E) than to the right and left out in the open. Go down and bit and turn left then swim straight (N) to that yellow tunnel and left into a steel slope down, take a right and up at the end for air. Get out (you’ve been here before) and follow through to where you picked up that small medipack.

Face W and jump in the water, swim around the corner and to the right (W), swim through the Big Doors (W), through the broken fence in the end and up through the broken grate in the ceiling. Gather Harpoons SW, AK clips near the broken grate and a small medipack NE. Go back for air; that's down, out the big doors and straight up into the Radar Room.

Back through the Big Doors, through the broken fence and from a distance, shoot the grate on the right in the next room, as there is a strong current in the back. Swim in there to use the underwater lever and the door on the opposite side opens up, swim with a wide curve into that open door and climb out (savegame.14). Behind the wooden crates (NE) is a button to open the door SW, go through the door. On the left grab the Harpoons, then head the other way (S) and shoot a baddy.

Frogmen and Barracudas, for the Boat.

The frogmen here are a real pain in the behind.

I waited a bit standing on the entrance ledge and could shoot a Fish and a frogman. Under the entrance ledge are some Flares in case you want them, better get those! You cannot climb back up here, so swim left (N), through that fence and left, follow up to a room with a button on the jetty (first one for a door). Back into the water, out through the fence and to the S, go left and right to where you can climb out at that door you saw (you may be able shoot the fish and the frog man from here too). Swim through the fence NE and throw the underwater lever on the left (W) wall to raise a block somewhere. On the jetty above is a button; we’ll need the Boat for that.

The Mud Pit, the Boat Key.

Swim out, right and climb on the block W, grab the monkey climb and go over to that opening and go to a mud pit. Go left into the wider room and keep the wall at your left shoulder or you'll drown. You can get air in the first corner, from there, go W and save on the high part near the W end. Then go around to the NW corner (keep left of the pillar), there is a safe spot (red light). Check the health and wade S to the next safe spot you can just reach; shoot some bats there. Go on and follow through to a door, in the alcove right is a small medipack under the mud. Through the door you’ll find the Boat Key. Go back through the mud and use the safe spots again to get air (Saves-2-savegame.0).

The Boat.

Get into the water, swim left (N) and to the right around the corner, climb out at a door where the Boat Key can be used. Get in and dive into the water, climb up S at the button to open the gate E. Get into the Boat and go left around the corner, stop at the alcove on the right and jump out of the boat (shift+right). Shoot a fish and a frogman in the far distance, or maybe you did already (Revolver+sight). Go into the alcove and through the crawlspace to get Harpoons. Go back into the boat, go W and left around corners to get through a fence (you used the underwater lever here). Jump out and use the button (second for the door). Back in the boat, to the W, left and straight to the jetty S. Get out, shoot the baddy and use the button (third for the door). Grab the AK clips and get back into the boat.

Timed Door.

To the W and left around corners, turn the boat around, facing W at the opening in the fence on the left and get out, follow through to a room with Harpoons on a table and a Timed button for another door. Push, get back in the boat, go W and left a bit and to that jetty with the open door, get out quick and run in (S2-savegame.1). Shoot the baddies and look around for AK clips, Harpoons and Revolver ammo on a crate. Hop onto the grey crate SW, and shoot out the ceiling above you (can also use the harpoon gun).

From the crate jump up to the NW to grab the floor above, use the button N (door finally opens). Drop down and get out to the boat.

Go back E, left around the corner, and into the second on the left and get out on the jetty, shoot the baddie and dive into the water for some Harpoons on a block, climb into the boat and jump back onto the jetty. The code for the door is the year you'll see when you examine the message on the Piece of Paper (1968 obviously). Go in and finally you reached the door you saw so many times.

Dive into the water there and follow the winding tunnel, just before the door and to the right is an underwater lever. Open the door with it and swim through...

8- Rush Hour.

3 secrets.

Swim through a broken grate and go left, up the shaft to get air. Turn around and swim back into the tunnel, straight and right into the cave, a bit further on the bottom is a Medipack. Go back to the shaft and up, climb out N. Grab the Uzi- and AK clips from the indentation in the floor next to the blue barrels and go through the door next to it. In the next part are a lot of baddies, maybe I forgot to mention some, just check if they drop ammo.

Daniel and Lara are having a conversation.

The Supply Key is needed to get one of the Secrets, but not needed to get through the level. And this is the description from DNF of how to get it.

Daniel the trainer told Lara she has about 2 MINUTES to kill all the bad guys, after that there's another cut-scene telling Lara she has to find the supply key BEFORE Daniel gets back to her, so the trick to this as soon as the cut-scene starts, where you see a baddie running and heading for the fence door, you have about 2 MINUTES to find the baddie that holds the Supply Key, what we have to do is to step on the square with the chair, that will trigger the baddie that holds the supply key, now your job is to find that baddie BEFORE Daniel gets back to Lara or should I say before the next cut-scene (of the big gates), then find the baddie, kill him and pick up the supply key.


The Supply Key.

Run around shooting the baddies and pick up AK clips, go to the W side of the hut N of the entrance, stand next to the chair in the porch and run off, a flyby should soon start showing a baddy running to a fence. Those baddies will come for you; best is to just wait there shoot them and one will drop the Supply Key (S2-savegame.2), you could also decide to go look for him and if I understand correctly, this has to be done before the cut-scene of the big gates starts.

Go to the NE hut, entrance is N and inside in the cabinet are more AK clips. Notice the moulded floor and go out. Go to the Tunnel entrance SE, that's where those guys came from and stand against the tree in front of the wooden block facing the building (W), back flip onto the block and jump to grab the balcony of the hut, go into the alcove straight ahead for Secret #1(20), AK clips.

Drop down and enter the tunnel E, shoot some baddies that may come in from behind you, one drops some Uzi clips. Inside and to the right is where you can use the Supply Key near the door to open it. Go up a ladder to find Secret #2(21), a Revolver and Medipack and another AK47 from the tables.

The Silver Key.

Go back outside and left of the wooden hut in front, the door will open. In the back you can shoot a hatch on top of the ladder, go up and off left, go get the Silver Key from the cabinet. Go out of the hut, up some steps S and get AK clips. Go to the N through the alley between the huts and left around the corner to open that hut with the Silver Key. In the end of the passage is a lever that will raise a platform outside.

Step out of the door and grab up left to the platform, jump S onto the roof and go to the S end, jump to a crack in the wall SW. Go right around and drop on the wall, hop over the blocks to the W end and go right, look left around the corner for an opening in the W wall. Get in there and right around the corner for Secret #3(22), a Medipack.

Open the Gates, a Torch.

Go back into the entrance, slide down backwards and grab the edge, shimmy right and pull up. Turn SE and jump into the opening in the wall there to use the lever, a platform goes up. Jump straight out and grab the crack in the pillar, go right around and from the platform you can jump and grab a crack in the wall NW. Right around the corner is a jump lever opening up the gates next to you.

Get in there and up the stairs to the right are Uzi clips on the other balcony is a Torch. Back outside with the Torch and to the door in the house where the chair is, the door will now open up. Upstairs is where you can ignite the Torch at the fireplace; around the corner in a cabinet is some Revolver ammo.

Burn the Floor, the Gear Piece.

Go outside, loop around right and go into the NE hut, throw the Torch on the middle of the old floor and wait for it to break. Get down and go through S to find a Gear Piece to the right around the corner in the back, on some shelves.

Get back outside and go into the cave NE, in the end and to the left is where you can use the Gear Piece. Go through the opened gate, to the back of the room and left on the crates are some AK clips, then go up the ladder W to the floor above. Follow through and take a left (W), on the right on a table grab the Uzi clips, go back and straight ahead is a door, that will open on approaching. Inside you'll find a Medipack, Uzi- and AK clips. Go back out and go left and into a passage to the left, follow though the doors to a ladder...

9- Runaway Lara.

5 secrets.

Keep some ammo for the Revolver aside for some practice shooting later!

The Quadbike.

Up the ladder and down S is a baddie shooting at you, shoot him from here and go down to grab the AK clips. Back upstairs go right (E) and left to a storage room, go to the other side (N) over a ledge and shoot a baddie in the back there. Pull the crate from the NE corner and get the AK clips. Drop down to the room below and open a crowbar door W, before entering pick up the Uzi clips left of the door (SW). Follow through a small passage to a deep pit with a Quad below. Jump over to the NW corner and behind the crates is Secret #1(23), Uzi clips.

Back to the entrance and safety drop down to the bike, careful, there's no reverse on this thing so don't get stuck in corners! Go forwards (N) and left over that baddie, go left around that wall to line up for the ride over the ledges E over the pit, running over some baddies (there is a ramp and a ladder in the W end in case you need those). Up the steep ramp, with speed straight through those grey crates, breaking them and jump from the next ramp over the pit. At the end, drive to the right and up a steep passage into a cave. Sprint straight through wide curves past the sentry guns (or they will burn you). In the end you will have to leave the bike behind, go over the crates and shoot a baddie.

Factory Hall, Hammers.

Jump and grab the cracked pillar straight ahead (E), go left around, back flip to the ledge and jump to the sloped pillar S. Jump with a bit of a left curve onto the lower slope and grab the edge to safety drop down to the walkway with the Hammers. Go as close as possible, hop backwards from the walkway grabbing the edge and shimmy along the edge to a burner, wait for it to stop and go to the end where you can safely pull up.
Shoot a couple of baddies as you enter the next Hall, in the water of the lower part are two sentry guns; find a way to take them out with Revolver and Sight. You might have to trigger the guns first before you can blow them up.

For a Secret: Go to the SW corner of the first floor, jump right around the corner to a ledge or shimmy along the floor to a corner ledge with stairs. Run jump to the grating on the pillar NE and go up. Jump to the SE, then to a crack N and shimmy around, jump to the far NE corner for Secret #2(24), Explosive Harpoons.

Drop down W go to the SW corner again and once more to the ledge with the stairs, up the stairs and open the door, inside shoot the baddie and grab the AK clips from the table. There's an air duct in the ceiling, face E and grab up. Follow through and get the health up because you have to drop a long way down, push a button to open the door.

For a Secret: pull that wooden crate SW all the way to the N, go into the new opening and pull another crate once, go around and get Secret #3(25), AK clips.

Step carefully through the door and look up to the left, shoot the sentry gun there. Push the button next to the gate S and go down to a Lava pit. Stand back one step and hop to the first break ledge, hop to the next and then to the last, from that one a running jump to the other side. 

Walking into the room, a flyby kicks in showing a new Quad bike.

Shoot the baddies, also some up the walls and climb a chain NE, jump to the wall W and go over to a button W that will raise the cage from the bike. Get back down and take the bike up the ramp W and over the next ramps, keep the speed, as you have to jump over a gap, then carefully go over the ledges to the passage. Go through a valley with sentry guns, spikes and whatnot to another storage. You can leave the bike if you want. Follow the route to a building take a right over another ledge (there are some Uzi clips down below) and come to a place full with crates (S2-savegame.3).

2 baddies in this storage, you'll see a baddy using a monkey climb (at least the first time I came here he did). Shoot him when he gets closer and run into a passage W; pull out the crate to get the AK clips that was under this crate.

Now we have to avoid another Sentry gun, SW under the monkey climb. Go along the E wall, over the crates to the SE corner on top of the high stack. Run W along the wall and curve right to jump over the gun to the crates in front of the grate, the grate will open up.

For a Secret: First grab the monkey climb and go to the stack N, on top is Secret #4(26), Harpoons. Get back to the open grate and get in.

Daniel has a conversation with Lara.

On the left are some Flares on the table and next to it is a grate that will open up.

Buttons and a Trapdoor for a Secret.

To the right of that grate is a button, use it to close a big trapdoor N, sprint over the trapdoor to the back of the next room and shoot a crate (left side only one needed). Grab up to the ledge above, jump to the ledge E, curve right and jump to the single ledge S, again grab up to the ledge above and run jump to the ledge W, use the two "red" buttons there (left and right), get over to the E side and use one "red" button there (middle). A flyby shows a door opening up, but the challenge is not done yet, get back to the other side of the big trapdoor before the time is up (S2-savegame.4), otherwise the door will close again when you have to go through the pit under the big trapdoor.

In the room behind the door (a bit right of the button), is Secret #5(27), Uzis and Revolver ammo. Go out and right to that grate SW Follow through and drop down.


Mercenary Outpost-revisited.

A Rusty Key.

Crawl in and drop down, go to the NE corner for a Rusty Key. Go back to the door and shoot the baddy, go out to the cave and kill a couple of bats. Go on and at the big hole in the floor turn around, hop backwards and grab the edge, pull back up where you can stand and take a step forward, now just hop back and hit Ctrl just after you passed the edge, this way you will land in deep water without any harm. Climb out S and go through the cave out to the open. Go to that tunnel on the far right (SE) and open the crowbar door in the end. Loop around to the right for some AK clips, then go to the S side, look up N to shoot that fuse box and a platform goes up, get on it and jump NW into the opening, to the left is a Keyhole, use the Rusty key there.

The Command Post Blow up the Wall.

A block goes up outside, so go back out and left, in the SW is that block. Jump on the block and then to the left (SE), go sort of straight and hop over to the back. Go into the opening on the left and in the next room, down the ladder into the Command Post. In a chest are AK clips and in the dark NE corner is a crawlspace, get through and use a button up in an alcove. Go back to the room and into the opened gate to use the Detonator you find there to blow up a wall in a cave.

Get back outside via the ladder and the opening in the wall, slide down the hill and shoot 3 baddies, of which the one NW drops a small medipack. Go NE and into the cave behind the waterfall, here's where the wall opened up. To the right are some wet Flares, on a crate at the other side (W) AK clips and shoot some bats while you're at it. Go in N and hop over the fire, follow through a door and down a passage.


10- The Dig Site.

3 secrets.

Daniel is talking to Lara.

An Empty Case.

Follow through and in the area with the waterfall you can grab up at the waterfall to the place above. On a crate are Harpoons, head left (E) into the corridor and to the left is an alcove with a fuse box you can shoot. This will open the trapdoor in the opposite alcove, grab up on the left (S) and then up to the right into a duct. Drop down at the other side and get Secret #1 (28), 2 x Harpoons, Flares and an Empty Case. Go back to the corridor, then straight to the other part (W). From a block with a pipe you can grab up to the ledge above (face W) and a flyby takes over.

Finding Two Cog Pieces, the Supply Keys.

Under the waterfall left (S) are Harpoons, then grab up the waterfall to the place above and SE, left of the gate are also Harpoons. E of that pickup is a flooded tunnel entrance, swim down and go down right (N), follow through, minding the Teeth doors and come to a larger room, quickly swim up and right (W) (Saves-2/savegame.4).

Shoot that fish and jump to grab the crack in the wooden pillar in the water, go left around to a ladder to the opposite side and back flip off. Run jump back over the fence to grab the ladder on the pillar again and this time you can go up to the top. Turn right and just run off so you will land on the balcony in front of a door N. Use the button and shoot the baddie who will drop the Supply Keys. Back to the pillar and left around to back flip to the balcony.

First Cog Piece.

Go into the passage and in the next hall grab up to that crate hanging from the chain, shoot the grate S and jump in for Secret #2 (29), Uzi clips. Get back down to the ground floor, shoot a fish and hop into the water and swim into the tunnel carefully (N), those grinders are really bad, I went along the left side through the first, then went to the right for the next, there's also a nasty fish about, quickly climb out N and shoot that fish.

Grab the Harpoons from the ground and Cog Piece #1 is on the crate. Swim back through the grinders (actually easier than before) and get out of the water (Saves-2/savegame.5).

Second Cog Piece.

Go back to the room with the climb pillar (W) and jump to it, go up to the top and now jump N to grab a crack in the wall, shimmy left to a burner and pull up in the left corner, go left when the burner is down and push the wall block as far as it will go (to the S). Inside shoot a baddy and go to the right in the end, push the button to open the trapdoor behind you. Down the ladder and push the button there to open a door behind the grate.

Follow back to the room with the climb pillar and on the balcony with the burner you can use binoculars to spot that slanted block on the right hand side of the pillar, you can hop down to it and jump to get onto the S balcony (or follow the other path, over the balconies up to the top of the pillar and slide down the S side).

Climb up to the door you just opened before and follow through to a cave with 3 baddies, shoot them from close to the entrance as there are mines buried here. There are 3, in front of the opening N, so go along the E wall to the crate in the corner (NE) and get on it, grab the N wall and shimmy left around to another crate where you can use the Supply Key. Use the Detonator inside and climb up the ladder left and through the crawlspace. Down at the other side, (watch out there are still some mines left) head SE and shoot a baddy, go up the steps to get to the door and grab Cog Piece #2 inside.

Use the Cog Pieces.

Go back out, through the passage E to the room with the climb pillar, dive into the water and swim N through the tunnel with the Teeth doors and up (S2-savegame.6). Go to the ledge on the left (W) and place the two Cogs, the machine will open the gates S, go in and right around the corner to a small room with a barrel.

For a Secret: From the block in the right hand corner you can grab a crawlspace N; follow through to Secret #3 (30), a Camera. Go to the corner on the right (NE) and pull out that block. Behind it you find Revolver ammo. Get back out.

Follow the passage down (W) to a dark hallway. Shoot the grate straight ahead and get some Money. Walk out and look up above the passage E, shoot that fuse box. This opens the big doors on the left (N). Go up the stairs to the next doors; stand against the left door and turn around to shoot the next fuse box up there. Go in, the doors close behind you.

You can go left or right, both passages have nasty spikes you have to walk through slowly while minding the health bar.

I went right, follow through and walk through spikes to where you can open a door to a room with a button for some Harpoons in the back. Go out and left, shoot a baddy and go left again to end up at the door to a room with Uzi clips, it has nasty spiders and another thug might show up too. Go out, right and spot an opening left, we could go there later (a hatch has to be opened first, but I skipped coming back as I’ll explain later where the hatch will be opened). So for now follow the passage, go left (W) and then right and come to another intersection, shoot a thug. The door straight ahead is fake, go left down the stairs, next room 3 spiders. Once in the room, turn around and look up to shoot that fuse box. Small grate N can be shot, go in and in the next room are AK clips on the floor and Uzi clips on top of a crate. Now we need a key. Go back to the last room, take a right to a cave and find 2x Harpoons on crates.

Hazardous Swim.

Get into the water, shoot that grate with the Harpoon gun and surface for air. Save and swim through, there’s a nasty cutter in the next cave, I went in high left along the wall and swam through when the cutter went right. Shoot the next grate and a couple of fish (3 no less) come for you, here I went back for air. I was never able to shoot the fish, so I just swam through; they block your progress so watch out. After the second cutter there’s a third in a small room, that one I followed around right into a small opening. Swim up and climb out in the back. You think you are back at the start, but that’s not the case, it just looks the same. On a crate here you’ll find the Access Key.

Great fun, we have to swim back…(S2-savegame.7)

Go left through the door, left again into the passage, down some steps and open the door on the right (S) in the next room.

Follow through and climb on a crate, turn around and jump to the ledge to push the button, a door opens behind you. Jump from the crate to that door and go in, push the crate left twice and move it aside because there’s a button behind it now. That hatch in the room at the start of these tunnels is now open (I never went back there as through that hatch you only find 2 ammo pickups, Flares and a small medipack. Meant to be a Secret I guess, but isn’t and I didn’t think it was worth the effort and health loss). Before you leave, in the back of this room with the button is Revolver ammo.

Blades and only one Medipack.

Back out, down to the crate and head through E, coming to a larger area, keep left along those spikes and shoot every baddy you see. From the entrance loop right into a passage and shoot spiders, to the right you’ll enter a room with blades. Don’t come too close; they’re really nasty.

You have to pick up that Medipack to open a door… So choose the Revolver and put it away, duck and go left around the higher floor to that medipack. Line up straight and stand up, quickly to the Medipack and duck again, turn to the far left door a bit. Pick up the Medipack and hit the spacebar to get the revolver out while ducking, shoot the baddy and check the health before you stand up and run for the door. Inside to the right is a button to lower a hatch on a ladder in the big area. Left, in the corner are Flares, in the other corner is Revolver ammo under a spike trap, I left it there. Crawl back along the left side, if you want to go for the AK clips under the blade, be my guest (S2-savegame.8).

Return to the big area and a door opens in front of you, spiders come out. Inside are Uzi clips, AK clips and a button to open a door in the far end of the area, behind a minefield. If you want to go to that door, go out and right around the corners of the shack, stay close to the wall and when you walk along the back you can see that open door left. There’s a small pile of dirt against the wall of the shack, from the top of it aim for the left side of that duct and run jump to get behind that dark floor tile, because that one has a mine. Inside are one baddy and spiders. Upstairs is a small medipack and the baddy left Uzi clips. That’s all folks! Jump back over the minefield to that pile of dirt against the shack and go to a pillar NE, there’s a ladder on the back and you can climb up where that hatch opened. Back flip to a walkway and shoot all baddies you see. Go right (W) to the end and grab up higher.

The Rusty Key.

There could be another way to do this, but this is how I did it. Walk to the end and just before that fence, run off to land on the grey-sloped roof. Face W and slide down, grabbing the edge and shimmy left, back flip/roll into the fenced off area and go down the hole. Go left at the crate and shoot a fuse box around the corner. Back around and onto the crate, up through the open hatch and use a button in the right hand corner (SE) to lower a bridge in the big area. No idea what the button near the door does... Go out and up the pillar again after shooting a truckload of spiders.

Back up to the upper walkway, turn left and jump to the bridge. For a Medipack, jump to that walkway left and get it, drop down and grab the duct to get the Uzi clips. Get down to the ground floor (via the roof below) and climb up, jump over to the bridge again. Take a right this time (W) and jump to the ledge in front of the door. The door opens up, follow through and shoot a baddy, then pick up the Rusty Key. Push a button to the right of that table and see a gate open up.

The Way Out.

Go out to the door, look down left and spot that gate. Just run off right onto the duct, safety drop down and jump to the roof N. Crawl into the gate and follow into a duct. Follow through hopping over hot grates and shooting spiders, at the second hot grate in the corner are some Flares. Hop up and climb up a grate and take the second left, pick up Uzi clips and wait for a baddy to sneak up from behind. Shoot a spider and go left at the end of the duct. Keep going, shooting more spiders and you’ll find some more Uzi clips (if a baddy didn’t steal the clips) and come to a drop off into the intersection with the big doors.

Open the doors S with the Rusty Key; follow through shooting baddies, finally run up a large staircase…

11- Journey to the Past.

2 secrets, we advise you to go for them.

Watch the cutscene.

Lara starts out with an empty backpack.

In the room where you start is Shotgun ammo in an alcove on the right (E), hop down and go to the S wall where the left hand block can be pushed in, push it twice and loop around to a lever opening up an underwater gate. Get out and go through to a room with 2 pillars (we'll be back here) and up the stairs. Climb a pole at the S end and back flip into the alcove to use the jump lever opening up the gate below. Follow in (watch out for darts) and use the lever moving some statues. Go back out and climb one of the poles left or right of the staircase, back flip into the alcove. Grab the edge and shimmy either left or right to a jump lever. Do the same on the other side and you will have raised two grated platforms in a pool.

Head to the pool (N) and dive in, climb onto that grating N or just jump to it. Jump to the ladder on the pillar, go right around a corner and up, then back flip into a room. Move the column N between the ones S and go into the door SW to grab Flares and the Pistols from the balcony.

For a Secret: Return to the hall with the poles, down the stairs to that small room with the 2 columns and shoot the one on the right, grab Secret #1(31), a small medipack. Go back upstairs and back to the water.

For another Secret much later: Swim NE and get into that gate you opened with the lever at the start of the level. Inside is a structure in the middle of a flooded room, go up and in an opening in the back of it to use an underwater ceiling lever. Opens another gate.

An Old Key.

Get out and climb onto the grating straight ahead; jump to the pillar to the right (N), go around to the other side and back flip to the stairs. Go up to a crossing and go left, in the end and to the left is a small medipack. Approach the opposite gate and go inside, pull the second column left away from the wall and go behind it to get Shotgun ammo, go to the third column, pull it out and find an Old Key. Go back out, left down the slope and straight (E) to the crossing.

Take a left (N) up a ramp and you are one floor up from a pool area.

Hall with the Pool, use the Old Key.

Go to the far left corner (NW) and watch out for some speedy critters and left to where you can use the Old Key (S). A block comes out of a wall, turn around, go right around corners and spot that block S. Get on it and use the jump lever to open an underwater gate below.

First Black Pearl.

Drop down into the pool and swim into that gate W, over a block and then stay in the middle because of the spikes, both up and down (couldn't find a way to do this without harm, but just swim as fast as you can). Turn around in the next room and go up that ladder almost to the top, back flip into the passage above and go down the next ladder to get Black Pearl #1 from a coffin. Make your way back to the Hall (S2-savegame.9).

The Secret: Go straight to another pool, dive in and find the gate you opened before with the ceiling lever, go get Secret #2(32), a Medipack and 2x Shotgun ammo all at the N wall. Climb out of the pool S.

The Shotgun, Scorpions and a Wooden Handle.

To the left is an opening (E), be careful, there are Big Scorpions in the next part. Go in a bit, then run back out and go left into the wide corridor (S), the Scorpion will be tailing you, go right around corners in the end and up a slope, the beast cannot follow and with some tactics you can easily kill it.

Go back towards the pool and just left around the corner is Shotgun ammo on a pedestal behind a fence. Return to the hall and enter E once more follow through and spot a Skeleton on the floor, search it for the Shotgun. Follow through, straight into an opening E, hop down and then quickly hop back into the opening to shoot two Big Scorpions. Go to the plant in the NW corner and pick up the Wooden Handle. In the alcove SW is a small medipack, hidden under a plant. Immediately start shooting, as a couple of speedy critters will appear.

A Crowbar.

Go SE into the back and use the jump lever there, this will raise a gate in the Hall with the Pool. Go back out W, hop down and loop around to the right, jump into the opening there. Follow through to a room with a sandy floor, ignore the Crowbar (spike trap) and the Shotgun ammo SE (takes too much health) and go NE to the next part, ignore the next Crowbar as well, just go to the "broken" lever NE and use the Wooden handle there. A block disappears in the NE corner, go use the lever there to disable the spike trap under the Crowbar in this room; now you can pick it up (the other one has still a spike trap).

The Second and Third Black Pearl.

More critters appear, shoot them and go out SW, to the right and follow back to that Hall with the Pool. Go to the N wall and left into the alley, take the first window opening left and hop to the ledge in the water, left (E) is a crowbar door. Open it and inside is a coffin with Black Pearl #2. Get out and swim to the ledge SW and up the stairs is the gate you opened with the jump lever in the Scorpion Cave. Left is a Medipack, in the coffin SE is Black Pearl #3.

An Old Key, a Rope to place the Black Pearls.

Get out, jump E over the gap and go E, at the small pool is a passage to the right, it's a dead end, there is however a single column, shoot it and get the Old Key. Go out and to the far NE corner of the hall, to the right over the block and use the Old Key there. A grated platform goes up on a pillar next in the small pool; you have to go up to the ledges above.

There are a couple of ways to get onto the ledges, short route:

Go to the pool and on the right of the passage where you found the Old Key is a slanted block. Backflip and grab the ledge upstairs. Turn around and go to the SE corner and then towards the black slanted blocks. Look to the left of the pillar and you see that platform on the back of it in the small pool. Jump between the dark blocks and then to the platform, then take a running jump to the rope and swing to the balcony (N)

Use the 3 Pearls and blocks will go up in a passage we'll go to now. Also get the Shotgun ammo from the pedestal. Get back to the rope, either slide down and get to the ground and use the slope to backflip up the ledge or turn to the right and swing to the ledge (W). In the opening there (N), take running jump over the blocks to the other side (if you got in here without raising all 3 blocks, you’re doomed).

Follow through and go left around the corner jump over the fence on the right for a Shotgun ammo. At the end to the right (E) is a closed door, so go left (W). For now it is much better for your health to use the ropes in that room to swing to the other side (if you walk over the floor in the lower room, there will be a load of rats coming out of a grate). Once at the other side lower yourself down in the pit and stay close to the wall S.

Push Block Puzzle, Rats!!

Find a push block in the S wall (near the third rope), push it all the way in. Then pull it to the right (W) once, go around the block and use the lever to open the door we saw before going here. Turn around and shoot the light grey wall W. Go in and loop around to the left and use the lever (this opens a grate in the pit). Now move that block to the W where you shot the wall so you can pull out a block in the S wall and push it aside, here is the third lever, you’ll hear a rumble. 

Go out of the room, run to the E and find that pit, the rats should also show up now, just hang in the pit, don't fall and shimmy around a bit to get all the rats down in the pit. But if you hug the S wall you might not see any rats.

An Old Key.

Then go E up the ladder, through the door E and right around the corner is a crowbar door; open it to get a Medipack. Hop into the pool, in the black pillar SE is a lowered part (the lever with the rumble before) and you can find a ceiling lever there. This will open up the gate in the pool (N wall), swim into that gate and use the underwater lever in the end, swim back to the pool and now you can get the Old Key on the bottom because the spikes are disabled.

A Wishing Token.

Go back to the W and use the ropes to go the other high end of the room. Use the Old Key at the wall straight ahead (W) and trapdoors open in the pit with the skeleton. Get in there and grab the Wishing Token from the skeleton, get out, up the ladder E and to the room with the pool. Go to that fountain (the one without water NE) and put the Token in the fountain, a gate opens up. Jump over the pool to the ledge SE and open a crowbar door to find the opened gate, slide down…

Watch the cut scenes and listen to the conversation.


12- Amenhotep Chamber.

2 secrets (1 now, 1 when we return)

A level with Kurtis for a change.

Go up some blocks left (SE) and climb down into the corner to get a Crowbar, go back to get out and go to a gate you can open with it. Shoot the vase to grab the Shotgun ammo. Slide down backwards and grab the edge, shimmy left almost to the end and pull up to back flip onto a block (OR jump back and fro towards that block). Slide down backwards, safety drop into a pit and shoot a scorpion, back flip onto a block at the W wall and jump to grab a ladder, go up over the top, slide and jump to the ledge at a pool. Walk the pole and jump to grab the wall ahead when you passed the other pole, climb down a bit and shimmy right around corners into the alcove where you have to walk another pole to get to the opening W (S2-savegame.10).

Shoot the vase and get a small medipack. Drop down into the next part of the room, go to the window on the left (SE) and find the Timed lever for the platform in this room (no rush here). Run to the mound opposite the platform and back flip onto it, then jump and grab the platform (you'll have to find the right position or Lara won't grab it). Run jump with a curve to the SW ledge, from there jump with a curve into the opening SE or use the crack in the pillar to get there.

The Amenhotep Cross.

Go through to the next room, use a transparent ledge in the middle of the room to jump to the far left corner (SE), grab up on the right and go to a lever W that will open the door in the lower part of the room. Spot the receptacles on the ledge NE. Get down to the lower part of the room after shooting some poisonous scorpions, grab some Flares N and go into the open door. Dodge the skeletons and get on the block to get the Shotgun (you can also go shoot them first). Get out, be careful as the lower parts of the floor now have spikes, so hop backwards around along the outer edge of the room shooting the skeletons (like horsemen), one of them drops the Amenhotep Cross.

Make your way up to the ledge with the levers again (start SW) and this time jump to the ledge with the receptacles to place the cross N, the burners will stop. Jump back and use the lever, a door opens in the previous room (N).

No Way Across?

Get down one floor and jump to the exit N and drop down into the lower part; the door is SW. Follow through a collapsed passage to a pit with spikes. Drop down after shooting the critters. Walk into the alcove right, opposite the spikes, jump up and shoot part of the wall and crawl in. Around the corner use the lever and watch the camera shot. Get down on the right for some Shotgun ammo. Crawl back and grab a crack at the opposite side (E), go right and pull up in the alcove. Turn left and grab another crack and shimmy around to the left, watch out for the burner. You can stand safely in the corner though. Time the burner to jump back (NW). Turn around and use the poles to get to the other side.

Jump out to grab the ledge SW and go over some blocks, to the right is Secret #1(33), Shotgun ammo. Go into a passage SE and just slide down to the next level...


13- Luxor Temple.

4 secrets (2 now, 2 when we return).

Lara's Back!

The Tomb.

You’ll probably need some test runs here, so better save as soon as you can.

Swim as fast as you can, down and right in the Tomb to the NE corner, find the ceiling lever there and a coffin slides aside on this level, W wall. These are narrow tunnels and quit hard to navigate through, in the end another coffin opens and you'll find another ceiling lever straight ahead in front of that ladder (W).

(This lever will not reset and if you want a secret, then it is timed as well, so if you want the secret go to the detour for a "Hard" Secret below). It also opens another coffin on the N wall on the right side, and once in you can get some air at the ceiling.

Detour for a "Hard" Secret: Best roll first so you’re facing E and can start swimming right away. Use the lever at the W wall and save while pulling it. Swim back into the Tomb and a timed gate is now open, so don't hesitate, swim to the opposite right hand corner (SE) down into the opening in the floor, and turning around to swim through the timed gate N, left and follow around, then go right and left again. Pick up Secret #1(34), a small medipack (watch your health by now) and swim through the gate that opens, to the right and up for air (S2-savegame.11). Swim back, going left around corners where possible to find Shotgun ammo and now swim back to the Tomb, to the NE corner and through the open coffin in the N wall. Inside you can get air in the ceiling (S2-savegame.12).

Use the ceiling lever N to open a gate S in the Tomb and swim back to the Tomb after getting some air, loop around to the right and swim up a bit into the NW corner on top of the ledge behind the corner pillar to get Shotgun clips (was a Secret in the previous version).

Swim into the opened gate S and climb out there. In the SW corner is a Lasersight, a gate opens behind you (NE). Go there and use the chain to open another coffin. Dive into the water, swim around into the SW corner and get Uzi clips from a pedestal. Swim up to the surface for air, face N and save, swim back into the Tomb, down and right to the open coffin E, get through and go left, then follow through to a large flooded hall.

Draining the Place.

Loop around to the left and swim down into the wooden trench (W), follow through into a tunnel, swim up in the room and climb out through the opening in the ceiling. Follow the crawlspace to a spike trap; run-jump over to use the chain. The hall is partially drained now. Get back, swim into the Hall.

Revolver, the Canopic Jar.

Swim to that balcony N and get up, go left up the steps in the corridor and spot the receptacle, shoot the vase on the right to get the Revolver. Go back to the balcony and combine Revolver and Sight to shoot a vase down S revealing a Jar (shoot the right hand vase on the left wall (E) for a small medipack). Swim over to the S to get the Canopic Jar. Swim to the right corner (SW) and climb onto the ledge to use the jump lever and see a block go up (for later). Swim back N, go to the receptacle (up the steps) where you got the Revolver and place the Jar.

Sand Trap.

A gate opens in the other side (E) of this corridor, get in there and save before the slide, this passage will fill with sand and a spiked ceiling will become a big problem. Jump from the end of the slide and sprint straight then around the corner, to the end and right around again, then diagonally left into a safe passage (S2-savegame.13- video-sand.wmv).

Follow through and do watch out for those skeletons, shoot a vase S for Uzi clips, head up the stairs there and pull a chain (SE) in the next room, gates open up, for the exit and a "Secret" gate. Go to the far NW corner and over a wall there to get a Medipack. Back over the wall and onto the NE block you raised with the jump lever in the Hall. Get into the small crawlspace gate, down at the end and pull the chain there to open another underwater gate in the wooden trench.

Back out and downstairs, left to where you shot the vase and find the open exit gate to the Hall.

For the Secret: Swim to the right (NE) and through the opening with the round stairs, to the right through the "Secret" gate. For Secret #2(35), go right/right and down there is a Medipack. Get back to the Hall.

Swim down to the bottom and into the gate you opened E, follow through to where Kurtis takes over again.

Amenhotep Chamber-revisited.

1 secret remaining.

Hard Entrance.

Follow through and climb out, grab the monkey climb. Follow through and time the burner to get to the end (S2-savegame.14). Slide down, shoot the skeleton and grab the small medipack he leaves behind, head up S and shoot two more skeletons, one will drop an Amenhotep Cross. Use that SW and a gate opens above (Notice the lever in the pit here). Go to the other end of the room and hop up W into the passage above, down into the room with the swinging spike blocks. From where you are, shoot that vase in the other side of the room, go back through the passage and now you can use the lever. This will stop the burners at the spike blocks, makes life easier.

Return there and make your way through, walk the pole and jump forward to grab the wall, climb right, drop and shoot the vase there for Shotgun ammo. Stand against the S wall, close to the pit with the lightning, wait for the second spike block to move right and do two stand jumps after each other to get on a block, immediately run forward a bit (Saves3-savegame.0). Follow the dark tunnel down to water, time the spikes and get to a gate that will open up for you.

Hall of Hands, a Silver Bar for a Gold one.

In the SE corner, partially buried in the sand is a Silver Bar, swim SW and climb out on the low ledge, light a flare to spot the panel in the S wall, shoot it and jump in. Hop to the receptacle block and place the Silver bar in it, a Gold Bar will appear under your feet. Get out, swim to the NW corner and get on the balcony where you can use the Gold Bar, a platform goes up. Swim to the E side and get on that platform, turn a bit NW and jump to grab a crack in the wall in the water.

Shimmy left around to the second opening, use the lever there and get into the water, swim up to the platform W and from that one jump into the opening where that block lowered. Jump to the N ledge and walk the pole to the other side. Grab up N and jump to the alcove SE, from there to the crack in the wall W and go right around to an opening. Jump N to the balcony and then W to grab the ledge there (watch out for the low Hand ledge above, use Ctrl and release and use it again to grab the edge). Throw the lever to open a gate at the balcony we just came from.

The Ra Cartouche.

Stand NE and grab up E to the Hand ledge, run jump SE onto the top of the wall and from there jump down to the other Hand ledge and throw the lever to open the second gate in the passage. Jump NW to grab the crack in the wall and shimmy left to drop onto the balcony. Go in, down and through the pit on the left, up the ladder and right around the corner to the Hall with the Blades.

No problem till now, get to the far SW corner, up the ladder and back flip onto the floor above. Go E into the room and pick up the Ra Cartouche, things change dramatically. Go out and the room shakes as a door opens up W, you can get to the opening W if you do stand-jumps along the outside of the Blade, only the small turning knives are harmful OR run after the blades. Time the burners and hop along to the opening.

Getting out; 5 Levers and Timed Doors.

The first lever you can use is the one in the middle; it will lower a block at a lever, not timed (is for a Secret).

Then from left to right (can be done in random order):

-Timed #2 lever, back flip/roll, run out and go right to jump with a curve around the burner to the open door S, inside hop up and throw the lever (#1 lever for the platforms in the pit, can’t see them, the doors are closed). Back to the room with the levers.

-Timed lever #4, back flip/roll, run out and go left to jump with a curve around the burner to the open door N, inside use the #2 lever for the platforms in the pit. Go back to the room with the levers.

-Timed lever #5, turn left, run out and go right to jump with a curve around the burner to the door S, this time just run off the E end to land in front of the door, watch out for darts and jump onto the higher floor to throw the #3 lever for the platforms. Back to the room with the blades, into the water and swim SW, climb out and go up that ladder again to the room with the levers.

-Timed lever #1, turn right, run out and turn right, hop backwards from the edge down into the pool below and swim to the open gate S, follow through to a room with the #4 lever for the platforms (doors open up and platforms go up).

Swim out, to the right (E) and climb out at the exit. Only use the platform on this side, run far and jump to grab the opposite floor (S3-savegame.1). Up S and back to the Hall of Hands.

Only for a Medipack.

Jump to the ledge W and from there to an alcove S to the lever where you lowered the block. An underwater gate opens up somewhere. Jump back N and grab back up to the Hand ledge, jump to the top of the wall and to the E end. From there you can reach the opening in the E wall, leading down into a flooded corridor. Take a lung full of air and dive in, swim straight through that open gate, Secret #2(36) sounds. Follow through and at a crossing go left, careful! When you swim into the next part spikes will start to pop up. You have to go right and through a second spike trap into a narrow tunnel. In the back is a Medipack, get back as fast as you can (S3-savegame.2). Go back to the Hall of Hands and jump straight out onto the top of the wall (left side). Get to the W side and jump to grab the ledge at the gates, use the Ra Cartouche in the right hand receptacle and watch the cut scene.

Luxor Temple-revisited.

2 secrets remaining.

Swim through, climb out and make your way up the W passage. At the end, run down on the right (NW), landing on the slanted block, just slide down and jump SE to shoot a vase for a small medipack. Now jump to the far NW corner OR use the crack in the pillar to shimmy around. Go around the corner and into the water, swim through and end up in the flooded passage Kurtis just visited when he went for the (Secret) Medipack.

The Silver Bar.

Go up to the right (W) to the Hall of hands and it seems Lara can do things Kurtis couldn't, because the poles can now be scaled. Jump NW to the Hand ledge and to the pole NE, go up and back flip into the alcove there, throw the lever to open the small gate between the Hands. Stand jump out to the Hand ledge, grab the crack N and get into that gate and crawl through. Inside the next room you can get the Silver Bar, get out again.

Swap the Silver Bar for a Gold Bar.

Drop to the balcony and jump down into the water, swim to the far SW corner and climb out where Kurtis did before. Jump into the opening in the S wall and place the Silver Bar in the receptacle, this will produce a Gold Bar which is under your feet. Go out to the low ledge in front of the room.

Up to the Levers.

Now we have to go to a block in the SE corner. Stand on the NE corner and run jump right around the wall E to grab a ledge with tiles (OR use the platform E to get to the crack in the wall and go around to the first window and from there jump to the ledge with the tiles). Now jump to the SE corner block and grab up left to a ledge with a pole. Go up till you see a “hand ledge”. Avoid contact with that and find the correct height from where you can back flip into the alcove with the lever above that “hand ledge”.

Throw the lever to raise a platform (for later), hang out of the alcove and shimmy to the right where another lever will open an underwater gate. Get down into the water, swim NW and into that open gate, through a gate that will open, through a hallway and left around the corner in the end is some Shotgun ammo. Proceed and in the hall with the round stairs is a ceiling lever opposite those stairs. A gate opens up S, go through and up and get some air.

Skeletons and Amenhotep Cross.

In the SE corner is a vase with Shotgun ammo, in the SW corner more of the same and next to it is a lever opening the door right of it. Get ready to rumble and a truckload of skeletons comes out. One of them drops an Amenhotep Cross. Go into the door those guys came from, climb through the crawlspace on the right (N) and in the next room is Secret #3(37), Shotgun ammo. The door opens up, go out and to the receptacle for the cross near the double doors (SE). Go into the room where you can shoot a vase SW for a Medipack and then place the Gold in the receptacle, a platform goes up and gates open. Swim back to the hall, climb out SW.

Swinging Spike Blocks.

Get into the opening S, turn around and hop left (W) around the corner onto the block with the pole, go up and back flip into the open gate. Follow down to a room, go left around the fence and pick up a small medipack from the alcove. Go to the E side, run after the hammer into the alcove right next to it, use the chain. Go back out and around to the other side, time block and burner to hop into the alcove left and pull the second chain, blocks rise in the back of the room. Get there and go up to the floor above, grab a small medipack and Shotgun ammo, climb the block E. Jump N and grab the ledge, shimmy left around a corner and pull up on the safe spot. Stand back and stand jump/grab to the spike ledge NW, shimmy to the left around and pull up on the safe ledge W.

Jump past the last block and into the opening S, onto the block and climb down along the wall while the burner is down, don't move while the burner is active. Turn around and run forward to the spot between the burners, then against the block and pull up when you can, immediately take a step forward. Go down and use the chain to open another gate in the upper corner of the Hands Room. Go back as you came (S3-savegame.3) and stand jump/grab down to the ledge, hop back and grab the edge, shimmy right around the corner and safety drop down to the block below. Go over the first floor, drop down N and follow back to the Hands Room.

Flooded Section.

A platform goes up left, use it to get to the ladder N and climb up to the terrace with the big gates, go N and jump to that platform at the pillar, stand jump S around the corner onto one of the slanted parts next to the platform under the open gate. (Another route: Dive down, swim to the platform, climb up and jump to grab the crack in the wall W, shimmy left around and climb into the alcove. Jump and grab to the tiled ledge S and grab up to the platform above). Grab up S into the opening.

For a Secret later: Run jump out to the right and grab a balcony with a chain, pull it to open an underwater gate to a Secret room, get back into the opening S.

(Map of this part, levers.jpg)

Get in the water and take a long full of air, a gate opens on approach take a right and follow through to a square room, take the opening right (S), up in the next room and in the NW corner is air, climb out S there too to start things up by flipping the lever (opens up golden gates we'll have to go through next).

Daniel: Oh my God Lara! You just turned the power on! ...


For the Secret: Swim down through the floor, left (N) straight through the square room and through the gate that is not working as it should, take a right and swim through the gate you opened with the chain before (E), get Secret #4(38), a small medipack in de back and Shotgun ammo in the NE corner of the next room, swim back through the wooden room and straight to the W is a Medipack (if you’re almost out of air, come back for the Medipack later), swim back through the faulty gate and straight S, up and to the right for air again (S3-savegame.4).

Here comes the Hard part: You'll have to open the way to three rooms with a ceiling lever. Easiest was for me to go down, through the gate E and then a right into the opening, go up for air in the room where we need to raise a block to proceed (we come back here later, but I thought this was an easier starting point for the next swims).

Opening up more Gates.

Turn N, swim back to the square room and straight around the column through the next opening, then take a right through the faulty gate and go up in the wooden passage, turn a bit right and up through the opening SW, swim through to the SE corner of that room and find a ceiling lever (all important gates are now open). Now we need to get back for air first. Swim back N, down through two openings, out W through the faulty gate and left, straight and around the column into the opening S to get air (S3-savegame.5). Took me a bit of health.

First Ceiling Lever.

As you are now familiar with that Hard route, we go there twice more. Turn N again, swim back to the square room and straight around the column through the next opening, then take a right through the faulty gate and go up in the wooden passage, turn a bit right and up through the opening SW, swim through to the SE corner, to the right at the ceiling lever through the opened gate into a square room. Find the ceiling lever in the middle and quickly swim back for air to the same place.

Second Ceiling Lever.

Turn N again, swim back to the square room and straight around the column through the next opening, then take a right through the faulty gate and go up in the wooden passage, turn a bit right and up through the opening SW. This time turn N and through the opened gate (N) into a square room. Find the ceiling lever in the middle and quickly swim back for air to the same place.

Third Ceiling Lever.

Swim N and left, through the faulty gate and go through S. Right around corners up in the first room with air, get some and then loop around left into the open gate N on that level, use the last ceiling lever and see a block go up, swim back down to the lower room, out E and take a right in the square room, up for air and climb the block to get into the room above (S3-savegame.6).

Pull that chain S and see the second gate open up in the upper corner of the Hands Room. Shoot a vase for a small medipack. Swim back to the square room, straight through, left in the next and straight through into the wooden passage, follow through and then left through the gate that will open up for you to get back to the Hands Room.

The Ba Cartouche.

Sure there are other routes, but you can jump out to the right to that ledge with the pole, climb the pole and back flip into the opening to get the Ba Cartouche.

The Scion.

Back out and just hop down into the pool below, climb onto the raised platform E and run jump NW onto the slanted block. Jump right as you hit the block and land on the ledge NE. Grab up N to the pole, up and back flip to the Hand ledge. Grab the crack N to get to the balcony below and jump to the ledge W, climb up to the Hand ledge there and jump to the top of the wall. Go up to the ledge with the gates W and place the Cartouche left. Go in and grab the Scion, go back out and a cut scene kicks in.


14- Train Courtyard.

6 secrets.

A lot of baddies here, could be I forgot to mention some, just check if they dropped something useful.

Circuit Piece 2.

Shoot the baddies and step out. Go S along the wall and left around that train, shoot a baddy standing in an alcove to the right. Then go to that second red signal sign there, go left between the cars and jump in E, go to a door and shoot a baddy, shoot the crate inside and get the Uzis. Get out and go N, there's a flatbed car under a crane nearby, shoot the baddy and get a small medipack. Into the car E (a baddy opens the door as you approach) and use the crowbar on the door, inside is a crate with Circuit Piece 2. In the NE end of the car are Uzi clips. The next door opens up and on a crate is Colt ammo (yes we have a new automatic assault rifle).

Get out of this car and go up N into the doorway, find some Colt ammo and head E, shoot a baddy and pick up Colt ammo to the left.

Proceed S and go up left onto the loading dock (NE), left around the corner over a crate is Secret #1(39)Colt ammo. Go NE into the storage room and shoot the baddy (small medipack). Head S to the back of the red car, look up and shoot the fuse box, jump inside and get a Medipack and the Inventory Key in the office (on the desk) and Colt ammo in the back, go back out.

Heavy Machinery.

Go to the right (S) behind the next train to the SE corner there. The door will open, follow through but be careful, after a burner you’ll find some nasty cutters here, up some steps and you could throw a switch there (stops the cutters and closes the passage? At least the sound will be off).

Drop down into the room, move that crate SW onto the grate in the opposite corner (NE), the crate N goes to the grate next to it (U-turn) and the burner will stop. Go up a ladder SE, back into the entrance and jump W, then E and grab up to the monkey climb to go where the burner was, use the crack W to go around to a passage W and follow up.

A Code Card.

In the next room are Uzi clips in a closet, side flip over the fence to the computer and get more Uzi clips. In the next room you’ll find Colt ammo on a table and a Code Card in a closet.

Use the Code Card, Blue Rubber and Circuit Piece 1.

Go back out the way you came, through the passage with the cutters (throw the switch to open it) and step out to where the trains are. Shoot a bald eagle and some baddies and head W, the second car N is open on the side, get in, shoot the baddy and pick up his Colt ammo, then go into the E end and get Uzi clips from a crate (only if the baddy didn’t get there first). Get out.

Now head SW into the tunnel there and to the right is where you can use the Inventory Key to open the gate to get Secret #2 (40), a Medipack.

Go out and to the wall (S) and go down and into the first alcove on the right (S) where you can use the Code Card. Containers slide out of a wall. Go out, right around the corner are those containers, climb up and jump up to shoot a piece of the E wall, get into that crawlspace and follow through to Secret #3 (41), a Medipack on a table, Uzi clips in the closet and in the other room 2x Colt ammo on tables and Flares in a closet. Go back out and get onto the containers again.

Jump N to grab the opening in the car, get inside and shoot the crate to get the Blue Rubber tape. Go left (W) and to the left is a crate, inside is Circuit Piece 1, combine with Piece 2 to get a Circuit Board.

Use the Circuit Board, a Blue Fuse.

The door W will open for you, get out and make your way to the storage room NE. You can use the Circuit Board in the N wall; a door opens up left of you. Go in and get Colt ammo from a table, Uzi clips from a crate and the Blue Fuse from the closet. Looks like we need something on the N wall (Secret room).

A Bronze Key for a Secret. 

Go out and two baddies are waiting for you, one dropsBronze Key. Go out to the S side cars, to the W and left around the second car, climb in and open the door with the Bronze Key, kick in the door on the right and go right over the red crate to get Secret #4 (42)Revolver ammo. Out and you don't have to open the door N, inside is nothing.

Move the Crane, the Pliers.

Get out of the car; go to the Crane and place the Blue Fuse in the generator next to it. The Crane moves the container, so get on that container. Jump to the car W go to the W end and jump over to the window N to get Secret #5 (43), a small medipack. Jump back and drop down into the car, one of the crates has the Pliers (combine with the Blue Rubber tape to get an insulated pair of Pliers with Rubber), the other crate has Colt ammo, then open the crowbar door W. Shoot the crate and get the Silver Key. Go to the door W and jump over to the flatbed car, on one of the crates is a small medipack (maybe you found it already). Another bald eagle shows up.

For the last Secret: Go back into the storage NE, follow through to that room where the Blue Fuse was, fix the lock with the Pliers and go in for Secret #6 (44). Use a button left to turn on the lights and get Uzi clips NE, a Medipack SE. Climb the crate NW and get up to the walkway, NE Revolver ammo and SE Colt clips. Get back down (don’t forget to turn off the lights) and leave the storage.


Go to the S side cars, head W and left through the wide opening between the cars to the S wall, left up the steps and to the left is the Keyhole (Silver Key), open the door. There are lasers inside, run after the low laser a bit and hop over it when it comes back, run to the high laser and duck, crawl forward (S3-savegame.7). Around the corner to the right is a switch opening up the Garage door, go into the Garage and to the door right (E). Go in, to the right and up a ladder, off to the left, behind you are Uzi clips. Now hop over the ladder hole, there’s a whole bunch of lasers, but not too bad, stand left and look with Revolver and Sight for that fuse box in the far back, shoot that and most of the lasers are gone (you have to find the correct spot to hit it, so save before to save on ammo).

Stand close, hop over the lower laser and sprint to the back. To the left is a Medipack on a table, on the left under the sign (E) of it is a button starting a cut scene.



15- Air Vent Blues.

5 secrets.

Amanda takes over...

Jump over to the other walkway (E) and look up in that pipe with binoculars, "258", drop down to the lower part of the room, in total there are 8 buttons on the walls.

For a Secret: Use the #3 button E (from left to right) turns blue, go to the W side and use the #8 button (from left to right) and an alarm sounds, a door opens in the passage S, go in for Secret #1 (45), a Code Card in the right hand shelf. Go back out.

Start "Operation 1", go to the W wall and push the second button from the left (#2), go to the E side "Operation 8" and push the left and right hand buttons (#5 and #8).

A block goes up NW, first go through the door N and get Shotgun ammo from the shelves. Go back out and climb the block you raised, grab the grated walkway above and swing over to the jump lever S, part of the floor gives way. 

For a Secret: climb the wall S and drop right onto the walkway, go N and spot the small grate in the wall, it's broken, shoot it and jump to grab the crack N, shimmy to the opening and follow through to get Secret #2 (46)Revolver ammo NE. Get out, shimmy left to drop on the block on the lower level. 

Then drop down through the broken floor, make your way through the pipe sections S and find a button S; opens a gate N, so head back and get inside. To the right, just past that wall light is a block (E) you can push in all the way. To the left is a switch opening a door to a very nice Secret for later. Go out and slide down N, go to a deadly pool with lasers and walk one of the pipes to the other side, nothing can be done to avoid the lasers, you have to be lucky (S3-savegame.8).

The Freezer Door Card.   

Make your way through the electric cables and save at the laser slide. Best turn around, slide backwards and grab the edge, shimmy to the left and pull up to back flip over the pit, slide down and grab again and do this a couple of times more to reach the room at the bottom. All hell breaks loose, turn left and sprint S into the door you opened behind the push block. Secret #3 (47) is now yours, first run left and turn around to shoot all the baddies coming in. One of them will drop the Freezer Door Card.

Power the Door.

To the E are Uzi clips and to the left a small medipack on the shelves. Now go to the gate W and open it with the button, inside is another of those blue rays rendering you invulnerable for about 2 minutes and you'll need it, you can use it only one time... While Lara is flashing, do run. Get out, run left into an alcove and throw the "Power Door" switch, to open a door in the opposite wall, the door behind that will only open after a while, as someone still has to fix it.

So, in the mean time we can gather some more supplies, go NE and down the stairs, shoot a baddy and go left through the fence to use the Freezer Door Card (if you have it), search the shelves for a Medipack and Shotgun ammo. Out to the room again and run into the broken grate in the floor follow through to the left to get Uzi clips and get back out, run up the stairs and left around corners into the hallway where the door could open any moment now (when the flashing stops, so you might have to wait a bit).

The Freezer, through the Ducts.

Make your way through the lasers and use the Freezer Door Card on the next door. Shoot a rat that has the size of a dog and go up the slope into the Corridor. More rats.

For a pickup: Open the middle gate with the crowbar (E) and go left around the corners, drop down into the lower ducts and go over deadly pits to the end, push the button and go back a bit to find the gate you opened, down there is Shotgun ammo. Make your way back to the Corridor and shoot the rat on your way out.

Head S, left around the corner under a ladder while under fire from a sentry gun, climb up and off to the left into a duct and follow around the corner and find a push crate left (NE) push it once, grab the Uzi clips there and go through a broken grate to the S. Go left around corners to come to that block, pull it once and go around the S bypass again, into the duct NE and find another crate N. Pull it once and turn back to the duct where you entered (near the ladder), to the right is another crate, push it all the way and go in left. Follow all the way through to find Flares and turn back, shoot a rat and go down into the opening E.

The Pass Card. 

Go get some Uzi clips in the shelves right of the gate N and then go get Shotgun ammo S and now we need a Card, you'll have to return through the ducts to the Corridor. Climb down the ladder and go NW and 2 baddies showed up there, shoot them and get the Pass Card one of them dropped.

Go to the door S and open it with that Card, go through the doors on the left (E) to the room you just left; now you can open that gate N with the Card and push the button inside to silence that gun in the Corridor. Go back there (door SW, door N) and to the E, around the corner and open the crowbar gate E (Personnel Only). Follow through and go up a ladder, crawl under that pipe straight ahead to get a small medipack and go back to push the yellow crate on the right (N) in. A jump lever (right around the entrance) will open a gate at the opposite side, go in and shoot the grate in the crawlspace N. Go in and use the button on the back of the block, a wall will lower in the previous room.

Go back to the room with the crate and move the crate onto the grate in that new passage (E). A gate opens in the room S, left of the jump lever. Get up the ladder there and push the button opening the next gate right. Go S and just keep going right around corners (don’t go down the floor) to get to Shotgun ammo, (keep going right) Uzi clips and a button opening a gate back where we entered, you'll get there by just keep going right.

Timed “Duct” Runs.

The gate is N, go up the sloped duct and some baddies come running, take them out, go right at the intersection and find a Timed switch in an alcove left (opens a gate in the next section of ducts). First head through the opening N, keep going left to get to that gate NW while shooting the resistance, pick up a small medipack, Uzi clips and Shotgun ammo dropped by them. Then return to the switch and do the Timed run to the gate (S3-savegame.9). 

Up the sloped passage and to the left is another Timed switch. Pull, turn left while running and jump to the first ledge, a running jump left to the next and jump to that crack in the S wall, go right and in the end let Amanda get her feet up, back flip/roll and hop once more to get into the gate (S3-savegame.10). Follow the duct up E to a square room.

For a Secret: Shoot the grate up high in the left wall, crawl in to get Secret #4(48), just keep going right around corners to get Shotgun ammo and Uzi clips in the other corner, turn back going right to get back to the square room. Go S to a room with 2 closed gates; there is Shotgun ammo on a table.

Walk the Pipe.

Go back a bit and go down a small slope on the left (W), take a right and then a left and come to a deadly pool with a pipe. Walk the pipe to get as close as you can to that burner, time it and walk further to get past (S3-savegame.11). Throw the switch on the left and two gates open up, go in S and left to the room where the gates opened. Go into the one S and turn around at the laser slide and stand right against the wall. Slide backwards, grab every time and back flip to the next, at the end you'll have to end up sliding forwards down another slope. Jump the pits and in the end you have to jump/roll slide backwards down the last part and grab the edge (S3-savegame.12-Hanging on the ladder!)

Another Freezer Door Card.

Go down and back flip/roll grab another ladder, left around and get to the next, right around and back flip/roll grab a crack. Go to the right and into the opening, follow through, shoot a rat and climb up right. Through the cables and follow through, drop down to the right and shoot 3 baddies, one more will be coming from the N, if not go look him up and shoot him to get another Freezer Door Card.

Power Up the Door.

Go to the NE corner and through the fence N, cables fall, follow through to the left (W) and climb up in the back on the left.

Jump over the gap in the grated floor and in the room around the corner is a button (E). A gate opens up. Go back and drop through the grated floor into the Corridor, go around to the S side take a left and find an opening in the fence SE, go left and side flip over the pipe. Go left in to the gate you just opened.

Follow through and in the end up left is a "Power Door" switch (we'll see what it did later). Just next to this alcove is a jump lever, use that to open the gate behind you (N), go in and get the Shotgun ammo, go out all the way back to the Corridor. There's a Card slot W, but it doesn't work, just approach the door and it will open (caused by the "Power Door" switch).

Freezing Swims.

Inside is a Power Valve on the right (N).

For a Secret: Don't use the Valve yet, get down in the dry pool and up into the opening W and then go left around corners to the Timed button E. Roll and sprint back, jump from the opening to the ladder opposite and go up, get through the entrance door straight ahead (it will open). Go left and to the door NW to get Secret #5 (49), a Medipack and Uzi clips from the tables and Shotgun ammo from the shelf NW. Get back into the room with the Valve. 

Use the Valve and the pool fills up with freezing water, the next swims have to be perfect or you won't make it. Dive in and swim in W (same for the secret) and follow down the slope around the corner, up in the next corner and then right and right again into the tunnel, up and quickly get out. Pick up Uzi clips, use the switch W to open a next gate and then use Valve #1 (we'll find another one later).

Back into the water, turn right, left around the corner down the sloped tunnel and right into the wider one where that gate opened. First go left into the broken grate and left around the corner to climb out and warm up. Use the Pass Card S and go right around over the walkway to the SE corner, turn around and face W, hop backwards into the water, use the underwater lever (opens gate W) and swim NE to climb out. Swim through that gate (W) and up in the next room, use the button S to open a gate in the previous room. Get back and climb out on a low ledge left around the corner, go S and enter. On a table is Shotgun ammo, on the shelves a Medipack and there's a switch to the left of it. A Security gate opens in the Corridor. 

The Security Gate, raise a Block.

Now we'll have to swim back as we can't leave this place anywhere else. Go to the room N and swim back to the room you visited last (through the broken grate right/left around the corner and keep left up the slope), wait till the Temperature bar is full again and swim back, to the left, down and immediately left (N) up the sloped passage to the pool with the ladder (S3-savegame.13). Exit the room to the Corridor, shoot a couple of rats and go left (N) around left to the W side and first of all, go to the first grey door you see to the right (NW), use your Pass card and go in through the blue doors too. You're in a poolroom. That's all…, we need this exit for later. Go back out, to the right and find that Security gate on the right (W wall), inside is a button. A block will go up when you use it, go out and to the right, hop on the block and shoot the grate to get into the duct. 

Other Side of the Pool.

Follow through and drop through the grate, use the Valve on the E wall there and the level of the pool drops. Open the gate N with the Pass Card and go through, make your way through the pool to the other side and find a bunch of buttons on the wall on the right (N).

Connect Ground Wire, Frozen Code Card.

Only the ones with a blue light should be active (after pushing), so when you see red, push the button again (left to right 1-2-4). To the S is a drill machine, a block lowered in front of it. In the SE section, left of the drill is a cable block, move that in front of the drill machine to connect the ground wiring. Watch the flyby and go over the now frozen pool W, behind that fence W is Shotgun ammo. Then go S and pick up the Frozen Code Card SW.

Back over the pools to the doors (E), if you opened the outer door earlier you can now leave there (and don't have to swim back through the freezing water). Go to the right in the Corridor and open the door on the left (E), Frozen Code Card) to get access to the central section of the place. Throw the switch on the right (S) and a trapdoor opens, get down, just follow the ducts.


16- Cold Blur. 

3 secrets.

Follow the duct, passing the burners and hop over an open grate if you want the Secret. At the end of the duct down into the room for Secret #1 (50), Flares and Uzi clips.

A Personal Key Card.

Back up in the duct and to that hole in the grate, drop down and go out the door to the corridor. Shoot two thugs and go S to a card reader on the left, use the Pass Card to open the door. On the shelves is the Personal Key Card, get back out and head to the left (S). Through the broken fence and open the gate with that new card, go in and take a left through the fence, shoot a thug and get his Uzi clips (mine ended up under the furniture), there’s Pump gun ammo on the crate SE.

Jump the Lasers, raise a block.

Get out and go down the stairs leading S, left around are lasers, but we need to go there. So stand against a wall and side flip over the lasers, can be done without harm if you stand in the right place (middle of the tile next to it). Shoot the two thugs in this corridor then at the end go to the right is a door that will open. Inside in the far right corner (SE) is a button that will raise a block in the pool next door. In the NE corner around the pillar is a small medipack. Go back through the lasers, through the door W and come to that pool.

The Code.

First turn right and the wall you are facing must be pulled out once to allow us to move another one later. Now swim straight across that freezing water to that low ledge and go left to get Uzi clips. Now swim to the block you raised N and climb up to the floor. Run underneath the laser and this pool is frozen, so you can run right around and climb up under that laser, go into the fenced off part to get the small medipack. Turn back and loop right around the corner into the SE corner.

In the back is another wall you can now push in (because you pulled the one in the pool with the block before). You’ll find a ladder left… go up and into the room above. On the wall on the left (S) are some covers, the one in the middle has a code inside “6339”.

Go N to the next room and find a button on the left wall, it will open an underwater gate (Safe Room) under the frozen pool and we can use that in a bit. The door E leads back to the corridor; I didn’t use it.

Power the Door, using the Safe room.

Go back down that ladder S and go over the ice to the N pool, walk along the right hand side and find a low ledge. You could try to get to the underwater lever and back to this low ledge in one go, but you can also use the “Safe room” we opened upstairs.

Hop in and swim through the broken grate S underneath the ice of the middle pool. Swim right and through the gate to the Safe room, climb out S. Use the switch there and covers lift from buttons in the other side of the room. Use the right hand button to have both entrance gates open, hop back into the pool and swim straight out of that gate, the third alcove right has the Power Door lever, use it and swim back into the Safe room to warm up. Turn E and swim out through the left gate, left through the broken fence and climb out at the low ledge E (S3-savegame.14).

In the NW corner of the poolroom N is the gate you opened, follow in and at the first window left is a button to open an underwater gate.

Lift the Cover.

Back to the pool and that gate is E, left opening, next to that low ledge. Swim through the gate, go left and up at the end to climb out left. Go through the passage and in the next storeroom is a switch on the right to lift the cover from the code pad in the Main corridor. Hop over the crates S to get Pump gun ammo and hop back over the crates.

Disable the Lasers.

Go out the door to the corridor, right and find the open cover on the Code pad. Punch in the code (6339) and enter the door.

To the left is a switch, use it to disarm the lasers in the first pool. Get out; take a right (S) through the fence at the end and down the stairs, right through the blue door and hop in the pool. Swim S through the tunnel and get out to the right. SW is a ladder, go up to the corridor above and push a button to get outside.

The Base, a Code Card for the Bomb Detonator.

Step out and shoot the grate from the alcove E and get the Medipack first, you’ll need it. A lot of Baddies here, some of them drop goodies so keep an eye out for possible pickups. Go N a bit and left before the green building, in the alley right around the back are some dogs. Step out N of the alley and wait a bit there, a thug will show up and he’s carrying a Code Card. Now go open the SW green building and get Pump gun ammo from the shelves. Through the broken fence N is a cabinet with the Bomb Detonator.

Some Pickups, take out a Gun.

Go out and walk to the left (N) along the next green building, as soon as a Sentry gun around the left corner of the building opens fire (it has to aim this way), turn back and go left around the container straight to the E wall, you’ll see a grate in the wall, jump up and shoot it. Get in and grab Uzi clips, turn S and jump/grab up to the roof ledge. Jump to the container and then to the roof of the NW building, go to the NE corner and jump from the roof into the first window of that roof, stand back against the window and look down to see if you can shoot the Sentry gun below. I didn’t see the need to take out the N side Sentry gun.

Blow up the Doors.

Hop back to the roof at the W wall, look down on the right (N) and spot another grate, just run down firing Uzis or pistols and you’ll land inside. Grab the Pump gun ammo and drop into the alley, couple of baddies here of which one drops Uzi clips. Shoot a grate W and get in for Secret #2 (51), Revolver ammo. Get out and cross the yard to the far SE doors and use the Bomb Detonator on the right hand wall, just before the steps. Side flip out of the way and watch the door blow up.

Take out the Guns, up to the roof for the Personal Key Card.

More dogs and enemies, some with ammo here..

Go through the opening and a thug comes for you, hop back a bit so that Sentry gun (up right) stops firing. Grab the Pump gun ammo dropped by the thug (the gun aims at you) and go straight from the opening to the S, go right at the end and in an alley in the green building is Pump gun ammo. First go to the W until you see one or both of the two guns aimed at you (this is also a point from where you could shoot those two guns SW if you let them face the other way). Quickly go back E and left around the corner. Go back N a bit and left around to where you are on a small yard, from here you can take out the gun on the NE container (the one at the entrance).

In the wall N of that NE container is a grate, shoot it and get the small medipack and Pump gun ammo inside. Back out and W, left around the green structure and right around the next corner, a whole bunch of baddies attack there. Go further and carefully step right into the doorway. Look E for those two guns next to the container and take them out one by one. If the guns do spots you you’ll have to go around to the other side again and shoot them from there. There’s one more gun on the roofs, you’ll have to go around till you can shoot it. Then I went up the crates in the SW corner where I shot the two guns.

Up to the roof and run jump into the window NE (Amanda looks at it), shoot the window and get inside. A bit left down the steps and in the alcove N is a button, opens a gate E where you entered, get the Pump gun ammo. To the left of it you can shoot another window, jump out to the roofs and go all the way SE for a small medipack in a window S. Go take out that nasty gun behind those crates if you didn’t already.

Go over to the roof NE and shoot the window E, inside is a button S, opens the gate in the corner and on the shelves inside is the Personal Key Card. To the N is Pump gun ammo in the window. Go out and drop from the roof, leave through the demolished door NE to the previous area and go to the NW green building, open it with the Personal Key Card.


In the cabinet is Pump gun ammo, in the middle of the room a shaft, face N and climb down. Go through the fence SW and in the water of the next room (S) is Secret #3 (52), a Medipack and Uzi clips next to it. Go back through the fence and to a gate near the ladder (NE), it will open up. Follow through and open the next gate with the crowbar, get through the lasers (crawl), around the corner make a note of the card reader and head through the door E.

Take out a Gun.

Go upstairs and left is a door you can open with the famous Pass card, grab Pump gun ammo and Uzi clips inside and a thug shows up. Go out and left up the stairs, left behind the red crate is a small medipack. Go around the corner and shoot two more thugs there, another one might be coming up from behind. Climb into the crawlspace on the right (S), (shoot the grate) and look out to the right. There’s a Sentry gun and left of it is a crate of TNT. Shoot the TNT crate to get rid of the Gun and drop out of the crawlspace, just go where the gun was otherwise you’ll wake up two more thugs.

Laser Traps, the Frozen Code Card.

Around the corner on the shelves (N) is a Code CD that will open the door behind you, step through. There’s a valve in the next room, don’t use it yet if you want to get some pickups the easy way. Climb down the ladder into the pit and go through S, grab the Pump gun ammo in the lower part and continue to the right (W). Time the lasers and drop down into the lower duct to get the Medipack (believe me, this was easier than with the tunnels flooded). Now go back and use the valve, save before you swim into the same place, dodge the lasers and swim up in the end.

Go through the broken fences, use the Pass Card E and inside first open that cabinet to get the Frozen Code Card before you grab the Pump gun ammo, get out quick (crate of TNT here) and shoot the two thugs. Go through SW and a door opens up upstairs, look behind the crates for a Medipack and Uzi clips. Go to the NW corner, into the crawlspace, shoot the grate and shimmy along the crack to the ladder. Go down and safety drop down into that passage with the card reader N. Open that door and go through to a wall with two red lights.

Release the Locks.

You have a choice to first go left or right. I went right first to open a shortcut gate..

S side, open the shortcut: If you stand far enough away from that laser (middle of the tile next to it) you can side flip over without harm, or just run and swan dive over like me. Through the gate climb down and open the crowbar gate below. No need to go further, the other gate is opened from the other side to create a shortcut around the entrance lasers later. So for now just climb back up and go out the gate W, over the laser and right around to the N side.

N side, Booster Cables and the Code Card.

Over the laser and through the blue door, go left a bit. Open a gate on the right (E) with the button and left are Flares, on a table way in the back is Revolver ammo. Go out and right into the freezing water, left along the wall are higher spots where you can warm up.

Open the first gate on the right with the button next to it (E) and inside go right around the corner, climb on the crate and down in the SW corner is Pump gun ammo. From hanging on the side of the crate, drop and quickly open that cabinet E to get Booster Cables. Warm up hanging on the crate before you go out to the corridor.

Get to the N corner on the safe spot near the barrels and walk E along the right hand wall (through steam and burners) to a gate on the right, open it and wade in. Inside you can grab up to a monkey climb where you can wait till you warmed up. There’s only one thing of interest in the room and that’s the Code Card on the table. In my game the monkey climb couldn’t be used again, so quickly make your way back to the corner with the barrels (S4-savegame.0). Go back to the steps S.

Through the Shortcut, S side again.

Go up the steps and to the hole in the floor next to the blue doors, climb down and open the crowbar gate, go to the other end and up the ladder to get back to the S corridor. Go open the gate on the left with the Code Card, shoot the thug and inside is another closed gate.

Power the Gate using the Booster Cables.

So go back out and left (S) through the corridor and open the next gate left, stand next to the crate N and climb over along the wall to get Pump gun ammo, get back out to the corridor.

Go left and around the corner to the end of the corridor and shoot a thug. Open the gate, near the boxes (NE) with your Pass Card. Wait a bit before you enter because another thug is on its way.

Inside the room is a window N, shoot the right hand grate and look on the N wall of the next room. Shoot a fuse box on the door and a gate will open left of it (out of sight).

Back to the corridor, around the corner up the steps and into the gate you opened with the Card (on the right), the gate inside is now open, go through and find a switch in an alcove (loop around to the right) W. A gate will open opposite the one where you got the Card before. Before you go out, get the Uzi clips from the left shelves. Leave the room, take a right and down the ladder through the shortcut (or around through the lasers) to the N corridor and walk the freezing water to the end and left into the opened gate and climb up the ledge on the right to use the Booster Cables and close the circuit. A gate in the S corridor will now have power and opens up.

So, go out through the right hand gate (SW), up the steps S and back through the shortcut to the S corridor and left around the corner to the open gate S. Shoot the two thugs and enter the control room (around the corner and to the right), there’s a switch on the back of the terminal and that will power the locks at the lasers. Go out, to that gate SW, use the button next to it and that one will also open now, inside is a Medipack. Out to the corridor, take a left and out the gate NW, jump over the laser. At the green lights, go through one of the doors and through the next gate into some kind of air lock where Amanda has to leave her weapons behind.

Hazardous Waste Halls.

Take a right and go straight to the S wall and left in the alcove is a switch, a fence will break. Now hop on the grey terminals left of the Toxic waste (E) and jump over to the S side, careful with those TNT crates and get into the NE corner for another switch, a part of the ceiling breaks. Get back to the S side and jump/grab up to the crates E, up left and run jump over to grab a crack N, shimmy left and over the crates to jump to a crack S. Shimmy to the right onto the crates and run off SE into that grate you opened, follow around to a small medipack at the other end. Go back a bit and use the switch on the N side steam blower to open a grate in the ceiling. Grab up to a ladder and go up into the ducts, save.

Thugs, no weapons, claim the Pistols.

Time to use some tactics, because when you go just to the next gate, two thugs show up. Don’t step out too far or the gate closes. Run back and wait in an alcove near the ladder for them to come in. Now sprint through the gate and hopefully both will be locked inside, otherwise they will be shooting you all the time (S4-savegame.1).

Use a button (#1) on the right (SE) and go up the ladder next to it (E) to back flip to the ledge. Jump over (S) and jump with a slight curve so you can use a button (#2) in the SE. Jump back to the ledge and over, then another jump to the ledge W. There is another button (#3) in the NW corner. Up the ladder W, back flip off and a button N (#4) and a last button (#5) in the E wall, a gate opens on ground floor.

Go to the far SW corner and safety drop down for a Medipack. Drop to the ground floor and go into the gate nearby (S), right around the corner is the button that will open the weaponry N. Go get the Pistols and shoot two thugs, one drops a small medipack. Head up the ladders to the top floor again. NE is a grate, shoot that and use the switch to open a big door. Get back down and enter (N), step into the elevator and use the button left to go up. At least a bit, the thing seems broken. Shoot a panel down NW and crawl through, turn around and climb the grating. Into the duct, shoot the grate and drop into the upper corridor.

Getting Out.

Go N and use the Pass Card on the right hand door. Inside is a button, go out and shoot two thugs. Enter that open gate around to the left (NE), open the gate on the left (W) and right around the corner is the power door button for another door in the corridor. It is to the left of the one with the card reader, inside and left in the back is a switch, use that to end the level, Lara takes over.

17- The Big Search.

3 secrets.

Lara again...

Warehouse, Blow up the Floor.

Just follow through to a warehouse and get Colt clips left, Colt and Uzi clips in the opposite corner (SW). Grab more Uzi clips S between the crates. Now go to that low crate NW, look NE and spot the crack in the wall leading to the top of that wall, get up there and go over the ledge, open the first crate you bump into (face W) with the crowbar and get Colt clips. Get on top of the crate and run jump down S, you can open the crate and pick up more Colt clips. Then jump NE, open the crate N to get Secret #1(53)Uzi clips.

Jump over to the other side, get on the crate at the S wall and drop down from then other side, grab a small medipack and Colt clips. Climb back up using the ladder. Now get onto the highest crate there and run jump to the balcony W, jump over the fence to grab the crack in the pillar N and go around to the other side where you can back flip onto the balcony and use the Detonator to blow up the floor. Jump to the crack S, drop down and jump out of the way of the steam blower.

Through the Basements, Boulders, Timed Door.

Drop down through the hole in the floor, climb up S and do careful jumps over the ledges to the fourth ledge, looking up E you see a ramp.

For a Secret: jump to the next one at the corner and around the corner into the far SE corner for Secret #2(54), a small medipack. Jump back to the ledge with the ramp E.

Jump and grab the ramp, pull up and hop back grabbing the edge, pull up again and run up, turn right and jump to the ramp on the right. Go up and find a button on the right (SE), go through the gate and be aware of the lava pits here. Go left and find a Timed button on the pillar there, it will open the gate NE. Push, turn right and run over the corners of the pits to jump to the door (S4-savegame.2).

The Huge Hall, A Secret you need.

A flyby of a Huge Hall starts, ending at a frozen pool. Hang out of the passage and shimmy to the right, pull up and go in minding the darts. Inside you can get Secret #3(55)Uzi clips, a Medipack and Colt clips there are Colt clips on a burning pedestal, just run to it when the burner is down and hop back again.

Shoot the Bell, Platforms, a Yellow Crystal.

Get out to the entrance, look left and spot the Bell, use pistols to shoot the left or right hand side of the horizontal support and the Bell starts moving, platforms go up along the N wall. Safety drop down, pick up a small medipack and Revolver ammo there. Then go to the N side of the Hall and a bunch of Yeti’s appear, first two, but hopping around shooting them at least two more appeared. After the battle I found a Medipack, most likely dropped by one of them. Climb the platforms N and jump up to the top of the arch (W), go to the E end and jump to the crack E, right around and time the burner to get past it. Drop onto the right hand side of the slanted roof and jump to grab the next roof, shimmy left to the opening with the floor lever. The lever will raise the platform at the frozen pool, safety drop down and go to the small pool (SE) onto the platform there, face S and back flip onto the roof, jump and grab the ledge with a second floor lever, a block comes out of the wall.

Drop down to the ground floor and go SW, shoot another Yeti and this one drops a Yellow Crystal. Climb the block, the now safe spike ledge and jump up to the ledge with the third floor lever; this one will open a gate. On the pedestal are Colt clips.

First Himalayan Key.

Get down to the ground floor and into the passage S to the gate you opened. Climb down the ladder and go into the room behind it, jump over the corner of the spike trap and pick up a Himalayan Key and Flares.

Spiked Pillars.

Back out to the ladder, run jump over the spike trap to the safe spot on the right. Now I ran after the moving pillar and did a curved jump around it, jump again to over the spikes. Maybe I was lucky, but I made it through this way (S4-savegame.3)

Jumps up the Shaft, the Blue Crystal.

Get onto the block to the right of the central pillar, jump and grab the block N, now face slightly E and side flip onto the sloped burner block (W), jump and grab the ladder, go up over the top, jump to the opposite sloped face and grab the edge, safety drop down to get the Medipack. Run jump with a roll over the banister to a slanted block N (bit to the right), jump and grab the ladder and go up. Back flip roll and grab the crack in the wall, go right to the corner ledge and side flip facing E onto the burner ledge, shimmy to the other side and pull up to back flip to a ledge with a button.

A gate opens and a platform goes up on the central pillar. Jump there with a grab and jump to the N wall ledge, then over to the balcony on the left (W) where that gate opened.

Start sliding down when the spikes are down and land in freezing water, so quickly get onto the stairs and open the chest to get the Blue Crystal (trapdoor opens in a building).

Run jump to the N, open the gate with the button and you are back where you got the Key before. Hop over the corner of the spikes; get up the ladder and up the stairs back to the Hall.

The Tower, Getting a Torch and using it.

Go up the platform SE to the ledge with the lever, turn around and stand a step back before taking a run jump N over the top of the small roof, immediately jump again and grab the roof of the bridge.

Shimmy to the right and pull up. Darts are here so be careful, drop down and go over the bridge to the tower, onto the ledge on the right and place the Blue Crystal. Jump to the opposite ledge, then S to use the Yellow Crystal too. Make your way down the tower and through the opened floor to where you'll find a Torch.

Go back up to the bridge taking the Torch with you and go outside, stand jump out left over the roof and slide down onto the platform, go into the lower passage W to the big doors and ignite the Torch on one of the lamps. Back to the small frozen pool in the SE corner and throw the Torch on the ice, it will melt.

Icy Swim for the Second Himalayan Key and

opening up a Gate.

Dive in swim into the opening N, around the Tower into a tunnel N and climb out on the right. Wait for the temperature to come back up. One more swim, stay high up at the ceiling over the spikes and get out straight ahead. Up the stairs, through the darts and to the right in the room with the pool, hop to the corner of the burner ledge and run jump to grab the one E, run jump to the ledge E. Jump into the central tower and push the button to raise a block. Jump back and turn left and then jump into the opening (N). Climb the block you raised and jump grab up to the burner block, jump into the alcove on the left (E) and throw a floor lever to get a rope out. Use the burner block to jump to the central tower and use the rope (hop back once and then jump to the rope) to get into the alcove N, throw the lever there. A part of a lock system opens and a platform went up so you can jump back to the tower.

For a Secret: From that platform look NE and spot an opening high up in the corner, get on the rope, turn around and aim for the top of the arch E and get up there, go to the NW corner and jump onto the sloped block, grab the edge, back flip/roll and grab to the opening. Go in for Secret #4(56)Colt- and Uzi clips. Go back and jump to the sloped block, safety drop down and jump to the burner bloc, from there to the central tower.

Get to the last alcove S using the rope. Swing and jump to grab the roof in front of it and then run off with grab to get in there (or just aim for the right hand side of the opening). Throw the last lever and a gate opens up, now just dive into the water below and swim into the middle of the green alcove under the entrance W to get the Himalayan Key 2 (hard to see but it is in the left corner). Swim out to the right or left and get out in the corner (low ledge). There's an underwater gate N, it’ll open when you approach it, let your temperature come back up, swim through that gate and follow through. Watch out for darts and get 2 small medipacks from the balconies after timing the burners and swim back, climb out quick. 

Use the Himalayan Keys, Blade Traps, the Purple Crystal.

Get back out W down the stairs and swim through the spikes and out on the left. Back into the water to the Huge Hall, stay left of the tower and into the tunnel SE, left around the corner and climb out on the low ledge. Go N, shoot another yeti and in the passages N are the keyholes for the two Himalayan Keys. Drop down through the trapdoor you opened and straight ahead (N) is the gate you opened in the Hall with the rope. Hop over the pits and Blades and get into the passage at the end (S4-savegame.4). Go up the stairs and through a gate, careful, a swinging axe and darts were added here. Turn left immediately and walk along the left side of the blade.

Now we have to get into that passage with the burning bowls, I stood back against the N wall and did a run jump in over the first bowl. Then do side flips over the next (not too hard if you position Lara correctly), face W and side flip over the last. Mind the new blade and darts and go W. To the right and up the sloped passage to a button, turn back and go through the gate you opened E.

Shoot the two yetis and find the Himalayan Key one of them left behind. Open the gate and use the button to open a gate all the way back near the Hall. But luckily enough a shortcut opened up just behind you. So check the health, hop back grabbing the edge and safety drop down. Go S and right into the gate you just opened. In the chest is the Purple Crystal.

Open the Big doors.

Go out and right then climb up left or right (S). You'll have to get back into the tower, take the SE platform, ledge, to the roof and over the bridge. On the floor of the tower, E wall is where you can use the Purple Crystal (if you didn't place the other Crystals yet, the other receptacles are on the ledges in this tower). Big doors open up in the Hall. Get back out, to the W side of the Hall, down the stairs to the open doors. 

Trigger Ledges, a Torch for a Tibetan Emblem.

Get up a flight of stairs and in the last room watch out for the tiles with a bit of red light on them, so jump to the one straight ahead, then the one NE and then NE again. Turn right to jump to the one in front of the doors E and the doors open up. Go look in that chest for a Medipack, then pick up the Torch next to it and go back out. Jump over the ledges to the far right corner gate (NW) which will open when you approach and go in with the Torch, run jump as far as you can to the S into the water and turn left, standing against the higher floor jump up and hit the #1 key to drop the Torch on the floor, now go ignite it on the lamp and get out. 

4 Nasty Witches.

Jump to the N side and ignite the two pedestals, blocks come out of the wall. Leave the torch here and go up into the open gate to pry the Tibetan Emblem from the wall. Beetles will come out of the wall too (seems you can get rid of them by a repeated save and reload?). When you go out, the room will change and 4 witches appear one by one, shoot them with pistols side jumping left/right and watch out for the burning ledges. On the pedestals are ammo pickups now, if you need them, go around and get 3x Uzi clips and 3x Colt clips. They are only available when the witches are there and are gone when you killed them.

Save every time you killed a witch and go look for the next active witch. And while shooting the last witch, you have to stay on a safe side of the room, because when she dies the room changes again and you could end up in the deadly pool. Leave this place (S4-savegame.5). (I managed this sequence only one time; I was probably lucky because the blocks under the opening caused a hole in the floor where those beetles went in so I only had one beetle bothering me. Could no duplicate this no matter what I tried. So this save doesn’t have the ammo pickups which I only discovered later). 

Getting Out.

Leave S, go down the stairs and straight up into that cave (S), follow through and climb up in the next room. Jump to the window left (E) and get in, run down into a freezing pool and get out S. Go E and up right, jump over a fence to get the Uzi clips from the table (jump behind it). Back to the storage room and into the NE passage to a room with 2 detonators, just use one of them...

A lengthy cut scene.


18- Canals of Venice.

4 secrets (3 now, 1 when we return).

Seems Lara forgot all supplies in the plane so you have no medipacks left... Be careful!

Go to the Fountain Courtyard and shoot two gangsters, the one S drops Uzi clips.

First go to the right hand alley N, careful there are spikes in those broken stair spots, so only use the stairs itself and jump over the missing parts. On the small yard is a gangster, shoot him, grab a small medipack and open the doors with the crosses. Inside is a Timed lever raising a small roof, get out; onto the crate W and jump to grab that roof. Roll and run jump SE to the roof; follow through to the NE corner and jump NW onto the balcony with Secret #1(57), a HK5 clip (yes, a new weapon again). That's about all we can do here for now, so jump over the fence S onto the roof and drop down. Go back up the nasty stairs SE to Fountain Square

The Boat Dock.

S into the passage down to a Boat Dock, shoot that guy on the other side and go swim to a jetty NW for a Medipack, swim N a bit and left into an alcove for a HK5 clip. Swim S and climb out at the boats, hop into the one in the middle. Turn the boat around and take it S to where you see another boat and get out, dive into the water and swim S under the jetty. Use the ceiling lever behind the pillar to open a door above. Climb out, go into the storeroom and run out again to shoot those three guys when they come out (less health loss).

Storage Room, Levers and Useful Platforms.

On the pillar under the walkway are 4 levers operating Timed platforms around the room. We don't need them all, only 2 although a diagram NE suggests we do. First we go to a lever in an alcove up SW. It is all quite doable.

-Throw the S side lever, roll and run to the crates S, hop onto the right hand one and curve right to jump to the timed platform. Turn left and jump into the alcove, that lever is the first for a Secret door in this storage. Drop down.

For a Secret: Use the same (S) lever again after it reset and run to the NW corner, climb the low crate and turn around, grab up to the platform and turn left, hop to the stack of crates. Climb up to the walkway and use the lever (#2) on the pillar to open a door down S, get in there (behind the crates) and back flip over the fence (stand one step away from the fence) to get Secret #2(58)2x Uzi- and a HK clip. Get out of the room.

-Throw the E side lever and immediately the S side one too, roll and run to the crates S, hop onto the right hand one and curve right to jump to the timed platform, curve right to jump and grab the next one (N). Turn right and jump to grab the walkway at the right hand side of the pillar. Pull up and save before you use the lever to raise the Timed platform NE. Turn left, hop back and run jump back to the platform, drop to the floor and run to the crates NE and almost a straight running jump with a bit of a right curve in the end to grab the NE platform, turn left and jump into the alcove (S4-savegame.6).

Throw the lever to raise a small roof near the Boat Docks (not Timed)

The Little Key.

Get out of the room, take the boat into the canal E (small island in the middle) and get out on the jetty with the door NE. Jump and grab a crack in the S building and go right around corners to a window, let Lara get her feet up and back flip onto the island to get the Little Key. Get back into the boat. Go N and around the corner, then left (W) around the house to the main canal where all the boats are and to the door on the E jetty (not too far from the warehouse and a bit behind the boot on the left).

Mask Piece 1.

Open the door with the Little Key and go in, move two push blocks out of the NW corner to get to the lever; this opens a door. Back to the boat and take it N, right around the corner of the last house and get out onto the jetty. Climb on the low crate and grab up to the roof you raised. Use the red awnings to jump around the corner to the last one S and face the wall E, there's a crack. Grab that and go right around the corners passing a broken window (later) to the open door, drop/grab to a lower crack and get inside. 

Run straight to the E wall, turn around and shoot a baddy. Stay out of sight of the one upstairs and go along the wall and around the bookcase N to a ladder. Up and right over the banister, shoot that guy and head up the stairs S and find Mask Piece 1 in a small cabinet. Go back to the ladder, jump NW to the balcony there to get the HK clips. Now you can go back out to the canal

New Waters, Mask Piece 2.

Swim back to the N side of that house, on the low crate and grab up to the roof to get back to that crack like you just did before. Go right around the corner, drop and grab the broken window and get in. Hang out the other side and let Lara get her feet up to back flip/roll and grab another crack, go right and get in for Secret #3(59)Uzi- and HK clips. Drop out into the canal, and swim E to climb onto the jetty on the left. 

Jump and grab that ladder NE and go up to back flip onto that small roof, jump to the awning SW and then to the balcony S. Throw the lever to raise a small roof and jump/grab to it. Jump to the balcony N and the door will open for you, shoot a baddy and go behind the crates SE for a HK clip. Use the lever NE to open the hatch and climb up to get Mask Piece 2 from a small cabinet.

Use the Venice Mask, Spiky Basement.

Combine that with the first piece to get a Venice Mask. Go out of the room, down the ladder and get to the balcony, jump NW into the canal and swim to the right into the canal E. On the jetty in front of the opera is where you can place the Mask on the stand. Inside straight ahead are two levers; they will open a trapdoor. In a small cabinet on the left you can find Flares.

Climb down the ladder, jump to the 5 elevated floor parts (rest is deadly) and the door in the opposite wall opens up. Jump in there with a grab (won’t work with a flare, so drop that first) and throw the lever to raise a small roof. Run jump out straight to get back to the ladder and climb out, go to the canal.

Open a Gate, to the Lab.

Go right and jump in the water swim straight and at the corner swim SW to a jetty (W). Here is the small roof you raised. Get up there and jump to the next roof, shoot the window of the house in the middle of the canal and jump in. Pick up Uzi clips and go around to the back for a lever that will open a gate. Hop down into the water, swim into the SE canal and head all the way S, a bit to the left is the open gate. Swim through, open the underwater door S, go up for air first, swim in and follow through...


19- Lab 41 V.

5 secrets (3 now, 2 when we return).

The Storage Area, a Grey Employee Card.

There's air a bit further, swim through the door and go right around the corner for Secret #1(60), a HK clip. Go up and climb out N, shoot the wooden box and a grate in the W wall, jump in for Flares. Go to the S side, shoot a grate on the left of the pool (E) and get in there for the Medipack. Go into the passage S, approach the steel gate on the right (W) and go inside, climb over the crates in the corner for Uzi clips (climb up the high crate facing N). Drag the corpse away from a small medipack and go outside, the gate opposite (E) will now open and a guard comes out. Drag another dead soldier away and pick up his Employee Card. 

Go out the cell and left (S) then take a right around the corner, when you go left around another corner you can open a door on the right with a lever next to it and inside right around the corner is a cabinet with some Uzi clips. In the back wall (W) is a door that needs a Key. When we go further S in the corridor we will be noticed by a camera.


Just run to that lever S next to the door and open the door, get in quick and out of the way, shoot the baddies one by one as they come running in. Behind the crates is a box you can shoot for Uzi clips.

Then head W and get through those clanking doors to a small room in the back. Grab up right (N) to the ledge above and from the E side you can jump to the S ledge. Through the clanking doors to a storeroom, left around the wall is a button raising a Timed platform NE.

Timed Platform.

Push, hop on the low crate SW and jump to grab the high stack N. Face NE and run jump onto that platform and into the alcove (S4-savegame.7). Throw the lever to open a red door, get back onto the high crate N and jump to the stack of crates SE to get to that door.

Moving Blocks, open 2 Doors.

Hang from the balcony and shimmy left along the crack, around the corner and drop to the floor, turn around and climb the ladder into an alcove and grab the Uzi clips (This is also the way to get back to the balcony later). Climb down and jump NE into the alcove under the balcony, then jump to the other (E) side of the room.

Up the ladder left of the red door NE and off right onto the first ledge. Run jump SE over the slanted grates and grab the HK clips, you are discovered! Jump back over the slanted grates and safety drop down near the ladder and get into the red door that opened, don't let the baddies push you into the pool and shoot them if needed. Inside is a button raising platforms into a monkey climb; go back out.

Climb back up the ladder and this time to the top and get off left. Grab the monkey climb and go to the opposite side of the room. 2 Buttons opening two doors we'll go for now. Go back over the monkey climb, go left and run off the end holding Ctrl, get into that alcove where you got the Uzi clips. Turn around and jump to the crack in the wall so you can go around right to the entrance balcony. 

The Access Key to a Secret. 

Go out, climb on that wooden crate and jump SW into the first door you just opened, use the button on the left (E) to raise the alarm (and turn the pool safe).

For a Key to a future Secret: Go back to the room with the Moving blocks, dive into the pool and swim E into a tunnel. Swim left around corners to get to a small medipack. Best go back for air and save. Go in and swim to the far NE corner, here you'll find moving blocks under water. Make your way through into a tunnel and up at the end. Open the small door NW and in the cabinet is the Access Key. To the left are some Uzi clips on a drum. Get back to the room with the pool the way you came and climb out at the ladder NW. Use the alcove W again to jump back to crack and shimmy to the right.  

The Padlock Key.

Get out and down to the ground floor, leave E through the clanking door, drop down and out E, take a right after the first clanking door and find the second door you opened. Careful, only the "broken" floor tiles are safe. Jump to the back S and go left to get to a closet with in it the Padlock Key. 

Use the Key, Toxic Gas. 

Get back out the door and head to the right (E) through the last clanking door and out left to the Corridor. Go sort of straight (N) and left into the steel gate you opened much earlier.

In the back (NW) is a keyhole, use the Keys there. Go in and the next door opens. To the right is an airlock to a cellblock filled with Toxic Gas. Open the air lock by turning the valve, go in and run to the old door on the right, go in and this is the only ventilated room in the cellblock. Get the HK clips in the corner.

- Run out again and shoot that crate on the right. Grab the Red Access Key and run back.

- Run in and to the second button on the right (just past where the crate was), two gates open up. Go back.

- Into the first open gate right shoot the crate and get Secret #2(61), a Medipack. Go back.

- Into last gate right, only shoot the crate in the back and get the Yellow Access Key and run back.

- Climb the ladder in this safe room to the first floor.

- First open cell, a small medipack in the crate.

- Second gate (open with button), in the crate left is the Blue Access Key.

- At the end of the walkway is a crate with another small medipack.

-The second button isn’t needed; the cell there is empty.

Back down the ladder and to the keyholes on the ground floor (left and doing them one by one would be advisable), to open the door there.

You can immediately run in, because it's safe there. To the left is a button to open a door at the end of the Corridor. So follow through to get back to the Corridor (Saves-4/savegame.8).

Take a right (S) and left around the corner and left again into the open door. Once in go right (SE corner) there is a hatch in the ceiling, face E and jump up to open it, grab up to the room above. The closet seems to be empty, kick in the door N and come to a laboratory corridor.

The Lab, the Red Employee Card.

The door straight ahead (N) can be opened later, go left to a room with terminals NW, there are two buttons you have to use, on the SW terminal and the one N in the middle. A door opens up, go out and straight (E) through the corridor, a camera will spot you and baddies storm in. Open the door NE with your Employee Card you got in the cell at the start. To the left is Revolver ammo, then go further inside and open a small door. In the closet straight ahead is the Red Employee Card. Leave to the corridor and head straight (S).

The Empty Battery.

Follow through and another camera makes you shoot more baddies. The door you opened before (two buttons) is on the left (S), follow in and end up at a door to a blue glass cell. There's a HK clip and a door on the right (S) will open for you, careful, Toxic Gas!

Sprint in, in the mirror wall S you can see a button #1 on the back of the SW terminal, use that and get back. Go in again and use a button #2 on the right hand side of the SE terminal, sprint back. Go in once more and on the back of the white pillar you run in to is a button #3. Head back and out and take a right through the Emergency door (E), go in and get the Empty Battery from the closet.

Go out of the blue cell, out N to the corridor and go left around the corner, loop around left (SW at the blue windows) is a small door you can open. This is for later, as we have to recharge the Battery first. For now go straight (N) and to the right is another small door, go in and get a HK clip. Leave and go out N through the automatic door. Go right, down some steps and right again, down through the trapdoor in the corner (SE) and out the door to the lower Corridor

To the Sewers.

Take a right and follow the Corridor to the N to where you can use the Red Employee Card to open the door (E). Inside go right through the old door and go straight through a broken fence. To the right and time the burner and get in, time the other burners to get Secret #3 (62)Uzi clips from it and go into the passage S. Follow through to the next area.


20Dark Sewers.

5 secrets.

Follow through and in the underground area with the 3 doors take the left (E) side door. In the left corner (NE) and behind a crate in the storage is a HK clip, head S and come to cages with the major food supply, Lizards. When you reach the S end of the passage:

Daniel will talk to you :

Couldn't understand one word, probably important info again.

The Cell Block.

Nothing more you can do here for now, so head back to the cave with the 3 doors and take the left (S) side door. Shoot some bats and lots of closed gates here in the Cell Block. Just follow through till you reach the Main Corridor.

An Electronic Board.

Go straight down some steps, through the door there (S), inside go left and shoot 3 Lizards. In the back on the right hand shelves is the Electronic Board, you might have to shoot another Lizard first. Go through the fence there (SW area) and in the far back are some Uzi clips.

Go back and in the toxic pool at the N side is a Battery, but we'll have to turn off the Toxic waste first. So for now head back to the W, through the door into the Main Corridor and left down the stairs. Through the open fence on the right (N) is a Pit, climb down and get the HK clip. Get out and out to the corridor.

Toxic Waste Control.

Go in the door opposite (S) and follow through to a hallway with closed doors, one of them seems to be the Toxic Waste Control Room (N). Now return to the Main Corridor, to the right up the steps and then left up the steps to where the fence to the Cell Block is.

The Freezer Section.

Go up the slope on the right (E) and left into the automatic door, follow the room to another hallway where Daniel comes in with a message:

Daniel warning Lara.

The only door that will open in this hallway is the one left (W), go into the Freezer and climb along the left side over a pallet of milk cartons, there are 2 chests you can open, both have HK clips.

The Control Room.

Go back out and return to the Toxic Waste Control room; to the right (S) and down the two stairs and left through the door opposite the Pit and follow through shooting baddies. The door to the Control room on the right is now open, shoot all the baddies and grab 2x Uzi clips and the HK clip. Go in carefully and find an opening in the floor with a ladder (somewhere in the middle of the room). Climb down and left around to a ledge.

For a Secret: grab the grating on the ceiling and go S to a ledge with Secret #1(63), a small medipack.

The Circuit Board.

Monkey-swing back and all the way around to the other end of the room, into the passage there. Turn around and grab the ladder to go up, on the left (NE) is a Circuit board where a Circuit Board is missing, but it's not the one we have. So take a right (S) and down to a storeroom with a keyhole, there's an open fence SE, in that room is a chest with the missing Circuit Board.

Out of this storage and right around the corner, use the button on the wall there to create a shortcut for later. Now go back NW, up to the Control room and use the Circuit Board NE and a door opens in the other end of the room.

The Blue Access Key.

Go back down to the storeroom, through the open door on the left (E) and in the corridor take the door left. Go up the blocks o the right (SE) and jump over to the open door. Inside is a receptacle for a Battery N and on the terminals in the middle is the Blue Access Key. This one fits the keyhole in the Freezer Section.

The Freezer Section, the Grey Access Key.

Head back to the Main Corridor (SW), take a left nd follow through the door. Go to the right up some steps, around the corner to the left, follow through around another corner and through the door on the left. Straight ahead is the door where you can use the Blue Access Key.

To the right behind the crates in the corner (SE) is an HK clip. Then go N to another room and through the inactive lasers, some baddies came in behind you, go shoot them and grab the Grey Access Key one leaves behind. Nothing more we can do here now (we need binoculars).

The Binoculars.

So go back out and left through the door at the end (S), down the slope and around two corners go through the door left (S). Follow through to a storage room and left you can use the Grey Access Key.

Inside is a chest, stand behind it to open it here are the Binoculars; at the window opposite (N) is a HK clip.

Freezer Section, Code Door.

Back to where we came from, out this storeroom through the hall to the Main Corridor. Follow up the steps and through the door left at the end into the Freezer Section. Into the door with the keyhole and take a left and go through the laser and go to the window next to the door N and look inside with Binoculars. Make a note of the door code and the colours above.

Go through the middle door E and punch the code into the code pad (9570), go in and put the Electronic Board in the SE Circuit board. There is a flyby showing the Toxic waste shut down. So that means the pool with the battery should now be safe.

The Battery.

Go back through the lasers and to the Main Corridor, go left, down the steps and straight into the door S. Follow through and go left around into the section where the Toxic pool was before, straight ahead in the pool is the Battery, in the back near the window (W) are some Uzi clips.

Control Room, use the Battery.

Back out to the Main Corridor and left around corners through the door (on the right) leading to the Control Room, go up the blocks SE again and jump over to place the Battery at the N wall.

Daniel and Lara talking

The Ducts, open the Gate.

Go back to the Main Corridor, left through the door and up the stairs and left through the fence into the cellblock N and all the way to the end into the cave with the 3 doors. Go through the right (E) doors again and follow through to an old gate SW that will open for you now, first shoot those Lizards. Inside is a ladder, go up and back flip into the ducts. Go right around corners to find the button S, an old gate will open up. Go N and right around the corner to find Uzi clips.

For a Secret: roll and go right around everywhere (W are more Uzi clips) to end up at a ladder down, go into the room below, shoot 3 Lizards and open the chest to get Secret #2(64), a Medipack.

The Cell Block.

Make your way back through the duct (go right where possible), out of the room to the cave with the 3 doors and into the S door to the cellblock. On a grey ledge on the right is a button to open the gate next to it. Go in and through the automatic door to use the button inside and power up the "prison doors".

Go out to the corridor and left, into the first gate left and find Uzi clips near the window, shoot the bats. Out and into the NE gate next to the wooden door and find the HK clip in the back. Back out of the Cell and left to the next gate E, straight into the alcove E and grab up to a crawlspace (face S). Get in and first go right to find the HK clip. Go back and follow through going left and grab some Uzi clips, roll and keep going left to come to a broken grate in the floor, drop down and shoot the bats. Grab the HK clip at the window.

For a Secret: Go into the W Cell and on the ledge SW is a Timed button; it will open the gate to the next Secret and the exit of this cell (N). So turn right, sprint out, straight to the wooden doors and into the last gate left for Secret #3(65), an HK clip.

Back into the corridor, go right and left into the second gate, go right to the S end and pick up the HK clip in the last window on the right. Leave through the gate S.

Flood the Pit, Old Storage.

Go left and follow through to the Main Corridor, down the steps and slope, go through the door at the end on the right NW (opens now because the power is on) and use the valve in the back to flood the Pit next door. Go over the floating boards in that pit and jump left into the opened door, follow through to an old corridor where a Sentry gun will open fire. Run straight to a fence and enter the open gate a bit right, to the left is a button that will open a small gate. Go out and left around the corners, down into a pit and through the open door N, inside and left is Secret #4(66), an HK clip and Revolver ammo. Climb back out of the pit, go S and quickly run through the old gate S.

The Sewers.

Follow through shooting a baddie, passing a gate with a green lamp behind it on the left and at the intersection go straight (E). To the right through the fence and go left around to some shelves with HK clips, turn around and climb over that grey crate W for Uzi clips, back over and left around, up some steps to a small area with a button in the window (opens gate) and around the corner Uzi clips in a chest. Go back out into the water and to the intersection, to the right (N) and to the left around the corner is the gate you just opened. 

But if you turn right (E) there is an open fence, hop in and shoot the baddy, now you can finally use that Green Access Key you’ve been carrying around. Open the door he was guarding and inside is Secret #5(67), Flares in the window and Uzi clips on the crate.

Timed Run for the Door.

Go out and left through the fence, straight to that open old gate on the left. On the S wall a Timed button (opens that gate with the green lamp) and in the windows left and right of that button Uzi- and HK clips. So save, push the button and sprint out going right around corners into that open gate (S4/savegame.9). Follow through...


21- U-573.

No secrets

A Circuit board.

Open the door with the button, out to the right and immediately up to the right is the passage where we’ll use a Circuit board later.

So go onwards and spot the Card Reader left, around the corner are two baddies and make a note of the two gates left with the fire extinguisher. The third baddy a bit farther drops a Circuit board.

The Red Employee Card.

Go back to the start and just past that card reader left into that open fence and follow the passage to use the Circuit board. Into the gate and push the button to open one of the gates at the fire extinguisher and one even farther in the sewers. Go out and right (S), around the corner to the main sewers take a right and follow through to the gate next to the fire extinguisher.

Inside and in the SW corner are Uzi clips. Back out and left, around two corners to a more important open gate in the wall on the left (W). Shoot some bats and in the pool, under the human remains below the shackles you'll find the Red Employee Card. In case you triggered a baddy in the sewer NE, he’ll drops Uzi clips. Take the Card back to the card reader you saw at the start (on the right, W wall) and open the gate with it. Go into the opening N where a horror flyby will take over, after that you can shoot a freaky Lizard and follow the route given in the flyby.

Lower Tunnels, a Code.

Over the crates shooting bats and find an HK clip under the human remains (N wall), Uzi clips NW. In the dark corridor are gates to cells, first left has HK clips, second left has Flares, third left a freaky Lizard. First right only a freaky Lizard and second right has HK and Uzi clips, in this cell is also some scribbling on the wall, (eighty-eight twenty seven) make a note of that! The third right has Revolver ammo. Pass through the fence in the back and follow through to where a whole nest of freaky Lizards attack. The gate(s) W closed, but opened again during the battle.

Toxic Tunnels, a Code Pad.

It sure isn't healthy in there, take the left hand gate W first, it leads to a dead end room with Uzi clips in the second window left. Get back for air and now take the right hand gate, behind the crates is a Medipack. Go back for air and in again, right around the corner into the opening and right through the broken window. Go left (N) and to that code pad next to the door, use the code you saw in the cell before (8827) and go in. Go up the crates and up the ladder in the ventilation shaft. Follow the ducts, climb up left and drop down through the grate in the end.

The U-573. 

Electric Wires for the Laser.

Go out NW and come to the U-573. Make your way to the right (E) over the walkway and jump over to the E side, in the corner on the right (SE) is button #1/3 for a gate. Jump over to the rocks N and then jump to the walkway NE and use the button #2/3 for the gate on the duct on the left (W).

Now we can just hop down into the water below, swim under the sub and go up through the hole in it. Swim E and left on the N wall of the second section is an underwater lever. This will drain the airlock, go through the door E and on the left wall is an open electricity box, use the crowbar to pull out the Electric Wires.

Go back through the door all the way in the end and on the wall on the left (S) is a button to flood the airlock again, swim out at the bottom to the SW corner, climb out and grab up to the side of the sub. Shimmy right to where Lara will put her feet up pull up and back flip/roll to grab a ladder. Go up and off right onto the walkway, jump to the sub and go to the backside of the tower (E). Climb the ladder and look to the right (N), just to the right is that duct where we pushed the button before. Well, on this side is another button, look up and spot a grey box on that grating, shoot it (pistols will do) to drop a rope. Walk to the edge and side step as far as you can to the right, still facing N, the take a running jump and grab the rope. Swing onto the walkway to use button # 3/3, finally the gate opens.

Jump back down to the sub (on the hull) and go up onto the rocks W to jump to the NW walkway and get into the gate, left of the pumps is where you can place the Wires. A laser starts cutting the hatch out of the tower. Go back to the ship and up onto the tower and climb down (face W).

Inside the Sub.

In the right hand alcove are some Uzi clips, then open the hatch E to the sleeping quarters. Open another hatch in the end and go right into the next compartment, then a left and shoot that dark panel left to get the HK clip. There's another HK clip E around the corner. Go back to the main section, to the right (E) and left is a grating in the wall, shoot it and first go get the Uzi clips at the end around the corner, then get into the grate you shot. 

A Maze of Ducts. (There are several routes through this part)

Follow to a hole in the floor; to the right (S) is back to the sleeping quarters. Jump over the hole into the duct E, shoot the grate and get down. NW on a crate are Uzi clips; SW behind another crate is Revolver ammo.

Then go to a button E to open the door and inside go left, left again and shoot the door straight ahead (W). Inside immediately on the right there's a button NE, still not sure what it does, but I used it anyway. The grate up S leads back up to the ladder at the start; leave it alone.

Go back in E and left, open the hatch, up a ladder and follow to a crawlspace where a freaky lizard attacks. Go through the crawlspace to come to a ladder down under that grate, hop over the grate, back up to climb down for a Medipack and an HK clip.

The Silver Key.

Back up the ladder and walk forward, safety drop down into another duct, around the corner and up left is a grate, shoot it and get in. Drop down into a control room, loop left and use the button to open a door. Then open the hatch N and follow up a ladder to a drop down. Run in with Ctrl to grab to get into the duct S (this is the ladder where you just went down before to get a Medipack). Go S, through the crawlspace where you shot the lizard. Climb down a ladder and through the open hatch. Take a left in that corridor and at the next crossing go right and then a left again. Through the door you opened into a storage room, on the shelves is the Silver Key.  

Back out and take a right and at the end open the door to the mess hall (E) with a button, jump on the nearest table to shoot two lizards (mine just ran out). Get Uzi clips from another table. There is nothing in the room N (only go there if you need to use the bathroom).

Go back into the corridor, left around the corner straight (S) and then right into the storeroom, up onto the white crates N and turn around to jump/grab into the duct. Follow to the hole in the floor and jump to the S side, in the dark corner are some Uzi Clips. Follow through and drop down into the sleeping quarters.

Go W and through the hatch to the next section and just before the next hatch is the door you can open with the Silver Key (N).

Missile storage, Periscope room, a Broken Crowbar. 

Go in, down a ladder and follow through to a corridor and around the corner, take the second left into the Missile storage. Shoot the lizards, a Broken Crowbar appears on the floor. Proceed to the end of the Missile storage, open the hatch and follow through to come to the Periscope room. Open the hatch straight ahead; go in and inside to the left is a crowbar panel, but the Broken Crowbar won't work. So go back through the Missile storages shooting lizards and in the corridor take the right hand passage, more lizards and in the end is a door that mysteriously opened.

The True Crowbar.

In the back of the storage is a crate with the Crowbar on top, shoot another couple of lizards and head back to the Periscope room (keep going left). Into the open hatch S and use the crowbar on the panel on the left (SE).

The Managers Key.

Slide down shoot a bunch of bats and get on the broken bluish grey crate to grab up W into the duct. Follow through, drop down and go up to the fence S, a flyby shows a baddy opening a door behind that fence (actually far away). Turn around and the old door N opens up, so get out and shoot the baddy there, he will drop the Managers Key.

Just follow the sewers back S to the start of the Sewer level and left into the open gate...

Dark Sewers-revisited.

A Jerry can + Fluid.

Up the stairs and open the gate with the Managers Key. Go straight (E) and keep going left till someone opens fire on you from the right, shoot him (that is where you got a Secret before’ the secret sound may play again when you venture there). Head straight (N), in the end to the left is the old door which was opened by that baddy before, go in and shoot the baddy in the storage left. Open the chest to get a Jerry can + Fluid, a door opens up. There is an HK clip on the shelves W.

Get out and right through the door, head right (S) and take a left onto the ledge with the green keyhole. Left again and to the door that opened in the back, shoot the baddy and go up the ladder to get back to the cave with the 3 doors.

Repair the Battery.

First combine the Jerry can with the Empty Battery to get a Battery+Fluid. Go to the left (N) and up the stairs and shoot the baddy.


Lab 41 V-revisited.

Still 2 secrets to go.

Use the Battery, the Green Employee Card.

Go through the red door on the left and through the room with the burners, jump over the emitters to the right (E) and left into the hallway passing the Maintenance door. Head straight ahead to the room with the Green card reader (that is all the way in the back) and go left there into the Main Corridor. Go straight and left to the camera (S) and then left to the end (in front is the room with the burners). Go left into the opening and climb up the trapdoor in the SE corner, (nope, still nothing in the cabinet) go out N and in the corridor to the left. Then go through the automatic door left (Emergency Door Lock) and into the small door SW. Follow through to the room where you can use the Battery, through the fence on the left and place the Battery.

Voice: Emergency fire door lock released

Go through the door behind you (N) and use the button in the alcove straight ahead, a laser will cut away the wall, go through and left around the corner is a cabinet with the Green Employee Card.

Use the Green Card, the Screwdriver.

Go out the door S, take a left, open the door and go straight back to the Corridor. Go through the door straight ahead (N) then take a right down some steps.

For a Secret: You can now open the door on the left (N) with the button, get in and go to a door on the far right side (NE) which will now open (after placing the battery) and inside is Secret #4(68), a Medipack behind a hatch. Go back to the room, out the door S to the Corridor. 

Back in the Corridor go straight through the opening S, down the hole in the corner, through the door on the left (S) wall to the Main Corridor. Go right around the corners to the open Red Card door (E) and inside left around to the corner to use the Green Card. Inside in the cabinet is the Screwdriver. This Screwdriver can open many doors. 

Use the Screwdriver on the Maintenance Door.

Get out of this small room and go straight (S) and left, behind a crate is the Maintenance door you can open now, get Secret #5(69), an HK clip left around the corner and a Medipack SE.

Leave, go right (N) and left back to the Main Corridor. Go right, down some steps (N) to the pool and swim across to the red door, open it with the Screwdriver. Go in and hop down into the water and swim N….


Canals of Venice-revisited.

Still 1 secret to go.

Swim out of the gate on the left (W), then go right (N) and come to the canal with the house in the middle, go left (W) and into the next left where a baddy is waiting for you, get out quick on the small jetty to the right and shoot him (the stairs lead up to the Fountain square, but that comes later). Jump SE to the jetty with the boat and open the door with the screwdriver. Inside behind the crates in the corner on the left (NW) is a small medipack, on the S wall is a lever. It will open the gates to the Secret in the other part of the canals.

Jump back to the small jetty NW, up the stairs to the Fountain square, down the alley to the left (S) to the Boat Dock, jump over to the open gates (E) of the jetty’s and get in the water on the right, swim in the gate there for Secret #4(70)Uzi clips.

Timed Boat Run for an Old Key.

Go find your boat where you left it before (if you followed the walkthrough then swim out (E) and left, and left around the corner is the boat). Get in and navigate around the corner (S) go straight and take a left, at the island in the middle a left again and get the boat to a small stepped jetty SE with the poster on the wall. Be sure the boat is facing N. Open the door and when you go in you'll see a baddy, shoot him and go up some stairs to the end of the passage to find a Timed lever. It will open a door near the Docks. Pull, roll and go outside as fast as you can. Run into the boat, take it N and left/right around the house to the Docks, get out left (near that boat) and find the open door S inside, go in (S4-savegame.10). Get the Old Key, we're done here, go out and swim to the other side (W), up the stairs to the Fountain Square.

Fountain Square, Timed run to the Balcony, Silviano's Key.

Go sharp left and get on that crate (SW), jump up to shoot that window S get inside. Follow around to where you can use the Old Key. Go in and jump up, in the E wall is a block, pull it out and push it aside to the left, pick up the Uzi clips in the opening and have a look out, to the right are small roofs, on the far E wall is a Timed roof platform. We have to get up onto the balcony E

Go back inside through the door opposite the push block (NW) that will open. Go up left and left over the hole is the Timed lever. Pull, hold the down key to hop back while the camera is active and you’ll drop down the hole, run to the door, hop up a bit left and run into the opening. Stand jump down to the right and do running jumps over the roofs to the last (highest point). Turn left and hop up to the Timed roof, a running jump onto the balcony (S4-savegame.11). Go in and shoot all the baddies, in the E side of the room is a lever that will raise a platform on this pillar. Go upstairs and onto the small steps NE to get Silviano's Key from the cabinet. Now jump S over the balustrade to the platform you raised and jump into the SW corner to get the HK clip there. Jump back and drop down.

Go back to the balcony and jump down to the roof S, drop down to the ground floor and go through the right hand spike alley N, into the building N and left is a door (W) you can open with the Screwdriver. Go and get the Medipack and go back inside, left to the Timed lever and use it again. Run out and to the low crate on the right (W), jump and grab the platform, roll and jump SE to the roof like before. Go to the other end and left onto the balcony, over the block to the small yard NE, drop down and open the door with Silviano's Key, follow through...


22- First Mission.

5 secrets.

Follow through up a ramp to a red door and come to a small room with a red door and 2 buttons. For a Secret: Push both buttons, shoot the covers from the electricity pole in the corner and push the left hand button once more, the door should open and inside is Secret #1(71), Uzi clips, 2 HK clips and Revolver ammo, scattered around. Back out to the corridor.

Shut down the Burner.

Go through the red door E, shoot the baddies and in front of the ladder S is a burner we have to shut down. Go to the SE corner for some Flares and then go through the broken fence N.

The idea was to jump onto the slopes of the pit, jump to and fro and shoot the box SE to raise the platforms below, climb up W and back flip/roll to grab the opening with the button E and shut down the burner with it. But: you can simply run jump from the entrance and grab that alcove on the right (E) to push the button and jump back the same way, seems you still can in this revised version.

Into the Ducts.

Back in the room, jump over the grate to the ladder (S), climb up and then shimmy right around to the end and back flip to the walkway, grab the ceiling grates and go left around to an opening. Drop/grab and get into the ducts, slide down a bit left and jump from the end of the slide to grab a crack in front of you. Go left and drop, slide and jump to grab the opening where grate is opening up, get in and walk around. Slide down and jump left onto the other slope, back flip into the opening. Go right around corners and find the Timed button to open some grates.

For a Secret: Before we go running, look up where you are and climb up E, go straight towards an opening in the floor and go right, that's where a Secret is located. Go back to the nearest hole in the floor and drop down, go up S and right to get HK clip. To the left (E) and left around the corner is the Exit grate for the Timed run.

Run for the Secret: Go back to the button, save and side flip left, grab up E and sprint to the hole in the floor, turn right/ left around corners into the gate to get Secret #2(72)Uzi clips. Return to the button.

Run for the Exit: Save and turn left, run right around the corner to a slide, slide far and jump to grab the other side, climb up and run right/ left around corners to get to the Exit grate on the right (S4-savegame.12) OR side flip and pull up, go straight and run into the opening in the floor. Take a right and keep running around the corner into the open gate.

To another slide and jump right onto the safe slope, go up and grab the grating above to get over the next pit. Next one is pure luck, just stand in the middle, slide and jump through the propellers, maybe with a bit of health loss.

Darkened Power Station, an Electric Wire.

You're back in the same Hall, different corner, jump and grab the walkway left (S), follow through and drop down the hole in the floor. Shoot the two baddies in that dark place. Go up a ladder SE and back flip into a small room, use the button W to open a trapdoor in the grated floor below. Go down the ladder, climb down the ladder under that trapdoor and go up the duct W. Two buttons and a lot of steam, the buttons will raise platforms in the room above. 

Go out E, back up the first ladder a bit and shimmy to the right, grab the Uzi clips from the corner, then climb up the same ladder and to the dark pit W. Hop to the first platform right and run-jump straight W to grab the second (you can skip the platform left), then go to the 3 Electric Wires. Take out the right hand Electric Wire with the crowbar.

Go back over the platforms (or through the pit and up the ladder) and use the wires E, the power comes back on and the lights pop on (about time). Go out the red door S, push the button to open the elevator and get in quick. Save before you use the button to go up, because in the next part you cannot save your game!!!

Daniel: something about destroying the 4 radars?

The Headquarters, Master Card. 

(I believe we got the fastest way through here, could be we forgot to mention a baddy here and there)

As soon as you step out into the Main Corridor, a timer will start; don't worry about that. Only for those that want to keep track how fast they can find the 4 objects to destroy.

Go right (S) and at the crossing go straight and into the alcove right where a door will open for you, climb the ladder SE and upstairs are two baddies, one of them drops the Master Card, this one opens a lot of the doors.

Go back down and back out to the corridor (On the door opposite you can use the Master Card, but first we have to use the wire as some of the electric key locks are not active yet).

Some Ammo.

First we can go look for ammo and the only HK clips I could find were to the S up the steps, go straight ahead and around the corner to a narrow passage to a piano.

Open the door S with the button, go in and open the first door on the right with the Master Card. Check out the drawers of the small cabinet and table for 2 HK clips, go up the stairs SW and left around the corner is another cabinet with an HK clip. Go back to the hall with the piano and through the door straight ahead (N).

An Electric Wire. 

Follow this corridor around the corners to a corridor with 2 couches, shoot a baddy coming from the left before you open the door opposite the couch, using the card in both readers. Inside is another Electric Wire left and to the right around the corner are Uzi clips. Go out; right and left to the hall with a piano.

For a Secret: Open the door on the right (N) and go through the storage into the kitchen, to the back (E) and push that oven into the passage behind, go through and left into the meat locker and get Secret #3(73)Uzi clips. Go out through the kitchen to the piano room.

First Radar Screen.

Open the door on the right (W), shoot the baddy in the hall with the aquarium and go into the elevator E, it is broken, but you can climb up a grate on the right (S wall) to a duct. Follow through, crawl through the grate straight ahead (N), it will open, inside shoot a baddy and look up on the N wall for a Green Screen (#1) (over the yellow post-it). Jump up and shoot it with pistols till it breaks.

A Swipe Card. 

Get out of the door NW (push the button) and you are back in the piano room and head right (E) into the corridor with the couches, go right and around the corner into a corridor we came from before, there are two doors. Behind the W door I couldn't find a thing, so open the door E and in the cabinet is a Swipe Card.

Second Radar Screen.

Go out and to the right (N), right down the stairs to the Main Corridor crossing, down the stairs E and down to the right where you'll find two red doors. The right hand one can be opened with the Code you will find in the next paragraph.

Open the left hand one with the Swipe Card, follow through to another control room and push the button on the N wall, under the blue screen and see a grate open up. In the NE corner is the Green Screen (#2) you have to shoot. Drop through the broken grate SE and get Secret #4(74)Uzi clips down there. Go back out and go back to the corridors, up the stairs N and take a right. The room on the left has no pick ups so continue E and around the corner is an "Authorized Personnel" door.

A Code Card.

The door opposite will open for you, inside in the cabinet is a Code Card. You can use it in the reader next to the entrance to get out again. Examine that Code card and you can just make out a code on it 6974. You have to use the Code card to get out of this room though, so make a note of the code before you use the card. Want to use this code? Go left around corners, down the steps to the red doors and use that code on the code pad, inside is one of those blue rays making you invulnerable, if you want that; come back here in a bit, push the button inside and step in the blue ray. Don't think about using this to be invulnerable when you are going to deal with the baddies in the next level, you'll burn! Believe me I tried...

Another Pickup.

Back right around corners to the corridor where you got the code card, go S and right up the stairs and right again, shoot the baddy and opposite the couches up some steps, the door (E) opens. Go in and find Revolver ammo between the bookcases.

Use the Wire to restore the Power. 

Back to the corridor, left and a right and go down the stairs (W) through a door into a corridor, go right (E) and right around corners to find that open grate to the left (S). Get in and loop around to the right to place the Wire (N), a door opens opposite the room where you got the Master Card

Open the "Authorized Personnel" door, the Access Card.

Crawl out, take a right, then left into the corridor and right into that opened door to a suite with a pantry SE. Go around to the back and push the right hand (N) cabinet all the way in and use the button to open the "Authorized Personnel" door.

Go out, right and right again, straight to the E and right around the corner is that open door E. Up the steps (S) of the room is a cabinet with the Access Card.

Use the Access Card, Third Radar Screen.

Back out and right, then W down stairs and up the next to the crossing of the main Corridor, left there and straight up a few steps and to the door in front, open it with the button and go in. To the right is where you can use the Access Card; inside you can destroy Green Screen (#3). Get out to the corridor and go left (W) to the hall with the piano we visited before.

The door N is that shortcut back to the other corridors, the door W leads to an empty room, but there is an HK clip in the bathroom, a baddy shows up. Back to the piano and go into the door S again and in that corridor you found the HK clip before. Follow the corridor to where you see the "Exit" and open the door on the left.

Through the floor, Fourth Radar Screen.

On the floor of the room is a dark spot; it's a trapdoor you can open (face N). Drop in and follow through to the last control room, shoot the Green Screen (#4). The Exit door opens up. Go out the red door on the right (E) and follow through another red door. Take a right to the corridor and immediately a left and up the stairs to the piano room.

Into the door left (S) and follow through to the exit door, open the elevator and get in. Before you do anything in this elevator, climb the grating W up into a duct, follow through to Secret #5(75), a Medipack. Get back to the elevator and push the button. 

23- Saudi Arabia.

You can save again.

No secrets

Get some Firepower back.

After sliding down, turn right (E) and walk around here till thugs appear, they will open fire, but there is also some help for you, the soldiers will shoot the thugs. One of them drops Pistols, grab those and don't shoot the soldiers.

Push the Wall and the Jeep Keys.

Go into an arch S and to the right, shoot the vase and get a Medipack. Now take the soldiers around to the N side street and keep running around the building till the shooting stops. All thugs taken care of for now. Go to the NW corner of the building that is in the middle of the street and look S in the alcove. You can push that wall inside and go left into the passage. Follow through; shooting Bedouin and jumping spike pits, in a lower part behind a pillar is a Medipack in a vase. The last Bedouin you’ll meet will drop the Jeep Keys. From the end of the passage, jump over to the floor lever in the opposite building opening doors in an alley at W street.

The Storage, the Gate Key.

Drop down, go there and save before you enter one of the doors (left or right). Go in and right and the first Bedouin you see in the back right hand corner has the keys you need, so try to shoot him there. Or run out with a bunch of Bedouin trailing behind; try to get the soldiers to shoot them. My help was stuck in corners of walls, so I had to take my fans to the soldiers, which then became unstuck. Look around for the Gate Key that one Bedouin dropped. I also found small medipack as well. The iron gate you’re looking for is NE, inside you'll find a Jeep.

Escape by Jeep.

Take it up the ramp flattening Bedouin as you'll encounter them, keep going right to get to a tiled floor and then go left after the drop off. Ride it over a narrow ledge to the N side and just around the corner at the next chasm is a brown wall with bricks on the right (N), it will break when you ride against it; follow through. Left through the next brick wall in the end and slowly down into the pit, up the other end and more Bedouin show up. 

Slowly around the last corners, you can choose to run over the first thug you see at a deep pit and back up to get out of the Jeep. Shoot the thug on the other side of the pit jump over so you can climb that grated block E. Jump NW, climb the next block SW, stand jump grab forward to grab the monkey climb and drop on the ledge in the opposite corner.

Jump to the ledge N, up to the wall and jump to grab that hanging block in the middle of the room, go left around to the other side and back flip to a ledge W (or to the top of the monkey climb and jump over to the NW).

Get into the cave NW, around the corner into the small tunnel and get the health up, safety drop a long way down and head into the passage W. Slide down.... 

End of this Adventure.

G&D- May 2016 (Org.2003).