Level by Gabriel Croft


Walkthrough by José


A French walkthrough by SlyRaider (pdf format) can be found here.



First Snowy Areas


Advance E around the pillar, climb the ledge near the small rocks and pull the switch at the end of the corridor to open the door in NW corner of this area. Go there, pick up shotgun shells in the corner and notice the closed door in the opening to your right. In the next room jump into the central pool and pull the UW lever under the small bridge to raise a block above. The waters in all this level are too cold, so Lara can swim only for a certain time; take a look at the hot bar in the upper left side of your screen when she is swimming. From the small pointy W ledge take a standing jump to grab the edge of the N one and from here jump to the central raised block; take a final running jump to the jumpswitch in E wall and open the door to your left.


In the next room face N and from the edge take a standing jump onto the tile with the spikes and quickly run and jump without stopping to the next N ledge with a right curve. Turn left (W) and shoot the wooden barrier in the wall. Run and jump there (no grab) and pull the switch at the end of the passage to lower a block outside; pick up uzi clips on your way. Go back there (NE corner) to find another switch and lower a block in the ledge near the spikes. From the N rocky ledge time the spikes and take a standing jump to run and jump from the dangerous tile to the W opening. Run and jump into the water to save time, pick up the small medipack in the niche to your right and climb the air hole in the ceiling to take a breath; jump into the water again and pull the UW ceiling lever at the end of the passage to open a door somewhere. Swim back to the air hole in the ceiling if needed and go back to the room with the deep pit and S to the room with the small pool and the raised block. Again repeat the same moves from the W pointy ledge to go back up to the entrance of this room. Drop into the very first area and turn left (NE corner) to the passage with the open door.


In this snowy small area turn left, climb the niche near the corner. grab the crack, shimmy right around corners and pick up the flares after hoisting up; grab the monkeyswing, go all around to the right and use the jumpswitch at the end. Back out and to your left to a new outside snowy area. Go to the back (E side) of it and look to your right to discover the ladder in the corner behind the rock; climb it, shimmy right around two corners and jump back to the pillar behind. Take a standing jump to the W pillar and a final running jump to the W opening near the corner. Advance, pick up more flares and follow the monkeyswing to drop onto the central rock with the small fence. Jump to the NE rock, climb the ladder and continue through the crawlspace to a new outside area.



Wolves Courtyard


Shoot three wolves and climb the short gray pillar to the right of the entrance; jump to the SW hole to get SECRET #1: a small medipack. Advance E and just near the tree there are a couple of  lanterns; the one next to the wall is moveable. Move the small lantern to the NE corner to open the trapdoor in the next courtyard; go there, shoot an eagle, pick up the small medipack near the S wall and finally drop through the hole in the floor.


Dragon Tiles Puzzle - The Garden Key


In the hub room, look to the three dragon textures hint in the N wall (blue - purple - green). Go through the W corridor and cross the deadly corridor with the dragon tiles on the floor following that combination three times: blue - purple - green - blue - purple - green - blue - purple - green and shoot the red windows at the end (beware, it doesn't mean all the blue, purple and green tiles are safe). In the small courtyard, kill a couple of eagles, pick up the shotgun shells near the N wall and shoot the wooden box in the window sill to your left to get the Garden Key. Go back to the hub room the way you came.


The Ancient Scroll


From the hub room, go E, jump into the pool, through the UW passage, up the ceiling air hole with the large medipack, continue swimming to the end and pull the UW lever. Quickly roll and return to the air hole and from here to the pool. The door in the N side of the room is now open. Run through the corridor, shoot the bad guy and continue N (notice the bricked passage to your left); kill a second enemy and pick up the uzis he drops, use the key to open the door and don't forget 2 stashes of uzi clips in the window sill. In this small courtyard, shoot another baddy, climb the grate in the wall to your left and jump back to pick up the Ancient Scroll.


Back to the Wolves Courtyard


Go down, back to the corridor and turn right to the passage with the white bricked walls you ignored earlier, shoot another enemy and use the scroll to release a rope in the outside area where you fought with the wolves time ago. So go out of this room, W to the room with the small pool, E to the hub room and S to the outside area. Run to the W and climb the rocky pillar you used time ago to get the first secret, jump to grab the rope and swing to the N passage (grab at the end). Continue shooting a wolf on your way to a rooftops area.


The Hut Courtyard


Drop into the hole at the end and follow the corridor until you need to climb a wooden ledge, turn left and shoot another bad guy; this one will drop uzi clips. In this junction, forget the N corridor (you need a key) and continue E, pick up shotgun shells in the niche to your right and climb to another outside area where you have to deal with a wolf and an eagle. There are a couple of wall switches in the left and right sides of the wooden hut; pull both (don't forget the small medipack) to lower a block in the E side. Before jumping into the water hole, go to the very SE corner between the trees to pick up SECRET #2 under a phantom snowy floor: the uzis and uzi clips.Time to swim now; in the next room climb the window sill to your right, turn around and use the jumpswitch to open the nearby door (notice the other closed door in this room).


Pagodas Lake Area


Enter and shoot a couple of yetis. Jump into the water to the left of the first wooden bridge to get uzi clips at the bottom. Back out of the water, go to the back side of the first W pagoda and look for a jumpswitch to lower a block inside to get access to a keyhole later. Now jump into the water and look for the Blue Key under this pagoda near the crystal at the center. Climb one of the wooden bridges and shoot the wooden barrier in the E side of this pagoda; enter and use the key in its keyhole to raise a block in the water near the E pagoda.


There's an UW air hole at the bottom of the E pagoda, swim there (a yeti will appear on the N bridge) and pull the switch inside to raise a second block outside (one more yeti will appear outside). Go to the small bridge the raised blocks created and move the lamp to the W tile to open the door in the E room where you first entered into this outside area. Go there and get the Orange Key after shooting another yeti. Jump into the water hole, back through the UW passage to the outside area with the hut, and to previous corridors; go always to your right to find the keyhole.


Room with Breakable Grates


Advance through the next corridor, shoot the bad guy and the yeti in the next room and go left from the entrance, climb the window sill to your right and angle Lara S-SE, draw the pistols and jump diagonally to shoot the high grate. Climb there and monkeyswing to the top of the next block near the corner; use the switch to open a door in the corridor to your left (pick up the flares in the S corridor). Slide down the ramp to a new outside area.


The Golden Coins


Shoot the yeti, turn left (S) and pull the switch at the end of the rocky bridge to lower an UW block under the first part of this rocky bridge. Swim there and pull the UW ceiling lever to lower another UW block near the previous switch. Swim there and pick up the Golden Coins. Shoot another yeti when returning to the main passage.


The Golden Bars


Now go to the N courtyard, shoot another yeti, pick up the small medipack near the NW corner and place the lantern 4 tiles E and 1 tile S (see the marked tile in the room below through the transparent floor) to lower the block and pick up the Golden Bars. Use the coins and the bars on the pedestals to open the W double doors.


First Room with Intermittent Spikes


Cross the hall and shoot two hungry creatures, pick up uzi clips in SW corner and climb the wooden block near the center of the room, take an angled standing jump to the next one attached to the pillar, monkeyswing E to the next, a running jump N to the next and monkeyswing W to the next one behind the second pillar. First face SW, draw your guns and shoot the wooden barrier in the far pillar, now take a running jump W to the ledge with the spikes, grabbing the edge when they're down, shimmy to the left corner (only when the spikes are not active), hoist up when they're about to pop up (losing some health), quickly turn left and take a standing jump to grab the edge of the S ledge where the wooden barrier was.


Now take a standing jump to grab the edge of the high E ledge, advance E and climb the block near the SE corner; take a running jump with grab N to the pillar with the large medipack, drop to the gray ledge near the wall and don't slide, but take another running jump W to the sloped block, hoist up, slide, jump to grab the edge of the next gray block, hoist up, turn around and jump to pull the jumpswitch.


Second Room with Intermittent Spikes


Go through the open W door and shoot up to three of those crawling creatures, pick up the small medipack near the center of the room and uzi clips behind the NW pillar; climb the blue block, take a running jump to the W pillar, another running jump to the S one, jump (backwards) to the slope and slide/jump/grab the edge of the higher ledge. Walk to the E side to pick up the large medipack and jump over the fence to grab the next block, climb to the top of the pillar to your right, walk to the very NE corner and turn left to take a standing jump W-NW to the higher ledge. As you did before, repeat again the following tasks: turn SW and shoot the wooden barrier, take a running jump W to the ledge with the spikes, grabbing the edge when they're down, shimmy to the left corner (only when the spikes are not active), hoist up when they're about to pop up (losing some health), turn left and quickly take a standing jump to grab the edge of the S ledge. Now time the spikes and take two standing jumps to reach the E ledge, turn right and jump to the opening in S wall.


Small Pool Room


Slide down the ramp, jump into the water and pick up the flares at the bottom; go up to take a breath and dive again to pull the UW lever in the W wall between the pillars. Above, climb the S block and take a curved running jump to the raised block near the W wall. Turn around and use the jumpswitch in the ceiling hole to open the E doors below.


Deep Pit with Fog


Jump to the first pillar, to the sloped one, slide and jump to the third one. Turn right and, even when you can't see it 'cause of the dense fog, take a long running jump to grab the edge of the rocks in S wall, shimmy left, hoist up and jump back with twist to grab the edge of the block in the center of the pit. Now take a running jump to the N sloped pillar, slide and jump to grab the edge of the next one. Again, jump to another sloped pillar in the corner, slide/jump to grab the edge of the last one and take a final running jump to the opening in the corner.


Final Fight


Advance and drop at the end of the passage into the next room; there are uzi clips behind the central W pillar and a small medipack near the NW corner in case you need them. Patiently kill the tinmen and pick up the Yellow Key and the Green Key they drop. Use them in the SW and SE pillars to open the final doors and climb the block with the Artifact to finish the level.