Big Brother

Level by Pedros

Walkthrough by DJ Full

From Pedros's readme:

"Coś o levelu:
17 czerca przed finałem Big Brothera trochę się nudziłem i postanowiłem zbudować w Room
Edytorze planszę przedstawiającą dom BB.
Od razu informuję, że plansza ma początek i koniec!
Wpuściłęm do dou kilku złych facetów, ale nic nie szkodzi. Lara i tak sobie z nimi poradzi.
I od razu mówią, że plansza nie jest ładna - wykorzystałem tylko kilka testur, lecz głównie
chodzi o to, żeby zainteresowani pochodzili sobie po domu Big Brother."

Don't you all think Pedros was rude and ignored all the other nations. No, he didn't. This level was first released on, a Polish site that doesn't exist anymore because there's no money in our country for Lara Croft fans. That's why the readme is in Polish only. It means:

"Something about the level:
On the 17th of June, before Big Brother finale, I was a little bit bored and decided to build a level with Room Editor, presenting the house of BB. I want to tell you at once, the level has the beginning and the ending! I let some baddies in the house, but it is not a trouble. Lara's going to handle with them anyway. And just after the release, they say the level isn't pretty - I used several textures only, but mainly it's all about interested people to be able to walk around in the house of Big Brother."

Go through the raised grate and pick up the uzi and 240 more bullets for it. Get out of the lockup and stand on a square containing the switch (you don't have to pull it). Go through the open door to find 36 flares. Get out, go right and around the lockups to fight 2 white ninjas and go find another door to go through. In the following room, standing on the squares behind the item closest to the entrance raises the grate in the place you started the game from. Pick up 60 more bullets and go through the mentioned door. On your way through Big Brother's domain, kill 2 more ninjas. At the S end of the control room, find a Cartouche Piece and finish another ninja jumping from behind the corner. Go around that corner, to the center of the house, and fight the last ninja in this place. Get back to the main hall, and then go through the automatic grate on the E leading outside and encounter 3 more ninjas. Climb the on the SE and collect the hand from the top. (Am I the only one player who didn't see it?) Return to the main hall, go to its W end and then N, to place the key in its receptacle. That raises the grate on the left of you. Get the second part of the cartouche from behind it. Combine both halves, go outside and place Ba Cartouche in the slot on the E wall. Enter the last passage and go left to kill a ninja. Now run in the opposite direction to shoot 2 more baddies in the S segment of control rooms. Go ahead to finish the level.