Port of Venice

Level by Matthew Piper (Pwhirl)  (March, 2001)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] This level has two serious problems that I will note when they occur. [End note]

Slide down a slope into a room facing a waterfront area. Shoot the white jar at the west window and pick up the crowbar. Look to the north-east corner and notice a ceiling opening that you cannot get into yet. When you exit the door a sentry gun on the bow of the ship opens fire at you. To the west are an empty building and a water basin beside a dock. I found nothing in that area. Sprint north down the docks into the buildings area and use the crowbar to open the right black door of the building to the left. Enter the warehouse and kill a guard. Go to the boxes at the west wall. Climb the boxes and find a hole in the middle of the boxes. Hop in and use the crowbar to open the door. Enter and get secret #1, large medipack and revolver ammo. Go north and climb a ladder to the walkway. Notice the big structure in the center of the room that is over the water pit in the floor. Go west and enter a building. Go to the south-west corner and find a floor lever. Use the floor lever and get a cut scene of a black door opening. Wait until the door actually opens before you break out of the cut scene. Kill two guards and exit the building. Climb the roof of the building and go south to the open door. Enter and pull down a trap door. Pull up onto the roof.

Go south and jump onto the ship. Go west and find a hole in the deck at the stern of the ship. Follow the passageway to the east and then south. At a junction turn west and follow the passageway. Jump over a hole and get to a black door. Open the black door with the crowbar and kill a guard. Go back to the hole and climb down into the cargo hold. Go east as far as possible and open another black door with the crowbar. Kill a guard that come up from behind. Enter the room and use the floor lever. You get a cut scene of the warehouse but the big structure in the middle is missing. Kill another sneaky guard that is behind you. Get out of the room and limb the boxes in front of it. Climb through the hole onto the floor above. The next floor above is a dead-end right now. Follow the passageway to the east. You find another closed black door. Go south into another cargo hold. Pull the jump switch on the west wall. A black door opens behind you in the east. Enter the room and use the floor lever.

Exit the hold and go north into the newly opened black door. Kill a guard and open the door. Use the floor lever in the alcove. Go back to the hole from the first cargo hold. Pull up to the third floor and follow it to an open door. You are outside behind the two sentry guns. Climb to either side and run to the back of the ship. Get to north-west corner and pull up near a smokestack and back onto the building room. Get back into the trap door and get down to the first floor with the water pit. Get into the water and swim down the hole in the floor. Swim north into an underwater tunnel. Follow and pull up into a storage room. Climb the west blocks and use the floor lever. You get a cut scene of the ceiling opening in the starting room. The way to the ceiling hole is now clear. Get down and kill a guard. While you are here you can notice a big door in the north wall. Get into an alcove in the west wall. Hop on a box and pull down a trap door. Turn west and pull up into a crawl space. Follow the crawl space back to the warehouse. Kill a guard and go to the east to exit the warehouse. Run through the sentry gunfire back to the starting room.

First pull up into the ceiling hole into a room. Shoot the white jar and get the crossbow. Get down and get into the hole that is in the floor next to you. You may have fallen into it while trying to reach the ceiling hole. Go to the south-east and follow the corridor, Drop into a room with a large pit in the middle. Use a flare or binoculars to see where you are. There is a ladder on the south side of the pit. Go there and look north into the pit. You will see an alcove with some weapons. Take one step back, stand jump with grab, and you should land in that alcove. You get secret#2, revolver ammo and a grenade gun. Enter a corridor in the east wall and kill a guard. Continue east and kill two guards. At the end go north and see a rope over a fire pit. First stand jump with grab to the bottom of the pit. Pick up the flares and use the climbable wall to get back to the ledge. Now use the rope to swing across to the far ledge. Pick up red shotgun shells and follow the corridor to a room with a water hole. You may see another guard above you in another corridor.

Dive into water and see three downward sloping tunnels in this three-way room. Swim north and into the north tunnel. Pull up and go east to drop into a hole for a large medipack and flares. Get out and go to the east wall and turn around.  Pull the jump switch on the pillar in front of you. Suddenly four guards appear that you can either kill or just ignore and leave the room. Swim back to the three-way room. [Problem #1] Do not swim into the south tunnel and follow it to a room. If you do, you pull up into a room. The side of each pillar has a switch. You can pull four switches, kill a guard, and swim back to the three-way room. If you do this, and then swim into the east tunnel, the level crashes to the desktop. [End problem #1] Instead go into the east tunnel and pull up through the trap door. It looks closed but you can actually go through it. I guess the switches in south room were supposed to control this trap door but they caused a bug instead.

Follow the only exit and go up a ramp. Kill a guard and follow the corridor to the north. Take the branch to the right and continue to the end. Turn and climb down into the hole. Go west and use binoculars to see where to go. Jump to the right side, stand jump to the other ledge and continue this way until you get to the end. Go though the opening and enter a room with ropes. Use a rope to swing to the center section. If you miss, there is a ladder on the north wall to get back to a ledge. Grab the edge of the hole in the middle of the floor. Release and grab the ledge below it. Pull up to get secret #3, small medipack, Uzi ammo, red shotgun shells, and crossbow explosive ammo.

Drop into the hole in the middle if the floor. Swim north and then west to a T-junction. Go south and then west. Swim straight to the end and pull up into a room. Pull a jump switch on the east wall and get a cut scene of a door opening. Dive in and take the first branch to the left. Swim north to another T-junction. [Problem #2] Do not swim east.  If you do swim east, north, and east and follow to pull up into another room. Pull the jump switch on the west wall. Dive back in and swim to a T-junction. Swim west and turn right at a branch. My computer froze here and I had to reboot it to recover. [End problem #2] Instead swim west and follow the tunnel to a vertical shaft. Swim and pull up through the closed trap door and into a room. It looks closed but you can actually go through it. I guess the jump switch was to open this trap door but it caused a bug instead.

You can see the door that was opened with the jump switch. Exit and use the crowbar to open a black door. Use the floor lever and get a cut scene of boxes in a dark room and hear a door opening. Exit and go south to enter a room to see three white jars on ledges in another room to the east. You can jump and use pistols to shoot the white jars. Kill a guard that appears behind you. I never found out how to get into that room for the laser sight and small medipack. Exit west and go south to use a floor lever. The door opens in front of you and you exit back to the docks. The second doorway to the left has a black door that I could not open. Enter the warehouse and get into the water pit. Swim through the hole and the tunnel back to the room with the big doors. Enter the big doors and the levels ends.
