Jade Empress

Level by Trdan69

Walkthrough by DJ Full

Trdan69 left us some kind of a walkthru already:

Mini Walk thru: First go straight and grab bike, then drive and get pickups, then go right then left and finally in middle room follow your way till end. Sorry but my finish trigger isn’t working so once u get to the outside area with two pools it’s the end of the level.
I will release a revised version of this level this is Lara’s FIRST visit to the jade empress temple and further on she will explore more areas.

In the beginning, pick up Nitrous Oxide Feeder, 12 x revolver ammo and a revolver (armed with 6 more bullets). Go E and then ahead on the first junction. Kill a SAS and mount nitro booster in the vehicle. To do so: get as close to the bike as you can from its right side and DON'T press Action. If you do so, you will just enter the vehicle. To use the item, You have to enter the inventory and select Nitrous Oxide Feeder from it. Now get on the bike, drive to the junction and then right. Reach and grab Right Gauntlet to activate and kill 2 SASes. Proceed N until you can find a junction. Go left. There is an empty pool and another SAS to kill. Go left and upstairs. Another empty pool and NO SAS to kill this time. Return to the junction, go ahead and approach the next pool. This activates next SAS on the far bank - kill him and go back. When you visit the junction for the last time, turn right. Grab Breast Plate and Right Greave. Standing on their squares activates 3 more SASes. Shoot them and go through the passage on your E to find a barricade (you can destroy it) and a pool behind it. On the other side, advance E until you can see another pool with nothing inside. Follow the passage on the S of it. Shatter another barricade, kill 2 more SASes and go farther S to find - surprisingly - TWO pools full of nothing. There's nothing more in this part of the temple and this is - according to the author's walkie - the end of the whole game.