Tutankhamun's Tomb

Level by Crespo (December, 2001)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

to the north corner and use the floor lever. Go west and shoot the vase near the water for Uzi ammo. Climb the blocks and jump the water onto the west ledge. Shoot the vases for three Uzi ammo and the Uzi’s. The gate is closed but you can see the Hand of Sirius on the fancy tile behind the gate. Dive into the water and swim north through the underwater door that you opened with the floor lever. Swim through the tunnel and pull up into a large room. You get a flyby of the room.


Go to the north side of the central structure with the columns. Between the columns you can pick up Uzi ammo. Kill a ninja that tries to stop you. Look near the pedestals around the central structure. You should see three face tiles. In the corners are three movable statues. I suppose you should move the statues onto the face tiles. However, if you just run over the three face tiles, the door in the north wall will open.


Enter the door and run down the tunnel. Hop onto a block as a spike ball rolls behind you. Go forward to drop down onto a block. Run and jump the deep pit in front of you. You enter a large room with large sloped structures and spike balls on the ceiling. Run down the ramp and jump the pit as a spike ball rolls behind you. Pull up to a block and move into the right side branch to avoid another rolling spike ball. There is still another spike ball above you. Save the game as you cannot pull up if you drop into the pit. Run and jump to the east to grab a slope. Pull up, slide and jump a few times and finally reach a ledge. Go east into a room with a deadly floor.


Jump to the safe platforms and enter the doorway in the south wall. Loop to the right around the pillar and pick up red shotgun shells and the shotgun. Go east and through a gap in the wall. Enter a room and see six floor levers near the east wall. Look at the south wall door. There is a picture of three Egyptians on the door. Only use the floor lever on the tile with three Egyptians and the south door opens. The other five floor levers are fire traps. Enter the door and follow the tunnel to a small room. Kill a ninja and climb the blocks to pull up into a hole in the ceiling.


Go south down the tunnel and the gate opens as you approach. You are in a small maze. The first left branch lead to dead-ends. Go south to the end and turn left. Follow the tunnel and use the floor lever.  Return and take the middle branch tunnel to the east. Go to the end and go left. Go to the end of the tunnel and climb the wall. Shimmy left into a tunnel. Go west and get a short flyby of the end of the tunnel. Continue west through the open gate. Pick up two red shotgun shells and kill two ninjas. Pull the statue back and get into the crawl space behind the statue.


Slide down a slope and emerge into an opening over a large outside area. Hop onto the ledge and get a flyby of the area. Go down the steps and kill two ninjas before they steal the two Uzi ammo on the top of two boxes. Climb the decorated east wall and follow the tunnel. Use the floor lever and hear a door open.  Get down to the ground and go back up the steps and return to the room with the statue. Enter the door in the south-west corner and the next door opens for you. Enter the next room and get a flyby of the wall torches. Go south and the door opens for you.


Follow the tunnel and start to slide down the slope. Jump up and grab the ceiling. Follow the very long monkey swing to drop onto a ledge. If you look back into the pit you can see scorpions. Climb down the south side of the ledge and into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and climb down another ladder into another tunnel. Run east toward the Hand of Sirius on the fancy tile and the level ends.

