Dream Raider Prelude „Dream Lake“ V2
Feng Meng Qui / Dreamer

This is an unauthorised walkthrough written by Monika Pietsch.
This walkthrough is meant as a guideline to get you to the end of the level, even so there might be other ways too.


You start at a river standing next to a jeep. You see a Ninja running on the other side. He will close the temple door at the far end. But don’t worry you can open that door again.
Pick up the IGNITION KEY and get into the jeep. Drive to the left side and go on till you reach the closed door. Leave the jeep and go back over the bridge. When you see a slope, you have to get up there. You will see a dark block.
Go up on the left side, turn and go towards the roof. Cross the roof and pull a wall switch on the other side.
Make your way to right side of the valley and in the northwest corner use a few jumps to get up. In a hollow you will find the GREEN SECRET KEY.

Slide down to the bottom and look for a hole in the floor. Climb down. The door is open and you enter a room with four chairs in different colours and a white centrepiece. Get up there and collect a small medi-pack (a flower >Tian Shan Xue Lian). In the middle is a hole with water. You have to find a way to turn the water red. The trick is that you have to lighten all 3 squares of the carpet.
Start at a corner of the carpet near the green chair, go to the corner near the red chair and then run through the middle and jump into the water. It should be red. If not, try again. If the water is red there is an opening to swim in and there you collect the
Climb out and go to the door behind the blue chair. Pull the switch in there.
Leave this area. When you are back at the top you will see that the temple door is open.
Kill the Ninja in there. Take the binoculars he drops, pick up the ICE PALACE KEY and pull a switch in the corner. Go to the jeep and drive to the slope and up and through the entrance where the block was. When you come to a closed door framed by two lion statues drive over the two Yin/Yang Symbols. This will open the door.
Drive on till you reach a closed door. That is the end of the ride. Use the Ice Palace Key to open the door. Inside there is a hall with ice columns. Go to the left side. You have to jump sloped blocks to reach a wider one with a key on it.
Drop down and look for the only sloped block you can grab. Shimmy to the left side.
Pull up and back flip and jump over the blocks in a circle till you reach the starting one. Now use the left direction key. If you don’t make it to the left part of the two slopes continue once more and again hit the left direction key. It might take a few tries. When you are on the left part jump forward and so on till you reach the wider block. There you can take the BLUE SECRET KEY.
Leave this room and go to the opposite side. Now comes a rather tricky part.
You will enter a room with three floating ledges, which are timed, and a Ninja running around on the floor.
Don’t bother with him yet.
Take a running jump to the first floating block. When you grab it, it will come up again. Jump over to the next. Same thing will happen. Then jump to the third and into the opening. Inside there you will find the YELLOW SECRET KEY.
Drop down and kill the Ninja if you want to. He will leave a few flares.
Go to the hall and go on. Use the Ice Palace Key again. You will be in a room with a very wide staircase and on top are four holes in the floor.
Down the holes are switches. The right ones have to be pulled to open the door down the yellow hole.
Pulling the switch in the green and in the red hole will do the trick (from the left side the first and third hole). Go down the yellow hole and enter the door. Behind it you can jump into the water. It is a long fall. Swim and get out. Follow a long passage with paw prints on the floor. Use a climbable wall and you come up in a red walled area.
Go on and you see a closed door with Chinese characters over the door.
Turn around and use the binoculars and look up into the openings. Notice that one Chinese character is upside down (middle one).
Go to the corner and climb up. Slide down the middle slope and the door will open.
Go towards the door.

Save your game now and you might want to keep it till the next part of this story comes.

When you go through the door and towards the second one the game is finished.