Levels by Piega (René Brooymans)

Authorized walkthrough by Phil Lambeth


A helicopter has descended to the lip of an icy bank, and Lara has disembarked to slide down a slope. Venture no further and draw pistols quickly, for a polar bear comes up to investigate. Start pouring lead into it, and it'll soon retreat into the safety of a cave. Once it does so, jump forward onto the crate, where you can get a better angle to draw a bead on the bear as it wanders in and out of the cave. Eventually the poor critter will jerk upright in its death throes and then curl up on its side as it quietly expires.

Stop to claim some shotgun ammo from the top of the crate, then jump down and move past the parked SNOWMOBILE over to the other crate and pick up some uzi ammo. Go back to the snowmobile, get in on the right side, and drive it to the left past what appears to be an abandoned chapel, and into a tunnel. Take a right, go through an opening and then take another right when you come to the weird-looking blue plant that seems to be the dominant species around here.

You next come into an open area. A deep pit, spanned by an ice bridge, is on your left, and a tunnel is over to your right. There's another polar bear lurking about in the area across the pit; if you happen to alert it as you drive by, you can dismount and try to dispatch it (or at least weaken it considerably) before moving on. Or, if you're not the sporting type, you can simply run it down with the snowmobile when you get to the next paragraph. In any event, drive the snowmobile into the tunnel on your right, and wind your way up and to the left until you come to the ice bridge you just now drove past. You can dismount here once more and finish off the polar bear if you didn't do that earlier. (Sidestep past the fencing as you fire, as the bullets will have no effect so long as you're shooting from behind it.) You'll also notice a tiny object on a ledge jutting out from the westerly ice face.

Get back in the snowmobile and drive it over the bridge and into the tunnel. Turn right and drive by the tiled opening to your left which is presently inaccessible. Behind the icy pillar in front of you some crossbow silver arrows can be picked up. When you reach the second ice bridge you can see it from behind a frozen fence. Turn back to the left and then to the right to drive across this ice bridge. Don't go into the area beyond, which is a dead end; instead, turn to the right near the end of the bridge and take a short bumpy fall to the snow below, where the bear was (or is). Keep driving forward and stop when you reach a short flight of stairs to your left. Get out of the snowmobile, walk up the stairs and turn to the right to pick up some shotgun ammo.

Go back down the stairs, turn toward the right and walk toward the bridge to the west. Before you get to the bridge and the pit below it, you'll see a triangular ledge jutting out from your left. Step up to that ledge, jump up and grab, and shimmy to the left around four corners until you reach the ledge on which sits the Golden Rose you saw earlier. Drop down and pick it up for SECRET #1.

Drop back down to the snowy floor and get back in the snowmobile. Line it up with the launching pad ledge that faces the large pit to the south. Back up as far as you can and gun the snowmobile forward across the ledge. Veer slightly to the right in midair to reach the other side safely. Then enter the tunnel ahead and drive up and around to the left. You'll finally emerge into an opening, where you'll need to keep turning left to cross an ice bridge. You'll enter another tunnel and come to a tiled entranceway leading to a gated chapel. Bear to the right here, then zig left and you'll come to a second ice bridge. Stop here and reconnoitre. Ahead and slightly to the left is an opening in the cliff on the other side of the bridge. Gun the snowmobile forward and drive off the left side of the bridge into this opening. You'll come to a jarring halt in a small cavern below. Carefully turn the snowmobile to the left, where you'll face a difficult-to-see pit. Jump the dark gap on the far right side of the pit and then turn the snowmobile up to the left to emerge in an open area where the remnant of a large purple column bars your path. Drive around the column on either side and dismount. There's an open door to a chapel ahead (the rear of the building you just now drove by), but there's nothing to do inside except pick up some uzi ammo on a block in the corner. If you do decide to go inside, watch out for the pendulum blade that starts swinging as you cross the portal.

When you exit the chapel, go by the right side of the column remnant and locate the ledge to the west that juts out to the left. Walk as far up the slope toward it as you can, then jump and grab and pull up. Turn to the left and walk out to the left corner of the ledge. Angle Lara so that she's facing the askew portion of the pillar remnant, and so that she's also lined up with the left vertex of the cave entrance beyond. Take a running jump to the sloped top of the pillar, and keep the jump key depressed so that Lara hops toward the cave entrance. (If you hit too high up on the slope, you may have to slide down ever so slightly before making the second jump.) Hit the action key in midair to make Lara grab the lip of the entrance. Pull up, step forward, jump down into the ice-free tunnel and run forward into a transporter beam.


You arrive at the Holy Fountain and hear the rumbling of an impending thunderstorm. Hop down to the landing, turn right and run along the walkway, stopping at the first rock slab to the right for some uzi ammo. Turn left into a small anteroom with a sarcophagus and an indoor tree. Turn to the left and face what appears to be steps but is actually a slope. Take a standing jump forward into the courtyard, and immediately run straight ahead to the coffin near the far wall before the alerted skeleton can inflict significant damage. You'll also need to deal with a pesky bat. Reach inside the coffin for the GRAVE KEY, which opens up a hole in the floor of the anteroom and also releases a second skeleton.

Turn to the left and run back to the anteroom; the skeletons won't follow you outside. Turn around in front of the hole, jump back and grab, and climb down the ladder into an underground cavern. Walk past the torch and open the coffin to claim the SHOTGUN and some ammo for it.

Climb back up the ladder and jump back into the courtyard. Turn to the right and allow the skeletons to chase you up the stairs as you make a hairpin turn to the right and up to the second level. Then draw the shotgun and, making judicious use of your limited ammo, drive the skeletons back so they fall off the edge and down to the courtyard. That bone-jarring experience seems to take care of them for good, giving you some peace and quiet to explore the upper level. After you get some more shotgun ammo on the northeasterly ledge, run all the way to the other side where you'll see a smoking pot near the southwesterly ledge (and another bat that flies out of hiding), and use the Grave Key in the receptacle of the nearby pillar. A cut scene shows another sarcophagus shifting position in the courtyard below. Either run back down the stairs or simply safety drop to the ground from where you are, and run over to the hole revealed by the shifting sarcophagus.

Drop down into the hole and dispose of still another bat that flutters up to greet you. Zig to the right past the torch, then zig to the left and enjoy a flyby that showcases the area ahead and ends with a lingering view of a little waterfall. That's an important clue. Run forward and take a standing jump over the slope/stairs into a beautiful room with a central pool. There are two caged blocks ahead with receptacles, but these will not come into play until much later. Jump into the pool and swim to the other side. In the midpoint of the far side you can pull up into what appears to be an open sewer. (There's also a submerged opening directly below, but ignore it for now.) Straight ahead is the waterfall you saw in the flyby. Run up to it, pass the curtain of water and head down a short ramp, then slide the rest of the way down until you drop into a cluttered and flooded area below.

The obvious prize down here is THE MONK'S SCROLL on the pedestal ahead, so wade forward, climb up the steps and claim it. Select it from your inventory and read its sage advice: "One in ice and one in fire, for you to know which way to go. Take the crystals and place my key, and find my resting place to see..." It'll become clear later what this means. For now, turn around and you'll see a golden coffin on a ledge over to the left across the pool. Draw your pistols, wade down into the water and step up onto the mound next to the fountainhead in front of the coffin. Shoot the coffin until it shatters, then go over and vault up onto the ledge to pick up the CROSSBOW.

Draw your pistols again and jump back into the water. On the other side of the pool is another golden coffin, only this one is underwater. Wade up to it and face it squarely. Then jump straight up, firing your pistols repeatedly while in mid-air. When Lara splashes down she'll actually keep firing underwater and thus the coffin will shatter. Holster your pistols and wade to the right around to the other side of the large urn. Push it forward once onto the spot formerly occupied by the coffin. Step backward and pick up the GOLDEN LASER SIGHT formerly covered by the urn.

Now walk up onto the mound near the east wall of the pool, combine your newly-acquired crossbow with its golden lasersight, and face the submerged gate in the northeast corner of the pool. Shoot out the gate, swim down into what looks like a flooded cellar, and open the door ahead that has a cherub's face carved on it. Swim through the tunnel, turning right and left as necessary until you return to the central pool. Swim to the other side of the central pool (around the central fountain structure, which you can't yet access) and pull up to the cobblestone ledge. Now you need to locate the stone relics that are necessary for you to gain access to the Sanctuary of Ice and the Sanctuary of Fire.

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STONE OF ICE (Preliminary to the Sanctuary of Ice): Turn left and run forward to the far edge of the pool area, then turn left again past the large pillar. In the archway to the right is a tall golden statute perched on a ledge flanked by two stained glass windows. Pull up to the ledge and post Lara directly in front of the statue. Push it forward into the alcove, and a gate will grind open beneath the ledge. Hop backwards twice, down to the cobblestone floor, and run into the newly-opened tunnel ahead. The gate immediately closes behind you. Shoot the golden coffin near the entranceway for some shotgun ammo.

Splash down into the shallow pool and make a hairpin turn to the right. Take a standing jump and grab over the small coffins to the ladder located in the corner. Climb up, shift to the left and drop down into the upper level. Turn around and walk over to the ledge just to the right of the golden coffin (or simply shoot it to get it out of your way), then turn left toward the facing ledge. Take a running jump to that ledge, being careful to avoid the torch on the wall to your right. Turn to the right and take a standing jump up to the walkway alongside the short canal, then run forward and drop down into the waist-deep pool. Wade over to the right, and you'll alert a wraith when you get to the pillars. Keep going forward, climb up the stairs and take the STONE OF ICE from the pedestal. You'll see a cut scene of a block rising in the room below. Reverse roll and exit this room the same way you came, stopping to shoot the golden coffin in the north alcove for some more shotgun ammo. When you get to the pooling water at the bottom of the short canal, turn right and safety drop into the room below. Sometimes the wraith won't follow; but if it does, simply make your way to the cross-like structure on the steps in the corner, and wait nearby until the wraith explodes against it.

Step forward, pull up onto the raised block and throw the wall switch, which causes a door to open in the side of the entrance tunnel. Reverse roll, jump off the block into the open hole in the floor below, and swim forward into the tunnel, zigging to the right and left as necessary to locate an air hole at the end. Pull up and enjoy a view of the central pool through a protective glass plate. Behind you is a ramp leading to a closed gate. Shoot out both the upper and lower level of the gate and stand at the edge of the ramp. Take a standing jump into the small room above where you lose camera control. From there, jump straight up and grab the grate above, which will lower with your weight. Turn to the right, jump and grab and pull up to the level above. Return to the partially flooded room, climb up on the block and throw the wall switch once again. Reverse roll, swim down through the tunnel and pull up into the lower room. Take a hairpin turn to the right, around the column, and jump back up into the alcove. Pull up again, and this time the gate leading to the central pool area will be open. Swim across to the other side of the pool to get the other stone.

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STONE OF FIRE (Preliminary to the Sanctuary of Fire): Pull up in front of the golden statue located directly across from the first one. Jump and pull up onto the ledge, step forward and push the statue forward into the alcove, causing a door to open beneath you. Hop back twice to drop to the floor, then step forward and take a standing jump over the slope/stairs. The door immediately closes behind you.

Run forward and drop down into the water ahead. There's a hole in the floor behind the large pillar, but ignore it for now. Swim forward to the south and surface at the base of some steps. Turn left, pull up and climb the stairs, turning left at the landing. At the top, side step to the left and take a running jump and grab to the stairs straight ahead. Pull up and climb these stairs into an upper room. Make a hairpin turn to the left and take the STONE OF FIRE from the pedestal.

Jump back down into the pool and make your way back to the base of the steps. Climb to the top as before, but this time jump straight up and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing over to the stairs in the northwest corner of this room and release when it's safe to do so. A bat will be alerted before you get very far, so it's your choice whether to go back to the top of the stairs and deal with it there, or wait until you reach your destination. In either event, run down the tiled hall and turn to the right. You'll come to a hole leading to a ledge in the pool area below. When you drop down you'll lose camera control, but go ahead and crawl along the ledge and shift left to face the closed gate. Pull up to a crouch by hitting the space bar, draw your pistols and shoot out the gate. Turn around, back up and drop into an alcove. Turn to the right and run up and down the short flight of stairs to locate a wall switch. Throw it, and you'll hear a gate opening elsewhere.

Make your way back to the ledge, turn around and drop down into the water, then flip turn and swim down the open hole into an underwater cavern. Turn to the north and locate an air hole, pausing along the way to grab some uzi ammo from a rock slab. Pull up, climb the stairs and emerge into another room facing the central pool from behind a plate glass window. Turn to the east and note a giant golden urn against the wall. Get around it to the right, squeezing Lara between the urn and a mound of debris, and push the urn into the alcove. Step back twice, turn to the left, step forward once and jump up to grab the ladder. Climb the ladder and pull up into the area above. To your right is a gate that opened when you threw the switch below. Return to the central pool area.

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Before visiting either of the sanctuaries (fire or ice), turn to the left and run along the ledge beside the pool. Locate an ornate gate near the southwest corner to the left, in the shallow water just below a fountainhead. Step in front of it (quickly, because by this time a skeleton is pursuing you), draw your pistols, crouch down and shoot out the gate. Holster your pistols, crouch down and crawl south into the open space. Zig to the left, then back to the right, and you'll soon emerge into an idyllic chapel with a spouting waterfall at one end. You can also see a Golden Rose where the water cascades down from above. Against the south wall is a coffin, which you can open for some flares. Now go to the east end of the chapel and throw the switch on the left side of the coffin. A flyby will show you the path to the Golden Rose at the same time a wraith is released.

Turn to the right and run back to the crawl space. Crouch and enter from the right side, as a mound of debris impedes your progress to the left. Crawl back through the tunnel and turn left when you emerge. Turn right at the end of the ledge and dodge past the skeleton that's awaiting you. Keep running to the north along the ledge, and you'll see another skeleton coming from the opposite direction, eager to be engaged in battle.

Turn left into the sewer that you visited briefly earlier, and run along the left stairway as the skeletons and the ice wraith nip at your heels. Go past the open stairway to the left and turn left at the next opening into a closed lagoon. Don't waste time right now with the small medi-pack ahead. Instead, look down on the floor for a pattern where a blue spear-shaped design to the right is encompassed by a green pattern to the left. Stand directly on the vertex of the "blue spear" and jump straight up to grab the edge of the platform above. Pull up and turn left. Run through the open gate and turn right. Make your way carefully past the two pendulum blades until you reach the sanctuary of the cross statuette on a pedestal in the southwest corner of this room. Stand nearby until the ice wraith explodes against it.

When the coast is clear, walk out to the edge of the waterfall and pick up the Golden Rose for SECRET #2.

[NOTE: There are Golden Roses scattered throughout these levels, but for the sake of convenience they will be numbered sequentially as they are encountered during normal gameplay as described in this walkthrough. In addition, The Holy Fountain, The Sanctuary of Fire and The Sanctuary of Ice levels each has one Silver Rose secret which will be included in the totals. When all three of the Silver Roses are collected, access will be provided to a bonus level at the end of the game.]

Enjoy the view if you wish, then turn around and splash your way past the swinging pendulum blades, pausing to shoot the golden coffin in the northeast corner and claim more shotgun ammo and crossbow magic arrows. Then turn to the left, go through the open gate and safety drop into the lagoon where the two skeletons patiently await your return. If the skeletons are close enough together, a single blast with a crossbow magic arrow will blow them both away. Pick up the small medi-pack and exit the lagoon. Turn right at the sewer trench and run down the ledge a short distance. Turn right and run up the stairway you passed by earlier, turning left twice as you make your way up. Shoot the golden coffin and pick up some uzi and shotgun ammo. Then turn to the right and enjoy a panoramic view of the central pool area below. Reverse roll and run back down the stairs.

Turn left when you return to the sewer trench and run up to the west end of the trench. Turn to the right and run through the passageway toward the large golden doors that open as you approach.

You'll come down some stairs into what appears to be a flooded chapel. Draw pistols, crouch down and shoot the submerged yellow coffin ahead, which does several things: It closes the doors behind you, it reveals a formerly hidden TORCH, and it releases a couple of green harpies to the left, accompanied by music reminiscent of Jaws, which demand your immediate attention. After disposing of them, splash forward and pick up the torch. Then turn left and locate a golden mound near the middle of the south wall. Walk up to its apex and turn toward the west. Take a standing jump to the nearest support block and step forward. Take a running jump to the next support block, and finally another running jump to the fiery pedestal on the block at the west end of the chapel. Light the torch, then turn around and make your way in similar fashion to the unlit pedestal on the block at the other end, using the support blocks along the north wall this time. The first running jump is the trickiest, because the flaming pedestal tends to get in the way. You'll need to make Lara swerve to the left in mid-air to make the first block safely. The rest is routine. Use your torch to ignite the pedestal, which re-opens the golden doors to the south and also opens a trapdoor in the floor near the west end.

Jump over into the entranceway with your torch and run up the stairs. Keep moving forward and turn left at the sewer trench. Make another immediate left into a flooded room. Walk down the stairs into the water with your lit torch (Lara will hold it safely out of the water) and doggie paddle over to the steps on the other side of the room. Walk up the steps and make a hairpin turn to the right and climb some more steps. Use the torch to light the pedestal, causing a gate behind you to open. Reverse roll and go back down the steps. Turn to the right and jump through the opening. Toss your torch briefly down the corridor. There's a submerged coffin underwater in the southeast corner of this room, you can shoot it to collect some shotgun ammo and some crossbow bronze arrows.

Slide down the ramp and draw pistols and shatter the golden coffin for a large medi-pack. Pick up the torch again, turn to the right and drop down into a delightful open air chapel with two waterfalls. Turn to the left and step forward to light the pedestal on the raised square, causing a gate to open to your right. Pitch the torch at this point, because you won't need it any longer.

Step into the open gateway, just past the falling water, and take a standing jump forward up to the landing. Turn right and take another standing jump upward, against the water flow, run forward a bit, then take a final standing jump to the upper level. You'll hear the familiar swooshing sound of a nearby pendulum blade. Turn to the right and easily navigate your way past the blade, then draw weapons and eliminate the bolt-tossing green harpy that flaps in from the opening to your right. With weapons still drawn, reverse roll and crouch to shatter the partially submerged coffin for some revolver ammo and magic crossbow arrows. Then reverse roll once again and walk out to the edge of the waterfall ramp. Angle Lara to the right so she faces the smaller ramp across the way. Aim just to the left of the ramp and take a running jump over to it, swerving slightly to the right in mid-air so Lara won't bang her head on the brick abutment. Then pick up the Golden Rose for SECRET #3 and safety drop back down to the floor of the chapel.

Turn around and head toward the opening in the south wall. Run through it and turn left. Push the large golden urn twice, past the crawl space to your right. Then turn right, draw your pistols and crouch down to shoot away the ornate gate barring your escape. If you wish, before leaving this area you can pull the urn back once so that it comes to rest in front of the crawl space, then crawl around it to the right so you can pick up some shotgun ammo in the far corner. Return to the crawl space, then make your way back to the central pool area. Locate an open alcove below and to the right of the statute at the south wall for some shotgun ammo.

Now it's time to broaden our horizons. Since you have both stones, you can elect at this point to explore either the Sanctuary of Fire or the Sanctuary of Ice. It really makes no difference. For no particular reason, this walkthrough will take you through the Sanctuary of Fire first. Go back to the sewer trench, turn right, run to the end of the trench and turn right to go through the golden doors that open in front of you. Jump down into the hole at the other end of the flooded chapel and swim until you hit a warp zone.


Swim up through the tunnel and pull up into a dimly lit cavern. Pick up the uzi ammo to your left, then turn to the right and climb up onto the ledge. Walk out to the end of this ledge and face north. Drop down to the ledge beside the green pool (which isn't toxic, by the way) and step forward. Vault up onto two ledges ahead and turn left to face a ladder. Climb up to a rocky upper level, then follow the rocks around to claim more uzi ammo. Note the small green pool and a closed gate to your right. After getting the ammo, step down to a slightly lower rock slab and turn left to face a tiled opening in the wall across the cavern. Take a running jump and grab (so Lara will land inside the opening) and throw the wall switch on your right. A cut scene indicates that something has happened in the cavern outside, but it won't be until much later that you realize that the flame atop a pot you need to push along a ledge to access a secret has been doused. For now, make a hairpin turn to the left and shoot the golden coffin to reveal the UZIS that will fire all that ammo you've been collecting.

Safety drop from here to the cavern floor below. Jump into the green pool and collect the flares that are resting on a gate barring entry to a hole in the middle, then turn to the north and locate an underwater passageway. Swim through it and turn upward at the end to emerge in a mist-laden temple area. As you pull up to face the temple doors to the north, Lara's attention is drawn upward to the large golden star. Combine the crossbow with the golden laser sight and shoot the star, causing a gate to be opened elsewhere and alerting a couple of blue-hearted warriors from either side of the temple entrance. Take your shotgun and shoot them dead. Then walk forward to the temple. Behind the red statue to the left is an alcove into which you can crawl for a large medi-pack.

Now turn around and jump back into the pool. Swim through the passageway to the previous cavern and make your way back to the ladder. Climb up as before, and when you reach the top you see that the gate beyond the small green pool to the right is now open. Walk through it to the end of the waterfall, then turn right and walk out to the leading edge to face another green waterfall. Take a running jump and grab to the ledge immediately to the right of the waterfall and pull up. Run up the waterfall into a small cavern. Shoot the golden coffin on the ledge in the corner for lots more uzi ammo. At the other end of the cavern is a closed gate that cannot be accessed.

Go back down the waterfall, turn to the right and take a running jump to the platform. Turn to the left and take a running jump and grab the first rope. Slide down to the bottom and line Lara carefully up with the second rope ahead. Swing forward, jump and grab the second rope, then finally swing forward and jump to the platform on the west wall. Place the Stone of Fire in the receptacle to open the temple doors below. Safety drop to the floor, turn around and run toward the open doorway (avoiding the flaming pot as you go by).

As you begin to cross the threshold, a series of rapidly sliding blocks threatens to thwart your progress, not to mention another blue-hearted warrior. After disposing of the warrior, time a punctuated dash past the three sets of sliding blocks to emerge in an open area with ladders, flaming pots and a toxic pool far below. You can ignore the golden coffin on the block to your right, as there's nothing inside. Instead, sidestep to the left and take a standing jump and grab to the platform on which the small coffins sits. Shimmy all the way around to the other side and continue until you reach the ladder that extends all the way down to the toxic pool. Climb down a few more rungs and shimmy around a corner to the right to reach a ladder that's adjacent to the exit portal. Shimmy to the right as far as you can (but not so far that Lara dangles from the ladder) and position Lara so that her hands are on the rung where the sloped overhang meets the wall above the exit portal. Then take a twisting back flip and grab the platform holding another flaming pot. Shimmy as far left as you can go without rounding the corner, and pull up. Turn carefully to the left and take a standing jump eastward to the ladder below the next platform bearing a flaming pot. Again, shimmy as far left as you can. Shimmy around the corner and climb down a few rungs. Shimmy into the portal and drop to jump to a chain. Pull it and a raising block will appear in the toxix pool. Take a run and jump to the block and prepare a second run and jump to grab the ledge of a new portal leading to a long hall.

Run down the long hall (bypassing for now the stairway to your left) and draw weapons. A blue-hearted warrior will dart out ahead from the connecting passageway to the left, followed quickly by his twin from the opposite passageway. After disposing of them, turn left at the end of the hall and hang a right after passing through a portal. Go up the stairs, turn left and face another sliding block trap. But this time, there are flaming blowers on either side of what could formerly be considered the "safe zone." But it's not that difficult to get past, since there are only two sets of blocks instead of three. Just wait until either of the blowers subsides, then run down that side without stopping until you reach a small cavern. And what do you get for all that effort? Just a couple of stashes of uzi ammo. And to add insult to injury, you have to get down on your knees to claim the second one.

Ah, but it's not that simple. After backing out of the crawl space and turning around, you can see a flight of stairs to the right when the block slides forward. Time a dash behind the block and run quickly up the stairs before the block slides back to crush you. Go through the portal and turn right, and you'll emerge above what seems to be a very uninviting swimming pool. Make your way across to the other side by taking a running jump to the triangular rock island below, then a simple running jump to the far side. Open the coffin for a Golden Rose, which is SECRET #4. Then turn to the right, run forward and turn right again at the hallway to get some flares and a small medi-pack from the pedestals on the veranda. On the opposite side are some grenade gun ammo (which alerts a giant flying bug) and shotgun ammo. Open the door at the end of either hall to get back to the tiled tunnel. Walk down to the next to last stair and hug the wall to your left. Time a run past the sliding block, veering to the left as you do so, to get back into the small cavern, then turn to the right and navigate your way past the sliding blocks and flame blowers as before.

Go down the stairs and return to the central hall. Turn right and run back down the hall toward the entrance. Turn right near the end and run up the stairwell you bypassed before. Turn right at the landing and continue upward until you trigger another sliding block trap. You've gotten used to them by now, so simply dash across when the coast is clear and continue up the stairs. Turn right at the top and go through the portal to cross a bridge high above the central hall. On the other side you'll go up a tiled slope, turning left then right, and finally emerge in a room with a strange-looking pyramid of light, a pedestal with crossbow silver arrows, and a nearby chain to pull. When you do the latter, a spider-like contraption drops down and begins to emit a laser beam and a high-pitched whine. You hop back in alarm, thinking that the laser beam is after you, but the spinning device instead moves over the pyramid of light and comes to rest. Through the bars to the east and south, you can see similar rooms which can't be accessed from here.

Run back down the tiled slope, across the bridge and safety drop to the central hall below (unless you desire a rematch with the sliding block). Run north down the hall and turn right at the end. Go through the portal and hang a right to run up a wide flight of stairs. Continue up the stairs as they narrow, turn left and emerge through the portal onto a ledge overlooking a huge room flooded with toxic fluid and spotted with geysers that intermittently shoot up plumes of fire. Enjoy the flyway that gives you a panoramic view of this large area. Straight ahead is an island where you can see the light from the laser beam being deflected onto a bright object perched atop what appears to be a coffin.

Turn to the right and take a running jump to the safety of a rock spur jutting out into the toxic fluid. Immediately draw weapons and zap the giant flying bug that comes out to challenge you. Holster your weapons and turn to face the block in the southwest corner. Take a standing jump and grab to the block, pull up and claim the shotgun ammo. Then turn to the left and walk out to the edge of the block. Take a running jump down to the rock spur in front of the red statue. Take another running jump to the next rock spur ahead, draw weapons to kill two more giant flying bugs, and you'll hear some heroic music that indicates you're on the right track and nearing the end of your current quest.

Turn right and face the south wall. Jump up and pull up into a portal blocked by closed golden doors. You don't yet have the key that will gain entry to this area. Turn around, angle Lara to the right so that she faces the small triangular rock down below, then back up into the corner as far as you can go. Take a running jump down to the rock. (It's also possible to make this running jump from the rock ledge below.)

You'll next be tempted to try to get to the central island from here, but don't succumb. Instead, angle Lara to the southeast and take a running jump to the triangular wedge of rock in front of the other red statue. From there, turn left and take two standing jumps to the rock ledge to the left of the block in the southeast corner. Turn to the left and you'll see an irregular-shaped outcropping of rock just to the right of a flame geyser. Position Lara about a body width from the right wall and face the near vertex of the rock pattern. Take a hop backward, and as soon as the flame geyser subsides take a running jump to the rock slab and keep running forward to avoid the returning flames. Draw weapons quickly and kill a giant flying bug.

Facing north, back up along the southeast edge of the rock slab you're on until you're roughly at its midpoint (in other words, not too far back toward the flaming geyser). Then take a running jump to the flat portion of the ledge ahead. Turn to the left and take a standing jump to the rock ledge in front of another flaming geyser. Turn right and take a running jump and grab to the block supporting another red statue. Pull up, turn to the right and carefully take a running jump to the alcove in the northeast corner. Pull the chain once, and a cut scene shows the golden doors opening behind you in the north wall.

Turn around, angle Lara to the left and take a standing jump down to the rock ledge adjoining the column. Turn to the northwest and take a standing jump past the flaming geyser to the triangular rock ledge. Facing west, draw weapons and take a running jump to the next rock ledge, being careful to avoid the fountainhead. Open fire upon landing to dispatch a giant flying bug. Turn to the right and face the wall. Jump up and grab, then pull up to the now-open entranceway. Vault up into the opening on the right and locate the ladder. Climb up to the top and pull up onto a ramp leading to another of the rooms housing a pyramid of light. Hang a left upon entering and locate the chain. Pull it once and watch the spider-like contraption do its thing. Two down, one to go.

Exit this room and climb back down the ladder. In the room below, get up on the ramp, turn around at the back wall to face the entrance, and jump up and grab the ceiling. Following the corrugated surface, monkey swing across the toxic pool and release over the coffin on the central island. Reach down into the inverted light bowl and pick up the MIRROR LIGHT KEY. Hop down off the coffin and face toward the south. Using the convenient ledge in front of you, take a running jump to the outcropping of rock ahead. Step up to the south wall, jump and grab and pull up, and use the Mirror Light Key to open the golden doors.

Inside and to the right is a ladder. Climb up its north face; when you get about halfway up the corrugated portion, flip turn into a tiled hallway leading to the third and final room with a pyramid of light. Pull the chain as before. When nothing dramatic happens, leave this room and climb back down the ladder.

Outside, you see that three beams of light have been deflected so that they converge on a point beside the coffin on the central island. You now need to get back over there, and as you look over the lava to the left you see that a rope has conveniently dropped down to give you access to your desired destination. Line Lara up with the rope, take a running jump and grab the rope, then turn slightly to the right for an easy jump to the central island.

You'll land near a hole that has opened up in the floor to the west of the coffin, so drop down into it and have Lara crouch down and back up into a crawl space and release into a water tunnel. Swim to the end of the tunnel and pull up into a small tiled room.

The first order of business is to blast away a couple of skeletons that come out to greet you. Then look around to gain an overview of your next task. To your left is a closed gate on the floor below a perpetually spewing flame blower. High up and to your left are closed golden doors, and straight ahead is a ladder leading to the upper level. Angle Lara to the right, run across the room through the portal and locate a tiled stairway. Turn left, run down the stairs and open the doors at the end. Turn left and splash out to the middle of the partially-flooded room, face to the north and jump up to grab the handle of the trap door overhead. After pulling it down, turn around in place and jump up to grab the edge of the opening. Pull up, turn to the right and run to the ladder ahead. Climb up the ladder to the upper level and turn around. Locate the dangling rope between Lara and the stained glass window, and line Lara up with the rope. Take a running jump and grab the rope, then slide to the bottom. When Lara stops swinging, turn so that she's squarely facing the stained glass window. Swing forward and take a jump at the apex of the swing and grab the wall switch affixed to the window. Lara's weight will pull the switch down, filling the room below with water and initiating a tough timed sequence. As soon as Lara drops through the hole into the water below, turn as quickly as possible and swim to the right. Surface and pull up onto the ledge. Turn right and run partway up the stairs, then turn right between the two pillars and climb up to the floor above. Turn left and jump up and grab the ladder, then climb up the rest of the way with maddening slowness. Pull up and start running and jumping toward the open golden doors ahead. You can gain a split second by taking an angled jump to the right over the gap. Run through the open doors just before they close behind you. (If for any reason the climb to the right gives you too much difficulty or slows you down too much, you can simply run all the way up the stairs and make two hairpin turns to the right to reach the ladder, at the cost of about a second of valuable time.)

Don't take the time to savor your small victory, as a blue-hearted warrior immediately dashes down the stairs to your right, his golden axe poised to split you in half. Draw weapons and take him out. It may be a good idea to save your game at this point, so you won't have to replay the timed run if you happen to make a fatal misstep later. Head up the stairs and turn left, where another blue-hearted warrior is coming down to engage you. After dealing with this minor annoyance, continue up the stairs and turn left at the entrance of a wicked-looking lava room laced with flaming geysers. Waiting patiently until the geysers subside, take a couple of fairly easy running jumps to the safety of the rock spurs. Then turn left into a continuation of the hall.

Turn right at the intersection and then open the doors to the left. Run up the stairs and turn right at the top to emerge in a large room distinguished by a red horse poised on a raised platform in the center. Look around at your leisure, starting from left to right. First you'll come to a small pool being fed by a waterfall. Next is a closed gate with a sconce mounted in the wall to the left. Finally you come to a room laid out in a semi-circle with a flaming central torch providing a feeble amount of light. Around the hallway to the right is a chain, which you're mightily tempted to pull. Don't do it; not yet. Instead, go around to the rear of this room and locate a pole at the top of a short flight of stairs.

Climb the pole to the room above and back flip to the tiled floor. Walk to the edge of the sloped concrete flooring and take a standing jump to a stable surface ahead. Run forward quickly and take the TORCH from the pedestal ahead, then immediately reverse roll and run back down the ramp to the floor below as a fire wraith gives chase. Drop down through the hole and turn either right or left, and then in the opposite direction, and dash across the room toward the pool. Stop long enough to ditch the torch in a safe place, because if you carry it with you into the pool you'll lose your grip and won't be able to recover it. Jump into the pool and lure the fire wraith to its doom. Climb out of the pool, retrieve the torch and carry it to the lit torch on the other side of the room. Toss your torch onto the platform beneath the lit torch, then run around to the right, vault up onto the platform and now pull the chain.

Reverse roll and run back to where you threw your torch. You'll find that the platform has raised, allowing you to climb up, retrieve your torch and light it with the already-lit torch in the wall. Jump down to the floor and run toward the south wall. Light the torch in the sconce beside the closed gate, then watch helplessly while a blue-hearted warrior lurches out and makes his way to the red horse. As he mounts the rearing horse, camera control is finally restored. Toss the torch and draw weapons. Keep firing upon the warrior until he dismounts, wounded but still dangerous. Continue firing until he finally collapses. As he and the horse fade away into oblivion, pick up the CRYSTAL CHAMBER KEY he drops.

Before leaving this area, go back and pick up your torch. Go into the room from which the blue-hearted warrior emerged. Although it's dark inside, the torch will reveal a darker block in the east wall. Toss the torch and push the darker block five times until a stairway is revealed to your left. Run up the stairs and you'll soon emerge in a small chamber with a ladder. Some shotgun ammo is waiting behind the ladder. Climb the ladder to the upper level, then pull up and turn left. Go through the portal and find more stairs leading to the right. Turn left at the top of the stairs to find yourself at the threshold of an open area. You'll also awaken a skeleton on the floor ahead, but a magic arrow from your crossbow will quickly blow it into little pieces. Take the Golden Rose from the pedestal to your right for SECRET #5. Then go to the coffin near the north wall for some shotgun ammo, a large medi-pack and revolver ammo. Use the passageway beyond the pool and the waterfall for a short cut back down to the room where you battled the mounted warrior.

Run across the room and go back to the pole, climb up and back flip into the upper room. Climb up onto either block and turn to face the platform to which the pole is attached. Take a standing jump and grab to the platform. Jump up to the higher platform in the northwest corner and pick up the small medi-pack. Then return to the lower central platform and use the Crystal Chamber Key in the receptacle, causing a door to lift in the stained glass window behind you. Reverse roll and take a running jump to the sloped tiles below. Run forward, around the pedestal and into the next room.

Climb up onto the block ahead, turn left and back up to the middle of the block's southern edge. Jump up and grab the handle above, releasing a trap door. Turn around, jump up and grab the edge of the hole in the ceiling above. Pull up into another tiled room. Open the doors in the east wall and take a right. At the end of the tunnel, slide down into the room below. Ahead and to the right is an opening to another one of those lovely lava rooms.

Walk to the edge of the doorway and look down. You'll see a small island of rock in the middle of the lava. Take two hops back, then one step back, and take a running jump to the near vertex of the rock island. The instant you hit the rock surface, take another running jump ahead in one continuous movement and grab the edge of the doorway between the two fountainheads.

Pull up to face a gauntlet of swinging, clanking chains in the mirror room. As you enter you lose camera control, but it's still a fairly easy matter to navigate your way across the room. (You can hit the look key at any time to restore Lara's normal perspective.) Take the EVIL THOUGHTS CRYSTAL from the pedestal at the western end of this room. Immediately a hidden trap door springs open beneath you, plunging you into a familiar pool. Wade toward the opening in the west cave wall. Run down the waterfall and drop down into the pool below.

Before leaving this area, take the time for a little excursion to obtain a valuable secret. Make your way to the southwest corner of this underground chamber, where you'll find a little mound of dirt that someone forgot to sweep out. Facing the south wall, squeeze Lara as far to the right as possible, all the way into the corner. Then repeatedly attempt to jump and grab the ledge above. At some point Lara will gird her loins and make a second jump, at which time the grab will be accomplished. (The apparent textbook way to do this is by using the action key with the up arrow, without the aid of the jump key. However, the problem with that is that Lara simply won't jump; so just try various combinations of the three keys until it happens.) Pull up into the crawl space in a crouched position, then crawl down and to the left for a short distance. When Lara can stand up, slide down the ramp to a zig-zagged ledge.

Step forward to the pot. A closed gate is on your right. Turn to the right and hug the wall between the pot and the gate. Then sidestep to the left until you're past the pot. Lara will be hidden by the column. Turn to the right and face the pot. Push it once, then sidestep to the left, turn to the left and sidestep once more to the left, squeezing Lara between the pot and the gate. Push the pot forward, then sidestep to the right, turn to the right and sidestep to the right. Push the pot once until it comes to rest against the wall. Sidestep to the left, turn to the right and sidestep once more to the left. Push the pot three times until it comes to rest on the circular emblem at the end of the ledge. The gate will then open behind you, so reverse roll and run through the opening and down the stairs. Pick up some crossbow bronze arrows on the landing below. Now step forward and push the block ahead two times, revealing a grate to the left. Draw weapons to shatter it, then crawl through the opening and zig to the right. Stand up in the corridor and turn to the right to locate a stairway leading down to a portal.

You emerge in a huge sanctuary with lava infiltrating the floor far below. Run fearlessly ahead toward the stained glass window, as an invisible bridge keeps you from plummeting to your death. Take the Silver Rose from the pedestal in front of the stained glass window, for SECRET #6. Run back down the invisible bridge a short distance and turn to the right to line Lara up with the ladder. Take a standing or running jump and grab to the ladder and climb down to the bottom.

Turn around and angle Lara toward the northeast. Take a running jump to the rock island ahead and step forward to open the coffin for some revolver ammo. Carefully take another running jump in the same direction to open another coffin for some more revolver ammo, a large medi-pack and some grenade gun ammo. Turn around and take a running jump back to the previous rock island. Take a standing jump to get around the coffin, then turn to the right and take a running jump to the rock ledge next to the north wall for more grenade gun ammo. Finally, turn around and take a running jump back to the previous island, then turn around and take a running jump to the rock ledge in front of the ladder. Climb back up, and when you get just below the level of the green window to your left, back flip onto the invisible bridge. Turn left and run down the bridge to exit this area.

Back up on the zig-zagged ledge, safety drop to the floor below and slide down into the lake. Climb out on the south side, vault up onto the ledge ahead and drop down into the hole. Swim through the tunnel and return to The Holy Fountain.


Swim forward to the end of the tunnel and pull out near the west end of the flooded chapel you negotiated earlier. Splash down to the other end of the chapel and turn right to exit through the open golden doors. Run up the stairs and across the sewer trench to re-enter the small enclosed lagoon. Stand directly on the vertex of the "blue spear" pattern as you did before, and jump straight up to grab the edge of the platform above. Pull up, turn right and run toward the waterfall ahead. Just to the left of the waterfall is an outcropping of rock. Step up on it and then sidestep as far as you can to the left. Jump straight up and grab the ledge above. Pull up into a beautiful area with colorful walls and much flowing water.

Run ahead through the shallow water and explore this area at leisure, picking up some Revolver ammo and Grenade Gun ammo in the process. Then walk right up to the edge of the small waterfall to the south, and jump straight up to grab the ledge above. Before you have a chance to enjoy a view of the temple area ahead, you'll need to deal with a couple of green harpies, one from your left and the other from your right. The one flapping out from your left will quickly begin to hurl deadly bolts at you. Draw your weapon of choice (pistols will even work here) and jump back down to the relative safety of the area below, where you can dispatch the menacing beasts more easily.

When you're done, pull back up into the temple area. Combine the crossbow with the Golden Laser Sight and shoot the blue star high above the temple portal, causing a block to rise to your left in front of a blue receptacle. But before leaving this beautiful area, look to either side of the tiled area in front of the closed temple doors for an underwater stairwell leading to an alcove with some crossbow bronze arrows on a pedestal. Taking them alerts another green harpy, so be prepared to open fire on it as soon as you emerge from the stairwell.

Now approach the receptacle in the east wall beside the temple entrance and use the STONE OF ICE to open the temple doors. Go inside, run down the stairs and warp to the Sanctuary of Ice.


As you head down the stairs, you can't help but notice a formidable-looking critter ahead that seems to be huffing and puffing as if it can't wait to get at you. Walk up close enough so that you totally enrage it, then flip turn to the left when it begins to show serious movement by charging at you. At this point we'll give it a name: Babe the Blue Ox. For all its apparent ferocity, Babe isn't all that smart or that fast. But it's terribly persistent, as you'll soon discover. Dash down the hall away from Babe and turn right. As Babe comes snorting behind you, locate the block at the end of the connecting hall, run up to it and turn around. When Babe figures out where you are and comes lumbering after you, jump over it at the last instant and let it crash into the carved face. You'll see the golden doors opening across the hall ahead, so keep running forward and jump down into the sunken room. Babe won't follow; must be something about all that ice that irritates the hooves.

Turn right, run to the staircase leading up to the south and vault up to the landing. Run up the stairs and locate an open area packed with snow. The skeletal remains of some unfortunate soul are partially buried in the snow, and he turns out to be the culprit who must have gotten here ahead of Lara and stolen the CROWBAR that you've been seeking so desperately. Pick it up (it shows up as the Prybar in your inventory), reverse roll and run back down the stairs. Run up the short flight of steps to the right and use the crowbar to open another door bearing a carved face.

Inside the new room is a swinging pendulum blade guarding a large medi-pack near the left apex of its swing. On the other side of the nearby pillar, in the corner behind a couple of coffins, is some shotgun ammo. Go through a little passageway to the east and emerge in a larger room. You'll come to a large cathedral with three more carved faces for Babe to crush, located beneath the statues along the north, east and south walls. But how to get Babe up here?

To the right and left of the entrance are passageways leading to different areas. If you go down the one to the right, you'll awaken a grumpy old Knight who enjoys dragging his sword along the stony floor. A closed gate protects you from each other for now, so go the other way down the passage to the left. After running down a long tunnel to the west, you'll come to a little area with a smoking pot where you can hear Babe shuffling about.

Go through the opening to the right, take an immediate left and run up the tunnel to the west, passing a closed gate on either side. At the end of the tunnel turn right and pause long enough in the icy trench to pick up some shotgun ammo. Then turn right, jump up and grab and pull up into the tiled passageway, and use your crowbar to open the carved-face gate in the east wall. Immediately hop backward into the trench, as Babe will be right there to welcome you.

Retrace your steps and return to the large cathedral. If Babe should get confused along the way and quit following you, go back and wave a red flag or something. Once you and Babe are back in the cathedral together, position yourself in front of the three carved faces and use your agility to avoid a ruptured spleen (or worse) while Babe crashes into each of the faces in turn. When the third face shatters the gate that separated you from the Knight will open.

The Knight appears to be hung over still from last night's orgy, so it's a relatively easy matter to run around him, around the central pillar in this icy room, and through the open gate on the other side. Pick up the CATHEDRAL KEY from the pedestal to the right in the next room, then reverse roll and run up the stairs for a little breather in case the Knight is hot on your heels by this time. Allow the Knight to follow you up the stairs, then dance with him around the cross-like structure in the corner until he shatters it with his sword (and hopefully doing little damage to you in the process).

Run past the slow-moving Knight and through his small domain back to the larger cathedral. Turn left and go down the opposite tunnel until you reach the golden doors that Babe opened near the very beginning of this level. Drop down into the icy room and look behind the golden door to the left. You'll find an area that was opened up by the Knight's flailing blade. Vault up inside and run down the stairs. Turn left at the landing and continue running in the direction of the torch. Take a hairpin turn to the left and throw the wall switch to open the two gates ahead. Turn to the right, run down the hall and turn left to run up the stairs. Take a right and run down the dark tunnel until it bends upward to the right. Draw your pistols and shoot out the grate ahead. Crouch down and crawl through the opening. Turn left, crawl forward and Lara will find herself in another Knight's bedroom. There's a coffin against the far wall, but Lara will need to get on the other side of it, against the wall, to open it and claim some crossbow magic arrows.

After that, Lara needs to drop down into the water hole in the west side of this room. Turn to the right and swim down the tunnel, making two right turns before coming to a submerged Golden Rose for SECRET #7. There's also a SHOTGUN nearby to be claimed. Lara can't pull up here because of the ice, so she needs to flip turn and quickly swim back the way she came before she drowns.

After returning to the little room with the golden doors, go back to the cathedral where Babe is patiently awaiting your return. Let it follow you all the way back to the area where you first awakened it. In the main tunnel toward the south, you'll locate a frozen trench with a small medi-pack and a skeleton locked in the ice below. Past that icy trench and to the right is a short hallway leading to a pair of closed golden doors. Use the Cathedral Key to open them and allow Babe to follow you inside at a respectful distance.

Reverently enter another cathedral to the sound of spiritual music. Quickly locate the two crash points on either side of the cathedral. (A tiled floor pattern connecting the two helps make things a little easier for you.) Allow Babe to shatter them as before, then run over to the newly-opened golden doors in the southwest corner of the cathedral. Babe will follow only as far as the swinging pendulum blades to your right. Make your way past the three blades, pausing for some shotgun ammo in the left alcove next to the third blade. Go up the dark stairway ahead, turning right, then left, then right twice (bypassing a short pit to your left that leads to nowhere).

You'll emerge into a formidable-looking upper level with spikes springing up all around. Ignore them for right now. Step forward to the gap ahead, turn around, jump back and grab the edge. Shimmy to the left, around the corner, and pull up in a crouched position in the crawl space. Crawl forward until Lara can stand. To the right is a raised block next to a wall switch. Don't pull the switch quite yet. Turn instead to the left, locate an open gate to the right, and step outside for some brisk fresh air. In the process you'll alert an ice wraith, so reverse roll and run back into the hallway. Turn to the right and run down the stairs into the room with the flaming pot. A fire wraith will fly out toward you; but as soon as it scents the ice wraith it'll forget all about you and go over to engage its cousin, with the result that both are neutralized. In the room with the flaming pot you can see a Silver Rose in the alcove outside the grate, but for now it's inaccessible.

Run back up the stairs and climb up onto the block at the other end of the hallway. Throw the switch to change the configuration of the gates. Reverse roll, jump off the block and run to the other end of the hallway. Turn left and re-enter the spike-infested area above the cathedral, where you can see Babe continuing to shuffle about below. Make your way around the southern wall, using the sloped surfaces next to the columns as refuge points to avoid the spikes. When you reach the corner you'll turn left and quickly encounter a gate that bars your further progress. Simply turn to face the wall, hop back and grab the edge, and shimmy to the left past the gate.

Pull up and run forward into the open tunnel. Turn left and locate the pedestal (using a flare if necessary) so you can pick up the Torch. Reverse roll and exit this tunnel by running forward and turning right. As you come back onto the walkway you can see a Golden Rose perched on a ledge ahead and to the right. Turn to the right and run to the end of the walkway, then turn left at the corner and carefully make your way along the north wall, using standing jumps to the ramps over to the left to avoid the spike traps.

At the end of the walkway, face the crawl space and back up to the far left corner. Toss the torch through the crawl space. Turn to the left, hop back and grab the edge, and shimmy to the left and around the corner. Pull up into the crawl space in a crouched position, crawl forward, and as soon as Lara can stand step forward and vault up onto the block and throw the switch again. Jump down off the block, pick up the TORCH and run down the stairs at the other end of the hall. Light the torch, then reverse roll and run back up the stairs.

Toss the torch somewhere nearby where you can retrieve it easily, then climb up on the block and throw the switch again. Reverse roll, jump off the block, pick up the lit torch, and step into the opening to the left of the stairs. While Babe snorts and stumbles about in the cathedral below, make your way by careful jumps along the south walkway until you're about halfway across. Turn to the left and face the central area beyond the column that now hides the Golden Rose from view. With great care, time a running jump across the gap, with a slight swerve in mid-air to avoid the deadly spikes. Use your torch to light the sconce on the far wall, which turns off the spike trap behind you. Then turn around and face the Golden Rose squarely before tossing the torch at it (so it won't bounce off at an angle and tumble down to the cathedral floor). Step forward and pick up the Golden Rose for SECRET #8.

You're not through with the torch yet. Pick it up and aim Lara to the right, at the sloped "safe" square just beside the one you used to launch Lara over to her present position. Time a jump over the spikes and return to the hallway by going through the opening to the west. One more time (I promise), toss the torch away and climb up onto the block. Throw the switch, reverse roll and jump off the block. Pick up the torch and go through the open entrance to the icy courtyard. Toss your torch onto the middle of the frozen lake and wait until the meltdown is complete. Then jump down into the newly-created pool and claim the second CATHEDRAL KEY. Climb out of the pool and exit through the open gate.

Return to the crawl space next to the wall switch, crawl out to the other side, turn around to drop and grab the edge, and shimmy around to the right. Pull up onto the ledge and reverse roll. Take a standing jump forward and slide down to the roofed abutment. Hopefully Babe will be engaged somewhere else, far away on the other side of the cathedral. Drop down to the cathedral floor and use the Cathedral Key to open the golden doors in the northwest corner. Take a flip turn to the right and run forward down the stairs. At the second landing two trap doors will open, dropping you into a pool leading to an expansive underwater area with three tunnels marked by dancing dots of light.

Lara will find that swimming through portions of these tunnels is made difficult by treacherous cross currents, so be sure to grab a fresh lungful of air at every opportunity. Swim first through the tunnel to the north, fighting the current (if you hold down the left, front and right arrow keys simultaneously, you'll make slow but steady progress) until you reach another large underwater area. Keep swimming forward and look for an air hole in the icy ceiling ahead. After grabbing some air, turn around and pull up into a short hallway guarded by a gauntlet of spikes. Run past the two sets of spikes (taking refuge in the corner of the hallway if necessary) as they retract, and you'll come out into an open area surrounded by ramparts. To the left is a statue on a block, flanked by large columns. Push the block to lower the water level in the bridge room directly below (which you can see through the ice floor in this open area).

Exit this area and run back past the gauntlet of spikes. Drop down into the water and swim through the nearer tunnel (which is a little higher than the other one). You'll then drop down into a partially drained cavern spanned by a bridge. Swim under the bridge and locate a pull switch about halfway down its length. Pull the switch to raise the ice panel in front of the golden urn in the alcove at the south end of the bridge. Now surface and paddle over to a ledge on the east side of the cavern, near the midpoint of the bridge, where you can pull up and back flip onto the bridge. Run over to the urn. You can detour for some revolver ammo by turning to the right and taking a running jump and grab to land inside an alcove in the ice wall. Reverse roll and take a running jump back to the bridge. Pull the urn out twice, then jump over it, turn around and push the urn five more times until it comes to rest on the gray block at the north end of the bridge. The hammers will spring down to crush the urn and release the STONE OF ICE. Pick it up, jump into the water and swim into the tunnel at the south end directly underneath the bridge.

Turn left at the bend and struggle your way (using the technique described earlier) into the large cavern. Swim into the tunnel to the south, take the bend to the left, go through the narrow opening, take another bend to the left, and swim laboriously the rest of the way until you reach an air hole. Paddle forward and pull up. Step forward and place the Stone of Ice in the blue receptacle. A cut scene will indicate that you need to turn around and exit in the suggested direction. Take a running jump over the water (the flame from the torch won't hurt you), go through the sparkling lights ahead, and you'll find yourself in an area where you can go up some stairs to the right or go down some stairs straight ahead. You can also hear Babe snorting and lurching about nearby. Head down the stairs and turn left to face the entrance to the Mirror Room. Inside, there's a large statue to the left with a flaming pot in front of it. In front of the pot is a pedestal surrounded by an icy pillar.

When you step into the Mirror Room you'll lose orientation and also awaken a sleeping Knight, who quickly begins to stalk you in his inimitable sword-dragging manner. Within seconds he can only be seen as a reflection in the mirror, so dance away from him as best you can (avoiding the torch, which will set you aflame if you get too close) while staying close to the central icy pillar. Eventually the Knight, in the process of hacking indiscriminately in your direction, will knock a piece out of the icy pillar. Draw him away, then return to that spot quickly and reach inside to claim the FROZEN WILL CRYSTAL from the pedestal before the Knight can reach you.

Now arm your Crossbow with a Magic Arrow and shoot blindly toward the east wall (opposite the entrance to the Mirror Room). This will shatter a breakable gate that covers a crawl space high up in the middle portion of the east wall. Run over to that spot, jump up and grab the crawl space, and pull up in a crouched position. Crawl forward until Lara can stand up, then drop down into a strange cavern with patterns of different colors scattered here and there. Run forward and open the coffin to claim the GRENADE GUN.

Turn to the right and vault up into the higher area. Locate the ladder ahead and climb all the way to the top. Pull up and shoot the coffin in the corner for some shotgun ammo. Use the crowbar on the carved stone face in the west wall to gain access to an outer snowy courtyard. There are stained-glass windows to your right, affording a glimpse of the rampaging Babe. Run forward, vault up onto the block and pick up the large medi-pack. Then climb up the ladder, pull up into the alcove and pick up the Silver Rose for SECRET #9.

Hop back and drop down into the courtyard. Reverse roll and run back the way you came. Take a right and crawl into the small hole and locate two stashes of ammo for your Grenade Gun at either end of the cramped interior. Crawl back out of the hole, turn right and make your way back to the Mirror Room via the cavern. Vault up into the crawl space, crouch and turn around, and allow Lara to lower herself down the other side and drop into the Mirror Room. Reverse roll and run across the Mirror Room and through the exit door. Be mindful of the spikes that have now made the stairwell a hazardous area.

After getting around the spikes, use the ladder in the central column to shimmy around to the right to where the flaming pot simmers below you, then climb up the ladder and pull up into a small room above where Lara can barely stand. Run forward and push the button, then turn around and crouch down for some flares. Then, facing the button, jump back and grab the ladder. Climb down two rungs, then shimmy around the corner to the left and drop down into the stairwell. Turn left and run up the stairs, but be sure to stop before you get to the very top so you won't plunge back into the water.

Take a running jump and grab over the gap so that Lara lands safely in the landing beyond. At this point refrain from shooting the coffin to your right, as otherwise you'll release a fire wraith who'll have nothing but you on its mind, which in turn will obligate you to take an unscheduled dip in the water. Instead, make your way to the top of the stairs, winding to your left and then to your right, then use your crowbar on the carved face door to gain access to a snowy courtyard on the north side of the cathedral. Stop along the way to pick up four stashes of ammo for the uzis, then continue through the opening to the east. Step to the right and pick up some flares in the dark corner. There's a coffin in the other corner; if you want to have a little fun, shoot the coffin to release an ice wraith, then reverse roll and run back across the courtyard and down the stairs. Draw weapons and shoot the coffin you bypassed earlier to release the fire wraith, then watch the two of them duke it out. Then go back to where you released the ice wraith to pick up some revolver ammo.

Continue forward down the stairs and you'll come to the frozen fountain you encountered much earlier. Make your way across to the other side and go through the doorway to the east. Continue forward, bidding farewell to Babe and the Knights, and run up the stairs to return to The Holy Fountain.


Run, splash and drop your way down several layers until you return to the lagoon in front of the sewer trench. Turn right at the trench and run back to the central pool. On the eastern side of the pool you can now place the Evil Thoughts Crystal and the Frozen Will Crystal, for which you've fought so hard, in their receptacles. You'll see a cut scene that reveals a partial freezing of the pool before you. You can jump in and splash around inside the pool area, and you'll note that Lara's attention is drawn to something interesting when she gets close to the northeast corner.

Go back to the sewer trench and walk up the middle portion with the water flow. Drop back into the room where you earlier obtained the Crossbow and Laser Sight. Swim back through the small opening in the corner, through the tunnel and into the central pool beneath the ice. Turn to the right and back to the left, and locate an opening near the southeast corner that brings you to a higher level that's separated by a thin layer of ice from the lower one. Avoid the hammerhead shark that's in hot pursuit by this time and turn left at the southeast corner. A second hammerhead lurking in the upper level will join forces with the first. Quickly locate the Silver Rose near the northeast corner and pick it up for SECRET #10. A door will open in the east side of the central structure, so quickly flip turn and swim inside. Locate the handle and pull it down to open a trap door in the floor on the east side of the central pool. Swim back through the open gate, locate the opening near the southeast corner that leads down to the lower level, flip turn and swim down into the open trap door.

Follow the short tunnel as it kinks to the right and back to the left, leading you to an air hole. Surface, turn around and pull up. Enjoy the luxury of killing those blasted sharks now if you haven't done so already, going back to lure them into the trap door opening if necessary. Back in the small room, shoot the coffin on the ledge beside the south wall for some shotgun ammo, and the one on the ledge beside the south wall for a small medi-pack. Then go around to the other side of the room and allow Lara to slide down the ramp into an underground sewer. If you really need that large medi-pack on the upper platform in the corner, you can get to it by jumping back and forth along the sloping banks, using one of the arrow keys to get closer and closer until you reach the safety of the opposite platform. Then take a running jump over and claim your prize. Jump down into the sewer and run through the opening ahead; Lara will slide down and return to The Snowy Mountains.


Lara will drop down into a waterfall-fed pool boasting several varieties of fish. Surface to collect a lungful of air, then swim north through the tunnel and turn right to go through the adjacent portal. You come to an area where you can go straight ahead or turn to the left. Turn left to alert another hammerhead shark, then turn right and swim straight ahead through another portal to emerge in a partially flooded chapel. Surface and pull up onto the pillar to your left. Kill the shark, then jump back into the water and swim back the way you came. Turn left and return to the hub area with three portals, then turn left again and swim through the east portal. In the next chamber turn left and open the carved-face door, swim through the opening and surface for air. Then turn around, swim back through the opening and go through the south portal. Turn right and swim ahead and through the next portal to the west. You'll come to a small underwater room with an angel statue. Turn left and swim through the portal into a larger area. Here you'll see three portals from which to choose, two straight ahead and one to the left.

Swim straight ahead and go through the portal to the right. Turn left, alerting another hammerhead shark, but keep swimming through the tunnel and turn left again, pausing for some revolver ammo if you have the air to spare. Swim to the end of the tunnel, keeping ahead of the shark, turn left and then right twice, and finally left again to go through the opening for more air. The shark isn't able to fit into this small opening, so flip turn and swim under or around it and then lure it in a clockwise direction through the three portals until you can pull up onto the pillar and shoot it.

Now jump back into the water and swim through the small opening and straight ahead through the south portal. Turn right and swim down through the west portal and turn left at the angel statue. In the large room swim through the left portal to the south and make a left to find a short tunnel blocked by a carved-face door. Open it and swim through, turning left and then right three times before the tunnel ends at another carved-face door. Lara's face by now is probably as purple as that of the carved cherub, so after opening the door swim ahead quickly and go through the portal and bear left where you can surface for some much-needed air.

Turn left and paddle or swim past the angel statue and through the portal, then turn left and locate a flight of stairs. Wade up until Lara gets her footing, then run up the stairs the rest of the way to the top. In the tunnel ahead you'll be treated to some familiar music and a flyby that shows a magnificent waterfall outside, with just a tantalizing glimpse of a Golden Rose and ending with a view of a pedestal at the very top of the waterfall formation.

Run through the small anteroom and exit through the doorway to the left. Jump down into the water and swim to the left around the central waterfall structure. When you reach the point where the falling water crashes down to the surface, you can wade up into an alcove of sorts and turn left to vault up onto a dry block. Step forward and turn left again, then take a standing jump and grab to a ledge jutting out from the north wall. Pull up and turn left again to face a carved stone trapezoid. Sidestep to the right corner and take a standing jump and grab to the trapezoid. Pull up and run forward through the waterfall into the central structure. Ahead you'll see the Golden Rose perched on a ledge outside, but an iron gate blocks your way to it. Turn to the right and walk forward toward the main waterfall, where a cut scene will give you a panoramic view of one possible route to the Golden Rose.

Step forward to the leading edge of the waterfall entrance, facing the opening to the sanctuary, and sidestep to the right. Turn halfway to the left and take an angled standing jump to the adjacent ledge, where you may slide down a short distance until you reach a triangular stable area. Turn to the right to face a razor-thin ledge jutting out above the sanctuary opening. Take a standing jump and grab to this higher ledge and pull up. Step forward and turn right. When it gets too cramped for Lara to stand, crouch down and crawl for a short distance and then turn right. When you reach the opening ahead, turn around and have Lara back out, holding down the action key so that she hangs from the ledge. Then shimmy to the right, turning the corner three times until you reach an open space where you can pull up. Run forward into the tunnel until you reach a crawl space. Duck down and crawl forward a short distance and then turn right to pick up a small medi-pack in the alcove. Then turn around and crawl back the way you came until Lara can stand once again.

Walk out to the edge and angle Lara to the left so that she's facing the waterfall. Take a running jump to land on a stable surface that appears otherwise to the naked eye. Run forward into the second story of the central waterfall structure. Turn left and you'll quickly emerge through an opening. Turn right and allow Lara to slide down to a lower level where one of those ubiquitous blue plants is growing out of the rock. Turn right and walk out to the edge of the turquoise-blue square facing the Golden Rose. Step forward and slide down the waterfall a short distance, then jump to the ledge ahead. Step forward and pick up the Golden Rose for SECRET #11.

Now jump back into the water and make the circuit back to the second story of the waterfall structure, following the same route that's outlined in the previous paragraphs. But this time, when you turn left to exit the structure, make another left outside and walk out onto what appears to be an impossibly sloped surface. Turn to face the wall, jump and grab and pull up to the higher level. Angle Lara to the left and take a standing jump up to the pedestal where the SANCTUARY KEY can be taken.

Retrace your steps and return to the ledge directly below. Turn to the south and slide back down to the landing where the blue plant is growing out of the rock. Then turn around and step forward onto the sloped waterfall. Allow Lara to slide down a short distance, then jump to the purplish platform ahead. Turn to the right, walk out to the edge of the platform and take a running jump over the water to a ledge in front of an open gate. Go inside the tiled room ahead, run forward and press the clock face in the far wall.

Reverse roll and exit this room. You'll see to your amazement that gravity has been reversed and the water is now flowing upward! Unfortunately, you now have to jump back into the water a third time and painstakingly make your way to the second story of the waterfall structure as you've done twice already. When you get there, turn left to exit the structure and turn left again to follow the route that led you to the Sanctuary Key. A jump to the pedestal will instantly cause you to be swept up into an opening in the roof far overhead. Climb out onto any one of the four sloped surfaces and back flip to the opposite slope. Jump back and forth, using either the right or the left arrow key to move gradually over and come to a landing on one of the tiled platforms.

Jump to the tile in the southeast corner if you're not already there, and climb up the ladder to the area above. Run up the stairs ahead and make a hairpin turn to the right. Go down the stairs on the opposite side and run along the tiled catwalk to the left. Stop near the end and turn slightly to the right, then take a standing jump over the fence to the alcove next to the adjacent wall. Turn right and jump up, grab and pull up onto a block flanked by two pillars. Then turn to the right and walk to the edge of the block, directly between the pillars. Aim as precisely as possible to the exact center of a similar block across the room, then take a running jump and grab to that block. (If you're careless with your aim and grab at a spot even partially occupied by one of the pillars, you won't be able to pull up.) After pulling up, step forward and throw the wall switch to open the exit door. Take a side flip either to the right or left, run up the stairs and exit through the open door.

You'll find yourself in familiar icy territory. Draw weapons and shoot any prowling polar bears that may not have been exterminated earlier. Then drop down a couple of embankments and run down the snowy ramp to the southeast. To the left you'll see a gated opening, guarded by an angel statue, leading to your next port of call, the Sanctuary of Water. Climb up to the right of the statue and use your crowbar in the device next to the misplaced fence post, to open the gate to your right. You can go inside on foot and look around if you wish, and you might even find a ladder that tempts you to climb down and explore a bit, but don't be fooled. You need to take some important steps before tackling this area. So turn around, make a left at the opening and head down the slope, bearing to the right toward the giant purplish column. Go around it to the right, across a tiled area, and run down the stairs to the left. Straight ahead is what looks like a launching pad for the snowmobile, but use it to take an angled running jump to the right to cross the deep gap ahead. Once across, turn right into the west tunnel. Follow this tunnel all the way back to where Lara began her adventure, in the area where the helicopter still waits with motor idling.

Run to the first crate on the left and use the crowbar to open its west face. Go inside and pick up the NITROUS OXIDE CANNISTER. Doing so will arouse another polar bear, so reverse roll and take time out to deal with it as you did the others. Then go back inside the crate you just opened and use the crowbar to pry off the VALVE PIPE. Now run over to the second crate and open its north face with your crowbar. Step inside and pick up the REVOLVER. Reverse roll and run back to the tunnel entrance. Turn left and run into the tunnel, turning right twice to emerge into an open area with an ice bridge to your left. Turn to the right and run through the dark tunnel, eventually coming out into another open area spanned by an ice bridge. Run across the bridge into the adjoining tunnel, then bear left and enter a tiled anteroom to the chapel you visited much earlier. Use your crowbar in the device beneath the torch, and the gate ahead of you will open. Run inside and down the stairs, and take a right to exit the chapel (avoiding the swinging pendulum blade in the doorway), and make your way back to the snowmobile that you parked here before visiting The Holy Fountain.

Combine the Nitrous Oxide Cannister and the Valve Pipe to form the NITROUS OXIDE FEEDER. Use it to jump start the snowmobile, then turn it so you're facing the gap to the east. Launch the snowmobile off the small ledge ahead. Skim over the small icy ledge jutting out from the south wall about halfway across, and keep gunning it to reach the other side. Continue driving straight ahead and locate the launching pad you used on foot a bit earlier. Guide the snowmobile over the pad and across the pit ahead. Drive through the tunnel ahead and make a hairpin turn to the left, heading up a gentle slope until you reach an ice bridge. Go across the bridge and zig right past the chapel with the swinging pendulum blade, then zig left and bear right to go across the next ice bridge. Just before you reach the other side, turn to the right and drop off the side just past the fencing. Ride forward a short distance in this open area and turn left to drive up the short flight of stairs. Then turn to the right and ride up the slope until you reach the opening leading to the Sanctuary of Water.

Between the two purple columns ahead (with only a remnant remaining of the one on the right) is a launching pad for your snowmobile. Line up the snowmobile with the launching pad and back up as far as you can. Use the ?/ key to engage the Nitrous Oxide Feeder, and gun the snowmobile forward to cross the gap and land atop the steps leading up to the Sanctuary of Water. Having arrived safely, get out of the snowmobile and explore this new area in front of the temple. Walk up the steps and you'll be treated to an overhead camera shot that reveals the sheer immensity of this building. You'll see an entry slot to the left of the doors to the sanctuary, but there's more to do in this area before making use of your Sanctuary Key. Turn back to the snowy ledge and you can see a ladder to the right of the launching pad, but you can't reach it from where you're now standing and don't need it for anything anyway.

Not to worry. First wade into the pool to the right (as you face the sanctuary stairs) for some shotgun ammo. Then take a dive or a long jump into the water below. Swim to the west, away from the temple, and you find you can now access the long ladder from beneath. But instead of climbing up, jump back into the water and swim to the right and around the column through a narrow opening. Turn right again and locate a hole leading downward. Swim down into the hole, turn to the south and pick up a small medi-pack along the way. Continue forward and note a gate that was opened when you succeeded in gunning the snowmobile across to the temple threshold. (If you hadn't done that, and had simply gotten out of the snowmobile without attempting the jump, climbed down the ladder, etc., you'd have encountered a closed gate.)

Swim straight up, and when you surface paddle to the left and locate a column whose surface is just below the water level. Climb up on it and turn to the right. In the darkness ahead you'll see another ladder. Take an angled standing jump to the right, then step forward and climb up the ladder. When you get to the level of the greenish mosaic on your right, take a spinning back flip (with the action key depressed, hit the roll key and the jump key simultaneously) and grab, then climb up as necessary to locate the next leg of the ladder. Climb up until you're near the top, then perform the same maneuver as before. You'll land on a small triangular ledge. Turn to the left and take a standing jump and grab to the ledge across the gap. Pull up and turn to the left, then vault up onto the next ledge. Walk forward to an open area overlooking the temple entrance. Turn to the left and walk along the perimeter, then take a couple of standing jumps until you reach a small pool where you can pick up some crossbow magic arrows.

Step out of the pool and turn to the right to face the temple. There's a convenient ledge jutting out that you can use to take a running jump and grab to the temple balcony. Pull up, run to the other end of the balcony and pick up another Golden Rose, which is SECRET #12.

Retrace your steps, going back across the gap with a running jump and grab from the right side of the balcony opening (so you won't bump against the pillar behind you). You can safety drop down to the floor from here if you wish, taking a modest amount of damage. Now turn around and use your Sanctuary Key in the receptacle next to the temple doors. When the doors open, run inside and swim downward to begin your odyssey in the Sanctuary of Water.


You emerge in a closed-off hall with thunder crashing all around and the inspirational sounds of majestic music. Run forward down the hall and turn left to enter the large sanctuary area, where a flyby will show you the stairway ahead and then drift lazily up and to the right, through an ornate stained glass window and finally come to rest at a waterskin perched atop a pedestal.

Splash your way straight ahead and across the tiled floor toward the wide stairway. Stop at the first landing to take AHMET'S RULE from the pedestal in the corner. Select it from your inventory and read the clue: "Kill me once for your desire, to see which candles will catch fire. Count them as you go by and give the scales a second try. Ignore this riddle but you will see: The scales will not reveal the place to be..." Now what in tarnation is THAT all about? Patience, m'lord and m'lady. All in good time.

Turn left and run up the next flight of stairs, then turn right and run up the rest of the way into an open area. A swarm of locusts will come out to plague you, so take a dip in the deeper water until they disperse. Then wade out of the pool and look around. To the west is a gated area where an Ahmet is noisily pacing about. On the small bridge spanning the pool is a LARGE WATERSKIN. Pick it up and continue across the bridge, where against the far wall beyond the columns you'll see an unbalanced set of scales. Your job is to balance those scales, but you don't have all the tools to do that yet.

Head back downstairs and return to the water sanctuary. Turn left and run between the large square columns. When you approach the large double doors to your left they'll open automatically. Turn left and enter the exterior hallway. You can explore the anteroom up the stairs to your left if you wish, but there's nothing you can do in there now. Instead, turn right and run down the hallway, go down the stairs and through a small portal, and turn left to run down the ramp. Make a hairpin turn to the right and continue down the ramp. To your left you can see another Ahmet guarding a Yellow Rose, but neither of you can get at the other right now. Pick up the small medi-pack underneath the descent ramp, then turn around and run through the small opening into the next room. Turn right and throw the wall switch, whereupon a cut scene will show a block rising in a room behind you.

Reverse, run forward and turn left to exit the small room. Run back up the ramp and the stairs beyond, and finally turn left to return to the water sanctuary. Run all the way across, around the central fountain (the doors behind you will close), to the double doors on the other side that will also open obligingly as you approach. However, once you venture inside and turn left to run down the hallway, you'll awaken a not-so-jolly green giant who immediately begins to stalk you with a vengeance. You'll soon discover that he can't be killed, or even slowed down, with any weapon in your arsenal. He also sports a mean hammer that he uses with frustrating regularity against the floor to cause life-sapping vibrations to ripple out with deadly effect. For these reasons we'll refer to him henceforth as the hammergod.

The first thing you need to do is to put him out of commission so you can take care of required business without all the lethal distraction. So as soon as he detects you, reverse roll and run back out of this room the way you came, and run across the water sanctuary to the other side while taking random running jumps to minimize the effects of the pounding hammer. When the double doors ahead open upon your approach, dash inside and turn left to run up the stairs into the next room. You'll be safe there, as the hammergod won't follow, but neither will you gain any advantage form the standoff. You'll need to venture down the stairs to induce the hammergod to go into attack mode, where he crouches briefly in anticipation of bringing his hammer down to the floor. The instant you see him stoop down, dash outside and turn immediately to the right so that you run across the dry tiled surface. This causes the double doors to close, and ideally the hammergod will be trapped inside. However, don't be surprised if he's outsmarted you and followed you outside, so be prepared to go through this exercise several times.

Once the hammergod has been neutralized, run back across to the double doors to the south and resume your dash down the exterior hall. At the end of the hall you'll run down some stairs into an open area where the rose-guarding Ahmet you saw earlier paces about behind a closed gate. On the east side of this room is another unbalanced set of scales flanked by a pair of angel statues.

Stand in front of the Ahmet cage. Off to the left you can see the wall switch you threw earlier. To your right is the block that was raised when you threw the switch. Climb up onto the block and stand in front of the lattice-work gate. Use the crowbar to open the gate, and step inside. Turn to the left and climb up the ladder, past the open trap door, until you reach a point where the bricks to your left begin taking on a purplish-blue sheen. Back flip off the ladder into an upper alcove. Turn to the right and press against the east wall where it's darkest, and jump up and grab the wall switch. When you hit the floor again, turn to the right and quickly (because the trap door is on a timer) hop backward onto the trap door that's been raised for a few seconds. Crawl forward without delay through the passageway; when Lara can stand, step forward, vault up onto the pedestal to the left and pick up the SMALL WATERSKIN. Reverse roll and step forward to slide down the waterfall, and Lara will land on the grated area in the pool below and possibly sustain some minor damage.

Now it's time to put those waterskins to work. Fill the large one and pour all its contents into the pot on the left side of the scales. The immediate effect of this reckless act is to release an angry Ahmet. But don't kill it, not yet. Instead, run forward and turn right into its lair to claim the Golden Rose for SECRET #13. (If you kill the Ahmet outside before taking the Golden Rose, the door to its lair will close and another Ahmet will magically appear to take its place. Come to think of it, if you just like killing Ahmets, you can repeat this exercise over and over to your heart's content. But the good news is that if you get trigger-happy and kill the Ahmet without thinking, you can simply fill the waterskin again, empty it into the pot and thereby gain a second crack at the Ahmet. But whatever you do, just don't kill the Ahmet while you're inside its lair, or the door will close and trap you there.)

Remember that riddle on Ahmet's Rule? Look into the Ahmet's lair and you'll see two candles burning. Ah so, eureka, or whatever _expression you like to use to indicate sudden insight. To get exactly two liters to pour into the pot, fill the large waterskin to get five liters. Combine the large one with the small one, filling the latter and leaving two liters in the former. Empty the large waterskin into the pot, and the grate in the pool behind you will open.

Reverse roll and run down into the pool. Jump down into the open shaft and swim down to the bottom to pick up the ANGEL TRIDENT. Swim back up, climb out of the pool and exit this area via the stairs to the south. Run back down the hall and return to the water sanctuary. Turn to the left and run diagonally over to the wide stairway on the north side (being careful not to trigger the double doors nearby that would release the hammergod). Run up the stairs and return to the open area where you found the first unbalanced set of scales. Fill the large waterskin and pour its contents into the pot. The Ahmet will be released, but this time the gate to its lair immediately closes again. Kill the Ahmet and look inside its lair. A single candle is burning.

Reverse roll, hop into the shallow portion of the pool near the cascading water, and fill the small waterskin. Combine it with the large one. Refill the small one and combine it once again with the large one, leaving one liter in the small waterskin. Vault out of the pool, head over to the scales and pour the liter from the small waterskin into the pot. The grate in the pool behind you will open, so reverse roll, jump into the pool and swim down into the open tunnel. At the bottom turn into the doorway to the west and locate a pull-down switch in the center of the next room. Throwing it will open a lattice-work door in the water sanctuary below, next to the double doors where the hammergod is still huffing and puffing in rage. Swim back up into the tunnel and exit the pool. Run down the stairs and return to the water sanctuary.

Turn left and run across the dry tiled surface toward the newly-opened door ahead. As soon as you step into the water the double doors to your left will open and release the hammergod, so take a detour to the right, lure him in that direction and trap him in the hallway past the other double doors to the south. After you've taken care of that distraction, return to the open door and run up the winding staircase. Near the top there's a ladder leading up to a small alcove where you can pick up some flares. Then go up another short flight of steps, turn to the right and climb up the second ladder. Pull up, run forward and turn to the right to find another, but shorter, winding staircase. You emerge onto a high balcony overlooking the water sanctuary.

Walk forward to the far edge of the opening between the two railings. Take a running jump and grab to the ledge across the way. Pull up and run down the long balcony. Turn right into the round doorway and run up the stairs, turning left and then right to emerge onto an outdoor balcony overlooking a pool you explored earlier. Turn left and run to the pedestal where you'll pick up the second ANGEL TRIDENT.

Reverse roll and run back down the balcony, turning right at the doorway to run back down the stairs leading to the larger interior balcony. Turn right and approach the bust on the pedestal against the west wall. Crouch down and duck into the space behind the pedestal. Turn around and drop down to the ledge below, then turn right and drop down into an enclosed atrium. Run down the short passageway and take the Golden Rose from the pedestal for SECRET #14. Reverse roll and run back down the passageway, enjoying the remote camera shot as you do so. Climb up the two ladders and return to the upper balcony. Run all the way down the left side and take a running jump and grab to the opening between the two railings across the way. Pull up, run forward and make your way back down the winding staircase, making two left turns before turning around at the next landing to climb down the ladder. Turn right and run the rest of the way down the winding staircase until you return to the water sanctuary.

Turn right into the north hall and then go up the steps to the left into the small upper room. Step up to the angel statue and place one of the Angel Tridents onto its staff. A trap door will open in the alcove behind you in the corner of this room. Reverse roll, go over to the opening and face the dead tree, then take a hop back and grab the edge of the opening. Climb down the ladder to a dark area below. Jump into the water and swim through the tunnel to the west until you reach a larger area. Turn to the left and open the carved-face door straight ahead, ignoring for now the opening to the left of the carved-face door. Swim into the alcove and pull down the switch, opening another lattice-work door up in the water sanctuary next to the double doors where the hammergod is now impatiently waiting.

Flip turn, swim straight ahead and turn right at the second entrance. Swim through the short tunnel, turn left and pull up at the ledge above the underwater ladder. Turn to the left and climb up the ladder to the room with the dead tree and the angel statue. Exit this room by making a hairpin turn to the left and return to the water sanctuary. Run across toward the facing double doors and turn left into the newly-opened doorway as the larger doors ahead grind their way open. However, you don't have to worry about the hammergod this time, for before he can give chase you're already on your way up the stairs toward the warp zone.


Don't bother climbing the ladder ahead, as it leads to a small alcove containing no goodies. Instead, make a couple of left turns up the stairs and climb up the ladder to the next landing. Pull up and run the rest of the way up the winding staircase until you emerge onto a balcony across from the one you encountered earlier. Enjoy a close-up view of the beautiful gossamer-like circular window to your right, then walk along the balcony around the corner until you reach the opening between the two railings. Turn right and take a running jump and grab to the ledge across the way. Pull up and run forward down the long balcony until you reach a stairway to the left. Before doing anything else, ready your crossbow and combine it with the golden laser sight. Then run up the stairs into the room above, and before you can look around and get your bearings you'll be rudely accosted by the hammergod's twin brother. Before he has a chance to wield his deadly hammer, take a hairpin turn to the right and run down the stairs until you reach a small room with closed doors ahead and a cross mounted on a block in the corner. Shoot the cross and the doors to your left will open. Quickly run inside, pick up the small medi-pack in the corner and turn to the left past the fountain, and jump up to grab the ledge above. Pull up, turn to the right and (checking first to make sure the hammergod has followed you inside) pull the wall switch to cause the doors to close and trap the hammergod. Reverse roll and run to the other end of the landing. Vault up into the opening, turn around and safety drop into the shallow pool below.

The hammergod still packs a mean punch even behind closed doors, so quickly reverse roll and splash across the pool into the safety of the passageway ahead. Run up the stairs, turning to the right once, and return to the room where you met the second hammergod. An Ahmet is nervously shuffling around in the enclosed area to your right, and there's an opening ahead leading to a bridge from whence this level gets its name. However, there are two good reasons why it's best not to try to navigate the bridge right now: The opening at the other end is blocked by a gate, and a swarm of locusts comes out to plague you before you get halfway across.

Your large waterskin should still be full. Go over to the area across from the Ahmet's cage and pour its contents into the pot to release the Ahmet. Reverse roll, draw weapons and kill it quickly. Look toward the cage and you'll see four candles burning, two inside and two outside. Turn to the right and tiptoe back down the stairs to the lower pool, trying not to arouse the hammergod. Fill the large waterskin and combine it with the small one. Now empty the small one and combine the large one with the small one, so that the small one contains two liters and the large one is empty. (Be prepared to hop back quickly if you should see the hammergod's feet in the space below the closed doors, which means he's getting ready to zap you.) Now fill the large waterskin and combine it with the small one, which fills the small one with three liters and leaves four liters in the large one.

Go back up the stairs and run across the room toward the scales. Pour the contents of the large waterskin into the pot. Reverse roll and you'll see that the grate in the center of the room has disappeared. Climb down the ladder in the west side of the shaft and turn right when you reach the bottom. Jump down into the darkened room and pick up the third ANGEL TRIDENT from the pedestal. Reverse roll, vault back up onto the landing, turn right and climb back up the ladder. Pull up, take a hairpin turn to the right and go down the stairs to the balcony overlooking the water sanctuary. Turn right, and at the end take a running jump and grab to the other side (being careful to line Lara up with the opening between the two railings). Pull up, turn left and run around the corner to the right. Turn right into the stairway and zig to the left and take a right down the stairs until you reach the end of the landing. Turn around, hop back and grab the edge of the landing and climb down the ladder. At the bottom turn left and run down the stairs until you warp back to the Sanctuary of Water.


Now you'll need to deal with the first hammergod. (But if you're lucky, he may be too busy pacing about in the hall where he was formerly trapped to notice your return. Otherwise, just lure him to a position where he can be trapped as before.)

Run across the water sanctuary toward the facing double doors to the north. When they open, step inside and go up the stairs to the left into the small upper room. Go to the open trap door in the corner and climb down the ladder as you did earlier. Jump down into the water, swim through the tunnel to the west and make a hairpin turn to the left and swim through the other opening that you ignored earlier. Turn right into the next opening and swim up until Lara can stand in the shallow water above the submerged stairs. Ahead are two angel statues on raised pedestals to either side of the closed gate. Place your remaining Angel Tridents on the angels' staffs, and the gate will open. Run up through the opening and turn right at the portal. Turn right in the next room, run up the winding stairs, and you'll warp back to The Bridge.


Step forward and climb up the ladder. Run up the stairs to the left around the pillar and climb up the ladder. Pull up to face a series of openings in the bridge abutment. Take a series of four running jumps and grabs to land safely each time in the alcoves. (Be sure you don't slip and fall into the water below, as it's deadly poison.) In the dark room at the other end, jump up and grab the wall switch to open the bridge gate above you.

Retrace your steps through the openings in the bridge abutment and down the stairs, and warp back briefly to the Sanctuary of Water. Run down the stairs, through the open gate, and wade forward until you're between the second pair of large candles. Then swim down and make your way back down to the water sanctuary. Run across to the double doors to the south and turn left into the open doorway. Wind your way up the stairs to the left until you return to The Bridge. Run up to the end of the stairs and climb up the second ladder. Pull up and run up the stairs the rest of the way until you reach the balcony. Turn left, run around the corner and take a running jump and grab to the ledge across the way. Pull up and run down the balcony until you reach the stairway to the left. Run up the stairs, avoid the open shaft ahead, and zig to the right and continue running across the bridge.

Run down the ramp and the gate will close behind you. In the room below you'll see an empty pedestal framed by four little waterfalls. Go through the open portal to the right and make your way around to the left (passing a gate on your right that's closed for now) until you reach a wall switch. Throw it to open an underwater door in the larger room to your left. Reverse roll and retrace your steps, this time winding around to the right, and jump into the water when you reach the end. Swim into the little alcove that was formerly blocked beneath the pedestal, and locate a pull-down switch. Throw it and swim to a place where you can pull up onto the ledge above. You'll see that the formerly empty pedestal is now adorned with the GOLDEN FEATHER. Pick it up.

Go back through the portal that led to the wall switch and locate a new opening to the right, about halfway down, that was made accessible when you claimed the Golden Feather. In the hallway beyond, going to the left will lead you to the bonus level. Let's save that for later. For now, turn to the right and run down the long hall. Take a left at the bend, turn around and safety drop to the lower tunnel. Reverse roll, step forward and hit a warp zone that carries you to The Monk's Grave.


Step forward, turn around and safety drop to the lower tunnel. Reverse roll and run down the tunnel to a little graveyard guarded by another one of those hammergods. From your vantage point within the tunnel you can see a central pillar ahead. Run to the pillar and climb up on the supporting block, which seems to confuse the hammergod and keeps him from using his deadly hammer. Use this period of relative peace to kill the bat that's trying to get in your hair. Notice the buttons below on each of the four faces of the supporting block on which you're standing. You'll need to hop back down to the floor, push a button, climb back up onto the block, and repeat the process until you've pushed all four buttons. (For some reason, the hammergod will usually give up on you after a while and go over to take up a strutting position beside the stairs to the north. If he does, your button-pushing task will obviously be made much easier.)

When the fourth button is pushed, the door to the south will open. Jump off the block and run across the graveyard over to the open gate. Stop long enough to dispose of another annoying bat, then reverse roll and proceed down the south tunnel. Turn left at the bend and then turn right. You'll see a small medi-pack on a trap door, but unless you're running really low on health you'd be wise to pass it up for now, as otherwise the trap door will be open on your return trip and could cause problems for you if you're not careful.

Turn left at the bend past the trap door and stop at the entrance just in front of the stairs. Draw weapons and take care of the two crocodiles that paddle out of the pool on a search and destroy mission. When you run down the stairs a swarm of locusts will come out to sting and bite you, so jump and back flip about until they disperse. Then run forward into the pool and pick up the TORCH about midway between the two pillars. (You can hear the sound of a waiting chopper outside, signifying that you're nearing the end of your quest.) There's a closed gate ahead to the east, so reverse roll and run back down the tunnel to the graveyard. Try to lure the hammergod away from its striding-in-place spot next to the north stairs, climb up onto the landing and light your torch with the flame to your left (facing west). Run back across the graveyard with your lit torch and wind your way through the tunnel to the room with the pool. (You can stop along the way and get that small medi-pack if you just have to have it.) Splash across the pool to the other side of the room and use your torch to light the two pots on either side of the gate. The gate will then open and give you access to the exit tunnel leading outside, where a helicopter waits outside to whisk you away. You're certainly free to leave at this point if you wish, but it'd be a shame if you were to miss out on the bonus level. So toss your torch, reverse roll and run back across the pool area, down the tunnel (being careful to take a standing jump over the open pit in the dark area, where before there was a closed trap door, if you succumbed to temptation and picked up that small medi-pack), through the graveyard and past the furious hammergod, and finally climb up the ladder and run forward to warp back to The Bridge.


Step forward and climb up the ladder. Pull up, run forward and take a right to continue down the long tunnel. At the end, combine the crossbow with the golden laser sight and shoot the cross. A block will lower as the cross crumbles. Step inside the alcove and pick up the Golden Rose on the pedestal for SECRET #15, and another block ahead will lower. Then step forward around the pedestal into the next room. The first thing you see is a Silver Rose on the pedestal to the left, but stop salivating, because it's only there to make sure you don't miss the main purpose of this room. Turn to the right and note the three receptacles in the south wall. This is why you went to such great pains to collect those Silver Roses in the earlier levels. Place each one of them in its appropriate receptacle, and the gate to your left will open. Turn left, hop down into the tunnel and run forward as the gate closes behind you. Turn right at the bend and slide down the ramp into another warp zone.


Turn right and run down the tunnel. Run up the stairs, turn left and run forward another short distance to emerge in a large open area with many columns and pillars and ringed with angel statues. Draw weapons and run across the room to alert a blue-hearted warrior. Kill him, and when he falls he'll leave behind an ANGEL TRIDENT. Pick it up and look around. You'll notice that the staffs of several of the angels lack a trident. Go up to the nearest of these, the one on the left that's guarding the west golden doors. Use the Angel Trident, and the doors ahead will open. Draw weapons and take care of two more blue-hearted warriors who come out to greet you. One of them will drop another ANGEL TRIDENT, so pick it up and run across the room to the pair of angels guarding the south golden doors. Use the Angel Trident in the statue to the right, and be prepared to deal with two more blue-hearted warriors who emerge from the room ahead. Take the third ANGEL TRIDENT that one of them drops, then run forward into the newly-opened room for some revolver ammo.

Reverse roll and head over to the pair of angel statues guarding the east golden doors. Use the Angel Trident in the statue on the right and run into the open passageway ahead. Turn left and run down a small, dark tunnel where you'll drop down into a frozen underground chamber. Run up the stairs and climb up to the next level. Turn left and run down the tunnel. Turn right at the bend and you'll emerge in a large open area punctuated with statues and flaming pots. Around the periphery are a number of rooms, all but one of which are presently gated.

Turn left, run down the tiled surface a short distance and turn left again into the only room that's presently accessible. You'll see inside a pot and an ornate oval. Pull the pot once, then squeeze between it and the wall and push it once onto the oval. This releases a fire wraith that demands your immediate attention. Run all the way across the large room to the east side and locate a side room with a pool that's now accessible. Jump in the water and lure the fire wraith to its doom. As long as you're there, dive down and pick up the revolver ammo.

Pull up out of the water, turn left and then left again to locate another small room with a moveable pot. Pull and push the pot onto the ornate oval as you did the last one, and another fire wraith will be released. This time, however, the water refuge is much closer, so simply run outside the room, take a hairpin turn to the right and jump into the safety of the pool.

When the fire wraith has been doused, climb out of the water and turn right to run counterclockwise around the periphery. Turn right when you come to the open gate, and push the pot onto the ornate oval in the same manner as before. This time two fire wraiths are released, so run out of this room, straight across to the other side where another water room is now accessible. (If you'd turned left, thinking you'd just return to the first water room, you'd have discovered to your chagrin that a gate now bars your way.) When the coast is clear, pull up out of the water and take a hairpin turn to the right into an entrance room that looks confusingly similar to the one you entered by. Turn left and run down the tunnel. Turn around at the end and safety drop into a small room below. Run up the stairway that has a curious gap in it, and pull up into a higher tunnel. Turn left and run down the tunnel until you hear the familiar huffing and puffing of another one of those hammergods.

Step down into the water trench and turn right. Run up the tiled ramp and into the open anteroom ahead. To the right of the plant is an alcove with a waterhole. Drop down into the hole, swim down to the right through the tunnel, and locate a pull-down switch about halfway through the tunnel. Pull the switch and continue down the tunnel in the same direction. Pull out on the other side, draw weapons and turn around to kill a crocodile that was trying to sneak up on you from behind.

Notice that the flame on the near right pot has gone out, and in its place is a Silver Rose. Wait until the hammergod becomes less vigilant, then dash forward to claim your prize. Back flip to the safety of the watery periphery (where the hammergod won't follow), turn left and run along the periphery until you reach another anteroom in the west wall. This room looks much like the one you visited earlier, but there's a receptacle to the left and a closed trap door in the hole to the right. Place the Silver Rose in the receptacle and the trap door behind you will open. Reverse roll, run to the hole, jump in and swim down and to the right. Find the switch and pull it down. Swim forward through the tunnel and pull out. You'll see that the flame on the near right pot, as you face it, has gone out, so run forward at an opportune moment and claim the second Silver Rose. Back flip a couple of times into the watery trench.

Run around the periphery until you reach the anteroom in the east wall. Place the Silver Rose in its receptacle, reverse roll and repeat the now-familiar procedure. Pull out of the watery tunnel and once again you'll find that a Silver Rose rests on the near right pot. Retrieve it as you did the other two, and make your way to the final anteroom in the north wall. Go inside, place the Silver Rose, reverse roll, jump and swim and pull the final switch to open an exit gate. Before leaving, however, note that there's a fourth Silver Rose perched on the (yes, near right) pot ahead. Pick it up, then locate the open gate in the west wall. Vault up into the entrance and run down the tunnel.

Jump into the water and turn left. Swim down the tunnel and take a right to go through the portal below. Swim up along the sunken stairs and through the two portals ahead. Bear to the right and surface at a ramp leading to the Monk's Grave. Wade up into the grave and luxuriate in Lara's theme music. Pause to enjoy the special effects, then go around the coffin and place the Silver Rose in its receptacle on the other side. The exit gate to your right will open, so go through the opening in the south wall, take a right and then a left, and emerge in an open area outside where the getaway helicopter still waits patiently. Drop down into the snowy clearing, then make your way over toward the helicopter. A couple of hops over the rocks toward the south will bring Lara to the end of her fascinating and grand adventure.