Qualopec’s Curse 2 – The Forge of Scion
Christian Schook / Schookbaer

This is a walkthrough written by Monika Pietsch and authorised by the author.
It contains all 6 secrets.

The Second Chance

Walk towards the door, which opens automatically. Kill 3 wolves. You will see a building with 3 doors (TR I Player will recognise this one). On the left side is a switch for a timed door. Pull it, roll and dash to the right door. Enter and slide down and you end up in a library. There is a pedestal with a SCION on it in the middle of the room. Picking it up stops the fire in the fireplace.
First push a block on the left side of the room. Get a SECRET and some flares. Step into the fireplace and use the climbable wall on the right.
Go to the right. Behind a pillar is a switch.
A skeleton lies next to it. Pull the switch to open a metal gate. But first use a green monkey bar to reach a crawlspace just opposite where you came up from the fireplace. Crawl in, turn round, drop, back flip, jump twice and grab the edge of the waterfall. Pull the switch, which will open the left door into the building. Go down again. The skeleton is awake now. Run up the passage and stairs and pull up. First pick up the shotgun shells and then go to the other side and pass 4 golden statues. Pull a switch and watch a camera flyby.
The door next to the switch opens. Drop onto a red roof. Pick up a large medi-pack in the corner. Kill 2 bats. Drop down and enter the left door. You will get a SECRET and find a SHOTGUN. Leave and go to the middle door. You will meet a skeleton. You can eliminate it with the shotgun.
You come to an open area with waterfalls, a big round door and 2 ropes hanging down.
Look down for the deeper part filled with water. Take a running jump down there.
Collect a small medi-pack next to a skeleton. Then start swimming through green passages. Get some air, turn around and pull an underwater lever. Continue.
Climb out. Straight ahead are some wideshot shells in a pit. When you come back up back flip to a sloped block, jump forward and grab a block. From there jump to another sloped block and grab the edge.
Pull up; slide and jump grab the ladder in front of you. Climb up. Go past the red door to the right and you come to the face door you opened with the underwater lever. Pick up some wideshot shells and pull a switch.
A skeleton wakes up. You can’t eliminate it, so you just have to get by the best you can. Jump into the right niche. From there take a running jump onto the slope and then straight ahead. Go and pull the switch.
Use the monkey bar to get back. You have to pass through poisonous gas while swinging along. The skeleton is waiting on the other side, but luckily it doesn’t follow too far.
Pull another switch around the corner. This will open 2 big round doors.
Make your way up there. Climb onto a green block, turn and use the green climbable surface. Kill a wolf on the bottom of the stairs. Go up to an opening.
Use the 2 ropes (look left for them) to swing over to the area with the big round doors.
Kill 2 bats that come to greet you.
Get some Uzi ammo in a niche on the left side and kill 3 more bats.
In that area well hidden is an opening. You see it by looking up. Get up there (using only the up key and the action key). You come to a golden fire pit. Slide backwards and grab. Pull up and twist jump to grab the ladder on the other side. Go on and then use the green monkey bar to swing to the other side. When you enter there you have to kill altogether 3 wolves. So watch out. Pick up some ammo and a small medi-pack. Pull a switch, which will stop the fire emitters out of a wall.
Drop down, collect some ammo and leave through the metal door.
Go down on the right side. Collect some shotgun shells and watch out for a skeleton.
Slide down on the right side and jump and grab an edge. If you don’t get it right you will drop into a golden fire pit.
When you did it right you pull up and climb a ladder. Up there you will find a switch.
Pull it and then hurry to the timed door on the left side (looking from the entrance) of this area using the crevice.
Inside the door is another switch. Pulling the switch will raise a block in the pool.
Go down to the pool. First pick up some Uzi ammo in the water.
Then use the newly raised block to jump over to the other side.
Going on will let you enter the next level

The Forge of Scion

A door opens for you. Slide down. Watch a longer camera flyby. Climb up a wall and you see a shallow pool, a wide metal door on the right side, a switch up on the left side and after a short distance there is a long drop down into a big pool.
Go to the right side. Look for a sloped block. Back flip onto it and forward onto the next block. Take a running jump to the next block and then to a sloped block. From there jump towards the fire. Be careful not to get burned. When the fire stops pull the switch and then jump down into the water.
The switch opened the wide metal door on the right side. Go there.
You see a central tower and 3 golden statues on the right.
Jump to the central tower. Drop and grab the lower ledge. Slide down the slope and jump forward to grab the crevice. Shimmy to the right till you see an opening underneath. Drop and grab and crawl in. Get rid of the bat that has been following you.
On the left side is some Uzi ammo. On the right side you can get up. You find the OLD STEEL KEY there and then pull a switch, which will open the metal door below.
Go there and drop into the water. First swim down and down till you reach a dark green area. Push a block on the left side in the passage. Behind it you will get a SECRET and the GRENADE GUN.
Go back and swim along the lower passage till you reach an underwater lever.
Pull it, turn and make your way to the passage above. There you can pull up into a room. When you pull the switch there the dark green room will be flooded.
Swim back there. Climb onto a ledge and use the climbable surface till you see shotgun shells. Pick them up. Use the slope to get into the opening underneath. In that passage is a ladder. Use it. When you come up go straight ahead into the crawlspace. Behind it is a switch. Pulling it shows a closed underwater door.
(You have to find another switch to open that door)
The metal gate is open and so you can jump over to the exit.
If you are interested in another secret you have to try and jump into the niche with the golden statue (a bit tricky). Behind it you will find a SECRET and the UZI.
Drop into the water (a long fall) and repeat the way of getting up to the top of the central tower. Now you can leave this area for the moment.

Make a back flip onto the sloped block next to the door. Jump forward onto the next block. Take a running jump to a green opening in front of you. Crawl through and take another running jump to the grey wall. Pull the switch there. This will open an underwater door down below. Jump into the water and right there is the door. Pull the underwater lever. This will open a closed metal door and some spikes come up in front of the door. Leave this part for later. Look for an opening to swim in and collect some Uzi ammo. Return via the sloped block and the green crawlspace to the grey well. Jump onto the green-sloped block on the right side and then take running jumps to get to the second ledge with a red edging. There is a crawlspace. Go in and collect the GOLDEN KEY and some flares.
Look at the graffiti “ TRIX PALO and XXENOFEX was here”

Now you have to make your way down into the big pool. Down there swim towards the west side. You will see a closed metal door. There you swim to the left. Here is a chance to get another secret. Look for a sloped ledge on the left. Pull up, back flip, jump forward and grab. You will get a large medi-pack and a SECRET. Drop into the water, swim forward and then left again.
You will come to an opening and there go to the left again and swim through a passage.
Climb out and use a climbable surface. When you stand on the ledge turn round and drop on the other side. Below is a high wall switch. So let go and grab the switch.
This will open a face door in the water. Drop into the big pool and swim across to find the opening near a waterfall. Swim in and down and you will find the RED KEY.
Swim back to where the metal door is. This time go right or left. Watch out in the passage. There is a current, which makes it a bit tricky to get into the niche in the middle of the passage. Inside there is an underwater lever. Pulling it opens a face door higher up. With the current you can leave now fast. In the southwest corner is a ledge you can use to climb out of the water. Go up and first go to the right. Around the corner is a hole. Drop down and you land in an empty room. Look for an opening to swim in. When you enter you here the sound announcing a SECRET. Pick up some Uzi ammo and leave through the metal door.
Swim back to the ledge and climb out of the water once more.
This time keep going to the left and you will pass through the door you opened with the underwater lever.
You have to do a tricky jump to a green niche with a waterfall on the left side. Once you are there crawl and find a switch. Pulling it opens a face door.
Go back and through the door. You will see a room with golden fire. Jump the ledges and near the red door you can collect the BRONCE KEY.
From the opening on the right you have to make you way to other side of the pool.
Slide, jump and you will land on a small bridge. Continue your way with jumps till you reach a long ladder. You could go up on the right side to have a look at an empty snake pool. But there is nothing to do there right now.
Climb up the ladder and use the Bronce Key. Behind the door is another ladder. Climb up and when you step out you are on a broken bridge.
You are on your way to the upper pool. Use the rope to swing to the other part of the bridge. Go through the grey building. Go down the green ledges till you reach a lighter one with a red edging.
From there jump over to the upper pool.
(If you didn’t get the UZI and the secret behind the golden statue before, here is another chance)
Go to the right side to the opening. Jump towards the sloped edge, pull up and back flip.
Go into the corner and step onto a pad to remove the spikes in front of the door.
Take a running jump over there. Slide down and kill a wolf. Pull a switch in a niche on the left side. This opens a metal door. The face door opens when you approach.
Drop into the water and climb out where the metal door was. Go into the crawlspace on the left to get some wideshot ammo. Go up some stairs and use a ladder. Back flip and go on.
Jump over a pit and a fire pit and use the Old Steel Key. Around the corner a skeleton wakes up. Eliminate it. Jump over to the bridge and use the Golden Key. This opens the two entrance doors in the floating building.
Go there over a long bridge.

In the floating building you have to solve a Block Puzzle: The goal is to guide the water across the room to flood the next room.

When you enter the floating building you see 3 metal doors on the left side with symbols above them (head, bird, snake) and on the right side is a switch, a fire and a keyhole.
The block in the middle is a spike trap.
Start on the right side and push a movable block. Behind it climb a ladder and up there pull a switch. This will open the metal door with the head symbol above. Go to the far end of the right side and use a climbable wall to go up to a switch. Pulling it opens a face door.
Go to the left side and the open door. Pull the block once.
Then look for a movable block on the left side near this door. Push it as far as possible. You find a switch. Pull it. Then push the block near the ladder outside and onto the head symbol tile. Go back to the second block and pull it twice. Go around and you will find another switch where it was. This will open the door with the bird symbol. Climb up the ladder and drop down. Push this block out and onto the bird symbol tile.

Go to the open gate with no symbol on the west side and climb up. Get off on the left side. Go up some stairs and over the bridge. (You can’t climb up there to the higher level, because of spikes) Take a running jump to the ledge on the right side. There you can grab a monkey bar. Swing to an opening in the wall. Drop and grab and crawl in.
Go on. You will go through the face door you opened before. Drop down and walk on.
You see a switch on the right side and a face door. Leave it alone for the moment.
You should eliminate a skeleton. Go around the corner and near the wall with the scion on drop and grab the edge. Shimmy to the left till you reach a switch. Pulling it opens the last metal door with a symbol above. Shimmy back and then find a movable block (with a hole in the middle). Push it several times and inside the floating building onto the snake symbol tile. Now go and pull the switch next to the keyhole. This will raise a block and a room next to this one will be flooded.

Leave this room through the passage by the snake symbol door. Turn to the left and go to the switch and pull it. This will open the face door.
Go in and jump over an opening in the floor. Watch the camera flyby for hints. The metal door closes behind you. Pick up a large medi-pack. Pull a switch.
This opens the underwater door in the tower room near the beginning.
Pick up the TORCH and throw it, so it falls onto the block down below. (standing on the edge and throwing it should do the trick)
Drop down and pick up the torch. From the block you have to jump over a few sloped blocks till you reach a small bridge. The jumps can be a bit tricky. Maybe it takes a few tries so save before you start jumping.

Continue going up to the right. With a standing jump you get onto the bridge. Turn round and jump towards the fire.
Light the torch on the burner. Then jump up. You have reached now the area with the (still empty) snake pool. On the right side you have to find an opening in the floor.
Back flip onto the slope and then jump forward. Throw the torch down there.
You can collect some Uzi ammo in a hole with a ladder.
When you look through the red door you will see the room you have to go to.
Make you way to the tower room via the long ladders and the broken bridge.
When you are at the tower room jump to the ledge and left and drop into the water. Swim through the metal door and up till you can climb out. In the room you see some transparent blocks. First collect the torch and light a torch on the wall. This will lighten up all the torches in this room.
Jump over the transparent blocks. From the transparent ledge jump to the left to collect some flares. (Picking them up removes the spikes in front of the opening to the 3.switch.)
When you explore the room watch out for spike traps on the floor. Go to the end of the room and crawl past a skeleton (on the left) and you find a switch. Pull it. This will remove the spikes in front of the opening for the 2.switch.
Come back out and move towards the other side of the room. There is an opening on the right side. Go around the corner and pull the 2.switch. This will open a face door.
Go on. A skeleton wakes up. Eliminate it. On the right side is the 3.switch you have to pull. This will open the exit out of this room.
(If there are still spikes in front of the opening to the 3.switch climb onto the block, grab the transparent one, pull up and slide down. When leaving walk through the spikes [you loose some health]).
Climb onto the block on the left side. You have to jump over sloped blocks and at the last one shimmy to the right and when jumping hit the right direction key so you land on a ledge. From there take a running jump into the open door. Around the corner is a skeleton. Eliminate it.
Get onto the bridge and walk over it. You find a switch. Pull it. This will flood the snake pool. Go back to the bridge and jump to the open door on the right.
From this area you can leave. Jump and grab the sloped block. Shimmy to the left. Pull up and jump to the left. From there jump to the small bridge and over to an opening.
Walk on and at the end of the passage you will fall into the snake pool.
There is an underwater lever on the right side. Pull it and the face door in the pool will open up. Swim in. Climb out and you are now at the place you flooded in the floating building.
Jump into the water. There is an underwater lever on the right side. Pull it and swim through the open door. You are in an open hall. First eliminate a skeleton. Then jump to the block with the bird symbol. This will trigger a rope. Go to the south side where the waterfall is.
Use the rope to swing behind the waterfall. You slide down a bit.
When you walk on you enter a room with a skeleton sitting on a throne.
Once you are near the pedestal in the middle of the room the game is finished.

Here's an alternate walkthrough version by Kris, which was first posted at Lara's Home.

Released December, 2002
Walkthrough by Kris

The level contains SIX SECRETS, all listed in this walkthrough.
Thank you, Christian, for your help.

The Story.

“Many years ago, it was Lara who discovered the tomb of Qualopec and who removed the SCION from its place. Now years later, this crime should be punished very hard. The rage of the demigod concentrates itself on the thief of that time. Her wanting to bring back the holy artifact, he gives Lara the chance in her dreams to do so, and by this, undo her crime.

So far Lara got forward into the deepest part of the Tomb, while having passed many traps only to reach Qualopec.

Now it's your turn to guide her through the never ending hallways and scary rooms to bring the artifact back to its holy place – if you fail, it’s your duty to turn Qualopec’s mind friendly. Dreams are not real, but try to get Lara back from her restless sleep, or she could fall into the most horrible nightmare she has ever had to face so far.“


Qualopec's Curse: The Second Chance.

After the flyby, run towards the door, and shoot the three wolves. On the East wall near the entrance is a timed switch, which will open the door in the main building. So pull it, jump with twist and either speed-dash or do running jumps to the far right entrance door of the building before it closes. Follow the steps to the top, and as you slide down you will get your first glimpse of the Scion on a pedestal. Before picking it up, go the alcove on the West wall, and push in the moveable block as far as it will go, follow the passage round and pick up SECRET # 1 – Flares.

Now return to the pedestal, and pick up the SCION. Watch as the camera pans to the fireplace and see the fire extinguish. Now go into the fireplace and face the east wall, and climb up, drop off at the right. Before you go any further look up to the west wall and note the crawlspace. Run to the first step on the right, look up and see the leafy monkey swing, and jump up and swing back the way you came towards the climbable wall. On the left (west) is that crawlspace, so line up, then drop and grab and enter the crawlspace.

At the end use the look button, and note the slope infront of you and sloped blocks over flame emitters. Good idea to save here. Drop and hang from the edge of the crawlspace, and line up roughly in the centre, drop to the first slope, and jump with twist to land on the second slope, then jump again to land in the alcove with the switch.

The camera shows the far left gate on the outside of the building open. Roll and jump to the alcove on your left, safety drop down and the skeleton awakes. Quickly pull the switch on the pillar on the north wall, then head up the stairs as quickly as possible, and jump up to the ledge infront of you (south).

Jump across to the north and pick up shells, then jump back to the first ledge. Pass the four statues, and pull the switch in the east alcove. Watch as the camera shows the outside area with waterfalls, a huge stone door, two ropes and a closed door. The outside door also opens where a skeleton lies in wait. The door to your right opens, safety drop to the ground and pick up the medipack from the south wall, and kill the bat.

Safety drop to the ground and enter the far left door, and pick up SECRET # 2 – the shotgun. Before leaving this room, arm yourself with the shotgun and lure the skeleton into the newly opened central door, then blast him over the edge. You are now in the area shown by a camera shot earlier. At this stage, the ropes are too far away to reach, so you need to make your way down to the water. Take a diagonal running jump from the top right hand corner of the ledge to land on the sloped block between the two waterfalls on the north wall. Shimmy right, and drop off into the water.

Shoot the bat, and pick up a medipack near one of the skeletons. Enter the water channel and swim through the gap. Follow the underwater passage, and surface immediately for air. Behind you is an underwater switch, so turn around and pull it. The camera shows the waterfall area with the water now drained. Swim to the end of the tunnel, turn left through the small passage and swim until you can climb out onto dry land. Walk forward to the small waterfall on your left, drop down and pick up shells. Climb back out and walk forward turn left and see the sloped block on your right. Stand infront of it, backflip and jump forward to land on the higher flat block. (east).

Turn to face south, and jump to the sloped block infront of you. Pull up to a slope, jumping at the end to catch the ladder ahead. Climb up and turn left, go through the open door which you opened with the underwater lever. Pick up shells. Continue round and pull the switch which opens a metal door and awakens the skeleton. Exit this area, go back to the outside area and run down to the entrance on the left and follow the corridor round. For some reason this skeleton just wont be blasted over the edge into the spike spit,, so lure him back to the entrance, then rush back to the slope, stand at the edge, hop back twice, and do a running jump over the spike pit, and grab the edge of the next slope. Pull up and jump onto the ledge with the switch.

Roll, top up to full health, grab the overhead monkey bars and cross back to the other side, avoiding the steam/gas vents on either side. Out run the skeleton who will stop chasing you once you are back in the ‘ladder area’. At the ladder area, pull the switch in the first right hand alcove. The flyby shows the two huge stone circles roll away to reveal the next area. Note the high crawlspace, the locked metal gate, and a pool of green water underneath the Scion alcove. Turn to face the leafy block on your right (east) and jump onto it. Then turn south and jump up to the leafy climbable wall. Climb up to the top and pull up into the new opening. Shoot the wolf which attacks you as you run up the steps.

At the top you are in the area with the two waterfalls in front of you, and the first rope to your left. At the edge, position yourself about one step from the left and slightly turn to your left to line up with the rope, then hop back and do a diagonal running jump grab to catch the first rope. Rotate the rope to line up with the second rope, then swing over through the now open stone doors to the area shown in the previous flyby. Kill the bats. Immediately after you pass the skeleton, turn left and pick up clips from the eastern alcove, kill more bats.

Next to this alcove, face the south wall, and stand on the floor which has no greenery on it. Press the action and up buttons, and pull up into a well hidden crawlspace. Drop down, and save your game at the edge of the golden lava pit. Slide down backwards and grab the edge, then pull up and backflip with twist to grab the top of the ladder. Go up the steps to the top, jump up to the overhead leafy monkeybars, and swing over to the other side.

Once across, shoot the wolves, and pick up shells near the skeleton. Continue round the passage, and pull the switch, and watch as the flames go out in the previous area. Kill the wolf who sneaks up behind you. Jump over the gap and pick up a medipack. Now drop down through the gap and pick up shells from the crawlspace and exit this area through the metal gate, which opens as you approach.

Now walk on the right hand side towards the pit on the west wall, picking up shells as you go, and save your game when you reach the edge. Slide onto the slope, but don’t jump when you reach the edge, instead hit the control button and grab the edge. Slide down backwards to the end, then jump and pull up to the ledge and climb the ladder.

Find the switch (timed) and pull it. Turn right run to the edge of the ledge, safety drop to the ground, speed dash to the east wall , avoiding the spikes, and turn to face the north wall, under the alcove. Press control and action and pull up, roll, and running jump through the open door to the switch ( or alternatively, after pulling the switch, you can drop off the ledge, drop and grab the shimmy crack, and shimmy left to the opened door.)

Pull the switch, and watch as the camera pans back to the water where a block has raised. Safety drop out of the alcove and head for the water area. Jump in and pick up uzi clips, then get out of the water and running jump to the block, and running jump with grab into the open Scion alcove. As you run down the passageway, the door closes behind you, and you enter the next level.

Qualopec's Curse: The Forge of Scion.

Slide down the slope, and watch a magnificent flyby showing huge waterfalls, bridges, ladders, and a huge lake cavern underneath a starry sky. Directly infront of you is a grate in the water, go to the opening on your right nearest to it (west). Locate the slanted block, backflip onto it and jump forward to catch the higher one. Facing south, do a running jump with grab to the higher leafy alcove, then crawl through the space to the end, and do a running jump from the edge towards the switch. Pulling the switch opens an underwater gate.

Walk partly back on this walkway, and just before the small waterfall on the east wall, turn to your left (west), and jump onto the slanted leafy slope. Turn to face the alcove north and take a running jump with grab turning slightly to the right and pull up, pull the switch (this route avoids the flames.) If you can’t reach the switch this way, go back to the slanted block at the start, backflip and jump onto the next block, turn right, then jump to the slanted block and into the switch alcove, but you'll have to time it so that you pull the switch when the flame is off) .

Jump into the water, and swim/ wade south. Go through the archway, turn right, then turn left, pass the skeleton, and pick up clips. Swim out, turn right, then left then right through the door you opened on the north wall, and pull the underwater switch. (Note the underwater switch on the other side of the closed gate.)

Now head back to where you started the level near the slanted block. The large metal doors on the north wall are now open. When you enter, you will see a huge room with a central column. On the right hand wall are three golden statues, and across from where you are standing, a closed gate. Face north, and do a standing jump with grab from the edge to land on the platform underneath the leafy ledge on the central column. At the edge of the ledge look over the side, see the slope and the shimmy crack ahead of you. Make sure you have full health because a bat will attack you while you negotiate round the shimmy crack. Slide down the slope and jump with grab to the shimmy crack.

As soon as you start moving, the camera shows just how high you are, and you’ll get an idea of the designer’s warped sense of humour, a huge smiley face advising you to ‘keep cool’ lol (nice touch!) When you reach the crawlspace underneath you, drop and immediately hit control and pull up into the crawlspace. As soon as possible, shoot the bat, then crawl left and pick up clips. Now go to the other side of the crawlspace and into the lighter area. Turn to face south and pull up. Pull the switch in the east alcove.

Go back and face north and pick up the OLD STEEL KEY. Now drop back through the hole in the floor, go through the crawlspace and jump in the water. Face north and swim down, follow the passage, all the time swimming lower. After swimming down a very long tunnel, face north and swim up, and climb out into dry land into a green underground area .( this area is at the base of the room with the three golden statues) The camera angle alters.

Walk out until the camera angle changes, then light a flare and return to the small passageway. The second block inside the passageway on your right is pushable. Push it in as far as it will go. Run round the other side, and pull the block out once. Return now to the new passageway and pick up SECRET # 3 – the Grenade Launcher.

Jump back in the water swimming south, then swim up that long tunnel, turn at the top and swim north, turn at the end and swim south, up at the end and swim through the first opening towards the closed underwater gate at the end. Near it on the right hand wall is an underwater wall switch, so pull it. Swim out of here and up at the first opening. Continue swimming north and up until you can surface in a ‘stone wall’ area.

Pull the switch. The camera pans back through the crawlspaces to show that the green underwater area where you picked up the grenade launcher is now flooded. Jump back into the water, and as before swim down, down the long tunnel and as far as you can until you can re-enter the green area which is now flooded. Climb out on the flat ledge.

Turn to face south, press action and start climbing the leafy column, shimmy left to the ledge and drop off. Face east, and from the edge, do a standing jump with grab into the alcove. Turn left, jump up and grab the shimmy crack, and shimmy all the way left until you can pull up. At the end of the passageway, turn and jump up to grab the ladder. Climb all the way to the top, then go through the crawlspace (west).

Pull the switch, the camera shows a closed underwater gate. Now exit the crawlspace, and return to the entrance. Now that the metal gate is open, you can return to where you first entered this area, with two running jumps with grab, using the leafy ledge on the central column. When you reach the entrance to this room, turn to face the first golden statue on the right, and do a diagonal running jump to land in the alcove. Pick up SECRET # 4 – the Uzis.

Return to the first statue, and do a running jump with a turn to the right, and scream all the way down to the water below. Climb out on the ledge, and repeat the process to the end of the shimmy crack, using the climbable leafy wall. When you can pull up at the end of the shimmy crack, turn to face the climbable pillar (south) in the water, and do a running jump with grab to land on the slope, pull up, backflip with twist and grab and land in the alcove with the ladder. Climb at the entrance, use the leafy middle ledge to cross over to the other entrance.

Now exit this area, and go back to the slanted block at the beginning of the game and backflip, then jump forward to the block ahead. Now take a running jump with grab to the leafy alcove and go through the crawlspace as before. Do a running jump to the ledge with the switch which you pulled earlier, but instead of going all the way to the end, turn right and jump again onto the slanted leafy slope (west), now do a running jump with grab and pull up on the block ahead.

Walk to the end and do another running jump with grab to land on the flat platform ahead. Enter the crawlspace. Pick up flares and the GOLDEN KEY. There’s a nice touch here, the designer has put the names of the testing team on the wall. Trix, Palo and Xxenofex.

Exit the crawlspace and turn around to face south. Jump up with grab to the leafy path above and walk to the west edge. Hop back and do a running jump to the sloped ledge below from the centre of the path. Walk towards the huge ‘stepped’ waterfall (south) and standing jump to the grey slanted rock in front. Do a running jump into the water (south) and turn east and find the small opening. Top up your health.

Enter and turn right, then swim against the current to the alcove half way down the passage on the right (swim to about halfway past the alcove opening or you wont be able to turn into the alcove, the current will keep pulling you back.) Pull the underwater switch. The camera shows a door opening high up on the rock face. Exit the alcove, turn right and let the swift current carry you back outside.

Immediately surface for air and face east. Ahead is a large waterfall. Behind you a flat ledge where you can climb out. Directly infront of you a small rock waterfall, and to your right on the south wall a slanted leafy block. Go there next. Pull up (far left) onto the sloped block, then twist with turn and jump to another small waterfall, and immediately jump with grab to the leafy wall. Climb up into an opening behind the waterfall and pick up SECRET # 5 – medipack.

Drop back into the water and swim west, and go back into the underwater passage ( south) where you just pulled the underwater switch. Top up on health before you start the swim. This time swim straight ahead past the alcove to the other end. As you progress you can surface for air in the main water area on the left if you need to, otherwise swim on to the end and surface to climb out on a flat ledge. On your right is a climbable green wall, so climb all the way to the top. Turn to face the east wall, then hang, and drop off the edge, immediately hitting control so that you can pull the jumpswitch.

Watch as the camera shows an underwater stone door opening. Jump back in the water, and immediately turn to face southwest, Swim towards the wall that has the Scion emblem on it, surface and climb out onto the flat block. (west). Climb onto the sandy coloured brick block then turn right(north) and continue walking up the slope. Turn left and walk to the edge facing the west wall, jump into the hole and into the water below.

Swim down and to the left, and pick up SECRET # 6 – Uzi clips from the small underwater chamber. As you do this the metal gate opens allowing you to swim back out into the main area. You can pick up a medipack and shells in the main water area and other goodies if you want to make a search of the whole water area.

Now swim back to the Scion emblem on the south wall, and climb back out onto the flat block (west). Climb out and up the sandy brick block, then face south, and standing jump to the block in front. Continue climbing up until you are on the rock path and turn left. Ahead is the door you opened, so go through it. And progress all the way to the end walkway. At the beginning of the second walkway face north, and see the leafy ledge on the wall to your left, and tall sloped pillars ahead in the water.

Take three sidesteps (right) from the start of the walkway , then angle yourself towards that ledge, A running diagonal jump will land you safely there. Crawl under the waterfall, through the crawlspace, and pull the switch. (No camera shot here). When you’ve left the crawlspace, face southeast, and do a diagonal running jump back to the ledge, and face east. A diagonal running jump will take you over to the new path, and the door is now open.

The new room on your right reveals three platforms set into the molten lava, and a closed gate at the other end. Using a series of long running jumps, cross over the molten lava and pick up the BRONCE KEY. Now walk back to the first platform in the lava, and angle a diagonal running jump with grab to land in the opening on the north wall. Walk off the edge, and slide down the slopes, jumping at the end to land on the broken bridge. (Don’t worry if you fall off, just swim under the broken bridge, and miraculously you will pop up on top if it lol ).

Face west and swim past the tall underwater columns to the other end of the pool. Near the end turn right (north) and look for the brighter area and swim through the stone door you opened earlier, and pick up the RED KEY. Swim back past the tall underwater columns to the small broken bridge, swim underneath it and you’ll pop up onto it.

Face north and use the blocks in the water to get to the other side, turn left, run up the steps and onto the bridge. Follow the bridge all the way up till you can’t go any further, then turn to face north, and do a running jump with grab to land on the broken bridge on the other side, and follow this until you reach the long ladder on the east wall. Climb up into the alcove and use the Bronce Key to open the door to your right.

Climb to the top of the ladder and you get a wonderful view of the whole area. Ahead of you is a broken bridge and a lowered rope. Walk to the end of the broken bridge and line up with the rope, hop back and do a running jump with grab to catch the rope, swing over to the other side and drop off on the next broken bridge. Follow the path round, and safety drop at the end onto a green ledge.

Continue dropping back until you reach the stone walkway (which led you to the crawlspace ) Turn right and face east, and do a long running jump to the slanted slope ahead to land on the flat surface. (If you can’t manage this jump, return to the entrance at the start of this level, and use the slanted block to get to the crawlspace that led to the switch). Once on the ‘switch path’, look down and to the right and drop down onto the flat ledge. Do a running jump with grab to the slope on the south wall, shimmy right, then pull and backflip with twist to land on a flat ledge. Turn to face west and find the floor tile, step on it to retract the spikes on the south wall, then make a running jump into the new entrance.

Slide down the slope and kill the wolf, then climb up into the alcove on the left and pull the switch. Continue down the passage and walk towards the door which opens as you approach. Jump in the water and turn west. Immediately surface and look for the new entrance on the south wall. Pull up. At the T junction turn left, go through the crawlspace and pick up ammo. Exit the crawlspace and go straight ahead, until you reach the ladder. Climb up almost to the top, then backflip onto the leafy ledge. Run up the steps till you reach a light coloured area with a keyhole at the end, and two obstacles to overcome to get at it.

Do a running jump with grab over the first pit, then time another running jump with grab over the flames to the keyhole. Use the Old Steel Key to open the door on your left. Arm yourself with the grenade gun to dispose of the skeleton who is waiting for you round the corner. Jump up to the shimmy crack on the west wall, shimmy right, and drop off onto the wooden bridge. Run across, and also the next bridge, and use the Golden Key on the lock on the north wall. The camera shows two doors opening.

Run across the long bridge (west) through the opened gates. Light a flare and explore the room. To the left is a pushable block, and also on the left side are three closed gates with Qualopec symbols above the doors (hawk, bird and snake). At the far end of the room is another closed gate and to the right of it an alcove. On the right wall is a keyhole protected by flames and a nearby switch, and near the entrance to this room, another pushable block on the right hand wall. In the centre of the room is a block, but don’t jump on this or the spike trap will kill you.

First run to the leafy alcove on the far wall (west) and climb up to pull the switch. The camera shows the flame going out near the keyhole. Drop back and use the Red Key in the keyhole, the camera will show a stone door opening. Now go to the pushable block on the right wall near the entrance.(north) Push it in, climb the ladder and backflip at the top to a leafy path and pull the switch. The camera shows the door underneath the hawk emblem opening. Now return to the south wall and light a flare. Push in the block as far as it will go and pull the switch.

The camera will show an overview of the room and the metal gate at the far end of the room opening. Next to the switch is another pushable block. Push it out as far as it will go. (there is a ladder to your left, but ignore this for now) Return back to the main room past the switch and push the block forward three times onto the hawk symbol on the floor and in line with the spike block in the middle. Water will start to pour out. Return to the ‘hawk’ alcove and pull out the original block twice, run round to the other side and pull the switch which was hidden behind it. The camera shows the door open underneath the bird emblem.

Still in the ‘hawk’ alcove you can now climb up the ladder. Follow the path climb down at the end into the bird alcove and push the block out three times. Run round the other side of the block and push it three times (east) onto the bird emblem on the floor and in line with the first block. More water will pour out of the central spike block. You will see that the metal gate on the west gate has now opened.

Now go to the newly opened gate on the west wall. And jump up with grab to climb the leafy wall infront of you, there is nothing to the right, so drop off on the left side. Run up the steps and across the bridge almost to the end. Turn right to face east and do a running jump with grab to the platform ahead. Turn left on the platform and jump up with grab to catch the monkey bars. Swing over to the opening on the south wall, drop to the opening and pull up into the crawlspace.

Follow the path around, through the stone door you opened with the Red Key, and drop down onto the dark grey stone floor. In the right hand alcove, there is a switch which you’ll return to later. Run out onto the leafy path (the high ‘stepped’ waterfall is on your left) and dispose of the skeleton. Follow the path round the corner and at the end, drop and grab and shimmy left. Pull up, and pull the switch which shows the door under the snake alcove opening in the main room. Return via the shimmy crack to the leafy path. As you turn the corner, light a flare, there is a pushable block on the left hand wall. (north)

Push the block eight times. Then jump over to the other side of the block and pull/push it onto the snake emblem by the side of the central block with spikes, and watch as water now pours out of this block too. Now return to the switch near where you placed the Red Key on the north wall. When you pull it, the camera pans the area, and shows a room above you which has now flooded, and a block has raised in the middle of the water. Return south through the snake door and turn left at the end. Make your way back to that switch in the alcove you left earlier and pull it.

The door to your left will open, follow the path round and jump with grab over the opening. As you land you will see a great flyby of the area you are about to visit. Note the underwater metal gate which leads to a dark green tunnel and into a dark eerie room. There is a brazier where you will be able to light your torch, and you get your first glimpse of the Serpent Palace. As the flyby ends, the metal gate shuts behind you. Pick up the medipack and pull the switch. This opens the underwater gate seen in the flyby.

Now walk to the edge(north) and look down. There is a block in the water and you need to throw the torch down to land on it. SAVE YOUR GAME in case you miss on your first attempt. Stand at the edge and throw the torch down (although depending on whether you stand more to the left or right, you can also throw it from the back wall), then safety drop off the edge onto the block below. Pick up the torch, and turn to face north, and the sloped blocks in the water. SAVE YOUR GAME again in case you miss the series of jumps.

Do a long running jump from the block to the first slanted block in the water, jump at the end, and progress over the slanted blocks until you reach a safe flat broken piece of wooden bridge. Face east and standing jump to the slanted block. From here, a diagonal running jump to the right side of the waterfall (north), standing jump forward, then sideflip to the right onto the next slab. Walk right up to the north wall and side step to the far left, then sideflip (right) again onto the bridge. Do a diagonal jump to the alcove with the pink grating, then jump over the slanted ledge to the next alcove with the fire, and light the torch. Now go back to the slanted ledge just before lighting the torch.

Stand to the far right, hop back, and do a long running jump, avoiding the fire to the next ledge. Turn to face north, hop back, and do a standing jump to the ledge infront of you. Run forward towards the Serpent Palace infront of you. (which you have to fill with water). Immediately on your right is a sloped block. Walk onto the lower ledge, standing jump onto the slanted slope above (north) and immediately backflip to land on a flat block Turn to face East, and throw the torch down into the dark room below. There are clips to pick up in the centre hole if you want them, otherwise make your way back to the room with the three golden statues in the first pool.

Do a running jump over the flame and climb the tall ladder where you used the Bronce Key, continue up the next ladder to the broken bridges, and use the rope to swing across. As before go through the next room and drop down the leafy ledges until you reach the grey stone ledge, then you can drop into the water in the first pool on your right and return to the ‘Golden Statue Room’ near the start of this level. Do a running jump to the top ledge on the central structure, now turn left to face west, and do a diagonal running jump to the flat ledge near the ladder. Climb down into the pool.

You are now in the dark green pool that you saw in the flyby when you threw the torch down onto the block in the water. Swim forwards and climb out into a really dark room. Walk towards the west wall near the block and drop down and pick up the torch. Now light the wall sconce by the side of the block, and the other torches in the room will also light up. The flyby shows spike traps set in alcoves in a very dark room. But beware because a large part of the floor is also unmarked and set with spike traps, and there are skeletons ready to attack you.

Your mission – should you care to accept it - (sorry couldn’t resist that,) is to deactivate the spikes so that you can pull three switches. The torch will self destruct in five seconds lol . Step off the edge onto to the first ledge, facing north, do a long running jump to the first transparent block. Walk back to the back of the ledge and do a standing jump to the next slanting block underneath you and immediately as you land do another standing jump to land on the last transparent block which is safe. Turn to face west, and do a running jump from the transparent block to the ledge. Drop down and pick up two sets of flares. Jump back to the transparent block, and turn to face south. Turn round and safety drop to the ground.

On the ground, carefully turn round to face south again, and position yourself so that you can walk on the ‘brick’ pattern on the floor next to the wall. Walk to the end of the ‘brick’ pattern and then turn left to face south east and do a standing jump to land on top of the slope on the left hand side – dispose of the skeleton. Walk forward to the block infront of you, turn right to face the opening on the west wall, and walk forward past the skeleton,(which is a spike trap) turning right to pull the first switch.

The camera shows a metal gate opening. Return back to the block carefully past the skeleton, and walk to the ‘brow’ of the slope. There are spikes on the floor to your left, and the transparent block above you prevents a running jump back to the safe area of the brick texture on the floor. So angle your running jump to land just past the skeleton. Once past the skeleton, walk to the safety of the brick texture on the floor to your left. Keep hugging the wall, and at the end , do a standing jump up the slope.

Still walking on the brick texture, follow the path up the slope, turn right and standing jump over to the brick textures on the east wall, and follow the path to the crawlspace, giving a wide berth to the skeleton on your right. Go through the crawlspace and pull the second switch.(no camera shot here) Then exit and return back the way you came to the top of this slope. Walk down on the brick pattern, turn right at the alcove on your right, and pull the third switch. The camera shot shows a stone door opening at the end of a bridge.

Exit this alcove, and continue walking on the brick texture until you reach the first slope again, then angle a standing jump( southeast) to land on the slope again on the left hand side near the block. Climb up onto the block and face the wall infront of you, and at the far left, take one step to the right, and hop back. Do a running jump with grab to the first transparent sloped ledge, immediately jump to the next sloped ledge, shimmy far right before you pull up, and follow the ledges till you see a safe ledge on the right, so angle your last jump with grab to the right, and pull up to the flat safe platform. Walk up to the new entrance and do a standing jump with grab to land safely inside.

As soon as you land, dispose of the skeleton. Turn right and walk up the steps to the last one. At the left edge, take one step to the right, hop back and angle a running jump to land on the bridge. Run through the stone door you opened earlier, turn right at the end and pull the switch. Watch as the flyby shows the Serpent Pool now filled with water.

Exit this room, and go back through the stone door onto the bridge again. There is an opening on the right wall, do a standing jump with grab from the edge of the bridge into the new area. In this area is a slope to your right, and a wooden bridge infront of it. Inbetween the two is a ledge to the left. So drop off the ledge and shimmy right, turn and pull up on the far left of the slope, Jump with a turn to the left to land on a ledge, then turn to face the small bridge and do a diagonal jump with grab to land on it.

From the right, do a long running jump to land on the ledge opposite. Turn right (west), follow the path till you reach a brighter area above the Serpent Pool. Jump in and swim to the north wall and pull the underwater switch, which opens the door on the west wall. Swim through it and climb out into a room with two golden statues and a pool in the middle. Dive into the pool and pull the switch on the west wall to open the gate in the previous room between the statues. Go through the open door, and turn to face the east wall and climb the ladder.

You enter a huge arena and are instantly greeted by a skeleton, so kill him, and do a running jump with grab to the bird block in the centre of the room using your starting point from one of the blocks next to the spike traps. Stepping on the pressure pad on the block will activate a rope, so take a running jump off the block, and make for the south entrance to see a rope lowered in front of the huge ‘stepped’ waterfall.

Do a running jump with grab to catch the rope, drop down to the end, and swing ONCE, then let go as you drop through the waterfall onto a slope, slide down to the end. Go through the entrance on the left, and see the enthroned skeleton( from the first flyby at the beginning of this game) at the end of the room. This fabulous game ends as you approach the centre of the room.

I hope Lara’s adventures will continue with this designer in the near future.
