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The Tomb of Khamoon


release date: 04-Sep-2003

average rating: 7.75
review count: 16
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file size: 17.90 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

Lara Croft still thinks about City of Khamoon which was visited by her in 1996. She wanted to know who was Khamoon. Some years ago Lara started searching, but anywhere she found something. Even in the Natla?s Technologies she did not discovered anything. In the beginning of the summer in 2003 Lara decided to travel again to mitique Egypt and there look for the information. She went to the City of Khamoon and after about three weeks she finally found hieroglyphs which told where is the tomb of the buldier?s city ? Khamoon. Lara imediatelly run in that place and started a new adventure with a lot of ancient traps...