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Cobra's Lair


Jamie White
release date: 07-Apr-2004

average rating: 6.23
review count: 15
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file size: 28.10 MB
file type: TR4
class: Jungle

author profile(s):

Lara and humble friend Winston have gone on a hunting trip. Being Lara, she dresses up in her action suit as always. Anyway, they are enjoying the trip until Lara stumbles on a small opening. She falls in. With a loud thud, she shouts up: I'm alright! there is only one way... I can't climb back up! I'll have to go the other way to try and find a way out. Winston replies: according to the radar there is lots of danger ahead, I'll tell you what it is via your pager. before Lara has a chance to speak she falls..