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BtB2005 - Laguna


Cuahiano Small
release date: 01-Jan-2005
difficulty: medium
duration: short

average rating: 7.20
review count: 41
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file size: 28.52 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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Many places in the universe have been explored by Lara Croft. After the past years Lara decides to reflect upon her origins. Of course these are ruins and catacombs. So Lara reads through geography and history books, pins a land map of intimate Egypt and with closed eyes shoots an arrow at it with her bow. The arrow marks a place near an old catacomb she has read about in her books before. It's said that this catacomb was a part of the Egyptian water supply during heydays of the Egyptian Empire. Expecting to live adventures as in past days Lara starts her journey to Egypt. What lies in front of her is uncertain. When Lara enters the catacomb and slides down the ramp she noses an aroma she hasn't smelled a long time ago. It smells of old days. It smells of new adventures.