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BtB2005 - Rapid Fall


release date: 01-Jan-2005
difficulty: challenging
duration: short

average rating: 6.54
review count: 38
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file size: 24.07 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

author profile(s):

Lara must explore an underground tomb dated from 987 C.E. and located close to Baalbek in the Lebanon. In 1996, the company Mid Eastern Electric S.A. acquired the contract to construct a hydro-electric scheme for the immediate area (and Beirut in particular) but owing to faulty trigonometric calculations in the pre-construction of the water-supply Aqueduct, it was discovered that the porous geological strata was causing the tomb to be gradually flooding. Now Lara is asked to discover and remove the Blue Diamond in the Tomb before the water submerges it and the Gem is lost forever.