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Lara's Dream 9


release date: 13-Aug-2005

average rating: 8.66
review count: 22
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file size: 90.52 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal

author profile(s):

Lara has piled on the pounds in recent years. On her way home from a restraunt one evening, she is overcome with tiredness. She pulls the car over onto the grass verge at the side of the road, stretches, and falls, very quickly, into a deep sleep. The dream begins with Lara about to set off on a journey in her trusty Land Rover. Only problem is, though, that she has left the car keys on the bed in her friend, Staticons, house. Lara being Lara, nothing is simple, and thus begins an epic saga fraught with danger and adventure set in familiar, but strangely altered, places as she sets out on 'The Quest For The Car Keys'. She may have gained weight in real life but, in her dreams, she is still slim.