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TR Fan Site


Mystery Land


release date: 11-Sep-2005

average rating: 9.19
review count: 31
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file size: 68.90 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal
Hall of Fame

author profile(s):

Lara with her aeroplane landed in Mystery Land, full of friends and secrets. Your task is to solve the mysteries of this land. In the end the light will bring you home. Very easy play, suitable also for beginners, a lot of searching and music scenes. And you can also hide into the cloud. No one will ever find you there. :-) For long jumps hold keys: ALT + FORWARD. And look everywhere, many things are hidden. It is non-linear playing, you must collect four grapes to get the Chapel key. Level has 4 secrets (Snail with a crown and Four-leaved clover).